Why isn’t it better than everyone else on the first channel? The very best: talented, bright children in the show “Best of All!” on the first

Not only adults, but also children can have talent, and this TV show was created for them. Every child has the right to express themselves and demonstrate their gift to the whole country. It doesn’t matter at all in what area you are the best, the main thing is to be able to do something in a way that many others cannot. The project is open to: young singers, athletes, musicians, dancers, magicians and other talented guys who are not afraid to go on stage and show everyone what they are capable of. The skills of young talents will be assessed by an unbiased jury that will approach this task with all responsibility.
The talent show is hosted by the unrivaled Maxim Galkin. He will make every effort to encourage the participants and set them up for good performance, because it is important that the baby feels comfortable during the performance. These kids are sometimes much more amazing than many of the older generation! However, only one will win the competition, who will prove himself best. But this does not mean that the rest of the contestants are not capable of anything, it’s just that this time luck did not smile on them.

The new talent show “Best of All” will show the superpowers of kids from all over Russia. A person comes out and shows a unique skill. The spectators are surprised and clap their hands. Where has this been before? Projects “Minute of Fame” and “ Amazing people"were built according to a similar scheme. But there is one fundamental difference: new program“Best of All” is not a competition, but a talent show. This takes the burden off […]

The new talent show “Best of All” will show the superpowers of kids from all over Russia

A person comes out and shows a unique skill. The spectators are surprised and clap their hands. Where has this been before? The projects “Minute of Fame” and “Amazing People” were built according to a similar scheme. But there is one fundamental difference: the new program “Best of All” is not a competition, but a talent show. This removes the burden of responsibility from both children and parents. The kids just go out and have fun showing off what they can do. The TV program magazine visited the filming.

A guy in a yellow T-shirt (a la Brazil) kicks the ball with both feet alternately. A sound technician wearing a “Best of All” T-shirt enters the battle with him. A couple of dry taekwondo players are sculpting “mawashi” on the “paw” raised high by the trainer. Dandelion girl reads poetry out loud. Three-year-old Butuz dresses up in a motorcycle helmet. Nearby there is a ballet barre, a gymnastics structure, and a piece of artificial football turf.

— Is Maxim ready? — the director’s voice sweeps across the set. -Can we start?

The new project brought together children from all over the country - by the way, they promise that not only from Russia - aged from 3 to 12 years. They are talented, ambitious and can do things that an “ordinary” child cannot. These are children with superpowers.

One races on a motorcycle without arms, another runs around on roller skates, performing steps and elements from figure skating, there is a nine-year-old football player who hits the ball 3,900 times. Three thousand. Nine hundred. There is a monkey bars that move around the pavilion only upside down.

“We get to know the child’s personality,” explained Maxim Galkin. “Using the example of my children, I can say that a person is already born as an individual. And from the first months it was formed. We just have to discover it for ourselves. Interests, way of thinking - ready. In this project we get to know talents and try to understand how this is possible. Incredible children come to us. The difference from other show talents is the moment of communication.

During each performance, Maxim does not simply introduce the participant, after which he moves off stage. He talks about it, tries to reveal it, understand the essence of the phenomenon and understand its genesis. Each prodigy is introduced with pomp.

- Library girl! Six-year-old Brodsky fan! Holder Nobel Prize 2037! Nicole Plieva.

With Anna Akhmatova's hairstyle, in a black and white dress from Silver Age, a little princess strides onto the stage with a teddy bear hanging from one arm.

“You are truly the queen of Art Deco!” the presenter greets the girl. - How many poems do you know?

— Dancing, judo, vocals.

After this, the girl recites poems by Brodsky, Yesenin, and Barto. Each of them is not at all cheerful - Galkin is almost crying and his lower lip is trembling.

- Someone has to love ugly people! - she ends with a line from Brodsky.

“I didn’t know you’d start with me,” the host says ironically.

So that the audience does not get the impression of staging a circus act, Maxim takes people from the audience. Surprisingly, Channel One TV presenters Svetlana Zeynalova and Sofiko Shevardnadze find themselves in the front row. And also former member show “Comedy Woman” Elena Borscheva.

They give the little girl a task: Mandelstam, Sasha Cherny and Mayakovsky. The child copes.

By the way, the integration of stars is one of the features of the project. There will be the group “Factory”, and Dynamo Moscow forward Pavel Pogrebnyak, and others.

There will be no winners or competition in the “Best of All” show. At the end of each program, gifted children will receive a branded program medal and souvenirs.

“The Best of All”, First, Sunday, 16.30

Galkin’s program with children “The Best of All!” causes mixed impressions among viewers and participants. Some praise, share pleasant feelings, others consider this television show to be unsuccessful.

General information about transfer

Children aged three to twelve years are invited to participate in the program. The project allows each of them to announce themselves throughout the country. We are not talking about any phenomenal abilities, although many young participants leave viewers impressed.

According to the plan, children with extraordinary abilities in sports, creativity or science take part in the show, which surprise:

  • · magnificent singing;
  • · excellent dancing skills;
  • · masterful juggling and demonstration of tricks;
  • · amazing memory even by adult standards.

Bead dancers and football players, gymnasts and taekwondo athletes perform on stage. The latter skillfully demonstrate the execution of a side kick to a high-set paw.

The first episode of the program was released on November 6, 2016. Presenter: Maxim Galkin. The first participant is six-year-old ballet dancer Stefan Otto, who has previously demonstrated his skills on the stage of the Musical Hall and the Alexandria Theater.

How is it removed?

To become a participant in the program, you must have outstanding abilities. This must be indicated in the application.

Preparation for the program begins with the work of editors who are looking for young participants through different sources by viewing and studying:

  • · hundreds and thousands of profiles;
  • · regional news;
  • · links on the web;
  • · stories from friends.

Thus, there are children who blog professionally or have extraordinary knowledge about the myths of Greece.

The effect of surprise that is demonstrated on stage when Maxim Galkin meets the young talent is not feigned.

The presenter actually meets the child on stage for the first time. This allows you to convey the effect of real acquaintance and surprise. However, such conditions sometimes violate the written script - it is difficult to predict the baby’s reaction, as was the case with a three-year-old chess player, who took even experienced operators by surprise with his crying.

Children's achievements

The children's performances do not leave the audience indifferent, no matter in what area their talent appears. Yaroslava Degtyareva, at the age of 8, performed a song on Maxim Galkin’s show Queen"The Show Must Go On"

Six-year-old Varya Gordeeva, who made the audience applaud with her gymnastic performance, was awarded a medal and a gift personally from the presenter - a Cocker Spaniel puppy. Unable to regularly attend gymnasiums, the girl studies using recordings of Alina Kabaeva’s performances.

Four-year-old Sofia from Podolsk impressed with her knowledge of geography, easily naming the capitals of France, Brussels or the Philippines. And five-year-old Daniil demonstrated his climbing skills by conquering a height of 6 meters.

Alexander Beyleryan surprised the audience and spectators with his phenomenal memory. At six, he calmly declared Shakespeare in the original. Backstage, he admitted that he could sing songs and poems in Italian, Spanish, French, Georgian and Korean. Admitted that last language the most difficult, and to confirm that these are not easy words, he immediately sang his favorite song Chans de lise.

With the beginning of the next school year, the most enchanting stuff returns to Channel One children's show talents. The latest episodes of the “Best of All” program, which will appear on air in September 2018, will be hosted by Maxim Galkin, as always. Young talents aged from 3 to twelve years old will come to his studio.

The heroes of this wonderful program are still children, but they already demonstrate extraordinary abilities and knowledge in various fields. If your child sings better than anyone, shows excellent results in sports or dances well, and at the same time feels free on stage. Then you simply have to get on this TV project!

According to established tradition, in the show “Best of All” new season which will air on Channel 1 on Sundays, there will not be a strict jury or judges. Participants are judged solely by television viewers. Only they will decide who was the most artistic and memorable. As the creators of the project assure, in the new releases we will see even more stunning, funny and amusing performances.

Each contestant is interesting and gifted in their own way. Aspiring chefs and ballerinas, gymnasts and dancers, scientists and artists - each of them wants to demonstrate their talent and please the audience. It may not be long before we see many of them on price Bolshoi Theater or the Olympics.

For little geniuses, participating in such a TV show is a responsible step, so Maxim Galkin always supports them. Who can easily work part-time as a child psychologist. Don't miss the long-awaited premiere!

Watch online show Best of All latest releases 2018 on First for free in good quality

Genre: TV show
Country Russia

Number of issues: 16
Video available on: YouTube, Android, Tablets, Phones, iPhone and Smart TV

Official website: 1tv.ru/shows/luchshie-deti-strany-obedinyaytes
Presenter: Maxim Galkin

On Sunday, November 6, Channel One will launch a unique project, the participants of which will be children aged 3 to 12 years. They are incredibly talented, which means the new TV show “The Best of All!” - for them. The host of the program is Maxim Galkin, who will be delighted and surprised by young talents more than once.

Watch the new children's talent show “Best of All” on Channel One on Sunday, November 6, at 16:30

The show, called " The best!", interesting because there will be no competition, assessments and rivals. This the project was created so that talented children could talk about their extraordinary abilities and perhaps become famous in the future.

Presenter Maksim Galkin will communicate with little prodigies, often trying to repeat what children can do. And the showman will not always succeed. However, the kids are sure: if famous comedian constantly work on himself, then he has every chance of learning to do what kids can do.

“If Maxim works hard, he can grow to my level,” commented the six-year-old Stefan Otto unsuccessful attempts Maxim Galkin to repeat the ballet steps performed by the young dancer.

TV viewers, the authors of the program are sure, will not remain indifferent after the appearance on stage of those who came to the “Best of All!” project. from different parts Russia. The three-year-old motorcyclist, the charming little girl who knows poetry, will definitely cause delight and tenderness among the public Anna Akhmatova, Sergei Yesenin, Joseph Brodsky and other great poets, a five-year-old boy who accurately names the capitals of all countries, a three-year-old chess player and other children who will appear in the “Best of All!” program.

Don't miss the premiere on " Channel One" - a new children's talent show "The Best of All!" . The debut episode starts on Sunday, November 6, at 19:30.

Photo: instagram.com/maxgalkinru/

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