Where is the barbarian singer now? Varvara (singer), husband

In our regular column about star secrets beauty singer talks about rejuvenating showers, home spa treatments and Cleopatra's magical bath.

- Varvara, looking at you, I simply can’t believe that your eldest son Yaroslav is already 24 years old. You look great!

Thanks a lot! You know, when I crossed the 40-year-old mark last year, compliments literally rained down on me. Especially from men. They often say that now I am even more feminine and sexy. And these words somewhat reconcile me with the fact that over the past three years I have gained as much as five kilograms. Although I am still very worried about this and am waging an irreconcilable battle with my excess weight. So far, I must admit, not very successfully. But I don’t give up working on myself: I play sports and eat right.

- Did you have any complexes about your appearance in your youth?

There were, and some more! I was terribly embarrassed about my figure. In high school, I reached 180 centimeters and felt so awkward - tall and completely flat. The boys teased Ostankino tower" and "Verstaya Kolomenskaya". The stage helped me get rid of stupid complexes. The teachers at Gnesinka, where I entered at the age of 17, were pleased with me, and this greatly raised my self-esteem. At the same time, I even started working as a model at the Vyacheslav Zaitsev Fashion House - it turned out that I had excellent height and figure for the catwalk. True, after about a year modeling career I had to give it up because at the age of 18 I became a mother.

“Complexes about being thin and tall passed when it turned out that my figure was perfect for the podium" Photo: personastars.com

- Pregnancy and childbirth usually greatly change a woman’s figure...

Yes, after the birth of Yaroslav I acquired some shape. But she was still very thin for a long time, weighing only 63-64 kilograms. Alas, with age, whatever one may say, the metabolism slows down, hence the five kilos gained. And the TV screen doesn’t stand on ceremony with the artists - it adds just as much. Therefore, weight already has to be strictly controlled.

- Have you tried any diets?

Well, of course. I used to sit on rice alone for several days. It's hard! In my opinion, if you need to lose weight quickly, the best thing is the kefir diet. It's simple. On the first day you drink only kefir, and no more than a liter per day. On the second day, you can add an apple to the kefir and alternate them - a glass of kefir, then a quarter of an apple, and so on. On the third day we drink kefir and eat cucumbers. And on the fourth liter of kefir, cottage cheese is added - 200 grams, which must be divided into three meals. In four days of this diet you can lose up to seven kilograms. But for me diets are a serious challenge. I start to feel bad, my mood deteriorates, I get angry at the whole world. That's why I refused them. But, of course, I still strictly monitor my diet.

Biography and creative path Barbarians - Wikipedia
Varvara (real name Elena Vladimirovna Susova, nee Tutanova; born July 30, 1973 in Balashikha, Moscow Region) - Russian singer. Honored Artist of Russia (2010). She performed as part of the troupe of the State Theater of Variety Performances. First solo album, which was called “Varvara”, was released by the performer in 2001 (label NOX Music). The performer also released the albums “Closer” (2003), “Dreams” (2005), “Above Love” (2008) and “Legends of Autumn” (2013).

Elena Tutanova was born in Balashikha. Graduated music school accordion class.

Varvara graduated from Gnesinka, where her teacher was Matvey Osherovsky, director of the production of “The Threepenny Opera” in Odessa. Later, while working at the Lev Leshchenko Variety Theater, she graduated from GITIS in absentia with a degree in musical theater artist. After leaving the theater, Elena began solo career under the pseudonym "Varvara".

From July 1991 to the present, Varvara has been working at the Federal government agency culture" State Theater variety performances "Music Agency". Simultaneously with this position is artistic director And general director own production center “Varvara”.

In 2001, the singer’s debut album “Varvara” was released on the NOX Music label. Work on the album continued throughout 2000. The author of several songs from the album was Kim Breitburg. Songs such as “Varvara”, “Butterfly”, “On the Edge” and “Fly to the Light” were rotated on the radio and were popular with listeners.

In the summer of 2002, Varvara received an offer from the founder of the Swedish studio Cosmo, Norn Bjorn, to record several compositions with Swedish symphony orchestra. The first song recorded in collaboration with the Swedes was the song “It’s Behind,” in the style of modern r’n’b. Varvara decided to continue recording the remaining songs for the future album in Russia.

At the end of 2002, Varvara performed at the “Song of the Year 2002” with the song “Od-na”, which was broadcast on many radio stations in the country that same year.

In March 2003, the Ars-Records company released Varvara’s second album, “Closer.” Most of the compositions were recorded at the Brothers Grimm studio.

In February 2005, Varvara became a finalist in the National selection International competition"Eurovision 2005". In the same year, the singer, having won first place in the Internet voting of the International Club OGAE, received the right to represent Russia at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Eurovision festival in Denmark.

Since 2006, Varvara has been actively touring European countries and introducing Europeans to the ethnic creativity of Russian musical culture.

In 2009, Varvara took part in the Festival of Russian Culture in London with her new program"Dreams"

On March 2, 2011, the premiere of Varvara’s show called “Origins” took place at the Maly Theater. The author of the idea of ​​​​creating the show “Origins” was the husband of the singer Varvara, Mikhail Susov. Special guest performances were the Moscow Bagpipe Orchestra and the Chukotka Ensemble. During the premiere of the play “Origins”, the musicians of the “Chukotka” ensemble lived in their own tent right on the territory country house Barbarians.

On May 2, 2012, the premiere of Varvara’s new single “Dudochka” with lyrics by Anna Akhmatova and music by Vyacheslav Malezhik took place on the air of Russian Radio. In September, a video of the same name, shot by director Alexander Filatovich in Kyiv, was released on music channels. Within a few months, the video received more than 1 million views on YouTube.

In July 2013, the filming of the First Channel musical television project “Universal Artist” took place in Moscow, in which, along with others Russian performers Varvara also takes part. As a result, the artist took sixth place.

On December 9, 2013, the fifth edition was released on the iTunes portal. studio album artist called “Legends of Autumn”. Currently, Varvara is preparing to release an instrumental album. At the same time, work is underway on the single “Wall of Misunderstanding,” authored by Denis Maidanov. The premiere of the song is expected on Russian Radio.

February 28, 2014 on the stage of the Moscow concert hall“Meridian” Varvara demonstrated version 2.0 of the show “Origins”. Part of the program is dedicated to the presentation of the singer’s new album “Legends of Autumn”. Participated in the performance as a special guest American composer and singer Michael Knight from the USA.

In May, the single “The Tale of Barbarian” was released on the iTunes Store portal.

Family and personal life of Barbara (Barbara​)
Varvara is married to businessman Mikhail Susov. They are raising four children: Yaroslav(Varvara’s son from her first marriage), Vasily, Sergei(Mikhail’s sons from his first marriage) and joint daughter Varvara.

Varvara from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

arVara on Yandex
Source of photo biography and personal life of Varvara: https://ru.wikipedia.org/

The real name of the famous ethno-performer Varvara is Elena Tutanova. Now the singer bears the surname of her second husband – Susov.

Elena Tutanova was born in Balashikha, near Moscow, in July 1973. The family called their daughter Alena. When the girl was 4 years old, the grandfather sat his granddaughter down for the first time to play a musical instrument, which turned out to be a bulky accordion. Noticing that the baby had both hearing and a voice, grandfather took Elena to a music school. It cannot be said that Tutanova immediately liked it there. But the girl did not want to upset her relatives, who looked with hope at her daughter’s first successes, so Alena continued to attend classes regularly.

In middle school, the future singer dreamed of becoming a fashion designer. Elena showed an ability to sew and design clothes, and the girl herself had a “model” height and external characteristics necessary for a modeling career. Therefore, Elena decided that after finishing school she would go to college. light industry. But over time, visits to music school and vocal lessons quietly captivated the young singer, and the girl completely forgot about sewing. The music completely captivated Elena.

In graduating class future star Varvara finally made up her mind and, after receiving her certificate, went to Gnesinka. The applicant entered on the first try, having overcome considerable competition. The received honors diploma from the famous music school encouraged the girl to continue her education. Later, Elena entered GITIS in the correspondence department. She chose the specialty “musical theater artist.”


Varvara’s creative biography began after graduating from Gnesinka in 1993. Like many popular artists, she began her career on the stages of various restaurants. Sang songs in Russian and English languages. Soon the 20-year-old singer signed a contract and left to work in the United Arab Emirates. At the same time, Elena Tutanova thought about a creative pseudonym. He suggested the idea - the singer chose the name of her own grandmother, who was called by her original Russian name.

Returning home, Varvara got a job in the theater of variety performances, which he directed. Soon Elena became a backing vocalist famous singer. But the girl did not want to stop there. And Varvara went, as she herself says, into “free swimming.” The singer wanted to do own career. The performer was confident in her abilities and dreamed of an intellectual Euro-pop genre. This is a colorful and original style in which fashionable melodies and ethno music are organically intertwined.

Varvara's solo career developed successfully. In 2001, the performer, together with the NOX Music company, recorded her debut disc, which she called “Varvara”. The authors of most of the songs on this album were young creators, whose names meant nothing to the listeners. The only exception was Kim Breitburg, an author who wrote several compositions for. The recording of the disc involved musicians united in a group called “Varvara”.

The compositions of the debut disc, despite the obvious lack of format (it was difficult for DJs to determine the style in which they were performed), were a considerable success. The hits “Varvara”, “Butterfly”, “On the Edge” and “Fly to the Light” were included in the rotation.

In 2002, Varvara unexpectedly received an offer from the founder of the famous Swedish studio Cosmo. The studio is known for releasing a number of discs and the group “A-ha”. The head of Cosmo invited Varvara to record several songs with the Swedish Symphony Orchestra. This is how the hit “It’s Behind” was born, performed in the style of the fashionable “R"n"B".

The singer loves to travel the world and learn new things musical styles. IN United Arab Emirates, where Varvara likes to relax with her family, the singer was offered to record an album in Arabic. But the artist is also attracted Northern Europe, harsh sagas and Celtic tales. This is probably why Norman notes are clearly felt in the composition “Two Sides of the Moon” from the second album “Closer”, released in 2003.

In 2004, Varvara participated in the competition of the international “OGAE” - a club of Eurovision fans. The single “Dreams” from the third album of the same name brought Russian performer first place. In the early 2000s, the performer won the Song of the Year competition three times.

During her performing career, Varvara recorded 6 albums. In addition to those mentioned, the artist has the discs “Above Love”, “Legends of Autumn” and “Len”. Latest album recorded in 2015. It included the tracks “The Fast River Flooded”, “Vanka Walked”, “Kupalinka”. The singer constantly tours throughout Russia and far beyond the borders of her homeland. The artist participates in many festivals and holiday concerts.

The singer Varvara has official videos that are located on the YouTube video hosting site. These are videos for the songs “Dudochka”, “Let me go, river”, “The snow was melting”, “She flew and sang”, “Alone”, “Closer”, “He who seeks will find”.

The singer performs not only with musicians from her own band, but also with other performers. Varvara’s ensemble with the duet of accordionists “LyubAnya” is popular among fans, to whose accompaniment the artist performed the song “Ah, Soul”. Varvara also performed with concert program“Two Paths”, in which the joint compositions “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”, “Porushka, Paranya” were performed. Together with the ensemble she released the song “I Won’t Get Married.”

In 2010, the singer was awarded the title “Honored Artist of Russia,” and a year later Varvara received an award “for the creative embodiment of the ideas of friendship between the peoples of Belarus and Russia.”

Personal life

The original singer Varvara succeeded as a wife and mother of many children. True, Varvara’s personal life did not work out right away. The first early marriage quickly fell apart. From him the singer left a son, Yaroslav. Elena Tutanova had a hard time with the forced separation from her boy. The singer had to leave for the United Arab Emirates at the age of 20 to provide for her small family.

But life got better after meeting with the famous businessman Mikhail Susov. Now they have a strong family, in which, in addition to the eldest son Yaroslav, who married in 2013, two more sons from Mikhail Susov’s first marriage were raised. The couple has common child– daughter Varvara, who has already taken her first steps as a singer.

Now the Susovs spend most of their time at their country dacha, which is located 500 km from Moscow. There, Varvara and her husband run their own household. There are 12 chickens and cows on the farm. The couple themselves make cheese using sourdough, brought by Mikhail from Switzerland, prepare berries for the winter, and bake bread.

Varvara now

In 2017, the artist delighted admirers of her talent new song, which received the laconic name “Autumn”. The premiere of the track took place on the air of “Road Radio”. Varvara also received an invitation from the creators of the musical international festival"Slavic Bazaar" in Vitebsk, where she headed the jury children's competition.

In December, a concert of pop stars took place, where, in addition to Varvara, others performed. Festive concert broadcast on New Year's Eve 2018 on Channel One. The singer posted the announcement of the performance on her own page in “ Instagram", where, in addition to photos from performances, the artist also posts family photos.


  • 2001 - “Varvara”
  • 2003 - “Closer”
  • 2005 - “Dreams”
  • 2008 - “Above Love”
  • 2013 - “Legends of Autumn”
  • 2015 - “Len”

By the age of forty, the singer had achieved a lot - she received a serious musical education, graduated from GITIS in absentia, gained popularity, and created a strong family. Really arrange personal life She didn't succeed the first time. It is unknown who was the first husband of Alena Tutanova (the singer’s real name) - she did not live with him for long, however, she managed to give birth to a son. This happened in student years when Varvara was studying at music school them. Gnesins. After the birth of her son, she continued to study and work hard.

Second husband of Varvara (singer) entrepreneur, first vice president of MTS company Mikhail Susov sincerely rejoices at the success of his wife and helps her in developing her career. The singer's husband is a very busy person, he is demanding not only about work, but also about his family - it is important for him that the house is always in order, a delicious dinner awaits him, and everything around him radiates only positivity.

In the photo - the husband of Varvara (singer)

Singer Varvara also has her own business, but she and her husband try not to bring work problems home. They met in 1999 during a cruise on the Volga. They got married a year after they met, and a year later their daughter Varya was born. The singer’s family now has four children - her son, the sons of Varvara’s (singer) husband from his first marriage, and their common daughter. All the children quickly became friends and get along well with each other. Now the children of the singer Varvara’s husband and her son are already adults - two are studying to become economists, and one has already graduated from Moscow State University, receiving a degree in political science.

In the photo - Varvara with her husband

Despite his talent and a good education Previously, it was difficult for Varvara to break into television, and she was limited only to such channels as MuzTV and MTV, and after she married Mikhail, her popularity began to grow rapidly, and clips with her participation could already be seen on central television channels.

During her career, singer Varvara managed to work not only on the Russian stage - she sang in restaurants, worked with a variety show in the United Arab Emirates, performing there in various clubs, where she learned Arabic and even performed songs in it. Returning to Moscow, Varvara entered the Lev Leshchenko Musical Agency pop theater, and from that time on a completely different life began for her. When she decided to start a solo career, Lev Valeryanovich reacted favorably to this, and when Varvara was already performing on her own, she continued to work in his team for some time.

Singer Varvara (real name Elena Vladimirovna Susova, nee Tutanova; born July 30, 1973 in Balashikha, Moscow Region) is a Russian singer. Honored Artist of Russia (2010). She performed as part of the troupe of the State Theater of Variety Performances. The performer released her first solo album, which was called “Varvara,” in 2001 (label NOX Music). The performer also released the albums “Closer” (2003), “Dreams” (2005), “Above Love” (2008) and “Legends of Autumn” (2013).

Birth name Elena Vladimirovna Tutanova
Date of birth July 30, 1973
Place of birth Balashikha, Moscow region, RSFSR, USSR
Country Russia
Profession singer
Genres folk music
Nicknames Varvara

Elena Tutanova was born in Balashikha. She graduated from a music school in accordion class.
Varvara She graduated from Gnesinka, where her teacher was Matvey Osherovsky, director of the production of “The Threepenny Opera” in Odessa. Later, while working at the Lev Leshchenko Variety Theater, she graduated from GITIS in absentia with a degree in musical theater artist. After leaving the theater, Elena began a solo career under the pseudonym “Varvara”.

From July 1991 to the present, Varvara has been working at the Federal State Cultural Institution “State Theater of Variety Performances “Musical Agency”. At the same time with this position, she is the artistic director and general director of her own production center “Varvara”.

In 2001, the singer’s debut album “Varvara” was released on the NOX Music label. Work on the album continued throughout 2000. The author of several songs from the album was Kim Breitburg. Songs such as “Varvara”, “Butterfly”, “On the Edge” and “Fly to the Light” were rotated on the radio and were popular with listeners.

In the summer of 2002, Varvara received an offer from the founder of the Swedish studio Cosmo, Norn Bjorn, to record several compositions with the Swedish symphony orchestra. The first song recorded in collaboration with the Swedes was the song “It’s Behind,” in the style of modern r’n’b. Varvara decided to continue recording the remaining songs for the future album in Russia.

At the end of 2002, Varvara performed at the “Song of the Year 2002” with the song “Od-na”, which was broadcast on many radio stations in the country that same year.
In March 2003, the Ars-Records company released Varvara’s second album, “Closer.” Most of the compositions were recorded at the Brothers Grimm studio.
In February 2005, Varvara became a finalist in the National Selection of the International Eurovision Song Contest 2005. In the same year, the singer, having won first place in the Internet voting of the International Club OGAE, received the right to represent Russia at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Eurovision festival in Denmark.

Since 2006, Varvara has been actively touring European countries and introducing Europeans to the ethnic creativity of Russian musical culture.
In 2009, Varvara takes part in the Festival of Russian Culture in London with her new program “Dreams”.

On March 2, 2011, the premiere of Varvara’s show called “Origins” took place at the Maly Theater. The author of the idea of ​​​​creating the show “Origins” was the husband of the singer Varvara, Mikhail Susov. Special guest performances were the Moscow Bagpipe Orchestra and the Chukotka Ensemble. During the premiere of the play “Origins,” the musicians of the “Chukotka” ensemble lived in their own tent right on the territory of Varvara’s country house in the Yuzhnoye Butovo region.

On May 2, 2012, the premiere of Varvara’s new single “Dudochka” with lyrics by Anna Akhmatova and music by Vyacheslav Malezhik took place on the air of Russian Radio. In September, a video of the same name, shot by director Alexander Filatovich in Kyiv, was released on music channels. Within a few months, the video received more than 1 million views on YouTube.
In July 2013, the filming of the Channel One musical television project “Universal Artist” took place in Moscow, in which Varvara, along with other Russian performers, takes part. As a result, the artist took sixth place.

On December 9, 2013, the artist’s fifth studio album, entitled “Legends of Autumn,” was released on the iTunes portal. Currently, Varvara is preparing to release an instrumental album. At the same time, work is underway on the single “Wall of Misunderstanding,” authored by Denis Maidanov. The premiere of the song is expected on Russian Radio.
On February 28, 2014, on the stage of the Moscow Meridian Concert Hall, Varvara demonstrated version 2.0 of the show “Origins”. Part of the program is dedicated to the presentation of the singer’s new album “Legends of Autumn”. American composer and singer Michael Knight from the USA took part in the performance as a special guest.
In May, the single “The Tale of Barbarian” was released on the iTunes Store portal.

Awards and titles


2002 - Award “Song of the Year” (“One-on”)
2003 - Silver Disc Award
2003 - “Stopudovy Hit” Award
2003 - Award “Song of the Year” (“Dreams”)
2004 - Award “Song of the Year” (“I flew and sang”)
2010 - Honored Artist of Russia
2012 - Award “Mom of the Year” (“The most caring mother”)
2015 - “Spring Awards” (“Spring Grace”)

Varvara is married to businessman Mikhail Susov. They are raising four children: Yaroslav (Varvara’s son from his first marriage), Vasily, Sergei (Mikhail’s sons from his first marriage) and their joint daughter Varvara.

Interesting Facts[
Varvara brought a family heirloom to the Olympic torch relay - the torch of the XXII Summer olympic games in Moscow.
Singer Varvara was awarded for the creative embodiment of the ideas of friendship between the peoples of Belarus and Russia.
Varvara performed Silva's aria in the production " bat» in Moskovsky musical theater"Helikon-Opera" under the direction of Dmitry Bertman.
The daughter of the singer Varvara, Varya, and her mother performed the song “The Lion and the Barber” from the film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye” on the stage of the Kremlin Palace.
Varvara loves Russian nature very much. Together with her husband Mikhail, they created their own small eco-farm, where they feed wild animals in the forest. Among others are wild boars, lynxes, moose, bears, raccoons, squirrels, hares, and many birds.
As part of the Foundation's project wildlife WWF Varvara adopted a tiger.
During her tours, Varvara finds rare musical instruments, which he gives a second life at his performances.

2001 - Album “Varvara” - “NOKS Music”
2003 - Album “Closer” - “ARS-Records”
2005 - Album “Dreams” - “Gramophone Music”
2008 - Album “Above Love” - “A-Music”
2013 - Album “Legends of Autumn” - “First Music Publishing House”
2015 - Album “Linen” - “First Music Publishing House”

2000 - “Fly to the Light”
2000 - “Butterfly”
2000 - “On the Edge”
2001 - “Varvara”
2001 - “Heart, don’t cry”
2002 - “One-on”
2003 - “Closer”
2003 - “Dreams”
2004 - “The snow was melting”
2004 - “Winter”
2004 - “Wind and Star”
2005 - “I flew and sang”
2005 - “My Angel”
2006 - “Let me go, river”
2006 - “Beautiful Life”
2006 - “Two Paths” (feat. Ruslana)
2007 - “Dance-Winter”
2007 - “Beyond the River” (feat. Nadezhda Babkina)
2007 - “Aliens”
2008 - “White Bird”
2008 - “Bells” (feat. Igor Nikolaev)
2008 - “In Love”
2010 - “Rapid River”
2012 - “Here it is, love”
2012 - “Pipe”
2012 - “But I won’t get married” (feat. Buranovsky grandmothers)
2013 - “He who seeks will find”
2014 - “Pain and Love”
2014 - “The Tale of Barbarian”
2014 - “The whole world is for us”
2014 - “Sun”

Video clips
Year Title Music Lyrics Director
2001 Butterfly A. Shkuratov A. Shkuratov D. Mahamatdinov
Fly into the light K. Breitburg, M. Breitburg E. Melnik F. Bondarchuk
On the brink K. Boris E. Melnik S. Kalvarsky
2002 Heart, don’t cry V. Molchanov V. Sapovsky G. Orlov
One-on O. Dronov A. A’Kim D. Zakharov
2003 Closer V. Molchanov I. Melnik A. Shkuratov
Dreams A. Orlov A. Baido G. Toidze
2004 The snow melted B. Gorbachev B. Gorbachev M. Rozhkov
2005 She flew and sang V. Molchanov A. A’Kim A. Tishkin
2006 Let me go, river A. Orlov A. A’Kim G. Toidze & Varvara
2012 Dudochka V. Malezhik A. Akhmatova A. Filatovich
2015 He who seeks will find A. Malakhov A. Malakhov A. Syutkin


Full name: Elena Vladimirovna Susova (née Tutanova)
Date of birth: 07/30/1973
Place of birth: Balashikha, Moscow region
Zodiac sign: Leo

The entire month of January for singer Varvara was busy with pre-wedding bustle. And last Saturday her eldest son got married. The chosen one of 22-year-old Yaroslav was his school friend, a girl named Sophia - it was love at first sight. The young man clearly understood that family life impossible without having a good job and proposed marriage to his girlfriend only after he began to earn his own living, without relying on the help of his parents.
“We chose the Yar restaurant for the celebration,” says the happy mother of the groom. - This is an exquisite place, worthy of such an elite family like us!

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