A selection of the best inspirational quotes to motivate yourself for success. Motivational Quotes for Success

I had no working days or rest days. I just did it and will enjoy it.

"Thomas Edison"

Our achievements always correspond to our ambitions.

"Andrey Kurpatov"

Even if you lose, time will pass and you will understand that the words “I tried and couldn’t” sound much more worthy, honest, higher and stronger than the banal excuse “I could if I tried.”

"Al Quotion"

To reach your goal, you must first of all walk!

"Honore de Balzac"

Do business with people you like and who share your goals.

"Warren Buffett"

Successful people do what unsuccessful people don't want to do. Don't strive for it to be easier, strive for it to be better.

"Jim Rohn"

Always choose the difficult, difficult path - you will not meet competitors on it.

"Charles de Gaulle"

Those who can do it, those who cannot do so criticize.

"Chuck Palahniuk"

The real properties of a person are revealed only when the time comes to demonstrate and prove them in practice.

"Ludwig Feuerbach"

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to destroy it. You will approach things differently if you think about it.

"Warren Buffett"

Happiness does not lie in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do.

"Lev Tolstoy"

The most important thing is to do at least something to achieve success, and do it right now. This is the most important secret - despite all its simplicity. Everyone has amazing ideas, but rarely does anyone do anything to put them into practice, right now. Not tomorrow. Not in a week. Now.

Put off until tomorrow only what you do not want to complete until the day you die. Action is the main key to success.

"Pablo Picasso"

The biggest mistake we can make is the constant fear of making a mistake.

"Elbert Hubbard"

Investments in knowledge give the highest dividends.

"Benjamin Franklin"

We are the masters of our destiny. We are the captains of our souls.

"Winston Churchill"

If all you do during the work week is calculate how many hours and minutes are left before the weekend starts, you will never become a billionaire.

"Donald Trump"

Success often falls to the lot of those who act boldly, but it is rarely achieved by those who are timid and constantly fear the consequences.

"Jawaharlal Nehru"

Instead of just wanting fish, it’s better to start weaving nets to catch them.

Never underestimate yourself. Everything that others do, you can do too.

"Brian Tracy"

Our greatest glory is not that we have never failed, but that we have always risen after falling.

"Ralph Emerson"

I want it. So it will be.

"Henry Ford"

If you wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything, is ready, you will never have to start.

"Ivan Turgenev"

The best way to start doing is to stop talking and start doing.

"Walt Disney"

"Jared Leto"

Anyone who has not faced difficulties does not know strength. Someone who has never experienced adversity does not need courage. It is mysterious, however, that the best character traits in a person grow precisely in soil filled with difficulties.

"Harry Fosdick"

If you don't learn to control yourself, others will control you.

"Hasai Aliyev"

Success has more to do with action. Successful people keep trying. They make mistakes, but they don't stop.

"Kondar Hilton"

The starting point of any success is desire.

"Napoleon Hill"

If you want to have success, you have to look like you have it.

"Thomas More"

Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.

"Winston Churchill"

You will never be able to solve a problem if you keep the same thinking and the same approach that led you to this problem.

"Albert Einstein"

Trying to succeed without doing anything is the same as trying to reap a harvest where you have not sown anything.

"David Bligh"

Every attack has victory music.

"F. Nietzsche"

The air is full of ideas. They are constantly knocking on your head. You just have to know what you want, forget it and do your own thing. The idea will come suddenly. It has always been this way.

"Henry Ford"

Either you control the day or the day controls you.

"Jim Rohn"

You should not compare yourself with others, and if nature created you to be a bat, you should not try to become an ostrich.

"Hermann Hoesse"

Opportunities don't really just appear. You create them yourself.

"Chris Grosser"

The most important things in the world have been accomplished by people who kept trying even when there was no hope left.

"Dale Cornegie"

Hidden in your subconscious is the power that can change the world.

"William James"

Even if you are on the right path, you will be run over if you just sit on the road.

"Will Rogers"

Motivational Quotes

Leaders are not born or made by anyone - they make themselves.

Even if you are very talented and put in a lot of effort, some results just take time: you won't get a baby in a month even if you get nine women pregnant.

"Warren Buffett"

Success is the ability to wake up in the morning and fall asleep in the evening, having time to do what you really like in between these two events.

"Bob Dylan"

A person cannot do right in one area of ​​his life when he does wrong in others. Life is an indivisible whole.

"Mahatma Gandhi"

If you want to have something you've never had, start doing something you've never done.

"Richard Bach"

A ship is safer in port, but that's not what it was built for.

"Grace Hopper"

Instead of complaining that a rose has thorns, I rejoice that a rose grows among the thorns.

"Joseph Joubert"

We are what we continually do. Therefore, excellence is not an action, but a habit.


When it seems like the whole world is against you, remember that a plane takes off against the wind.

Many people lose power because they think they don't have it.

"Alice Walker"

You don't have to be great to start, but you do have to start to become great.

Anyone who wants to see the results of their labor immediately should become a shoemaker.

"Albert Einstein"

He who waits for luck never knows whether he will have dinner today.

"Benjamin Franklin"

It’s not your problems that should push you back, but your dreams that should lead you forward.

"Douglas Everett"

"Richard Branson"

Most people are much stronger than they think, they just forget to believe it sometimes.

You're never too old for that. To set a new goal or dream about something new.

"Clive Staples Lewis"

Not all wheels have been invented yet: the world is too amazing to sit idly by.

"Richard Branson"

If you stop every time you are insulted or spat at, then you will never get to the place where you need to go.

"Tibor Fischer"

Falling is neither dangerous nor shameful; staying down is both.

Great souls have will, but weak souls have only desires. Chinese proverb

Always do what you are afraid to do.

"Ralph Waldo Emerson"

If you think you're too small to be effective, then you've never fallen asleep with a mosquito in the room.

"Betty Reese"

Only those who do nothing make no mistakes! Don't be afraid to make mistakes - don't be afraid to repeat mistakes!

"Theodore Roosevelt"

"Ray Goforth"

You will never cross the ocean if you are afraid of losing sight of the shore. "William James"

To succeed, you need to separate yourself from 98% of the world's population.

"Donald Trump"

No one stumbles while lying in bed.

Anyone who cannot have 2/3 of a day for himself should be called a slave.

"Friedrich Nietzsche"

I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career and lost almost 300 games. 36 times I was trusted to take the final winning shot and missed. I failed again and again and again. And that's why I was successful.

"Michael Jordan"

Best Motivational Quotes:

The decision becomes real only after you have taken action. If you don't act, then you haven't fully decided.

"Tony Robbins"

Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot.

"Jared Leto"

Someday later” is a most dangerous disease that will sooner or later bury your dreams along with you.

"Timothy Ferris"

There are two types of people who will tell you that you can't achieve something: those who are afraid to try themselves, and those who are afraid that you will succeed.

"Ray Goforth"

If you try, you have two options: it will work or it won’t. And if you don't try, there is only one option.

It happens that one thing is not enough to achieve a goal. It’s as if there is always a phrase that can significantly advance the situation. And you just need to remember it or hear it from someone. There are some smart thoughts, axioms that you can use in your own life. Motivating phrases are a kind of impetus to action. They work in such a way as to lead to success for the person who pronounces them.

Motivational phrases for every day

You can choose the most suitable words for daily repetition. Certain words are a strong motivating factor and inspire you to accomplish a number of things. The most suitable motivating phrases for every day might look like this:

  1. Trying to please is not my style. The main thing for me is to be yourself.
  2. Now I eat rationally and lead a healthy lifestyle.
  3. I'd rather do the wrong thing than regret what I didn't do.
  4. Everything is gradually changing. Good and bad situations pass away.
  5. I rejoice at all my achievements, even the smallest ones.
  6. I now make decisions exclusively carefully, without impulsiveness or haste.
  7. I am a special person. There is only one person on the planet with this genotype and experience.
  8. I eradicate bad habits, gradually replacing them with useful ones.

Good thoughts

We periodically find ourselves in difficult situations that require resolution. It is often customary to go and complain to a friend after sitting with him in the kitchen over tea. Does he know good motivating phrases aimed at results?

In this case, on the contrary, the danger of such conversations should be taken into account. The conversations, of course, turn out to be sincere. But my friend has his own view of things, he also has mistakes in life, perhaps others.

Therefore, you should not take such advice at face value. It is better to use appropriate motivating phrases that set you in the right direction.

You need to choose them by testing your internal intuitive perception. To do this, just read the thematic expressions. Phrases stated in this way do not carry additional emotions. Therefore they represent the best option.

Smart thoughts for motivation

It is quite effective to identify a number of generalizing phrases for yourself. By repeating them daily, it is easy to achieve significant results. The main thing is to believe in the truth of the chosen words. Smart thoughts that put you in the right mood:

  1. Victory over oneself gives enormous strength.
  2. Every day presents an opportunity to do something special.
  3. My life is the way I wanted it to be. And I can always change it.
  4. We ourselves give an assessment of the events taking place. In reality, nothing is good or bad.
  5. Time is the greatest precious thing, so I will use it in the most optimal way.
  6. Nobody owes me anything, just as I don’t owe anything to other people.
  7. I cannot force myself to love, but I consider myself a person worthy of this feeling.

The same people around create a very boring life. But the colors around us are often the result of someone’s strangeness. But for some reason we treat people strictly, although we want a gentle attitude towards ourselves. You need to understand that the life path of each of us is individual. As a result, personality is formed. Therefore, each person should be perceived as he really is.

Words for success

How to attract luck and success into your life? A lot of people think about this. But not everyone understands that to achieve what you want you just need to take action. Good motivating phrases for success can easily set you in the right mood.

It happens that we accept pleasant things that happen to us as something ordinary. We often push away failures and blame others for them. Therefore, it is very important to learn to realize your involvement in what is happening and take responsibility for it. Phrases that set you up for success might look like this:

  1. Any gifts that are presented in this life are the result of our work.
  2. I am fully responsible for everything that happens to me.
  3. Suffering is a personal choice for each of us.
  4. To achieve your goal, you need to greatly exaggerate what you want in your dreams.
  5. Everything depends on me, even if I think I don’t decide anything.
  6. I am educated by my victories and defeats.
  7. Knowing where to go and doing it are two different things.
  8. Success accompanies active people. All losers have nothing to do.
  9. There is no fear or shame in failure. Something can always go wrong. The bonus here is invaluable experience.
  10. In personal communication, you should focus on people who are more developed.

Phrases for work

Famous businessmen are not just lucky ones who always received gifts from a cornucopia. First of all, these are individuals who created themselves independently. They faced a number of life difficulties, but found the strength to rise and move forward. Motivational phrases for work that help in professional growth can be chosen as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to form a clear goal.
  2. You should try to become someone valuable and special. This will make you stand out from the crowd. Because there are just a lot of successful people.
  3. Motivation, like the feeling of cleanliness after a bath, does not last long. Therefore, it requires daily care.
  4. To achieve the goal, I am going to identify priority tasks and solve them first.
  5. 10% of life is spent on events and 90% is a reaction to what is happening.
  6. You can cross the ocean only if you are not afraid to lose sight of the shore for a long time.
  7. To get halfway, it is enough to believe in the strength that is needed for the entire event.

That is, it is very important to choose truly appropriate expressions. You can write them down in a notebook first, but you don’t have to memorize them. The main thing is to understand the meaning of each of them and read the entry daily. Gradually, these motivating phrases will begin to be perceived as your own thoughts, actions will begin to correspond to them, and life will begin to change.

Many people look for motivation in quotes from famous people. And this is a very justified approach! Today we are publishing a selection of one hundred of the most striking and motivating quotes from a variety of authors that our readers will surely enjoy.

1. Old age is in a person's head. I survived a helicopter crash and back surgery. I got a pacemaker. I suffered a stroke and almost committed suicide. But I tell myself: I have to grow and learn more. This is the only antidote to old age. (Kirk Douglas)

2. From Nolan's Batman trilogy:

· Why do people fall? To learn how to climb.

· The night can't last forever

· To strike, you must stand firmly on your feet.

· But the darkest night is before the dawn.

· Life gets worse before it gets better.

· If you know how to do something, don't do it for free.

· The only way to live in this world is to live without rules.

· I make my own luck!

· No matter who is behind the mask, anyone can be a hero. A simple man who threw a jacket over the shoulders of a boy who believed his world had collapsed.

· It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is what our plan is.

3. An obstacle is what a person’s gaze rests on when he takes his gaze away from his goal. (Tom Krause)

4. It’s not your problems that should push you back, but your dreams that should lead you forward. (Douglas Everett)

5. A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; optimist - sees opportunity in any difficulty. (Winston Churchill)

6. You won't grow if you don't try to accomplish something beyond what you already know perfectly. (Ralph Emerson)

7. Don't be afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and it will be given to you according to your faith. (William James)

8. Make sure you get what you want, otherwise you will have to love what you have. (George Bernard Shaw)

9. You will never be able to solve a problem if you keep the same thinking and the same approach that led you to this problem. (Albert Einstein)

10. Refusal for me sounds like a trumpet of Jericho in my ear, urging me not to retreat, but to wake up and get down to business. (Sylvester Stallone)

11. And if you are unsure of yourself, nothing good will ever happen. After all, if you don’t believe in yourself, who will? (Michael Jackson)

12. We are slaves to our habits. Change your habits and your life will change... (Robert Kiyosaki)

13. You will have failures. You will have injuries. You will be wrong. You will have periods of depression and despair. Family, study, work, everyday problems - all this will interfere with the training more than once or twice. However, the needle of your internal compass should always point in the same direction - towards the goal. (Stuart McRobert)

14. Strive for excellence in everything you do. Take the best of what exists and make it better. If a better one doesn't exist, create one. (Frederick Henry Royce)

15. You cannot connect the dots of your destiny if you look forward; they can only be connected retrospectively. So you have to believe that these dots will somehow connect in the future. You have to believe in something - your courage, destiny, karma, whatever. This principle has never failed me and has changed my whole life. (Steven Paul Jobs)

16. If you stop every time you are insulted or spat at, then you will never get to the place where you need to go. (Tibor Fischer)

17. A cheerful facial expression is gradually reflected in the inner world. (Immanuel Kant)

18. The art of being happy lies in the ability to find happiness in simple things. (Henry Ward Beecher)

19. When faced with difficulties, you cannot give up and run. You must evaluate the situation, look for solutions and believe that everything is being done for the better. Patience is the key to victory. (Nick Vujicic)

20. There should be no limits for us. (Richard Bach)

21. Let's live while we live. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

22. If you want to do something truly right and honest, do it alone. (Richard Yates)

23. It would be wise, instead of being angry at the world around us, to find the courage to act. Voltaire (Francois-Marie Arouet)

24. The difference between someone who achieves something and someone who achieves nothing is determined by who started first. (Charles Schwab)

25. Just give up all prohibitions and restrictions... Touch the thing as if it were part of your life, and so it is. (Richard Bach)

26. Finally, learn to prioritize information. If you are asked to count to ten, you do not need to start with the alphabet. (From the movie "Battleship")

27. You have only one way to convince others - to listen to them. (George Washington)

28. Surround yourself only with those people who will pull you higher. It’s just that life is already full of those who want to pull you down. (George Clooney)

29. Know how to remain yourself, and you will never become a toy in the hands of fate. (Paracelsus)

30. If the choice is between “yes” or “no,” then “yes”! Do it. Kiss, hug, catch up, meet, tell. And it may be nonsense, but at least they tried. (Johnny Depp)

31. First, don't do anything without a reason or purpose. Secondly, don’t do anything that doesn’t benefit society. (Marcus Aurelius)

32. A person should be honest by nature, not by circumstance. (Marcus Aurelius)

33. You will become the hundredth in this life as soon as you throw away everything that makes you want to be the first. Woody Allen (Allen Stewart Koenigsberg)

34. Knowledge is not enough, you must apply it. Desire is not enough, you have to do. (Bruce Lee)

35. Always be at war with your shortcomings, at peace with your neighbors, and find yourself a better person every new year. (Benjamin Franklin)

36. Records are there to be broken. (Michael Phelps)

37. If you don't like what you get, change what you give. (Carlos Castaneda)

38. It is always worth starting with something that sows doubt. (Boris Strugatsky)

39. Those who lack a decisive will lack intelligence. (William Shakespeare)

40. To get what you want from life, you must first determine what you want. (Keanu Reeves)

41. All victories begin with victory over yourself. (Leonid Leonov)

42. Accept the fact that sometimes you are a dove and sometimes you are a statue. (Doyle Brunson)

43. The air is full of ideas. They are constantly knocking on your head. You just have to know what you want, then forget it and do your own thing. The idea will come suddenly. It has always been this way. (Henry Ford)

44. When you reach the end of the rope, tie a knot and hold on. (Franklin Roosevelt)

45. If you want to make someone laugh at your jokes, tell them that they have a sense of humor. (Herbert Procnow)

46. Do not waste a second, immediately and decisively take your place on the battlefield, whose name is life, do not be content with what you have, never accept defeat, because the world exists to be conquered. (Winston Churchill)

47. If you know how to do it, do it as you know it. If you don’t know, do as you were taught. (Timur Gagin)

48. You should not compare yourself with others, and if nature created you to be a bat, you should not try to become an ostrich. (Herman Hesse)

49. How much can we talk about what a person should be like?! It's time to become one! (Marcus Aurelius)

50. Any desires that arise must be realized without delay. And then all the pleasure disappears. If you wanted to, you did it, why wait, life is short. Here and now! (Mikhail Weller)

51. It is better to do and regret than not to do and regret. (Mikhail Weller)

52. We have only one way to become happy - to make another person happy. (Mikhail Weller)

53. Look, we're missing three things. The first is the quality of our knowledge. The second is leisure to think through and absorb this knowledge. And the third is to simply act on the basis of what we have learned from the interaction of the first two. (Ray Bradbury)

54. Take advice from everyone who gives, but take care of your own opinion. (William Shakespeare)

55. Half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is persistence. (Steven Paul Jobs)

56. Why do you talk about life instead of experiencing it? (Erich Maria Remarque)

57. The pathos of a pose is not a sign of greatness; he who needs poses is deceptive. Be careful around picturesque people. (Stefan Zweig)

58. Wishing and waiting won't get you far. Get up and start following your dreams. (Jared Leto)

59. Stun and conquer. (Laurence Peter)

60. You can neither win nor lose until you race. (David Bowie)

61. Whatever you come up with, there will always be someone who has already done it before you. So the main thing is to do it better. (Adriano Celentano)

62. Champions are not made in gyms. A champion is born from what is inside a person - desires, dreams, goals. (Muhammad Ali)

63. The main thing for me is to never cease to be surprised. Before going to bed, I always give myself the task of discovering something surprising early in the morning. (Ray Bradbury)

64. Sleep. Dream. Wake up. Take action. Come up with it. Fight. Win. Sleep. Dream. (Jared Leto)

65. Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Take action! Action will describe and define you. (Thomas Jefferson)

66. Be bent and you will stay straight. Be empty and you will remain full. Be worn out and you will remain new. (Lao Tzu)

67. Do at least once what others say you can’t do. After that, you will never pay attention to their rules and restrictions. (James Cook)

68. If you want to extend your life, shorten your meals. (Benjamin Franklin)

69. Talents that go unused are like a sundial in the shadows. (Don't hide your talents. They are given to you to use them. What good is a sundial in the shade?) (Benjamin Franklin)

70. Anyone who wants to live in peace and quiet should not say everything he knows and judge what he sees. (Benjamin Franklin)

71. If you can help, help. If not, at least do no harm. (Dalai Lama XIV)

72. The falcon flies high when it flies against the wind, not with the wind. (Winston Churchill)

73. I want it. So it will be. (Henry Ford)

74. Logic can take you from point A to point B, but imagination can take you anywhere... (Albert Einstein)

75. Imagine the worst consequences that your action could entail, accept them in advance and act! (Dale Carnegie)

76. The main thing is to give all your strength to your chosen business, and word will spread about you. Because perfection is rare. (Andre Maurois)

77. Change what you can change if necessary, but learn to live with what you cannot change. (Robert Jordan)

78. You can build your future out of anything. From some crumb or spark. From the desire to move forward, slowly, one step after another. You can build a spacious city on the ruins. (Lauren Oliver)

79. Decide. Change. Strive forward. Think. Take on challenges. Get up and take action. Refuse stereotypes. Achieve. Dream. Open. Believe. Stop. Listen to yourself. Grow. Win. Look at life with open eyes. (Paulo Coelho)

80. I am convinced that every person deserves everything that he has and does not have. Your parents, your children, your job, your car - everything. If I hear from a colleague about a failure: “Well, the play is bad, the actors are weak, and the audience doesn’t understand anything,” then I understand: he chose it himself, arranged it himself. When a person complains about his loved ones, it means that he was unable to enter into some other, faithful, high relationship with them. And as soon as I feel that something is not working out for me, something is bad, I look for the reason in myself. And if I find it, then somehow everything gets better. There is a way out, of course. We control destiny. It is clear that there is a place for some unforeseen circumstances, but nevertheless, each of us is the master of our own life. I am responsible for my life, I build it, and I motivate it. I live by it. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

81. Dream as if you will live forever. Live as if you were dying today (James Dean)

82. If you want to succeed, ask yourself 4 questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not right now? (Jimmy Dean)

83. Our destiny is shaped by the little decisions we make 100 times a day (Anthony Robbins)

84. Anyone who has not faced difficulties does not know strength. Someone who has never experienced adversity does not need courage. It is mysterious, however, that the best character traits in a person grow precisely in soil filled with difficulties. (Harry Fosdick)

85. Your life depends 10% on what happens to you and 90% on how you react to those events.” (John Maxwell)

86. Anyone can give up - it's the easiest thing in the world. But to continue, even when everyone around you accepted and would forgive you for your defeat - this is where real strength lies. (Author unknown)

87. Motivating Harvard Students:

· If you fall asleep now, then, of course, you will dream your dream. If instead of sleep you choose to study, then you will make your dream come true.

· When you think it's too late, it's actually still too early.

· The pain of learning is only temporary. The torment of ignorance is eternal.

· Studying is not time. Studying is effort.

· Life is not all about studying, but if you can’t even get through this part of it, then what are you even capable of?

· Tension and effort can be pleasure.

· Only the one who does everything first, only the one who makes the effort, will truly enjoy his success.

· Not everyone can succeed in everything. But success comes only with self-improvement and determination.

· Time flies.

· Today's drool will become tomorrow's tears.

· People who invest in the future are realists.

· Your salary is directly proportional to your level of education.

· Today will never happen again.

· Even now, your enemies are eagerly leafing through the books.

· If you don't sweat, you won't earn money.

88. Failure is simply an opportunity to start again, but more wisely. (Henry Ford)

89. Once in a lifetime, fortune knocks on every person's door, but at this time a person often sits in the nearest pub and does not hear any knock. (Mark Twain)

90. Even if you are very talented and put in a lot of effort, some results just take time: you won't get a baby in a month even if you get nine women pregnant. (Warren Buffett)

91. When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself: “What should I do?” In the evening, before falling asleep: “What have I done?” (Pythagoras)

92. Old people always advise young people to save money. This is bad advice. Don't save nickels. Invest in yourself. I never saved a dollar in my life until I was forty. (Henry Ford)

93. Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot. (Author unknown)

94. I used to say, “I hope things change.” Then I realized that the only way for everything to change is for me to change. (Jim Rohn)

95. I didn't fail. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work. (Thomas Edison)

96. Hard work is the accumulation of easy things that you didn't do when you should have done them. (John Maxwell)

97. You will never be able to solve a problem if you keep the same thinking and the same approach that led you to this problem. (Albert Einstein)

98. You learn the fastest in three cases - before the age of 7, during trainings, and when life has driven you into a corner. (Stephen Covey)

99. To become a billionaire, you first need luck, a significant dose of knowledge, a huge capacity for work, I emphasize HUGE, but most importantly, most importantly, you must have the mentality of a billionaire. The billionaire mentality is a state of mind in which you focus all your knowledge, all your skills, all your skills on achieving your goal. This is what will change you. (Paul Getty)

100. It’s quite strange to say after completing a transaction that you were robbed only because the other party turned out to be smarter than you. (Warren Buffett)

The easiest way is to look for meaning in the words of great people. We have selected for you 25 best motivational quotes to help you in any situation.

1. Failure is simply an opportunity to start again, but more wisely. (Henry Ford)

2. Your life depends 10% on what happens to you, and 90% on how you react to these events.” (John Maxwell)

3. You learn the fastest in three cases - before the age of 7, during trainings, and when life has driven you into a corner. (Stephen Covey)

4. I did not suffer defeats. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work. (Thomas Edison)

5. I used to say, “I hope things change.” Then I realized that the only way for everything to change is for me to change. (Jim Rohn)

6. Even if you are very talented and put in a lot of effort, some results just take time: you won't get a baby in a month even if you get nine women pregnant. (Warren Buffett)

7. If you want to succeed, ask yourself 4 questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not right now? (Jimmy Dean)

8. Imagine the worst consequences that your action may entail, accept them in advance and act! (Dale Carnegie)

9. The falcon rises high when it flies against the wind, not with the wind. (Winston Churchill)

10. Do at least once what others say you can’t do. After that, you will never pay attention to their rules and restrictions. (James Cook)

11. The main thing for me is to never cease to be surprised. Before going to bed, I always give myself the task of discovering something surprising early in the morning. (Ray Bradbury)

12. Whatever you come up with, there will always be someone who has already done it before you. So the main thing is to do it better. (Adriano Celentano)

13. Any desires that arise must be realized without delay. And then all the pleasure disappears. If you wanted to, you did it, why wait, life is short. Here and now! (Mikhail Weller)

14. Accept the fact that sometimes you are a dove and sometimes you are a statue. (Doyle Brunson)

15. To get what you want from life, you must first determine what you want. (Keanu Reeves)

16. If you don't like what you get, change what you give. (Carlos Castaneda)

17. If the choice is between “yes” or “no,” then “yes”! Do it. Kiss, hug, catch up, meet, tell. And it may be nonsense, but at least they tried. (Johnny Depp)

18. Finally learn to prioritize information. If you are asked to count to ten, you do not need to start with the alphabet. (From the movie "Battleship")

19. The art of being happy lies in the ability to find happiness in simple things. (Henry Ward Beecher)

20. If you stop every time you are insulted or spat at, then you will never get to the place where you need to go. (Tibor Fischer)

21. You will have failures. You will have injuries. You will be wrong. You will have periods of depression and despair. Family, study, work, everyday problems - all this will interfere with the training more than once or twice. However, the needle of your internal compass should always point in the same direction - towards the goal. (Stuart McRobert)

22. And if you are unsure of yourself, nothing good will ever happen. After all, if you don’t believe in yourself, who will? (Michael Jackson)

23. A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; optimist - sees opportunity in any difficulty. (Winston Churchill)

24. You will not grow unless you try to accomplish something beyond what you already know perfectly. (Ralph Emerson)

25. Old age is in a person’s head. I survived a helicopter crash and back surgery. I got a pacemaker. I suffered a stroke and almost committed suicide. But I tell myself: I have to grow and learn more. This is the only antidote to old age. (Kirk Douglas)

In difficult moments in life, we need motivation and words of encouragement that will energize us and give us new strength to continue our journey. We have collected the best motivational quotes from the wisest people of different eras.

Motivational Quotes

A person's future lies within himself; it lives in him at this very moment
Abraham Maslow

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Albert Einstein

A successful person is always an amazing artist of his imagination. Imagination is much more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited, but imagination is unlimited.
Albert Einstein

“Investing in knowledge gives the highest dividends.”
Benjamin Franklin

“All successful people have a “vision.” They have the ability to clearly see what they want even before it comes to life.”
Bill Gates

When a good idea comes to your mind, act immediately.
Bill Gates

Success is the ability to wake up in the morning and fall asleep in the evening, having time to do what you really like between these two events.
Bob Dylan

Never underestimate yourself. Everything that others do, you can do too
Brian Tracy

It doesn't matter where you come from. It's where you're going that matters
Brian Tracy

Defeat is not defeat unless you recognize it as such in your mind.
Bruce Lee

Great minds set goals for themselves; other people follow their desires.
Washington Irving

I'm going to become a man, and if I succeed in this matter, I will be able to do anything.

If you can't do something, you're right. If you say that you can, you are also right.
Henry Ford

Mind is the best healer

If you give up on your dreams, what will be left?
Jim carrey

If you take all the money in the world and divide it equally among everyone, it will soon end up back in the same pockets it was in before.
Jim Rohn

Either you control the day or the day controls you.
Jim Rohn

The best moments of the flow of life fade into the past, and we see nothing but sand. Angels come to visit us, and we only understand this when they have already left our home.
George Eliot

Collect, evaluate and then act. Knowledge without action is helpless.
Donald Trump

Solutions must be bigger than your problems. Who is the head in this house?
Donald Trump

The pleasure of criticizing interferes with the enjoyment of beauty.
J. La6ruyer

Mediocrity looks like perfection in the eyes of mediocre people.

If you don't like something in your life, act immediately! If you can't act, change your attitude. Compare the situation to something terrible or look at it from a different perspective. Sitting and complaining and feeling sorry for yourself is absolutely useless and unpleasant.

Leadership is not a title, degree or level. Anyone can become a leader at any time.
Carly Fiorina

Happiness does not lie in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do.
L. Tolstoy

When you introduce any innovation, be prepared to be called crazy.
Larry Ellison

First earn money, and then think about what to spend it on” - this is the best rule for people striving for success.
Paul Gett

Business opportunities are like buses - the next one will always arrive.
Richard Branson

A good company works like a family. If your son is confused, you won’t kick him out of the house, will you?
Richard Branson

“Invest time in gaining knowledge, then go out into the real world and try. Start small, there will be mistakes. In the real world, people learn from mistakes.”
Robert Kiyosaki

I can give an account for every million I earn, but never for the first.

Great souls have will, but weak souls have only desires.
Old Chinese proverb

Try to become market leaders. Own and control critical technologies in everything you do.
Steve Jobs

Learn from your mistakes, admit them and move on.
Steve Jobs

Continually learn from your employees and people outside your company.
Steve Jobs

can change a person so much that he becomes impossible to recognize.

Nothing in the world can replace perseverance. Talent cannot: talented losers are the most common occurrence. A genius cannot: unrecognized geniuses are proverbial. Education cannot: the world is full of educated fools. Only perseverance and determination are omnipotent.
Thomas Watson

Hidden in your subconscious is the power that can change the world.
William James

If you can dream something up, you can do it.
Walt Disney

Even if you are very talented and put in a lot of effort, some results just take time: you won't get a baby in a month even if you get nine women pregnant.
Warren Buffett

Do business with people you like and who share your goals.
Warren Buffett

It can take 20 years to build a reputation. It only takes 5 minutes to destroy it. If you understand this, you will act differently.
Warren Buffett

Price is what you pay. Value is what you can get.
Warren Buffett

Life is not given to us for endless complaints and self-study, not for analyzing emotions and bitter regrets. Our life is given to us for action, and only action determines its true value

There is nothing more demoralizing than a small but constant income.
Edmund Wilson

Self-discipline is the ability to force yourself to do what you are supposed to do, when you are supposed to do it, whether you feel like it or not.
Elbert Hubbart

When I think, I don't act. In order to act, I need to set myself up. My success is not a consequence of luck, but a consequence of my consistency in action.
Estee Lauder

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