Writer Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov - biography for children. Russian Soviet writer Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov: biography and works When Sokolov Mikitov was born and died

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Biography, life story of Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov

Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov is an original Russian wordsmith who worked mainly in the Soviet era.

early years

The birthplace of Ivan Sergeevich was the Oseki tract, located in the Kaluga province. There outstanding writer was born on May 17 (29), 1892. The mother was a simple peasant woman, and the father was responsible for the forest lands belonging to representatives of the famous merchant dynasty of the Konshins. The parent himself was from the Smolensk region, where the family moved in 1895.

As soon as Ivan turned 10 years old, he was sent to a real school. During his studies, the teenager became imbued with revolutionary ideas. And so much so that he began to attend illegal circles in which romantics like him dreamed of a communist paradise in Rus'. But the administration of the establishment found out about the underground meetings. As a result, the young man was expelled from the school. By that time, he had studied for just over four years.

The road to literature

In 1910, the former “realist” arrived in St. Petersburg, where he began to study the basics of farming on the land. It was this year that the beginning creative path Ivan Sergeevich, which was marked by the appearance of a fairy tale called “The Salt of the Earth.” Over time, Sokolov-Mikitov realized that he would not make an agronomist. The young man was increasingly inclined towards the literary path. He became a frequent visitor to specialized circles, which were also attended by other aspiring Russian writers, in particular, the two Alexanders - Green and Kuprin.

Sokolov-Mikitov began his career in Revel, where he got a job at a local newspaper. It would seem that one could calmly engage in writing, but the restless soul of Ivan Sergeevich completely denied a calm atmosphere. Quite unexpectedly for those around him, he found himself a new job, this time on a merchant navy ship. And he set off on a journey to the African shores.


The news of the beginning of the First World War overtook Sokolov-Mikitov in the distant ocean. Without hesitation, he returned to native land and took a direct part in the battles, namely, he smashed enemy positions as part of the crew of a bomber under the formidable nickname “Ilya Muromets”.

In 1919, Ivan Sergeevich returned to peaceful life and again got a job at a trading lot. After a year of sailing, the ship "Omsk" with sailor Sokolov-Mikitov found itself near the British coast, where it was arrested and then auctioned off for debts.

Living abroad and returning home

Such an unexpected outcome of his naval career forced Ivan Sergeevich to wander around foreign countries. First he lived in England, then ended up in the German capital. It is unknown how things would have turned out further fate traveler, if there had not been a meeting with . The famous “Russian petrel” assisted his compatriot in obtaining documents. Thanks to him, Sokolov-Mikitov was able to return to Russia.

But even there the writer did not look for an easy life, but traveled a lot to various parts of the country and even took part in dangerous Arctic expeditions. In the early 30s of the last century, stories came from his pen telling about the harsh and brave everyday life of the conquerors of the Arctic Ocean.


Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov was married to Lydia Ivanovna Sokolova, whom he met at a publishing house in the capital. Three girls were born in her marriage. All daughters passed away long before the death of their parents.

Sokolov-Mikitov died in Moscow on February 20, 1975. According to his will, he was cremated. The ashes rested in the New Cemetery in Gatchina.

When reading books, we are taught from childhood to pay attention to the author, and already in primary school, need to know short biography writer. Let's look at the life of a Russian prose writer, meet Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov. The biography for children will be described by me both for schoolchildren in grades 2-3, as well as for fifth graders.

  1. Biography in full version
  2. Brief biography for grades 2-3

Hello dear blog readers, today we will plunge a little deeper into the world of literature. I recently purchased wonderful book with stories about winter. My son and I read it in one evening, but since the boy is in 2nd grade, it’s time to start reader's diary. After studying the information on how to do it correctly, as well as remembering my school experience, I decided to start with the biography.

Also in early childhood When reading books to my son, I always named who wrote them. Subsequently, having learned to read, he began to do it himself. But we all understand that the style and theme of the author depends on his fate, which leaves its mark on knowledge and preferences. Here we will try to understand why Ivan Sergeevich wrote mainly about nature and animals.

Sokolov-Mikitov: biography for children

Sokolov-Mikitov is a Russian writer, born in May 1892. He lived for 82 years and died in February 1975. At first, his family lived in the Kaluga province (now Kaluga region), where his father Sergei Nikitich worked as a forestry manager for the Konshin merchants. When Ivan was a three-year-old boy, the family moved to the village of Kislovo (Smolensk region), where his father was from. But seven years later, at the age of ten, he entered the Smolensk Alexander School, where he studied only until the 5th grade, as he was expelled for participating in underground revolutionary circles.

Author of the photo: Sergey Semenov

In 1910, Ivan Sergeevich continued his studies, but in St. Petersburg, where he enrolled in agricultural courses. It was at this time that his first fairy tale, “The Salt of the Earth,” was written, which is known today to all Russian people. From this moment on, Sokolov-Mikitov began to seriously think about writing, attend literary circles, and meet colleagues of that time. The future writer gets a job as a secretary of the newspaper “Revelsky Leaf” in the city of Revel (now Tallinn), then, continuing to search for himself, he goes on a merchant ship with which he travels around the world.

The first one has begun World War and it was necessary to return to Russia, it was 1915. During the war, he flew on the Ilya Muromets bomber. And after graduation, in 1919 he returned as a sailor to a merchant ship, this time the Omsk. But 12 months later, the unexpected happened: in England, the ship was arrested for debt. The writer is forced to live for a year in a foreign country. And in 1921 he found the opportunity to get to Berlin (Germany), where he was lucky enough to meet Maxim Gorky. He helped to prepare the documents that were required to return to Russia.

Having returned to Russia, Sokolov-Mikitov goes on expeditions to the Arctic Ocean on the icebreaker Georgy Sedov. Then he travels to Franz Josef Land and Severnaya Zemlya and even takes part in the rescue of the icebreaker “Malygin”. He writes about what he saw for the newspaper Izvestia, where he works as a correspondent.

In just two years (1930-1931), the prose writer published his works: “Overseas Stories”, “On the White Earth” and the story “Childhood”. Living and working in Gatchina, such people come to him famous personalities like Evgeny Zamyatin, Vyacheslav Shishkov, Vitaly Bianchi, Konstantin Fedin. In 1934, Sokolov-Mikitov was accepted as a member of the Union of Soviet Writers, and was subsequently awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor three times.

During World War II he continued to work for the newspaper Izvestia in Perm (then Molotovo). And after the victory he returns to Leningrad.

The personal life of Ivan Sergeevich is quite tragic. In 1952, he began to live in his own house in the village of Karacharovo with his wife Lydia Ivanovna Sokolova. They had three children: Irina, Elena and Lydia. All the girls died while their parents were still alive. The writer has only his grandson left - Professor Alexander Sergeevich Sokolov.

Brief biography for children in grades 2-3

Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov is a Russian writer who wrote many stories about nature, birds and animals. And this is not surprising, because his father was a forest manager. The boy recognized the forest early and fell in love with it. In his youth, he studied agriculture, which also increased his knowledge of our Earth. But realizing that he liked literature, he went to work as a sailor on ships. He visited different countries, went on expeditions to the north of our country.

The writer managed to survive two wars: the First World War and the Second World War. During the first, he flew a bomber. In the second, he stayed in the rear and worked as a newspaper correspondent.

Sokolov-Mikitov wrote his first fairy tale, “The Salt of the Earth,” at the age of 18. In 1951, he settled with his family in a rural house that he built himself. There he had enough time to study literary activity. He lived a long and fruitful life, living to the age of 82.


Dear readers, agree that by understanding the author’s life, it will be easier for children to penetrate the works they read. I hope you enjoyed the work my son and I did on the biography. You can support the project, it's very easy to do, just share the article on social media. networks by clicking on the buttons below. And I say goodbye to you, in the next article we will talk about the stories of this great Russian prose writer.

Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov (1892-1975) - Russian Soviet writer.
Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov was born in the Oseki tract of the Kaluga province (now Peremyshl district of the Kaluga region) in the family of Sergei Nikitich Sokolov, a manager of the forest lands of the wealthy merchants Konshins.
In 1895, the family moved to their father’s homeland in the village of Kislovo, Dorogobuzh district (now Ugransky district, Smolensk region). When he was ten years old, his father took him to Smolensk where he enrolled him in the Smolensk Alexander Real School. At the school, Sokolov-Mikitov became interested in the ideas of revolution. For participation in underground revolutionary circles, Sokolov-Mikitov was expelled from the fifth grade of the school. In 1910, Sokolov-Mikitov left for St. Petersburg, where he began attending agricultural courses. In the same year he wrote his first work - the fairy tale “The Salt of the Earth”. Soon Sokolov-Mikitov realizes that he has no inclination for agricultural work, and begins to become more and more interested in literature. He attends literary circles and meets many famous writers Alexey Remizov, Alexander Green, Vyacheslav Shishkov, Mikhail Prishvin, Alexander Kuprin.
Since 1912, Sokolov-Mikitov worked in Revel as secretary of the newspaper “Revelsky Listok”. Soon he got a job on a merchant ship and visited many port cities in Europe and Africa. In 1915, in connection with the outbreak of the First World War, he returned to Russia. During the war, Sokolov-Mikitov, together with the famous pilot Gleb Alekhnovich, flew combat missions on the Russian bomber Ilya Muromets.
In 1919, Ivan Sokolov-Mikitov signed up as a sailor on the merchant ship Omsk. However, in 1920 in England, the ship was arrested and sold at auction for debts. For Sokolov-Mikitov, forced emigration began. He lived in England for a year, and then in 1921 he moved to Germany. In 1922, Sokolov-Mikitov met in Berlin with Maxim Gorky, who helped him obtain the documents necessary to return to his homeland.
After returning to Russia, Sokolov-Mikitov travels a lot, participating in Arctic expeditions on the icebreaker Georgiy Sedov, led by Otto Schmidt. Expeditions to the Arctic Ocean, Franz Josef Land and Severnaya Zemlya were followed by an expedition to rescue the icebreaker "Malygin", in which he participated as a correspondent for Izvestia.
In 1930-1931 the cycles “Overseas Stories”, “On White Earth” and the story “Childhood” were published.
In 1929-1934, Sokolov-Mikitov lived and worked in Gatchina. Famous writers Evgeny Zamyatin, Vyacheslav Shishkov, Vitaly Bianki, Konstantin Fedin often come to visit him.
On July 1, 1934, Sokolov-Mikitov was accepted as a member of the Union of Soviet Writers.
During World War II, Sokolov-Mikitov worked in Molotov as a special correspondent for Izvestia. In the summer of 1945 he returned to Leningrad.
Beginning in the summer of 1952, Sokolov-Mikitov began to live in a house he built with his own hands in the village of Karacharovo, Konakovsky district. Here he writes most of his works.
Writers visited his “Karacharov” house

Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov ()

Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov lived a long, eventful life. Known for his descriptions of Russian nature, I. S. Sokolov added to his surname the nickname given to their family in the village by the name of his grandfather, Deacon Nikita, and signed himself Sokolov-Mikitov. Writer with grandson Sasha Karacharovsky house.

Special role His father, Sergei Nikitievich, played a role in the development of the future writer. “Through my father’s eyes, I saw the majestic world of Russian nature unfolding before me; the paths, the wide expanse of fields, the high blue of the sky with frozen clouds seemed wonderful.” From his mother, Maria Ivanovna, who knew an inexhaustible variety of fairy tales and sayings, and whose every word was appropriate, he inherited a love for native language, to figurative folk speech. From the bright spring of maternal and paternal love flowed a sparkling stream of my life.”

When he was ten years old, his father took him to Smolensk where he enrolled him in the Smolensk Alexander Real School. At the school, Sokolov-Mikitov became interested in the ideas of revolution. For participation in underground revolutionary circles, Sokolov-Mikitov was expelled from the fifth grade of the school. Student of the Alexander School, 1910

In 1910, Sokolov-Mikitov left for St. Petersburg, where he began attending agricultural courses. In the same year, he wrote his first work, the fairy tale “The Salt of the Earth.” Soon Sokolov-Mikitov realizes that he has no inclination for agricultural work, and begins to become more and more interested in literature. He attends literary circles, meets many famous writers Alexei Remizov, Alexander Green, Vyacheslav Shishkov, Mikhail Prishvin, Alexander Kuprin.

IN last years During his life, the writer lost his sight, but he did not give up and spoke his works into a tape recorder for a year. At Sokolov-Mikitov’s dacha in Karacharovo From left to right: Tvardovsky, Sokolov-Mikitov, Laktionov

Sokolov-Mikitov Ivan Sergeevich

Sokolov - Mikitov Ivan Sergeevich (05/30/1892 - 02/20/1975) - was born near Kaluga, but while still an infant he was transported to the Smolensk province, to his father’s homeland, where he spent his childhood, adolescence and youth.

In 1895, the family moved to their father’s homeland in the village of Kislovo, Dorogobuzhsky (now Ugransky) district, Smolensk region. He studied at the Smolensk Alexander Real School (currently there is a memorial plaque on the building). Expelled from 5th grade “due to poor academic performance and bad behavior on suspicion of belonging to student revolutionary organizations.” He continued his studies at the St. Petersburg four-year agricultural courses of the Main Directorate of Land Management and Agriculture. In St. Petersburg, he met the writer A. M. Remizov, who played a significant role in his literary destiny; with V. Ya. Shishkov, M. M. Prishvin, became friends with A. Green and A. I. Kuprin. Having convinced himself that he has no inclination towards agronomic sciences, he leaves courses, attends literary debates and public libraries. In 1910 he wrote his first work - the fairy tale “The Salt of the Earth”. In 1912 he moved to Revel (now Tallinn) to the position of secretary of the newspaper “Revel Leaflet”. From Revel, Sokolov-Mikitov sets off as a sailor on his first voyage. Visited Turkey, Egypt, Syria, Greece, Africa, the Netherlands, England, Italy.

It began publishing in 1915. The first publications were in Petrograd magazines and newspapers - “Argus”, “Birzhevye Vedomosti”, “The Will of the People”, etc. In short correspondence from the front of the First World War “With a stretcher”, “The calm before the storm” and others tell the harsh truth about the war. In 1918-19 works as a teacher at a unified labor school in Dorogobuzh. In the book “Istok-City” he develops the idea of ​​harmonious upbringing of children. In 1920, together with the crew of the ship "Omsk", he was interned in England. In 1921 he moved to Germany. In Berlin he collaborates with A. Yashchenko, is close with A. Remizov, A. Tolstoy, corresponds with I. Bunin, meets with M. Gorky. In the emigrant press he publishes a number of essays directed against revolutionary changes in the Russian countryside and the willfulness of Bolshevism.

In 1922 he returned to Russia and worked in the Smolensk region. During this period, he created his best works, the stories “Childhood” (1930), “Elen” (1928), “Chizhikov Lavra” (1926), the cycle of stories “On the Nevestnitsa River” (1925), “Through the Magpie Kingdom” (1927), etc. Most of them deal with the theme of the Russian village and the fate of the Russian peasantry, which is close to the author. The work of Sokolov-Mikitov was highly appreciated by his contemporaries - I. A. Bunin, A. I. Kuprin, M. Gorky. In 1929 he moved with his family to Gatchina. In the 1930s. participates in expeditions to New Earth, Franz Josef Land. Books published by S.-M. “Lenkoran” (1934), “The Paths of Ships” (1934), “White Shores” (1936), “Northern Stories” (1939); and others. S.-M.’s craftsmanship and his artistic world have their origins in folklore, in folk life and customs, in the Russian tradition classical prose. A long-term, warm friendship connected Sokolov-Mikitov with Tvardovsky.

Sokolov-Mikitov is widely known as children's writer. His books “Fox Dodges”, “Falling Leaves”, “Friendship of Animals”, “Karacharovsky House” and many others introduce the little reader to the colorful world of nature; collections of Russian children's games - “On the Pebble”, “Zarya-Zarenitsa” - with folk traditions and folklore.

In the last years of his life, Sokolov-Mikitov became blind. Written from dictation last book memoirs “Old Meetings” (1976). Works by S.-M. translated into many languages ​​of the world.

  • TSB.- Ed. 3rd - T. 24, - P. 136;
  • Smirnov M. Ivan Sokolov-Mikitov. Essay on life and creativity.-L., 1974;
  • Memories of I. Sokolov-Mikitov. - M., 1984;
  • Kozyr V.V. Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov: To the 80th anniversary of his birth. Recommendation index of literature (bibliography). - Smolensk, 1972.
Information according to the site http://www.smolensklib.ru
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