Writers storytellers and their works list. Great storytellers of Europe

    1 - About the little bus that was afraid of the dark

    Donald Bisset

    A fairy tale about how a mother-bus taught her little bus not to be afraid of the dark ... About a little bus who was afraid of the dark to read Once upon a time there was a little bus in the world. He was bright red and lived with his mom and dad in a garage. Every morning …

    2 - Three kittens

    Suteev V.G.

    A small fairy tale for the little ones about three restless kittens and their funny adventures. Small children love short stories with pictures, that's why Suteev's fairy tales are so popular and loved! Three kittens read Three kittens - black, gray and ...

    3 - Hedgehog in the fog

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about the Hedgehog, how he walked at night and got lost in the fog. He fell into the river, but someone carried him to the shore. It was a magical night! Hedgehog in the fog read Thirty mosquitoes ran out into the clearing and began to play ...

    4 - Apple

    Suteev V.G.

    A fairy tale about a hedgehog, a hare and a crow who could not share the last apple among themselves. Everyone wanted to own it. But the fair bear judged their dispute, and each got a piece of goodies ... Apple to read It was late ...

    5 - About the little mouse from the book

    Gianni Rodari

    A small story about a mouse who lived in a book and decided to jump out of it into the big world. Only he did not know how to speak the language of mice, but knew only a strange bookish language ... To read about a mouse from a little book ...

    6 - Black Pool

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about a cowardly Hare who was afraid of everyone in the forest. And he was so tired of his fear that he came to the Black Pool. But he taught the Hare to live and not be afraid! Black pool read Once upon a time there was a Hare in ...

    7 - About the Hedgehog and the Rabbit A piece of winter

    Stuart P. and Riddell K.

    The story is about how the Hedgehog, before hibernation, ask the Rabbit to keep him a piece of winter until spring. The rabbit rolled up a large ball of snow, wrapped it in leaves and hid it in his hole. About the Hedgehog and the Rabbit Piece ...

    8 - About the Hippo who was afraid of vaccinations

    Suteev V.G.

    A fairy tale about a cowardly hippopotamus who ran away from the clinic because he was afraid of vaccinations. And he got jaundice. Fortunately, he was taken to the hospital and cured. And the Hippo was very ashamed of his behavior... About the Behemoth, who was afraid...

“Here a fairy tale began, a fable began from the sivka and from the cloak, and from the chicken of the wine walker, from the buzzard piglet.”

It began with a beginning, was accompanied by sayings and jokes, fantastic and magical, followed the formulas of "fabulous ritual" or, conversely, neglected the canon, without a beginning and ending, became close to reality, the everyday environment, depending on whose mouth it sounded, what the narrator affected ...

Abram Kuzmich Novopoltsev

Narrator-joker, storyteller-amuser Abram Novopoltsev is a typical representative of the heritage of buffoons. His repertoire surprises with its diversity: here are fantastic fairy tales, and short stories about everyday life, and fairy tales about animals, as well as anecdotes, edifying legends, and historical legends. However, even the classic traditional fairy tale in Novopoltsev's transmission, with all the formal fidelity to the canon, is rethought, reworked due to the unique style of the storyteller. The main feature of this style is rhyming, which subjugates any fairy tale told by Novopoltsev, makes it amusing, light, carefree and cannot but amuse and entertain the listener. “This is the end of the fairy tale,” said her fellow, and to us, fellows, a glass of beer, for the end of the fairy tale, a glass of wine.

Egor Ivanovich Sorokovikov-Magai

The fairy tale facilitated the hard working days of the peasant, lifted the spirit, gave strength to live on, storytellers were always known and appreciated by the people. Often, storytellers enjoyed privileges, for example, in fishing artels on Lake Baikal, the storyteller was given an extra share and freed from a number of difficult jobs. Or, for example, as Sorokovikov, an outstanding Russian storyteller, recalls, most of the tales had to be told at the mill, when it was time to grind the bread. “When you come to the mill, they even take sacks to help me. "He'll be telling tales!" And let them through the line. "We dare you, just tell us fairy tales!" In this way, many fairy tales had to be told. Sorokovikov is distinguished from many storytellers by his knowledge of reading and writing and his passion for books, hence the peculiarity of the fairy tales he tells: they bear the imprint of book influences and urban culture. The cultural elements introduced by Yegor Ivanovich into the fairy tale, such as a special bookstore of the characters’ speech or household accessories (a telephone in the princess’s chamber, clubs and theaters, a notebook taken out by a peasant peasant, and many others), transform the fairy tale and permeate it with a new worldview.

Anna Kupriyanova Baryshnikova

The poor, illiterate peasant woman Anna Baryshnikova, better known by the nickname "Kupriyanikha" or "Aunt Anyuta", inherited most of her fairy tales from her father, who liked to insert a red word and make the audience laugh. In the same way, the fairy tales of Kupriyanikha - provocative, often poetic - like the fairy tales of Novopoltsev, inherited the tradition of buffoons and specialists of buffoons. Baryshnikova's tales are replete with colorful beginnings, endings, sayings, jokes and rhymes. Rhyme determines the whole tale or its individual episodes, introduces new words, names, creates new positions. And some of the storyteller's beginnings are independent sayings that migrate from one fairy tale to another: “The bread was not good, was it rolled along the podlavoch, on the stove? planted in the corner, raked in boxes, not in the town. Nobody buys bread, nobody takes it for nothing. The pig Ustinya came up, smeared her whole snout. She fell ill for three weeks, on the fourth week the pig writhed, and on the fifth week she was completely gone.

Fedor Ivanovich Aksamentov

A fairy tale, like a piece of plasticine in the hands, is remade and changed under the influence of various factors (the individual characteristics of the narrator, the place where the tale lives, the social environment to which the performer belongs). So, told in a soldier's environment, the fairy tale absorbs the realities of camp and military life, the barracks and appears before us as a completely different, new fairy tale. A soldier's fairy tale is characterized by its own special repertoire, a special range of topics and a selection of episodes. Aksamentov, the Lena storyteller, one of the best representatives of the soldier's fairy tale, treats the fairy tale tradition with care, but at the same time his fairy tale is modernized, subordinated to the realities of soldier's life (hours, breeding, dismissal notes, guardhouses, etc.). In a soldier's fairy tale, you will not find fantastic "in a certain kingdom" or "far away", the action is timed to a certain place and even time, it takes place in Moscow or St. areas. For Aksamentov, this is most often France and Paris. The main character of his fairy tales is a Russian soldier. The narrator also introduces drunkards, card games, hotels, parties into the story, sometimes these pictures of drunkenness even turn into some kind of apotheosis of a drunkard, which gives a specific shade to fairy-tale fantasy.

Natalya Osipovna Vinokurova

For the storyteller Vinokurova, a poor peasant woman who struggled with poverty all her life, the main interest in the fairy tale is everyday details and the psychological situation, in her fairy tales you will not find beginnings, endings, sayings and other attributes of a classic fairy tale. Often her story is a mere enumeration of facts, and rather crumpled and confused, so, jumping from one episode to another, Vinokurova uses the formula "in short." But at the same time, the storyteller may suddenly stop at a detailed description of the simplest everyday scene, which, in principle, is not characteristic of a fairy tale. Vinokurova seeks to bring the fairy tale environment closer to reality, hence her attempts to analyze the psychological state of the characters, describe their gestures, facial expressions, sometimes the storyteller even gives descriptions of the appearance of the characters in her fairy tales (“a boy comes running to him, in a short frock coat and a black cap”).

Dmitry Savelyevich Aslamov

An important role in the perception of a fairy tale is played by the way the narrator narrates: emotionally and accompanying the story with gestures, comments, appeals to the audience, or, conversely, quietly, smoothly, without flashes. For example, Vinokurova is one of the calm storytellers, as is Sorokovikov, whose speech is sedate, somewhat solemn and in an upbeat tone. Their complete opposite is the master storyteller Aslamov. He is all in motion, constantly gesticulating, now raising, then lowering his voice, pauses, plays, laughs, marks the size with his hands, if you have to, for example, talk about the size, height, in general, the size of something or someone. And the more listeners, the more it appears in all its glory. Aslamov marks individual exploits and adventures of fairy-tale heroes with exclamations and questions: “Aha!”, “Good!”, “Smartly!”, “That's how!”, “Skillfully done!” etc., or, conversely, with remarks: “What a fool!”, “Well, there’s not enough ingenuity!”, Or he interrupts his story with remarks: “My fairy tales are interesting ?!”, “My fairy tales are very interesting.

Matvei Mikhailovich Korguev

“Not in which kingdom, not in which state, but precisely in the one in which we live, there lived a peasant,” - this is how Korguev begins his fairy tale “About Chapai”, in which the White Sea storyteller manages to embody historical material, events Civil War, in the images of folk art. Playfully, Korguev combines fabulous traditional motifs with contemporary reality, brings life to them with all its everyday details, humanizes fairy-tale characters, individualizes them. So, the heroes and heroines of the fairy tales he tells are called Tanechka, Lenochka, Elechka, Sanechka, Andreyushko. Elechka got out for Andrei “a pig - a golden bristle”, “she put it in a box and fell asleep. I slept a little, got up at six o'clock, warmed up the samovar and began to wake Andrei. Due to such details, the realism of fairy tales and their entertainment are achieved, which certainly distinguishes Korguev's fairy tales from others.

8 best storytellers in the world We all come from childhood and at one time listened to and read fairy tales. This is a very important element in raising a child. Fairy tales are able to form in a small person the first ideas about the world, about good and evil, and other truths. In addition to folk art, when fairy tales were preserved from generation to generation by word of mouth, many fairy tales came from the pen of outstanding writers of this genre. These are the people we're talking about today. Hans Christian Andersen. The Danish writer is known primarily as a creator of fairy tales, but he also tried himself in other literary genres. Andersen became the first educator and educator through his fictional stories for many people and generations. Since childhood, he loved to dream and dream, write poetry and watch puppet theater performances. Although young Hans began with dramaturgy, he celebrated his 30th birthday with the publication of his first collection of fairy tales. All these little inches, little mermaids, snow queens and princesses on peas - they are all fruits of Andersen's fantasy and fiction.
Charles Perrot. The storyteller to some extent complements the father and mother for the child, becoming someone else who is present in the parental home in the form of book stories. For French children, starting from the seventeenth century, Charles Perrault became such an educator. He wrote serious scientific works, but in parallel with this, fairy tales. He was drawn to create some incredible stories. No wonder they say that in every adult there is a child. A collection of his fantasies called "Tales of Mother Goose" made Perrault famous far beyond the borders of the French kingdom. He created his own parade of fairy-tale characters, which are well known to all of us: this is a cat who for some reason does not want to walk with his paws, as happens with his relatives; and a beauty who cannot wake up without a kiss from the prince; and Cinderella, the exploited oppressed class; and a boy who grew up only with a finger; here is an inquisitive girl wearing a red hat, and a beard - it is not clear why it turned blue.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Yes, he also wrote fairy tales in the interval between duels, digressing from the narration of the sad fate of Onegin and Tatyana. True, these tales are written in the form of poetry. Not everyone writes poems. Pushkin is a very multifaceted personality. He told the world about Tsar Saltan, spoke about the relationship between a fisherman and a fish, seven heroes and a dead princess.
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, or simply the Brothers Grimm. These two storyteller brothers were inseparable until their death. They wrote, though of a fabulous nature, but rather serious stories. From them we learned about street musicians from the city of Bremen, about seven kids who fought against a wolf, and about two children - Hansel and Gretel, who coped with the intrigues of the insidious woman Yaga, who wanted to cook them. The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm can be called a kind of children's crime stories.
Rudyard Kipling. He became the youngest writer to win the Nobel Prize. Kipling wrote The Jungle Book with its main character Mowgli, who was raised by a black panther named Bagheera. There were also stories about a certain cat walking by itself, the author wondered why a camel got a hump and a leopard got spots. Kipling himself traveled widely, which gave him the ground for many extraordinary stories.
Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Whom he just did not try himself in the literary world, wrote in different genres, acted as a war correspondent, even became an academician. He adapted the tale of Pinocchio for the Russian reader. In 1935, a story was published about a long-nosed log, which later became a boy named Pinocchio. This was the pinnacle of the fabulous talent of Alexei Tolstoy, although he wrote, in addition to this, many other fictional stories.
Alan Milne. This author made a biography of the most famous bear in the world - Winnie the Pooh and his cronies. In addition, Milne created a fairy tale about the rabbit prince and the princess, which was so difficult to make laugh.
Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann. He possessed many talents, was a composer, an artist, and a writer. Fairy tales are one of his creative manifestations. Hoffmann wanted to leave a good memory of himself, something with which he would be imprinted in many generations after his death. His The Nutcracker became the basis for opera and ballet productions, as well as Disney and Soviet-made cartoons.

Danish prose writer and poet - the author of world-famous fairy tales for children and adults. He wrote The Ugly Duckling, The King's New Dress, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Princess and the Pea, Ole Lukoye, The Snow Queen and many other works.

The storyteller was constantly afraid for his life: Andersen was frightened by the likelihood of a robbery, dogs, the possibility of losing his passport.

Most of all, the writer was afraid of fire. Because of this, the author of The Ugly Duckling always carried a rope with him, with which, in case of fire, he could get out through the window to the street.

Andersen was also tormented by the fear of poisoning all his life. There is a legend according to which children who loved the work of the Danish storyteller bought a gift for their idol. Ironically, the guys sent Andersen a box of chocolates. The storyteller was horrified when he saw the children's gift and sent it to his relatives.

Hans Christian Andersen. (nacion.ru)

In Denmark, there is a legend about the royal origin of Andersen. This is due to the fact that in an early autobiography the author himself wrote about how, as a child, he played with Prince Frits, later King Frederick VII, and he had no friends among street boys. Only the prince. Andersen's friendship with Frits, according to the storyteller's fantasy, continued into adulthood, until the latter's death, and, according to the writer himself, he was the only one, with the exception of relatives, who was admitted to the coffin of the deceased.

Charles Perrault

However, it was not serious books that brought him worldwide fame and recognition from his descendants, but the beautiful fairy tales Cinderella, Puss in Boots, Bluebeard, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty.

Source: twi.ua

Perrault published his fairy tales not under his own name, but under the name of his 19-year-old son Perrault d'Harmancourt. The fact is that in the culture of the 15th century throughout Europe, and especially in France, classicism dominated. This direction provided for a strict division into "high" and "low" genres. It can be assumed that the writer concealed his own name in order to protect his already established literary reputation from accusations of working with the "low" genre of the fairy tale.

Because of this fact, after the death of Perrault, the fate of Mikhail Sholokhov also befell him: literary critics began to dispute his authorship. But the version of Perrault's independent authorship is still generally accepted.

Brothers Grimm

Jakob and Wilhelm are researchers of German folk culture and storytellers. They were born in the city of Hanau. For a long time they lived in the city of Kassel. They studied the grammar of the Germanic languages, the history of law and mythology.

Such fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm as "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and "Rapunzel" are known all over the world.

Brothers Grimm. (history-doc.ru)

For the Germans, this duet is the personification of the original folk culture. The writers collected folklore and published several collections called Grimm's Tales, which became quite popular. Also, the Grimm brothers created a book about the German Middle Ages "German Legends".

It is the Grimm brothers who are considered the founders of German philology. At the end of their lives, they set about creating the first dictionary of the German language.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov

The writer was born in the city of Sysert, Yekaterinburg district, Perm province. He graduated from the Ekaterinburg Theological School, and later the Perm Theological Seminary.

He worked as a teacher, political worker, journalist and editor of the Ural newspapers.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. (zen.yandex.com)

In 1939, Bazhov's collection of fairy tales "The Malachite Box" was published. In 1944, The Malachite Box was published in London and New York, then in Prague, and in 1947 in Paris. The work has been translated into German, Hungarian, Romanian, Chinese, Japanese. In total, according to the library. Lenin - into 100 languages ​​of the world.

In Yekaterinburg, there is the Bazhov House Museum, dedicated to the life and creative path of the writer. It was in this room that the author of The Malachite Box wrote all his works.

Astrid Lindgren

Fairy-tale works are close to folk art, in them the connection between fantasy and the truth of life is palpable. Astrid is the author of a number of world-famous books for children, including The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof and Pippi Longstocking. In Russian, her books became known thanks to the translation of Lilianna Lungina.

Astrid Lindgren. (wbkids.ru)

Lindgren dedicated almost all of her books to children. “I haven’t written books for adults and I don’t think I ever will,” Astrid said emphatically. She, along with the heroes of the books, taught the children that "If you live out of habit, your whole life will be a day!".

The writer herself always called her childhood happy (it had a lot of games and adventures, interspersed with work on the farm and in its environs) and pointed out that it was it that served as a source of inspiration for her work.

In 1958, Lindgren received the Hans Christian Andersen Medal, which is equivalent to the Nobel Prize in Children's Literature.

Lindgren lived a long life, 94 years, of which 48 years until her death she continued to engage in creativity.

Rudyard Kipling

The famous writer, poet and reformer, was born in Bombay (India). At the age of 6 he was brought to England, those years he later called "the years of suffering." When the writer was 42 years old, he was awarded the Nobel Prize. Until now, he remains the youngest writer-laureate in his nomination. He also became the first Englishman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.

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Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837) Not only the poems and poems of the great poet and playwright enjoy the well-deserved love of people, but also wonderful fairy tales in verse. Alexander Pushkin began to write his poems at an early age, he received a good education at home, graduated from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum (a privileged educational institution), and was friends with other famous poets, including the “Decembrists”. In the life of the poet, there were both periods of ups and downs and tragic events: accusations of freethinking, misunderstanding and condemnation of the authorities, and finally, a fatal duel, as a result of which Pushkin received a mortal wound and died at the age of 38. But his legacy remains: the last fairy tale written by the poet was The Tale of the Golden Cockerel. Also known are “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”, “The Tale of the Priest and the Worker Balda.”

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Pavel Petrovich Bazhov (1879-1950) The Russian writer and folklorist, who was the first to perform a literary adaptation of the Ural legends, left us an invaluable legacy. He was born into a simple working-class family, but this did not stop him from graduating from the seminary and becoming a teacher of the Russian language. In 1918, he volunteered for the front, returning, he decided to turn to journalism. Only on the occasion of the author's 60th birthday was the collection of short stories "The Malachite Box" published, which brought people's love to Bazhov. It is interesting that fairy tales are made in the form of legends: folk speech, folklore images make each work special. The most famous fairy tales are: “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”, “Silver Hoof”, “Malachite Box”, “Two Lizards”, “Golden Hair”, “Stone Flower”.

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Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1882-1945) Alexei Tolstoy wrote in many genres and styles, received the title of academician, and during the war he was a war correspondent. As a child, Alexei lived on the Sosnovka farm in the house of his stepfather (his mother left his father, Count Tolstoy, while pregnant). Tolstoy spent several years abroad, studying the literature and folklore of different countries: this is how the idea arose to rewrite the fairy tale "Pinocchio" in a new way. In 1935, his book The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio was published. Alexei Tolstoy also released 2 collections of his own fairy tales, called Mermaid Tales and Magpie Tales. The most famous "adult" works are "Walking through the torments", "Aelita", "Hyperboloid of engineer Garin".

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Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasiev (1826-1871) This is an outstanding folklorist and historian, who from his youth was fond of folk art and studied it. At first he worked as a journalist in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at which time he began his research. Afanasiev is considered one of the most prominent scientists of the 20th century, his collection of Russian folk tales is the only collection of Russian East Slavic tales that can be called a “folk book”, because more than one generation has grown up on them. The first publication dates back to 1855, since then the book has been reprinted more than once.

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Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) More than one generation of people grew up on the works of the Danish writer, storyteller and playwright. From early childhood, Hans was a visionary and dreamer, he adored puppet theaters and began to write poetry early. His father died when Hans was not even ten years old, the boy worked as an apprentice at a tailor, then at a cigarette factory, at the age of 14 he already played minor roles at the Royal Theater in Copenhagen. Andersen wrote his first play at the age of 15, it was a great success, in 1835 his first book of fairy tales was published, which many children and adults read with delight to this day. Of his works, the most famous are Flint, Thumbelina, The Little Mermaid, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Snow Queen, The Ugly Duckling, The Princess and the Pea and others.

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Charles Perrault (1628-1703) French storyteller, critic and poet was an exemplary excellent student in childhood. He received a good education, made a career as a lawyer and writer, he was admitted to the French Academy, wrote many scientific works. He published his first book of fairy tales under a pseudonym - the name of his eldest son was indicated on the cover, since Perrault was afraid that the storyteller's reputation could damage his career. In 1697, his collection Tales of Mother Goose was published, which brought Perrault world fame. According to the plot of his fairy tales, famous ballets and operas were created. As for the most famous works, few people did not read in their childhood about Puss in Boots, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Gingerbread House, Thumb Boy, Bluebeard.

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Brothers Grimm: Wilhelm (1786-1859), Jakob (1785-1863) Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm were inseparable from youth to the very grave: they were connected by common interests and common adventures. Wilhelm Grimm grew up as a sickly and weak boy, only in adulthood his health more or less returned to normal, Jacob always supported his brother. The Grimm brothers were not only connoisseurs of German folklore, but also linguists, lawyers, scientists. One brother chose the path of a philologist, studying the memoirs of ancient German literature, the other became a scientist. Fairy tales brought world fame to the brothers, although some works are considered “not for children”. The most famous are “Snow White and Scarlet”, “Straw, Coal and Bean”, “Bremen Street Musicians”, “The Brave Tailor”, “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “Hansel and Gretel” and others.

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Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) Famous writer, poet and reformer. Rudyard Kipling was born in Bombay (India), at the age of 6 he was brought to England, he later called those years “years of suffering”, because the people who raised him turned out to be cruel and indifferent. The future writer was educated, returned to India, and then went on a trip, visiting many countries in Asia and America. When the writer was 42 years old, he was awarded the Nobel Prize - and to this day he remains the youngest writer-winner in his nomination. Kipling's most famous children's book is, of course, The Jungle Book, the main character of which was the boy Mowgli, it is also very interesting to read other fairy tales: the leopard got his spots”, they all tell about distant lands and are very interesting.

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