Pedagogical technique in the activities of a teacher. Individual pedagogical technique of the teacher







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The current stage of development of the education system places high demands on the general and professional training of teaching staff and on the manifestation of their creative individuality. One of the important characteristics of the process of individualization of professional work is the individual style of activity. The presence of a professional’s own style indicates, on the one hand, his ability to adapt to the objectively given structure of professional activity, and on the other, the maximum possible disclosure of his individuality.

In general, pedagogical activity is quite complex and multi-component. Of all the variety of its components, perhaps three stand out more than others: content, methodological and socio-psychological (in terms of). They form the internal structure of the pedagogical process. The unity and interconnection of these three components make it possible to fully realize the objectives of the pedagogical system. The main thing in this unity is the socio-psychological component, i.e. pedagogical communication, which, in turn, ensures the implementation of the other two components.

In the process of communication, a certain system of educational relationships develops that contribute to the effectiveness of education and training. In pedagogical activity, communication acquires a functional and professionally significant character. It acts as an instrument of influence, and the usual conditions and functions of communication receive an additional “load” here, since they develop from universal human aspects into professional and creative components.

The level of professionalism of a teacher in a particular discipline is characterized by his ability to apply existing knowledge in teaching practice, flexibility in approach to students, emerging situations, as well as the ability to navigate information, work with it, and sensitivity to current changes in the education system. In the case of the teaching profession, we can say that an indicator of professionalism is the teacher’s personal skill, erudition, preparedness, culture of communication, as well as a wide and varied range of techniques, methods, tactics, teaching methods, and intelligible delivery of material to students.

Teaching skill includes a set of knowledge necessary for teaching in general and teaching in a certain subject in particular. It implies the ability to think and operate with pedagogical and psychological categories and concepts. As well as the skill of a set of emotional and volitional techniques that allow achieving pedagogical goals.

How is the interaction between teacher and students carried out? Mainly, it consists in the most effective transfer of knowledge and professional skills, determined by the specifics of the pedagogical process. In particular, feedback from students is extremely important. The ability not only to speak, but also to listen, the ability to feel the audience or a specific student, the ability to “read” facial expressions, how well the student understands and assimilates the material. Equally important is the personal, interested participation of the teacher in the teaching and educational process, the ability to inspire students with interest in their subject.

Nowadays, a fairly significant component of pedagogical technology is the widespread use of information and communication technologies, skills in working with them, and the ability to quickly navigate them.

Of course, pedagogical technology is valuable not as a set of knowledge and methods, but as living matter, which manifests itself and reveals itself directly in the process of communication between the teacher and students, and is integrally connected with the personality of the teacher. In particular, the teacher must not only know his subject thoroughly, but also be able to convey this knowledge to his audience, in accordance with its level, finding formulations that are consistent with the students’ preparedness and their advancement - be it a collective or individual lesson.

The concept of “pedagogical technique” dates back to the 20s of the last century and since then has been and continues to be studied by many teachers and psychologists (and others).

Pedagogical technology is a toolkit of the pedagogical process, especially when it comes to the technological side of the process. When teaching, the teacher conveys to the audience his ideas, thoughts, feelings, considerations, and shares conclusions - through the expressive capabilities of speech, facial expressions and gestures. One of the key tasks of a teacher is to achieve effective results in teaching the audience. Speech proficiency plays a primary role here. The ability to present material in an interesting and understandable way, to correctly place semantic and logical accents, to emphasize something with intonation, the ability to arouse interest in independent study of the subject. Other factors include involvement in the process with your mental and emotional state, appropriate artistry, the ability to see what is happening from the outside - all these are important points in pedagogical technique.

Another method that can be in the arsenal of teaching pedagogical techniques is conducting a lesson-game.

A teacher’s good command of pedagogical techniques is, perhaps, a condition necessary for his effective work. For example, noting the role of pedagogical technology in the work of a teacher, he said that a good teacher knows how to talk to a child, has facial expressions, can control his mood, knows how to “organize, walk, joke, be cheerful, angry,” that is, the teacher educates with every movement. . In pedagogical universities, it makes sense to teach voice production, posture, and control of one’s face - without fail, because all these issues are directly related to educational technology.

What is the role of pedagogical technology in educational technology? As already noted, pedagogical technology includes goal setting, diagnostics and, in fact, the educational process itself. In an effort aimed at achieving a goal, good results are achieved by the teacher who has the largest possible number of pedagogical techniques in his arsenal and is fluent in them. At the same time, he uses humor, is benevolent and at the same time persistent in communicating with students, resourceful and capable of improvisation. These and other methods of pedagogical technology can and should be used in educational technology.

Pedagogical technique is a set of skills necessary for a teacher in his activities to effectively interact with people in any situation (speech skills, pantomime, the ability to manage oneself, a friendly, optimistic attitude, elements of the skills of an actor and director (). Pedagogical technique involves a combination of two groups of skills The first group is associated with managing one’s behavior - facial expressions, pantomime, emotions, mood, attention, imagination, voice, diction. The second group is associated with the ability to influence an individual and a team (didactic, organizational, constructive, communication skills, communication management techniques).

A special place among the skills of pedagogical technology is occupied by the development of the teacher’s speech as one of the most important educational means - correct diction, “set voice”, rhythmic breathing and reasonable addition of facial expressions and gestures to speech. Also, the skills of pedagogical technology include the following: the ability to win over an interlocutor, convey information through images, and, if necessary, change the subtextual load. The ability to mobilize creative well-being before upcoming communication, the ability to control one’s body, and relieve muscle tension in the process of performing pedagogical actions. Skills in regulating your mental state; evoking “on demand” feelings of surprise, joy, anger and others - that is, a certain theatrical skill.

Pedagogical technique can also be represented by the following skills and abilities: choosing the right tone and style in dealing with students, managing their attention; sense of speech tempo and the ability to control it; mastery of words, diction, breathing, facial expressions and gestures; mastery of figurative, colorful speech, intonation techniques and expression of various emotions.

An important component of a teacher’s pedagogical skill is his methodological skill, which is manifested in the use of the most effective teaching methods in the classroom; in combination of the educational process with the educational process; in organizing independent training of students; in the use of technical teaching aids; in keeping records and monitoring progress, as well as in the development and use in practical activities of methodological support for the educational process.

An indicator of a teacher's methodological skill is the correct determination of the didactic and educational goals of the training session, planning the levels of knowledge acquisition of educational material based on the goals and objectives of training. The methodological skill of the teacher is expressed in the use of various methods and forms of organizing training sessions that arouse interest in learning.

An important indicator of a teacher’s methodological skill is his development of original training programs based on fulfilling the requirements of the State educational standard and taking into account local conditions for the organization and implementation of the educational process.

noted that developed pedagogical technology helps the teacher to express himself more deeply and clearly in his teaching activities, to reveal in interaction with students all the best, professionally significant in his personality. Perfect pedagogical technology frees up the time and energy of the teacher for creative work, and allows, in the process of pedagogical interaction, not to be distracted from communicating with children by searching for the right word or explaining an unsuccessful intonation.

Mastering pedagogical techniques, allowing you to quickly and accurately find the right word, intonation, look, gesture, as well as maintaining calm and the ability to think clearly and analyze in the most acute and unexpected pedagogical situations, leads to an increase in the teacher’s satisfaction with his professional activities.

Pedagogical technology, among other things, has a developmental impact on personality traits. An important feature of pedagogical techniques is that they all have a pronounced individual-personal character, that is, they are formed on the basis of the individual psychophysiological characteristics of the teacher. Individual pedagogical technique significantly depends on the age, gender, temperament, character of the teacher, state of health, anatomical and physiological characteristics. For example, working on expressiveness, purity, and literacy disciplines thinking. Mastering the techniques of self-regulation of mental activity leads to the development of emotional balance as a character trait, etc. In addition, in real pedagogical interaction, all the teacher’s skills in the field of pedagogical technology are manifested simultaneously. And self-observation makes it possible to successfully adjust the selection of expressive means.

In the process of mastering pedagogical techniques, the moral and aesthetic positions of the teacher are most fully revealed, reflecting the level of general and professional culture, the potential of his personality.

It is obvious that pedagogical technology is the most important tool of a teacher.

The concept of “pedagogical technology” usually includes two groups of components. The first group of components describes the teacher’s skills in managing his behavior, the second group is associated with the ability to influence the individual and the team, and reveals the technological side of the process of education and training.

The first group includes the following skills: mastery of one’s body (facial expressions, pantomime), control of emotions, mood (relieving excessive mental stress, creating creative well-being), social-perceptive abilities (attention, observation, imagination) and speech technique (breathing, staging voices, diction, speech rate).

The second group includes didactic, organizational, constructive, communication skills, technological techniques for presenting demands, managing pedagogical communication, etc.

Facial expressions are the art of expressing one’s thoughts, feelings, moods, and states through the movement of facial muscles. Often, facial expression and gaze have a stronger impact on students than words. Gestures and facial expressions, increasing the emotional significance of information, contribute to its better assimilation. Listeners “read” the teacher’s face, guessing his attitude and mood, so it should not only express, but also hide feelings. The most expressive thing on a person's face is the eyes - the mirror of the soul. The teacher should carefully study the capabilities of his face and the ability to use an expressive gaze. The teacher's gaze should be directed towards the children, creating visual contact.

Pantomime is the movement of the body, arms, legs. It helps highlight the main thing and paints an image. It makes sense for a teacher to develop a manner of correctly standing in front of students in class. All movements and poses should attract listeners with their grace and simplicity. The aesthetics of the pose does not tolerate bad habits: shifting from foot to foot, leaning on the back of a chair, turning foreign objects in your hands, scratching your head, etc.

The teacher’s gesture should be organic and restrained, without sharp wide strokes or open angles. In order for communication to be active, you should have an open posture, do not cross your arms, turn to face the audience, reduce the distance, which creates the effect of trust. It is recommended to move forward and backward around the classroom rather than sideways. Taking a step forward enhances the message and helps focus the audience's attention. By stepping back, the speaker seems to give the listeners a rest.

Managing your emotional state involves mastering methods of self-regulation, which include: nurturing goodwill and optimism; control of your behavior (regulation of muscle tension, pace of movements, speech, breathing); self-hypnosis, etc.

Speech technique. The process of perceiving and understanding a teacher’s speech by students is closely related to the complex process of educational listening, which accounts for a fair percentage of the entire teaching time. Therefore, the process of students’ correct perception of educational material depends on the perfection of the teacher’s speech.

In my opinion, no matter how interesting and educational a speech is, it will not be perceived by listeners if the speaker pronounces it inarticulately, in a hoarse, weak, inexpressive voice. The voice when speaking is as important as the content of the speech, appearance, and manners of the speaker. He uses his voice to convey his message to the audience. The human voice is a powerful means of influencing the public. Thanks to a beautiful, sonorous voice, a speaker can attract the attention of listeners from the first minutes, win their sympathy and trust.

In addition, the voice can contribute to a person’s professional career, or it can hinder it. The voice is capable of expressing a person's thoughts and feelings. In teaching activities, it is extremely important to speak expressively and simply, giving a lecture, report, reciting poetry and prose; master the intonation and strength of the voice, thinking through each phrase and sentence, emphasizing significant words and expressions, using them competently in various situations. The voice is the main expressive means of a teacher’s oral speech, which he must be able to use perfectly. P. Soper believes that “nothing influences people’s attitude towards us more than the impression of our voice. But nothing is so neglected, and nothing needs constant attention.”

Despite the well-known truth “the persuasiveness of a teacher is not proportional to the volume of his voice,” many, so to speak, “teachers,” use the most vulgar shout in pedagogical communication. The pages of the outstanding teacher’s books dedicated to the teacher’s cry are permeated with bitterness and pain. “Be careful that the word does not become a whip, which, touching a tender body, burns, leaving rough scars for life. It is from these touches that adolescence seems like a desert... The word spares and protects the soul of a teenager only when it is truthful and comes from the soul of the teacher, when there is no falsehood, prejudice, or desire to “scorch”, “steal” in it... the word of the teacher should, first of all, reassure.” It is not so rare that pedagogical communication is replaced by the edifying idle talk of the teacher, which evokes in students only one desire: to quickly wait for it to end. on this occasion he wrote: “Every word heard within the walls of the school must be thoughtful, wise, purposeful, meaningful and - this is especially important - addressed to the conscience of the living concrete person with whom we are dealing... so that there is no depreciation of words, but on the contrary - so that the price of words constantly increases.”

Voice control is directly related to the development of so-called speech breathing. This, in turn, makes it possible to convey the aesthetic and emotional richness of the teacher’s speech, not only helping in communication, but also influencing the feelings, thoughts, behavior and actions of students. Mastering speech technique means having speech breathing, voice, good diction and orthoepic pronunciation. The teacher needs to constantly work on diction, breathing and voice.

Breathing ensures the vital activity of the body, physiological function. At the same time, it also acts as the energy base of speech. In everyday life, when our speech is predominantly dialogical, breathing does not cause difficulties. The difference between speech breathing and physiological breathing is that the inhalation and exhalation of normal breathing is carried out through the nose, they are short and equal in time. The sequence of normal physiological breathing is inhalation, exhalation, pause. Normal physiological breathing is not enough for speech. Speech and reading require more air, its economical use and timely renewal. The breathing sequence is also different. After a short inhalation - a pause, and then a long sound exhalation. There are special exercises aimed at developing breathing. The goal of breathing exercises is not to develop the ability to inhale the maximum amount of air, but to train in the ability to rationally use the normal supply of air. Since sounds are created during exhalation, its organization is the basis for staging breathing, which should be full, calm and unnoticeable.

Diction is the clarity and correctness of pronouncing sounds, which is ensured by the correct functioning of the speech organs. The articulatory apparatus must work actively, without unnecessary tension. All sounds and their combinations must be pronounced clearly, easily and freely at any pace.

All diction disorders of speech and voice are divided into organic (they are corrected by speech therapists) and inorganic (they can be corrected through exercises), associated with sluggishness of the articulatory apparatus (lips, tongue, jaw), unclear pronunciation of consonants (“porridge in the mouth”).

Among teachers there are people whose voice is given by nature itself, but this does not happen often. However, even a good voice, in the absence of special training, atrophies over the years.

One may recall the saying: “There is nothing cunning, nothing mystical in recognizing certain signs of mental movements by looking at the face. Pedagogical skill lies in setting the teacher's voice and controlling one's face. The teacher cannot help but play. There can’t be a teacher who doesn’t know how to play... But you can’t just play on stage, outwardly. There is some kind of drive belt that should connect your beautiful personality to this game... I became a real master only when I learned to say “come here” with 15-20 shades, when I learned to give 20 nuances in the setting of a face, figure, vote".

Let's talk about pedagogical communication as a side of pedagogical technology. Today, a productively organized process of pedagogical communication is designed to ensure real psychological contact in teaching activities that should arise between the teacher and children. To transform them into subjects of communication, to help overcome various psychological barriers that arise in the process of interaction, to transfer children from their usual position of followers to a position of cooperation and to turn them into subjects of pedagogical creativity. In this case, pedagogical communication forms an integral socio-psychological structure of pedagogical activity.

Pedagogical communication in teaching and upbringing serves as a tool for influencing the student’s personality. Pedagogical communication is an integral system (techniques and skills) of socio-psychological interaction between a teacher and students, containing the exchange of information, educational influences and the organization of relationships using communicative means. In addition to the usual functions, the specificity of pedagogical communication gives rise to another function of socio-psychological support for the educational process, the organizational function of the relationship between the teacher and students and acts as a means of solving educational problems.

Among the most difficult tasks facing a teacher is the organization of productive communication, which requires a high level of development of communication skills. And it is very important to organize communication with children so that this unique process takes place. Communication style plays an important role here.

The specifics of pedagogical communication are determined by the various social-role and functional positions of its subjects. In the process of pedagogical communication, the teacher directly or indirectly carries out his social-role and functional responsibilities for managing the process of teaching and upbringing. The style of communication and leadership significantly determines the effectiveness of training and education, as well as the characteristics of personality development and the formation of interpersonal relationships in the study group.

During the lesson, the teacher needs to master the communicative structure of the entire pedagogical process, be as sensitive as possible to the slightest changes, and constantly correlate the chosen methods of pedagogical influence with the characteristics of communication at this stage. All this requires the teacher to be able to simultaneously solve two problems: to construct the characteristics of his behavior (his pedagogical individuality), his relationships with students, i.e., communication style, and to construct expressive means of communicative influence. The second component is constantly changing under the influence of emerging pedagogical and, accordingly, communicative tasks. In choosing a system of expressive means of communication, the existing type of relationship between the teacher and students plays an important role.

The following characteristics of communication in the process of pedagogical activity can be distinguished: the general established system of communication between the teacher and students (a certain style of communication); a communication system characteristic of a specific stage of teaching activity; a situational communication system that arises when solving a specific pedagogical and communicative task.

By communication style we understand the individual typological characteristics of the socio-psychological interaction between the teacher and students. The communication style expresses: the characteristics of the teacher’s communicative capabilities, the established nature of the relationship between the teacher and students, the creative individuality of the teacher and the characteristics of the student body. Moreover, it is necessary to emphasize that the style of communication between a teacher and children is a socially and morally rich category. It embodies the social and ethical attitudes of society and the educator as its representative.

There are several types of pedagogical communication; let’s look at the main ones.

1. Authoritarian. With an authoritarian style, a characteristic tendency towards strict management and comprehensive control is expressed in the fact that the teacher, much more often than his colleagues, resorts to an orderly tone and makes harsh remarks. What is striking is the abundance of tactless attacks against some members of the group and unreasoned praise of others. An authoritarian teacher not only determines the general goals of the work, but also indicates the methods for completing the task, strictly determines who will work with whom, etc. The tasks and methods for completing them are given by the teacher in stages. It is typical that this approach reduces activity motivation, since a person does not know what the purpose of the work he performs as a whole is. Research has shown that this behavior of a leader is explained by his fears of losing authority by revealing his lack of competence.

2. Conniving. The main feature of the permissive leadership style is essentially the self-removal of the leader from the educational and production process, the abdication of responsibility for what is happening. The permissive style is the least preferred among those listed. The results of its testing are the smallest amount of work performed and its worst quality. It is important to note that students are not satisfied with working in such a group, although they do not have any responsibility.

3. Democratic. As for the democratic style, facts, not personality, are primarily assessed here. At the same time, the main feature of the democratic style is that the group takes an active part in discussing the entire course of the upcoming work and its organization. As a result, students develop self-confidence and self-government is stimulated. In organizing the activities of the team, the teacher takes the position of “first among equals.” The teacher shows a certain tolerance to students’ critical comments and delves into their personal affairs and problems. Students discuss the problems of collective life and make choices, but the final decision is formulated by the teacher.

4. Communication based on passion for joint creative activities.

This style is based on the unity of the teacher’s high professionalism and his ethical principles. The theater teacher noted that the pedagogical feeling “drives you towards the youth, forces you to find ways to reach them...”.

This style of communication characterized the activity. Passion for a common cause is a source of friendliness, and at the same time, friendliness, multiplied by interest in work, gives rise to a joint, enthusiastic search.

5. Communication-distance. This style of communication is used by both experienced teachers and beginners. Its essence lies in the fact that in the system of relationships between the teacher and students, distance acts as a limiter. But here, too, moderation must be observed. Exaggeration of distance leads to the formalization of the entire system of socio-psychological interaction between teacher and students and does not contribute to the creation of a truly creative atmosphere.

6. Communication - intimidation. This style of communication, which is also sometimes used by novice teachers, is mainly associated with the inability to organize productive communication based on passion for joint activities. After all, such communication is difficult to form, and a young teacher often follows the line of least resistance, choosing intimidating communication or distance in its extreme manifestation.

7. Flirting. Again, this is typical mainly for young teachers and is associated with the inability to organize productive pedagogical communication. Essentially, this type of communication corresponds to the desire to gain false, cheap authority among children, which contradicts the requirements of pedagogical ethics. The emergence of this communication style is caused, on the one hand, by the young teacher’s desire to quickly establish contact with children, the desire to please the class, and on the other hand, by the lack of the necessary general pedagogical and communicative culture, pedagogical communication skills and experience, and experience in professional communicative activities.

Styles do not exist in their pure form. And the options listed do not exhaust the wealth of communication styles spontaneously developed over long-term practice.

Gradually, however, the composition of the means and methods of carrying out communicative activities is stabilized, and a certain stable integral structure is formed, namely, an individual style of pedagogical communication. In the course of spontaneous development of style, the teacher also uses known means and methods of communication that seem to him the most effective and individually convenient.

Thus, from all of the above we can conclude: pedagogical technology, which represents a set of abilities, skills and knowledge that allows the teacher to see, hear and feel his students, is a necessary component of professional pedagogical skills.

Pedagogical technique - this is a set of skills that allow the teacher to see, hear and feel his students.

Outstanding teacher A.S. Makarenko wrote: “The teacher must be able to organize, walk, joke, be cheerful, angry... behave in such a way that every movement educates him.”

Yu.P. Azarov argued that,

Pedagogical technology helps the teacher:


  • to express oneself more deeply and brightly in teaching activities, to reveal in interaction with children all the best, professionally significant in one’s personality;

  • free up the teacher’s time and energy for creative work,

  • allow, in the process of pedagogical interaction, not to be distracted from communicating with children by searching for the right word or explaining unsuccessful intonation.

  • allow you to quickly and accurately find the right word, intonation, look, gesture, as well as maintaining calm and the ability to think clearly and analyze in the most acute and unexpected pedagogical situations,

  • lead to increased teacher satisfaction with their professional activities.

  • have a developmental impact on personality traits (inan important feature of pedagogical techniques is that they all have a pronounced individual-personal character, i.e. are formed on the basis of the individual psychophysiological characteristics of the teacher; depends on age, gender, temperament, character of the teacher, state of health, anatomical and physiological characteristics).
Thus, working on expressiveness, purity, and literacy disciplines thinking.

Mastering the techniques of self-regulation of mental activity leads to the development of emotional balance as a character trait.

Self-observation makes it possible to successfully adjust the selection of expressive means.


  • to most fully reveal the moral and aesthetic positions of the teacher, reflecting the level of general and professional culture, the potential of his personality.
Components of pedagogical technology.

The concept of “pedagogical technology” usually includes two groups of components.

First group of components is associated with the teacher’s ability to manage his behavior:

  • mastery of your body (facial expressions, pantomime);

  • managing emotions, mood (relieving excessive mental stress, creating creative well-being);

  • social - perceptual abilities (attention, observation, imagination);

  • speech technique (breathing, voice production, diction, speech rate).
Second group of components is associated with the ability to influence the individual and the team, and reveals the technological side of the process of education and training:

  • didactic, organizational, constructive, communication skills;

  • technological methods of presenting requirements, managing pedagogical communication, etc.
Facial expressions- this is the art of expressing your thoughts, feelings, moods, states by moving the muscles of the face. Often, facial expression and gaze have a stronger impact on students than words.

Listeners “read” the teacher’s face, guessing his attitude and mood, so it should not only express, but also hide feelings.

The most expressive thing on a person's face is the eyes - the mirror of the soul. The teacher should carefully study the capabilities of his face and the ability to use an expressive gaze. The teacher's gaze should be directed towards the children, creating visual contact.

Pantomime- this is the movement of the body, arms, legs. It helps highlight the main thing and paints an image.

The teacher needs to develop a manner of correctly standing in front of students in class. All movements and poses should attract listeners with their grace and simplicity.

The aesthetics of the pose does not toleratebad habits: shifting from foot to foot, leaning on the back of a chair, turning foreign objects in the hands, scratching the head, etc.

The teacher’s gesture should be organic and restrained, without sharp wide strokes or open angles.

In order for communication to be active, you should have an open posture, do not cross your arms, turn to face the audience, reduce the distance, which creates the effect of trust.

It is recommended to move forward and backward around the classroom rather than sideways. Taking a step forward enhances the message and helps focus the audience's attention. By stepping back, the speaker seems to give the listeners a rest.

Managing your emotional state involves mastering methods of self-regulation, which include: nurturing goodwill and optimism; control of your behavior (regulation of muscle tension, pace of movements, speech, breathing); self-hypnosis, etc.

Speech technique.The process of children’s perception and understanding of a teacher’s speech is closely related to the complex process of educational listening, which, according to scientists, accounts for approximately 80% of all educational time. Therefore, the process of children’s correct perception of educational material depends on the perfection of the teacher’s speech.

No matter how interesting and educational the speech is, it will not be perceived by the audience if the speaker delivers it inarticulately, in a hoarse, weak, inexpressive voice.

In pedagogical activity it is extremely important:

  • speak expressively and simply, giving a lecture, report, reciting poetry and prose;

  • master the intonation and strength of the voice, thinking through each phrase and sentence, emphasizing significant words and expressions, using them competently in various situations.
To master speech technique means to have speech breathing, voice, good diction and orthoepic pronunciation.

Breathing ensures the vital activity of the body, physiological function. At the same time, it also acts as the energy base of speech. Speech breathing is called phonation (from the Greek phono - sound).

In everyday life, when our speech is predominantly dialogical, breathing does not cause difficulties.

The difference between phonation breathing and physiological breathing is that the inhalation and exhalation of normal breathing are carried out through the nose, they are short and equal in time.

Normal physiological breathing is not enough for speech. Speech and reading require more air, its economical use and timely renewal.

There are special exercises aimed at developing breathing. The goal of breathing exercises is not to develop the ability to inhale the maximum amount of air, but to train in the ability to rationally use the normal supply of air. Since sounds are created during exhalation, its organization is the basis for staging breathing, which should be full, calm and unnoticeable.

Diction- this is the clarity and correctness of pronunciation, efficient sounds, which are ensured by the correct functioning of the speech organs. The articulatory apparatus must work actively, without unnecessary tension. All sounds and their combinations must be pronounced clearly, easily and freely at any pace.

All diction disorders of speech and voice are divided into:

  • organic (speech therapists are involved in their correction);

  • inorganic (they can be corrected through exercise);

  • associated with laxity of the articulatory apparatus (lips, tongue, jaw);

  • unclear pronunciation of consonants (“porridge in the mouth”).
Among teachers there are people whose voice is given by nature itself, but this does not happen often. And a good voice, in the absence of special training, wears out over the years.

Thus, summing up all of the above, we can conclude that pedagogical technology, which represents a set of abilities, skills and knowledge that allows the teacher to see, hear and feel his students, is a necessary component of professional pedagogical skills.

And in conclusion, we quote the words of A.S. Makarenko “The skill of a teacher is not some kind of special art... but it is a specialty that needs to be taught, just like a doctor should be taught his skill, how a musician should be taught.”

Lecture No. 4.

^ What do human gestures and facial expressions say?
"I got lost in thought"

A person who is in thought is absent from reality; he does not hear or see what is happening around him, since he is in the world of his own thoughts and fantasies. It should be noted: when a person thinks or fantasizes, do not waste important arguments, he will not perceive them anyway, will not hear them.

It must be remembered that in a person who is in thought, the most active area of ​​the brain is, so he tries to focus our attention on it, as if warning: “Don’t interfere - I’m thinking.”

For a person who is lost in thought and distracted from the conversation, the following gestures are typical: hands to the forehead in various positions, a person can rub his temples, scratch the back of his head. This kind of gestures has another purpose: a person thus tries to increase the efficiency of the brain, adjusts his “thinking apparatus” to solve a difficult problem.

Hence all kinds of stroking and scratching.

In addition to gestures, a person’s posture reveals a thoughtful person. Remember “The Thinker” by Auguste Rodin: he sits with his cheek resting on his hand. If your interlocutor is characterized by this posture, most likely he has been distracted from your conversation and is thinking about something of his own. To confirm your assumptions, pay attention to his gaze. A person who is far, far away - in his dreams and fantasies - is characterized by the so-called “look into nowhere”: absent, unfocused.

By the posture of a thinking person, you can approximately determine what he is thinking about. If a person leans on his right hand or rubs his right temple, it means that the left hemisphere of the brain is involved in his thinking (according to the law of cross-distribution of zones of influence of the brain), which is responsible for a person’s logical, analytical abilities. Consequently, at the moment a person is busy with analysis, he is occupied with questions that require detailed calculations. In this case, a person’s gaze can be concentrated, focused on one point. If a person leans on his left hand, it means that the right hemisphere of the brain is involved, which is responsible for the sensual side of human nature. A person most likely philosophizes, fantasizes, his thoughts lack clarity, specificity and do not require analysis. The gaze is not focused on one point, but, on the contrary, is blurry, directed to nowhere.

If you notice similar signs in your interlocutor, then it is possible that he is not listening to you, but is immersed in his own thoughts. To make sure that he perceives the information, you can ask him a question. If there is no answer, know that your interlocutor is in deep thought. You need to either wait until he wakes up from his thoughts, or influence him: say something loudly or touch him.
How to recognize gestures from a category "I'm interested"

It is important to understand whether the interlocutor is interested in you. Often verbal signs of interest are imaginary, and only with the help of non-verbal communication can you understand how interested your interlocutor is. Verbally, the interlocutor can show interest by asking questions, clarifying details, asking to repeat. But this, alas, is not a 100% indicator of interest. Questions can only mean a reluctance to offend you, formal politeness, but not interest.

An interested person is usually quite stingy with gestures. A person may be so focused on the interlocutor or interesting information that he tries not to make noise so as not to miss the thread of the conversation. It is not for nothing that in a classroom or auditorium, where schoolchildren or students are interested in what the teacher is talking about, there is perfect silence.

But there are other non-verbal ways to determine the interest of the interlocutor. A person who is interested in what is happening strives with his whole being to get closer to the source of information. You can notice the tilt of the body towards the speaker: the listener strives to be closer to him.

It happens that a person is so carried away by what is happening that he simply ceases to control his body. He may forget to close his mouth or open his eyes wide - these are facial signs that indicate that the person is surprised, amazed, and in the most interested state.

If you were unable to detect any of the listed “symptoms” of interest in your interlocutor, you should urgently change tactics - change the topic of the conversation, increase the emotionality of what is being said, otherwise your message will be insignificant for your interlocutor and will not bring the results you need.
How to recognize gestures from a category "I respect you"

Respect is one of those aspects of human relationships that you need to achieve throughout your life. It can be difficult to determine whether a person's respect is true or false. Do they give you a hand with a desire to greet you or because of an established tradition?

There are not so many gestures that indicate respect. In order to determine how they treat you, pay attention to how the person greets you.

A handshake is a very ancient tradition, which previously had not only a ritual meaning - to greet a newcomer, but also meant that people came to meet each other without bad intentions, without weapons. Now this ritual has acquired other meanings.

A person who treats you with respect offers his hand first or at the same time as you. He

does not try to immediately remove your hand: a respectful handshake should be long.

The arm should be extended, and in no case bent at the elbow. Thus, the person should not cause you inconvenience, should not force you to reach out. Rather, on the contrary, he is trying to create the most comfortable conditions for you.

The following can be considered a gesture of respect: a man shakes a woman’s hand at the exit from public transport. It can also be formal, it just means that the person is familiar with the rules of good manners. If this is a gesture of true respect, then the person giving the hand should look at you and try to catch your hand.

Bowing your head is a gesture of respect. Pay attention to how the person tilts his head. A respectful bow may be accompanied by lowering the eyelids (this comes from the ancient tradition of greeting royalty - they are so majestic and powerful that people did not even dare to look at them, so they lowered their eyelids).

In some Western countries, hugging is a nonverbal way to show affection and respect for a person, even if the two people are not in a close relationship. Hugs are allowed after the first meeting if people have found kindred spirits in each other. This is, in essence, reducing the distance between people to a minimum. In other words, you are letting a stranger into your personal zone and invading his personal space. There is a direct contact that means: “I understand you, I accept you, I treat you with respect.” In our country, as a rule, hugs are acceptable only between close friends and relatives.
How to recognize gestures from a category

The connection between pedagogical techniques and acting skills. Shchurkova considers pedagogical technology to be the most important component of pedagogical skill and pedagogical technologists: Without pedagogical technology, there is no point in pedagogical technology. Without educational technology, educational technology is an unnecessary acquisition.

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Lecture No. 3 (1 hour)


The student perceives your soul and your thoughts not because he knows what is going on in your soul, but because he sees you, listens to you.

AC. Makarenko

Pedagogical technology.

1.Pedagogical technique.

Professor N.E. Shchurkova considers pedagogical technology to be the most important component of pedagogical skill and pedagogical technologists: “Without pedagogical technology, there is no point in pedagogical technology. Without pedagogical technology, pedagogical technology is an unnecessary acquisition.”

In the context of pedagogical activity, pedagogical technique is one of the main components of a teacher’s successful creative work and his skill.

Pedagogical techniquea set of skills and techniques used by the teacher to most fully achieve the goals of his activities.

The concept of pedagogical technology includes three groups of components. The first group is associated with the teacher’s ability to manage himself, the second and third with the ability to manage others. The first group includes: social-perceptual abilities (attention, observation, imagination); managing your emotions and mood (relieving excessive psychological stress, creating creative well-being); body control (expediency and expressiveness of facial expressions and gestures); technique and culture of speech (breathing, voice production, diction, spelling, logic and expressiveness of speech). The second group of components of pedagogical technology is associated with the ability to influence the individual and the team. It reveals the technological side of the process of education and training. It includes didactic, organizational, communication skills, time management, and the ability to make decisions.

Pedagogical technique is a set of practical skills necessary for organizing the creative activity of a teacher-educator, a component of pedagogical skill. Thus, teaching and educational skills are characterized by the following skills: love for children and the ability to correctly perceive the phenomena that occur in the world of children and each individual child in various pedagogical situations; the ability to set realistic goals and organize children’s education and lives accordingly; demand and trust; quickly navigate and switch attention; play with children, assess the situation from different angles; from the variety of pedagogical facts, highlight the main thing, see the essential in a random fact; in the same situation, use a variety of methods and techniques, accurately convey your mood, feelings and thoughts in words, facial expressions, movements; ability to interact.

The connection between pedagogical techniques and acting skills.

For pedagogical activity, not only various abilities and skills are important, but also knowledge of the system of K.S. Stanislavsky as a whole, since it helps to understand the essence of educational interaction, when-. the type of creative influence on an individual, a group of people, explains the creative well-being of an individual and ways to manage it, helps a person in self-expression and development. In particular, the concept of the system K .WITH. Stanislavsky points out the need to train imagination, attention, the ability to control one’s body, speech technique, etc.

Imagination. An actor requires imagination in order to be able to imagine himself in the circumstances proposed by the author, to imagine himself as a person, perhaps living in another century, with different character traits, a fate completely different from his own.

Why does a teacher need imagination? Imagination will help you create something new, your own: come up with a lesson and keep it fresh for a long time, be able to interest students, and encourage them to take active action. A rich imagination will help you understand the student, adequately perceive his thoughts, feelings, experiences, emotionally identify with the child, predict the results of a given situation and find the best solution. ee solution.

Attention. Well-developed attention allows the actor to be focused, reliable, and free.

Pedagogical attention is akin to the attention of an artist: it helps to capture the subtlest nuances of the surrounding reality. The teacher is able to predict the pedagogical situation and the possibility of difficulties for his student based on the smallest signs. Pedagogical attention will also be required in order to be able to manage the audience. With untrained attention, as a rule, confusion, helplessness, and tightness arise. In such a state it is difficult to count on a creative approach to business.

The ability to control your body, the expediency and expressiveness of plastic surgery.For a teacher, as well as for an actor, it is extremely necessary to learn to control your body, your muscles. “You cannot imagine,” wrote K.S. Stanislavsky, “what an evil muscle cramps and bodily clamps are for the creative process. When they are created in the vocal organ, people with a beautiful sound from birth begin to wheeze, wheeze and reach the point of losing their ability speak. When the clamp is established in the legs, the actor walks as if paralyzed; when the clamps in the hands become numb, turn into sticks and rise like barriers. The same clamps, with all their consequences, occur in the spine, in the neck, in the shoulders. In each case, they disfigure the artist in their own way and prevent him from playing. But the worst thing is when the clamp sets in the face and distorts it, paralyzes it or forces it to change facial expressions. Then the eyes bulge, muscle spasms give an unpleasant expression to the face, which does not correspond to the feeling that the artist experiences. "The clamp may appear during breathing, disrupt the correctness of this process and cause shortness of breath." The ability to relieve tension frees you from many communication problems. For a teacher, this is also a primary ability.

Technique and culture of speech.One of the most important skills in speaking technique is correct breathing. First of all, the teacher needs to master phonation breathing. Breathing is the physiological basis of speech and voice sound. This is one of the most important elements of art. Beauty, strength, lightness of voice, melody of speech depend on it. Skillful use of breathing enriches the voice and has a beneficial effect on health; inept use can deprive speech of brightness and strength, and cause voice diseases.

The quality of speech that is integral to people in “speech professions,” which is the profession of a teacher, is good diction. Good diction means clarity, clarity of pronunciation of words and phrases, impeccable pronunciation of every vowel and consonant. Purity of diction helps the speaker accurately and expressively convey his thoughts to the audience. Unintelligibility of diction, the presence of any shortcoming distracts students from the content. The key to success is clear articulation, for the development of which there is gymnastics of the lips and tongue. Working on diction and breathing is, in essence, the beginning of speech production of the voice. “Getting a voice” means developing, enriching natural abilities, making them suitable for professional sounding. A teacher must strengthen and develop his voice all his life. Without a “voice” he will be forced to change his profession.

Pronunciation norms of the modern Russian language are established by a special branch of linguistics - orthoepy. The word "orthoepy" is Greek in origin and means "correct speech." Orthoepic norms, that is, norms of literary pronunciation, developed historically along with the formation and development of the Russian language. In the section "Orthoepy" we touch upon modern norms of literary pronunciation, which are mandatory for cultured people.

Speech culture is the degree to which speech corresponds to the norms of the literary language. The teacher’s speech culture is a component of a person’s general culture and pedagogical skill. The teacher must comply with the following requirements for speech: correctness and accuracy, logic and brevity, liveliness and expressiveness.

The second and third groups of pedagogical technology skills are discussed in detail in Chapters 4, 5 “Technology of Pedagogical Interaction” and “Skill and Technology of Pedagogical Communication”.

The teachings of K.S. Stanislavsky provide invaluable assistance to teachers in managing their own creative well-being in the process of interacting with children. The most useful are the following tips from the great actor: psychological adjustment to upcoming communication with students (communicative inspiration), self-control in the communication process, for example, overcoming unpleasant feelings, uncreative mood, using the method of physical actions to create a certain emotional state, setting exciting creative tasks.

K.S. Stanislavsky developed a system of practical techniques of acting psychotechnics, successfully used in the formation of a teacher’s pedagogical skills.

Grekhnev V.S. Culture of pedagogical communication. M., I 1987.

Izard K. Human Emotions. M., 1980,

Kazansky O.A. Playing games with yourself. M., 1994.

Caponi V., Novak T. My own psychologist. - St. Petersburg, 1994.

Caponi V., Novak T. An adult, a child and a parent. - St. Petersburg, 1995.

Knebel M.I. Poetry of pedagogy. M., 1976.

Labunskaya V.A. Nonverbal behavior. Rostov-on-Don, 1986.

Levi V.L. The art of being yourself. M., 1977.

Maslova N.F. Workbook of a social educator. Eagle, 1994.

Fundamentals of pedagogical skills / Ed. A.I.Zyazyuna.-M., 1989.

Stanislavsky K. S. The actor’s work on himself // Collection. cit.: In 8 volumes - M, 1954. T. 2, 3.

To the teacher Fr. pedagogical technology / Ed. L.I. Ruvinsky. - M., 1987.

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Pedagogical technique is a set of skills that allow the teacher to see, hear and feel his students. Outstanding teacher A.S. Makarenko wrote: “The teacher must be able to organize, walk, joke, be cheerful, angry... behave in such a way that every movement educates him.”

Yu.P. Azarov argued that, firstly, developed pedagogical technology helps the teacher to express himself more deeply and brightly in teaching activities, to reveal in interaction with students all the best, professionally significant in his personality. Perfect pedagogical technology frees up the time and energy of the teacher for creative work, and allows, in the process of pedagogical interaction, not to be distracted from communicating with children by searching for the right word or explaining an unsuccessful intonation.

Mastering pedagogical techniques, allowing you to quickly and accurately find the right word, intonation, look, gesture, as well as maintaining calm and the ability to think clearly and analyze in the most acute and unexpected pedagogical situations, leads to an increase in the teacher’s satisfaction with his professional activities.

Secondly, pedagogical technology also has a developmental impact on personality traits. An important feature of pedagogical techniques is that they all have a pronounced individual-personal character, i.e. are formed on the basis of the individual psychophysiological characteristics of the teacher. Individual pedagogical technique significantly depends on the age, gender, temperament, character of the teacher, state of health, anatomical and physiological characteristics.

Thus, working on expressiveness, purity, and literacy disciplines thinking. Mastering the techniques of self-regulation of mental activity leads to the development of emotional balance as a character trait, etc. In addition, in real pedagogical interaction, all the teacher’s skills in the field of pedagogical technology are manifested simultaneously. And self-observation makes it possible to successfully adjust the selection of expressive means.

Thirdly, in the process of mastering pedagogical techniques, the moral and aesthetic positions of the teacher are most fully revealed, reflecting the level of general and professional culture, and the potential of his personality.

All of the above emphasizes that pedagogical technology is the most important tool of a teacher.

Components of pedagogical technology.

The concept of “pedagogical technology” usually includes two groups of components.

The first group of components is related to the teacher’s ability to manage his behavior:

Control of your body (facial expressions, pantomime);

Managing emotions, mood (relieving excessive mental stress, creating creative well-being);

Social - perceptual abilities (attention, observation, imagination);

The second group of components of pedagogical technology is associated with the ability to influence the individual and the team, and reveals the technological side of the process of education and training:

Didactic, organizational, constructive, communication skills;

Technological techniques for presenting requirements, managing pedagogical communication, etc.

Facial expressions are the art of expressing one’s thoughts, feelings, moods, and states through the movement of facial muscles. Often, facial expression and gaze have a stronger impact on students than words. Gestures and facial expressions, increasing the emotional significance of information, contribute to its better assimilation.

Listeners “read” the teacher’s face, guessing his attitude and mood, so it should not only express, but also hide feelings. The most expressive thing on a person's face is the eyes - the mirror of the soul. The teacher should carefully study the capabilities of his face and the ability to use an expressive gaze. The teacher's gaze should be directed towards the children, creating visual contact.

Pantomime is the movement of the body, arms, legs. It helps highlight the main thing and paints an image.

The teacher needs to develop a manner of correctly standing in front of students in class. All movements and poses should attract listeners with their grace and simplicity. The aesthetics of the pose does not tolerate bad habits: shifting from foot to foot, leaning on the back of a chair, turning foreign objects in your hands, scratching your head, etc.

The teacher’s gesture should be organic and restrained, without sharp wide strokes or open angles.

In order for communication to be active, you should have an open posture, do not cross your arms, turn to face the audience, reduce the distance, which creates the effect of trust. It is recommended to move forward and backward around the classroom rather than sideways. Taking a step forward enhances the message and helps focus the audience's attention. By stepping back, the speaker seems to give the listeners a rest.

Managing your emotional state involves mastering methods of self-regulation, which include: nurturing goodwill and optimism; control of your behavior (regulation of muscle tension, pace of movements, speech, breathing); self-hypnosis, etc.

Speech technique. The process of perception and understanding of a teacher’s speech by students is closely related to the complex process of educational listening, which, according to scientists, accounts for approximately ½ - ½ of the entire classroom time. Therefore, the process of students’ correct perception of educational material depends on the perfection of the teacher’s speech.

No matter how interesting and informative the speech is, I.R. believes. Kalmykov, it will not be perceived by listeners if the speaker pronounces it inarticulately, in a hoarse, weak, inexpressive voice. The voice when speaking is as important as the content of the speech, appearance, and manners of the speaker. He uses his voice to convey his message to the audience. The human voice is a powerful means of influencing the public. Thanks to a beautiful, sonorous voice, a speaker can attract the attention of listeners from the first minutes, win their sympathy and trust.

The voice is capable of expressing a person's thoughts and feelings. In teaching activities, it is extremely important to speak expressively and simply, giving a lecture, report, reciting poetry and prose; master the intonation and strength of the voice, thinking through each phrase and sentence, emphasizing significant words and expressions, using them competently in various situations. The voice is the main expressive means of a teacher’s oral speech, which he must be able to use perfectly. P. Soper believes that “nothing influences people’s attitude towards us more than the impression of our voice. But nothing is so neglected, and nothing needs constant attention. Voice proficiency is directly related to the development of phonation (sound), the so-called speech breathing. This, in turn, makes it possible to convey the aesthetic and emotional richness of the teacher’s speech, not only helping in communication, but also influencing the feelings, thoughts, behavior and actions of students.

To master speech technique means to have speech breathing, voice, good diction and orthoepic pronunciation. The teacher needs to constantly work on diction, breathing and voice.

Breathing ensures the vital activity of the body, physiological function. At the same time, it also acts as the energy base of speech. Speech breathing is called phonation (from the Greek phono - sound). In everyday life, when our speech is predominantly dialogical, breathing does not cause difficulties. The difference between phonation breathing and physiological breathing is that the inhalation and exhalation of normal breathing are carried out through the nose, they are short and equal in time. The sequence of normal physiological breathing is inhalation, exhalation, pause. Normal physiological breathing is not enough for speech. Speech and reading require more air, its economical use and timely renewal. The breathing sequence is also different. After a short inhalation - a pause, and then a long sound exhalation.

There are special exercises aimed at developing breathing. The goal of breathing exercises is not to develop the ability to inhale the maximum amount of air, but to train in the ability to rationally use the normal supply of air. Since sounds are created during exhalation, its organization is the basis for staging breathing, which should be full, calm and unnoticeable.

Diction is the clarity and correctness of pronunciation, meaningful sounds, which are ensured by the correct functioning of the speech organs. The articulatory apparatus must work actively, without unnecessary tension. All sounds and their combinations must be pronounced clearly, easily and freely at any pace.

All diction disorders of speech and voice are divided into organic (they are corrected by speech therapists) and inorganic (they can be corrected through exercises), associated with sluggishness of the articulatory apparatus (lips, tongue, jaw), unclear pronunciation of consonants (“porridge in the mouth”).

Among teachers there are people whose voice is given by nature itself, but this does not happen often. And a good voice, in the absence of special training, wears out over the years.

Every person is endowed with a voice that can become strong, clear, and sonorous. When working on your voice, you should pay attention, first of all, to freeing it from tension and improving its best qualities. There is a deep connection between the voice and the body, so speech communication should be the basis of work on the voice.

Thus, summing up all of the above, we can conclude that pedagogical technology, which represents a set of abilities, skills and knowledge that allows the teacher to see, hear and feel his students, is a necessary component of professional pedagogical skills.

19. Mastery of pedagogical communication

It is difficult to imagine communication that would not carry a cognitive or educational charge at all. Nevertheless, a relatively “young” phrase is being used more and more widely in literature and practice: pedagogical communication. This is professional communication between a teacher and students in the process of training and education, which has certain pedagogical functions and is aimed (if it is complete and optimal) at creating a favorable psychological climate, optimizing educational activities and relationships between the teacher and the student within the team. In other words, pedagogical communication is communication between a teacher and students for pedagogical purposes.

A. S. Makarenko emphasized the need for a teacher to master the technique of pedagogical mastery, the technique of pedagogical communication: “You need to be able to read the human face. There is nothing tricky, nothing mystical in recognizing certain signs of mental movements from the face. Pedagogical skill lies in setting voice of the teacher, and in controlling his face. The teacher cannot help but play. There cannot be a teacher who does not know how to play... But you cannot simply play on stage, externally. There is some kind of drive belt that must connect yours to this game. a wonderful personality... I became a real master only when I learned to say “come here” with 15-20 shades, when I learned to give 20 nuances in the setting of a face, figure, voice.”

Depending on the style of pedagogical communication, American psychologists have identified three types of teachers. A “proactive” teacher is proactive in organizing communication in a group, both group and pair communication (teacher-student). He clearly individualizes his contacts with students. But his attitudes change in accordance with experience, i.e. such a teacher does not seek obligatory confirmation of the once established attitude. He knows what he wants and understands what in his own behavior or the behavior of his students contributes to achieving this goal.

A “reactive” teacher is also flexible in his attitudes, but he is internally weak, subordinate to the “element of communication.” The difference in his attitudes towards individual students is not a difference in his strategy, but a difference in the behavior of the students themselves. In other words, it is not he himself, but the students who dictate the nature of his communication with the group. He has vague goals and adapts and adapts to the students.

An “over-reactive” teacher, noticing individual differences, immediately builds a completely unrealistic model that exaggerates these differences many times over and believes that this model is reality. If a student is a little more active than others, in his eyes he is a rebel and a hooligan; if a student is a little more passive, he is a quitter and a cretin. Such a teacher deals not with real, but with imaginary students and behaves accordingly. But he actually invents stereotypes, fitting real, completely non-stereotypical students into them. At the same time, students are his personal enemies, and his behavior is a kind of protective psychological mechanism.

What are the basic principles of the new pedagogy model? From the variety of approaches, three fundamental principles can be distinguished:

1. A person is in an active relationship with the world and himself.

2. The activity of the subject appears in its highest creative manifestation, when the subject rises to the formation of itself.

3. The considered position leads to the idea of ​​the active development of a person’s vocation.

Pedagogical communication should not be a heavy duty, but a natural and even joyful process of interaction. What are the components of optimal pedagogical communication?

Firstly, this is the high authority of the teacher. The second condition for successful pedagogical communication is mastery of the psyche and communication techniques, i.e. The teacher must be well prepared as a practical psychologist. And finally, the third component of success is accumulated experience, this is what in everyday practice is called “first skill, and then mastery.”

Pedagogical technology is the most important tool of pedagogical technology, since it provides teachers and educators with the opportunity to achieve harmony between the content of professional activity and its external manifestation. Mastery of pedagogical techniques allows teachers and educators to more effectively solve the problems of teaching, upbringing, and interact with students. With the help of specific techniques and means, a teacher can vividly, imaginatively and expressively convey to schoolchildren and students their thoughts, feelings, civic and professional values.

Technology in reference literature is characterized as “a set of techniques used in any business or skill” (Dictionary of the Russian Language; edited by Prof. L.I. Skvortsov. M.: Onyx, 2007. P. 559). In pedagogical dictionaries, pedagogical technique is defined as a complex of general pedagogical and psychological skills of a teacher, helping him to achieve optimal results in his work (Zagvyazinsky V.I.), as a set of techniques and means aimed at clear and effective organization of training sessions (Rapatsevich E.S.) , as a set of skills and abilities that ensure optimal behavior of the teacher and his effective interaction with children in various pedagogical situations (Kodzhaspirova G.M.).

The term “pedagogical technique” was introduced into the circulation of pedagogical science and practice by the famous domestic teacher A.S. Makarenko in the 20s of the last century. A.S. Makarenko emphasized that “Pedagogical skills can be brought to a greater degree of perfection, almost to the degree of technology” (Makarenko A.S. From work experience // Pedagogical works. in 8 volumes. T.4. M., 1984. pp. 368-369). Developing this idea, the teacher emphasized that such “trifles”: how to stand, how to sit, how to get up from a chair, from the table, how to raise your voice, smile, how to look became decisive in his professional activity. The art of voice production, the art of tone, glances, turns - all this is necessary, and without this there cannot be a real educator.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky paid great attention to pedagogical technology in the professional activities of teachers. The outstanding humanist teacher emphasized that the ability to control oneself, control oneself, and set oneself up for an intimate conversation with students contributes to the effective organization of the educational process. V.A. Sukhomlinsky paid special attention to the ability to communicate with students. “I am firmly convinced,” the teacher wrote, “that many conflicts, often ending in great misfortune, have their source in the teacher’s inability to speak with the student” (Sukhomlinsky V.A. Sketches on communist education // People’s education. 1967. No. 2. P. 42).

In modern Russian pedagogy, issues of pedagogical technology were developed in the works of A. Gin, V.A. Kan-Kalika, A.A. Leontyeva, L.I. Ruvinsky, N.E. Shchurkova. Experts distinguish two main groups of skills in pedagogical technology. The first group is associated with the ability to manage oneself, the second – with the ability to manage other people, primarily students and pupils. Teacher-theorists include self-management skills in speech technique and culture, including breathing and voice control, diction, logic and expressiveness of speech. A master teacher is distinguished by the ability to speak competently, beautifully and clearly, while using non-verbal, in particular, paralinguistic means: to expressively intonate his speech, to accurately express thoughts and feelings in words. Another element of pedagogical technology is plastic. Plasticity includes mastery of the body, including the ability to pedagogically and expediently use facial expressions, gestures, posture, posture, and movements in communicating with students. An expressive look, an encouraging or ironic smile, a precise gesture, a friendly posture often turn out to be more effective means of communication in pedagogical interaction than verbose explanations or remarks.

An important role in the pedagogical process is played by the teacher’s ability to manage his emotional (mental) state, maintain an optimal level of emotional (creative) tension and an optimistic, friendly attitude, and organize emotional rest for himself. These skills provide teachers and educators with professional self-control, help maintain a healthy nervous system for many years, and avoid nervous breakdowns, emotional and intellectual overload.

To organize effective pedagogical interaction, the teacher also needs to master some elements of acting and directing skills that will help him, in communicating with students, influence not only their minds, but also their feelings, and most fully convey to them the experience of an emotional and value-based attitude towards the world.

Self-management skills are associated with social-perceptual abilities, which include attention, observation, imagination, control of emotions, and mood. It is important for a teacher to be able to relieve excessive psychological tension by engaging in self-regulation, and to be able to create creative well-being. And, finally, an important component in the characterized group of skills is the teacher’s ability to dress in a manner consistent with professional ethics.

The second group of components of pedagogical technology is associated with the ability to influence the individual and the team. These skills reveal the technological side of the process of education and training. These include didactic, organizational, communication skills, the ability to make pedagogically appropriate decisions (Pedagogical skills and pedagogical technologies: a textbook; edited by L.K. Grebenkina, L.A. Baykova. M., 2001. P.73). These issues are discussed in more detail in textbooks on pedagogy and on the theory and methodology of educational activities. In this manual we will focus on characterizing the skills, techniques and tools that a future teacher-educator needs to effectively manage himself.

It should be noted that in interaction with students, all the skills of a teacher, university professor in the field of pedagogical technology are manifested simultaneously. Speech is accompanied by gestures, facial expressions, and movement. Continuous self-observation makes it possible to successfully adjust the selection of expressive means, etc. It is quite difficult for a novice teacher to manage himself in the teaching process. In class, he resembles a person who has ridden a bicycle or driven a car for the first time: he is not sure what to do first and what to do next, he forgets to perform this or that operation, he gets lost, is nervous, and makes mistakes. Although in theory, it would seem that he knows everything quite well. Over time, this confusion passes, but on the condition that the knowledge and skills acquired by the teacher at the university are constantly improved.

A feature of pedagogical technology is that all technical skills are of a pronounced individual and personal nature, i.e. are formed on the basis of the individual psychophysiological characteristics of the teacher. The choice of certain techniques and means of pedagogical technology significantly depends on the age, gender, temperament, character of the teacher, the level of his pedagogical culture, as well as on his state of health and anatomical and physiological characteristics. However, despite the personal uniqueness in the pedagogical process, the teacher and teacher perform certain professional functions, therefore, in the application of pedagogical technology skills, all teachers have much in common. All of them are aimed at training, education and development of the personality of a growing person.

In this regard, it is important to emphasize that the level of development of pedagogical technique skills largely reflects the level of the teacher’s general culture and the pedagogical potential of his personality. If the teacher’s speech is poor and sloppy, if he gives free rein to his emotions on every occasion, is distinguished by bad taste, and is aesthetically deaf, then the most “correct” words and the most “necessary” measures will not have an impact on the minds or feelings of the students.

All of the above gives reason to believe that pedagogical technology is a complex of professional techniques, skills and means that allow a teacher to effectively manage himself, to have an optimal impact on schoolchildren and students during the educational process, and contribute to the productive solution of the problems of teaching, education and personality development.

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