Beer made from homemade malt. The best beer recipes at home

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The recipe for this homemade hop beer was shared with me a long time ago by my mother-in-law’s sister, Aunt Masha. In her youth, she lived in one of the villages of the Altai Territory, and in this village it was prepared exactly this way. It may seem to some that this is mash, perhaps, but it was called beer.

I'll tell you a story related to this beer. It was the end of the eighties, it was the month of March, one man was working in our workshop, in the summer he worked on a lighter, and in the winter in our workshop. He offered the men salt when the lighter was unloaded on the last voyage, two bags of salt weighing one ton each broke, and the salt spilled into the hold, and the lighter needs to be prepared for a new navigation and the salt must be put somewhere. It turned out that everyone, including me, needed the free salt. The shop manager gave him a tractor, and everyone went to get salt. I stayed to work, my husband went. They loaded the bags with salt, as much as anyone needed, and the tractor driver began delivering it home. They brought it to us last, my husband decided to treat the tractor driver and poured him a mug of 300 ml of this beer. The working day was over, the tractor driver and the tractor were still not waiting in the workshop. The next morning the tractor driver came to the workshop. He told the boss that the tractor had broken down, but he walked around quietly asking everyone if they had seen his tractor where. One man said that there was a tractor near his house. The tractor driver safely drove the tractor into the workshop, and then came up to me and asked what my husband had treated him to. He drank it easily, like a fruit drink, didn’t even have a snack, he remembers that he got behind the wheel and drove off, but doesn’t remember anything else. Someone brought him home. Of course, I laughed and told him about the beer.

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 4 hops;
  • 4 kilograms of sugar;
  • 4 large potatoes.

How to make homemade beer from hops. Step-by-step recipe with photos

My bottle is not very large, 10 liters, I still need to leave some room for fermentation, I always pour it into the bottle up to the shoulders, I took ¾ of all the ingredients

This is 7.5 liters of water, 3 hops, 3 kg of sugar, 3 potatoes.

Pour water into a saucepan and put it on the stove; when the water boils, add 3 grains of hops (a grain is the amount of something that fits in the palm of your hand with bent fingers). Let's wait until the water boils again, turn off the oven, cover the saucepan with a lid and let it sit, infuse and cool. When our infusion has cooled to room temperature, remove the hops and pour the contents into a bottle

Add sugar

Stir well until the sugar is completely dissolved. Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater

Let's put it in a bottle, tie it with gauze and put it in a warm place to ferment.

After about a month, the fermentation process will end, the potatoes will fall to the bottom, air bubbles will no longer be released, add salt from the sediment

Beer made from hops at home does not turn out to be a very attractive color.

We need to color it, for this we use regular sugar, we will burn it.

Pour 2 tablespoons of sugar into a saucepan, this is 10 liters, 7.5 a little less

Burn the sugar over high heat, immediately add 3 tablespoons of water, stir well

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Recipes for making beer - an ancient Russian drink

Malt- grain grain, allowed to grow in moist heat and coarsely ground. 3 kg of wheat grains are placed on a baking sheet and filled with water. After 3 days, the wheat begins to sprout. It is dried and ground (coarse grinding) - this is malt. To prepare it, you can use any grains.

Wort- fat on flour and malt.

1. Beer Homemade

Stir half a bucket of barley malt in a barrel with 2 buckets of cold water, leave until the next morning.

In the morning, pour all this into the cauldron, adding a full teaspoon of salt, and let it simmer gradually for two hours.

After boiling in this way for two hours, add 6 cups of hops, cook for another 20 minutes, then strain it all into a keg, let it cool, pour in a cup of fresh brewer's yeast and a cup of molasses (sugar syrup), stir, leave until evening.

Then pour it into bottles, which are sealed only for another day.

The next day the beer is ready to drink.

2. English beer

Having taken the bread out of the oven, sweep it thoroughly in the oven, pour in 8 pounds of good oats or barley, constantly stirring it with a wooden spatula, dry it, making sure that the grains not only do not burn, but also do not fry.

Then grind the grains, pour them into another bowl, pour 1.5 buckets of hot water (65 degrees) into them, stir well, let stand for three hours, carefully drain.

On the crushed grains remaining in the boiler, pour hot water (72 degrees) again, drain it after 2 hours, then pour a bucket of cold water, which also drain after an hour and a half.

Mix the water drained from the grains together in all three steps.

Dilute 15 pounds of molasses with 2.5 buckets of warm water, pour it into the prepared liquid, add 0.5 pounds of the best hops, boil while stirring.

After 2 hours, when the liquid has cooled, pour two glasses of good yeast into it, and, stirring as best as possible, place it in a place where it is at least 15 degrees Celsius.

When the beer prepared in this way has fermented, pour it into a barrel, leave it open for three days, after this time, hammer the sleeve, and after 2 weeks you will get excellent beer.

3. Beer Russian

Dilute 8 kg of honey in 40 liters of water, add 1 kg of hops and boil for 1 hour.

The wort is poured into a keg, cooled, 200 grams of brewer's yeast are added, and kept at room temperature for 5-6 days without closing the cork hole.

Then the barrel is corked, transferred to a cool place (basement, cellar), and after 2-3 days it is bottled, well corked and stored in a dark, cool place.

4. Czech beer

In 5 liters of boiling water add 1.5 kg of hops, 1.5 kg of rye malt, 800 grams of sugar, and then (after removing the water from the heat), yeast (for which 200 g of yeast are diluted in 1 liter of warm water).

After 2 days, add 4 kg of finely crushed white crackers, sprinkled with sugar, and pour everything into 35 liters of boiled water and pour it into two containers. The containers are covered with lids and placed in a very warm place for 3 days. Then cool everything and carefully drain the infusion. Add 8 tablespoons of soda and 5 liters of boiled water to the remaining mass, stir and place in a warm place for a day.

The infusion is poured into the prepared mixture, filtered twice and bottled, sealed and placed in a cold place for 2 weeks.

5. Dark beer "Bavarian"

Place 3.2 kg of sweet and sour bread crackers, 1 g of salt, 0.5 g of black pepper, 100 g of yeast (diluted in a glass of warm water), 400 g of sugar, 1.6 kg of rye malt, 1. 2 kg of hops scalded with boiling water and pour boiled water so that you get a mass as thick as sour cream, wrap it well and put it in a warm place overnight.

Then add 18 liters of boiled water, add 400 g of sugar, mix, cover and place in a warm place for 2 days. After this, the container is cooled and the mixture is poured into a ceramic vessel.

Pour 4 liters of boiling water into the infusion that remains in the container, wait until it cools, and filter into the previously drained mixture.

Mix everything well, pour into an enamel pan, and boil. The foam is removed, filtered and poured into champagne bottles, sealed with sterilized corks, tied with thin wire, sealed with wax or sealing wax, and placed in a cold place for 15 days.

6. Beer Moskovskoe

Place 2.4 kg of sliced ​​rye and 1.6 kg of white bread, sprinkled with salt, 800 grams of sugar, 1.6 kg of barley and 800 grams of malt in a large enamel pan, pour in 2 cups of yeast.

All this is diluted with boiled water to the consistency of sour cream.

Add 1.6 kg of hops scalded with boiling water, stir, cover and place in a warm place for 5-6 hours.

Then pour in 26 liters of boiled water, stir, close the lid tightly, and place in a stove, oven or other hot place for 12 hours.

The next day, carefully drain the infusion, and pour 5 liters of boiled water into the remaining grounds, mix and put in the oven again for a day. Then the infusion is poured into the previously obtained one, 100 grams of baking soda are added, and after an hour it is filtered several times through canvas.

Beer is poured into champagne bottles, corked, the corks are secured with wire and placed in a cold place. After 2-3 weeks, the beer is ready to drink.

7. Beer Khmelnoye

Take 900 grams of sugar, 90 grams of hops, 1 kg of malt extract (or 8 kg of malt) and pour 9 liters of boiling water and boil for 1 hour.

Add water to restore the previous amount (9 liters), add 50 grams of yeast, and leave in a sealed container for three days at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. WITH.

Then it is filtered, bottled, corked, the corks are secured with wire and placed in a cold place for a week.

8. Homemade white beer

This beer is made in a very simple and cheap way for home consumption.

Take a barrel with a capacity of six buckets, hammer the bushing in tightly and make a hole for the tap near the bottom on the side, and on the opposite (upper) side of the bottom make a hole in the middle and roll up this hole with an ordinary bushing.

Next, pour 3 buckets of water into the cauldron and, when the water boils, put 300-400 g of good hops into it, let the liquid boil for another 5-6 minutes, then filter the resulting broth through a canvas, after which 6-6.5 kg are placed in it sugar and two glasses of good brewer's yeast, stir everything well until the sugar dissolves, pour into the barrel, leave in a warm place for fermentation.

At first the liquid begins to foam very strongly, then it will soon settle, and the sleeve is not closed. In warm summer time, fermentation ends in 3-4 weeks, and in the last two weeks the barrel should be kept with a plugged sleeve, which must be opened and closed again every two days.

When the sugar taste is completely destroyed, the bushing is knocked out as hard as possible; After 4-5 days, the beer is completely ready and just needs to be poured into bottles and sealed well.

9. Domestic dark sparkling beer

500 g of mixed grains (wheat, rye, oats and barley), 30-40 g of chicory, 700-800 g of sugar, 50 g of dried hops or 20-30 g of yeast, zest of 1 lemon, 10 liters of water.

Fry the grains in a frying pan until brown, grind in a coffee grinder, add chicory and boil with part of the water, and then add the rest of the water, sugar, hops or yeast and grated lemon peel.

After a few hours, strain the infusion through cheesecloth, pour into bottles, seal tightly, and place in a cool room. Beer should not be stored for too long.

10. English beer (2)

Place in a large cast iron 3 pounds of cut and dried black rye bread, 2 pounds of rye malt, 1/2 pound of sugar potato molasses, 10 grams of yeast diluted in a glass of water, 1 tablespoon of crushed cinnamon, a piece of burnt sugar, 10 grains of cloves, 10 grains of English pepper and 3/4 pound of dry strong hops scalded with boiling water, stir everything well, pour in 15 bottles of boiled water and put the cast iron in the heated stove.

After three days, drain the brewed beer, pour 3 bottles of water into the cast iron and place in the oven overnight.

The next day, pour the new infusion into the previously drained one, strain through a linen napkin, pour into porter bottles and seal with scalded corks, which are tied with thin wire.

Then heat sealing wax with a small piece of lard, pour it into the necks of the bottles and bury them in cold soil for 15 days or put them in a cold place.

11. Madagascar orange beer

Dilute 1.6-2.4 kg of sugar in water, pour in 100 g of wine, boil, pour into a barrel, squeeze out the juice of 2-3 oranges without grains, put two tablespoons of yeast and fill the barrel with water, mix the mixture completely and leave to ferment at temperature 15-17 degrees Celsius.

Close the barrel with a stopper with an air tube inserted into it.

On the third day, put 30-40 g of chopped orange peel into the barrel. After five days, pour the liquid into bottles through the rim at the bottom of the barrel.

Seal them and store in a cool place.

12. Madagascar lemon beer

Dissolve three kilograms of sugar in cold water, add 120 g of red wine, and boil everything.

Then pour it into a barrel.

Add the juice of three lemons. Then add a couple of tablespoons of yeast, fill the barrel with water and mix well.

Close the barrel with a stopper with an air tube inserted into it. Let the mixture ferment. The room temperature should be about 16 degrees Celsius.

On the fourth day, 40 g of chopped lemon peel should be placed in the barrel. On the sixth day, pour the resulting beer into bottles through the edges at the bottom of the keg.

Seal and store in a cool place.

13. Dark beer “Bavarian” – summer, winter, double

To prepare winter Bavarian beer, 120-160 g of hops are added to 16 kg of malt with a wort density of 11-12 percent.

To prepare summer Bavarian beer with a wort density of 12-13 percent per 16 kg of malt, 200-240 g of hops are used.

To prepare the so-called double Bavarian beer, the density of the wort is adjusted to fourteen percent. In this case, 320 g of hops are taken for 16 kg of malt.

It is clear that these numbers do not have an absolute, unchangeable meaning. Small deviations are acceptable in one direction or another. Real Bavarian or Munich beer tastes slightly sweet, aromatic, and malty, which reduces the bitterness of hops.

To obtain such beer, fermentation of the wort is not carried to a high degree. This fermentation rate is usually 50-60 percent.

For Viennese or Bohemian beer, more hops are taken than for.

14. Ukrainian beer

Place 800 g of white and 800 g of black bread, previously sprinkled with salt and crushed cloves, cut into pieces and dried, into an enamel pan.

Pour 600 g of rye malt, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 50 g of yeast diluted in a glass of warm water, and pour 3 liters of water. Mix everything well and put in a warm place for two days.

Then add 200 g of hops, scalded with 500 ml of boiling water, add two tablespoons of sugar. In addition, melt crushed sugar in a frying pan until brown and pour into the general mixture, add nine liters of water, mix with two tablespoons of soda.

Cover the pan with a lid and place in a very warm place for a day. Then strain through a cloth, let it settle and filter through filter paper or cotton wool.

Pour the beer into bottles, cap and place in a warm place for three days. Use after two weeks.

15. Hungarian strong beer

Place 400 g of dry hops in a container, pour in 1-1.3 liters of boiling water, add 400 g of rye malt, 50-80 g of yeast diluted in a glass of warm boiled water, 200 g of granulated sugar.

After two hours, add 800 g of crushed and sifted sugar crackers, pour in eight to ten liters of boiled water.

The whole mass is poured into two cast irons, which, covered with lids, are placed in a heated oven.

After three days, the cast iron is removed from the oven, allowed to cool, and the infusion is carefully drained. Add two tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) to the remaining mass, pour in one and a half liters of boiled water, stir and place in a heated oven.

The next day, the infusion is carefully poured into the previously drained one. The entire infusion is filtered two or three times through a linen napkin and bottled.

The latter are sealed with scalded corks, which are twisted with wire. The bottles are kept in a warm place for about a week (five days), then stored in an icebox. After fifteen days, the beer is ready to drink.

16. Vilna beer

Place in a bowl 1.2 kg of rye malt, 400 g of sultanas, 400 g of mashed crackers, 200 g of linden honey, 900 g of scalded hops, yeast diluted in a glass of boiled water and a little salt. You need to dilute the mixture with boiled water to the consistency of sour cream, cover with a thick napkin and place in a warm place.

The next day, add 3.2 liters of boiled water, stir well, add ten grains of crushed bitter almonds, cover with a napkin and leave in a warm place for a day. Then pour in six and a half liters of boiled water, pour into a cast iron pot, cover with a lid and place in a hot oven overnight.

In the morning, add 50 g of baking soda, and after two hours, drain the infusion, strain through a canvas cloth, pour into bottles, seal with corks, strengthen with wire and place in a warm place for five days, then store in the cold. Use no earlier than ten days later.

17. "Good Britain", an old beer recipe

Boil 1.4 kg of large barley malt with 18 liters of boiling water, mix well and let stand for three hours. Then carefully drain. Pour twelve liters of boiling water over the remaining grounds again and drain again after three hours. Finally, pour twelve liters of cold water onto this thicket, after two hours, drain and mix with the first two decoctions, add 11 kg of molasses, diluted with six buckets of warm water, and also mix with the general liquid. Add 400 g of honey and let it boil 2-3 times, stirring constantly.

Allow the liquid to cool to the temperature of fresh milk and pour 800 g of dry yeast diluted in the same liquid into it, stir well and leave to ferment in a warm place.

When it has fermented, pour it into a barrel, which is left open for three days, then plug the sleeve, and in two or three weeks you will have excellent beer.

It must be borne in mind that when boiling malt, the water should not be very hot, otherwise the beer may not turn out very good.

18. Peasant Beer (1)

To prepare this beer, pour malt into a kettle (1/4 volume), fill it to the top with water, stir and leave for 10-12 hours.

Then add 30-40 g of salt and simmer over low heat, stirring for no more than two hours. After this, add hops (at the rate of 3 cups per bucket) and continue to boil, stirring, for another 20-30 minutes.

Strain the mixture through two layers of gauze and pour into a barrel. After the liquid has cooled, add yeast (about 100 g per bucket), the same amount of molasses or thick sugar syrup and stir well until dissolved. Keep the keg in a warm room for 2-3 days to allow the beer to ferment. At the end of fermentation, fill the barrel to the top, add a little molasses and seal well.

Fill the cork with wax or plasticine. Let the beer sit for 2-3 weeks, after which it will be ready. For storage, you can pour it into bottles and put them in a cold place.

19. Peasant Beer (2)

For this beer, take finely chopped wheatgrass root: place 800 g of root in a bucket of water. Take 1.6 kg of wheatgrass root for two buckets of water and leave it overnight to soak.

In the morning, pour it into a cauldron and put it on fire. Boil until the roots sink to the bottom. Add water if a lot of it boils away.

Prepare a tub with a tap at the very bottom. Place 10-12 centimeters of straw at the bottom and press it with a stone so that it does not float. Place the tub on a stand so that you can prop up the bucket.

When the wort is ready, it is poured into the prepared tub and a few handfuls of hops are added, which are allowed to steep in the beer liquid.

Half the volume of water is poured into the cauldron on the same roots and set to boil.

The wort, which is poured into a tub, is placed in a cold place. If it turns out to be cloudy, then pass it through a straw filter two more times.

The first boil of the wort is obtained with 800 g of root, 6 liters, for the rest of the wort in a tub, hot water is poured from the boiler, allowed to stand for half an hour, and placed in a cold place where the first wort has been drained.

Then they take 6 liters of this wort and, when it cools down, pour in 12 tablespoons of yeast and leave it to ferment. When white bubbles appear on the surface, which happens after 7-8 hours, it means the yeast is ready and can be poured into the wort.

At this time, while the yeast is rising, you need to prepare a tub with straw and pour the wort into it along with the yeast.

After three hours, the beer is poured into dry bottles and placed in moderate heat overnight, and in the morning taken to the cellar uncorked. After 2 hours, they are lightly plugged with corks, and the next day they are tightly sealed and placed to settle. After 10-12 days, beer can be consumed. It is stored in a good cellar for four weeks in the summer, 7-8 in the winter.

20. Beer made from pine shoots

This beer is made from young pine shoots. In the spring, when the pine tree produces them, cut these young shoots. From them you need to prepare a decoction, which will subsequently serve as the basis for beer.

Chop the pine shoots into small pieces, add water and simmer for at least an hour over low heat. Strain the liquid through three to four layers of gauze. Add sugar in the ratio: 1 part sugar to 15 parts liquid, stir well and simmer again over low heat, seal it and store in a cool place.

When you need to make beer, pour pine decoction into the water (1 part decoction to 12 parts water), stir and simmer for two hours over low heat. Leave to ferment for 3 days in a warm room.

The beer is ready and can be bottled for storage in a cold place. If the beer begins to sour, then you need to add uncandied honey to it at the rate of 1 part honey to 75 parts beer.

21. Beer Champagne (sugar)

It is extremely tasty, refreshing, nutritious and healthy and can be prepared at any time of the year at home.

Take boiled and settled water and pour it into a clean tub, where they add sugar, about 1.2 kg per bucket of water, and when it dissolves and the solution cools to the temperature of fresh milk or slightly lower (in the summer to the outside atmosphere), add a glass yeast, stir and leave alone for 2-3 days. Until fermentation ends, and remove the foam that floats on the surface.

At the end of fermentation, the beer is poured into bottles, and for a better taste and smell, a piece of lemon or orange peel is placed in each bottle, you can add raspberry juice, the bottles are sealed and the corks are tied. Store in the cold.

With a large amount of sugar or molasses, the beer will contain more alcohol and carbonic acid, which makes the drink foamy.

22. Beer Village

To get 5 buckets of good beer, take 30 kg of large barley, rye or wheat malt, 3 kg of some small malt, 400 g of good hops and 6 buckets of water.

All coarse malt is poured into the kettle and grated malt and boiling water are added. Cook on fire and leave.

Meanwhile, hops are boiled in a special kettle. A tub is placed over a large cauldron, a hole is made in its bottom, which is plugged with a wooden stopper and a pin.

Clean straw 10 centimeters thick is placed at the bottom of the tub and part of the hop broth is poured in, then hot wort from the first kettle, allowed to stand for about five minutes, the sleeve is opened and the liquid is drained back into the kettle. This is repeated several times, and each time a new portion of hop decoction is added until the wort takes on the proper aroma and becomes sufficiently liquid.

To keep the wort from cooling down, place several hot stones. Then 80 g of dry yeast are diluted in 10 liters of cold water, the wort is poured in, covered with a cloth and allowed to stand for 2-3 hours.

Then the finished wort is put into a barrel and allowed to ferment in a cold place for 2-3 days. After this, the barrels are well sealed and covered with dough.

23. Beer Simple

Boil 45 g of hops in 10 liters of water, strain through a napkin and, adding 1 kilogram of molasses, boil again.

Pour into a barrel and place in a cool place to cool. Prepare a dough from 260 ml of yeast and wheat flour, similar to the dough prepared for pies.

When the mixture in the barrel has cooled and the dough has risen, pour it into the barrel and stir well. Seal the barrel tightly and keep it warm for 6 hours, and then put it in a cold place for 3 days.

Then pour the beer into bottles, cap it, filling the cork with sealing wax, resin or wax.

24. Cheap beer (1)

Take a clean bag, pour 6 glasses of ground rye malt and 200 g of hops into it, rub them well and stir.

Pour 12 liters of water into a bowl, add the mixture from the bag and boil.

Then pour into a barrel and refrigerate until completely cool. While the wort is cooling, you need to prepare a dough from wheat flour and one bottle of yeast.

When the wort has cooled and the dough has risen, pour it into the wort, which must be kept warm and allowed to ferment for 6 hours. Having sealed the barrel, it must be taken out to the cellar for three days.

On the fourth day, pour into bottles, cap them and place in the cellar.

25. Cheap beer (2)

Take 1.4 kg of sugar beets, 500 g of carrots, 3 handfuls of hops, 12 g of juniper berries and 400 g of salt. After peeling and cutting the beets and carrots, mix them with 15 liters of water, add everything else and boil for a quarter of an hour.

When the liquid has cooled to room temperature, add 50 g of dry yeast dissolved in the same broth and leave to ferment.

When the high-rising foam has been collected three times, the beer is ready.

It is bottled, corked and placed in the basement. Can be consumed after 10-14 days.

26. Table beer

Take 100 g of hops, 50 g of sultanas, 2.4 kg of sugar and 50 ml of wine. Boil all this well in water for half an hour, then strain and add 3 kg of malt. Pour in 18 liters of water and boil everything again. Strain, pour in 2 tablespoons of yeast and leave to ferment for 8 days. Then it is bottled and sealed.

27. Beer White strong

If you want to brew strong white beer, prepare a keg with a capacity of 50...60 liters (no more).

The barrel is placed “on the butt”, a tap is installed at the bottom, and a hole is provided in the lid.

Boil 36...40 liters of water in a cauldron, add 600...700 g of hops, boil for another 6...10 minutes, after which, after straining the broth, put about 7.5 kg of sugar and 0. 5 liters of brewer's yeast.

After mixing well, pour the mixture into the barrel. After some time (2...3 days) the beer will begin to foam, then the foam will settle. In the warm season, beer is fermented in 3...4 weeks, but if at first the barrel is kept open, then for the last 10 days the plug is plugged, however, opening the barrel for a few minutes every 2 days, tasting the beer.

When it loses its sugary taste, the barrel is hammered down and after another 4 days the white beer is ready. If desired, beer can be easily tinted with toasted rye bread.

28. Beer Honey

From honey you can make a refreshing, very healthy and tasty drink, like beer made from barley malt. This honey beer is very cheap, and if anyone tries it once, he will prefer it to all other types of expensive beer.

For this purpose, 11 or 12 percent is prepared, i.e., for 88 or 89 liters of clean water, 12 or 11 liters of pure honey molasses are taken. After thorough stirring, cook over even heat until the foam completely ceases to protrude to the surface of the liquid, and during cooking, add so much water so that at the end of cooking there is as much liquid as there was before the start of boiling; this height of the liquid must be noted on a stirrer or other stick placed vertically on the bottom of the boiler.

Thus, the cooked food will contain the same percentage of honey as before cooking, i.e. about 11 or 12%. Thicker syrup is not suitable for beer, as the drink is too sweet; with a sugar content of less than 12%, the beer turns out to be too light and easily susceptible to oxidation.

After removing the foam, 200 grams of hop cones of the best variety are taken per 100 liters of food. Hops are either placed in a fairly spacious bag made of rare material, or directly poured into the food; then the fire is slightly increased again so that the liquid with hops boils again. If the hops are placed in a bag, then the abundantly protruding foam can be collected again immediately, but if the hops are poured directly into the kettle, then the foam should be collected only after half an hour of cooking; after which the hops are taken out, the bag is squeezed out and, having collected the foam again, the fire under the boiler is completely extinguished. When the liquid cools to 30°C, it is poured into a barrel for fermentation. If the hops were poured in directly, then after the end of cooking and the last time skimming off the foam, the liquid should be strained through a fine sieve or fine linen, since otherwise the hop particles will remain in the liquid.

Even when the hops are placed in a bag, it does not hurt to strain the liquid through a thin canvas.

To speed up fermentation, 1/4 liter of fresh top yeast from the brewery is poured into the fermentation barrel with liquid; if there is no liquid yeast, then you can take dry yeast, counting 20 grams of dry yeast per 100 liters, which dissolve in a liter of water warmed to 30°C fed, and then placed in a warm place for several hours at ordinary room temperature.

When bubbles begin to appear abundantly on the surface of the liquid, the yeast is poured into the liquid intended for fermentation, and one should not forget that the latter should not be warmer than 30 ° C, because otherwise the yeast may lose its vitality.

The liquid prepared in this way, poured into a carefully evaporated and washed barrel, is fermented in a warm room at a temperature of about 16 ° C, such as in a heated room or kitchen. It is best if the liquid fills the barrel so much that there is empty space under the funnel only the length of the index finger. The funnel should be covered with a clean cloth. The liquid will soon begin to ferment, and more and more foam will rise to its surface; if the latter rose so much that it would pour out of the barrel through the funnel, then you need to clean the edges of the funnel daily, and then close it with the same cloth, thoroughly washed and dried.

The liquid pouring out through the funnel should not be poured back into the barrel, so as not to spoil the beer.

When the violent fermentation ends, after approximately 3-5 days, i.e. when at first a rather strong noise in the barrel turns into a quiet rustle, then the funnel is tightly sealed, the barrel is turned upside down with the hole in which there is a hole closed with a stopper, a tap is inserted into it and the barrel is transferred from a warm room to a cold one, for example to a cellar, and it is installed on a fairly high stand.

The barrel remains in this position for 2 to 3 days, and then the finished beer is poured through the tap into clean bottles, which are immediately tightly sealed and placed in a cold basement.

After a few days, the beer is ready to drink, and over time it acquires greater strength and better taste. This drink is light and highly effervescent, so bottles should be uncorked carefully so that some of the liquid does not spill out.

The tighter the corks are and the better they are, the tastier the beer will be; If the bottles are poorly sealed, then the beer may turn sour after some time.

If you want to preserve beer for a longer time, then the bottles should be kept in a lying position, otherwise, over time, carbonic acid will evaporate through the cork and the beer will spoil, because all sorts of light beers are preserved for a more or less long time solely due to the preservative property of carbonic acid; if the latter evaporates, then acetic fermentation will begin in the liquid.

29. Beer Barley

Soak the barley in cold water for 4 days or more until the grain shell begins to crack. The grain that meets this requirement is poured into bags and, stirring daily, the barley is kept at average temperatures (15...20 ° C) until sprouts appear, which usually happens after 3...4 days.

Then the grain is scattered on the floor in a layer 9...12 cm thick and the “beds” are covered with the same bags. To prevent the grain from getting hot, it is carefully mixed. When the roots reach the required size (1.2...1.5 grain lengths), the grain is dried, for example, in a well-heated hut. If drying is carried out in a barn or bathhouse at a temperature of 50 ° C, it is good to dry it once indoors, which will make the malt sweeter.

The dried malt is lightly ground in hands to separate the root lobes, and then winnowed, freeing them from the latter, causing the grain weight to decrease by about 6...8 kg for every 100 kg of barley.

The purified malt is slightly moistened and crushed not very finely.

For mashing, take hot water (58...57° C), pour malt into it, stirring until a liquid slurry forms, sprinkle it with malt flour, cover the kettle (vat) with a lid and leave the mash for 1.5...2 hours.

After this, boiling water is added to the mash so that the total volume of water corresponds to the calculated one, the mash is thoroughly mixed and again left under the lid for 1.5...2 hours.

Simultaneously with mashing, they begin to prepare the hops, for which they are kept in hot water for 5...6 hours. But the hops cannot be boiled, as they will lose their aroma. The steamed hops are placed in a filter vat (it has a double bottom), the malt mash is poured into it and the mixture is allowed to settle. This usually happens after 0.5...1 hour. The filtered wort is poured into the boiler, although not all of the wort is left - some of it is left.

The fact is that the drained wort, on the one hand, should be brought to a boil 2...3 times, on the other hand, the wort cannot be boiled. Therefore, the boiled wort is cooled with cold, stored for future use.

After heat treatment, the wort is poured back into the strainer with the remaining sediment. After 1 hour, the drained wort is again brought to a boil 2...3 times and the straining vat with sediment is again filled with it.

After the second settling, the already sufficiently clarified wort is poured into a clean container, the bottom of which is first sprinkled with salt. When the wort has cooled to 30°C, pour a small amount of it and prepare a starter (sourdough) by adding yeast to the wort. When the temperature of the main wort drops to 20...22° C, the head is poured into it, the wort is stirred well, and the lid is closed.

After the end of the main fermentation, the barrels are filled with beer (not completely), and when the foam stops leaking from the barrels (usually this happens after 3...4 days), the barrels are topped up with fresh beer and sealed tightly. After 3...4 weeks the beer is ready.

30. Beer Express

Required: 2 cups of honey, 3 cups of rye malt, 100 g of hops, 0.5 cups of yeast, 10-12 liters of boiling water.

Malt is prepared from rye grain and ground. Pour it into a linen bag, add hops there and grind it well together. The samovar is placed on the edge of the table so that its tap is above the floor.

Under the tap on the floor you need to place a large pan in which you need to put honey. The water in the samovar should boil all the time. If the samovar has a small capacity, then you should prepare additional boiling water on the stove and add it to the samovar so that boiling water flows through the tap continuously. Boiling water is poured into the bag of malt in a medium stream, and the malt grounds are stirred frequently.

When about 10 liters of solution is poured into the pan, close the tap, allow the liquid to cool, and then pour in half a glass of diluted yeast.

After fermentation, when all the yeast has sunk to the bottom, the liquid can be bottled and refrigerated. After 4-5 days, the beer is ready to drink.

31. Juniper Beer (1)

Boil 200 g of fresh berries in 2 liters of water for 30 minutes. Strain the broth, cool to room temperature, add 50 g of honey and 25 g of yeast, stir and set for fermentation.

When the yeast rises to the top, stir again and pour into bottles, cap and leave for 3-5 days in a cool place.

32. Juniper beer (2)

It is prepared in exactly the same way as honey beer, only after the first boiling, in addition to 200 grams of hops, 100 grams of fresh juniper berries are added per 100 liters of beer, which are boiled together with hops.

You can put no hops at all, but only juniper berries, but not everyone likes this beer, while beer flavored with hops and juniper berries is very healthy and tasty, very similar to Grodin beer, which is prepared in Poznan and sent around the world as having healing properties.

33. Beer with juniper berries

Grate 1 kg of carrots and 2.5 kg of sugar beets, put in a cauldron with two buckets of water and put on fire. Stir 12 g of juniper berries, 800 g of salt and 6 handfuls of hops in five liters of water and add to the kettle.

Boil the mixture for half an hour, cool to room temperature, add 6 tablespoons of brewer's yeast and leave to ferment. Skim off the resulting foam three or four times, then pour it into bottles, seal them and take them to the cellar.

34. Dark beer

Place in a saucepan 800 g of sweet bread crumbs, 400 g of rye malt, 200 g of scalded dry hops, 100 g of sugar, 5 crushed black peppercorns, a little salt and yeast separated in a glass of warm boiled water.

Bring all the ingredients to a mushy state with boiled water, cover the pan with a cloth and place in a warm place for a day.

Then pour in 4.2 liters of boiled water, add 100 g of sugar dissolved in a glass of boiling water, stir well, close the lid tightly and put in a hot oven for two days.

After this, remove from the oven, let it cool, pour the infusion into another container, and pour 1.3 liters of boiling water into the grounds after an hour. Strain into the previously drained infusion. Stir everything well and boil over fire. Remove any foam that appears and strain the broth through a canvas cloth.

Pour into bottles, seal with corks and reinforce with wire. Store in a cool place Beer is ready to drink after two weeks.

35. Quick ginger beer

Mix 2 cups of sugar, 25 g of crushed ginger, 15 ml of wine and pour in 4.5 liters of hot boiled water. Add 15 g of yeast to the cooled mixture.

Allow to ferment, strain and pour into bottles, which are corked and secured. The next day this beer will be ready.

36. Nettle beer

Scald 1 kg of young nettle (if you are afraid of nettle acid), wash and put in a saucepan with 2 kg of malt, 50 g of hops, 14 g of crushed ginger root and pour in 9 liters of water.

Boil for 15 minutes. Dissolve 3 cups of sugar while stirring and add 25 g of yeast.

When it has fermented, pour it into bottles, seal and tighten the corks. Store finished beer in a cool place.

37. Acorn beer

This beer was very popular in France in ancient times, especially among foresters and woodcutters. Doctors prescribed it to patients with fever.

Place 2 buckets of selected, ripe and shelled acorns into a 40-liter barrel. Change the water poured into the barrel every three days for 2-3 weeks. Then add 200 g of hops, stir, let it brew, and in 2-3 weeks the beer will be ready.

This unique beer served the family all year. Each time a portion of the drink is poured out of the barrel, add the same amount of water.

38. Pea beer

Green pea pods contain a lot of sugar. When boiled, they produce a wort similar to beer - made from malt.

Place young unripe pea pods in a saucepan, pour water 10-12 centimeters above the pods and simmer over low heat for several hours, adding water if necessary.

Strain the broth through several layers of gauze and cool. Now prepare a decoction of a handful of dry hops or sage in a bucket of water and 2-3 tablespoons of yeast. Mix both liquids and cover, skimming off the foam from time to time.

After 3 days, bottle the beer and put it in a cool place for a week. If the beer turns out cloudy, do not forget to clarify it.

39. "El" (1)

3 kg of wheat grains are placed on a baking sheet and filled with water. After 3 days, the wheat begins to sprout. It is dried and ground (coarse grinding) - this is malt. To prepare it, in principle, you can use any grains.

Boil in 10 liters of water for 1.5-2 hours. Cool to room temperature. Add honey - 0.4 kg. Leave the mixture uncovered for 6 hours (to allow natural airborne compounds to enter). Cover with a cloth and leave for 25-30 hours for primary fermentation. If it does not ferment, add yeast - half a teaspoon and half a glass of raisins.

After a day, strain and bottle.

40. "El" (2)

Take 1.2 kg of barley and rye malt and 2.4 kg of rye flour. Scald with 3 liters of hot water to make a thick dumpling-like dough, knead everything together, put in molds and put in the oven for 12 hours until the dough acquires a beautiful color. Then put everything in a 25-liter barrel, dilute it with cold water and leave it alone.

Separately, take 800 g of buckwheat flour, 200 g of fresh dry yeast, make a thick dough in water and leave for two hours to rise. Then grind and pour into another clean barrel, take the malt solution, strained through a sieve, add more and place in a warm place for 4-6 hours for fermentation.

When yeast appears at the top, shake the keg and pour the beer into bottles along with the yeast, seal with well-steamed corks, take it to the cellar and put it in the sand. The beer is delicious, cooling, playful, like champagne. It may persist for several weeks.

41. "El" (3)

Mix half a bucket of barley malt with two buckets of cold water and leave for a day, then place in a boiler, add a teaspoon of salt and boil for 2 hours, then add 100 g of hops and cook for another half hour. Strain into a barrel, cool to fresh milk, add 100 g of dry yeast diluted in the same liquid, and 400 g of molasses boiled red.

Stir everything well and leave for 5-10 hours. Then pour into bottles, cap the next day, and the beer is ready. If desired, you can add sugar and change the proportion of hops for different beer strengths.

42. "El" (4)

Mix 3.5 liters of ground rye malt and rye flour in warm water.

Make a hole in a large clay pot to drain the wort, cover the bottom with straw, put the dough, cover the pot with a lid and place in a hot oven for a day. After another 12 hours, drain the wort, add boiling water and drain again. Boil a handful of hops and put them in the wort, to which add a glass of yeast.

When the beer has fermented, bottle it, seal it well and store it.

43. "Ale" Scottish

You will need: dry light malt - 2.1 kg, crystal malt - 227 g, Munich malt - 57 g, chocolate malt - 99 g, brown sugar - 227 g, dextrin powder - 113 g, gypsum - 1/2 tsp ., salt - 3/4 tsp, hops - 80 g, water - 22 l, sugar - 3/4 cup, ale yeast - 14 g.

Pour water over the malt and heat to 66 degrees. C and leave for about an hour in a warm place. Place a colander on the pan, discard the grains and rinse with hot water (up to 50 degrees C). Use all liquid for further preparation.

Dissolve dry malt, gypsum, brown sugar, dextrin and salt in a volume of water equal to 7.5-8 liters and boil. Add the first variety of hops along with brown malt and cook for about half an hour. Add fragrant hops at the last moment.

Cool the liquid to 20-25 degrees. C and add yeast. Pour the liquid into sterile containers, filling them 2/3 full. Ensure that the vessels are sealed and leave to ferment for 5-7 days.

Carefully pour the finished beer into another vessel, being careful not to disturb the resulting sediment. You can do this in two stages with an interval of two days, and then you will get beer without sediment.

Boil sugar and add to beer. Bottle the beer. Close the bottles, leaving some free space under the lid. Ale can be tasted after 1-3 weeks.

Malt. Hop. We brew beer.

Beer preparation occurs in several stages and on an industrial scale, of course, is almost completely automated. The person can only control the equipment. When brewing beer at home, things are completely different.

Of course, a lot of good and convenient equipment for brewing beer at home is now sold, but the price of this equipment can surprise, and sometimes even frighten. If you decide to try brewing beer at home, then I would advise you not to rush to spend money. The stages of brewing beer are the same both in industrial preparation and when preparing beer at home, but the approaches to these stages and the equipment are significantly different.

What do you need to brew beer at home?

Almost everyone has the most minimal set - a wooden spoon and an enamel or stainless steel pan. You will also need electronic kitchen scales and, as well as an ordinary sieve. This is the minimum kit for brewing beer at home.

What would be nice to have?

If you're brewing beer for the first time, then you shouldn't bother with a bunch of equipment. In general, you will also need a fermentation tank with a water seal, a malt mill and much more that you can do without. Since this article is aimed at those who decided to brew beer with their own hands for the first time, I will try to make do with a minimal set of tools and equipment.

Stages of brewing beer at home.

As I wrote above, beer preparation consists of several stages. Each stage has its own purpose and pursues a specific goal, so it cannot be said that one or another stage is more important than others - they are all needed, otherwise the beer simply will not turn out.

Stage one: Preparation.

At the preparation stage, our task is to find all the necessary equipment and wash it thoroughly. Next, you need to measure and grind the malt (you can buy ground), calculate the required amount of mash water and heat it.

Naturally, all proportions of malts, hops and water should be taken based on the recipe. You can choose any one from our website. All of them are verified and tested in practice.

Also, don’t be afraid of small deviations from the recipe in the amount of malt or water. However, with hops you shouldn’t deviate too much from the recipe.
When everything is prepared and washed, and the malt is ground, you can move on to the second stage.

Second stage: Mashing.

During the mashing stage, fermentation and saccharification of starch occurs. Since different enzymes work at different temperatures, when mashing malt, temperature breaks should be maintained in accordance with the recipe.

So, you have poured the required amount of water into the pan - this is mash water. Heat the mash water to the temperature of the first temperature pause and add ground malt (). At the same time, mix it all thoroughly with a wooden spoon to avoid clumping.

During the temperature pause, it is important to monitor the temperature of the mash; it should not rise, but it should not fall either, so the heating should be reduced or turned off completely. In this case, it is worth periodically stirring the mash and monitoring its temperature.

After the allotted pause time has passed, the heating is turned back on to maximum and home brewing continues. When the next temperature pause is reached, everything repeats again.

Usually, after a pause of 72 degrees, it is done, after which the temperature rises until the last pause and at this point the mashing stage ends.

The third stage of brewing homemade beer: Removing the sediment and boiling the wort.

Now that mashing is complete, the wort is poured into another container - this can be done through a simple sieve. The malt remaining after mashing is called spent grain. The spent grain is washed to extract the maximum amount of sugars. At this stage, the amount of wort removed will be greater than the planned amount of finished beer.

Now you need to measure the density of the wort. If you don’t have a hydrometer and you followed the recipe, you can skip this, this measurement is not important when brewing homemade beer, it will still be tasty. To measure the density, take a small amount of wort and be sure to cool it to 20 degrees. After which a measurement is made. The rest of the wort is placed on the fire and brought to a boil. It is important that the boiling process occurs quite rapidly and without a lid. Otherwise, your beer will taste vegetable.

During cooking, hops are added in accordance with the recipe. After the end of cooking, the loss of wort will be about 20%-30%, so you can add hot water during boiling. It is important to control the density.

When cooking is completed, move on to the next stage.

Stage 4: filtration, cooling, adding yeast.

Hot wort must be cooled as soon as possible. You can use it for this, but if you don’t have it, just put the pan in a bathtub with cold water or in the snow. Stir the wort to cool it faster. During the process of cooling the wort, it can also be removed from the sediment by straining through a sieve, cheesecloth or other filters.

When the temperature of the wort is 20-24 degrees, you should take 10% of the wort for primer and put it in the refrigerator. You also need to take a small amount of wort to rehydrate the yeast (read how to do this here)

After adding yeast, the wort is poured into the fermentation tank and sent for fermentation.

Homemade beer fermentation stage.

When we brew beer at home, it happens that fermentation takes place in 2 days, and sometimes it starts only on the second day - don’t be alarmed. Usually fermentation lasts 3-4 days. After the yeast cap has settled, fermentation is complete and you can bottle it.

The final stage of brewing homemade beer.

A primer is added to the fermentation tank, the young beer is mixed well, left for 30-40 minutes and bottled. Try to minimize the amount of sediment in bottles. Next, the bottles are sent for further fermentation for 2-3 weeks.

After fermentation, your homemade beer, brewed with your own hands using malt and hops, is ready.

Reads: 1,987

There are many ways to brew beer at home using your own technology. Due to the fact that the product is quite multifaceted, a large number of different components are available for sale to obtain it.

But in the classic version they are most often used yeast, malt, hops, water.

If you use a good recipe, your homemade drink will turn out tasty, rich, with dense, thick foam. No pasteurization or filtration is required here. Only natural ingredients are used.

Few lovers of the noble potion dare to brew good beer at home. Most people believe that it is much easier to buy a ready-made bottle at the nearest store. Therefore, all recipes are mainly designed for those people who are devoted fans of this product. As a rule, such people prefer pure and original taste.

Basic ingredients and components for brewing beer


Before you make beer at home, you need to buy good yeast. The positive outcome of home brewing largely depends on their quality.

It is advisable to buy yeast namely beer halls. They must be dry and alive.


To make the liquid light, the malt must be dried naturally. The dark color is achieved by using a special caramel variety added to the base mass. The proportion of the additive is about 10% (see:).

Since malt is dried barley grains wrapped in a hard husk, when brewing beer at home the husk serves as a natural filter.

These ingredients should have a white color, a pleasant smell and a sweetish taste. Before using malt grains, they must first be ground so that the husk remains intact.


It is usually divided into two types: fragrant/fragrant and with a bitter aftertaste. This or that type is used depending on what you need to achieve: a pleasant aroma or bitterness.

The hops must be of good quality, since this affects the gravity of the home-brewed beer. The hop cones should be slightly reddish with a yellow tint.


To make good beer with your own hands, water is best used spring. If it is of poor quality, the drink will not taste good.

To saturate beer with carbon dioxide it is necessary add a little sugar in this proportion: 8 grams of granulated sugar are poured into 1 liter of liquid. The equipment used is ordinary kitchen utensils.

To boil the wort you need a 30 liter enamel pan. Another container is also required in which the liquid must ferment.


To monitor the temperature, you need a thermometer. You can cool the beer wort in your home bathtub by filling it with cold water.

Usually home brewing starts with the preparatory stage. All utensils and necessary equipment should be thoroughly washed. You need to start work with well-washed hands. Otherwise, the dirt may contaminate the wort with some microbes. Because of this, instead of a pleasant product, you will get a sour mash.

Step-by-step recipe for making a drink

Initial data: 32 liters of water, 5 kg of malt, 45 grams of hops, 25 grams of brewer's yeast and granulated sugar. Typically, beer brewing technology consists from the following stages:

1. Take a 25 liter pan and fill it with water. Then it should be heated to about 80 degrees. After this, put the ground malt into the water. It should be immersed in a special bag made from several pieces of gauze.

Then the lid of the pan is closed and a pause is made for two hours. The temperature should be maintained around 70 degrees. It is at this value that the necessary reactions in malt occur best. As a result, the wort becomes sweet and aromatic.

2. After two hours, the temperature should be increased to 80 degrees. Let it stand for about five minutes. After this, remove the bag of malt from the pan and rinse it in the remaining water, which is then poured into the wort.

3. Next, the wort is brought to a boil, remove the foam and add about 15 grams of hops. After 30 minutes of boiling, another portion of the same hops is added. After this, the wort must be boiled for an hour, then add the last portion of hops. The total time for the procedure with the addition of hops is one and a half hours.

4. Now the liquid needs to be quickly cooled in a bath of water. The faster this procedure is completed (20 - 30 minutes), the lower the risk of contamination of the prepared product with harmful bacteria. After the wort has cooled completely, it should be poured into another container. During transfusion, it is advisable to strain through gauze.

6. After this, the container is transferred to a dark place and left for fermentation. The room temperature should be approximately 20 degrees. The boiling process will take about 3 days. At this time, carbon dioxide will be released from the liquid.

At the end of the process the product will become significantly lighter. When gas bubbles stop coming out, the fermentation process is complete.

7. In order for a thick and dense foam to appear, the drink must be refilled with carbon dioxide. This will also improve the taste. This is done as follows. 8 g of sugar is poured into liter bottles.

After this, the homemade beer is bottled using a silicone hose. Do not touch the sediment at the bottom of the pan. If it gets into the drained liquid, the beer will turn out very cloudy and taste bad.

8. In filled bottles, a secondary fermentation process will occur. In this case, the liquid will be saturated with the required amount of carbon dioxide. Filled bottles are also placed in a dark place for 2 weeks. After this time, the product will be ready for use.

It can be moved to the cellar or put in the kitchen refrigerator. At this point, the drink will be tasty and aromatic, with thick white foam. After a month in the cellar, the beer will taste even better.

A 25 liter pan will make 15 liters of an excellent homemade drink. Its strength will be about 4.5%. The shelf life of this beer is 8 months.

Wort preparation

Mashing the wort is called the process of grinding malt and mixing it with hot water. Thanks to this, the starch contained in the grains is broken down into sugar and other soluble substances.

On the market you can buy ready-made malt, which is specifically intended for brewing. As a rule, it is quite skillfully and qualitatively detailed, making the task of making your own drink much easier.

If you purchased whole grains, you can grind them yourself. For this, a conventional mechanical meat grinder is used. However, when grinding grains, they should not be turned into flour. They should be broken down into small pieces.

Beer quality

If the question arises of how to check the quality of beer, then you can use the following advice. Before directly brewing the drink, you need to check whether starch remains in the ingredients used.

To do this, you need to pour a little wort into a clean white plate, then add a few drops of iodine there. If the solution turns blue, you need to boil it for another 15 minutes. When iodine stops changing color, the wort can be considered completely ready. This means that the beer will be of good quality.

We are waiting for your advice on how else to check the quality of homemade beer in the comments below.

Beer is one of the oldest drinks, known to mankind since the Neolithic era, along with honey, kvass and wine. Some scientists even believe that grain crops began to be grown not for bread, but specifically for making beer. This article will discuss a method for preparing it at home, without specialized equipment.

How to brew beer at home - what you need

  • Two pans with a volume of 5-6 liters.
  • An aluminum colander, a piece of gauze, a 5-6 liter bottle of bottled water. And a thermometer for water up to 100 Celsius.

How to brew beer at home - ingredients

Pilsen barley malt approximately 1.5 kg, give or take depending on what kind of pans you can find.
6 gr. hops for bittering and 6 gr. hops for aroma. And, of course, yeast and water.

Brewing beer at home

  • The first thing we need to do is take a pan, pour 3 liters of water into it and heat it to a temperature of 66-67 degrees. After this, the heating must be turned off. Next, slowly add the malt and stir it at the same time. When adding malt, the water temperature should drop to approximately 62-63 degrees. Now close the lid and wrap for 40 minutes.
  • After 40 min. we need to add a little boiling water to our mash, thereby raising the temperature to 72-73 degrees. If you can’t raise the temperature with boiling water, you can turn on the gas or stove for a short while, while constantly stirring the mash and monitoring the temperature.
  • After raising the temperature, the mash needs to be wrapped again for about half an hour.
  • Half an hour has passed and now we need to put our beer base on the fire again and heat it to 78 degrees and wrap it again for five minutes, this is necessary to stop the processes.
  • At this time, pour 3 liters of water into the kettle and heat it to a temperature of 78 degrees. We will need it later for washing the wort.
  • Five minutes have passed, now we need to pour our mash through a colander into the second prepared pan, and slowly pour the remaining grain with water and combine it with our main wort.

  • We drained and spilled the wort, now we put the main pan back on the fire and bring it to a boil. After about 20 minutes, add bittering hops to the wort, and after another 50 minutes, add aroma hops and cook for another 10 minutes.
  • The entire brew took us 80 minutes and now we need to cool our wort in the sink to 50 degrees Celsius.

  • Pour the wort into the bottle through a funnel, after placing gauze in it.

  • Place the bottle under cold water and cool its contents to 20-28 degrees. You can just wait for it to cool naturally. We take our fermentation container out of the sink, check the temperature and if it is what we need, shake the bottle, saturating the liquid with air so that the yeast added further wakes up.
  • After adding the yeast, insert a water seal into the bottle cap to allow gas to escape, you can use a rubber glove and leave to ferment for 10 days.

Ten days have passed and we hope you were patient and didn't drink beer sooner. All that remains is to pour it into a suitable container and you can go to your neighbors.

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