Celebrity parameters. Celebrity diets. TV presenter Tina Kandelaki: biography, personal life, career and interesting facts

Tina Kandelaki - famous Russian TV presenter, journalist and public figure Georgian origin. Tina is not just smart and beautiful woman, she has an amazing capacity for work and love of life. During her public career, she worked on radio, television, and hosted entertainment, children's and popular science programs. Today he also holds a senior position in one of the largest media holdings in Russia, Gazprom Media, which has many publications, satellite and terrestrial TV channels.

Height, weight, age. How old is Tina Kandelaki

Thanks to this woman’s extraordinary intelligence, determination and social skills, she has many connections and admirers. You can find a lot of information about the TV presenter on the Internet. But, of course, such an attractive appearance cannot raise questions from other women about how she takes care of her figure, what brands she uses, what she lives and hobbies, and also what her height, weight, and age are. Many Russian women want to know how old Tina Kandelaki is, because the journalist looks much younger than her 41 years.

Biography and personal life of Tina Kandelaki

Tina was born in 1975 in Georgia. After graduating from school, I wanted to connect my life with medicine and studied at the faculty for a year plastic surgery, but soon realized that this was not what she wanted to do. For the second time, the girl entered the journalism department at a university in Georgia. After receiving her diploma, she began working on radio until she moved to Moscow in 1995. In the capital, Kandelaki managed to work on many television channels, hosting morning and evening entertainment programs, until one day she was invited to one of the country’s leading channels in the author’s program “Details,” in which Kandelaki interviewed various famous people.

A few years later, the “The Smartest” program started, the host of which was also Kandelaki. The program was loved by the audience different ages, since it was a quiz in which children answered difficult questions according to various categories. The program aired for almost 10 years until it closed in 2012.

Tina Kandelaki is not only a TV presenter, but also a businesswoman. She is a co-founder of a Russian holding company that works in the field of IT, television, consulting services, and promotion of media projects. In 2016, work began on the bankruptcy of this enterprise, since the holding has a large amount debt to suppliers. In addition to the media enterprise, Kandelaki is also the owner of a luxurious restaurant in Moscow and a member of the Public Chamber Russian Federation.

Despite all her public activities, the journalist’s statements were often criticized. Working for the state holding Gazprom, Kandelaki supports all government initiatives, which often causes negativity among the opposition.

Biography and personal life Tina Kandelaki was often discussed in the media; scandals involving her name periodically appear in the press. So, in 2006, the journalist became a victim car accident in France, the cause of which was the deputy Suleiman Kerimov. The TV presenter was in the car with a man, after which rumors spread in the press that married Kandelaki was having an affair with a civil servant.

Family and children of Tina Kandelaki

Tina Kandelaki was born into a family descended from a noble family, so the surname Kandelaki was known in Georgia even before the popularity of the presenter. Her father, Givi Shalvovich, an economist by training, worked as the head of a vegetable base in Georgia, and her mother Elvira has a medical education and worked as a doctor. Kandelaki’s full name in Georgian sounds like “Tinatin”, but the presenter decided to shorten it to something more familiar to Russian people - Tina.

The presenter was married twice, in her first marriage she gave birth to two children, who today live with Tina and her second husband. Tina Kandelaki's parents, family and children live in Moscow.

Son of Tina Kandelaki - Leonty Kondrakhin

The son of Tina Kandelaki, Leonty Kondrakhin, was born in 2002 in the TV presenter’s first marriage to Andrei Kondrakhin. When the young presenter found out about her second pregnancy, she was scared. My daughter just turned one year old, and now she has a second child. After their parents' divorce, the children remained to live with Tina. The businesswoman was helped in raising her children by her mother Elvira and a governess. This year the guy turned 15 years old, and in June he graduated military school what the famous mother boasted on her page in social network. Next, Leonty plans to connect his life with military service.

Daughter of Tina Kandelaki - Melania Kondrakhina

Tina Kandelaki's daughter, Melania Kondrakhina, is the first child in the Kandelaki family. She was born in 2000, when Tina was 25 years old. The girl at that time was working very hard, her career was just taking off, new opportunities and broadcasts began to appear, so little Melania spent little time with her parents, but the girl grew up very independent. Today Kandelaki's daughter is 17 years old, she has become a real beauty and, despite her bright blue eyes, she still looks like her mother. Last year, Tina and Melania appeared at a party for a famous magazine about social life, after which all the media began vying with each other to admire the presenter’s adult daughter.

Tina Kandelaki's ex-husband - Andrey Kondrakhin

Andrei and Tina met in 1997, when the young radio presenter and the guy were 22 years old. Tina Kandelaki's ex-husband, Andrei Kondrakhin, is an artist by profession and is also engaged in private business. The couple formalized their relationship in 1999 and were married for 11 years. The TV presenter does not talk about the reasons for the divorce. According to some sources, the businesswoman and her husband had financial issues that they could not resolve amicably. Although, perhaps, there are simply no more feelings left in the couple.

Tina Kandelaki's husband - Vasily Brovko

For four years, Tina’s heart was free; several times information appeared in the media that Kandelaki had started new novel, but the woman did not comment on this gossip. And in 2014, there was a message online that the popular TV presenter had gotten married again. The chosen one of the successful Kandelaki was her business partner, director of a state corporation and TV presenter. Tina Kandelaki’s husband, Vasily Brovko, is 10 years younger than his wife, but this does not prevent the couple from living together in love and harmony for 3 years.

Photo of Tina Kandelaki in Maxim magazine

Throughout her career, the TV presenter has an excellent appearance and figure, carefully monitors her nutrition and constantly plays sports, so it is not surprising that over the years users have repeatedly seen photos of Tina Kandelaki in Maxim magazine, as well as in the popular men's publication Playboy, where the presenter appears practically naked. In August, a message circulated online that she was pregnant and was planning to give her husband a child. In response to this statement and to dispel rumors, Kandelaki published on her page a photo from a vacation in a swimsuit.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tina Kandelaki

Today, presenter and public figure Tina Kandelaki is one of the most discussed media personalities on the Internet and in publications. Tina’s conflicts with presenters Mikhail Shats and Vasily Utkin were actively discussed on the Internet. Tina Kandelaki's Instagram and Wikipedia will tell you about the personal and public life of the journalist, her projects, and social activities. Lately Tina is actively involved in sports, so on her page you can also see short videos of her workouts in the gym and at home, as well as nutrition programs.

Journalist, TV presenter, radio presenter, producer, PR agent, businessman, restaurateur, actress, public figure, three times winner of the prestigious Russian Prize"TEFI" - Tina Kandelaki. Most people remember her as the host of the intellectual program “The Smartest,” aired on STS, with well-developed diction and speed of speech. But this is not the only page in Tina Kandelaki’s biography. Personal life, children - all this is under the close attention of her fans. As you read the article, you will learn a lot of interesting things about this wonderful woman.

Kandelaki family

Tinatin ( full name) Kandelaki was born on November 10, 1975 in the capital of the Georgian SSR, and now modern Georgia - Tbilisi. Father - G. Sh. Kandelaki - was an economist and worked as the director of a base where vegetables were distributed, mother - E. G. Kandelaki - a narcologist by profession, worked in Tbilisi in her specialty. Tina has Georgian roots on her father and Armenian on her mother.


Back in Georgia (in Tbilisi) Tina graduated high school number 64 for children of military personnel.

In 1993 she received the specialty of plastic cosmetologist.

After some time, she became a student at TSU (Tbilisi State University) state university), Faculty of Journalism.

In 2008 she graduated from the Russian State University for the Humanities, Faculty of International Relations.

Tina Kandelaki received a good education, and it probably had a big impact on her reading speed: an astonishing 264 words per minute. This talent of Kandelaki was used in an advertisement for the Audi R8, where the TV presenter quickly read a poem by Brodsky while the car was accelerating.

Work on television and radio

Tina Kandelaki had a great desire to work on TV since her student days. In many ways, it was this that helped the future TV show star learn Georgian in three months (!) in order to get his first job on television.

By the way, before the first broadcast, Tina’s father hoped that his daughter would not be able to complete the task, and therefore she would change her mind about building a career in this field. But this did not happen, despite the dubious success of Kandelaki’s first TV experience.

In parallel with her work on television, she collaborated with Radio 105.

A few years later - in 1995 - she went to Moscow, where she met S. Sadalsky and A. Pryanikov. First, she began working at M-Radio, then at RDV, and then became an employee of the Silver Rain channel.

In 2002, she became the host of the “Details” program aired on STS. This marked the beginning of the presenter’s full-scale collaboration with this TV channel.

In 2003, a project was launched, with which Tina will be associated for a very long time. for a long time- “The Smartest”, also aired on STS. Four years later - in 2007 - Kandelaki took the leading position in a couple of projects aired on the same channel.

Since 2009, Tina Kandelaki has been hosting political shows. She became co-host of Andrei Kolesnikov in the Internet program “Unreal Politics”. The guests of the show were many famous personalities: showmen, billionaires, officials and politicians. The presenters interviewed the guests in a “no tie” format.

In the fall of 2009, the project was purchased by REN-TV, and in the fall of 2010 it began broadcasting in an updated format under the auspices of NTV. Issues were published until the end of 2011.

In 2010, cooperation with STS continues: Tina Kandelaki becomes the host of “The Ideal Man.”

And in 2012, he returned to the world of politics and opened the show “Flight with Kamikaze” with the popular video blogger kamikadze_d.

Another one was launched in 2013 political show, where Tina Kandelaki became the host - “Iron Ladies” (co-host: Margarita Simonyan).

PR agency

Journalist Tina Kandelaki is a full partner and co-owner of the Apostol company, and since December 2013 she has held the position of CEO of the company. By the end of winter last year, 2016, she owned 99.5% of the shares of the specified company.

Apostol is a company that provides PR services and produces content for various media. One of the founders of the company was Vasily Brovko, who this moment is the husband of Tina Kandelaki.

The company's clients included such corporations as Rostec, Yota, Aeroflot, Kalashnikov, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and many others.

Another business of a famous journalist

As Tina Kandelaki’s biography testifies, she built her career quite successfully. And not only in the field of journalism and television. Seven years ago, Tinatin Kandelaki took ownership of the Tinatin restaurant on Plyushchikha Street in Moscow, which serves Georgian cuisine to its visitors. On the site of “Tinatin” there was previously located “Prince Bagration”.

In 2011, Kandelaki initiated the creation of the first National Educational Forum, where she personally presented the “Smart School” project to the event participants.

From May to November 2011, Tina was on the board of directors of Vyatka Bank.

Tina Kandelaki's first marriage

Until 2010, Tina was married to Andrei Kondrakhin. This is a businessman, co-owner of the AKSON clinic, which provides medical services. Russian stars first magnitude.

TV presenter's second marriage

Is this beautiful woman married now? What does the biography of Tina Kandelaki say about this? Tina's husband is Vasily Brovko. The woman has been married to him since 2014. Vasily Brovko holds the position of Director for Communications and Strategic Research of the Rostec State Corporation.

Biography of Tina Kandelaki: children

In their first marriage, Tina and Andrey had a daughter, Melania Kondrakhina, and a son, Leonty Kondrakhin. By the way, Tina Kandelaki often posts photos with her daughter on her Instagram account. The biography of the TV presenter contains one interesting fact: on this social network, the then President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev congratulated her on her birthday. Tina's Instagram account is @tina_kandelaki. She has almost 1.5 million subscribers and more than 8 thousand publications.

Social activity

In 2007, a popular presenter spoke negatively about the activities of Mikheil Saakashvili, calling him “the tyrant of the Middle Ages.” Against the backdrop of the dispersal of opposition demonstrations, she called on Georgian citizens to resist the Saakashvili regime and show their civic position.

In October 2009, TV presenter and journalist Tina Kandelaki joined the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, where she was included at the invitation of Dmitry Medvedev, who held the post of President of Russia at that time.

Six years ago, in 2011, Tinatin signed an appeal from members of the public against informational erosion of trust in the judicial system of the Russian Federation. Its goal: to condemn the pressure on the country's judicial system caused by the start of the second case against the leaders of the notorious oil company YUKOS.

Criticism of the TV presenter

According to colleagues from the media industry, Tina Kandelaki embodied everything that is called “Putin’s glamor.” She was often accused of a complete lack of any talent, of self-promotion and conformism.

Presidential candidate of the Russian Federation Alexei Navalny called the 64 million ruble deal between Aeroflot and Apostol, which was carried out with gross violations of the code of laws of the Russian Federation, dubious. Navalny also notes that Kandelaki’s company often receives large government contracts without competition and on exclusive rights, and often carries out its work carelessly.

For example, Tina’s company created a logo for the New Moscow project, the cost of which was 15 million rubles. The problem is that this “new” logo is very similar to one that can be found in the public domain as a free template.


The biography of TV presenter Tina Kandelaki testifies to some scandalous situations in her life. On November 25, 2006, a red Ferrari Enzo was involved in an accident in Nice. It was managed by Russian businessman Suleiman Kerimov. The car crashed into a tree when it left the side of the road at high speed. The businessman was taken to in serious condition to the hospital, and the passenger, Tina Kandelaki, canceled a scheduled broadcast on Ekho Moskvy radio, citing a sudden illness with mumps. True, already on November 28, Tina admitted everything and explained why she hid her presence during this incident.

After the accident, a tattoo appeared on the girl’s left wrist in the form of a Reiki symbol called chokurei, according to one of the interpretations, helping to heal wounds, and on her left thigh was placed Chinese character, meaning "mother".

In 2007, at the “Person of the Year” award organized by GQ magazine, Sobchak noted that Tina was much better off wearing blue than red, as if hinting at the disaster in Nice. After this phrase, Tina approached Ksenia and kissed her passionately.

In 2009, Tina Kandelaki attended a party on the cruiser Aurora as a host. The event, as it turned out, was organized illegally.

In 2011, the presenter tried to find out from STS management whether they were aware that their employees were Mikhail Shats and Tatyana Lazareva - took part in filming encouraging citizens to come to a rally for fair elections. After which Kandelaki called her opponent a hypocrite, left the TV channel and sued Shats. True, she later added that she remained on STS in order to host the “The Smartest” program.

In 2013, Sobchak again offended Kandelaki with her statement, accusing the TV presenter of having an affair with married man. This man was none other than Ramzan Kadyrov - head Chechen Republic. Naturally, no one confirmed this information, but the scandal created a lot of noise and forced both sides of the conflict to reveal details of family life.

Two years ago, on July 22, 2015, Kandelaki was appointed general producer“Match TV”, organized at the suggestion of Alexey Miller, chairman of the public joint stock company Gazprom is based on Gazprom-Media Holding, which owns such TV channels as Friday, TNT, NTV-Plus, Our Football and many others. Tina announced that she would re-create the sports editorial office. This did not suit Vasily Utkin, the head of NTV-Plus, who said that he had wasted 20 years of his sports commentary career, and added that he considered working under the leadership of Tina Kandelaki a humiliating task. In addition, Utkin recalled that the girl called him “fatbass.”

Awards and titles

In 2006, the presenter was awarded the Astra fashion and style award as “the most stylish TV presenter.” In the same year, Kandelaki received a special prize from Glamor magazine in the “Form and Content” section. And still in 2006, Mona was awarded the TEFI award as the best talk show host.

Later - in 2011 - Tina Kandelaki received the “Runet Prize 2011” for her own project “Smart School” (“Science and Education”).


13 years ago, in 2004, Tinatin starred in such films as “Don’t Even Think 2” and the famous TV series “My Fair Nanny.” In 2005, she was noted for her role in the TV series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful”, and in 2007 - in “Daddy’s Daughters”. Later, in 2009, she starred in Konstantin Maksimov’s film “Forbidden Reality,” which received extremely low ratings on the Kinopoisk website and failed at the box office. In 2011, Kandelaki played roles in the films “Mom - Moscow”, “Once Upon a Time in Baben-Baben” and the TV series “Traffic Light”.

Bottom line

The personality of Tina Kandelaki as a whole can be treated differently: someone loves and admires her, while others never tire of throwing mud at her. But the fact remains: Tina Kandelaki is one of the most popular showwomen in Russia, who quite successfully promotes her own persona both in the media space and on the political field.

The famous Russian TV presenter Tina Kandelaki became famous not only for her work on television, but also for her journalistic, political and social activities. She has her own restaurant serving Georgian cuisine, and she is also the creator of the Smart School project. Because of her popularity and success, many are interested in Tina Kandelaki’s husband, her family, biography and creative path.

Tinatin Kandelaki is a sociable and purposeful woman with an extraordinary mind. Thanks to her active work, she was able to win a large number of fans. You can find a lot of different information about the star on the Internet.

Her appearance attracts the attention of many women who are interested to know how she manages to look so good at her age. Tina Kandelaki's age is 42 years. Other parameters raise no less questions, because the figure of the TV presenter can only be envied. Her height is 1.67 cm and her weight is only 52 kg.

Family and childhood

The birthplace of the talented brunette is Georgia, namely its capital - Tbilisi. She was born on November 10, 1975. In her interesting origin There are Armenian and Georgian roots, which became the reason for such a strong character.

The star's parents are Givi Kandelaki and Elvira Alaverdyan. The interesting thing is that the family was known throughout the country. The head of the family is famous for his noble origin, because Kandelaki is an ancient Georgian family that was founded by the Greeks. Tina's father was an economist, and eventually headed the food supply. Her mother received a medical education and worked by profession as a narcologist in one of the Tbilisi hospitals.

Tina is the only child in the family, and all attention was directed to her. Naturally, her parents really hoped that she would become successful, so from childhood the girl needed absolutely nothing. She was taught that it was necessary to constantly develop and work.

Education and introduction to television

Tina received her secondary education at a Russian school, which was created for children of military personnel. She did well in her studies and upon completion received a certificate with honors. However, she never learned Georgian.

After graduating from school, the girl was going to become plastic surgeon, so I entered a local medical school. This was the parents' wish. While studying future star worked on local radio, but she wanted to become a TV presenter.

One of the local channels started recruiting new presenters, which Tinatin found out about. The girl decided to take advantage of the chance and went to the casting, which she passed with ease. From that moment on, she began working on Georgian television. Unfortunately, the first live broadcast in her life was not a success, because the presenter did not speak Georgian well.

Tina's parents hoped that after her bad experience she would change her mind about being a journalist and continue her studies at medical school again, but she was not used to giving up. After three months, the girl completely learned the Georgian language.

Then she had the opportunity to attend a television festival that took place in Batumi. She went there accompanied by Sergo Petadze, who was the general producer of the second Georgian channel called “Meorarchi”. Tina impressed everyone so much with her talent that they began writing Georgian texts for her with Russian transcription.

This success convinced Tina that this was really the occupation that she liked. After that, she decided to transfer to another university, and with the help of friends, she managed to get into the journalism department. Over time, the girl received another diploma of higher education, graduating from the Russian State Humanitarian University, which made her a specialist in international relations.

Career in Russia

Kandelaki was able to achieve great success in her homeland, but she decided not to stop there and moved to Moscow. The girl did not want to arrange her personal life in a country with a strict patriarchal structure, because she did not like such laws.

With the move to Moscow, the biography and personal life of Tina Kandelaki was subjected to big changes. Initially, the girl settled in an apartment that was located near the Kolomenskaya metro station. She was also looking for work and called the capital’s media for this, inviting them to consider her candidacy.

She got her first job at M-Radio, and then began collaborating with RDV (Radio Dear Memories), where she met such famous person, like Stanislav Sadalsky. After a long conversation, they went to work together at the Silver Rain radio station, but after some time Tina returned to the Russian Far East.

After that, she decided to try to find herself in famous project called “Biz-TV”, which was broadcast on the “2x2” TV channel. She also had the opportunity to collaborate with Muz-TV. On this channel she worked on the “Vremechko” project. In addition, on the TV-6 channel she was the host of several television programs at once, which were called:

  • "I know everything";
  • "Hello, people";
  • “Oh, mommies.”

For five years, Tina was the main presenter of a program called “Details,” which was broadcast on STS. In 2003, work began on a new project, “The Smartest.” After a year, this project received a TEFI in the “Children’s Program” nomination.

In 2004, a new show appeared on the screens called “ Good songs" Tina did not work on it alone, but together with the Russian showman Alexander Tsekalo.

This project was broadcast on several channels:

  • "Home";
  • Ukrainian channel “1+1”.

In 2007, the journalist decided to take on new projects. Thus, she became the host of two more shows: “STS Lights Up a Superstar” and “Wedding Planner.”

According to the popular Ukrainian television magazine Telenedelya, in 2005, Tina was awarded the title of best TV presenter, but her achievements do not end there. In the Television category, Kandelaki became Person of the Year. IN next year she began collaborating with popular radio called "Echo of Moscow". She hosted a joint program with RTVI, which was called “Minority Report.” In addition, she was the host of a morning interactive broadcast in a program called “U-turn,” as well as the project “Unreal Politics.”

It is worth paying attention to the fact that nowadays Tina is one of the fastest speaking Russian TV presenters. She admits that it is simply impossible to talk to her or stop her - both in a real conversation and in a virtual one. The girl devoted herself so much to her career as a journalist that even in free time publishes articles on various blogs.

Information about personal life

At the time when she moved to Moscow, Tina met a young man handsome man. This was a successful businessman and artist, whose name is Andrey Kondrakhin. Communication immediately began between them, and then feelings appeared. After two years of dating and relationship, the girl realized that she could no longer do without blue-eyed and fair-haired Andrei. The lovers decided to get married.

Over time, they had children. Tina Kandelaki named her son Leonty, and the girl Melania. Their family seemed strong and happy to everyone. However, rumors soon appeared that the couple was thinking about divorce. The couple's personal relationship has indeed fallen on hard times. The couple tried to make things right, but it failed. In the end, they still separated.

Circumstances of divorce

The reason for their divorce is still unknown. One can only guess about this. Perhaps the marriage broke up due to the fact that the spouses simply got tired of each other, and love passed between them. Some say financial conflicts played a role. After the divorce, Tina allowed ex-husband communicate with children. They separated calmly, without scandals or division of property. The children remained with their mother.

As for Andrei Kondrakhin, whose personal life never worked out, he devoted himself entirely to travel and self-development. Four years after the divorce, there were rumors that Tina had a new husband rank, but the woman neither confirmed nor denied them. In 2004, new facts about her personal life became known. It turns out that the star got married.

Her new husband was a TV presenter and her business partner, as well as the head of a state corporation. It was Vasily Brovko. The couple has been living happily together for three years. Vasily is 10 years younger than Tina. It’s hard to say where Tina Kandelaki is now, because she is constantly doing something and going somewhere. It can be seen as business meetings, and in the Maldives.

Children of the TV presenter

Melania is Tina's first child. She was born in 2000, when Tina was 25 years old. During this period of her life, she had a very busy work schedule. She received a large number of new proposals for cooperation, which is why Melania lacked the attention of her parents. Perhaps that is why she grew up so independent. She is now an adult. She has a beautiful appearance and blue eyes. She looks more like her mother than her father. In 2016, Kandelaki and her daughter attended a party for a famous magazine. After that, almost all the media admired the beauty of Tina’s adult daughter.

Leonty Kondrakhin, Tina's son, was born in 2002. When Kandelaki found out that she was pregnant again, she was very worried. The first child was not even a year old at that time. Her career as a successful businesswoman made it difficult for her to raise children on her own., the governess, as well as his mother, helped the star in this. Now Leonty is already 16 years old. He recently graduated from military school. He plans to devote his future to military service.

Social activity

In 2009, by decree of the President, Tina was appointed a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Two years later she was re-elected. While in this post, Kandelaki spent several round tables for businessmen and politicians.

The following year, the presenter decided to open a restaurant, which was called “Tinatin”. He specializes in preparing exclusively Georgian dishes. After some time, the restaurant was recognized as the best opening of the year.

Kandelaki managed to join the group on educational standards under the Russian Ministry of Education. She also took up work on a new educational project called “Smart School”. After some time, Tina signed an annual contract with the famous cosmetics company Oriflame, after which she began advertising their products.

Everyone treats Tina Kandelaki differently. Some people admire her determination, but there are also those who spread dirty rumors about her. However, despite this, she is one of the most popular Russian TV presenters. Tina managed to build a wonderful career and strong family. At the same time, she looks great.

Attention, TODAY only!

Famous TV presenter, which constantly amazes us with its slim figure, tirelessly monitors her diet so as not to disappoint her fans... I'm talking about Tina Kandelaki. In her opinion, a media person should have an impeccable appearance, and this is part of the job of famous people, so they take their body very seriously.

The famous TV presenter is sure that the easiest way to keep yourself in shape is to follow a few simple rules, which help control and maintain optimal weight. And she weighs 52 kg with a height of 167 cm, which is ideal!

What is Tina Kandelaki's diet?

So, first of all, it is recommended to limit the consumption of fatty foods, flour products and all sweets in your diet. As she herself admits, it is easy for her to do this, and she explains this by the fact that she has the right taste preferences.

More than anything else, the TV presenter loves different vegetables and fruits. For example, she simply loves a salad made from cucumbers, tomatoes and fresh apples. And sometimes a TV presenter can eat only bananas all day.

The second rule she adheres to is drinking a glass of water after waking up. After which Tina drinks a tablespoon olive oil, and within thirty minutes he starts his morning meal.

The procedures carried out with the use of water and oil help digestion, as they say, “wake up” and, thereby, tune in to correct work throughout the day.

The third rule is to abstain from eating in the evening, so Kandelaki does not eat after six o’clock in the evening, and she has no difficulties with this, she also easily complies with this condition.

The TV presenter does not make a cult of food, and sometimes even refuses to eat it, replacing it only with herbal tea or water with lemon and honey. If you wish, you can lose up to five kilograms in three days of eating this way. excess weight.

And withstand such fasting days is quite real. Thanks to the fluid consumed, accumulated fluids will be flushed out of the body. harmful substances, and due to honey, the necessary substances are supplied.

By the way, Tina constantly replaces sugar with honey. And, in addition to this, she does not salt cooked food; she calmly eats food without it, since she does not experience dependence on the “white death”.

The fourth rule is that you need to abstain from drinking alcohol, which is also not difficult to do. Tina believes that it is much healthier, and also tastier, to drink green tea, artesian water and a variety of freshly squeezed juices.

Thanks to following these rules for many years, the TV presenter does not experience any problems with excess weight, and always looks fit and slim. As they say, there is not a drop of excess fat on her body.

But sometimes it happens that she develops small fat deposits on her sides, which simply spoil her figure, and this especially happens in winter time. After which the journalists note that in the restaurant Tina prefers tea or juice to any dish.

As it turned out, Kandelaki decided to lose weight by spring and turned to a professional nutritionist who developed an individual menu for her. As the TV presenter says, a balanced nutrition program was created especially for her.

She was allowed to eat, in general, almost everything, including fruits and vegetables, and fish. But daily you are allowed to consume no more than 1300 kilocalories. Plus, you need to combine nutrition with fasting days, which she uses constantly.

Thanks to this individual program, she managed to easily reduce her weight from 62 to 56 kilograms, and this happened quite quickly. Let me look at what was directly on the TV presenter’s table. It should be noted that the duration of this technique is no more than seven days.

Tina Kandelaki diet menu:

Breakfast: drink lingonberry juice made with stevia, and also eat pear puree with the addition of agave syrup.
Lunch: eat one quail egg, as well as a portion of spinach with yogurt sauce.
Dinner: prepare vegetable soup with pumpkin seeds, eat white cabbage salad with a fresh apple and a small amount of lingonberries, season it with sunflower oil.
Afternoon snack: have a snack light salad, made from boiled beets with the addition of a small amount of quince.
Dinner: Steam new potatoes and a small portion of salmon fillet, sprinkle with lemon juice.

The Kandelaki diet is supplemented by the use of yeast-free bread, just a few small pieces are enough, and Tina also drinks still mineral water daily, in the amount of 500 milliliters, and freshly squeezed juices, which she drinks under a special special regime:

10.00 – you need to drink beetroot and grapefruit juice;
12.00 – special juice “Green Goddess”;
14.00 – beet juice again;
16.00 – “Super trio”, pineapple - carrot - beet juice;
18.00 – Waldorf salad juice, which is made from fresh apple, cabbage and celery,
20.00 – juice made from greens and carrots.


If you decide to try this weight loss technique on yourself, then consult a nutritionist. And don't forget about the daily physical activity, even morning work-out will have a positive effect on your figure.

Tinatin (Tina) Givievna Kandelaki – bright, Strong woman, successfully combining successful career on television, business projects, family and self-care.

She is a journalist, TV presenter of successful programs, public and political figure. Owns his own restaurant with Georgian cuisine.

The creator of the national project “Smart School” and a strict but fair mother of 2 teenage children.

Childhood and youth

Born in the capital of Georgia - Tbilisi, November 10, 1975. She has Georgian and Armenian roots.

Father - Givi Kandelaki had noble origin. He belonged to the Georgian Kandelaki family, whose founders were Greeks.

My father worked as an economist and later headed the food supply.

Tina in childhood

Having retired, he lived with his wife in Moscow. Died 2009

Mother, Elvira Alaverdyan, had a medical education. She worked as a narcologist in a hospital in Tbilisi. Tina was only child in family.

Her parents had high hopes for her, so they spared neither money nor time for her education and upbringing.

Mom was a workaholic, and it was she who taught her daughter to constantly work and self-development.

The girl studied at a Russian school for children of military personnel. She graduated with honors, but did not know the Georgian language well.

At the insistence of my parents, I entered the local medical university at the Faculty of Plastic Surgery.

At the same time, she worked part-time at a local radio. However, Tina dreamed of a career on television.

As soon as she learned about the competitive recruitment of presenters for a local TV channel, she decided to take part.

The casting was easy and she joined the Georgian television team. However, she failed her first live broadcast because she could not speak Georgian fluently.

Her parents believed that after such a failure she would come to her senses and return to medical school.

However, the purposeful Tina spoke Georgian almost fluently after 3 months.

Having plunged into the world of journalism, she realized that this is what she would like to do in life.

With the help of a colleague she knows, she arranges a transfer to another university, the Faculty of Journalism.

Subsequently, Tina Kandelaki received another higher education. In 2008, she became a specialist in international relations, graduating from the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Radio and television career

In 1995, he quits his job in Tbilisi and leaves for Moscow. There, her first job was working on the radio with S. Sadalsky and A. Pryanikov.

In addition, sometimes they were offered work on the RDV and Muz-TV channels.

At the beginning of its television career Tina hosted programs on the TVC channel under the pseudonym Dadiani.

These were the projects “Hello, people!”, “Oh, mommies!” and “Vremechko”. A little later he begins to collaborate with the TV-6 channel.

She becomes the host of the “I Know Everything!” program. In the fall of 2002, Tina was invited to the STS TV channel in the “Details” program.

There she showed herself as a professional interviewer.

In 2003, an erudite show for young smart people, “The Smartest,” was launched, where Tina Kadelaki became the host.

Since 2007, she begins to host 2 more projects on the Russian channel - “Wedding Planner” and “STS Lights up a Superstar!”

In 2008, REN-TV became talk show host"Unrealistic politics." She led it for 3 years.

2009 was marked not only by participation in the new projects “Two Stars” and “Infomania”, but also by trying herself as an actress.

Tina Kadelaki starred in the film “Forbidden Reality” with such actors as Alexander Baluev, Vladimir Vdovichenkov.

In the same year, she led the Armenian version of the extreme program “Fort Boyard”. Participated in it famous people and show business figures.

In 2010 he was a member of the jury major league KVN. Hosts the show Ideal man"on STS.

In 2012, successful game show“The Smartest” is closing. Over the entire period of its existence on the air, Tina’s program has won 2 TEFI television awards.

In the winter of 2012, he became the producer of the talk show “Flight with Kamikaze.”

The next project for Tina as a TV presenter was the political show “Iron Ladies”. She hosted it together with Margarita Simonyan.

At the end of 2015, he became the general producer of the young Russian sports channel “Match TV”.

Becoming a “business woman” and social activities

By decree of the President, in 2009 he was appointed a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. After 2 years she was re-elected.

In this position, she held several round tables for politicians, famous bloggers and businessmen.

In 2010, Tina opened the Tinatin restaurant in the capital, which specializes in preparing only Georgian dishes.

In the same year, according to the portal Menu.ru, it was recognized as the best restaurant of the year.

Since 2011, he has been a member of the educational standards group under the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

At the Balchug Hotel he presents his educational project"Smart school".

In the spring he signs a 2-year contract with the cosmetics company Oriflame to advertise their products.

She must also take part in all major events cosmetic company on the territory of not only Russia, but also the CIS.

Personal life

For Tina Kandelaki, as for any Georgian woman, family occupies a very important and valuable place in life.

In 1997, she met her first husband. It was an aspiring businessman and artist - Andrei Kondrakhin.

Their romance developed gradually. They dated for 2 years before officially legitimizing their relationship.

With Andrey Kondrakhin

This marriage produced two similar children: Melania and Leonty. In 2009, misunderstandings and conflicts began to arise in the family.

Tina and Andrey tried for a year to improve their relationship and save their family, but their efforts did not bring results.

In the spring of 2010, the marriage was dissolved by the capital's court. They divorced quietly.

Tina did not interfere with communication with the children, and property issues were settled quickly.

With daughter

The children now live with their mother, but their father can visit them at any time.

In 2008, at a public event, she met Vasily Brovko, who is 12 years younger than Tina.

Vasily was then promoting the Russian Pioneer magazine. At first they only had a business relationship.

Later they jointly founded the Apostol company. Their frequent meetings and interesting communication soon grew into a close friendship.

With Vasily Brovko

In 2014, Tina and Vasily realized that they loved each other. Tina Kandelaki hid from the public the fact that she had remarried.

However, journalists noticed wedding ring on the woman’s hand, and she had to confirm the fact of marriage.

Tina adheres to a healthy and correct lifestyle, since she is prone to being overweight.

She has never smoked or drank alcohol and tries to find time for sports.

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