Pies with sauerkraut in the oven. Pies with cabbage in the oven, step-by-step recipe with photos

One of the most famous dishes of Russian cuisine is pies. The filling in them can be salty or sweet, but an indispensable condition for “successful” pies is a light, airy dough! To make your products both tasty and attractive, use this simple recipe! Pies with cabbage in the oven, the recipe for which we will show you step by step with photos, turn out especially tasty and cook very quickly!



  • 15 g live, pressed yeast;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • ½ pack (100 g) butter;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 500 g flour;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp. l. water.


  • 0.8-1 kg. white cabbage;
  • 1 onion;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 1 carrot – optional;
  • ½ tbsp. tomato juice - optional;
  • ground black pepper - at will and to taste.

Prepare another egg to brush the top of the baked goods before putting them in the oven.

Suitable fillings for this dough include: finely chopped apples, frozen berries, boiled rice with green onions and eggs, stewed cabbage, etc. In this recipe, to prepare our cabbage pies in the oven, we will use stewed cabbage as a filling. . You can add other ingredients to taste and if you wish!

Preparatory activities

  • If you add butter melted on the stove to the dough, the structure of the dough will change and it will be less elastic. Therefore, it is best to use butter that has been softened at room temperature.
  • For successful baking, activate, “wake up” the yeast. Dissolve them in a spoonful of warm water, add a little sugar, and leave for a quarter of an hour. The activation process is especially necessary for dry yeast.
  • Sift the flour, even if you have sifted it before.
  • It’s better to prepare the filling in advance or while the dough is “rising”, so that when the dough comes up you already have everything at hand!

To make stewed cabbage more juicy and tasty, before stewing, you can add chopped carrots and half a glass of tomato juice. You can also add a little pepper to taste.

Recipe for pies with cabbage in the oven

1. Place the dough. Heat the milk slightly, pour activated yeast into it, add a little flour - the dough should not be completely liquid. Cover the container with the dough with a towel.

2. When the mixture has increased in volume, add all the ingredients, but only half the flour. If you add a little starch to the dough (about 2 tbsp), the finished baked goods will be even more tender and airy. Mix everything well.

Advice! If you are preparing a large amount of dough, it is better to add the baking (eggs and butter) not immediately, but in parts, so that it is easier for the yeast to “raise” the dough.

3. Knead the dough long enough (at least 10 minutes). To prevent it from sticking to your hands too much, grease your palms with oil or “dust” your hands with flour. Place the bowl of dough near the radiator in winter, and in the sun in summer.

4. Add the rest of the flour and remember the dough again, it should become elastic and pliable.

Advice! If you put all the required amount of flour into the dough, but it continues to stick to your hands, knead the dough for some more time, adding flour a pinch at a time.

5. Rich yeast dough must rise at least three times. The carbon dioxide released by the yeast will be distributed more evenly.

6. Now make balls from the dough and form them into flat cakes.

7. Make the pies. Try to make tight tucks through which the filling cannot “come out.” Place the pies on a greased sheet so that there is still a little room for them to grow.

8. Brush the products with beaten egg or beaten yolk, and then place them in a hot oven.

Advice! The oven must be hot! It is better to warm it up 20 minutes before laying out the pies.

Recommended baking temperature is 180 degrees. Keep the pies in it for about 20-30 minutes. There is no need to open the oven door too often, but you will still have to check the condition of the baked goods a couple of times.

Advice! Since all housewives have different ovens, use trial methods to determine the optimal time you will need to bake the pies.

9. Do not rush to remove the hot cakes from the sheet immediately; they must first cool right on it.

10. As soon as the cabbage pies have cooled a little, they can be served! Bon appetit!

Video recipe for pies with cabbage in the oven

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Homemade pies are always a holiday, you must agree. And if we are talking about pies with cabbage in the oven, it is doubly a holiday, because the result is an incredibly tasty, juicy, aromatic treat, which for some reason disappears from the table with an insultingly high speed. I didn’t have time to grab a couple of rosy-cheeked beauties - it’s my own fault, the principle “in a big family doesn’t flap their ears” works here, because it’s simply impossible to honestly and equally share the most tender, warm cabbage pies that smell of comfort and a fairy tale - willpower in this case, smacking your lips with relish, gorges himself on homemade cakes and refuses to fulfill his direct duties!

However, for a standard family of 4-5 people, one baking sheet is just enough to have a fairly hearty dinner: after all, pies with cabbage are quite a filling thing, and even when your eyes are screaming with all sorts of indecent words about what you need, you should eat at least some more half, the wise stomach, having eaten too much, remains delicately silent, because it can no longer say anything. Cook and enjoy, because pies not only bring culinary pleasure, but also greatly unite the family, allowing you to spend time together sculpting together, and then have a fun lunch or dinner.

So, to prepare pies with cabbage filling in the oven you will need:

Dough ingredients

  • 2/3 tbsp. l. dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 glass of kefir
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 1.5 tsp. salt
  • approximately 750 g flour

For filling

  • 1 small head of cabbage
  • 2 medium sized carrots
  • 1 onion
  • salt, ground black pepper, dill to taste

Additionally, you will need 1 egg for greasing the pies and, if desired, some seeds for sprinkling (black or regular sesame, cumin, anise, poppy seeds).

Time: kneading the dough - 10 minutes, proofing - 1-1.5 hours, during the same time the filling is prepared, forming the buns - 20 minutes, baking - 20 minutes
active work - 40 minutes with shredding cabbage.
Yield: 1 baking tray (about 30 pieces, 40 g each)

How to cook cabbage pies in the oven

Let's start with the test

Pour the required amount of warm water into a bowl of sufficient size (temperature - no more than 40 degrees, this is slightly more than body temperature - if you don’t have a thermometer, just dip your finger into the liquid: the skin should feel a slight pleasant warmth, but nothing more). Add yeast and sugar. We wait until the yeast is activated - it completely dissolves and gives a slight foam.

Pour room temperature kefir into a bowl (in this case, we found the right amount of homemade full-fat sour milk in the kitchen - ideal).
Add vegetable oil (refined, without the smell of seeds unnecessary to the dough).
Breaking the eggs. Add salt and mix with a fork - without fanaticism and unnecessary zeal, just so that the products understand that they are now in the same boat.

The question is often asked: how much flour should I add? which is correct?

Add 0.5 kg of flour and pre-knead the dough - it will be liquid, sticky and scary. That's how it should be!

Now, gradually adding flour, we bring the dough to the desired consistency - slightly sticky, but quite thick, soft, not dense, but gathering into a ball and holding its shape.

You may need a little more or a little less flour than the remaining 250 g - this depends on many factors (the humidity of the flour itself and the air in the room, the fat content of kefir, the size of the eggs). On average, you will additionally need exactly the specified amount, however, do not rush to add it all at once - be guided by the consistency of the dough and your own intuition.

Round the finished dough and place it in a clean bowl, the walls of which are lightly greased with vegetable oil.

Cover with cling film and place in a warm place until the dough has at least doubled in size. Depending on the temperature of the room and the temperature of the dough itself, this will take from 1 to 2 hours. Three is the maximum and limit: if during this time the dough has not risen, alas, the food will have to be thrown away - apparently, the yeast turned out to be non-working.

Filling for cabbage pies

While the dough is doing its thing, we will start filling - now is the time.
Wash a small head of cabbage, peel it from old and spoiled leaves, cut it into 2-4 pieces for convenience and shred it into thin long strips.

We give the stalk to the trash can cats, we don’t cut it into the filling.
Place the chopped cabbage in a bowl and, lightly sprinkle with salt, mash it with your hands.

Without fanaticism - really just a little bit. In the case of older cabbage, this simple manipulation significantly reduces the cooking time of the vegetable in the pan. During the season of young, juicy, soft cabbage, you don’t have to do this.

Three peeled carrots on a fine grater. Peel the onion and cut into cubes.

Then we put the whole thing on the stove, the heat is minimal - for the first 7-10 minutes, do not touch the vegetables, let them lightly fry (brown - this applies primarily to the onions). After the specified time, stir, and then, periodically repeating the same procedure, simmer the cabbage until cooked - juicy soft, reduced in volume, slightly fried. At the end, add salt and, if desired, add ground black pepper (this common spice, by the way, seems to be simply created to highlight the taste of stewed cabbage in pies).

Transfer the cabbage to a convenient bowl to cool (plastic is excellent), and add finely chopped dill there.

Modeling and baking cabbage pies in the oven

And, in fact, pies. Knead the finished dough.

Place it on the work surface.

Using a dough scraper (or a regular knife), carefully and delicately divide the dough into small pieces - it’s very nice and convenient to do this using a scale: in this case each piece weighs 40 g, so the pies turn out identical, even and beautiful. And round each piece of dough.

Roll out (stretch with your fingers) into a thin layer.

Place a small amount of filling in the center. Don’t try to immediately stuff half a kilo of cabbage into 40 g of dough - firstly, contrary to the widespread belief that pies should have a lot, a lot and a lot of filling, the dough should evenly envelop what is hidden inside the pie (otherwise it will tear and will not rise properly), and secondly, a lumpy, crooked pie with pieces of cabbage peeking out from the sides - this is, at a minimum, unaesthetic.

You can shape the pies in any convenient way - a ball, a triangle or a classic elongated oval, however, when you are bored and want something special, you can make rose pies. You'll have to tinker a little, but a bouquet of flowers will bloom in your kitchen! So, we cut a layer of dough from three sides to about 1.5 cm in depth: first from two opposite ones, and then we divide one “half” in half again with the same cut.

This is what it looks like without the filling.

We connect together the two ends of a large part of the dough - a semicircle.

We lift up and fasten another “petal”.

And then the second one.

The flower is ready, transfer it to a baking sheet. And leave the pies to proof - cover with a towel and hide the baking sheet in a warm place.

After 15-20 minutes, brush each cabbage pie with a lightly beaten egg.

If desired, sprinkle with seeds to taste.

Bake cabbage pies in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Transfer to a wire rack or wooden board to cool.

And we enjoy autumn, friends, an interesting book, aromatic tea and delicious homemade pies with cabbage!

P.S. The proposed filling is not a dogma at all. If desired, white cabbage can be stewed in any way convenient for you or combined with other products:
- leeks;
- boiled egg;
- a small amount of tomatoes;
- sun-dried tomatoes;
- fried mushrooms;
- sweet bell pepper;
- other cabbage - Savoy, Peking or broccoli;
- bacon or ham;
- beans.

In addition, pies are delicious with sauerkraut, pre-washed and stewed - try it, you will like it.

Pies with cabbage in the oven are a delicacy that, perhaps, everyone’s grandmother treated them to in childhood. That is why the aroma of this baked goods is associated primarily with childhood. Baking requires a large number of ingredients and several hours of free time. Yeast pies are most often prepared in the oven, which can be baked not only with cabbage, but also with other fillings.

Cabbage filling can also be different. Some people prefer pies with sauerkraut, while others prefer them with stewed cabbage. Surely, every woman keeps a family recipe for such baking. In fact, there are a lot of variations. The secret to delicious oven baked goods is to properly knead the dough with the addition of yeast. Yeast-free dough is best prepared not in the oven, but in a frying pan.

The main difference between this dish is the kneading of the dough. The recipe may include a sponge and a straight method. Preparing sponge dough is a little more difficult, but it will not smell of yeast and will “rise” better. The straight base cooks a little faster. It is necessary to take into account that for any type of dough you can use different types of yeast - dry and fresh. The base can be made with water or milk. The color and taste of the finished baked goods will directly depend on this.

Some people like pies with sweet dough, while others like them with bland dough. If you plan to bake products with sauerkraut, you need to knead an unleavened base. The fresh cabbage filling goes well with the slightly sweet dough. For this reason, it is necessary to think through the concept of the dish in advance.

The third difference is in the filling itself. If you are preparing pies for guests, we recommend using regular cabbage. Before baking, it should be simmered in a frying pan until golden brown. Not everyone likes baking with sauerkraut. It has a specific taste and aroma. In addition, this complicates the preparation of pies, because sauerkraut must be prepared in advance.

Another difference is the shape and size of the flour product. Not a single recipe gives clear recommendations as to what size of pies is optimal. It all depends on individual preferences. The main thing is not to make pies that are too small or too large. In the first case, they will turn out a little dry, and in the second, they will not be baked.

It is not always possible to correctly calculate the amount of filling and dough. If you have cabbage left over, you can add a little tomato juice, onion, and bell pepper to it and cook it in a frying pan or in a saucepan. The result is a wonderful dish that will go with any side dish and meat. If there is any dough left, you can make pies with other fillings that you have on hand. Any jam, cottage cheese, nuts and chocolate will do. The sweet filling goes well with the unleavened dough.

Baked pies with cabbage are a wonderful dish that can be served with main courses and tea. They can replace regular bread. It takes several hours to prepare the baked goods. The speed depends on which recipe you use and your skills. But, believe me, the result is worth it!

How to make a successful dough?

We present to your attention a recipe for a classic sponge yeast dough. For it you will need the following ingredients:

To prepare the dough, you need to take 50 ml of warm milk. It must be heated to a temperature of 40 degrees, after which the yeast must be dissolved. If you have dry yeast, then instead of 30 grams of fresh yeast, you should take 10 - 11 grams of dry yeast. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar to the mixture and wait 20 - 25 minutes until the dough rises.

Then, in a separate container, you need to start kneading the dough. To do this, mix butter, milk, eggs, sugar and salt. The mixture should be of uniform consistency. When the dough is ready, it must be added to the dough and mixed with gentle movements. After this, you need to add half the flour and start kneading the dough. At first it is convenient to do this in a saucepan, then on the table.

When kneading, you need to gradually add flour. To make the dough stick to your hands less, you need to dip your fingers in vegetable oil. Depending on your skill, kneading the dough takes an average of 15 to 30 minutes. After this, leave the dough for 1 hour in a warm, draft-free place until it rises. Then knead it again for 3 minutes and leave it for 1 hour again. After this, you can use it to make pies.

The finished dough has no cracks, does not stick to your hands, has a soft consistency, uniform color and structure. Only from a well-kneaded base can you bake pies, pies, kulebyaki and other baked goods. To make the base successful, it should be done in a warm room. Otherwise, the dough will not rise well. This recipe is a classic way to prepare sponge dough, which is suitable for any oven baking.

For cabbage pies, you can knead the base with water rather than milk. In this case, you need to dissolve a few tablespoons of sour cream in water and then repeat all the steps that the recipe contains. If you want a fresh dough, just use less sugar.

How to cook pies?

While the dough is rising, you can make the cabbage filling. To do this, fresh cabbage and carrots must be chopped and fried in a frying pan with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil. To make baked pies airy, it is necessary to remove all excess moisture from the cabbage during frying. There is a recipe that recommends adding boiled eggs to the cabbage, which will diversify the taste of the finished dish.

If you are preparing a delicacy with sauerkraut, you should also fry it a little to remove excess liquid.

After preparing the filling, it should be cooled to room temperature. After this, you can begin to form the pies. From the dough you need to make round cakes of the same size. After this, you need to put the filling in the center of each cake and wrap it. Try to form identical pies of the correct shape. Some people like round products, and some like oval ones. In fact, there is not much difference in this. It all depends on individual preferences.

Before putting the pan in the oven, you need to wait 15 minutes for the pies to become fluffy. This secret will allow your baked goods to bake well.

Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. The cabbage pies need to be baked for 40 minutes. It is very important not to open the oven while the dough is “rising” during cooking.

After cooking, the pies must be cooled. Eating hot dough can cause serious harm to your health. Despite the great desire to try the dish immediately after cooking, we recommend waiting until the dough has cooled. Before serving, the baked goods can be placed on a beautiful dish, which will add a festive mood to an ordinary dinner.

Baked pies with sauerkraut or fresh cabbage are an incredibly tasty, aromatic dish. There are many different recipes for its preparation. Some people add boiled eggs or tomato juice to the filling. But the secret of delicious baking lies, first of all, in a successful dough, the preparation of which should take more than one hour of time.

Yeast pies with cabbage are a dream, especially baked in the oven. The pies turn out rosy and sunny, the filling is juicy, and the dough is airy. Making pies with cabbage is not difficult, the ingredients are the simplest and cheapest, but how much joy children and adults have from such a treat! They can be served with first courses, as a separate dish, given to children at school or taken with you on the road. So, I’m telling you with all the little things and details how to cook delicious pies with cabbage in the oven. Be sure to try it, good recipe)))))


  • yeast dough:
  • 3 tbsp. premium flour (500 gr.)
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 tbsp. water + 1/2 tbsp. milk
  • 2.5 tsp dry yeast or 25 gr. fresh yeast
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3 tbsp. sunflower oil
  • filling:
  • 800 gr. white cabbage
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1/2 cup tomato sauce or tomato juice
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil
  • decoration:
  • 1 egg
  • For pies in the oven, this is one of the most successful recipes for yeast dough, excellent proportion, the dough fits well, the pies turn out airy. So, first of all, mix milk and water, heat the mixture to 45°C, but not higher, at higher temperatures the yeast dies. If you don’t have a special thermometer, then try it with your hand; the temperature of the mixture should be slightly higher than body temperature.
  • Dissolve dry or fresh pressed yeast in warm milk.
  • Add 1 tbsp to milk. flour and 1 tsp. sugar, mix and place the vessel with the dough in a warm place for 20 minutes.
  • While the dough is warm, sift the rest of the flour.
  • When the dough is covered with numerous bubbles and noticeably increases in volume, add two and a half cups of flour.
  • Add 1 egg, preferably at room temperature.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil and 1 teaspoon of salt. With a given amount of salt, the dough tastes slightly salty. If desired, adjust the amount of salt and sugar in the dough.
  • Knead the yeast dough. Sprinkle flour on the table and lay out the dough. Knead the dough well with your hands. If necessary, add a little more flour. The result should be a fairly soft dough that does not stick to your hands and can be worked with.
  • We form a bun from the dough, cover the dough with a clean napkin and place in a warm place for 30-40 minutes.
  • Cabbage filling for pies

  • In any pies, and especially in cabbage ones, the filling is the main thing, the taste of the pie depends on it, so we don’t just quickly stew the cabbage, but cook it as it should, so that the filling turns out tasty, juicy, sufficiently salty and peppery.
  • So, peel the onion and finely chop it, simmer the onion over medium heat in a small amount of vegetable oil.
  • We peel one large carrot, maybe two medium ones, three carrots on a medium grater. Simmer the carrots along with the onions until they become soft.
  • While the onions and carrots are stewing, thinly slice the cabbage. Add the cabbage to the vegetables and simmer everything together over medium heat under the lid.
  • To make the cabbage filling for pies juicy and beautiful, be sure to add tomato juice.
  • Stir, add salt, sugar and ground black pepper to taste. Stew the cabbage until cooked under the lid; the stewed cabbage should be soft and completely cooked.
  • Cool the finished stewed cabbage to room temperature.
  • Cooking cabbage pies in the oven

  • Divide the dough into two or more parts (as convenient for you). We form a sausage and then divide it into smaller pieces. Mine love big pies, so the pieces of dough are also rather big)))))
  • Roll out each piece with a rolling pin to form a flat cake. Place cabbage filling in the center of the flatbread, about 1-2 tablespoons (depending on the size of the patty).
  • Then we carefully pinch the dough to make a beautiful and even pie.
  • Place the cabbage pies on a baking sheet, seam side down. Cover the baking sheet with parchment or grease it with vegetable oil. Place the baking sheet with the pies in a warm place for 20-30 minutes to allow the pies to rise.
  • Before putting the cabbage pies in the oven, beat one egg and then paint the pies with the beaten egg.
  • Place the pies in a hot oven, and not just hot, but well heated. To do this, turn on the oven in advance and preheat it for at least 20 minutes at 180°C.
  • Bake cabbage pies in the oven for 25 minutes at 180°C. We monitor the baking process so as not to dry out the pies.
  • Remove the rosy and very tasty pies from the oven. To ensure that the cabbage pies are soft and do not go stale for a long time, we “wash” them with water. What does it mean? Simply wipe each patty with a wet hand or cover with a clean, wet towel for a couple of minutes.
  • Place the pies in a bowl and serve. Wow, so delicious, it’s hard to stop, your hands are reaching out to take another pie))))
  • Also see

Soft and fluffy baked pies with cabbage are obtained only by those who know the intricacies of their preparation. If any yeast or kefir dough is suitable for pies fried in a frying pan, then for pies baked in the oven the dough needs to be made more rich and kneaded thoroughly.

The dough for pies will be soft and tender if you add kefir in addition to yeast, and replace margarine or butter with vegetable oil. The dough does not stick to your hands when kneading, and rises well during proofing.

Pies bake quickly, so filling products that require preliminary heat treatment must first be boiled, fried or stewed, and then used for their intended purpose.

Recipe for baked pies with cabbage

Ingredients for the dough:

  • active dry yeast – 10 g;
  • salt – 10 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs. (one of them is for lubrication of semi-finished products);
  • sugar – 16 g;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • wheat flour – 18 tbsp. l. (approximately 3.5 tbsp.);
  • thick kefir (can be replaced with liquid sour cream) – 180 ml;
  • sunflower oil (or any odorless vegetable oil) – 100 ml.

For filling:

  • Fresh cabbage – 500 g;
  • Salt;
  • Creamy margarine – 50 g;
  • Black pepper;
  • Carrots – 75 g;
  • Onions – 120 g;
  • Cumin – 1/6 tsp.

How to bake pies with fresh cabbage from yeast dough in the oven

Pour water heated to 26-29° into a small container, add yeast and sugar. Leave them for 15 minutes to activate. Stir.

Pour kefir into a bowl suitable for kneading dough, add salt and eggs.

Pour in vegetable oil.

Mix the mixture with a whisk. Add yeast dissolved in water.

Add flour.

Knead soft dough.

The consistency of the dough for baked pies should be such that the semi-finished products from it hold their shape well and do not spread, otherwise the finished pies may turn out flat.

Cover the bowl with a towel or bag and place in a warm place. Within two hours, knead the dough twice and then let it rise again.

Fresh cabbage filling for pies

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. Cabbage can be stewed for it in a cauldron, slow cooker or microwave.

In this recipe, the filling for the pies is cooked in the microwave, so the cabbage almost retains its color, but at the same time becomes soft and juicy.

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a medium grater. Place them in a saucepan with margarine.

Stir. Sauté at maximum power until the vegetables are soft (about 5-7 minutes).

Add shredded cabbage.

Cover the pan with a lid and place it back in the oven. Warm up for 10 minutes. During this time, the cabbage will settle a little. Add cumin, salt and pepper.


Continue stewing the cabbage for another 10 minutes. Don't add water! The cabbage will become soft without it.
When the cabbage has reduced in volume by half, stir it again. Leave with the lid open so that the cabbage cools and becomes lukewarm.

Do not cool the filling completely. When you make the pies, warm cabbage will speed up their proofing.

Place the risen dough on the table, dusting it lightly with flour.

Divide into small pieces and form them into donuts. Leave them for a few minutes to rise. Be sure to cover them with a towel, otherwise they will dry out.

Mash each puff with your fingers, turning it into a thick cake.
Place the filling in the middle.

Make a pie.

Do the same with the rest of the dough.

Line a baking sheet with parchment and place the pies seam side down.

After 15 minutes, brush them with egg.

Bake cabbage pies in the oven for 25-30 minutes at 210° until golden brown.

Carefully remove them from the sheet and place them on a plate.

Baked pies with cabbage taste better warm.

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