Pavel Dmitrienko was released. Ex-soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Pavel Dmitrichenko: “I know who imprisoned me and why”

On May thirty-first, the following entry appeared on Pavel’s Facebook page: “Thank you to everyone who supported me! Yours kind hearts were a beacon of hope on a difficult road... See you, friends.” On this day of the leading artist Bolshoi Theater Dmitrichenko, convicted in the case of the attack on Sergei Filin, was released.

I spent three years in prison: the court decided to release ahead of schedule. Fortunately, I managed to survive, despite attempts on the part of those who imprisoned me to do everything to destroy the person they disliked. Indeed, everything that does not kill us makes us stronger. Now I know - these are not just words. If you are given a test, you need to pass it with dignity.

I found myself in Moscow again, next to my parents, friends, my beloved, the most beautiful wife in the world. I don’t hold a grudge against anyone, although I consider myself punished for nothing. I let go of this situation. But my release from prison was greeted very violently. Sergei Filin’s lawyer said in a television interview that I was released illegally: “Dmitrichenko should sit. If he doesn’t admit his guilt, then he’s dangerous!” After such statements, their legal illiteracy simply makes me laugh. I know perfectly well who is behind this whole story, but I do not feel a sense of hatred or thirst for revenge. There is only one question: why were three years of my life stolen from me?

This happened on January seventeenth, 2013. Half an hour later, all TV channels, radio and the Internet exploded: “The Bolshoi Theater artistic director Sergei Filin had sulfuric acid thrown in his face!”, “Filin has burns on his face!”, “An attempt was made on Filin’s life!” The story, like a real thriller, was acquiring more and more new details, versions, and guesses. The journalists reacted with such lightning speed, as if they were sitting in ambush in the snowdrifts of the dark courtyard where the attack took place.

The Bolshoi Theater the next day resembled a military headquarters - behind the scenes there were many television cameras from all over the world. Journalists rushed to cover the high-profile criminal scandal. Endless press conferences, interviews, ballet dancers were confused and depressed... Everyone was racing to build versions: someone said that this was revenge, someone believed that this was how they wanted to take the artistic director’s chair, many were sure - “Cherche la femme” ”, there was even such an assumption - was it not the theater management itself that organized all this? Very quickly, literally from the first minutes, the attack began on Nikolai Tsiskaridze. Filin, who went to Germany for treatment, in an interview Der Spiegel declared: “Tsiskaridze should be in prison!” This had the effect of a bomb exploding. The world-famous dancer was summoned for questioning and was pursued by the media. In an interview, Nikolai said: “This is bullying. I’m sure the incident with Filin is an action planned against me.” Really wild!

My part of the story began almost three months later. Lived before this ordinary life. I went to the Benois de la Danse festival in Italy. He didn’t hide from anyone, didn’t hide. But he could have stayed abroad and not returned...

On March 5, at five in the morning, a bell rang in the apartment on Tverskaya that I was renting. There are seven on the threshold, among them an investigator who came to the Bolshoi Theater: “We will conduct a search and look for material evidence.”

Probably the most unpleasant story in modern history Russian ballet is continuing - information has appeared that Pavel Dmitrichenko, who in 2013 was sentenced to imprisonment for organizing an attack on Sergei Filin, has returned to the Bolshoi Theater.

True, we are, of course, not talking about joining the Bolshoi troupe, and certainly not about participating in productions, but about morning training with teacher Vladimir Nikonov. From Russian media Only the Internet version of paid attention to this fact - the publication quotes the words of one of the soloists of the Bolshoi Theater, who wished to remain anonymous:

“Many, of course, when they saw him for the first time after a long absence, could not hide their surprise. I know that for some time he himself was afraid to come to the theater... Even in the summer before the end of last season, he came to the service entrance several times, met with friends, but I didn’t go into the theater itself because I was worried about how the staff would greet him. And I was pleasantly surprised by the friendly attitude towards him. Maybe only a few people didn’t take it too well... But I don’t even know anyone like that...” .

Here are just a few of them (spelling and punctuation preserved) :

“Dear Pavel, your life, your personality and what you do are extremely inspiring. You begin to believe in your strength and in the fact that everything bad things will pass, and the difficult will be overcome. And your willpower and character seem to be limitless. With admiration and good luck."

"You went through Hell....and won! Enjoy life, you are Talent!! People are jealous, but there is Dance, there is a wonderful person next to you, true friends --- there can never be too many --- Come to Boston! Let's do it -Master classes --- performances!"

By the way, this news was much more readily picked up by foreign publications, including such authoritative ones as the British The Guardian, the American The New York Times and NBC, as well as the French Europa Press.

Thus, Reuters quotes the words of the Bolshoi Theater press secretary: “Dmitrichenko was indeed issued, at his request, a pass for a morning visit to the Bolshoi Theater... This in no way means that he will work at the Bolshoi Theater in the future.”

General Director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Urin also spoke on this matter: “There are rumors that Pavel Dmitrichenko is returning to the Bolshoi, and this will be a difficult situation. However, after 3 years in prison, he is no longer the same dancer, physically and emotionally. Therefore, the main question is: can he regain the form that is necessary for a Bolshoi dancer? Big is work, and it should be built on professional principles.”

Pavel Dmitrichenko, 2013

Let us recall that in 2013 Sergei Filin, who then held the position artistic director ballet troupe Bolshoi Theater was attacked - the artist had acid thrown in his face. Filin spent some time in the hospital, after which he underwent several operations and underwent long-term rehabilitation; according to various sources, after this incident he was never able to fully restore his vision. In December of the same 2013, the court found Bolshoi Theater artist Pavel Dmitrichenko guilty of assault and sentenced him to six years in prison. However, Dmitrichenko was released on parole in May 2016.

Sergey Filin - among the judges of the GallaDance Showcase Grand Prix in February 2016

Now he is 32 years old, judging by the comments of his colleagues and photographs, Dmitrichenko began to look more massive; the artist himself previously stated that he performed daily physical exercise while in prison. Sergei Filin back in mid-2015 at the Bolshoi Theater. Then Vladimir Urin denied the existence of any dissatisfaction with Sergei Filin, and called “internal factors” as the reasons for the separation.In the same year, Sergei Filin appeared on television as a permanent member of the jury of the show "Dancing with the Stars", and now he is the head of the workshop of young choreographers of the Bolshoi Theater.

photo on the main page: Dmitrichenko’s Facebook page

Former Bolshoi Theater soloist Pavel Dmitrichenko, convicted of assault on artistic director of the ballet troupe Sergei Filin, .

This information was confirmed to TASS by Dmitrichenko’s lawyer. Sergei Kadyrov. “Pasha has indeed been released on parole, he is already at home in Moscow.”

Dmitrichenko himself wrote on his Facebook page: “Your kind hearts were a beacon of hope on a difficult road. Truth has triumphed over lies."

The attack on Bolshoi Theater artistic director Sergei Filin occurred on January 17, 2013. Near Filin's house on Troitskaya Street in Moscow, the artistic director of the ballet troupe had acid thrown in his face, resulting in severe burns to his face and eyes.

As a result, Filin underwent 23 operations and partially lost his sight.

Law enforcement agencies quickly managed to get on the trail of the attackers. According to investigators, the organizer of the assassination attempt was Bolshoi Theater ballet soloist Pavel Dmitrichenko. As a performer, the dancer chose his friend, a previously convicted unemployed man. Yuri Zarutsky.

Only the performer remains in prison

The reason for the assassination attempt was Dmitrichenko’s hostility towards Filin, caused by the way the artistic director distributed roles and monetary payments.

The third defendants this case passed Andrey Lipatov, who took on the role of the driver of the attackers.

On December 3, 2013, the Meshchansky Court of Moscow sentenced Pavel Dmitrichenko to six years in prison strict regime, Yuri Zarutsky to ten years in a maximum security colony, and Andrei Lipatov to four years in a maximum security colony.

When the case was considered by the Appeals Chamber of the Moscow City Court, the defendants' sentences were reduced - in particular, Dmitrichenko's sentence was reduced from 6 to 5.5 years in prison, his accomplices Zarutsky and Lipatov - to 9 and 2 years, respectively.

In March 2015, Andrei Lipatov was released, who did not apply for parole, having served full term. Now Dmitrichenko has also been released. Thus, only the direct perpetrator, Yuri Zarutsky, is still serving his sentence.

Dmitrichenko intends to return to the stage

During the trial of the attack on Filin, everything came out " dirty laundry"of Russian ballet, in which there is a ruthless confrontation between both individual artists and entire groups.

Sergei Filin returned to work after his injuries and long-term treatment. He held the post of artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater ballet troupe until March 2016, after which he was replaced Mahar Vaziev, who previously headed the ballet troupe Milan theater"La Scala". Filin took the position of head of the workshop of young choreographers of the Bolshoi Theater.

32-year-old Pavel Dmitrichenko, who before his imprisonment performed leading roles in the plays “Spartacus”, “Carmen Suite”, “Ivan the Terrible” and others, intends to resume his career as a dancer and, possibly, return to the Bolshoi Theater. At the same time, during the trial, his colleagues expressed doubts that Dmitrichenko would ever be able to return to the stage.

“Pasha’s life was ruined forever - he will never be able to dance again, it cannot be restored,” said the famous ballet artist and choreographer Nikolai Tsiskaridze.

According to an ex-artist of the theater, the ballerinas of the troupe were forced to provide escort services. At the same time, news appeared about the sitting soloist of the Bolshoi - Pavel Dmitrichenko: the artists chose him as their leader - the head of the trade union

The Bolshoi Theater artists elected the arrested Pavel Dmitrichenko as the leader of their trade union, whom investigators consider the organizer of the attack on artistic director Sergei Filin. This was stated by Bolshoi Theater soloist Nikolai Tsiskaridze in the “Iron Ladies” program on NTV.

The theater administration clarified that this happened several months ago and was in no way connected with the attack on artistic director Filin and the subsequent arrest of Dmitrichenko.

That's what she said Business FM Head of the Bolshoi Theater press service Ekaterina Novikova: “This event took place and such a decision was made by the Bolshoi Theater trade union, only it was made several months before the situation that excited everyone, and before the tragic events that happened to Sergei Filin . It was caused by the fact that Filin, being the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater ballet, cannot combine this position with the head of the trade union organization purely legally. Now, while Pavel is under investigation, someone has been chosen to fill this position, but I don’t know who yet either.”

At the same time, according to Tsiskaridze, the theater’s artistic director Sergei Filin constantly provoked conflicts with the theater staff: “Sergei and Pavel had a lot of conflicts. These conflicts were visible to the entire troupe. During the run they spoke in a raised voice. Basically, all these conflicts came down solely to the injustices that Sergei allowed himself in relation to the artists. The fact is that Pavel has been a trade union leader for many years, despite the fact that Sergei heads the trade union. As a team leader, he heads the trade union. For two years, the artists of the Bolshoi Theater have been fighting to cancel this. Each time we were not given this. And a week ago there was a trade union meeting, at which both ballet dancers and choir artists were present, and everyone unanimously chose Pavel, who is under investigation. Because they wanted these two years.”

According to Tsiskaridze, when Dmitrichenko was shown on television after his arrest, “he had huge bruises under his eyes, and the artists who saw him the day before believe that a person could not have changed so much in one day.”

Sergei Filin himself stated that there were no conflicts, but he was threatened by dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko, whom the investigation considers the organizer of the attack. The artistic director said this in an interview with the Rossiya TV channel: “There has never been any conflict that was openly and clearly expressed on my part towards Pavel Dmitrichenko. And there was never any hostility on my part towards Dmitrichenko either. But, apparently, someone worked very well on this, and someone pushed for it. Because every time, every moment, every meeting with Pavel Dmitrichenko was another threat for me, another demonstration of hostility, and I don’t want to hide it now, because that’s exactly how it was.”

Bolshoi ballerinas could be forced to act as escorts

Famous ballerina, former soloist At the Bolshoi Theater, Anastasia Volochkova, in an interview with NTV, accused the management of the Bolshoi Theater of forcing the troupe’s artists to provide escort services: “The girls called me when I had already been fired and told me simply monstrous things. It all began then - 10 years ago. Now everything is much worse. The administrator simply invites the girls on a list and explains to each one that you are going to this party, to a banquet, with a continuation, with bed, with certain oligarchs, with people who are - someone a member of the board of trustees, someone a person who is just got into this party. Parties where Iksanov, Shvydkoy and the oligarchs organized. If they went to Paris, then they did not organize it in a nightclub, but filmed Versailles. And the girls, when they asked the administrator, “what if we don’t agree”? The answer was “then you will have problems at the Bolshoi Theater.”

The Bolshoi Theater responded that they would advise their artists on how to protect their honor and dignity, hinting at possible lawsuits against Volochkova. According to Izvestia, artistic director Bolshoy Sergey At the very first interrogation, Filin named Tsiskaridze as the possible organizer of the attack and stated that he was blackmailing him.

June 26, 2016, 10:28 pm

Pavel Dmitrichenko was born into a family of artists of the State Academic Ensemble folk dance under the leadership of Igor Moiseev. In 2002 he graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Choreography in the class of teacher Igor Uksusnikov, after which he was accepted into the ballet troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. In 2004 he received a diploma from the International Ballet Competition in Rome (Italy). In 2005, he graduated from the Institute of Russian Theater with a degree in teacher-choreographer, class of Mikhail Lavrovsky.

At the Bolshoi Theater, Pavel Dmitrichenko rehearsed under the direction of Alexander Vetrov and Vasily Vorokhobko. He played the main roles, including:

Yashka ("Golden Age")

Evil Genius ("Swan Lake")

Abderakhman ("Raymonda")

Spartak ("Spartak")

Jose (Carmen Suite)

Tybalt (Romeo and Juliet)

Hans (Giselle)

Ivan the Terrible (“Ivan the Terrible” was the first performer of the role when the ballet was revived in 2012)

Abderakhman ballet "Raymonda":

Pavel Dmitrichenko as Tsar Ivan IV in the ballet "Ivan the Terrible":

Ivan IV in the ballet "Ivan the Terrible":

The consignment Evil Genius in the ballet "Swan Lake":

Part of Tybalt in the ballet "Romeo and Juliet":

Ballet "Romeo and Juliet" as Tybalt. Choir of Yu.N. Grigorovich
Photo by Irina Lepneva:

Pavel Dmitrichenko in the ballet "The Golden Age" - Tango:

Part of Spartacus in the ballet “Spartacus”:

Pas de Deux from the ballet "Corsair":

"Global Lagoon" Naomi Campbell watches Dmitrichenko dance:

Nikolai Tsiskaridze: “I can tell Dmitrichenko - Pasha, hold on!”

Pavel Dmitrichenko and Nikolai Tsiskaridze at the graduation party
Academy of Russian Ballet named after. A.Ya.Vaganova in the Kremlin. 06/22/2016.

“We must not forget that the victim and Pasha Dmitrichenko were in good relations»

“- I can’t help but ask about the fate of Pavel Dmitrichenko, who was accused of the assassination attempt on Sergei Filin in 2013 and was released a month ago.

I respect Pasha very much and treat him very well. And he said more than once, including at trial, that he did not believe and to this day do not believe in his guilt. Yes, he came out, we saw each other, and my attitude towards him did not change one iota.

Did he come to see you in St. Petersburg?

No, I was in Moscow, we met. He expressed a desire to continue dance career. I supported him in this and advised him to go study, and he said that he was already studying.

But how realistic is it for him to return to his profession? After all, in three years the form has been lost. Why, for three years or a week the artist will not stand at the machine... you yourself know how the matter will end.

He says he was studying. And then, maybe he won’t be a classical dancer; he had wonderful character roles in his repertoire.

Since Pavel Dmitrichenko was convicted, does he have a chance to enter a serious theater or will the stigma of being a “jailster” not allow him?

By law, he does not have the right to hold positions in government agencies related to working with children. But in the rest he can do everything. Why not? The most unpleasant thing for me in this situation is that no one is interested in the wishes of the audience. A spectator asked me not to leave the Bolshoi - did anyone pay attention to this? It’s the same with Pasha... He has a huge number of fans, and these people want to see him in Bolshoi performances. Whether he will participate in them or not depends on the leadership. If he gets down to business wisely, he has both opportunity and potential.

Are you ready to help him?

How can I help him? I work in another city and I can only say “Pasha, hold on.” If you need any tutoring help from me, please do so.

Of course, I went to Pavel’s trial with my visor open and did not hide anything from anyone.

Still, the guy has a difficult fate. Even the girl left him, because of whom everything supposedly happened?

I repeat once again: this situation had nothing to do with the girl. We must not forget that the victim and Pasha were on good terms. The rest is journalistic fiction.

But she didn’t wait for him.

Why did she have to wait for him if he got married a year before she got married? They separated before all this mess. Don't confuse forks and bottles. It is Beaumarchais’s Figaro who says: “I am much better than my reputation.” How the whole situation was covered three years ago at the Bolshoi Theater - not everything was as it really was."

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