Singer Rotaru biography personal life. How old is Rotaru? When will the singer celebrate her next birthday? Personal life of Sofia Rotaru after the death of her husband

The name of Sofia Rotaru is known to everyone, young and old. She is truly legendary singer. Not a single “Blue Light” or “Song of the Year” has passed without her participation for several decades.

Sofia was born into a Moldovan large family shortly after the end of the war. Her native village is Marshyntsi, in the Chernivtsi region. Everyone in the village and in her family sang; any holiday was accompanied by sonorous folk songs. Her parents had magnificent, clear voices. Sonya has three more sisters and two brothers.

The father of the family went through the entire war as a machine gunner, took part in the capture of Berlin, and returned home only in 1946. My father’s surname began to sound like Rotar when he replaced the last letter with “u” with “b” after their village was annexed to Ukraine. The real name is Rotaru.

Sonya was taught to sing mainly by her older sister Zina, who in childhood, having suffered from a serious illness, lost her sight, but did not lose her absolute hearing. Everyone in the family spoke Moldovan, but Zina herself, listening to the radio, learned Russian and taught it to the whole family.

Sonya helped her mother a lot with the housework, went with her to the market early in the morning, and worked in the field. She learned early on the hardships of rural labor, which helped her in the formation of her character and strength of personality. Sonya began singing from the 1st grade, she was a participant in both school and church choir. She also participated in a drama club and performed in amateur performances. She also adored sports, was fond of athletics, all-around events and, not without success, participated in regional Olympiads and Spartakiads.

Carier start

At the age of fifteen, she won a local amateur art competition, which is where her career began. singing career. A year later, she became the winner at the regional festival and was published on the cover of the magazine “Ukraine”. Even then they began to talk about her as a future celebrity. And the magazine “Ukraine” played an important role in her life; it was on its cover that I saw her future husband Anatoly Evdokimenko, who also loved music, played the trumpet and dreamed of creating an ensemble.

After that there were several more competitions, and after graduating from school, Sofia went to Chernivtsi to enroll in School of Music. But the university did not have a vocal department, Sonya had to enroll in the conducting and choral department. And already at the age of 17 she performed on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

Soon Anatoly found her, met her and invited her to sing in the student pop orchestra, in which he himself was playing at that time. At first, her repertoire included only folk Moldavian and Ukrainian songs. Then the first pop song appeared - “Mama” by composer Bronevitsky.

At the age of 21, Sofia became a laureate of a youth festival in Bulgaria, taking first place. After graduating from music school, Sonya began teaching, which became a new discovery for her. Soon the young people had a wedding in their native village, and on Honeymoon went to Novosibirsk, where the newly-made husband was sent to do an internship. He worked at the factory, and Sonya cooked food at home. They lived in a dormitory. But Sofia did not give up singing; she performed as a soloist in the evenings at a local club. So 3 months flew by.

Sofia Rotaru during her speech:

Sonya dreamed of a child, and Anatoly dreamed of a career. In addition, it was tight both with money and living conditions. Therefore, the girl had to use a trick and say that she was already pregnant. The husband agreed, and Sonya became truly pregnant only after 2 months. And in due time, a son, Ruslan, was born, who was like two peas in a pod.

Despite the slight deception, Sofia does not regret her step, since then a series of tours began. In Chernivtsi they were met with an orchestra by all the musicians of the city, there were even fireworks.

Sofia Rotaru during the filming of the New Year's musical:

In 1971, the film “Chervona Ruta” was released with Sonya in the title role, and after its release she began working at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic. Soon the ensemble of the same name “Chervona Ruta” was created, led by Anatoly Evdokimenko. The group performed songs by composer and poet Vladimir Ivasyuk. This man perfectly felt and understood the artist’s soul, composed heartfelt songs just for her, which later became true pop classics. The ensemble became famous in Ukraine, the audience fell in love with Sofia, and in 1973 she received the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR.

Since then, Rotaru’s songs have invariably become laureates of the “Song of the Year” competition. Many famous Soviet composers and songwriters began to write for her. In 1975, Sofia moved to live in Yalta and began working as a soloist with the local philharmonic. She became a regular participant in New Year's " Blue lights", and a year later she received another title of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. Her albums came out one by one. She performed songs on the best concert venues country, its popularity grew.

Sofia Rotaru on the set of her video:

Sofia was one of the first to decide to change the stage fashion of that time and began to sing in a trouser suit. In subsequent years, several films with her participation, as well as about herself, were released. She always performed all the stunts in films herself.

Sofia Rotaru and others famous artists on "Song of the Year":

In 1983, Sofia even released one album in Canada, where she also gave several concerts, but after that she and her entire team did not have the right to travel abroad for 5 years. And in 1986, the Chervona Ruta ensemble broke away from Sofia and Anatoly and decided to lead independent activity. For the spouses, this was tantamount to betrayal. Having recovered from the shock, Sofia began solo career. Soon she met the composer Vladimir Matetsky, who wrote her many hits. Sofia worked with the Matetsky-Shatrov tandem for the next 15 years. These were incredibly fruitful years. Her image and performance style have changed.

In the late 80s, Rotaru received the title of People's Artist of the USSR. In subsequent years, she was awarded many titles and prestigious awards. And after the collapse of the USSR, she did not lose her leading position on the domestic stage. By the early 2000s, she was recognized as the second most popular performer in the CIS.

Sofia Rotaru with her husband Anatoly Evdokimenko:

In 2002, her husband, Anatoly Evdokimenko, died from another, not the first, stroke. This was a real blow for the singer; they lived together for more than 30 years. Sofia canceled all concerts and filming for several months and stopped touring activities.

Sofia Rotaru with her family:

At the end of the same year, her album “ The Snow Queen", she returned to the stage a year later. She dedicated the next album, “The Only One,” to her husband’s memory.

All the years of her work, Sofia Rotaru was a favorite performer in Russia and the CIS countries. She is still in great shape and looks great, despite the fact that doctors forbade her to undergo facial plastic surgery. Rotaru enjoys enormous prestige in musical circles. For the 40th anniversary creative activity in 2011 she gave several solo concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

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Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru- famous Russian, Moldavian and Ukrainian pop singer, actress.

Sofia Rotar (later the surname was changed) was born in the village of Marshintsy, Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region, Ukrainian SSR. The passport officer made a mistake in the girl’s birth certificate, recording her birthday on August 9, which is why Sofia Mikhailovna celebrates the holiday twice throughout her life. Sofia was the second of six children, and owes much of her musicality to her older sister Zina, who lost her sight after a serious illness, but had a unique hearing. She taught her younger sister many songs and the Russian language, since in the Rotar community they spoke only Moldavian.

As a child, Sofia went in for sports - athletics, all-around, and won sports competitions. From the first grade, she sang in the school choir, church choir (even though this was prohibited), studied in the drama club and at the same time sang folk songs in amateur performances, played the button accordion. Later she said:

I grew up surrounded by music, it surrounded me since childhood!

The father was proud of his daughter’s success, saying: “Sonya will be an artist!”

In 1962, Sofia Rotar won the regional competition amateur performances, and grateful compatriots called her “Bukovinian Nightingale.” It seemed that Sofia could do everything: sing alto and soprano, recitative and acapella... As a winner, she was sent to Kyiv to participate in the republican festival of folk talents, where the aspiring singer won again. The young beauty appeared on the cover of Ukraine magazine in 1965. Her future husband Anatoly Evdokimenko fell in love with this photo.

Rotaru decided to become a singer and entered the conducting and choral department of the Chernivtsi Music College. In 1964, Sofia sang for the first time on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. After graduating from music school, Rotaru began traveling to various festivals, since the talented girl was necessarily included in youth delegations. In Bulgaria, 21-year-old Sofia won a gold medal and first prize at a singing competition folk songs.

Lyudmila Zykina then called her “a singer with a great future.”

After graduating from the music school, Rotaru began teaching there. In 1968, she married Anatoly Evdokimenko, a guy who fell in love with her from a photo and still found his beloved... In 1970, she gave birth to a son, Ruslan.

And in 1971, the film “Chervona Ruta” with Sofia Rotaru in the title role was released; after its release, Sofia received an offer to create the ensemble “Chervona Ruta”. Collaboration with composer Vladimir Ivasyuk raised the singer’s popularity to unattainable heights. Since the 1970s, songs performed by Sofia Rotaru have constantly become winners of the “Song of the Year”.

In 1974, Rotaru graduated from the Chisinau Institute of Arts named after Muzichescu. In 1976, Sofia Mikhailovna became People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR and laureate of the LKSMU Prize. Ostrovsky and began to constantly appear in the New Year's “Blue Lights”. That same year, a German recording company drew attention to her, but a directive came from the State Concert not to perform songs on foreign languages and non-Soviet content... Nevertheless, the tour in Europe, which was resoundingly successful, took place.

In 1979, the beloved composer Rotaru Ivasyuk died tragically. That happy time period sank into oblivion with the departure of this talented man.

In 1980, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. And in 1981, Rotaru began collaborating with Time Machine. her work shifted towards rock themes. The same year, Rotaru performed a role in the film “Where Are You, Love?”, without an understudy, she rode along a narrow embankment along the sea on a motorcycle.

And in 1983, the Rotaru team was banned from traveling abroad because of the recording of a Canadian album. But she still received the title of People's Artist of Moldova. Subsequently, several musical films were shot: “Sofia Rotaru is inviting you” and “Monologue about love.”

Composer Vladimir Matetsky brought a new spirit to the singer’s work. By the end of the 1980s, Rotaru became the first lady of the Soviet stage, eclipsing Alla Pugacheva herself. She began collaborating with the show ballet “Todes”, which made her concert performances unforgettable.

In 1991, Sofia Rotaru presented an anniversary program in Moscow dedicated to the 20th anniversary of creative activity “Flowers of Sofia Rotaru”. On stage, the singer sang songs of her youth: “Chervona Ruta”, “Cheremshina”, “Maple Vogon”, “Edge”, “Blue Bird”, “Zhovty Leaf”, as well as new ones: “Tango”, “Wild Swans” and others. Rotaru opened its own recording studio in Yalta.

In 1993, the first two CDs of the collection were released best songs singers - “Sofia Rotaru” and “Lavender”, then - “Golden Songs 1985/95” and “Khutoryanka”. In 1995, Sofia Rotaru starred in the musical film “Old Songs about the Main Thing”; at “Song-96” Sofia Rotaru was recognized as “Best pop singer 1996”, in 1997 Sofia Rotaru starred in the musical film “10 Songs about Moscow”, and in 1997 Sofia Rotaru became an Honorary Citizen of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; winner of the honorary prize of the President of Ukraine for outstanding contribution in the development of pop art “Song Vernissage” and Knight of the “Order of the Republic of Moldova”.

Based on the results of 1999, Sofia Rotaru was recognized best singer Ukraine in the “Traditional Variety” category. She received the Golden Firebird and special award"for his contribution to the development of domestic pop music." In the same year, the singer was awarded the “Order of St. Princess Olga, III degree” for special personal merits in the development of song creativity, many years of fruitful concert activity and high performing skills. The Russian Biographical Institute recognized the singer as Person of the Year 1999.

In 2000, in Kyiv, Sofia Rotaru was recognized as “Man of the 20th Century”, “Best Ukrainian Pop Singer of the 20th Century”, “Golden Voice of Ukraine”, Winner of the “Prometheus - Prestige” Award, “Woman of the Year”. In the same year, Sofia Rotaru became the Laureate of the Ovation Prize, “For a special contribution to the development of Russian stage" In August 2000, the singer’s official website was opened.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of her creative activity, the singer released concert program“My life is my love!” Before solo concerts in Moscow, the film and video association “Close-up” presented a video version of the film “Soul” filmed by the Mosfilm studio in 1981 with Sofia Rotaru in the title role. The film took 5th place at the box office in the USSR and is considered Rotaru's most successful film work.

In 2002, Rotaru’s spouse, Anatoly Evdokimenko, who lived with her all his life, died. However, despite the loss, Sofia Mikhailovna found the strength to live and work further: in 2004, 2005 and 2006, Sofia Rotaru became the most beloved singer in Russia according to polls from sociological agencies.

On his 60th birthday (2007), the President of Ukraine awarded Rotaru the Order of Merit, II degree.

After counting all Rotaru's songs performed in the finals of the Song of the Year festival, it turned out that Rotaru holds the absolute record among all participants in history - 79 songs performed at 36 festivals

All creative biography, life path Sofia Rotaru is an amazing example of how a talented girl from a small village at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains was able to win first all-Union and then world fame.

Sofia Rotaru - biography: only songs in my head...

Sofia’s father worked for almost thirty years as a foreman of winegrowers on a collective farm and, in addition to her, raised three more daughters and two sons. Sonya was second in seniority, but when the eldest Zinaida lost her sight after an illness, she became the main helper in the family: she herded and milked cows, sold greens at the market, and took care of her younger brothers and sisters.

As long as Sofia could remember, there was always singing in the house. Yes best singers than her parents, there was no one in the entire village! But Sonya’s voice... There was something special, bewitching in it, and when Rotaru graduated from school, those around her did not call her anything other than the Bukovinian nightingale. And my mother kept lamenting: “Who will marry you? Just songs in my head!..”

The first success came to Sofia Rotaru in 1962. Victory in the regional amateur art competition opened the way for her to the regional show, which took place in Chernivtsi, and there she was also the first. In 1964, she took part in the Republican Festival of Folk Talents, and again won! In the same year, Sofia Rotaru sang for the first time on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

Her first successes finally strengthened her decision to devote her life to music. Sofia entered the conducting and choral department of the Chernivtsi Music College.

Sofia Rotaru - personal life

In 1965, a large color photograph of the Carpathian beauty appeared on the cover of the magazine “Ukraine”, which, by the will of fate, fell into the hands of her fellow countryman, to a simple guy from Chernivtsi Tole Evdokimenko, undergoing urgent military service in Nizhny Tagil. He hung the girl’s portrait on the wall and firmly decided to meet and connect his personal life with Sonya. By the way, Anatoly also “had only music in his head.”

Before serving in the army, he graduated music school, played the trumpet, planned to create his own ensemble... But after serving the “urgent” service, at the insistence of his parents, he became a student at Chernivtsi University. However, I did not forget my dream...

It took him two long years to win the heart of the proud beauty. He even created a pop orchestra especially for her at the university, where he invited her to be a soloist. It was an accurate calculation: after all, the soul of a beloved girl could only be captivated by music!

The friendly relations between the young people grew stronger and stronger, and one day Sofia realized that Anatoly was her destiny, the one and only man for life.

In 1968, Sofia Rotaru and Anatoly Evdokimenko got married, and the young family spent the honeymoon of their personal lives in the dormitory of the 105th military plant in Novosibirsk, where Tolik did his university internship.

Soon Rotaru was delegated to Bulgaria for the IX World Festival youth and students, where she won a gold medal and first prize in the competition of folk song performers. The chairman of the jury then said with admiration: “This is a singer with a great future...”

For Anatoly Evdokimenko, the career of his beloved wife was always in first place, and it was for her sake that he, a physicist, author of many articles, gave up science, a prestigious job at a department at the institute, and devoted himself entirely to Sonya.

In 1971 he organized Music band“Chervona Ruta” at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic, of which, of course, she became a soloist future star- Sofia Rotaru. And so that she could sing the way she wants, without being distracted by the arrangement and light, Evdokimenko entered the directing department of the Kyiv Institute of Culture.

For more than 30 years, Anatoly Evdokimenko was the fulfiller of any of her desires, producer, program director, director, director, bodyguard... His tragic death in 2002 after a serious long-term illness was a big blow for Rotaru in her personal life. The doctors could not take Sofia Mikhailovna out of the room - she asked her husband to be returned to her, not to leave her alone, she refused to believe in what was happening...

Having recovered from the shock, Rotaru declared that she would never marry again and wanted to devote herself to her profession from now on.

One day, 27-year-old Sonya Rotaru was given an almost fatal diagnosis - pulmonary tuberculosis. She was then diagnosed with asthma, and later nodules appeared on her vocal cords, an occupational disease for singers. Sofia was simply crushed. How to live and sing further? What will happen to his son Ruslan?

But her career was in its prime... Immediately, dirty rumors spread by “well-wishers” began to spread: popular rumor “buried” her more than once after car accident, then after suicide.

But they still managed to defeat the disease. True, the singer had to move to Crimea - only the local healing sea air saved her lungs. Then an operation was performed on the ligaments, and later another one. After her, the singer was forced to speak in a whisper for a year. Sofia Mikhailovna’s courage to not hide her diagnosis and remain on stage despite the doctors’ predictions evokes great respect.

Today, the singer often says in interviews that she has not yet reached the finish line. And it seems too early to judge whether her life was a success or not... “Maybe someone won’t believe it, but I still work with the same drive as in my youth, and, imagine, I’m having a blast! - says Sofia. “I think everyone should have a goal - the higher it is, the more you can achieve.”

Like any woman, Rotaru is a little flirtatious. After all, today she is one of the highest paid singers in the world (in 2008, Rotaru declared an income of about $100 million in Ukraine) and last years actively engaged in entrepreneurship.

Sofia Rotaru's repertoire includes more than 400 songs, most of which have become classics national stage; she starred in many musical and feature films, became a laureate of many music competitions and won a huge number of awards; repeatedly (and rightfully) became the best singer of the year.

Among her songs are compositions in Bulgarian, English, German, Polish and Italian. And everywhere she is accompanied by success and applause from a loving public.

By the way, Edita Pieha advised Sofia to add the letter “u” (in the Moldavian way) to her surname. At early concerts, the girl was announced as Sofia Rotar.

The singer always dreamed that her grandchildren, Anatoly and Sonechka, would follow in her footsteps, but it seems that there will be no musical dynasty. The grandson has firmly decided to become a DJ, and Sonya Jr. dreams of becoming a top model. Rotaru adores them immensely, and when her grandchildren visit her, grandma is happy!

If you compare the image of Sofia Rotaru with photographs of her youth, it will become clear: the singer is getting prettier every year. Sofia's impeccable appearance has always been the subject of discussion and envy among both her show business colleagues and ordinary people. What kind of work is behind all this? “You need to learn to love yourself for who you are, and then others will treat you the same,” the singer believes.

Sofia Rotaru does not smoke, tries to drink a lot of water, eats healthy food and drinks alcohol very moderately. Constantly engaged in gym, visits the sauna, conducts massage courses and cosmetic procedures. Rumor has it that she could not do without plastic surgery - in one of the Swiss clinics, the star underwent surgery for a circular facelift, blepharoplasty (eyelid lift), and a little later - liposuction.

Rotaru herself does not comment on this gossip, claiming that when there is an urgent need to raise her mood and vitality, she goes to her native Bukovina or her beloved Yalta, where she literally dissolves in complete harmony with the world around her and... becomes younger before her eyes.

In 2007, People's Artist of Russia Sofia Rotaru celebrated her 60th birthday, after which she almost stopped giving concerts.

However, this year the star made a big tour of Russia and, despite her age and pain from the loss of loved ones (parents and husband), the same Sofia Rotaru came out to the audience - charming, brilliant, sexy... “There will be no farewell concert for Rotaru will. I'll sing until last breath! - she announced to the whole country.

41620 Biography of Sofia Rotaru Name: Sofia Rotaru Date of birth: August 7, 1947 (67 years old) Zodiac sign: Leo Place of birth: s. Marshintsy, Novoselitsky district, USSR Activities: singer, musician, dancer,, actress Weight: 64 kg Height: 170 cm BIOGRAPHY OF SOFIA ROTARU Singer Sofia Mikhailovna Evdokimenko-Rotaru (erroneously: Sofia Rataru, Sofia Rotaru) was born in the village of Marshintsy, Chernivtsi region of the Ukrainian SSR on August 7, 1947. The future artist became the second of their six children in a family of winegrowers. Sofia Mikhailovna celebrates her birthday twice. Due to an error by the passport officer, the singer’s passport states that she was born on August 9. Rotaru was taught to sing by his blind older sister Zinaida, who had unique hearing. As a child, Sofia Rotaru was actively involved in sports and athletics, and even became the school champion in all-around. By the way, thanks to her athletic skills, Rotaru, without stunt doubles, performed roles in the film “Where Are You Love?”, where she rode along a narrow embankment into the sea on a motorcycle and the film “Monologue about Love,” where she was windsurfing. Sofia Rotaru's musical gift was revealed quite early. At first, the 7-year-old singer sang in the school and church choirs (for this they even threatened to expel her from the pioneers). Young Rotaru was attracted to the theater. The girl even attended classes in a drama club, and at the same time sang folk songs in an amateur art group. And at night she took the only school button accordion and went into the barn to select her favorite Moldavian songs. The unique Sofia Rotaru Sofia Mikhailovna’s father loved to sing, had perfect pitch And in a beautiful voice. A man taught his daughter to sing. And at school, the young singer learned to play the domra and button accordion, and also gave concerts in neighboring villages. Beginning of a career The first success came to Rotaru already in 1962. It was this year that Sofia won the regional amateur art competition. It was he who opened the way for her to the regional review in Chernivtsi, where the singer also took first place. Because of the strength of her voice, her fellow countrymen called her the “Bukovina Nightingale.” After the victories, Sofia Rotaru was sent to Kyiv to the Republican Festival of Folk Talents. Here, victory awaited the talented girl again. After the competition, the singer’s photograph was placed on the cover of the magazine “Ukraine” in 1965. By the way, seeing her, her future husband Anatoly Evdokimenko fell in love with Rotaru. The man was also interested in music and dreamed of creating an ensemble. After the meeting, he opened a pop orchestra for Sofia. After graduating from school, Sofia Rotaru firmly decided to become a singer and entered the conducting and choral department of the Chernivtsi Music College. In 1964, Rotaru sang for the first time on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Sofia’s first pop song was “Mama” by Bronevitsky. World recognition In 1968, Sofia Rotaru graduated from music school and went to the IX World Festival of Youth and Students in Bulgaria. There she won a gold medal and first place in a folk song competition. Sofia Rotaru - Strong woman After college, Rotaru began teaching and, in the same 1968, married Anatoly Evdokimenko. In August 1970, the couple had a son, Ruslan. In 1971, director Roman Alekseev filmed musical film“Chervona Ruta”, where Sofia Rotaru played the main role. The picture caused a huge resonance, after its release the singer got a job at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic and created her own ensemble “Chervona Ruta”. Together with composer Vladimir Ivasyuk, a number of songs were written in folk style and instrumental manner of performance. Rotaru quickly became famous in Ukraine. A series of concerts in foreign countries began - the Germans, Czechs, Bulgarians, Yugoslavs received the Soviet singer with a bang. In 1973, in Burgas, Bulgaria, Sofia Rotaru won first place in the Golden Orpheus competition. The artist performed the song “My City” by Evgeniy Doga and “Bird” in Bulgarian. After the victory, the singer became an Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. Moldavian lyrics Since the 1970s, compositions performed by Sofia Rotaru have invariably become winners of the “Song of the Year”. The singer's words and music were written by the best composers and authors of the country: Arno Babajanyan, Alexey Mazhukov, Pavel Aedonitsky, Oscar Feltsman, Alexandra Pakhmutova and others. With Nikolai Baskov In 1974, the singer graduated from the Chisinau Institute of Arts named after G. Muzichescu, and then became a laureate of the Amber Nightingale festival, which was held in Poland. In the same year, the singer released an album with the simple name “Sofia Rotaru”. In addition, the musical television film “The Song is Always with Us” is being released. In 1975, after the beginning of problems with the Chernivtsi regional committee Communist Party Ukrainian SSR, Sofia Rotaru, along with her ensemble, was forced to move to Yalta. The singer's father was expelled from the CPSU, her brother from the Komsomol and from the university because the family celebrated Old New Year- an unofficial holiday. In Crimea, the artist immediately became a soloist of the local philharmonic society. In 1976, Sofia Rotaru received the status of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. At the same time, Sofia Mikhailovna became a permanent participant in the New Year’s “Blue Lights”. She received this honor after she performed the song “Winter” at one of the holidays. In 1977, the long-playing album “Songs of Volodymyr Ivasyuk Sings by Sofia Rotaru” appeared. This record has become a symbol in the discography of the Ukrainian celebrity. For her, the singer received the Komsomol Central Committee Prize. And two years later, two albums were released: LP “Only for You”, LP “Sofia Rotaru” and the giant disc “Sofia Rotaru - Mu tenderness”. The rise of the actress In 1980, Sofia Rotaru won first prize at a competition in Tokyo for her performance of the Yugoslav song “Promise”, and also received the Order of the Badge of Honor. At this time, the singer was actively experimenting with her image and was the first among female artists to appear on stage in a pantsuit with the song “Temp” by Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov. By the way, this composition was written specifically for the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow and even became the soundtrack to the film “The Ballad of Sports” by Yuri Ozerov. Sofia Rotaru on video In 1980, the film “Where Are You, Love?” was released. There Sofia Rotaru sang the song “First Rain”, and also rode on a back seat motorcycle on the sea shallows. The tape was watched by 22 million people. In the same year, a double album of songs from the film was released. The song from the “Red Arrow” record was banned from broadcast on All-Union Radio. All because the leader music edition I didn’t like the way the singer sang. However, the composition became famous even without radio airplay. It is worth noting that Sofia Rotaru’s debut as an actress was called a failure, however, the film won the love of the audience. Next, Sofia Rotaru began to search again a new style. The singer sang rock songs and took part in the filming of the film “Soul” together with Andrei Makarevich and “The Time Machine”. After this, Alexander Borodyansky and Alexander Stefanovich wrote an autobiographical story about the singer’s life, about the loss of her voice and about her state of mind in this period. Sofia Mikhailovna temporarily abandoned concert activities for the sake of filming a film. The partners in the film were Rolan Bykov and Mikhail Boyarsky. The film was watched by about 54 million people. Sofia Rotaru. I loved him. In 1983, Sofia Rotaru and her band gave a number of concerts in Canada and released an album in Toronto, Canadian Tour 1983. After that, the musicians were banned from traveling abroad for five years. And in the same year, the singer was given the title of People's Artist of Moldova. In 1984, the LP “Tender Melody” was released. This album returned the singer to her original image. In 1985, Rotaru received the Golden Disc prize. It was this year that the albums “Tender Melody” and “Sofia Rotaru” became the best-selling albums in the Soviet Union. They sold millions of copies. At the same time, Sofia Mikhailovna received the Order of Friendship of Peoples. Europop and hard rock In 1986, the musical film “Monologue about Love” was released. Here Rotaru sang the song “Amor” as a windsurfer and sailed on a board in the open sea without an understudy. The album “Monologue about Love” was released the same year. At the same time, the Chervona Ruta ensemble returned to Ukrainian song what happened to Sofia Rotaru and her artistic director Anatoly Evdokimenko was a complete surprise. The next album, “Golden Heart,” was recorded in collaboration with Moscow musicians. Rotaru began performing compositions in the Europop style (“Moon”, “It Was, But It’s Gone”) and even with elements of hard rock (“Only This Is Not Enough”, “My Time”). In 1988, the singer received the title of People's Artist of the USSR for her great services in the development of the Soviet musical art. Rotaru switched to the Russian-language repertoire, for which they began to push her away in Ukraine. With his beloved granddaughter In 1991, the LP “Caravan of Love” was released. Here you can feel the influence of hard rock and even metal, which were at the peak of their popularity at that time. At the same time, the musical film of the same name and the program “Golden Heart” were released. Dashing 90s In 1991, Sofia Rotaru gave an anniversary concert at the Rossiya State Concert Hall, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of creative activity. The program used laser graphics, candles and fantastic decorations, in particular, the moving red flowers from Chervona Ruta. After the collapse of the USSR and the beginning of commercialization of the music space, the artist did not lose her position in show business. In 1993, Rotaru released two collections of the best songs, “Sofia Rotaru” and “Lavender,” and then “Golden Songs 1985/95” and “Khutoryanka.” In 1997, Sofia Mikhailovna took part in the filming of the film “10 Songs about Moscow”, produced by NTV, where she sang the song “Moscow in May” together with the group “ Ivanushki International" In 1998, Sofia Rotaru’s first numbered (official) disc “Love Me” was released, and a little later a program of the same name was presented at the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow. In the same year, the singer was awarded the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker “For increasing goodness on Earth.” A year later, two more albums of the singer were released in the “Star Series”. Leadership of the 2000s In 2000, Sofia Rotaru in Kyiv was recognized as “Man of the 20th Century”, “Golden Voice of Ukraine”, “Best Ukrainian Pop Singer of the 20th Century”, “Woman of the Year”. Sofia Mikhailovna with her husband In 2002, with the song “My Life, My Love,” Sofia Rotaru opened “New Year’s Light” on the ORT channel. Came out the same year new album entitled “I Still Love You.” The songs on the record are of different styles and for the first time remixes of old songs appear on the disc. In the spring, the “Star of Sofia Rotaru” was lit in Kyiv, and in the summer she was awarded the highest title in Ukraine - Hero of Ukraine. After the death of her husband (October 23 from a stroke), Sofia Rotaru stopped active touring. At the end of the year, a collection of songs by the singer “The Snow Queen” is released. By the way, at the end of 2002, Rotaru became the second most popular domestic performer in Russia. On December 25, the official release of Sofia Rotaru’s song collection “The Snow Queen” took place, released on the “Extraphone” label (Moscow, Russia). Part of the album's circulation came with an exclusive gift - a poster of the singer. In 2003, in Moscow, a personalized star was laid on the alley in front of the Rossiya State Concert Hall. In 2004, the albums “The Sky is Me” and “Lavender, Farmer, Then Everywhere...” were released. 2005 was marked by the release of the disc “I loved him.” 60-year anniversary On August 7, 2007, Sofia Rotaru turned 60 years old. Hundreds of fans from different parts of the world came to Yalta to congratulate the singer. And the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko awarded the singer the Order of Merit, II degree. Stage name Until 1940, the village of Marshintsi, where the singer was born, was part of Romania. This was the reason different spellings first and last name Sofia Rotaru. In the credits of the film "Chervona Ruta" the artist's last name is Rotar. And on earlier filming they wrote the name Sophia. Edita Piekha advised Rotaru to write his last name in the Moldavian way, that is, with the letter “u” at the end. Sofia Rotaru at the Disco Dacha “No, no one came up with this, this is due to the fact that this village in which we were born once belonged to Romania, it was the territory of Romania, and after the war this territory was annexed to Ukraine and In connection with this, dad was called to the military registration and enlistment office and was told that Romanian surname need to change to Russian. They removed the letter "u" at the end, instead of Rotaru it became Rotar with soft sign, and now we all have the surname Rotar. But in fact, Rotaru is the correct surname…” says Sofia Rotaru’s sister.

Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru (rum. Sofia Rotaru, real name- Rotary). Born on August 7, 1947 in the village. Marshyntsi, Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region. Soviet and Ukrainian pop singer, actress. People's Artist USSR (1988). Hero of Ukraine (2002).

She was the second of six children in the Moldovan family of a winegrower foreman in the village of Marshintsy (Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region, Ukrainian SSR). Due to a mistake by the passport officer who wrote down the date of birth in the passport - August 9, 1947 - he celebrates his birthday twice.

Father - Mikhail Fedorovich Rotar, drafted into the Red Army in May 1944, having reached Berlin as a machine gunner, being wounded and returning home only in 1946, he was the first in the village to join the party.

Mother - Alexandra Ivanovna Rotar (1920-1997).

The older sister, Zina, suffered from typhus as a child and lost her sight. Zina, having perfect pitch, easily memorized new songs and taught Sofia a lot folk songs, becoming both a second mother and a beloved teacher. Sofia Rotaru said that they all learned from her. Zina, spending a lot of time at the radio, learned Russian along with songs. And she taught him to her brothers and sisters.

Brothers - Anatoly Mikhailovich Rotar (born 03/09/1953) and Evgeniy Mikhailovich Rotar (born 02/03/1957), bass guitarists and singers, worked in the Chisinau VIA "Orizont".

Sofia Rotaru and Nikolai Rastorguev - Zasentyabrilo

In 1999, the Star Records label released two more CD collections of the singer in “ Star series" At the end of 1999, Sofia Rotaru was recognized as the best singer of Ukraine in the “Traditional Variety” category, receiving the “Golden Firebird”, as well as a special award “for her contribution to the development of domestic pop music.” In the same year, the singer was awarded the Order of Princess Olga, III degree, for special personal merits in the development of song creativity, many years of fruitful concert activity and high performing skills. The Russian Biographical Institute recognized the singer as Person of the Year 1999.

In 2000, in Kyiv, Sofia Rotaru was recognized as “Man of the 20th Century”, “Best Ukrainian Pop Singer of the 20th Century”, “Golden Voice of Ukraine”, Winner of the “Prometheus - Prestige” Award, “Woman of the Year”. In the same year, Sofia Rotaru became the Laureate of the Ovation Prize, “For a special contribution to the development of the Russian stage.”

In December 2001, Sofia Rotaru released a new solo concert program “My Life is My Love!” on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his creative activity.

In 2002, the song “My Life, My Love” opened “ New Year's Light"on the ORT channel.

In 2002, a new album, “I Still Love You,” was released. The official release of the album took place on April 23 at the Extraphone studio in Moscow. May 24 in Kyiv in front of the building International Center culture and arts took place opening of the Ukrainian Avenue of Stars, among which was lit and "Star of Sofia Rotaru". On August 7, the singer’s birthday, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine “for significant personal services to the Ukrainian state in the development of art, dedicated work in the field of preserving national and cultural traditions, enhancing the heritage of the people of Ukraine.” On August 9, 2002, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the Order of Honor by Presidential Decree Russian Federation"for his great contribution to the development of pop art and the strengthening of Russian-Ukrainian cultural ties."

An official video version of the film was released in 2002. "Where are you, love?" directed by Valeriu Gagiu, released by the film studio “Moldova-Film” in 1980. The video version of the film was published by ARENA Corporation. Starring Sofia Rotaru, Grigore Grigoriu, Konstantin Konstantinov, Evgeniy Menshov, Ekaterina Kazemirova, Victor Chutak. The singer begins collaboration with guitarist Vasily Bogatyrev.

On April 11, 2003, Sofia Rotaru released the composition “ White dance", Ukrainian authors Oleg Makarevich and Vitaly Kurovsky. New stage her creativity began with performances in concert hall“Russia” in Moscow in honor of the laying of a personalized star on the alley in front of the hall.

In 2004, after a four-year break, Sofia Rotaru gave two big solo concerts in Chicago and Atlantic City, where she performed in one of the most prestigious halls - the Taj Mahal theater-casino (in 2001, the tour there was disrupted due to the fact that the sound engineer did not receive a visa).

On August 7, 2007, Sofia Rotaru celebrated her 60th birthday. Hundreds of fans, as well as famous artists and politicians came to Yalta from different parts of the world to congratulate the singer. The President of Ukraine awarded Sofia Rotaru the Order of Merit, II degree. Gala reception On the occasion of the anniversary, it was held at the Livadia Palace.

In October 2011, Sofia Rotaru conducted anniversary concerts in Moscow (Bolshoi Kremlin Palace) and in St. Petersburg (Ice Palace). The concerts were dedicated to the 40th anniversary of creative activity.

After counting all Rotaru’s songs performed in the finals of the Song of the Year festival, it turned out that Rotaru holds the absolute record among all participants in history - 83 songs performed at 38 festivals (1973-2011, except 2002).

Sincere confession. Sofia Rotaru

Sofia Rotaru's height: 170 centimeters

Personal life of Sofia Rotaru:

Anatoly Evdokimenko fell in love with his future wife, when he served in the Urals, in Nizhny Tagil. He received a copy of the magazine “Ukraine” with a photograph beautiful girl on the cover, after which he returned and began looking for Sofia.

Evdokimenko, originally from Chernivtsi, is the son of a builder and a teacher, who “had only music in his head.” He graduated from music school, played the trumpet, planning to create an ensemble. As a student at Chernivtsi University and a trumpeter in the student pop orchestra, he opened a pop orchestra for Sofia - before that, violins and cymbals were used to accompany Rotaru’s songs.

In 1968, Sofia Rotaru married Anatoly Evdokimenko. After graduating from Chernivtsi University, he interned in Novosibirsk and was also a trumpeter in the student pop orchestra.

The young family spent their honeymoon in the dormitory of the 105th military plant.

Anatoly Evdokimenko worked at the plant named after. Lenin, and Sofia Rotaru cooked food for everyone, and in the evenings she sang at the Otdykh club. The newlyweds left after 3 months.

In an interview, Sofia Rotaru admitted that after a year of marriage she began to dream of a child. At the same time, Anatoly Evdokimenko had other creative plans and continued his studies. They lived with their parents in two-room apartment, he has not yet graduated from university. Sofia Rotaru lied: “Listen, the doctor said that I will soon become a mother.” Although in reality I was not in a position at that moment - I had to use a little feminine trick. Tolik shook his head: “Well, fine.” He relaxed, let down his guard and began to wait for the heir to be born. The child was born eleven months later. Now I believe that I did everything right, then I simply wouldn’t have time - these endless tours would begin.”. On August 24, 1970, son Ruslan Evdokimenko was born.

Sofia Rotaru and Anatoly Evdokimenko

Ruslan is a music producer. His wife Svetlana is an executive producer. Rotaru has grandchildren: Anatoly (born March 23, 1994) and (born May 30, 2001).

Sofia Rotaru with her son

In addition to Sofia, she performed at a professional level younger sister Aurika Rotaru, who combined a solo career with performances as a backing vocalist, as well as a duet of brother and sister - Lydia and Evgeniy. Unlike Aurica, the duo, working in the style of Italian pop music of the 1980s, did not achieve noticeable success, and in 1992 they stopped performing.

Discography of Sofia Rotaru:

1972 - Sofia Rotaru
1972 - Sofia Rotaru sings
1972 - Chervona Ruta
1973 - Sofia Rotaru sings
1973 - Ballad of Violins
1974 - Sofia Rotaru
1975 - Sofia Rotaru sings songs by Vladimir Ivasyuk
1977 - Sofia Rotaru
1978 - Sofia Rotaru
1980 - Only for you
1981 - Sofia Rotaru
1981 - Songs from the film “Where are you, love?”
1981 - Sofia Rotaru and “Chervona Ruta”
1982 - Sofia Rotaru
1985 - Tender Melody
1987 - Monologue about love
1987 - Lavender
1988 - Heart of Gold
1990 - Sofia Rotaru
1991 - Caravan of Love
1991 - Romance
1993 - Caravan of Love
1993 - Lavender
1995 - Golden Songs 1985/95
1995 - Farmer
1996 - Night of Love
1996 - Chervona Ruta
1998 - Love me
2002 - I still love you
2002 - The Snow Queen
2003 - To the One
2004 - Water Flows
2004 - The sky is me
2004 - Lavender, Farmer, then everywhere...
2005 - I loved him
2007 - What’s the weather like in your heart?
2007 - Fog
2008 - I am your love!
2010 - I won't look back
2011 - And my soul flies

Musical television films of Sofia Rotaru:

1965 - Songs of a Happy Land (documentary)
1966 - Nightingale from the village of Marshintsy
1971 - Chervona Ruta - Oksana
1973 - Dniester melodies
1975 - The song is always with us - singer
1978 - Sofia Rotaru sings
1979 - Musical Detective
1980 - Stars of the Olympic Regatta
1980 - Where are you, love? - Marcela, music teacher
1981 - Ten years later. Chervona Ruta (short film)
1981 - Soul - Victoria Viktorovna Svobodina, singer
1985 - Sofia Rotaru invites you
1986 - Monologue about love
1989 - Heart of Gold
1990 - Caravan of Love
1991 - One day by the sea
1996 - Old songs about the main thing - foreman-drummer
1997 - 10 songs about Moscow
1998 - Military field romance
2003 - Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro - Marceline
2004 - The Snow Queen - Fairy of Flowers
2004 - Sorochinskaya Fair - Gypsy
2006 - 1st Ambulance - Zina Timofeeva
2006 - Star Holidays - Diva
2007 - Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors - Queen / delegate from Ukraine
2007 - First at home - the woman from TV
2008 - Beauty requires... - guest of the Miss Housewife competition
2008 - gold fish- Spanish
2009 - Little Red Riding Hood - Sorceress

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