Why do people like to create problems for themselves? A person who creates problems.


If you yourself are not actively life position, you will never have what you want. Almost every problem that hangs like a sword of Damocles over time does not pose much difficulty in solving at an early stage. This applies to all areas of life - financial, personal, family, and so on. Every morning there are hundreds of tasks that need to be done consistently, and not put off until some point. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the need to resolve them will arise at one point. Such rush jobs undermine mental and physical strength. Dale Carnegie in his book “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” gave very practical advice: “deal with the most unpleasant issues in the morning.”

In an effort to avoid problems, some people take the position wise minnow. This “my house is on the edge” attitude works for the time being. Sooner or later, what is happening around you will take you into a whirlpool, and you will not even know how to cope with everything and what to take on. Just as a person who grew up in sterile conditions can die from a simple cold, so someone who has spent his entire life hiding behind the backs of others will not be able to cope with basic problems on his own.

A large block of problems that perplex many and can even lead to the darkest thoughts is financial. To avoid creating money traps for yourself, always plan your expenses. Learn financial literacy: be sure to make investments, do not invest all your savings in one bank or package of securities. Before taking out a loan, think about whether you can pay a certain amount every month, even if you lose your job? Even having Fixed salary, search alternative sources income, including passive ones, which will not depend on your performance.

Be truthful in your relationships with people. Sometimes it's better to say nothing than to lie. Don’t get involved with fists if you can resolve the conflict with words. Always be responsible for your actions and do not throw words to the wind. Learn to say “no” when you really need to. But if you see that the person close to you cannot solve the problem on his own, and you know that it is within your power, help him. Surely the experience you gain will be useful to you, and you will also gain an ally.

Don't focus on the past or constantly daydream. Hold tight to the ground, but keep your eyes on the future. You must understand that right now you are laying the foundations of your well-being. If you feel that your chosen professional path brings you not only good money, but also a lot of disappointment, you live in constant tension because you hate the type of work you do, change your life now, because it will only get worse. And if you accept this, you will lose yourself.

Almost all living people are engaged in one very interesting thing. They invent problems for themselves and begin to worry about them. In the process of experiencing, the depth of the problem only increases and leads to human suffering. This idea seems absurd at first glance. But if you think about it, you can be convinced of its correctness.

The mother or grandmother of a sick child very often groans and sighs as to why the child got sick. As a result of this, they become nervous, tense and, as a result, undermine their own health. Or another example.

If a student suddenly discovers that the day before the exam he has not learned anything, and after that he begins to think about the problem, then the following thoughts will come to his mind - “I don’t know anything, I won’t pass the exam, I will be kicked out of the institute, in the end my life will go downhill." Well, or something like that. As a result, a spoiled mood possible problems with health and failure in the exam.

As mentioned above, a person comes up with most of the problems himself. Excuses like “Life is like this”, “These problems are not created by me, but by the surrounding reality” are just a bad attempt to relieve oneself of responsibility for what is happening. Anything that is not directly related to survival is not a particular problem. This especially applies to such questions as: “Where can I get money for new phone?", "At a neighbor's new car, but I have an old one, how can I get a new one?”, “The bosses don’t appreciate it, how can I make sure they do?” and the like.

Compounding the problem is the effect of increasing importance. A person tends to evaluate every action. If the action lasts a long time, then the score increases. It's the same with the problem. If it spins in your head for a long time, then its importance gradually grows. The result is: an uncritical assessment of oneself in the surrounding reality, nervous tension and many other negative effects.

So, a mother or grandmother’s blood pressure increases and help has to be provided to her, not the child. The student cannot remember even basic definitions, or even remember anything during the exam. Instead of saving money for a new phone or looking for a source of additional income, a person buys beer, drowns his sorrows and at the same time loses the money he has. Clumsy attempts to curry favor with your superiors lead to an even lower rating on his part. And so on and so on.

What to do?

    Stop inventing problems for yourself. If they do appear, then ask yourself the question, “Is this really a problem, or just a passing weakness?” Of course, this is easier said than done, but we should not remember that we invent most of our problems ourselves, and at any given moment in time we have everything we need. If you have a lot of problems, go to the hospital or better house disabled people. Much in consciousness will turn upside down.

    Stop thinking about the problem. Many people try to predict what will happen if the problem gets worse and the worst case scenario comes to fruition. Consciousness, in response to this, is capable of producing such pictures that any horror film can rest.

    Instead of thinking about a problem, you should look for ways to solve it. Of course, this path is difficult. It is much easier to suck up potential troubles than to try to find a solution to them. But if you learn to look for solutions, then many problems will simply disappear. Either you solve them, or they will disappear on their own.

    Alternative way. Another option for solving problems is to ignore them. , since most problems are far-fetched, and their importance is exaggerated, you can simply leave them to resolve themselves. Oddly enough, this often works. This is especially related to problems related to basic human activity. Of course, in the case of a sick child, he needs to be treated, but a student who “doesn’t worry” about knowledge before the exam has some chance of passing. You can find many examples of such “successes”.

Summarizing the above, we can formulate three short rules for solving problems:

    “Solve problems, don’t think about consequences.”

    “Let the problem work itself out.”

Surely, you have often wondered why everything in your life happens this way and not otherwise. And in the lives of other people, everything is also different, not like yours.

People have been looking for answers to these questions for a very long time and I think you are also interested, because when you get them, you will be able to manage your life on a grand scale, far beyond fate and any limitations.

To answer these questions, people have created a huge number of directions that one way or another explain why certain events occur in our lives. Among them there are a huge number of different movements - esotericism, astrology, science and religion, thousands of global and small teachings and schools.

How valuable do you think is all that this knowledge provides, which answers this question differently - “why?”

In fact, most people, deep down, know much more about themselves than it seems at first glance. After all, when you read something about yourself, you don’t learn anything new. You either feel it applies to you or you don't. This means that you know much more about yourself than you can imagine, albeit at a deep level.

We are so accustomed to different answers to the question “why” that we have almost forgotten that it is much more valuable for us and our lives to find out how to change this. Be it karma, astrological influence, unpleasant accidents or retribution for sins.

Very often we become victims of the system that gives us answers to this question. And at the same time, we give power over our lives to some phenomena, hidden or not hidden from us.

So, as long as we bring power over the causes of all events and phenomena in our lives to the outside world, external reality or to some invisible and imperceptible, we will continuously create for ourselves such hydra problems that cannot be solved on the external level.

As soon as we rebuild our picture of the world and transfer the reasons for everything that happens into the inner world, we immediately get the opportunity to change absolutely any part of our reality.

We have only one absolute power - power over our inner world.

And if you have been studying the methods of the school of reality management for a long time, you have probably noticed how difficult it is in the first stages to see the reasons for the events occurring within yourself, be it fears, beliefs, feelings, or any experience, in the past or present.

It is not without reason that we build the training system in such a way that the entire focus of attention is directed to internal changes, instead of teaching how to manage external reality. This is only done because our inner world is primary in relation to reality, although the vast majority of people firmly believe the opposite.

Therefore, the first thing you will encounter during deep internal changes is the question - But what exactly needs to be changed?

The main problem with all of this is this:

We don’t know what to change, because we get used to our own distortions.

Most often, it seems to us that everything is fine with us - but there is some kind of trouble with the outside world and other people :)

Even trying to transfer reasons into the inner world with the help of logic, we will build false chain of reasons, which corresponds to ours current internal distortions.

Re-read this paragraph, it is very important.

Based on this, there are two possible solutions:

1. Work long and hard on your own, freeing yourself from the false and real reasons for what is happening or why something is not happening in your life.

At the same time, keeping in your attention that you already have some distortions at a deep level that you believe in and do not question. Also, all this is complicated by various mental mechanisms of defense against changes in traumatic and painful experiences, for example, forgetting or self-sabotage.

Here, immediately take advantage of the most valuable guidance - work only with those reasons that resonate in your body. Any beautiful theories built by your consciousness that do not resonate in your body - immediately throw them out.

2. free yourself from all internal causes that create problems or interfere with the fulfillment of your goals and objectives, from all causes of self-sabotage, disbelief, from the causes of various internal and external resistances.

At the same time, you will not need to worry that your tasks are too unique - the "" project is an individual three-month training course that gives you back all the power over your life and all the tools to change it in any area.

Why doesn’t she love me, Sasha worries. Because I'm so good. Well, yes, I broke her balcony door. But it’s just my nerves. I was very worried. This is because she is important to me! Because I am everything to her! He punched that goat in the face who asked her for the time. Defended her honor! Well, yes, then she bought me from the cops. But it was all for her sake! Doesn't she understand what's in my heart?

Why doesn’t she love me, Dasha is dissatisfied. I’ve been going to her for massages for three years now, every week. Well, yes, it’s not always possible to come. I’ll oversleep, then I’ll forget. But I'm tired! Sometimes there is no strength to do anything at all, not even to call to warn. Well, yes, she comes to the salon for me and waits for an hour in vain. But I’m not going to another master! I appreciate her! What am I missing? I have a crazy schedule, my head is literally spinning, doesn’t she really understand?

Why doesn't she love me

Why doesn’t she love me, Pasha suffers. I am the most active at her seminars. Either I’ll tell a joke, or I’ll make a pun. I try to make it more fun for her. Well, yes, I’m interrupting, distracting. I detain them for an hour, everyone has already left, and I ask all the questions. But I want her to see that I care. That I love her subject. Doesn't she understand that I'm trying?

Why doesn’t she love me, Glasha is sad. Well, yes, I forgot my passport last time, we didn’t get on the flight. But I didn’t do it on purpose. This can happen to anyone. And when I got the time wrong, it was because I was just nervous before the train. I love traveling with her so much, it’s so interesting with her. I don't want to go with anyone else! When I lost my wallet, she immediately figured out where to go to apply and how to quickly get money from home, it only took a day to do this, that’s how great she is! Doesn't she understand that I am her most faithful friend?

If Sasha was just a fool, maybe they would have loved him. But there is no time to love Sasha. You need to insert glass - call a technician, take time off from work to wait for this technician, pay him money. Pick out the fragments from the carpet. Spending the night without glass again, in December. I don’t even want to remember the story with the police - take a taxi home to get money, but until you persuade them, and the dog is not walked at home. There is no time to love Sasha, problems need to be solved.

If Dasha were just a chicken, they would love her too. Everyone loves regular customers, even if these customers are of little intelligence. But the masseuse has no time to love Dasha. She needs to move other clients, shake up the entire appointment in order to see Dasha, then arrive an hour earlier due to traffic jams. So that Dasha won’t wait, won’t get a penny, everyone will be moved again as it was, and so on every second time. There's no time for love here.

Pasha is not the dumbest student, and why not love him. If Pasha hadn’t interfered with nonsense, didn’t interfere with work and didn’t steal time. And Glasha is not a bad girl, but she disrupts plans and creates force majeure. When to love her if you need to help her out all the time?

A person who creates problems should not be surprised that he himself is considered a problem. If the one you need has one more problem thanks to you, he will not admire your inner world, he will just start staying away from you.

Or you will have to compensate for this problem with something.

No, not love. A puppy who has pooped on the carpet only needs to wag his tail to make up for this misunderstanding. If you are not a puppy, then after pooping on someone else's carpet, you are obligated to at least bring a new carpet. Or better yet, two. Then you will not be the person who ruined the carpet, but the one who added more carpets to the house. And because you come to visit again, you won’t become one, alas. Love does not make carpets. It doesn't even remove stains.

If you're hoping to get attention this way, it's a bad idea. I knew a man who hoped to intrigue his sweetheart by regularly scratching her car with a nail. After a couple of months, the sweetheart really became interested in who this nit was, and the sweetheart’s roommate lay in wait for the applicant literally at the moment of his next confession.

I also knew a young man who struggled with his parents’ indifference, feigning acute psychosis. The parents didn’t understand at first, but then they became concerned and called a special team on the subject of hospitalization. Or, for example, one Internet user was worried that no one was visiting his page. Therefore, he commented on other people’s posts literally without knowing any fatigue, spewed nonsense everywhere, prevented people from having intelligent conversations, and was soon banned everywhere, including the “Kids” community. People don't like problems. They, as it happens, try to minimize them. If you don't want to be minimized, don't be a problem. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Man is the creator of his own life. Although they say that every person has his own destiny. But nevertheless, any of us, making some choice, changes our fate. Therefore, we can say that there is one destiny, but there are many options for its development. And they are all in the hands of man.

If life seems easy and interesting, this is the result of the person himself. If it is difficult and cruel, then the owner of his life is also to blame.

Every day, getting out of bed, a person creates a program for himself for the whole coming day. How he does it? With your own thoughts! Opening his eyes, he begins to scroll through various negative thoughts in his head: going back to the job he hates, his vixen wife didn’t prepare breakfast, the children are noisy in the morning to the point of headaches, the neighbors are starting renovations again, friends are already for a long time they don’t call or invite you anywhere... And instantly a headache appears. Because the man himself wanted it! And life seems difficult, and problems are insoluble, and everything around is in black and white.

This is exactly how most people live, especially in our country. They watch news around the clock about murders, terrorist attacks and crises, scold the government, the system, the people, the neighbor with the hammer drill, the wife with her eternal requests, the husband with his laziness, the children for disrespect and failing grades at school. It absorbs negativity and gives out another portion of the same negativity.

And it turns out that life is bad. And it seems that other people have a much better life. And in this point of view, envy also plays a significant role. Envy that your neighbor has something better, bigger, more interesting. They shape their future with their own depressive thoughts, create a bad mood for themselves, and spoil their own mood.

It would seem a hopeless situation. But! There is nothing hopeless in the world. The problem can always be solved, and the worldview can be changed in better side so that life doesn't seem like hell. And it became an exciting journey. After all, we must not forget that sooner or later this journey will end. And what will we end with?

Therefore, it is urgent to change your thoughts. From negative to positive. And when getting out of bed in the morning, begin to actively think about what useful and interesting events life will give us today.

From the beginning, you need to learn to enjoy simple everyday little things - the gentle morning sun in the window, aromatic coffee, an invigorating contrast to the soul. Elementary physical exercise in the morning they will provide a charge of vigor and positivity for the whole day. And a smile given to the people around you will immediately begin to work wonders around you. People smile so little that a sour and dissatisfied face, unfortunately, has already become the norm for us. And if a person suddenly starts smiling, he may be classified as a not very smart person...

During the day, also try to pay attention only to the good and kind, and try not to notice everything bad. After all, everything passes. This too will pass.

And most importantly, give more kindness and attention to your loved ones, your family. After all, nothing in the world can be more expensive than them. It is the family that will always support and understand, help and forgive. And there is no need to scold your annoying wife or annoying husband - after all, they are also your choice. It’s better to try to see in them the good side, because you once fell in love with them for some reason. This means that all is not lost.

So, our whole life is in our own hands. And what it will be - simple or complex, boring or interesting - depends only on ourselves!

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