DIY gift for mom - original surprises for Mother's Day. How to draw a mother beautifully and easily with a pencil and paints: a step-by-step master class for children

How to draw a portrait of your mother? This question often arises for children who like to dedicate their drawings to their closest and beloved people. A master class with step-by-step photos will help them master the simple technique of depicting faces.

Work begins with a pencil sketch.

Before you draw your mother with a pencil, you need to remember the color of her eyes, lips, eyebrows, and also determine for yourself the main features of her image - in particular, the length of her hair and the shape of her hairstyle. Properly displayed in the picture, they will make the portrait more recognizable. Having decided, we make a sketch. To make the portrait more interesting, in addition to the face, we draw a silhouette of the figure from the waist up. We place a bouquet of flowers in mother’s hands.

After the first, thin sketch is made, we outline the lines with a bold line. We only work on the face and hair, leaving the arms, shoulders and flowers pale.

We begin to fill the picture with color. This process itself is not complicated, but in order for the result to be realistic, you need to choose the right shade of your face. Mix different watercolor colors on the palette, saturate the brush well with water, and only then take a small amount of paint to apply it to the portrait. We start painting from less noticeable areas, which can be corrected if necessary. Only then do we move to the center of the face. To make the head voluminous, apply a semicircle of a darker tone under the chin on the neck.

We highlight dark color eyebrow line. We are looking for a shade of color in the palette that is as close as possible to the color of my mother’s eyes. If necessary, mix together various shades, and only then paint the eyes. In the same way, we fill mom’s lips with color, reflecting the shade of any mom’s lipstick on them.

To make the lips look voluminous, leave the line along which the upper and lower lips touch unpainted. We highlight the eyes by filling the space between them with a darker shade of color. upper eyelid and eyebrow.

We emphasize the eyebrows. The drawing begins to resemble a portrait.

We select the shade that is most similar to the shade of my mother’s hair, and begin to apply this color to the hair, making some strands darker. Thanks to this, the hairstyle will turn out voluminous.

We increase the volume, making the contrast more noticeable.

We color the blouse. Flowers and hands remain untouched for now.

First we cover the leaves of the flowers with a pale green color.

And only then we paint their heads.

We add volume to the flowers by correctly distributing the shadows and drawing the petals on top. We paint our hands.

We emphasize the line of the arms with a dark stripe to show the completeness of the image.

We learned how to draw a mother beautifully and quite simply, and we also learned how to draw a mother so that the portrait turns out to be three-dimensional and interesting. If the portrait turns out well, you can give it to your mother on or.

Look at the video to see how else you can draw a portrait of your mother:

Drawings of mothers for the competition (ideas from the Internet)

Drawing "Mom" exhibition of children's works

How to draw a mother reviews:

The main difficulty in drawing a mother is that all mothers are different)))

Everyone wants to give their beloved mother a gift that will make her happy. Sometimes you really need to prepare a drawing for her. This article will tell you how to draw a gift for mom.

Drawing “Me and Mom”

Very young children really want to express their boundless love and affection for their mother in a drawing. Therefore, they usually do not face the question of giving it as a gift for their mother. Of course, this will be the picture where the most beautiful woman in the world smiles joyfully and holds your hand tightly best child in the world, that is, the author of this masterpiece.

But you should not limit this topic to age limits. And old enough children may well turn to this topic. And they might even end up with a pretty good drawing. And if the situation with artistic talents is, to put it mildly, not very good, then the picture will come out with humor, since you can draw a gift for your mother in the style of a “kalak-kalyak”, imitating the kids.

Mommy will be happy with flowers, that’s a fact!

But don’t be too zealous in showing your humor. Perhaps the child still has some rudiments of the talent for depicting on paper, since to draw a gift beautifully means to make to a loved one pleasant. Moreover, you can not just hand your mother a sheet of paper with a drawing, but paint, for example, a glass or tray, a wall plate or a kitchen board.

Since drawing a gift is all about flowers, here is a master class on how to draw a rose. If desired, the donor can make a postcard with his own design.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a rose

Anyone who does not know how to draw a gift will cope with the task easily if he strictly follows the instructions.

  1. At the top of the sheet there is a slightly inclined oval with horizontal elongation.
  2. From the edges at the widest point of the oval, two asymmetrical arcs are drawn down, which are parts of a circle of large diameter.
  3. From below, the ends of the arcs smoothly connect - the lower part of the flower is formed.
  4. Below are two open rose petals.
  5. The middle of the flower can be made in the form of a rolled up roll. It is depicted like a snail curl.
  6. Several small leaves of the peduncle will decorate the lower part of the bud.
  7. Since it is best to draw a gift for mom in the form of a rose in a naturalistic way, you should depict the stem of the flower.
  8. A few thorns and leaves on the stem - and it’s almost ready.
  9. Now everyone understands how to draw a gift for mom step by step. You need to color the rose with pencils or felt-tip pens, but you can also use paints.

Cute little animals will delight mommy!

If the question of what gift to draw for your mother has not yet been decided, experts advise: there is nothing more pleasant than receiving a picture of a cute animal as a gift. It could be anyone - a bunny or a fox, a puppy or a kitten, a squirrel or a bear cub. It’s great if the animal holds a flower, a heart, a cake or a box with a gift beautifully tied with a bow in its front paws. Since you can draw a gift for mom not only on paper, but also on fabric, you can use acrylic paints or specially designed for matter.

as a gift for mom

  1. The head is depicted in a circle.
  2. An oval is placed horizontally at the bottom of the circle.
  3. Inside the oval, another smaller oval is inscribed. They should touch with their upper parts. This will be the tip of the nose.
  4. The eyes are drawn in small circles, painted black, leaving small areas - highlights - unpainted.
  5. The bear's ears are semicircles. They are drawn at the top of the head.
  6. The body of the bear is drawn with an oval slightly larger in size than the head.
  7. Two small ovals are inscribed inside it on opposite sides - the front paws of the animal.
  8. The hind legs are depicted as straight segments parallel lines. The feet are also oval.
  9. The section of the mouth and the claws on the paws are depicted with smooth lines.
  10. The bear cub can hold any symbol of a gift in its hands.
  11. You can paint the animal as the artist’s imagination dictates.

Wonderful handmade card

It is appropriate to draw a birthday gift on thick cardboard, make a bright congratulatory inscription and fold the sheet in half. This will make an excellent card. Inside you should write warm words of congratulations and wishes.

Mothers are touched when they see funny ones. Why not draw in this case a cute little elephant with a trusting look and naively raised eyebrows?

Sketch of the head and legs of a baby elephant

Not everyone can do it beautiful drawing. But I really want to please my mother! But how to draw a gift step by step? Simple and detailed master class images of a baby elephant will help you cope with the task.

  1. A circle is drawn at the top of the sheet.
  2. They make “dents” in it on the sides, highlighting the baby elephant’s cheeks.
  3. On the top of the head - in the upper part of the circle - swirls are drawn.
  4. Mark the direction of the back of the sitting animal with a line from the head down.
  5. It's quite easy to depict the baby elephant's front leg.
  6. The second front leg is located slightly obliquely to the first, they seem to cross, with the first protruding slightly forward in relation to the second.
  7. The baby's plump tummy is outlined with an arc from below.
  8. The hind legs are spread out in different directions, the baby elephant seems to be doing the splits. For the leg whose foot is slightly turned towards the viewer, there is no need to draw the foot itself.

Full outline of the baby elephant without drawing out the features of his “face”

  1. The animal's foot is depicted as an oval. The artist paints nails on everyone with arcs four legs baby elephant
  2. A baby elephant's ear is shaped like an egg with its pointed end pointing down. The line of the head near the ear that is closer and in full visibility should be erased at the junction with an eraser.
  3. In each ear, an internal contour should be drawn that follows the external one.
  4. You should mentally divide your head vertically into four parts. In the lower part is the base of the trunk, and the upper line falls exactly on the division point.
  5. Along the trunk there are small arcs representing skin folds.
  6. Near the end of the bottom line of the trunk, a smile is indicated by a small arc.
  7. An oval is drawn at the end of the trunk - the nasal opening.

The final stage of working on the drawing

  1. Two ovals, slightly inclined in opposite directions with their upper parts, represent eyes.
  2. Inside them are the same ovals, but smaller.
  3. In each eye, a small circle is drawn in the upper part. These circles should be slightly shifted to the side, and in both eyes to the same one.
  4. Eyebrows are drawn in arcs above the eyes.
  5. Eyelashes in the corners of the eyes look charming. And even though in reality elephants do not have eyebrows or eyelashes, people often transfer features of their appearance onto animals.
  6. Since it is best to draw a gift in color, the picture should be colored. Inner part ears are decorated pink, pupils (inner oval) - black. The circles in the eyes will act as reflections, so you should leave them without color. But the baby elephant itself can be painted in any color, because it is not a real animal, but a symbolic one. Therefore, it can even be polka dots or stripes, like in a real fairy tale.

Irina Rakhimova

Dear colleagues, a wonderful, gentle, bright holiday is approaching - Mother's Day.

"Mom" is the most beautiful word on earth. It sounds in any language with the most affectionate intonation, it contains such endless love that you don’t feel for any other person. And no matter how old you are, five or fifty-five, everyone needs their mother’s love and affection. And if a mother feels the love of her children, she becomes happier, her life becomes even brighter and more joyful.

Children always strive to please their mother, they want her face to be decorated with a smile and happy eyes. So my kids try to give their mothers pleasure and joy not only on holidays, but almost every day.

I present to your attention my creative ideas which we, together with our children, implemented for Mother’s Day at different age periods.

Drawings on the theme "Flowers in a vase for your beloved mother"(3-4 years, junior group)

Postcard "Mommy has a flower on my palm"(3-4 years, junior group)

Collective application to form a group for Mother's Day (junior group) - "Bouquet for our mothers"

Application "Bright gerberas"(4-5 years old, middle group)

Paintings using the plasticine technique using a combination of plasticine of different colors (4-5 years old, middle group)

Manual labor: "Beads" from cocktail tubes(4-5 years old, middle group)

Group work "Waltz of the Flowers"(5-6 years old, senior group)

"A Basket of Flowers for My Mom"(facing). I made this picture for my mom, because I really want my mom to always feel that I love her very much and always want to remain her little daughter, her attentive girl.

Take care and make your mothers happy, and we will remain children as long as our mothers live in the world.

Publications on the topic:

We designed our site together with my partner, Stavitskaya Natalia Vyacheslavovna, a creative and enthusiastic teacher. We tried to do it.

We designed the site together with my colleague, Elena Andreevna Sivak. Masha and the Bear meet the children near the house. Masha raised on.

Dear Colleagues! I would like to invite you to visit our walking area. Today I present to your attention only some elements of ours.

Or Landscape Fairytale Design Every year in our city there is a competition for the design of the territory of a preschool educational institution and children's playgrounds. On the eve.

Our kindergarten very large area (except for areas for eleven groups). The kindergarten administration divided this territory.

1. 2. If there is little space or no place at all to place the children’s work, then I suggest this accordion, it’s convenient and beautiful. 3. This is how I designed it.

Greetings to my friends and guests of my page! It’s been a while since I wrote anything new! And I have accumulated a lot of news that I want.

Mother's Day in Russia has not yet become a mega-popular national holiday, but at the same time it has long been actively celebrated in kindergartens and schools. In particular, for Mother's Day in children's educational institutions are already traditionally held holiday concerts, exhibitions and creative competitions. Most often, for such events, children prepare pictures with their own hands dedicated to this wonderful holiday. Such a drawing for Mother’s Day can be made with both paints and pencils - the choice depends on the child’s creativity and his desire. But the themes of the pictures must certainly resonate with the main idea of ​​the holiday. In our article today you will find several step-by-step master classes with photo drawings for Mother's Day, including for beginners. We hope that from them you will not only learn skills on how to draw this or that picture step by step, but also be inspired to create your own masterpieces!

Drawing for Mother's Day in kindergarten, master class with photo

First of all, we present to your attention a master class in drawing for Mother's Day for kindergarten students. Of course, such a drawing is unlikely to be suitable for participation in a competition, but for a gift to mom it will be 100% suitable. But the main thing is a very simple drawing for mom for Mother’s Day in kindergarten, which even kids can do with the help of adults.

Necessary materials for drawing in kindergarten for Mother's Day with your own hands

  • album sheet
  • finger paints and brush
  • felt-tip pens
  • wet wipes

Instructions for drawing for mom in kindergarten with her own hands step by step

  1. Mentally divide a sheet of paper into two equal parts horizontally. At the bottom with a felt-tip pen or with a simple pencil draw an inverted trapezoid. This will be the base for the flower pot.
  2. Then on top of the trapezoid we draw a narrow rectangle with rounded corners. We also draw the volume of the pot, as in the photo below.
  3. Now let's take green paint and brushes and draw the stem and leaf of the future flower for mommy.
  4. Let's move on to the most interesting part - the bud. We will paint it using finger paints and palms. To do this, apply a thin, even layer of paint on your palms and transfer the image to paper. With paint of a contrasting color, we repeat the same thing, but with the palm of the second hand.
  5. We wipe our hands and let the paint dry a little. Add a congratulatory inscription. Ready!

DIY drawing for Mother's Day for school, master class

Our next step-by-step DIY drawing master class for Mother's Day is perfect for both a gift and a school exhibition. Despite the rather simple idea, the final image is very effective and cute. This DIY drawing for Mother’s Day for school is suitable for students in grades 4-5 and for older students.

Necessary materials for drawing for Mother's Day at school with your own hands

  • album sheet
  • watercolor paints
  • tassel
  • simple pencil

Instructions for drawing for school on Mother's Day step by step

  1. In this master class we will draw a Tree of Hearts - a very touching symbol of tenderness and boundless love for mother, who, like a tree, grows more and more every year. First of all, using a simple pencil, make a sketch of the trunk and paint it with brown watercolors.
  2. Now let’s decide on the crown palette, which will consist exclusively of hearts different shades and sizes. The following colors are best suited: red, pink, purple, lilac, blue. Using these shades we make small strokes that imitate tree branches.
  3. Let the sketch dry a little and move on to the hearts. You can first draw hearts with a simple pencil, and then decorate them with paints. Or you can immediately paint with watercolors. We try to distribute the hearts evenly and make them of different colors and sizes.
  4. We wait until the picture is completely dry. Add a congratulatory inscription and a couple of hearts at the base of the tree. Ready!

Pencil drawing for Mother's Day, master class for beginners with photos

You can also draw a very beautiful memorial card for your mother using pencils. Our next master class for beginners with photos will show you how to quite simply and quickly draw a tulip for Mother’s Day with colored pencils that your mother will definitely like. This is a pencil drawing for Mother's Day in our opinion step by step master class for beginners with a photo will decorate any postcard, poster or wall newspaper.

Necessary materials for drawing for Mother's Day with pencils step by step

  • paper
  • colour pencils
  • simple pencil
  • eraser

Instructions for drawing for mom with colored pencils step by step

  1. First of all, let's sketch a tulip. To do this, in the middle of the piece of paper, using a simple pencil, draw an inverted trapezoid and a long line intersecting it.

    Important! We draw all the lines with a simple pencil smoothly and without pressure. This will make it easier to remove them with an eraser during the drawing process.

  2. We round the corners of the trapezoid and draw the tulip petals.
  3. Carefully remove the extra lines with an eraser. Draw the stem of the flower.
  4. Now we make the outline of the flower clearer, while at the same time removing unnecessary strokes with an eraser. Draw a tulip leaf.

  5. All that remains is to decorate the flower: decorate the bud in red and add a little yellow tint at the base, and fill in the stem and leaf green pencil. Ready!

Drawing with paints for Mother's Day, step by step

Very gentle and original drawing on Mother's Day you can draw with your own hands using watercolor paints. Moreover, to make the picture even more expressive, you can use the technique of layering several shades in stages, as in our master class. Next, we invite you to master a watercolor bouquet for mom in stages, which is suitable for kindergarten, school, thematic exhibition or competition. The theme of flowers is one of the most relevant for children's pictures with both pencils and paints. But it is the drawing with flowers made with paints for Mother’s Day that looks more tender and touching. Our master class is quite simple and suitable even for beginner artists.

Necessary materials for painting with paints for Mother's Day in stages

  • thick sheet of paper
  • watercolor paints
  • tassel

Instructions on how to paint a picture for Mother's Day step by step

  1. First of all, we note that when working with watercolors there is no need to rush, especially if you layer shades, as in our master class. It is very important to let the paints dry before applying a new coat. So, take red watercolor and make light drop-shaped strokes, forming flower petals.
  2. paint yellow color fill the middle of the flower. There is no need to try to completely fill all the space inside the petals. A more beautiful effect can be achieved by leaving small bald spots.
  3. Using the same principle, fill the entire sheet with flowers. We make flowers in different shades and shapes to give the picture a more original look.
  4. We wait for the first layer to dry completely and begin to layer the shades. We change the intensity from the center to the edges, which will create a more voluminous, slightly faded effect.
  5. While the flowers are drying, draw a few leaves and twigs, filling the space between them.
  6. We add more volume to the finished bouquet by layering shades and drawing details.


Dear Guys! Since 1998, every last Sunday of November in Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated, paying tribute to the boundless love, work, care, patience and self-sacrifice of mothers. This year “Mother’s” holiday turns 15 years old. We invite all mother's daughters and sons who can draw to take part in the competition children's drawing“This is my mommy!”, a competition held by the Library, a branch of the “City Information and Resource Center”. We are waiting for you and your drawings at Kansk st. 40 years of October 65 “B”, information by phone 2-54-42, 2-59-72.

about the children's drawing competition “This is my mommy!”
for Mother's Day

Since 1998, every last Sunday of November in Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated, paying tribute to the boundless love, work, care, patience and self-sacrifice of mothers. On the eve of the 15th anniversary of the “mother’s” holiday, the Library-branch “City Information and Resource Center” is holding a children’s drawing competition “This is my mommy!”

Purpose of the competition:

  • nurturing love for parents and preserving family values;
  • development creativity children.

Procedure, terms and conditions of the competition

Children aged 5-8 years (preschool and primary school age) can take part in the creative competition.

Individual authors take part in the competition. Entries will be judged in two age groups:

  • preschoolers 5-6 years old
  • students of grades 1-2, 7-8 years old

The competition is held from November 1, 2013 to November 24, 2013. Competitive works are accepted at the address: st. 40 let Oktyabrya, 65 B. library-branch “City Information and Resource Center”.

Phone for inquiries: 2-54-42.

Work requirements

Only one work in A4 format is submitted per participant for the competition. Genre and thematic features of the drawings (portrait or composition). Materials and techniques (watercolor, gouache, pencil, on paper or cardboard).

The following works are not allowed to participate in the competition:

  1. made using computer graphics;
  2. performed with the help of parents, teachers, educators or other persons.

Work order:

The technique and material of the drawing are free.

Drawings must be accompanied by a passport form with the following data:

  • Author (full last and first name, age, place of residence, phone number);
  • Name of the children's educational institution;
  • Job title;
  • Genre of work.

Criteria for selecting competitive works:

  1. Originality of the work.
  2. Expressiveness, emotionality of the work, its composition and color scheme
  3. Compliance with the theme of the competition and the declared genre of work.
  4. Independence in completing the task, suitability of the work to the age of the participant.

Summing up the results of the competition

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