Why is the flow market not working? What to do if the Google Play market does not work on your smartphone or tablet

If the Play Market does not work on your phone or tablet, then the reason for this may be a number of errors, ranging from a crash to a conflict with other applications. To prevent Play Market from breaking, you have to look through a large number of settings and try different ways to fix the problem.

Bug fix

If Google Play Market does not start on your tablet or phone, first restart the device. Restarting the system eliminates simple software glitches that prevent the Play Market from working.

If rebooting does not help, and the Play Market on Android still does not open, check the availability and speed of the Internet. If you connect to the network via WiFi, there may be channel congestion, due to which the speed will drop significantly. The cause of the failure may also lie in a missing communication signal when using mobile traffic. If there is no connection, the Play Market will take a long time to launch and open.

Another possible cause of the problem is an incorrectly set date. To change date and time settings:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Go to the “System” section. Find the "Date and Time" submenu.
  3. Set the correct value.

If these simple methods did not help eliminate the errors of the working Play Market, and it still writes that launch is impossible, then you will have to use other methods.

Working with built-in applications on Android

If there are no problems with the date or Internet connection using WiFi or mobile traffic, and the Play Market does not start, then work with the temporary data of the built-in programs. You should start with the Play Market:

  1. Open the "Applications" section in settings, go to the "All" tab to display the built-in programs.
  2. Go to Play Market settings.
  3. Erase data and clear cache.

Check if the app store is working. If not, go back to its settings and uninstall the updates. Check the program status again.

If uninstalling updates and clearing the Play Store cache did not help, follow similar steps with other programs - Google Play Services and Google Services Framework.

Also, make sure that the Download Manager application is enabled on your system. You can also find it on the “All” tab in the “Applications” section.

Account deleting

Deleting and re-adding your Google profile can help resolve the problem.

  1. Find the Accounts section in Settings.
  2. Open the sync options for the Google profile you are using.
  3. Call up the additional menu and select “Synchronize” to create an up-to-date backup.
  4. Call up the additional menu again and select “Delete”.

After deleting the profile, reboot your device. The next time you start, go back to the settings and add your account again by entering your email and password.

Another important note regarding your account is that the Google Accounts app must be enabled in your settings. You can check the status and, if necessary, launch the built-in program for working with profiles in the “Applications” section on the “All” tab.

Troubleshooting application incompatibilities

One of the reasons for Play Market blocking is the operation of third-party applications. First of all, we are talking about the Freedom program, which allows you to make in-game purchases from a fictitious card. If the Play Market does not connect or is not updated after Freedom, then you need to clean the hosts file. The reason that the Play Market on Android does not work may be incorrect entries added by the Freedom program. To remove them you will need root rights.

If the problem disappears after a reboot, then you have correctly diagnosed why the Play Market application is not working.


What to do if the Play Market store does not work, and all of the above methods have been tried and found to be useless? In this situation, there is only one way out - deleting all information from the device.

  1. Back up your important data: contacts, messages, photos, videos, etc.
  2. Open settings, go to the “Backup and reset” submenu.
  3. Select Reset Settings. Click Reset Settings.
  4. Confirm the operation and wait for it to complete.

Resetting the settings completely clears the internal memory, but the information on the external drive remains untouched. Therefore, the same photos and videos can be saved by simply moving them to a memory card. Contacts can be synchronized with your Google account. Resetting settings is a drastic way to solve the problem, so you have to resort to it extremely rarely. Usually the answer to the question why the Play Market application does not work on Android is much faster and safer for personal data.

Problems on Meizu smartphones

If Google Play Market does not work on your Meizu phone, then you do not need to use the methods listed above. Chinese developers (we are talking about official Meizu products) are making Google Play Services available as an installer. This is done so that when you first start the device, Google service updates are immediately installed.

This problem occurs quite often, and if it has passed you by, then you are very lucky. I have repeatedly encountered various errors and a completely non-functional Google Play Market on Android, so I am sharing my personal experience on how to return the most popular service from the Good Corporation to working condition.

So, there are various types of failures in the Google Play Store: technical problems on the service side, constant errors, application crashes and complete inoperability. In this instruction I will give some useful tips on how to fix it all.

1. Reboot Android

The first step is to restart your device. This usually solves most problems with Google Play. If it doesn't help, move on.

2. Reset Google Play Market settings

For this:

1. Go to settings.

2. Open Applications or Application Manager.

3. Find Google Play Store in the list and click on it.

4. In the application settings window, select “Erase data” and “Clear cache”.

I think this should help even more users, but if not, move on.

3. Uninstall Google Play Market updates

We proceed in the same way as in step 2, but now instead of “Erase data” and “Clear cache”, click “Delete updates”.

This will return the Play Market to its original state at the time of installation.

4. Reset Google Play Services app settings

Go to settings again, open “Applications” and find “Google Play Services” in the list. Open it and clear cache and data as well.

5. Clear Google Services Framework cache and data

Go to Settings → Applications → All tab. Select "Google Services Framework". Click "Erase data" and "Clear cache".

6. Google Accounts app is disabled

Go to Settings → Applications → All tab. Select Google Accounts. If this application is disabled, please enable it.

7. Enable "Download Manager"

In the applications section, swipe left to go to the “All” tab and open “Download Manager”. If you have it disabled, click "Enable".

If it is already activated, and the previous tips did not help and Google Play does not work, proceed further.

8. Delete your Google account and restore it

You can find out more about this in the instructions: . There, in step 6, select “Delete account.”

9. Applications blocking the Google Play Market

Some programs may block the Play Store. For example, the well-known Freedom application, which allows you to make in-app purchases for free, can interfere with the normal operation of the Google app store.

10. Set up the “hosts” file

If you have the application installed, then this item is just for you.

This method requires root rights. You can get them using the following instructions:

First, disable the Freedom application (in the program menu, select “Stop”), and only then delete it.

After that, install the application or . Then find along the way /system/etс/“hosts” file, open it with a text editor and leave only this line (if not, write it): localhost

Save your changes. After this, restart your Android gadget.

11. Hard Reset Android

This is the most radical method that will delete all data from the internal drive. The data on the memory card will remain intact. Full instructions are on our website: (follow the link, you need the second method from the article).

This advice will definitely help, so don’t be afraid - it can also be used. The main thing is to create a backup copy of the system before this. How to do this, read paragraph 6 of these instructions.

After this, at the first start, you will be able to restore all data from the previously created backup (backup).

12. Check your Internet connection

Check your network connection. If no website opens in the browser, reboot the router and correctly.

13. Set the correct time (error “No connection”)

If the error “No connection” occurs, although the Internet is working, then this point in our instructions should help you.

Set the correct time and enter the correct time zone. It's best to keep these settings in sync with your network. To do this, go to “Settings” → “Date and Time” and check the box next to “Network Date and Time” and “Network Time Zone”.

14. Google IP Blocking

UPD 04/23/2018 After Telegram was banned in Russia, Roskomnadzor blocked more than 18 million Google IP addresses, which is why many users had problems connecting to the company’s services, including the Play Market.

To restore access to the app store on Android, use . Since Google Play does not open, you will have to download a VPN client (for example,

Why do Android devices experience problems with Google Play Store? Many users are familiar with such situations. The reason may be technical problems with Google services or malfunctions of the smartphone (tablet) from which you operate. There are a great many options, but we have selected a dozen of the most common difficulties and described methods that make it possible to find a way out of the situation.
Rebooting your smartphone or tablet is the first thing to try if the Play Store suddenly refuses to work. Alternatively, the cause could be a system freeze (users encounter this situation quite often). The most interesting thing is that a reboot often helps not only with problems with the Play Store, but also with problems that arise with other services and applications. It also happens that the device has rebooted, but the market does not want to work. Then you can try other methods.

Method 2: Reset Google Play Store settings
Resetting service settings also helps quite often, and it is done in the following way:
1. Go to the settings menu of your smartphone (tablet);
2. Select the section " Applications" or " Application Manager»:

3. We find it in the list Google Play Store, select it;

4. In the application management window that opens, select “ Clear cache" or " Erase data", click on this button.

5. We reboot the Android device so that the system responds to the changes made to the settings.
6. If the Play Store doesn't work, try other methods.

Method 3: Uninstall Google Play Store updates
Everything is done in the same way as in method 2 described above, with the only difference that instead of “Clear cache” the button “ is selected Uninstall updates" The application will return to its original version, in which it worked normally before installing the updates. If the problem is really in the new version of the software, or the Android device, due to technical imperfections, cannot handle these updates, then the service will work in the mode familiar to the user. No new features, but fine.

Method 4: Reset Google Play Services app settings
Resetting settings is one of the effective options for solving problems with the Play Store. The procedure in this case is as follows:
1. Menu " Settings»;
2. Chapter " Application Manager" or " Applications»;

3. Choose " Google Play Services»;

4. Open the menu, select " Clear cache", press.

Method 5: Activating the "Download Manager"
It is possible that while using your tablet or smartphone, you accidentally turned off " Download Manager"and did not attach any importance to the fact that the service application stopped working. To reactivate it, you need to go to the settings menu of your Android device, then to “Applications”, then using the “All” swipe, then find “Download Manager” and turn it on by pressing the desired button. Restart your smartphone and check if the Play Store is working.

Method 6: Delete Google Account
We warn you right away: by deleting your Google account, you may lose necessary and important information, so it is recommended to create a backup copy (data synchronization) in advance.

1. Go to the settings menu;
2. Select " Accounts» and find yours in the menu that opens, click;

3. In the synchronization menu that opens, click on your mailbox;

4. Select items to synchronize (save in backup). Usually this is “Contacts” and other personal information available in the device’s memory. To select sections, just click on them. If you value all the information contained in your Android device, click on “Options”, then select “ Synchronize"- you will receive backup copies of all existing applications.

Now you are ready to delete your Google account. When you log back into your device from it, you will be prompted to restore the information from the backup.

But let’s return to the procedure for deleting a Google account to normalize the operation of the market. After creating a backup, you need to return to the previous menu and this time select “ Delete", not "Synchronize". Click on the appropriate button, then restart your smartphone (tablet) and log in to your account again. Typically, deleting your account helps get rid of problems related to the operation of Google services. If this does not happen, try other methods.

Method 7: Remove incompatible applications
Sometimes users independently install applications, the presence of which negatively affects the operation of the Play Store service, and in some cases can even lead to its blocking. The list of such programs is very long, but the most common culprit of problems is software popular among gamers Freedom, which allows you to make in-game purchases for free. Most likely, it is this application that will have to be removed to solve the problem with the market.
1. In the Settings menu, find Application Manager, then Installed.
2. Scroll through the list until you find it Freedom, select it.
3. Press " Stop" in the application menu that opens in front of you.
4. Remove Freedom. It is very important to first stop the program and only then uninstall the application.
5. Reboot your Android device.
6. Check if Google Play is working.
Did not help? Let's try other options for solving the problem.

Method 8: Setting up "hosts"
This system file in Android devices is located at /system/etc/hosts. It is used to block access to unwanted resources. Initially the file contains a single entry localhost Due to the actions of attackers who want to block your Google account and receive money for unblocking, the market address may also appear there. Remove this line, returning the hosts file to its original state. For such actions, you may need to obtain root rights. We have repeatedly described how this is done on various devices on our website.

Method 9: Completely reset all settings of your Android device
Full reset- the method is radical and effective, but preparation is necessary for it. Otherwise, you may lose valuable information. Sync your data - create a backup as shown in method 6. Make sure this procedure completes successfully. Now you can go to “Settings”, find the “Backup and reset” section, where you can perform “Reset settings”. After this, restart the device and restore the information using the backup copy.

Method 10: Checking your Internet connection
Before setting up your Android device or deleting anything from it, make sure you have Internet access. Check the connection speed, restart the router and double-check the connection quality again.

Method 11: Google Account Activation
Quite often a Google account turns out to be disabled. This can be checked by going to the appropriate section of the menu. Find the Google Accounts application, activate it if it is disabled. The problem with the market will be 100% resolved.

Method 12: Adjusting the time and date
An incorrectly set date or time may cause problems with Google Play. This is due to licenses and other nuances of the operation of Google services, depending on time restrictions. If you have a network connection and its quality is satisfactory, reset the time and date. Do not forget specify the correct time zone. This is done in the “Settings” menu in the “Date and time”, “Network date and time”, “Network time zone” items by checking the desired option.

We hope that at least one of the methods we propose will be life-saving for you and will help normalize the operation of your Android device with the Google Play service. If you find your own, then send it to us - perhaps it will help someone else.

Many users sooner or later encounter problems when downloading applications from Google Play Market. These could be various types of errors or other possible reasons due to which applications may not load or load incompletely. But since every problem or error has a cause, there are also ways to solve it.

Why applications are not downloaded from Play Market

There are a lot of reasons why applications may not be downloaded from the Google Play Market, and each of them has its own cause and solution options. The first step is to determine the cause of the problem in order to choose the most correct approach to solving it.

Applications are not downloading

If, when you try to download applications, the Play Market freezes and closes or the text “Not enough space on the device” appears, then the problem may be in the Google Play server itself or in the amount of free memory.

Solution: if the reason is really in the Google Play Market service, then you just need to wait about 15 minutes and try again. Also, it is worth noting that if large-scale technical work is carried out on the server, then users are necessarily warned with a text notification indicating the timing of the technical work. works

In cases where a text appears on the screen indicating that there is not enough free space on the device or SD card, you simply need to clear the memory by deleting some little-used applications on the device or memory card. After clearing the memory, applications will be downloaded from the Play Market again.

To free up memory, you can remove little-used applications

Programs are not downloaded completely

Sometimes users encounter a problem when a program or game is not downloaded completely. This occurs due to issues related to the device cache.

Solution: To solve the problem, clear the cache of Google Play Market and Google Play services. To clear the Play Store cache you need:

  • Go to "Settings".
  • Then go to Applications > All.
  • Select "Google Play Market".
  • Click on “Clear cache”.

To clear the cache, you need to go to the Google Play Store or Google Play Services and select “Clear cache” in the application information.

To clear the Google Play Services cache, the same combination of actions is used. (“Settings” > “Applications” > “Google Play Market Services” > “Clear cache”).

After these steps, the applications will be downloaded completely.

Files are not downloaded over mobile network or Wi-Fi

Via mobile network (3G)

Before looking for a solution to the problem, you must check whether data transfer is enabled in the device settings and whether the mobile Internet data indicator (3G or H/H+) is shown at the top of the screen.

Solution: try disabling and enabling the “Data transfer” function in the device settings, and if that does not help, turn on “Airplane mode” (airplane mode), wait 1 minute and turn it off. If the problem persists, you probably have a traffic limitation. To clarify the information and solve the problem with this limitation, you must contact your mobile operator.

To download applications using the mobile Internet, use the “Data transfer” item in the device settings

Via Wi-Fi

The reason that applications from the Google Play Market are not downloaded using Wi-Fi may be a weak connection or its absence. If the download process does not start or stops at 0%, and after a few seconds the text “Waiting time expired” appears, be sure that the problem is with the Internet connection. You can also check this by trying to load any website (for example, Google) in the device’s browser and if the site does not load, the problem is a weak connection.

Solution: First you need to try rebooting the device, as in most cases this helps solve the problem (if it is on the device side and not the Wi-Fi router). You should also try turning off and on Wi-Fi on your gadget or rebooting your router.

To download programs using Wi-Fi, you need to activate the function in the device settings and select the network to connect to

Applications are not downloaded due to a Play Store error

If there are problems downloading an application from the Play Market due to an error, a text appears on the device screen describing the error and the reason for its occurrence. There is an optimal and most importantly effective way to solve such problems, which is used by users of Android devices.

Solution: perform a hard reset, that is, reset the device settings to factory settings. To do this, go to “Settings”, then click on “Backup and reset”. Next, you need to select “Reset settings”, after which all device settings will be reset to factory settings.

To reset settings to factory defaults, go to “Backup and reset” and select “Reset settings”

Note: Be sure to create a backup before resetting your device to avoid losing important data. The backup copy can be used after resetting the settings, after which all data will be restored.

How to create a backup on Android

Google Play Market is not working

There are very rare cases when the Google Play Market stops working, which prevents users from downloading applications. There are two options to solve this problem:

Solution #1: Uninstall Google Play Market updates and Google Play Services. To remove Market and Services updates, the same algorithm of actions is used:

  • Go to "Settings".
  • Next, go to “Applications”.
  • Select "All".
  • Then select "Google Play Market" or "Google Play Services".
  • Click on the "Uninstall updates" button.

To remove updates, go to the application information item and click the “Delete update” button

Solution #2: Delete and then add your Google account. Go to Settings > Google Accounts > Account Setup > Delete Google Account. Next, restart your device, and then add your Google account again.

To delete your Google account, you need to log in to it and click “Delete account”

Other problems downloading apps

There are also other problems that make downloading applications from the Play Market impossible.

Error with the text "Content filtering level does not allow downloading"

An error with such text means an age restriction that contains the downloaded application.

Solution: you need to allow all age categories, to do this, go to the Google Play Store settings, then go to “Customize filter” and check the boxes next to all applications. After clicking the “Ok” button, the user will be asked to create or enter a four-digit password (if one has been set). The password is used to ensure that no one other than the device owner can change the age categories.

Check the boxes next to all items to resume the ability to download all applications from the Google Play Store

“Connect SD card” and “Damaged SD card” errors

Such errors mean that the user's memory card is damaged.

Solution: the first thing you need to do is connect your memory card to your computer using a card reader and try to transfer all the files from the card to the computer, because if the memory card completely breaks, the files on it cannot be recovered. Next, try checking the memory card for errors using the chkdsk command in the command line (Win+R > cmd), or try formatting it. If the SD card still doesn't work, you'll have to buy a new one.

To check whether the memory card is working or not, use the Windows command line with the chkdsk command

How to download from Play Market to SD card

It is worth noting that relatively new smartphones of all brands have built-in memory of 8 Gb or more, and after all the internal memory is full, applications begin to download to the SD card automatically.

If the user has an older model smartphone that has a small amount of internal memory and there is a need for all applications to be downloaded immediately to the memory card, then you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to “Settings” of your device.
  2. Select “Memory”.
  3. Under “Default recording disk”, select “SD card”.

After the completed actions, all downloaded applications will be immediately installed on the memory card.

In order for applications to be downloaded directly to the memory card, you need to check the box next to SD card in the device memory settings

How to prevent download problems in the future. What to configure

It is impossible to prevent Play Market errors or any other problems with downloading. You can, perhaps, download applications from sources other than the Play Market, but before that you definitely need to get a good antivirus. Also in the device settings, in the “Security” section, you must allow the installation of applications from other sources.

Using one of the methods for solving problems and errors, each user will be able to restore the ability to download applications from the Google Play Market, as well as learn how to download applications directly to the SD card, and not to the built-in memory.

Day by day, owners of devices running Android OS are faced with problems that arise when launching the Play Store. In newer versions of the operating system it is called “Google Play”. All this is unpleasant, of course. And today we will figure out what problems and how they can be eliminated.

How to restore Google Play functionality

There really are plenty of reasons for problems. Moreover, devices from different manufacturers may have different problems. That is why in this article we will cover only the general ones that occur most often. Read and remember so as not to return to our article again and again.

Main reasons
As mentioned above, first you should highlight the causes of problems. Let's start with them:

  1. Google Play really doesn't work. This happens extremely, extremely rarely. However, it is possible that you stumbled upon a non-working Play Market. Be that as it may, Google works quickly and, if the service is really out of order, it makes sense to wait a couple of hours until it is restored to full functionality;
  2. The date and time on your smartphone or tablet is incorrect. This may happen if you removed the battery from the device. The phenomenon is standard and occurs quite often. The device screen will display the “no connection” error;
  3. The Internet is disabled on the device or there is not enough money on your SIM card balance. If suddenly there is money on your balance and “Mobile Internet” is active, then the problem is different. Perhaps the settings have gone wrong. Call your operator and clarify the settings, ask for advice - they can send you automatic settings;
  4. One of the applications you installed has changed the settings of the hosts file. This could result in problems when launching Google Play;
  5. An application is installed that blocks the Play Market.
Well, we looked at the main reasons, now we need to get down to business - restoring the correct operation of the application.

How to get the Play Store working again on Android

The first thing you should try is to reboot your device. If nothing has changed and the error is still there, you should take a different route:

If this does not help, then move on to the next method:

If it doesn’t work this time, you should look for the problem somewhere else. There are also several options here, each of which may work in your case. So let's look at the first one:

This also did not help, and you no longer know why the Play Market does not work on your Android device? Well, there is only one universal and last resort method left - to the factory ones:

If you are not sure which method will help you, we recommend starting with the first one - a full reset should be used only as a last resort!

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