Pokemon Mega Eevee. How to evolve Eevee in a controlled manner in Pokemon Go: an old legend

Welcome to the Eeve evolution guide in Pokemon Go. We will tell you in detail about all 3 evolutions of Eeve. Jolteon, Flareon and the most popular and strongest Vaporeon. First, we will reveal little secret, about how players choose the evolution of Eevee and how to choose Vaporeon. Then we'll explain why Vaporeon is the best evolution and one of the most powerful Pokemon in the game.

Eevee is not like other Pokemon. The adorable little fox-like creature is the only one of the 151 Pokémon that can evolve into different directions: Other Pokémon only evolve along one path, but Eevee can randomly become one of three different Pokémon: the electric Jolteon, the flame Flareon, or the water-type Vaporeon. This happens by accident if you do not use a certain method. There is a way to choose your own Eevee evolution, and this is one of the most interesting Easter eggs found in the game.

You can influence evolution by giving the unevolved Eevee one of three names: Sparky if you want Jolteon, Pyro for Flareon, and Rainer for Vaporeon. Vaporeon is perhaps the strongest of the three right now. I've tried all three names and can confirm that they work. Later, you can change your name at any time if you need it.

This trick with Eevee, like the trick with Pikachu at the beginning of the game, originates from the anime. One day, Ash meets three brothers, each with their own Eevee evolution, and these names correspond to their Pokémon.

So, if you notice that Vaporeons are dominating your local Gyms, you can safely use this trick to get your own Vaporeon. Eevee evolutions are some of the most powerful Pokémon in the game, and their relative abundance has made them the most popular among high-level players.

Which evolution of Eevee is the strongest?

Eevee is a Pokemon that always needs to be caught as it can transform into the fire-type Flareon, the water-type Pokemon Vaporeon, and even the electric Pokemon Jolteon. Vaporeon (Water-type) is the strongest on this list, Flareon is the second strongest, and Jolteon is the weakest of the three.

The article examines in detail the controlled evolution of Eevee in Pokemon Go, and also determines which is the strongest evolution of Eevee. Pokemon eevee is one of the cutest monsters, it looks like a cross between a squirrel, a fox and a small dog. But the hearts of fans were conquered not only appearance creation. The fact is that Evie has the largest number of mutations. Only in Pokemon game Go can be evolved into three forms - Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon. By default, using 25 candies, we get a random Pokemon, but this is not a problem for those who know the secret of Eevee evolution.

Eevee evolution in Pokemon Go

First, a short excursion into history. In the animated series there were brothers-trainers who transformed Eevee into Zhelteon, Vaporeon, Flareon. The trainers' names were Sparky, Reiner and Piro, respectively. So, in order to get the controlled evolution of Eevee, we must first rename Eevee, giving it the name of the Pokemon trainer from the cartoon.

  • Sparky -> Jolteon
  • Rainer -> Vaporeon
  • Pyro -> Flareon

Some people claim that you can only choose to evolve Eevee once in Pokemon Go, but we did it all three times. Of course, there is a chance that this is just a coincidence, but it is unlikely. In any case, to avoid getting into trouble, we recommend changing your name to Rainer for the first time to get Vaporeon, which is definitely the strongest of the three. Next, we will consider all the options for transforming Eevee.

Eevee Transformation Forms

  • Pokemon Vaporeon- Eevee's strongest evolution in Pokemon Go. Its Max CP = 2816. To get it, simply rename the fox to Rainer. This rare monster is one of the TOP 10 most powerful non-legendary Pokemon. Belongs to water type and can gain invisibility by dissolving in water.
  • Pokemon Flareon belongs to the fire element. His Max CP = 2643. Looks pretty nice. How to get it - also change the name Eevee to Pyro.
  • Pokemon Jolteon- Electric type Pokemon, is the weakest of the three. Its Max CP = 2140. As in the options above, to obtain it we simply give the test subject the name Sparky.

Now you know how to get the desired Eevee evolution, as well as who is the best eevee to evolve into, i.e. which of the possible forms is the most necessary and powerful. Stay with us, we will have many more interesting guides on our portal.

Eevee is a Normal type Pokemon.

Evie is unstable genetic code, which suddenly mutated due to environment. Various elemental emissions cause Eevee to evolve into other Pokemon - Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Espeon and Umbreon.

This Pokemon can be raised in an incubator from an egg by walking 5 km.

Pokedex number: #133

Height: 0.3m

Weight: 6.5kg

Egg: 5km

Where can you catch Eevee?

Most often, Eevee can be found near residential buildings. But the habitats are very extensive. There is also a high probability of catching this Pokemon in parking lots, schools, and universities.

Eevee is a very common Pokemon, you will definitely meet it one of the first. Appears 4 times less frequently than Pidgey.

Eevee evolution

25 sweets

The Secret of Eevee's Evolution

If you give Eevee a different name before performing the evolution, you can get the descendant you want. By renaming Eevee to Sparky you will get Jolteon, to Rainer - Vaporeon, Pyro will evolve into Flareon, Tamao into Umbreon, and Sakura into Espeon. Otherwise you will get one of them at random.

CP Indicators for Effective Eevee Evolution

For an Eevee Pokemon to evolve into a strong Jolteon/Flareon/Vaporeon, its CP must be not less than 525.
But better fighters are obtained after the evolution of Eevee with 808 CP or more.

Eevee's combat characteristics

AttackProtectionEnergyMax. C.P.
104 121 110 969

List of Eevee's attacks

Quick attacks that Eevee can use
Quick Attack 8 Ordinary 0.8 10 10.0
Tackle 5 Ordinary 0.5 5 10.0
Eevee's Super Punch

Eevee in Pokemon Go has such an element of surprise. And the whole point is that Evie develops not like the others, but randomly. One of the three Pokemon. And it is believed that the player cannot control Eevee’s evolution in any way. In the sense that he is only looking to see who will emerge from the next Eevee - Jolteon, Vaporeon or Flareon.

However, as it turned out, not everything is so mysterious. More precisely, it was mysterious. So far, real elders who are familiar with those same original Pokemon, anime ones, and not virtual toy ones, have not entered the game. Moreover, we know each other not by hearsay, but actually personally, and with everyone.

And it seems that the game developers were waiting for them too. With gifts, as expected. And all misterious story with the development of Eevee in Pokemon Go, it finally received its own quite beautiful explanation. It’s just that only real Pokemon fans could know that in the series “Evie’s Four Brothers” about a real anime Pokemon, Evie’s Trainer Mikey had brothers Reiner, Pyro and Sparky, who trained their Vaporeon, Flareon and Jolteon. And Mikey did not want to develop his Evie further. Therefore, the Pokemon remained small and fluffy, but, nevertheless, later saved everyone in a real battle.

Why are we telling all this, and what does modern Eevee have to do with it?

And what’s more, if you develop EBI in Pokemon Go in the usual way, then it will actually evolve randomly and turn into any of the three mentioned Pokemon.

But if Eevee is renamed before evolution, the result will be as it should be, and not as it will turn out. We call him Sparky (Sparky), he will evolve into Jolteon, Rainer (Rainer) will turn into Vaporeon, and if Pyro (Pyro) - then into Flareon. This is such an unusual trick, and at the same time an attractive surprise for fans of the ancient, but once very popular cartoon series.

Now that you know how to evolve Eevee in a controlled manner, you just need to decide on the Pokemon it will evolve into. There is an opinion that it is better to start with Vaporeon, which of all three options initially has more “health” and CP. In fact, this is precisely why it is so popular, and this is why finding a wild Vaporeon is considered a significant success. On entry levels, at least.

Eevee is one of the few Pokémon that constantly received new evolutionary branches with the release of new Pokémon games. There are currently 8 different Eeveelutions available: Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon. The evolutions available are determined by the game you are playing. Upgrading Eevee into one of its evolutions can provide significant stat boosts, as well as the ability to learn new skills.


Part 1

Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon

    Decide which elemental Pokémon you want to upgrade Eevee into. If you give Eevee a Water, Lightning, or Fire Stone, it can evolve into Vaporeon, Jolteon, or Flareon. If you give Eevee one of these stones, it will immediately evolve into the form associated with that stone.

    • These evolutions are possible in every Pokemon game and are the only evolutions that are possible in the Blue, Red and Yellow games.
  1. Find the required stone. The location and method of obtaining stones depends on which version of the game you are playing. These are easiest to find in the original Pokemon games, as all you have to do is buy them.

    • Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow– Stones can be bought at the store in the city of Celadon.
    • Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald– You can exchange the shards for stones with the underwater treasure hunter. You can also find a water stone on the Abandoned Ship, a lightning stone in New Movil, and a fire stone on the Fire Path.
    • Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum– Stones can be found by mining them in the Metro. In the Platinum version, they can also be found in the Ruins of Solaceon.
    • Pokémon– Stones can be found in Dust Clouds in caves, as well as in various trading places, depending on the version of the game.
    • Pokémon X and Y– Stones can be bought in the city of Lumiose in the stone mall, obtained during a super secret training or win by defeating Inver on Path 18. You can also find the Fire and Water Stone on Path 9, and the Lightning Stone on Paths 10 and 11.
  2. Use the stone. When you receive the desired stone, you need to give it to Evie. After this, evolution will immediately begin and after a few moments you will have your new Vaporeon, Jolteon or Flareon. Evolution is not reversible and can be performed at any level.

    • After evolution, the stone will disappear.

    Part 2

    Espeon and Umbreon
    1. Depending on when you level it up, evolve Eevee into Espeon or Umbreon. In order to perform one of these evolutions, your Eevee must have a high friendship or happiness score with its trainer. Friendship level must be 220 or higher.

      • You can upgrade Eevee into Umbreon or Espeon only in games of the second generation and later. This is because the original games, as well as Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, did not have a time element.
    2. Raise your friendship level with Evie. Using Eevee in battles, as well as having him in the party, will help raise his friendship level, allowing him to evolve. To raise friendship faster, you can also perform special actions.

      • Courting Eevee will give you a large friendship bonus.
      • With each increase in level, Eevee receives a bonus to friendship.
      • Every 512 steps give a small increase in friendship.
      • Using healing items will lower your friendship level, and with each loss of consciousness, Eevee will also lose some friendship. Don't heal Eevee in battle, use the Pokemon Center instead.
    3. Check your friendship level. You can check your friendship level by talking to a woman in the city of Goldenrod. If she says, “He looks very happy! He must love you a lot!”, which means Eevee is ready to evolve.

      In order to get the evolution you want, you must upgrade Eevee during a certain time of day. Whether it is day or night, you will get a different evolution. You can evolve Eevee either in battle or with the help of Rare Candy.

      • Upgrade Eevee during the day (from 4 am to 6 pm) to get Espeon.
      • Upgrade Eevee at night (from 6 pm to 4 am) to get Umbreon.

    Part 3

    Leafeon and Glaceon
    1. Upgrade Eevee into Leafeon or Glaceon by leveling it up next to the correct gem. In the fourth generation of Pokémon games (Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum) and above, you can find Mossy Stone (Leafeon) and Ice Stone (Glaceon) while exploring the world. Upgrade an Eevee in the same zone as one of these stones to begin the evolution.

      • The Mossy Stone and Ice Stone evolutions will displace other available evolutions like Umbreon and Espeon.
      • These stones are items on the game map and cannot be picked up or purchased. You just have to be in the same area as these stones, they don't even have to be on your screen. Depending on the version of the game, the stone can be found in different locations.
    2. Find the Mossy Stone. Mossy Stone will upgrade Eevee into Leafeon. One Mossy Stone can be found in each game.

      • Diamond, Pearl and Platinum– Mossy stone in the Forest of Eterna. You can perform the evolution anywhere in this forest, with the exception of the Old Palace.
      • Black, White, Black 2 and White 2– Mossy Stone can be found in the Twisted Forest. You can perform evolution anywhere in this forest.
      • X and Y– The Mossy Stone is located on Path 20. You can perform the evolution anywhere on this Path.
    3. Find the Ice Stone. Ice Stone will upgrade your Eevee into Glaceon. In each game you can find one such stone.

      • Diamond, Pearl and Platinum– The Ice Stone can be found near the town of Snowpoint on Route 27. You can upgrade Eevee anywhere near this stone.
      • Black, White, Black 2 and White 2– The Ice Stone is located on the bottom floor of Twisting Mountain west of Icirrus City. In order to perform the transformation, you must be in the same room as the Ice Stone.
      • X and Y– The Ice Stone is located in the Frost Cave, north of the city of Dendemille. In order to get to the stone and perform the evolution you will need the “Surf” skill.
    4. Upgrade Eevee. To complete the evolution you need to raise Eevee's level. You can do this in battle or use Rare Candy. Evolution will happen automatically if you are near the stone.

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