Chloe, puzzled. Then and now: what happened to the heroes of the most famous memes

Puzzled Chloe(Side Eyeing Chloe) is a meme based on a screenshot from a viral video showing a little girl named Chloe. Her surprised and puzzled face became the object of various photoshops and symbolizes a lack of understanding of the situation.


A video called Lily's Disneyland Surprise... AGAIN (Lily is Surprised by a Trip to Disneyland... AGAIN) was uploaded to YouTube on September 12, 2013. At that time it was a channel of an ordinary user under the nickname KAftC, but after unexpected popularity the channel was renamed Lily & Chloe Official. By the end of April 2017, the video had been watched by 15 million people.

The video is about older sister Lily's reaction to her parents' words that they are going to Disneyland. The girl begins to cry with happiness. At the same time, Chloe is shown briefly in the video. She - younger sister Lily still doesn’t understand why everyone is so happy. The expression on Chloe's face was so memorable to users that it was made into a meme.

By the way, there is another, earlier video clip about Lily and an unexpected trip to Disneyland, it was published in October 2011 and also received a lot of views. Oddly enough, it was the second video that became more popular, not the first one. After Chloe became popular, her parents began regularly filming their children.

And here's what the girl looks like in 2017.


On September 24, 2013 (12 days after the release of that same video), Buzzfeed published a selection of GIFs cut from the video. Chloe's facial expression, according to the authors, symbolized a wide range of human emotions: from surprise to contempt.

Soon, footage from the video spread across forums, social networks, and almost immediately reached the RuNet. The little girl became a symbol of complete misunderstanding of the situation. What's happening? Who are all these people? Why is everyone acting like this? WTF??? Chloe will answer all these questions.

Of course, other memes will answer these questions. For example, a meme with , “ ” and “ .


What Internet jokes do we come across most often?

With the development of the World Wide Web, users are finding more and more new methods of communication. One of the most original ways of exchanging information has now become memes - viral ironic and witty drawings, photos and demotivators.

1. Troll and rage faces

These funny faces, seemingly drawn by a child, have been conquering the Internet since 2008. Millions of users today use them when creating demotivators or as comments on posts to express a variety of emotions - from happiness and tenderness, to grief and awkwardness. Initially, these pictures were created for simple comic comics on various forums. But thanks to their simplicity, which clearly conveys feelings, they soon became recognizable to any user. For example, what a “trollface” is, it’s simply unnecessary to explain - everyone knows this face.

2. Movie memes

Travolta is confused. 20 years after release cult film Internet users gave Quentin Tarantino's "Pulp Fiction" new life the character Vincent Vega, played by John Travolta in the film. Just a few seconds of doubt and confusion in Travolta’s performance today fit very organically into the frames of other popular films, as well as into current news videos or simply iconic life situations.

The Great Gatsby. Internet users really liked the shot with actor Leonardo DiCaprio from the movie “The Great Gatsby.” With different captions, this picture is used to illustrate either cynicism, sarcasm, or borderline humor.

Still of the character Boromir along with the first part of him winged quote from the movie "The Lord of the Rings" is one of the most recognizable memes today. However, few people remember that in the film itself he said: “One does not simply walk into Mordor.” That is, “You can’t just go into Mordor.”

Internet users are already accustomed to ending Boromir’s phrase in their own way, depending on what process or event they want to ridicule.

Meme about Karl. Not everyone knows where Internet trolls got the pictures with a boy in a big hat and his crying father. This meme originated from the post-apocalyptic American TV series " the walking Dead". In fact, according to the original plot, there is nothing funny in these pictures. After all, they depict the moment when main character series, Rick realizes that his wife died in childbirth, after which he begins to cry and scream, and his son Carl, in shock, just stands and is silent.

The episode first became a laughing stock when it appeared on YouTube in 2013 in a re-edited version called "Rick Finds Out His Son Carl Is Gay."

But Karl truly became a meme at the suggestion American edition Buzzfeed, which posted "Rick's 19 Best Dad Jokes." Then the beginning of all the demativators with the boy in the hat began.

Facepalm or hand. If you come across terribly stupid or mediocre material on the Internet, this picture without unnecessary words will help convey all your feelings to the author of the publication. A lowered head with a hand covering his face very clearly explains to anyone - “you did this in vain.” This gesture became especially popular when performed by the captain from the American TV series " Star Trek"(Star Trek).

3. Memes with real people

Disaster girl. In 2007, photographer Dave Roth, while walking with his daughter Zoe, saw training sessions firefighters and photographed his daughter against the backdrop of a specially set fire to a house.

Sasha Fokin. The Ukrainian boy Sasha also distinguished himself on the Internet. The teenager appeared on a TV show on one of the domestic channels, during which all his favorite games were removed from 11-year-old Sasha’s computer. It was the hero’s reaction to the tragic loss that formed the basis of the meme. Nowadays it is used when someone loses something very important for virtual life.

Yao Ming. The image of Chinese basketball player Yao Ming has become a famous meme thanks to the interesting facial expression that the cameras were able to capture. Yao Ming Face is used online as a reaction to unwise words or to show contempt.

Sad Keanu. Actor Keanu Reeves became a victim of photoshoppers after a successful paparazzi photo. Photographers caught the actor in the park, sitting on a bench with a pie in his hand. The actor looked quite sad, but it was this look of him in hundreds of photoshopped images that made his photo one of the most famous memes on the Internet.

Cheerful Leo. A photograph of actor Leonardo DiCaprio striding down the street and swinging his arms unnaturally strongly appeared during the filming of the film Inception. The photo instantly spread across the Internet and became the victim of thousands of photoshoots. The happy actor visited the moon, escaped from the Titanic, and found himself in all situations where his happy smile was completely inappropriate.

Putin on horseback. The fate of the victim of photoshopped Russian President Vladimir Putin was not spared. His naked torso, which he “shone” while riding a horse, became the reason for the appearance of hundreds of funny memes.

Girl with soap bubbles. A little girl in a yellow raincoat, who funny runs somewhere with soap bubbles, became the heroine of the Internet space already in 2009. Since then, she has run away from everyone - bears, explosions and dinosaurs.

What kid? The history of this funny meme, which is used to express complete misunderstanding, is no less epic than the expression on the hero’s face itself. A well-known meme was a screenshot from an educational video for children on how to properly use the toilet.

Successful child. Users turned a photo of little Sammy holding sand in his fist, about to eat it, into a meme - a symbol of success. The baby's gesture was perceived as a manifestation of an imperious character and began to be used to mean the successful resolution of certain cases. It should be noted that Sammy’s worldwide popularity thanks to the meme helped him raise money for an operation for his father.

4. Animal memes

It should be noted that users express their opinions on the Internet not only with the help of movie footage and funny drawn faces. Animals often become stars of the Internet, and later famous memes. Due to the special expression of the muzzle or good photo, the smaller brothers manage to portray a whole palette of emotions - from sarcasm to surprise.

"Angry cat" In particular, among the most famous animals among users is the Grumpy Cat. The image of a dissatisfied cat, which owes its popularity to an incorrect bite, is most often used to express dissatisfaction or complete indifference to something. It should be noted that the cat became the “meme of the year” in 2013.

"Johnny Catswill" The funny shot, which later became a famous meme, was taken by the cat’s owner quite by accident while playing with the animal. However, after getting onto the Internet, the furry one became a “blogger,” supposedly taking pictures against the backdrop of interesting events.

"Damned fox." A separate point worth remembering is the fox - a not very successful work by taxidermist Adele Morse - which became very popular in the CIS countries, reminiscent of a sad drug addict in its appearance.

Thanks to social media and globalization, becoming famous these days has become just a click away. One photo is enough - and your face turns into a meme and is forever associated by the whole world with some funny remark or emotion. Memes as a phenomenon appeared long before the invention of the Internet, but only thanks to the development of the network did they gain peak popularity and become part of popular culture.

Let's see how those people (and others) who quite accidentally became famous throughout the world many years ago and became our favorite memes have changed.

Bad Luck Brian - Brian the Loser

Overly Attached Girlfriend - Too obsessive girl

The girl in the photo is Laina Morris. In 2012, she posted a parody of Justin Bieber's song "Boyfriend" in her performance. And since then, her face with a maniac’s grin and bulging eyes has been associated with inadequate and obsessive girls.

Success Kid - Successful child

A photo of 11-month-old baby Sammy Griner appeared on Flickr in 2007, the author of the photo is the boy's mother Laney. Sammy is now 11 years old, and his mother runs an Instagram page where she often posts photos of her son.

Ermahgerd (oh my god) - Oh my God

In 2012, Maggie Goldenberg was traveling in India when a friend told her that a photo of her at age 11 had suddenly gone viral. Maggie is now 26 years old and works as a nurse.

Scumbag Steve - Bastard Steve

The guy in the photo - Blake Boston - was taken by his mother, which she was extremely proud of, as she thought the photo was very cool. This was in 2006. Surely Blake's mom was upset when she saw what her photo turned out to be.

Disaster Girl - Disaster Girl

Zoe Ruth was just four years old when her father David took the photo in front of her neighbors' house on fire in 2004. In 2007, David posted a photo on Zooomr, and a year later it went viral. Now Zoe is 18 years old, she graduated from school with honors, she knows Chinese, worked as a volunteer in Haiti.

Zoe has an Instagram page.

Blinking White Guy - Blinking guy

Side-Eyeing Chloe - Puzzled Chloe

The meme appeared after the publication of a video on YouTube in 2013 called “Lily's Disneyland Surprise... AGAIN!” The heroine of the meme was Chloe, whose older sister Lily begins to cry with happiness after learning that she and her parents are going to Disneyland. Herself Chloe only appears briefly in the video, but that was enough for her expression to become a meme.

Sisters Lily and Chloe have an Instagram account run by their mother.

First World Problems - First World Problems

The heroine of the meme became Italian actress Silvia Bottini.

Grumpy Cat - Gloomy (angry) cat

A photo of a cat with a grim expression was posted on Redditt in 2012. In fact, the cat's name is Tardar Sauce and she lives with the Bundesen family. The cat's owner's daughter named her that because when she was a kitten, her fur was covered with dark spots that reminded the child of spilled sauce. The girl made a mistake in the word “tartar”, but her parents decided not to correct it.

Tardar's sullen expression is due to congenital dwarfism and malocclusion.

Have you ever wondered how memes appear and who are their heroes? These people were completely ordinary life, until at some point they became famous. Just one photo helped them turn into internet meme stars overnight. Today we will tell you what happened to the people who once took the Internet by storm.


Sammy Griner became famous when his mother posted a photo of his 11-month-old boy online in 2007. Of course, then she could not even imagine what this would lead to. Sammy's father's life was saved thanks to this one photo. The online fame the photo gained helped the family raise enough money to fund a kidney transplant for Justin Griner.

Disaster girl

This photo was taken in January 2004 by the girl's father. Dave took a photo of his daughter while the local fire department was conducting a drill. The photo became truly famous after its publication in JPG Magazine.


This popular photo was made in 2011 for the rap group Beantown Mafia's album. It depicts a young man named Blake Boston. The meme star later admitted that the photo was taken by his mother.


This photo of college student Kyle Craven was posted online by a classmate in 2012 and soon became a popular meme. According to Kyle himself, the photographer took several shots because the teachers thought he was deliberately making a dumb face.

That same look

This little girl named Chloe became an Internet star when her parents posted a video of her on YouTube in 2013. In this video, children learn about their upcoming trip to Disneyland. Chloe's sister Lily is so happy that she even starts crying. Chloe's reaction soon became a popular meme. It seems that the girl does not understand the reason for such emotions because of Disneyland.

Devoted friend

Laina Walker (in the main photo) woke up famous in 2012, when her YouTube video attracted excessive attention from Internet users. In this video, she performs a cover of Justin Bieber's "Boyfriend". This was the condition of the competition announced famous singer. We wish her luck, but... Look at those eyes!

"My God"

This meme depicts a young woman with a somewhat grotesque expression of delight on her face, most likely caused by the books she is holding. The presence of braces allowed Internet users to assume that she most likely has problems with speech. This is how the “Ermahgerd” (“Oh my God”) meme was born.

The star of the meme turned out to be Maggie Goldenberger. This old photo- the girl has already grown up and works as a nurse.


Little actress Mia Talerico became the star of an Internet meme several years ago. The photo of her very expressive face was actually taken during the filming of the TV show Good Luck Charlie, which aired in 2010.


On Olympic Games in London in 2012, gymnast McKayla Maroney was convinced she could win gold. But something went wrong, and she ended up in second place. The young woman was so disappointed and dissatisfied with her performance that she could not even hide it during the awards ceremony.

Today anyone can wake up famous, and completely unexpectedly. This happened to many Internet meme heroes who simply once posted their photo or video online. But public figures, in particular actors, often become characters in such pictures. What do the heroes of the most popular memes look like and what do they do?

The face of a Chinese basketball player

You probably didn’t know, but this famous meme is copied from Yao Ming, a Chinese basketball player. Something made him laugh at a press conference after another match in 2009. What exactly is unknown. But the facial expression captured by photographers at that moment has already gone down in Internet history. This picture is used when they want to demonstrate indifference and indifference.

"Salt Handsome"

Nusret Gokce is a Turkish chef, famous in his homeland. One day he posted a video on Instagram of himself cooking meat. Surely, he himself did not expect that the still image of him salting the dish would become such a popular meme. It represents the ease with which someone does something.

"Math Lady"

Renata Sorra is a Brazilian actress who starred in the TV series Mistress of Destiny. For this four-panel picture, footage was taken from the moment when her heroine was thinking deeply about something. The meme is used to show an intense thought process.

"Think about it"

This is a still image from the British series The Hood Documentary. The moment when Kayoda Ewumi's character reveals how smart his girlfriend is. Now this picture is associated with absurd, but undeniable in its logic advice.

“Come on, tell me...”

The look of Willy Wonka from 1971, performed by Gene Wilder, expresses cheerful skepticism.

"Angry Cat"

Somehow, a photo of a cat named Tardar Sauce ended up on Reddit. Users were surprised that this was not Photoshop, and the animal really does have this facial expression all the time. This is due to an incorrect bite. Now a picture with a gloomy cat is used to express a sad, depressive mood (usually with irony).

"I must do it"

This fat guy is Huell from the TV series Breaking Bad, played by actor Lavell Crawford. In one episode of Season 5, his character says, “I have to do this,” and lays down a pile of money. This image is now used to describe situations where someone suddenly becomes rich.

"Harold Hiding the Pain"

Who is not actually Harold, but Hungarian Andras Arato. He admitted that he was just very tired during the photo shoot and was unable to hide it.

"Disaster Girl"

This is Zoe Roth, who was photographed by her dad while putting out a training fire. Little did they know that the photo would become one of the most recognizable memes.

The baby in the photo is Mia Talerico, star of the American TV series “Hold On, Charlie!” Now this frame with her image is actively used on the Internet to show indignation and immense surprise.

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