Parade of fairy-tale heroes. "Parade of fairy-tale heroes K

The event is designed for students in grades 5-7. main idea: popularization of books, reading.
In advance, the children receive a task: to prepare a costume for their favorite literary character.
The event is accompanied by a presentation, which is not an informational, but a visual (visual) product: images of literary characters that ball participants remember, name, and guess during competitions. Competitions are also related to knowledge of literary works.

During the evening, children's music is played, which creates a good background for the entire event.

Hello, dear guests! I am glad to welcome you to the ball of literary heroes. So let's get straight to the point. Today we will be transported to the country of Literature. Do you think such a country does not exist? You are wrong. No man has ever set foot there, we will be the first.

I see that many of you have transformed into fairy tale characters. First of all, I would like to get to know you. I am the Fairy of Dreams and friend of Ole Lukoe. I help him open umbrellas over the sleeping children. A colored umbrella over those children who were kind, obedient, polite during the day, studied well, helped adults, and then they see good colored dreams all night, and I open a black umbrella over those who were naughty, did not obey, studied poorly, did ugly things . And then they sleep all night without dreams or are tormented by nightmares.

Did everyone at the ball behave well?... I'm happy for you.

Now it's your turn to introduce yourself. Everyone who came in costume must identify themselves and say which book they came to us from. So let's go out here.

(introduce themselves)

And now a fashion show of literary heroes accompanied by music. “Visiting a fairy tale” (2 laps)

We become familiar with books at an early age; mothers, fathers, and grandmothers read them to us. Let's see if you listened to them as a child. Guess which character was invited by the astrologer and from which fairy tale?

(presentation, slide 1-12)

Well done! Well, what would a ball be without dancing? I invite you to children's dance. Everybody dance.

2. “Dance of the Little Ducklings”

And it's true that

Children love, really love to draw,
On paper, on asphalt, on the wall
And on the window on the tram?

I invite you to take part in the competition for best portrait a fairy-tale hero, but not on the tram windows, but on a sheet of paper. Here you see book blanks. Choose whose portrait you will draw and go ahead.

In the meantime, our participants are drawing, I will ask questions from the audience:

(to music 3. “Walk the path of goodness”)

What color were Malvina’s dress and eyes from A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio, or the Golden Key”?

(The eyes are pretty, the dress is blue.)

- What material was the dress made from? Snow Queen in the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen? (Made from ice.)

— What costume did Papa Carlo make for Pinocchio? (Jacket, pants, shoes, hat.)

- Who spoke the magic words: “By pike command, according to my desire?..” (Emelya from a Russian folk tale.)

—What was a mandatory part of Dunno’s clothing? (Hat.)
- Tell me who you turned into ugly duck from a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen? (Into a beautiful swan.)

— How did Dunno and his friends travel to the Green City from Nikolai Nosov’s fairy tale “Dunno and His Friends”? (On the air balloon).
— List Uncle Fyodor’s friends from the fairy tale story by Eduard Uspensky. (Dog Sharik, cat Matroskin, little jackdaw.)

It's time for a dance break again

(4. Katya Ryabova “The Little Prince”)

We are back in Literature. Now a serious test awaits us. I will ask 3 people to come out here (one from the class). You have to take turns taking objects out of this box and explain from which fairy tale, or maybe fairy tales, they came here.

(egg, pea, shoe, mirror, ball, frying pan, key, spindle, onion)

(black box)

Our experts did a great job.

People have always dreamed, even in fairy tales, about television. Remember: roll, roll, little apple, and on a golden platter, show me foreign countries... People didn’t think then that not only countries could be watched on TV, but also cartoons and movies.

I invite you to take part in a comedy television project"A Crow and a fox". Three people are invited.

(pantomime of a fable with “voice-over”)

(5. Barbarika’s dance “Friends”)

It's time music competition. I offer you a music quiz. You will need to perform at least one verse of the karaoke song.

Recording starts.

1. Song of Ellie and her friends
2. “Song about a magic flower”, From the film “Silk Tassel”

3. “How the lion cub and the turtle sang a song”

4 "Winged swing"

5. “If you are kind”

6." Little Red Riding Hood's Song"

Let's draw some more. Let's carry out Master Class. Remember the fairy tale about the three little pigs? And I propose to draw not three, but a whole farm of piglets. There is paper and pencils in the room. Sit comfortably on chairs, on the floor, anywhere and repeat after me.

(presentation, slides 13-16)

This is the end of the master class. Place your piglets on the board. How different they turned out. Admire it!

Books haunt many people. Literary heroes excite the imagination of artists and sculptors. They erected monuments to many literary heroes. I propose a competition “Guess” - who is this monument erected to?

(presentation, slides 17-36)

I invite 2 people per class. In fairy tales, good heroes often fight with evil ones. I offer you an incredible situation. Imagine that the pages of the books are mixed up, the characters are scattered different fairy tales. Imagine the fights between ... (leaflets with names are distributed: Baba Yaga - Alyonushka, Thumbelina and Koschey the Immortal; Serpent Gorynych and the Frog Princess).

Evil blindfolds and tries to beat good balloon. Good with a bell eludes evil.

As always in fairy tales, good wins. Let there be more good in life than evil.

I invite you to the last dance of our ball “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from the ballet “The Nutcracker”

Scenario for a ball of literary heroes for students in grades 8-11

Target: show the history of the emergence of Ball in Rus', using best works Russian classical literature and music.


show the beauty and variety of dances performed at balls and the durability of the waltz described in Russian classical literature;

attract high school students to reading works of Russian classical literature;

introduce students to beauty through meeting the best classical works Russian musical culture;

increase motivation for self-improvement, both aesthetically and intellectually.

The student reads A. Tolstoy’s poem “Among the Noisy Ball.”

In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance,

In the anxiety of worldly vanity,

I saw you, but it's a mystery

Your features are covered.

Only the eyes looked sadly,

Like the sound of a distant pipe,

Like a playing shaft of the sea.

I liked your thin figure

And your whole thoughtful look;

And your laughter, both sad and ringing,

Since then it has been ringing in my heart.

In the lonely hours of the night

I love to lie down when tired -

I see sad eyes

I hear cheerful speech;

And sadly I fall asleep like that,

And I sleep in unknown dreams...

Do I love you - I don't know

But it seems to me that I love it!

ball. The tradition of gathering all the nobles, officials, famous merchants, shipwrights and clerical servants with their wives and children for conversations, gallant dances, exercises and music was introduced by Emperor Peter Alekseevich - and they were ordered to give the name ASSEMBLES, then they began to be called BALLS.

Presenter 2. Every century, every era has its own favorite dances. At the balls of the Spanish kings they once danced a slow pavanna or a solemn sarabande. Allemande, chime, galliard - these ancient names as if they are inviting you to the ceremonial ballrooms...

We invite all ball participants to the dance and music salon.

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

Let me invite you to the ball of literary heroes!


His Excellency the hero of the novel by A.S. Pushkin Evgeny Onegin with Tatyana Larina

His Excellency Prince Andrei Bolkonsky with Countess Natalya Rostova are the heroes of Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”!

Master and Margarita!

His Excellency Messire Woland with his retinue: Azazello, Koroviev-Fagot, Behemoth the cat, Gella! Heroes of the novel by M.A. Bulgakov.

Presenter 1 /against the background of music and dance/. We announce the first dance.

Minuet! The dancers move with graceful steps, bow ceremoniously..., the gestures are slow..., the steps are exquisite... For a century and a half this dance reigned! And then came the era of light, fast, exciting...

Presenter 2. Waltz!.. Is there a more amazing dance? For more than two centuries the whole world has submitted to him! Many others have appeared mass dances: tango, foxtrot, Charleston. Then rock and roll, twist, shake, break... And yet the waltz reigns... When we hear the word “Waltz” we imagine high society balls and luxurious palaces. However, by origin, the waltz is by no means an aristocratic dance, but the most common one.

Presenter 1. However, universal recognition did not come immediately. Some found the waltz movements indecent! Have you ever seen a gentleman hug a young lady around the waist and press her to him in front of everyone? In the palaces of the German Kaisers, the waltz was banned until 1988. In Russia, Catherine 11 did not like this dance, and her son, Pavel 1, ordered the publication of a police order prohibiting “the use of the dance called walsen.” But the bans did not help. Waltz lived! So, from the village, where a simple orchestra played simple melodies, the waltz moved to rich houses and palaces.

Presenter 2. To the sounds of this Waltz, we recall stories that have become the property of world literature.

Presenter 1 . Let us remember one of the captivating pages of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”.

/The curtain opens. Stage decoration: chair, table, tablecloths, candles, fans, long dresses, flowers.../.

Natasha’s desperate, frozen face caught the eye of Prince Andrei... With a courteous and low bow, approaching Natasha... he offered her a waltz tour.”

/Andrey and Natasha dance to the sounds of a waltz(from the film “War and Peace”), which fades away during the monologue of the presenters/.

Presenter 2. “That frozen expression on Natasha’s face, ready for despair and delight, suddenly lit up with a happy, grateful, childish smile... They were the second couple to go on tour. Prince Andrey was one of the best dancers of his time. Natasha danced superbly. Her feet in ballroom satin shoes quickly, easily and independently of her did their job, and her face shone with the delight of happiness...

The recording of the waltz sounds very loud for 20-30 seconds, the couple is dancing/.

Presenter 1. Natasha Rostova's first ball. Didn’t you freeze with her in despair that no one would invite her to dance and didn’t you smile, grateful to Prince Andrei, as if he was not Natasha, but you, twirling you in the dance... Thank you for the wonderful moments.

The fan was of particular importance to the lady. In the right hands, he could talk. A lady without a fan felt like a gentleman without a sword.

The fan language will be demonstrated to you by participants from each class. And you try to decipher it.

“YOU ARE INDIFFERENT TO ME” - close the fan.

“I LOVE YOU” - point a closed fan at your heart (fan in your right hand).

“I DO NOT LOVE YOU” - the closed fan makes a movement to the side.

“YOU ARE MY IDEAL” - touch your lips and heart with an open fan.

“BE CAREFUL, WE ARE BEING WATCHED” - touch your left ear with an open fan.

“FAREWELL” - hang a closed fan on your right hand.

Presenter 2.

A. S. Pushkin wrote:

The Mazurka sounded. It happened

When the mazurka thunder roared,

Everything in the huge hall was shaking,

The parquet cracked under the heel,

The frames shook and rattled,

Now it’s not the same: we, like ladies,

We slide on the varnished boards.

Heroes of the story by L.N. Tolstoy's "After the Ball" the mazurka waltz figures were performed at the ball. The ball was wonderful. The hero was delighted with his father's waltz with Varenka. At the ball they danced mazurka and quadrille. It was great.

A fragment from the story “After the Ball” is performed (see appendix). They dance the mazurka.

And now, friends, round up! Let's play "Compliment" You need to say at least 10 pleasant compliments to the person who is third from the right!

Presenter 1. Years pass... New dances appear and disappear, but the waltz is still young and continues to sound. The love for him continues unabated.

Many composers have composed works dedicated to the waltz. Composer Eduard Kolmanovsky and poet Evgeny Yevtushenko wrote a wonderful hymn to the waltz.

Let the years pass

Never mind, never

Waltz will not grow old!

The song is based on the poems of A. Voznesensky “Waltz by Candlelight”.

Autumn night outside the window

The fog quarreled with the rain,

And a restless evening,

And a restless evening.

About something distant, unearthly,

About something near and dear

Burning, the candles cry.

It seemed like there was something for them to cry about?

In general, we live righteously,

But sometimes in the evening,

But sometimes in the evening

We suddenly sit down at the piano,

We remove the veil from the key,

And light the candles.

We light candles.

And the candles cry for people,

Sometimes they cry softer, sometimes harder,

And forget the magical days

They can't, candles.

And it's very important to me

That wax is not afraid of fire,

And for you and for me,

Burning, the candles cry.

The host of the ball and the hostess of the ball play a game of literary forfeits.

Hostess of the ball. After the ball, when the guests leave, it often happens that our servants find many lost things.

The owner of the ball. We would like to know who owns the lost items.

This pen belongs to a nobleman who studied in both Russia and Germany, and lived most of his life in Paris, danced at a ball with Pushkin’s daughter, although he was very fond of Russian nature and hunting. (Turgenev)

This literary heroine lived in the village, after tragic death The groom got married quickly enough, and this is her doll. (Olga Larina)

A bouquet of violets... it became the reason for the meeting of two young people, but their love was unhappy. ("Poor Lisa")

This is a book by Voltaire, it was brought from abroad by a young nobleman, he traveled abroad for three years, and then returned to Moscow to arrange his personal affairs. (Chatsky)

Mademoiselle dropped this object into the river and suffered for a long time, trying to get it out of there (Tanya's Ball. A. Barto).

And this is a chest, it was carried by one very famous nobleman, he worked both in the construction of government buildings and at customs, however, it later turned out that he was a famous swindler, but he almost married the governor’s daughter, but one fairly tipsy landowner, Arriving at the ball and seeing the swindler, he exposed him. (Chichikov)

This pistol... probably the owner was not very pleased to remember it, because he killed a friend with it in a duel... (Onegin)

This is a thick notebook... there are some notes in it... In my opinion, these are notes from an officer... What was his name? (Pechorin)

smoking pipe, called a cradle in Ukraine (Taras Bulba)

Primus (Cat Behemoth)

The ball is a real find

For young dandies and for ladies;

The beauty is waiting for him with delight,

It is a holiday for gloomy fathers.

So that my daughter dresses like a doll,

An experienced mother is busy,

And so that she doesn’t stay too long,

Taking her to dance.

It is at the ball that things happen important events in the life of the heroes of A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” (Staging of an excerpt from the novel, grade 9)

Girl: what passions happen at our ball. At the balls they not only danced, but also played various games, including literary ones. Empress Catherine herself was not averse to playing one of them - burime. Let's try to write poetry.

Here are a couple of words, make up poems using these rhymes:



(in) sight




(in the world






/The music of Mozart sounds. All 5 minutes play in burim,)

Presenter 2. At all times, the book has accompanied man. Like people, books live their own lives and have their own destiny. Their birth is celebrated modestly or noisily. Some of them continue their long life, caressed by human attention, while others while away the time, growing decrepit on a bookshelf. Many books that at first glance are well known to us have an interesting fate.

Satan’s Great Ball is a ball given by Woland in the Bad Apartment in the novel “The Master and Margarita” on the endlessly lasting midnight of Friday, May 3, 1929. According to the memoirs of E.S. Bulgakova's description of the ball was based on impressions from the reception at the American Embassy in Moscow on April 22, 1935. US Ambassador William Bullitt invited the writer and his wife to this gala event. From memories? “Once a year, Bullitt gave big receptions about national holiday. Writers were also invited. One day we received such an invitation. In a hall with columns they dance, with a choir - multi-colored spotlights. Behind the net there are birds - a mass - fluttering. Orchestra from Stockholm. M.A. I was most captivated by the conductor’s tailcoat – right down to his toes.

Dinner in a dining room specially built for this ball at the embassy mansion, on separate tables. In the corners of the dining room there are small carriages, with kids, sheep and bear cubs on them. Along the walls of a cage with roosters. At about three o'clock the harmonicas began to play and the roosters began to crow. Russ style. A lot of tulips and roses - from Holland. On the top floor there is a kebab shop. Red roses, red French wine. Downstairs there is champagne and cigarettes everywhere. At about six we got into their embassy Cadillac and drove home. They brought a huge bouquet of tulips from the embassy secretary.”

For a semi-disgraced writer like Bulgakov, a reception at the American Embassy is an almost incredible event, comparable to a ball at Satan’s.

Excerpt from M.A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” 11th grade

Song "The Master and Margarita"

Of course, I’m not a master, but I’m waiting for Margarita

Suddenly she will smile amid the bustle

But so far there are only daisies

And unfortunately they are only flowers, only flowers

Master and Margarita

Lived in former Moscow

Master and Margarita

The mystery in that legend

Master and Margarita

A different age has come, but-o-o-o

Master and Margarita

In every earthly love

This house and basement on Old Arbat

And the lilacs by the fence and the dilapidated shadow

Where did the writer once meet his beloved?

The wind with memory at hand walk now walk now

Master and Margarita

Lived in former Moscow

Master and Margarita

The mystery in that legend

Master and Margarita

A different age has come, but-o-o-o

Master and Margarita

In every earthly love

Time is an old wizard hurrying somewhere

In Moscow alleys everything hides you

But just about from the ray of the golden sunset

You will come out unexpectedly, like fate, like fate

Master and Margarita

Lived in former Moscow

Master and Margarita

The mystery in that legend

Master and Margarita

A different age has come, but-o-o-o

Master and Margarita

In every earthly love

Master and Margarita

And Margarita

Master and Margarita

And Margarita

Master and Margarita

And Margarita

Presenter 2. Our ball has come to an end, it was very nice to see you there. MAJORDO. FINAL DANCE OF OUR EVENING - Waltz

Dear guests of our ball of literary heroes, we say goodbye to you, but not the literary heroes who are always waiting to meet you on the pages of your favorite books!

Gena is sitting on a chair. A briefcase with textbooks is carelessly thrown at his feet. Next to Gena is Professor Arkhip Arkhipovich.

A.A. So, if I understand you correctly, you got a 2 in literature. Well, the situation is quite ordinary... Don't be upset!
Gena (disdainfully) Who? Me?.. I really need to be upset about such nonsense! Who needs it anyway, all the literature.
A.A. Do you seriously think so?
Gena. Yes, everyone thinks so, just to say they are afraid. They pretend to be "Oh, Fonvizin! Ah, Pushkin!" It's just disgusting. We fly into space, and for 100 years they are still the same: “Daddy, Daddy, our nets brought in a dead man...” I saw this dead man in a coffin, in white slippers... Do you think it’s evil that I got 2? What more! I'm offended by one thing: now the coach won't let me into the section until I fix it
A.A. Is it really so difficult to fix 2?
If you want, I can help you. I could arrange a meeting for you

Gena. With some teacher?
A.A. No, not with the teacher at all! I can arrange
meeting with the literary heroes themselves.
Gena. So how? For real?
A. A. In the most natural way. I, if you please
see, invented an apparatus... Or rather, a machine
Gena (with relief) Oh, you are an inventor! And I thought that you also have something to do with literature.
A.A. (evasive) Only indirect. Let me introduce myself - my name is Arkhip Arkhipovich.
Gena And I'm Gena, it's very nice.
A.A. So, straight to the point. With the help of my car, we can be transported to any region of the country of Literature at any time.
Gena (suspiciously) What did you say? Which country? I've never even heard of this one.
A.A. No wonder. No man has ever set foot there. We will be the first.
Gena. So this country is uninhabited? Yes?
A.A. Oh no! It cannot be called uninhabited. I would even say that the population density of this country is slightly higher than in the most populated countries in Europe.
Gena. Is it far?
A.A. No, very close.

They get up and walk across the stage.

Gena. Very close and no human has set foot yet? You must be kidding me! Where is he located in this country of yours? How will we get there?
A.A. I told you: with the help of a machine that I designed. By the way, we have already arrived. Here... Like this... You are welcome. (points to the car)
Gena. Wow! This means that this is your car. How does it turn on?
A.A. Be careful, the device is not yet fully adjusted
Gena. And what's that? It looks like a speedometer.
A.A. Absolutely right. Only the needle of this speedometer indicates not kilometers, but types of genres. You see the inscription: fairy tales, fantasy, adventures... Turn on the start!

Mysterious music sounds and the lights go out.

Gena. Why is it shaking so much?
A.A. I warned you: the device is not yet fully adjusted.

The lights turn on, the music stops

A.A. We are with you in the land of Literature, before us is the Thirtieth Kingdom.

There is a staging of a performance of one of Andersen's fairy tales

Leading. We saw a fairy tale…….., tell me, who is its author? I invite connoisseurs of Andersen's fairy tales to the stage. I have tickets in my hands, which list the items involved in one or another Andersen fairy tale. We need to determine which fairy tale is about we're talking about.
While the participants are thinking about the question, I will introduce the jury.

Jury presentation

Are the competitors ready? Over to you.
Leading. It's true, what's there to hide?
Children love, really love to draw,
On paper, on asphalt, on the wall
And on the window on the tram.
We invite you to take part in the competition for the best portrait of a fairy-tale hero, but not on a tram window, but on a Whatman paper. We offer one or two artists from teams. Your task is to complete the character and name the author of this fairy tale.

Participants draw on whatman paper, where several strokes characteristic of the heroes have already been applied.

So, the artists get to work. And I ask the remaining participants of the holiday to find out from the description of one of the Russian heroes folk tales.
- An enterprising middle-aged woman with a bad leg, moving with the help of an original apparatus. (Baba Yaga)
Our competition is called "Help Baba Yaga." The poor thing can't take off because her mortar is seriously damaged.
It is necessary to help a woman fix her car. To do this, one person per team is invited.
Each competitor must name the number under which the missing link in the mortar is located. (Answers from the guys). We invite artists with their drawings. We ask the jury to report the results of the competition.
(Message from the jury).
Host: Our journey continues.

Musical screensaver.

A.A. attaches some new piece to his unit.
G. watches him with interest.
Gena A.A. , What are you doing?
A.A. I'm trying to adapt something like a screen to our car.
Gena. What for?
A.A. so that every resident of the country of Literature can contact us at any time.
Gena. You came up with a good idea! Let's try this very screen of yours as soon as possible!

Dance "Pasadoble"

Presenter. We're at the peak of Hot Plots. We invite from each team two people who are experts in adventure literature. We invite them to solve a crossword puzzle.

Musical screensaver.

Gena. Where has this taken you and me?
A.A. There is every reason to believe that you and I are on a desert island.
Gena. Hooray! How did you find out?
A.A. According to some signs.
Gena. No, can you tell me exactly which ones?
A.A. Well, so be it, I’ll tell you this little secret... Look around! Is there at least one tin can around here somewhere?
Gena. (looking around). There isn't one.
A.A. Now look at the trees. Maybe you will find at least some inscription on at least one of them?
Gena. No! There are no inscriptions here.
A.A. Here you go! And if this island were inhabited, for sure, “Vitya” or “Kolya” would have been carved here somewhere with a penknife.
Gena. Right.
A.A. In the 20th century, a real desert island can only be found here, in the land of Literary Heroes.
Gena. Where are the literary heroes themselves?
A.A. They are in an enchanted castle. (leaves)
Leading. I invite you to the stage literary characters. This competition takes into account the acting skills of the performers.

Presentation of literary heroes.

Leading. On one of the walls of the enchanted castle we noticed an encrypted message. Fans of solving puzzles are invited to the stage, one from each team.

Guessing a rebus.

Russian folk proverb written here in the form of a rebus taken as an epigraph to famous work our classical literature. Read the rebus, name this work.
Leading. Now let's together with A.A. and Genoa we will visit the area of ​​humor and satire. But first, I ask one person from the team to go up on stage. You must write the names of famous literary characters into the poem.

Poets competition.

Leading. Guys, I suggest you play the game "Shouts". Who will shout the missing word louder and faster?

Game with the audience. Musical screensaver.
Gena and A.A. come out.

Gena. How can you get to the land of Literary Heroes without the help of a time machine? After all, not every schoolchild can meet a professor like you.
A.A. And it's very simple. To do this, you need to find out where the library closest to your home is located and go there to easily find yourself in the land of Literary Heroes. All together we will go with you to Read-City.

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    The leaves are soaked in the sun,
    Filled up, heavy
    And they flew with the wind
    They rustled through the bushes
    You can see them here and there.
    The wind swirls gold,
    Sounds like golden rain!
    So the breeze brought some leaves to us here! Oh, there are so many of them (points to the leaves scattered around the room), look!

Gena is sitting on a chair. A briefcase with textbooks is carelessly thrown at his feet. Next to Gena is Professor Arkhip Arkhipovich.
A.A. So, if I understand you correctly, you got a 2 in literature. Well, the situation is quite ordinary... Don't be upset!
Gena (disdainfully) Who? Me?.. I really need to be upset about such nonsense! Who needs it anyway, all the literature.
A.A. Do you seriously think so?
Gena. Yes, everyone thinks so, just to say they are afraid. They pretend “Oh, Fonvizin! Ah, Pushkin!” It's just disgusting. We fly into space, and for 100 years they are still the same: “Daddy, Daddy, our nets brought a dead man...” In the coffin I saw this dead man, in white slippers... Do you think it’s evil that I got 2? What more! I’m offended by one thing: now the coach won’t let me into the section until I fix it...
A.A. Is it really that difficult to fix 2?
If you want, I can help you. I could arrange a meeting for you...
Gena. With some teacher?
A.A. No, not with the teacher at all! I can arrange a meeting with the literary heroes themselves.
Gena. So how? For real?
A. A. In the most natural way. I, if you please
see, he invented an apparatus... Or rather, a machine...
Gena. (relieved) Ah, you are an inventor! And I thought that you also have something to do with literature.
A.A. (evasive) Only indirect. Let me introduce myself - my name is Arkhip Arkhipovich.
Gena. And I'm Gena, it's a pleasure.
A.A. So, straight to the point. With the help of my car, we can be transported to any region of the country of Literature at any time.
Gena (suspiciously) What did you say? Which country? I've never even heard of this one.
A.A. No wonder. No man has ever set foot there. We will be the first.
Gena. So this country is uninhabited? Yes?
A.A. Oh no! It cannot be called uninhabited. I would even say that the population density of this country is slightly higher than in the most populated countries in Europe.
Gena Is it far?
A.A. No, very close.
They get up and walk across the stage.
Gena Very close and no human has set foot yet? You must be kidding me! Where is he located in this country of yours? How will we get there?
A.A. I told you: with the help of a machine that I designed. By the way, we have already arrived. Here... Like this... You are welcome. (points to the car)
Gena. Wow! This means that this is your car. How does it turn on?
A.A. Be careful, the device is not yet fully adjusted...
Gena. And what's that? It looks like a speedometer.
A.A. Absolutely right. Only the needle of this speedometer indicates not kilometers, but types of genres. You see the inscription: fairy tales, fantasy, adventures... Turn on the start!

Gena. Why is it shaking so much?
A.A. I warned you: the device is not yet fully adjusted.

A.A. We are with you in the land of Literature, before us is the Thirtieth Kingdom.
Leading. We saw a fairy tale, tell me, who is its author?
I invite connoisseurs of Andersen's fairy tales to the stage. I have tickets in my hands, which list the items involved in one or another Andersen fairy tale. You need to determine what kind of fairy tale we are talking about.
While the participants are thinking about the question, I will introduce the jury.
Are the competitors ready? Over to you.
It's true, what's there to hide?
Children love, really love to draw,
On paper, on asphalt, on the wall
And on the window on the tram.
We invite you to take part in the competition for the best portrait of a fairy-tale hero, but not on a tram window, but on a Whatman paper. We offer one or two artists from teams. Your task is to complete the character and name the author of this fairy tale.
So, the artists get to work. And I ask the remaining participants of the holiday to find out by the description of one of the heroes of Russian folk tales.
- An enterprising middle-aged woman with a bad leg, moving with the help of an original apparatus.
(Baba Yaga)
Our competition is called “Help Baba Yaga.” The poor thing can't take off because her mortar is seriously damaged.
It is necessary to help a woman fix her car. To do this, one person per team is invited.
Each competitor must name the number under which the missing link in the mortar is located. (Answers from the guys). We invite artists with their drawings. We ask the jury to report the results of the competition. (Message from the jury).
Presenter Our journey continues.
A.A. attaches some new piece to his unit.
G. watches him with interest.
Gena A.A. , What are you doing?
A.A. I'm trying to adapt something like a screen to our car.
Gena. What for?
A.A. So that every resident of the country of Literature can contact us at any time.
Gena. You came up with a good idea! Let's try this very screen of yours as soon as possible!
Presenter. We're at the peak of Hot Plots. We invite from each team two people who are experts in adventure literature. We invite them to solve a crossword puzzle.
Gena. Where has this taken you and me?
A.A. There is every reason to believe that you and I are on a desert island.
Gena. Hooray! How did you find out?
A.A. According to some signs.
Gena. No, can you tell me exactly which ones?
A.A. Well, so be it, I’ll tell you this little secret... Look around! Is there at least one tin can around here somewhere?
Gena. (looking around). There isn't one.
A.A. Now look at the trees. Maybe you will find at least some inscription on at least one of them?
Gena. No! There are no inscriptions here.
A.A. Here you go! And if this island were inhabited, for sure, “Vitya” or “Kolya” would have been carved here somewhere with a penknife.
Gena. Right.
A.A. In the 20th century, a real desert island can only be found here, in the land of Literary Heroes.
Gena. Where are the literary heroes themselves?
A.A. They are in an enchanted castle. (leaves)
Leading. I invite literary characters to the stage. This competition takes into account the acting skills of the performers.
Leading. On one of the walls of the enchanted castle we noticed an encrypted message. Fans of solving puzzles are invited to the stage, one from each team.
The Russian folk proverb is written down here in the form of a rebus, taken as an epigraph to a famous work of our classical literature. Read the rebus, name this work.
Leading. Now let's together with A.A. and Genoa we will visit the area of ​​humor and satire. But first, I ask one person from the team to go up on stage. You must write the names of famous literary characters into the poem.
Leading. Guys, I suggest you play the game “Shouts”. Who will shout the missing word louder and faster?
MUSICAL INTRO. Gena and A.A. come out.
Gena. How can you get to the land of Literary Heroes without the help of a time machine? After all, not every schoolchild can meet a professor like you.
A.A. And it's very simple. To do this, you need to find out where the library closest to your home is located and go there to easily find yourself in the land of Literary Heroes. All together we will go with you to Read-City.

Parade of literary heroes
(scenario for a book celebration as part of literature week)

Before the start of the holiday, the music of songs of heroes of literary works is played.
The Sorceress and the student come out.

Student: Dear Sorceress!
You are the patroness of very rare and wise books. Today our young readers will be glad to meet you.
There is a land called Australia,
There is a country called Italy,
And there is also in the world
Here's a miracle:
Not Italy at all
There is a country called Chitalia!
We're right from there.

Sorceress: Yes, indeed, good, smart friends live in my house - books. (points to the book exhibition)
I talk to them often. They tell me so many funny stories!
Who will answer all my questions?
Who will tell you about the things going on around you?
Yes, there is such a wizard in the world:
A book is my best companion and friend.
Student: Let's open familiar books
And again let's go from page to page
It's always nice to be with your favorite hero
Meet again, get to know each other, make friends.
The song "Fairy Tale" is playing
Sorceress: I love fairy tales very much, I hope that you love them too. I have many friends in fairy tale world, some of them came to my holiday.

(A bell is heard ringing)
Listen, guys, these are the heroes of fairy-tale books coming here.
We invite fairy tale heroes to the stage
(music sounds)

So, friends, we are starting!
We open the door to the Fairy Tale together!
We are very glad to meet you and ask you to tell us a little about yourself so that it will be easier for the guys to guess who you are and from which fairy tales you came to us.
(performance in progress) (Primary classes, 2nd grade Heroes of a fairy tale

4th grade: Heroes: Malvino, Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood, Lamb and kid.

Thank you. Well done! We present each hero with a commemorative sign from Wonderland, a country that is not on any map of the world - the country of Chitalia.
(medals are awarded)

-Everyone is familiar with funny animals -
From Krylov's books he
Included in every home.
We invite the heroes of the fable to the stage.

(performance – 5th grade students)
(music sounds)

“The Crow and the Fox” (Naila)
How many times have they told the world,
That flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.

“Monkey and Glasses” (Gazinur)

Unfortunately, the same thing happens with people: No matter how useful a thing is, without knowing its value, the ignoramus tends to make his sense of it worse; And if the ignorant is more knowledgeable, then he also persecutes her.

“Donkey and Nightingale” (Milyausha)
God, save us from such judges.

"The Wolf and the Lamb" (Samat)
The powerful are always to blame for the powerless

“Wolf in the kennel” (Aizat)
You are gray, and I, friend, am gray, And I have known your wolf nature for a long time;

“Dragonfly and Ant” (Zarina)
Did you sing everything? This is the thing: So go and dance!
“Swan, pike and crayfish” (Alina)

When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well, and nothing will come out of it, only torment.

Thank you. Great. We present you with a memorial sign from the Country of Chitalia.
Please go to the place.
(music sounds)

Our writer and poet Pushkin
dear difficult
Leads us to the city of heroes.

We invite literary heroes to the stage magical land Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
Please introduce yourself.
Heroes of works
"Peasant young lady."
Lisa – Raushan
-Ah. Nastya, Dear Nastya, What a glorious invention!

-Amazingly good! Handsome, one might say,
Slender, tall, ruddy.
-You got rich under my command, you are all swindlers, you won’t want to leave your craft.

"Eugene Onegin"


“I’m writing to you - what more?
What more can I say?
Now I know it's in your will
Punish me with contempt."

So we remembered the heroes of Pushkin
All heroes are awarded memorial signs
Thank you.
(music background)

In ancient times, fables were told,
And now they are being born.
Here are the book characters coming off the page -
Straight to us, today!
We invite the heroes of the book by Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.
"Christmas Eve"
Damn Milyausha.
“Smoke fell in clouds through the chimney of the hut and spread across the sky, and along with the smoke a witch rose and stole the month.”

“I love to eat, because you live to pick flowers of pleasure.”

Thank you. We present you all with memorial signs.
(music sounds)

We invite to the stage literary characters from A.P. Chekhov’s books:

"Horse surname"
"Such simple surname, like a horse, Kobylin, no, not Kobylin, there is no Stallion, no Stallion, I remember the horse’s last name.”

“I’m walking, your honor, not touching anyone, and suddenly this sneaky one, out of the blue, grabs my finger. My job is small, let them pay me.”

Thank you. We present memorial signs to you too.

The pages of books are akin to mighty wings.
Scroll through, fly straight to the moon.
The book is open - that means we have opened it,
A new country has been discovered again.

See you again
A family of books appeared:
True story, fairy tale, tale and story -
All old friends.

But we don’t grow old, friends,
Try to take a look
Unfold our pages -
And with the book - good luck!

The song “Reader” is playing.
A book is a teacher, a book is a mentor.
A book is a close comrade and friend.
The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old,
If you let go of the book.

Let them say that books are not held in high esteem,
That there is a computer, TV, the Internet.
But you won’t find such books there,
There are definitely no good children's books there.
Read it, girls!
Read it, boys!
They don't teach bad things
Favorite books.

Our little holiday has come to an end,
We wish you a fascinating reading with all our hearts.
For you, girls, for you, boys,
Get along and be friends with a book!
Let the love of a good book
He will live with you.

Goodbye. See you again!
(everyone leaves the hall to the music)

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