First interview: how to behave if you have no work experience? How to successfully pass an interview and what to say to get hired? How to behave at an interview to get hired.

Hello dear friend!

First, let's debunk one myth.

Perhaps when you asked yourself the question "K What is the correct way to speak at an interview?”, you came across data from so-called “scientific research”:

The most important thing in communication is how you look (55%). Next is how you sound (38%). And only in third place is what and how you say (7%).

This data circulates widely on the Internet and wanders from article to article.

I have news for you: This is nonsense. You can't rely on these numbers. Just take my word for it. From the series “I heard a ringing, but I don’t know where it is...”.

7% is out of the question. What and how you say is extremely important.

So how to speak correctly during a job interview?

Clarity comes first.

Some candidates speak as if they were at a party meeting in the last century.

"I would like to show you a project... that was

developed by our department... and approved by the General Director... The main goals of this project are...In accordance with it, a procedure must be carried out to track the following...

- Hello! I'm here! You’re not reading out a report... (interlocutor)

To speak in this style requires enormouseffort: As a result, the person mutters something, talking all sorts of nonsense.

We subconsciously want to hide individuality behind the fog of official expressions. We are afraid of not being liked, of seeming unprofessional.

And now a little surprise: Even inveterate bureaucrats do not particularly like this manner. They, of course, want the conversation to be in their professional language. But you will have a better chance if you speak common language.

Speak for the people. If the average person understands your words, then the employer will understand them too. Your thoughts may be complex, but your language is not, it should be simple.

This is especially true when talking with recruiters, and HR in general. Your professional terminology will not impress anyone. The recruiter is not required to understand your bird language.

It is your task to explain it in a way that is clear not only to the recruiter, but to any person.

God forbid explaining something with a condescending smile, saying “you don’t understand.” They will simply tell you that you yourself do not understand the topic because you cannot express yourself in ordinary language.

2. Regulations

Usually you are given 10-15 minutes to talk about yourself. It's enough. Try to meet the allotted time, but don't worry too much about it.

If your time is up, it's okay - say it first. Chances are your partner will let you finish.

3. Speech speed

The issue is not so much speed as it is vagueness and monotony. If the other person cannot understand the words, whether you speak quickly or slowly does not matter.)

If you don't vary the tempo of your speech, it will sound monotonous and your partner will nod off.

4. Voice

  • From my head. Usually people speak from their heads.

The head thinks, the head has its own self and... from this state we talk all sorts of nonsense. In the feeling that we should be listened to, but they don’t want to listen to us. And we must speak very quickly, because we have very little time and if we do not have time to say everything, then they will not understand us.

  • From the throat. When we speak from the throat, our speech becomes so fabulous, beautiful things appear in it. This is information presented in a tasty way.
  • From the heart.Words spoken from the heart are perceived by the heart. Truth, truth, depth.
  • From the navel area.

If we want to be perceived as a confident person, we need to speak from the navel area . The speech may seem somewhat peremptory, but no matter what you say, it feels like you have something behind your soul.You are responsible for your words and you just need to negotiate with you; there is no point in putting pressure on you.

  • If the spotlight below the pubic bone, - your speech takes on a sexual connotation.

For some candidates this question)

It is clear that without training it is quite difficult to vary your voice, especially at an important meeting.

Choose someone from your friends, family and talk to him on different levels. See how he reacts to your messages from a cordial, confident person, or simply transferring information from his head.

Try it, if you don’t find anything useful in it, don’t worry too much.

You don't have to be an artist. Speak as usual.

Relax and allow yourself to talk to your partner as if you were a friend. This will happen

enough - today people no longer expect declamation and pathos.

5. Eye contact

Eye contact is the clearest indicator that your dialogue is going on.

Most Europeans are suspicious of those who look away.

Don't let your partner out of focus.

But... You'll only be able to focus on your partner if you don't have to remember what to say. This is why careful preparation is so important..

Some candidates say they don't feel comfortable making eye contact. They are either embarrassed or afraid. But when you start looking into your eyes, it turns out there is nothing to be afraid of. This is a psychological limitation.

If you feel that contact is being lost, you can simply ask:

- I've been talking for 15 minutes, is this normal?

-Are you still listening to me?

6. Strong expressions, humor. Pros and cons

Whether to use strong language during an interview depends on the partner. This usually becomes clear during the conversation.

This is not about swearing, of course. For example, using the word “damn” is quite acceptable.

The fact is that strong words can be perceived as a manifestation of naturalness and temperament on the part of the speaker.

You may seem rude, but if you swear, it means you care. Such a language may be an alternative to meaningless speeches, said with a straight face and a blank look, which we often hear in our lives.

Humor. You don't need to make jokes on purpose. WITHthe situation can become funny in itself. You will notice this. The best jokes always come spontaneously. Is not it?

7. Authenticity

We are, of course, not talking about the authenticity of some documents, etc.

Famous computer game developer Jesse Schell once exclaimed:

“We live in a bubble of fake bullshit!”

The need and interest in authenticity and naturalness is a real trend.

At the heart of this trend is the need for trust. A total lack of trust is an identifying sign of our days, unfortunately.

It used to be that you had to appear flawless. And now such candidates are found. They know everything in the world. Everything about them shines and sparkles.

But today it doesn’t make much of an impression. An experienced leader understands that this is a game for the public.

Today it is quite acceptable and, to some extent, even fashionable to not be perfect.

First of all, you need to look natural.

Let us remember the words of Mark Twain:

"Tell the truth and you won't have to remember anything"

As he noted:

“I have never been able to give a good impromptu speech without spending several hours preparing it.”

The problem is that we try to control our brain and every word that is about to come out of our lips. This slows down the flow of speech and reduces its naturalness.

The best cure for this disease is rehearsals.


The benefit of rehearsing is that you will gain confidence, which will help you get out of the situation, even if you forget the words.

Record yourself on video and watch the recording.

Have you ever seen yourself on video? It’s possible that you won’t like yourself very much at first.

Butit will pass with time. Correct what you don’t like at all, otherwise accept yourself as you are and relax.

It wouldn’t hurt to remember the techniques we talked about in the articles: And

Common mistakes

  • Familiarity. It’s clear that he wants to shorten the distance, but it doesn’t work. Mikhail goes straight to Misha. Here from the client - if he goes to shorten the distance, we respond in the same way
  • Don't get carried away with exclamation marks - this is emotional immaturity. Even in conversation
  • Don't talk about the client's problems- it spoils the mood. Again from the client - if he starts talking about problems, we discuss
  • Don't talk too much. If you talk more, it is clear that you are “selling” and such a sale may not happen,
  • Don't talk too loud, it's annoying

Playing up awkwardness

Awkwardness, as a rule, is associated with forgotten words, with unsuccessful postures such as crossing arms, withsome kind of randomly spoken stupidity.

For many people, admitting a mistake is not easy. But to disguise it, to pretend that everything “is the way it should be” is a typical automatic reaction. It usually turns out pretty awkward.

You need to build into your plans the possibility of making mistakes. Mistakes are part of the job.

There is a bright side to mistakes: they are usually funny.

Don't be afraid to get confused. Your speech is not a circus performance andnot a performance. This is a dialogue, an exchange of opinions.

In addition to helping you pass the interview, these skills will stay with you and serve you well as you build your career. Isn't it worth it?

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Have a nice day and good mood!

Firstly, you should not be late for an interview. This will show that you are an unpunctual person. If you arrive early, you can get familiar with your surroundings. Secondly, learn to listen and never interrupt an employee. When she finishes the question, answer, but there is no need to talk about yourself for a long time, the question is answered clearly and to the point.
Never show your nervousness or uncertainty; you must answer questions confidently. You can’t say phrases: probably, maybe, I don’t know, how, and so on. These phrases are used only by those people who are completely unsure of their words. It is advisable to behave confidently and answer questions clearly. If you are asked about your desired salary, speak openly; there is no need to underestimate your salary, otherwise they will understand that you do not value yourself. It is also worth remembering that our speech demonstrates our internal state, and if a person speaks quietly and slowly, it means that he doubts something or is afraid of something.
During the interview, you will hear questions that you have never heard even in the movies. Employees deliberately provoke you into non-standard actions, indignation, negative reaction, and so on. You may be asked why you divorced your wife or why you left your last job. Of course, these are personal matters, but the HR department will still ask you several similar questions. Because they also read forums and know how people prepare for interviews, the question may be rephrased. Employees are proficient in hypnosis techniques, so you may be confused and asked how long would you have worked at your previous job if there were no negative people in the team and paid three times more? It is difficult to answer this question, because you will agree that you were paid little, and you did not like the team.

You may be asked not about your career, but about your lifestyle. For example, they will ask what you do on the weekend and what kind of food you prefer. You shouldn’t immediately talk about your exciting hobby, they just need to understand that you are an adequate person and spend your time like all normal people.
You can’t praise your positive qualities too much, and it’s better to emphasize them from the outside. For example, saying that in the office everyone thought I was too hardworking, they said that I quickly fulfill the work plan and therefore do more than others. But in no case is it unnecessary to talk about yourself in the first person, much less mention achievements in areas other than work. Tell them that you easily learn new information and like to read books, this will let them know that you will quickly get used to the new workplace.
You will also be asked about the disadvantages. Don't say anything true, for example, about how you like to lie on the couch on weekends and are too lazy to go to the store. Or that you like to flirt with girls at work and therefore often complete your work plan later than planned. Just say that you forget about time when you are actively working and it bothers you. Talk about being fanatical about everything new and interesting, that you quickly gain interest and want to achieve more. Talk about negatives as if they were positives.

Very often employees ask about children. They may ask how much children interfere with work. Say that you raised independent children and you are on very good terms with them. Once they have asked you all the questions regarding you and your family, they will allow you to ask a few questions. Ask the following questions:
  • What is the main problem of the work?

  • How well did the previous employee do the job?

  • Can I talk to my boss?

  • What will be the work schedule?

And so on, you need to ask about salary carefully. They understand perfectly well that you came to earn money, and not sit in the office 5 days a week. If the employer understands that you are an excellent specialist, he will offer you the salary level himself. If he names too small a figure, you need to ask if there is a possibility of promotion. When the employer asks you how much you want to earn, there is no need to talk for a long time - name the amount and remain silent. There is no need to be nervous and say that you are ready to “give everything” for a salary increase, sit in the office for 12 hours instead of 8, work 6 days a week, and so on. Your salary will be increased, but you will actually work 6 days a week, 12 hours. At the end of the interview they will tell you that they will call you within a certain time. It’s better to ask in advance when to expect a call, otherwise you will worry for a whole week, and the employer will never call.

What are asked during an interview and how to answer such questions

  • Do you have any weaknesses?

Everyone has shortcomings, but the employer wants to find out about your openness. Never tell all the shortcomings, otherwise you will make too negative an impression. It’s better to say that you get caught up in your work and forget what time it is. You can say it differently, for example, that you, like all people, have shortcomings, but they do not affect the quality of your work.
  • Tell us about yourself?

People begin to talk about what worries them most. Basic life values, problems in different areas of life, and so on. First of all, the employer wants to hear about your professional skills. Tell us a little about your studies, hobbies, educated and successful friends (namely about them). You can ask a counter question: should I tell you about interests in general or interests related to career growth and development? In any case, you should try not to talk about your hobby, what if you take up boxing and are a candidate for master of sports?
  • Why weren't you satisfied with your previous workplace?

Of course, any employer is interested in why an employee quit his job after a certain period of time. A frivolous person will begin to insult the boss, the team, working conditions, and so on. But an intelligent person must be well-mannered and restrained; it’s better to tell about the fact that you were not promoted. Say that it is inconvenient to get to work, the schedule was inconvenient and difficult, that the work was too monotonous, and there were no difficult tasks. But if you know that this company also has problems with work schedules or career growth, don’t even think about talking about it. It’s better not to talk about earning money for trips to Spain or France, you need to say that you are a family man and strive for stability, you want to update your car and make home renovations. It is worth remembering that a good specialist is primarily passionate about his work, and not about counting the money he earns.
  • How much do you want and don't want to earn?

Add 30% to your previous salary and tell your employer the amount. The minimum wage should be 10% higher than the previous one. There is no need to underestimate yourself and name small amounts.
  • How long will you work in our company?

Of course, we can say that you will work all your life. But this is not true either, you haven’t even gone to work, and you are already saying such things. Say that you want to work for a month and figure out what you will have to do and what kind of people will work with you. Often people quit because of problems in the team.
  • What achievements are you proud of?

Don't try to please the employer; talk about your achievements coldly. Just say that you were able to solve a difficult task at work and you were promoted. Or that you wrote a thesis on an interesting topic and defended it with an A. You can tell that you are the life of the party and people around you feel at ease, and that you love and appreciate this in other people. Don't talk about your friends, of course, you can say that you helped your friend, the director of a large company, in some area, but you are transferring responsibility to another person.
  • How do you feel about recycling?

You may be asked if you are ready to work hard. Ask how many hours the overtime lasts, and whether Saturday and Sunday hours are paid. Answer confidently that you are ready to recycle. Naturally, if it does not interfere with your personal life.
  • What do you know about our company?

Before the interview, you need to study the company’s activities, at least look at the website and study the basics of production activities. It is not possible to study the activities of all companies, since you can attend two or three interviews at once. Study the minimum information so as not to get stuck on this issue.
  • Why did you choose us?

Here the employer wants to know what attracts you to your new workplace. You may have heard that they have a high salary or an ideal benefits package. Tell them that you have confidence in the company, that there is an opportunity for career growth, that you can quickly get to your workplace. The last thing you should talk about is your salary and benefits package.

How to dress for an interview

It is best to dress in a business suit, but you should not buy a suit that does not suit your social status. It’s clearly not worth putting on shoes for 30 thousand and a gold watch for 60 thousand. Buy nice boots and a business suit, preferably black or dark blue. The same applies to women; it is advisable to wear a mid-knee skirt along with a shirt. You cannot wear open shoes; wear closed shoes with medium heels. Do not dress provocatively and sexy, this will arouse suspicion from the employer.
Do not show off tattoos, this is highly undesirable, especially if you want to become a middle manager. Don't forget that too many accessories only turn people off, it is better to wear no watch at all than to wear the most luxurious gold and diamond watch to make an impression.

You can skip the nice business suit and dress in casual, well-fitting clothes. For example, a man can wear light jeans and a light jumper with suede boots, but the most important thing is to choose the right size so that it does not hang loose. The same applies to women, you don’t have to buy a business suit, you can just dress in attractive clothes. Of course, shiny belts, sandals, transparent blouses, and so on are unacceptable. You must show that you have come for business negotiations, and not for a party.
Don't forget that clothes tell a story about your inner world and behavior. If a man wears dirty shoes and wrinkled trousers, he will get the impression that he treats those around him as well as himself. Employers note that it is better to see an employee in ironed and clean clothes than in dirty and wrinkled ones. The fact that you are wearing an expensive suit does not mean anything if it is poorly ironed and looks ugly. Under no circumstances should you wear a dress with a deep neckline, jeans with holes in the knees, or a T-shirt with strange inscriptions. You also cannot show off your manicure, for example, with bright designs. You need to know moderation in everything, and in accuracy too. You should not use perfumes with too strong a smell, especially in large quantities. This will cause rejection by the employer; the sharp and pronounced smell, even perfume, will not be pleasant for anyone.
Conformity is important in everything, for example, if a person says that he wants to become a loan officer and comes to an interview in shorts and a red T-shirt, this will cause misunderstanding among the employer. Much depends on the position; it is better for specialists to dress casually: jeans with a shirt and jumper. Middle managers need to dress in business casual: suit, polished shoes, briefcase bag. It is advisable to familiarize yourself in advance with the clothes that employees of a particular department wear. A designer does not always need to dress in a business suit, just like a photographer or screenwriter. Don’t try to attract attention to yourself and stand out from the team, you should be like other people, this will immediately inspire the trust of others.

Every employer can say with confidence that a lot depends on the applicant’s clothing. Statistics show that employers treat applicants better in a businesslike, free and democratic manner. There is another group of employers who believe that the applicant should be up to date with fashion news and surprise others with his appearance. Of course, this is very rare.
Don't forget that during an interview you need to pay attention not only to your appearance, but also to what you will say. Before answering the employer's questions, you must understand exactly what you need and for what purpose you are applying for a job. Decide on your own goals, and you will significantly increase your chances of getting the position you are interested in. Be sure to practice with a friend before the interview; you may see a question that will stump you.

How to behave correctly during an interview?

Preliminary Preparation

1. AppreciateyourstimeAndtimerecruiter. If for any reason you are late or there is such a possibility, then it is better to warn about this in advance. Then your potential employer will be able to reschedule your interview for another time and will be eternally grateful to you for such consideration. Many applicants, unfortunately, do not do this, and then again and again bombard the company with their resumes and calls, wondering why the response is silence or a hard refusal. Find out in as much detail as possible how to get to the office more conveniently, allow half an hour more for the road than the time you plan to get to the desired place.

2. Browseattentivelywebsitecompanies. Usually there are sections dedicated to the history of creation, field of activity, key clients, competitive advantages and features. This will give you additional information, and the recruiter will understand that you were not just passing by, but have an idea of ​​where you came. In addition, clearly remember your full name. recruiter, the name of the department and the position for which you are applying. Otherwise, the lack of necessary knowledge can play a cruel joke on you. A department looking for an employee does not always notify other departments about this, especially in a large company, and several vacancies may be open simultaneously within one department.

3. Thoroughlythink it over, Howyou willto look like. The style of clothing depends on the company dress code. The main thing is that it is clean and tidy. It’s a little easier for men in this regard. Women should not wear jeans to an interview. If there are no clear requirements for appearance, it is still better to refrain from clothes and accessories in bright colors, short skirts and blouses with a breathtaking neckline. You yourself know about clean hair, moderate makeup and a minimum of perfume.

5. PortfolioVstudio! Take with you everything that can actually prove your professionalism: photographs, articles, drawings, developed documentation, a training plan, if this does not contradict the non-disclosure agreement with your previous employer.


1. Calmness, onlycalmness! Perhaps you got stuck in a terrible traffic jam and therefore were late, the recruiter was delayed for unknown reasons and in general you are a little afraid. Calmly and without fuss, enter the room in which the meeting will take place, introduce yourself clearly and friendly. Just remember that we are all human, and your sincere smile can very well lift the mood of your interlocutor. Never throw things onto empty chairs or tables or hold them in your hands. The first will be regarded as violating boundaries and bad manners, and the second as lack of self-confidence. It's better to just ask where you can put your things, put your bag, etc. There are individuals who wear a hat during the entire interview. If your interview is not taking place in the tundra or taiga at -40, then it is better to take off your hat. Covering unwashed hair with it is a bad idea.

2. Notinterrupt! This seemingly simple rule is violated most often. Your head is filled with ideas, you want to ask a lot of questions or tell more about yourself, but all this should be done after the interlocutor finishes his thought.

3. You- ThisNotonlyyourswords. Sit comfortably either on the edge of a chair or close to the back. Crossed arms on your chest in most cases indicate that your dialogue is under threat, because you have not interested your interlocutor in any way or have just said something that raises questions or doubts. In turn, don't do the same, because it may give the impression that you are not in the mood for communication, are worried about something, or are not confident in yourself. Even if you take an open pose (arms and legs are not crossed), but put a bag, book or umbrella between you and your interlocutor, for your interlocutor this will indicate a desire to distance yourself. Maintain eye contact, because a wandering or fixed gaze on the floor suggests, at best, a lack of communication skills or disinterest in the interview, and, at worst, a sign that you may be seeing a psychiatrist. Mirror the recruiter's pose. This kind of adjustment unconsciously gives the interlocutor the feeling that you are on the same wavelength and understand each other.

4. Correctgivenquestion- Thisalreadyhalfanswer. Think carefully about what you want to ask. A lot depends on what you ask, how and in what sequence. Firstly, your interlocutor immediately understands what is important to you in your work, secondly, what is your motivation, and thirdly, how carefully you listened to him. Don’t be afraid to ask in more detail about the nuances of working in a given position, the required qualities, training opportunities, corporate ethics and, of course, salary, if this information was not clearly stated or was not mentioned at all. After answering these questions, you will understand whether you have found your dream company or whether you should continue your search.

5. TruthAndmoreonceTruth. You shouldn’t embellish your career achievements, even if you really want to. Let's start with the fact that every professional community is still one big village, and sooner or later information about your mythical “exploits” will become known. If you once in your life helped your grandmother do renovations, then talking about your design project is extremely risky, and writing notes for the school wall newspaper N years ago is not a reason to call yourself a PR manager or copywriter. Tell us honestly what you did in your previous jobs, what you did best, what professional qualities you would like to improve based on the requirements for this position.

6. AccompanystoryOtheircareerachievementsexamples. For example, for a sales manager it is an increase in certain indicators, for an engineer it is the number of projects or inventions, for a secretary it is an established document flow and additional participation in the organization’s projects, etc. If it seems to you that you simply did your job well in your previous job, then it is worth talking about the difficult situations that you faced and how you came out of them with honor. The information obtained will help the recruiter understand how critical you are of your professional experience and whether you are able to position yourself properly.

7. Disabletelephone! Nothing unsettles your interlocutor more than a job seeker who is constantly distracted by phone calls and text messages. It is better to put your phone on silent mode.

8. Conflict- caseungrateful. It is possible that the recruiter will ask you provocative questions. Most often these are questions about what you will do in a given work situation. Be prepared for this and take your time with your answer. The purpose of such questions is not to make you angry at all, but to see if you can remain calm in a stressful situation, and what strategies to use in case of conflict. Of course, it is worth noting that questions regarding sexual orientation, nationality and religion are in no way related to stress interviews. Now this is outright rudeness.

9. ReasoncareWithlastworkIt hasmeaning. Everything you say about your previous job, your management, and your reasons for leaving is important. Negative statements about your former boss or team personally do not speak in your favor. This is a signal that you tend to wash dirty linen in public and diplomacy is not your strong point. Talking about the reason for leaving gives valuable information to your interlocutor about your motivation and priorities at work.


If the interview was successful and you were invited to the next stage, then be sure to clarify who will call, write, etc. to whom and when. Find out who you can contact for information if your interlocutor plans to go on vacation in the near future. If nothing is known about the next stage and the employer promises to call back, then again decide on the date and time.

If you and/or your interlocutor realize that your paths are diverging, sincerely thank him for his time and interesting conversation. Sometimes it happens that at the moment you are not suitable for a given vacancy for a number of reasons, but after a while a vacancy may open in this company just for you, or your candidacy may be of interest to a colleague of your interlocutor from another company. In any case, there is no point in burning bridges.

To paraphrase a well-known aphorism, we can say: whoever controls the information controls the interview situation.

Before you go to the office, find out:

  • with whom you will talk: with the boss, the head of the HR department or his ordinary employee;
  • interview format (group or individual, question-answer or self-presentation);
  • dress code and things you need to have with you (documents, gadgets, etc.);
  • how to get there (being late is unacceptable).

The company website or a call to the office will help you find out.

Map out answers to common questions

Interviews when applying for a job are of the same type and at the same time not similar to each other. Many people have heard about stressful interviews, where they can suddenly start shouting at the applicant in order to unsettle him. There are also so-called case interviews: the applicant is placed in certain circumstances (for example, a conversation with a dissatisfied client) and observed how he solves the problem.

It is not always possible to find out what type of interview is preferred in a particular company, so you need to be prepared for anything.

To do this, make a card with answers to typical questions and requests (they are asked in 99.9% of cases):

  • top 5 of your main advantages;
  • what are you good at;
  • strategic directions of self-development;
  • proposals for the company's work;
  • your life and work philosophy;
  • your short and long term goals;
  • unusual problems that you had to solve.

You should also prepare in advance a list of topics that you would like to discuss with the HR manager.

Interpret the employer's questions

"A" doesn't always mean "A", and two and two don't always mean four. Recruiters sometimes ask insidious questions, where behind a simple wording lies a cunning plan - to force the applicant to say more than he should.

A simple question: “What salary would you like to receive?” But the answer helps the interviewer understand your motivation: money, social security, work schedule, etc. If you are asked whether you have had conflicts with management and how you resolved them, then most likely the HR manager wants to know whether you are inclined to take responsibility or are accustomed to shifting it to others.

There are many tricky questions. You need to be able to see the “double bottom” (without fanaticism!).

Think about your nonverbal behavior

HR managers are people, not automatons. They, like everyone else, pay attention to non-verbal signs: appearance, facial expressions, gait, gestures, etc. An experienced professional may be rejected only because he behaved incorrectly.

Think about your body language in advance. If you habitually jerk your leg out of excitement, then sit cross-legged. If you tap your fingers on the table, try using something to occupy your hands, such as a ballpoint pen.

HR managers are people, not automatons. They understand that you are worried. But naturalness in non-verbal communication will increase your credibility.

Set taboos on certain topics

“Tell me about yourself,” asks the interviewer. “I was born on April 2, 1980 (according to the horoscope Taurus). In his youth he played football and was captain of the city team. Then he graduated from the institute…” - if the applicant’s story is something like this, he won’t see the position like his ears.

There are things that are absolutely uninteresting to an employer and that in no way characterize you as a professional. In the example given, this is the year of birth (this can be read in the resume), zodiac sign and sporting achievements.

There are topics that you need to taboo for yourself:

  • summary summary;
  • personal life goals (buy a house, have children, etc.);
  • reputation of the company and its employees;
  • skills and experience that are not related to future work (I cook well, understand plumbing, etc.);
  • failures that demonstrate incompetence.

Just as you made a plan of what you will talk about, write down and remember the topics to ignore. Also think about how to answer correctly if you are asked about it.

Contemplate to calm down

An interview is a nerve-wracking affair. You can forget your name, not to mention demonstrating your business skills.

To calm down, look around. Inspect the office, equipment, employees. The details will tell you a lot about the company where you are going to work, and their analysis will help normalize your nervous system.

Looking critically at the firm and future colleagues can increase your sense of self-importance. Remember: the company needs a good employee as much as you need a good job.

Take the initiative

In an interview, as a rule, there comes a moment when the interviewer and interviewee change places and the applicant has the opportunity to ask questions that interest him.

Don’t waste time on useless “Will you call me or should I call you back?”, “Why is this position open?” and so on. Show yourself as a proactive employee. Ask:

  • Does the company have a pressing problem? How do you think I can help you?
  • Could you describe what you envision as an ideal candidate for this position?
  • What advice would you give to someone starting to work at your company?

There are also a number of questions that are not recommended to be asked. Click on the button below to tell us which ones.

Following these tips will prepare you for your interview and increase your chances of getting hired.

Any extras? Write them in the comments.

As you know, any, even the greatest and most successful career begins with an ordinary interview with an employer.

In general, no one needs to explain why the first job interview is so important.

There is also no need to explain that if you prepare incorrectly for an interview with an employer, your career may never begin in this particular company. That is why this article was born, so that you do not make critical mistakes when applying for a job.

The article itself is quite large and therefore is divided into three large parts, how to behave when applying for a job at the beginning of the interview, during the process, and how to behave under no circumstances.

The menu is active and by clicking on it you can quickly get to the desired section of the article on how to behave during an interview with an employer.

How to behave at the beginning of an interview with an employer

First of all, try at least not to be late for the interview, or even better, arrive 10-15 minutes earlier.

This way you will avoid the risk of being late and you will have time to get your bearings in an unfamiliar environment, which will also help you behave correctly at the interview.

  • Be sure to knock on the door before entering.
  • When you introduce yourself to an employer before an interview, do it clearly and clearly.
  • Don’t even think about chewing chewing gum, it’s just the height of indecency.
  • Smile more.

Very often, the first impression you make when applying for a job will be the decisive factor that will influence the success of the interview. So, how to behave so that the first impression is favorable?

  1. First, remember that you can only make a first impression once. Everyone knows this, but many do not attach much importance to it and the first impression immediately puts an end to the success of the job interview, no matter how you behave further.
  2. Secondly, try to immediately win over the interviewer, to do this, smile, clearly introduce yourself, explain why you came, shake the outstretched hand (attention, wait until they give you a hand for a handshake, since the interviewer may not do this, in In general, it is not customary to shake hands before a job interview).
  3. Thirdly, you can thank the interlocutor for finding time for you.
  4. Fourth, either find out in advance what the name of your interlocutor is, or clearly remember his name and patronymic when he introduces himself to you, and during the interview call him by his first and patronymic name, or by his first name, depending on how he is to you introduced himself.

Everyone understands that it’s calm behave at an interview It’s difficult, we are all human and anxiety is normal. The interviewer also understands this; he, too, was interviewed for a job at one time.

So, there will be nothing wrong if you admit to him that you are a little worried (this means that it is really important to you). After such a confession at an interview, you will quickly calm down.

But you shouldn’t constantly focus on your excitement. Such behavior at any job interview with any employer will immediately be written down as a minus. They spoke about their excitement once, and that’s enough.

If you have a choice of where to sit, then try to sit at the interview not opposite the interviewer, which is a common mistake, since during a job interview people tend to view the interviewer as an adversary who is preventing them from getting the coveted job.

The ideal option would be if you can take a seat next to your interlocutor, then it will be easier for him to perceive you as a like-minded person.

If you had to sit opposite the interlocutor during the interview, then sit in a neat and collected position, do not cross your legs and arms, demonstrate openness. Openness should also be present in the look.

However, you should not behave aggressively during an interview; this is where the correct look at the interviewer is even more important. So, how to look correctly. Mentally draw a triangle between your interlocutor’s eyebrows and look at its center.

This way, the interviewer will not have the feeling that you are staring at him, there will be no feeling of aggression, as if you were looking the interviewer straight in the eyes during an interview, and there will be no feeling that you are not focused, as would happen if you were wandering around with your eyes. room.

Once you have taken your seat, remember your hands and gestures. In order not to behave too emotionally during a job interview, you need to give up too active gesticulation (especially since too active gesticulation is a sign of lying, it doesn’t matter that you gesticulate too actively because you are simply worried, at an interview with when applying for a job, this may be regarded as a sign of lying - (prove it later).

To do this, take a notepad and pen out of your bag and hold them in your hands. This will not only help you avoid too active and sometimes aggressive gestures during the interview, but will also calm you down a little.

How to behave during the job interview process

So, you came in, sat down, did everything correctly and the conversation begins. How to behave further directly during the interview process? Read below.

In order to set your interlocutor on the same psychological wavelength as you, there is one fail-safe technique. It's called the mirror pose. You just need to behave during a job interview in the same way as the interviewer.

What this means is that you need to unobtrusively copy his gestures and, if possible, his posture. However, when using the mirror pose technique during a job interview, remember that this must be done unobtrusively and very carefully.

If you do this carelessly, you will definitely fail the interview. Think about whether you can.

  • Try not to use slang in conversation.
  • Also avoid the topic of personal, financial family problems.
  • Also, topics of sex, politics and religion definitely indicate that you are behaving incorrectly during a job interview. Avoid these topics.
  • Do not under any circumstances try to overwhelm the interviewer, even with your knowledge, even if it exceeds that of your interlocutor. It is the interviewer who should conduct the interview, not you, he was preparing for this role, and if you start to pull the rug out from under his feet, take away the role of the presenter from him, then he will simply become aggressive towards you and form an extremely negative impression of your behavior at the interview.

During the interview, tell the truth, the truth and nothing but the truth. Agree that if you are caught lying right during a job interview, this will mean an almost immediate end to a career that never began. Therefore, try to tell only the truth.

Yes, of course, some comrades who are especially virtuoso in lying, so to speak masters of this business, may have managed to mislead the employer during a job interview about their achievements (in other words, to lie).

However, remember that any experienced personnel officer, and these are the ones who conduct job interviews for really interesting and “tasty” positions, will recognize a lie with a probability close to one hundred percent.

And in general, it is very rare for a person to be able to maintain the opinion of himself that you are better than you really are for more than 20-30 minutes (exceptions include intelligence officers who are specially trained).

If the interviewer even suspects that you are behaving unnaturally during a job interview or are telling lies, then over and over again he will begin to run you through the same facts, but the questions will be posed differently, the real facts detail by detail everything they will swim out anyway.

The fact that it is necessary to present your weak points correctly during the interview process is a separate topic for discussion and is written about this below.

Very often one of the “uncomfortable” interview questions is the question about the longest period without work. This is where job seekers try to tell lies.

This is not worth doing. If at this time you were privately carrying out one-time projects, attending some courses or trainings, then it is best to say so at a job interview: you did this and that privately, improved your qualifications.

If the courses or trainings are not directly related to the profession, then simply say that you became interested in a new area and studied it.

Also, during an interview, one often gets confused by the question about the shortest period of work, and why it was so short. It is also advisable to answer honestly, or believably :)

You can say that the working conditions did not correspond to those that were offered to you during the interview at that company. If you worked for only a few months, then you can say that you were fired after the end of the probationary period without explanation.

HR officers who conduct interviews know that many companies do this to save on employee salaries and such an explanation will most likely cause understanding.

If you made a mistake at your previous place of work and at the interview you understand that it will not be possible to hide it, then honestly tell about it, but emphasize that you realized it and now will never allow it to happen.

During a job interview, you should not speak very aggressively or speak badly about your previous employer.

During interviews, they mostly ask common answers, but despite this, try not to answer with templates. If you are asked about working with clients, try not to answer that you like working with people.

This answer is so hackneyed that it has been heard more than once during interviews; besides, it is quite vague and practically does not carry any semantic load other than the fact that you want to get this job. It’s better to tell us during the interview how you work with clients.

When talking about yourself at a job interview, try to move away from the template: born, studied, married, etc. Build your story about yourself only on the most important events in your work experience and remember that during the interview they will listen to you for no more than 2-3 minutes, so try to keep it within this time.

If you notice that during the story the interlocutor begins to behave interested in your story (puts down his pen, etc.), then here you can move on to a small number of details.

Also remember that when talking about your achievements you need to say not “we” or “our company”, but me, me and me again.

During interviews, they often ask quite personal questions. If you don’t want to answer it, then ask how this interview question relates to your future job in general.

Also, many people are often stunned during an interview by a seemingly simple question about the size of the desired salary. Try to answer honestly and name the real remuneration figure for this work.

And in general, try not to behave like a mercantile person during a job interview and unnecessarily exaggerate the topic of finance. They try not to hire such people because they often leave to work for other companies if they are offered a higher salary.

Avoid filling out the forms at the interview and take them with you. At home, in a calm environment, first practice on drafts, and only then start filling out the forms received at the interview. Remember that they will evaluate you based on the forms you fill out, and they will take into account your handwriting, mistakes, blots, in general, absolutely everything.

If you even made some mistake during the interview, apologize, but do not focus on it. Prolonged apologies and lamentations are not how you should behave during a job interview. Stay confident.

Many people have probably heard about this method of conducting a job interview, in which the interviewer suddenly begins to behave aggressively and ask provocative questions.

For example: Have you ever paid a bribe to get a contract signed? Sell ​​me this pen and other, to put it mildly, nonsense, which, in general, has no place at a job interview in a normal company. This interview method is called a stress interview.

This is how some employers test your ability to work under pressure and make quick decisions in difficult situations. It is up to you to answer such questions or not. You can always say that this style of interviewing is unacceptable for you.

Most likely, this will be the end of the interview for the possibility of working in this company, but why would you want a company whose principles do not suit you? If you are ready, then answer these questions and try to come out a winner.

Some companies even conduct lie detector tests and analyze the applicant's subconscious. Agreeing to such a “job interview” and how to behave during it is everyone’s personal choice.

If you are asked a question during an interview for which you do not have an answer, then answer that you need to think about it.

If during the interview it turns out that your level of knowledge is insufficient to work in this company, then express your readiness to learn. Just do this without using the hackneyed phrase that you are trainable.

It’s better to tell the interviewer at a job interview about specific examples of when you have already faced similar problems and how you solved them. That is, prove that you have already increased your level of knowledge and quite successfully.

If you see that the interview as a whole is going well for you, then towards the end you can begin to move from “I” to “We”.

After the interview is over, thank the interviewer. You can be a little more aggressive and ask when you will call and what your next steps are.

What you should absolutely not do or say during a job interview

During a job interview, do not try to push for pity and try to evoke sympathy from the interviewer. Don't you dare!!! There is no need to talk at a job interview about your difficult financial situation, family problems and other troubles.

Even if the interviewer takes pity on you, such an interview will most likely not end successfully. This is explained simply: managers need self-confident professionals who are ready to solve the company’s problems, and not whiners and losers who are not able to solve even their own problems.

Don't talk too much in a job interview. Yes, some people start chatting a lot out of excitement, but such a person will not be hired. No manager needs you to distract everyone at the workplace with your conversations, and no one will have to figure out why it suddenly “broke through” you at a job interview.

Don’t make one very common mistake among professionals during a job interview. Don't put pressure on the interviewer with your knowledge, even if he/she is younger than you. This style of interview will simply lead to you being considered arrogant and arrogant, which means that you will not be able to get along in a team, etc. In general, nothing good.

Do not scold your former boss or previous company during a job interview. No manager will like this, since he subconsciously understands that he may be next and at an interview for employment in the next company, you will already thoroughly analyze his mistakes.

Don't praise your former boss. The new boss will understand this as an attempt to impose on him at the interview the image of the right boss, and any boss believes that he is the best.

Even if you didn’t manage to get a job this time, don’t despair. Any attempt to find a job is at least an experience gained how to behave during a job interview, which means next time it will be better. And good luck to you.

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