Prison Break: Final Escape (video). Prison Break: Final Escape (video) Escape from Alcatraz

Reviewing the series ten years later, I can note that its ability to hook you and not let go is still in effect: having started watching the first episode, I could not do anything else seriously until I had consumed the entire first season. But one thing is not to let go, and another is the mistakes that I began to see ten years later. Since there are plenty of positive reviews here, I will reflect on the cons that caught your eye. -I understand that Chicago is located in relatively northern regions and is also near a huge lake, but this is not a reason to change the weather for the sake of the plot. In the episode where they broke down the wall behind the toilet, the cell was heated. That same day, in the morning, the doctor told Scofield that this was supposedly the hottest April day so far. Lately. But towards the end of the season, the authors of the series arrange winter so that the main characters begin to wear jackets, which is convenient for the plot. Moreover, the action of the first season covers a little over a month. -It is mentioned more than once that Abruzzi is a mafia boss. It’s worth watching the series “The Sopranos” to understand that this is how a mafia boss, even one in prison, will never be treated like this. If the word boss is used as a catchphrase, then it is clear that he is not last man in the family, therefore, there is at least a captain, who has a lot of people under his command, who certainly must take care not only of him, but also of his relatives in freedom. In general, the mafia side, in my opinion, was a failure. -I don’t think there’s much point in talking about politics, because Americans see this matter from a different angle. And even here it’s just a decoration that no one even bothered to show as it should. But it is worth considering that after being elected, a politician never ceases to depend on his sponsor, and an undesirable one (even the president) is removed by a banal impeachment. -About the escape plan. Isn't it easier for the younger one to get a job as a prison guard-supervisor, since the brothers are already going on the run? From the outside, it is much easier to plan and implement such a movement. I still don’t understand how long the elder sat and waited for the sentence to be carried out (usually this lasts several years), but it clearly took more time to develop the serial plan than if Scofield had infiltrated and thought everything through as he went along. -Where did the mandatory examination of the prisoner after the visit, which flashed once after the visit of Michael’s “wife”, go? When she brought him the keys the second time, he, without worrying, hid them in his sock. After all, they had to undress him and find them during a search. Such questions arose before me as I watched the first season. But they do not cancel the pleasure received from what they saw.

13.5. Escape from the Tower

Jesuit priest John Gerard became one of the first who managed to escape from the Tower of London dungeon, where he was imprisoned, suspected of trying to undermine the authority of Queen Elizabeth I in the eyes of his subjects. Having experienced several instruments of torture and being physically weakened, but not broken in spirit, the priest decided to act. Having bribed the jailer, he conspired with the Catholic priest John Arden, who was sitting in a nearby tower, and the two developed an escape plan. Having sent his accomplices to freedom a letter written in orange juice (in prisons of that time, healthy eating), on the night of October 4, 1597, two prisoners loosened a stone in the wall of one of the dungeons, climbed the tower, lowered down a cord with a load tied to it, and lifted up the rope obtained by their comrades. With her help, they descended the wall and rocky cliff to the surface of the Thames, where a boat was already waiting for them.

13. Escape from Camp Libby

During the American Civil War, a group of captured Northern Army soldiers escaped from Libby Prisoner of War Camp in Richmond, Virginia. The prisoners chose the most popular method of escaping from prison - undermining. Digging a tunnel in a damp basement infested with rats and cockroaches was not the most pleasant task, but 17 days of intense labor gave the captives freedom. True, the overall outcome of the escape was not so positive: of the 109 escapees, 59 were reunited with the Union army, 48 were recaptured, and two drowned in the nearby James River.

12. Casanova's Escape

If it weren’t for the couple hundred thousand ladies he conquered, it is quite possible that the Venetian writer and adventurer Giacomo Casanova would have become famous thanks to his escape from prison. In 1753, when he was already known as a womanizer and rowdy, Casanova was arrested and sentenced to imprisonment in Leeds prison in Italy. He managed to drag an iron rod he found on a walk into the cell, sharpen it with a piece of marble and make a hole in the wooden floor that led into a tunnel. On the eve of his escape, he conspired with a prisoner in a neighboring cell, and the conspirators, connecting two tunnels, escaped to freedom, after which they stole the gondola on which Casanova solemnly sailed into the city. We assume that retelling this story to gentle young ladies subsequently only increased the number of his love victories.

11. Escape from Turkey

American Billy Hayes spent five years in a Turkish prison after being convicted of drug trafficking. Hayes' escape turned out to be even more Hollywood than it was later shown in the film Midnight Express. He had to row a boat in a thunderstorm, hide in Turkey for several days, dyeing his hair a new color every day to confuse detectives, and finally swim across the border into Greece. The success of the film Midnight Express, based on these events, so angered Turkish authorities that they issued an arrest warrant for Hayes through Interpol, but failed to recover the captive. Returning to the USA, Hayes married, settled in Oklahoma and earned world fame, writing a book about his adventures.

10. Escape from a Vietnamese concentration camp

9. Escape from Butyrka prison

In 2010, burglar Vitaly Ostrovsky greatly diversified the lives of employees of a Moscow pre-trial detention center by escaping in broad daylight in front of an astonished public. One afternoon, an unarmed guard came into Ostrovsky’s cell to take him to the bathhouse. They forgot to put handcuffs on him, and therefore, seizing the moment, Ostrovsky pushed the guards away and rushed to the door, which, by a strange coincidence, was not blocked. Running out into the courtyard, the prisoner ran onto a 4.5-meter fence and, showing the talent of Spider-Man, began to climb up it with stunning dexterity. By the time the prison guards realized what had happened, and the dogs ran along the perimeter of the fence, there was already no trace of the criminal.

8. Hollywood Escape

French repeat offender Pascal Payette, nicknamed Kalashnikov, became famous thanks to the most Hollywood escape scenario. Having rushed back to prison after two successful escapes, Payet thought of something cooler than banal digging and dressing up as a security guard. In July 2007, when France celebrated Bastille Day, on the roof of Grasse prison French city In Luna, where he was serving his sentence, a helicopter hijacked in Cannes landed. Three men jumped out of the cabin, waving weapons, ran into the prison building, took Pascal with them and flew away in an unknown direction. Three months later, the criminal was detained again in Spain, but he had already gone down in history.

7. Stealing a Ford

The legendary 1930s gangster John Dillinger escaped from prison as often as he took the next beauty to bed. In 1934, after another series of bank robberies, Dillinger was sent to a prison for especially dangerous criminals in Lake County, Illinois, guarded by an entire army of police and National Guard soldiers. However, the inventive Johnny found a way to escape here: he made a fake gun from a bar of soap, which he painted black with shoe polish. Threatening with a fake gun, Dillinger broke free, after which, in his own style, he stole the sheriff's new Ford and drove far and wide. Alas, the FBI was on his trail, and not only freedom, but also Dillinger’s life was soon cut short. However, his adventures inspired director Michael Mann's film Johnny D., which immortalized the story.

6. Escape from Kresty

On November 11, 1922, bandit Lenka Panteleev and three of his accomplices escaped from the St. Petersburg Kresty prison. They managed to break free thanks to a pile of firewood that had been carelessly stacked near one of the outer walls that surrounded the area. Using firewood it was possible to jump over the fence, but no one wanted to break their legs, so the prisoners showed their imagination and wove ropes from blankets and sheets, along which they carefully lowered themselves to the ground on the appointed day. The escape was carried out on Police Day, as a gift to the Soviet guards of order, who, having checked in, slightly relaxed their vigilance, for which they paid - first with their position, and in 1933 with their heads.

6. Escape in a barrel of cabbage

When the military district court Tsarist Russia in 1904, sentenced the founder of the Social Revolutionary Fighting Organization, Mikhail Gershuni, to lifelong hard labor in Eastern Siberia, they clearly underestimated the ingenuity of the oppositionist. The exiles of the Akatui convict prison salted cabbage for the winter, which they transported outside the territory in large wooden barrels. The cellmates stuffed the Social Revolutionary into one of these barrels, having previously placed two rubber breathing tubes to his nose and mouth and placed an iron plate on his head in case some policeman decided to pierce the barrel with a saber. Having used all his courage - the barrel still did not smell of violets - Gershuni sat in captivity a la Tsar Guidon almost the entire night. There was not enough air, cabbage juice flooded his eyes and mouth, and as a result the fugitive squeezed out the lid of the barrel with his shoulders and rose to his full height. Luckily for him, help arrived. Once free, Gershuni traveled by train to Japan, and from there to the United States, from where he never returned to his homeland.

4. Escape from Auschwitz

Hungarian-born Alfred Wetzler and Rudolf Vrba were among several Jews who escaped Auschwitz during World War II. In April 1944, waiting for an opportune moment, they spent four days laying firewood in the camp. At this time, other prisoners scattered tobacco dipped in gasoline around the territory to confuse the prison shepherd dogs. Wetzler took with him to freedom a 32-page report on Auschwitz he had compiled with detailed map and a label from a canister of gas used in the gas chambers. This report, later entitled "The Auschwitz Protocols", became one of the first evidence of the existence of death camps.

3. Flight on plywood from the roof of Moscow State University

In the summer of 1952, on the Leninsky, and now Vorobyovy, Mountains, the construction of the main building of Moscow State University was completed, in which thousands of prisoners who had construction specialties were involved. Towards the end of construction, the party leadership decided to save on security and equip a new camp center right on the 24th and 25th floors of the unfinished high-rise building, in order to complete the work on time and save on security. However, among the prisoners there was a craftsman who built a kind of hang glider out of plywood and wire and flew it straight into the sky. The ending options for this story vary: according to some stories, the desperate prisoner was shot by guards in the air, according to others, he crashed, according to others, he escaped, landing safely 11 km from Moscow, where a piece of plywood was later found. The veracity of this story cannot be proven, but there were witnesses who claimed to have seen everything with their own eyes.

2. Escape from Alcatraz

In the entire history of the existence of the Alcatraz fortress - a fortified bastion on an island near San Francisco, where, among others, the gangster Al Capone whiled away his days - it was possible to escape from it only once. Alcatraz's reputation as a completely reliable prison was undermined by prisoner #1441 Frank Morris, who had a full range of crimes behind him, including drug possession, armed robbery and several escapes from other prisons. Morris conspired with three other prisoners, and they began to pick at the cracked concrete in the walls of their cells using spoons and other improvised materials. It took two years to dig, and during this time the prisoners managed to think through everything. They made stuffed animals from pieces of wall, soap, toilet paper and hair, which they laid on their bunks and lovingly covered with blankets so that the guards would not notice their absence for as long as possible. On June 11, 1962, at about 10 pm, Morris and his two accomplices, the Anglin brothers, reached the ventilation shaft through dug tunnels, after which they launched homemade rafts, and no one heard from them again. The prison authorities preferred to believe that the fugitives drowned in the bay, but since the bodies were never found, there is a possibility that they happily made it to shore and spent the rest of their days somewhere in Acapulco.

1. The Great Escape

In terms of preparation, scale and level of risk, most prison escapes have not come close to the escape of 76 soldiers from the German Stalag Luft III camp during World War II. The escape was the result of the work of almost six hundred prisoners who dug tunnels at a depth of nine meters underground under the code names “Tom”, “Dick” and “Harry”, which led from the camp to the nearest forest. During the digging process, they used supports made of wooden blocks, electric lamps and even a pump to bring air into the tunnels. Having obtained civilian clothes and passports, on March 24, 1944, the soldiers decided to flee. Alas, the tunnel did not reach the edge of the forest, and the prisoners who climbed to the surface found themselves in the field of view of the guards. 76 people were able to escape, but the 77th was spotted and the tunnel was closed. The Nazis searched for the fugitives with particular zeal, and in the end all but three prisoners were discovered.

Escape from prison is not a trivial matter. To escape from a place where everything is arranged in such a way as to prevent this, you need to show courage and ingenuity. Great importance has also luck.

Escape Guru Jack Sheppard

Jack, an English thief who engaged in robbery and robbery in London in the 18th century, was a real master of escaping from prison. This is what he became famous for - he was immortalized in the works of Daniel Defoe and the Beggar's Opera by John Gay. Obviously, he was not the most careful criminal; he was caught as many as five times, and escaped four times. And he did it in an original way every time - once in the middle of the night he “silently” cut through the ceiling, so that the whole of London woke up. When the guards discovered him, Jack simply turned on the Buck Bath, pointing in the opposite direction and shouting, “Look over there!” And then he escaped, taking advantage of the confusion of the guards. Another time he slipped away with his wife, who was imprisoned for complicity. They broke the bars and climbed down using a makeshift rope woven from clothes and linen.

Jack managed to escape even from the most guarded cell, chained. He dug out a nail somewhere and made it into a master key for handcuffs. Using chains, he broke through the barred doors and disappeared into the darkness, this time without waking anyone.
For the fifth and final time, he was caught drunk in a bar with stolen diamonds in his hands. Before the execution, the king ordered a portrait of this “Robin Hood of the new era” to be drawn, and twenty thousand people came to the execution itself. Subsequently, his friends even took the body to the doctor, hoping that this time he managed to deceive everyone.

Soap heads

Escape from the famous Alcatraz prison for a long time was considered impossible. Many tried, there were 14 recorded escapes that did not lead to anything. Almost 40 people took part in them; most of the rebel prisoners were caught, killed or perished at sea.

The only successful escape from this island prison occurred on June 11, 1962. Three prisoners - Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers - made models of their own heads from soap, real hair and toilet paper. The security guards conducting the inspection were misled and did not raise the alarm.
While the jailers were looking at the soap heads, the trio of fugitives were already crawling along the ventilation shaft, the entrance to which they had previously drilled with a homemade drill. Then, using one of the chimneys, they climbed onto the roof. They closed all the entrances through which the fugitives crawled. There are two versions of how Morris and the Anglins descended to the water. According to one, they had a rope prepared in advance, according to the other, they climbed down the drainpipe. Waiting for them on the water were rafts made of rubber raincoats inflated with an accordion. They sailed on them across the San Francisco Bay. Nobody saw this trio again. American lawyers tend to believe that the fugitives drowned, but no confirmation of their death was ever found.

Escape of an Intellectual

Alfred Hinds received 12 years for armed robbery and managed to escape from prison three times during this time. Mainly due to his excellent knowledge of English criminal law.
The first time he somehow managed to escape from Nottingham prison, despite the locked doors and a 6-meter wall. After another capture, he himself sued Scotland Yard, claiming that he was arrested illegally. Bye law enforcement agencies resolved the issue, observing all formalities, he managed to prepare for the upcoming trial, and escaped straight from the “House of Justice” in London, locking two guards in the toilet. True, they managed to catch him after five hours.

Finding himself behind bars again, he again rushed to prove his innocence. In 1958, without waiting for a positive answer from the court, he fled by making a duplicate of the keys.

While free, Hinds continued to write appeals to members of parliament and letters to newspapers, insisting on his innocence. He was caught again. There were no new chances to escape. But previous exploits were enough to become a real celebrity. After serving his sentence, he was invited to become a member of the Mensa organization, which only accepts people with high level intelligence.

Overcoming "silence"

The loudest escape from Russian prison can be considered an escape from “Sailor’s Silence” by Alexander Solonik. One of the most famous figures 90s, Solonik was a former special forces soldier, a professional hired killer. He was called "killer N1". Solonik’s detention was not easy; he started shooting at the Moscow Petrovsko-Razumovsky market, killing three police officers and one security guard. With such a trail, life in prison did not promise to be rosy, especially considering the fact that at the trial he also admitted murder. crime bosses. Both the police and criminals wanted him dead.

It so happened that I was not particularly familiar with the fourth season; I had only seen a few episodes. The thing is that the fourth season disappointed me very much, and for some time I was terribly angry with the creators of this, as it seemed to me, grandiose series. I probably watched the first three seasons, which included about sixty episodes, in a record three days. This is explained by the fact that I could not fall asleep not knowing what would happen next. The series simply amazed me with its chic and damn interesting idea. Each episode was a portion of an unearthly thrill. The fourth season disappointed me because after watching several episodes, I simply did not recognize the previous series.

There was no longer the previous intensity of passion, the actors already looked tired, they probably expected that story line will end in the third season, where, in principle, everything was logical to end this series, and, as they say, leave gracefully. Series from fourth season they weren’t as catchy as before, I was very bored watching this perfect new series with the same actors, and I decided to just forget about it all, and it’s better to start watching something new. I also spent a lot of time rejecting this feature film. And when I finally found the time to watch it, I didn’t even know that this film was just a gluing together of two latest episodes fourth season, as it turned out, they were worth highlighting from all this boring pack of episodes last season.

So to speak, escape is back! In my opinion, the directors made a very, very right move, because with such an amazing, I’m not afraid of this word, one of best TV series all over the world, it was necessary to part beautifully and correctly. Today's directors don't know and don't want to know what it means to end a film beautifully and correctly, so they make the endings of their series (films) so mysterious that then you don't sleep at night, jumping from forum to forum in search of one single answer - will there be a continuation? ?

gave his fans the last hour and a half of a good old escape in his excellent traditions. With this film, directors, screenwriters, actors and everyone who worked on this charming, brilliant series say goodbye to its entire multi-million army of fans."Prison Break: The Final Escape"

this is a bright, very interesting, dynamic, and simply cool conclusion to the adventures that began back in 2005. I really liked that this final escape brought together all the well-known characters from this series. At the beginning of the film, I somehow doubted the new escape design that Michael began to develop. It seemed to me that the writers would not be able to recreate anything similar to the first season, but I was very much mistaken, the escape turned out to be very bright and fascinating, it was very interesting to watch the actions of all the characters in the film. The picture kept me in suspense for the entire hour and a half, and at some points I even began to worry about my old, good friends.

The film begins when the FBI arrests Sarah, accusing her of murdering Michael's mother. Sarah faces life in prison, but it's not all bad news because Sarah is pregnant and will be forced to disown her baby after giving birth. The greatest design engineer Michael decides to organize another escape, as a result of which his beloved Sarah will be free. I really liked the ending of this masterpiece series, everything was very logical and beautifully completed. One of the best TV series of all time deserves the highest score from me. I would like to thank all the people who worked on this series, guys, thank you so much!

We present to your attention a selection of the 10 most incredible escapes from prisons and concentration camps, some of which even became the plot for a couple of Hollywood blockbusters!

Pascal Payette: escaped from prison three times using a helicopter! Pascal Payette, or Kalashnikov Pat, went to prison for murder during a robbery of a cash-in-transit vehicle. In 2001, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison and since then managed to escape from prison three times using a helicopter!, in 2007, a helicopter hijacked half an hour earlier from the Cannes resort along with its pilot landed on the roof of the prison, from which three of his seriously armed accomplices jumped out in search of Payette. He flew off the roof with his masked accomplices. On the shores of the Mediterranean Sea they released the pilot and since then no one has heard anything about Pascal or his accomplices.

John Dillinger: Escaped from prison with a fake gun made of wood and painted black with shoe polish.

The legendary Johnny D, who by the way was played by his namesake Johnny Depp in the recent Hollywood premiere, is an American bank robber of the 30s, he robbed at least a couple of dozen banks and escaped from prison twice. Dillinger spent some time in prison in Michigan, Indiana, until he was paroled in 1933. Four months later, he was again in prison - this time in Lima, Ohio, from where he was rescued by his armed gang, killing his jailer, Sheriff Jesse Serber. Most of the gang was captured that same year in Tucson, Arizona, during a shootout at the Historic Congress Hotel. Dillinger was booked into the Lake County Jail in Crown Point, Indiana. He was accused of attempting to murder police officer William O'Malley during a bank robbery in East Chicago, Indiana, carried out almost immediately after Dillinger's escape from prison.

On March 3, 1934, Johnny D escaped from Crown Point (a prison from which escape was considered impossible at the time), which was guarded by a huge number of police and military personnel. national guard. The newspapers immediately reported that Dillinger had escaped from prison with a fake pistol made of wood and painted black with shoe polish. Using this gun, he forced the guard to open the door of his cell, and then took two hostages, gathered all the guards in his cell and locked them, and he calmly left the prison.

Alfie Hinds: Escaped the law three times, once by simply locking guards in a toilet.

Alfie Hinds is a British man who has escaped from the law over and over again, three times in total. For the fourth time, he left prison legally, having served his entire sentence. Hinds gained the reputation of a famous thief - by the way, his father actually died, being punished for armed robbery. In 1953, Alfie Hines was arrested for a high-profile jewelry store robbery, from which $90,000 in proceeds were never recovered. In court, he pleaded not guilty and was sentenced to 12 years in prison. After Alfie somehow inexplicably escaped from behind closed doors and a 6-meter prison wall, the public dubbed him Gooddini Hinds (in honor of the famous magician and illusionist). He led an honest life as a builder and decorator until Scotland Yard detectives finally tracked him down in 1956 and sent him back to prison after 248 days of searching. After his arrest, Hinds turned the law against the authorities, accusing the jailers of an illegal arrest and successfully used this incident to escape from the courthouse. When two guards took him to the toilet and removed his handcuffs so that he could do his business, he shoved them into the toilet and locked it from the outside with a padlock (his accomplices had previously built a wooden screw into the door with a rod bent into a ring so that he could do it). Hinds was captured at the airport only hours later. He made his third escape from Helmsford Prison. He then returned to Ireland, where he lived and worked as a car salesman for two years. He was captured again when he was stopped by a police officer for driving an unregistered vehicle. This time he also used his intelligence to find a loophole in the law - at that time, escaping from prison was not considered a misdemeanor, so he was not given an additional sentence. So Alfie Hinds was sentenced to 6 years in prison for robbing a jewelery shop in 1953, plus he won a libel suit against the policeman who arrested him, and after his release he spent the rest of his life as a mini-celebrity, selling his story to the News of the World for $40,000.

Julian Shotard: escaped from prison by clinging to the bottom of the van that brought him to prison

In 2009, French arsonist Julian Chautard escaped prison in a bold and brazen manner. He managed to escape from a group of prisoners who had just arrived at Pentonville prison in north London. While other prisoners were being processed inside, Shotard managed to duck behind a prison van that had just brought them from Shersbrooke Crown Court (where Shotard was sentenced to seven years in prison). Julian successfully escaped the prison minutes later, clinging to the bottom of the same van. Later, he himself came to the police and surrendered to the authorities.

Frank Morris, Clarence and John Anglin are the only prisoners who managed to escape from Alcatraz

Over the 29 years of operation of the Alcatraz prison, attempts were made to escape from it many times. According to prison records, there were a total of 14 escape attempts involving 36 prisoners (two of them twice), 23 were caught, six were shot and killed during the escape, three were lost at sea and were never heard from again. - their bodies were never found.

But on June 11, 1962, Frank Morris and brothers John and Clarence Anglin successfully executed one of the most intricate escape plans ever devised. Morris and the Anglins climbed up the ventilation shaft and climbed out onto the roof through one of the chimneys. The trio then climbed down the roof and floated off the island on rubber rafts. The next morning, police searched for the fugitives in Alcatraz, but were unsuccessful.

The prison warden explained that the prisoners were not immediately captured because they placed fake heads made from a mixture of soap, toilet paper and real hair on their beds, which fooled prison officers conducting nightly inspections. Morris and the Anglin brothers subsequently disappeared without a trace and are still wanted by the FBI, although they are believed to have drowned in San Francisco Bay while trying to swim away from the island.

Billy Hayes: escaped from Turkish prison and became a writer

Sentenced to 30 years in a Turkish prison for drug smuggling in 1970, the 22-year-old American was initially sentenced to four years and two months in a Turkish prison; a couple of weeks before the end of his sentence, he learned that the authorities had decided to sentence him to life imprisonment, so he decided that he had to escape. After 6 months of planning, he got into a fight with a guard, stole his uniform, and, taking with him $2,000 that his father had smuggled into the prison in a photo album, Hayes stole a rowboat and made it to shore. Hoping to reach Greece, Hayes dyed his blond hair black and headed for the border. Barefoot, hungry and without a passport, he swam across the river and walked for many miles. When Hayes finally came across the armed soldier, Billy thought he had lost his chance at freedom, but the soldier began shouting at him in Greek, which meant that he had crossed the border after all. Hayes eventually returned safely to the United States and later wrote for the Midnight Express. autobiographical book about his life in prison and his escape from there.

The Texas Seven: Escaped from a maximum security prison using an extremely elaborate plan.

On December 13, 2000, seven inmates of the John Connally Unit, the most secure prison in Texas' Karnes County, escaped using a complex scheme. Using several well-planned ploys, the seven criminals subdued and locked up nine prison guards, four correctional officers, and three uninvolved prisoners. The escape occurred during the quietest period of the day, when surveillance of the maintenance area was reduced to a minimum - during lunch and during counting. Most of these tricks involve one of the criminals calling out to someone while the other hits the unsuspecting person in the head from behind. As soon as the victim was neutralized, the criminals took some of the clothes, tied her up and locked her in the transformer room. The attackers stole clothes credit cards, and the identification documents of their victims. The group also impersonated prison officials over the phone and made false calls to deflect authorities' suspicions. Three members of the group, wearing stolen civilian clothes, then made their way to the rear gate of the prison. They pretended to be electricians who were supposed to install video monitors. One guard at the gatehouse was taken down, after which the trio raided the guard tower and stole numerous weapons. Meanwhile, four other criminals called the guards of this same tower tower to distract them. Then they stole a staff pickup truck, which they drove to the back gate, picked up their comrades, and left the prison. A year later, they were all tracked down and caught, which was facilitated by the TV show America's Most Wanted.

Prisoners of “Rat Hell”: the most famous (and successful) escape during the American civil war

Alfred Wetzler and Rudolf Vrba: escaped from Auschwitz, and later wrote a report on this Nazi camp that later saved many lives

Wetzler was a Slovak Jew, and one of the few Jews who managed to escape from the Auschwitz concentration camp during the Holocaust. Wetzler fled with a fellow Jew named Rudolf Vrba. Using the camp's dungeon, at 2 pm on Friday, April 7, 1944 - Easter Eve - the two men hid inside a wooden pile that was intended to be used to build the "Mexico" section for the new arrivals. She was behind the barbed wire of Birkenau's inner perimeter, but in the outer perimeter guards remained vigilant all day. Other prisoners placed boards around the sunken area to hide the men, and then sprayed the area with sharp Russian tobacco soaked in gasoline to fool the dogs. Wetzler and Vrba hid for 4 nights to avoid being caught again.

On April 10, wearing Dutch suits, coats, and boots that they had taken from the camp, they moved south, paralleling the Sola River and reaching the Polish border with Slovakia after 133 kilometers. They found their way thanks to a page torn from a children's atlas that Vrba found in a warehouse.

Wetzler and Vrba later became famous for a report in which they described the internal structure of the Auschwitz camp - the layout of the camp site, the design of the gas chambers, crematoria and, most convincingly, the label on the Zyklon gas canister. These 32 pages were the first detailed report on Auschwitz to reach the West and which the Allies regarded as credible. The report is said to have saved 120,000 lives.

Dieter Dengler: one of the few soldiers who managed to escape from a prisoner of war camp during the Vietnam War

In addition to him, such an escape was also achieved by Captain Charles Fredrik Klasmann, who was shot and captured, only to later escape with 6 other inhabitants of the camp, five of whom were never found, and Nick Rowe, who escaped from the Vietnam Congress camp and wrote a book about it about "Five years to freedom"

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