Attitude to the service of Grinev and Shvabrin table. Grinev and Shvabrin: comparative characteristics

Petr Grinev Alexey Shvabrin
Appearance Young, handsome, not devoid of masculinity. Embodies the features of a simple Russian person Young, stately, not tall, with a dark, ugly, but mobile face
Character Courageous, hardy, brave, decent, straightforward, noble, fair and conscientious. Cynical, impudent, harsh, impetuous, emotional, cowardly.
Social status Educated nobleman, officer. Educated nobleman, officer
Life position Be a decent officer, serve the state honestly, protect the weak, stop outrages. Take on something meaningful public place. Prove by any means that you are right. Look for benefits in everything.
Attitude to moral values Careful about morality. Tries not to follow contrary to her principles. Does not value moral values, often stepping over them.
Attitudes towards material values He does not pursue wealth, but is accustomed to the aristocratic life of abundance. Values ​​money and wealth.
Moral Moral, honest, conscientious. Immoral, unscrupulous, despises everyone. Forgets about his duty and honor.
Relation to the Mironov family They became his real family. He fell in love with them as if they were his own parents. He did not honor them with anything other than contempt and ridicule. He slandered Ivan Ignatievich and insulted Maria.
Attitude to the oath Bravely refuses to swear allegiance to Pugachev and kiss his hand. Ready to die, but not become a traitor. Without any hesitation he breaks his oath. Goes over to the side of the rebels.
Behavior in a duel He is driven by justice and nobility. The girl’s honor has been insulted, and he, as an officer, must protect her. He fights honestly and bravely. This is not his first duel. Behaving dishonestly. Strikes when the enemy is defenseless.
Relation to Maria Mironova He is in love, respects Maria’s feelings, is ready to wait for her reciprocity and fight for love. Saves her life, protects her during interrogation. It’s unlikely that he has high feelings for her love feelings. He humiliates her, insults her, keeps her locked up. Easily betrays him to the enemy.
Behavior with Pugachev He holds his head high and does not want to humiliate himself. Bravely answers provocative questions. Retains officer's valor. He begs for freedom, crawling at Pugachev’s feet. She humiliates herself and grovels before him.
Relationships At first, Shvabrin evokes some sympathy from Grinev. But then harsh statements about the Mironov family, and then further actions, set Grinev against Shvabrin. There are no feelings other than contempt. Considers Grinev weak. First she tries to impress him. But further development events turns them into antipodes.
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  • Take care of your honor from a young age.


    It has long been noticed that, overcoming life’s difficulties and confronting the vicissitudes of fate, some people become stronger, more tempered, more courageous, while others give up and break. Presenting unexpected surprises, life seems to test people for strength of character, for the stability of their moral values, and for honesty with themselves. The peasant war led by Pugachev was such a “testing” test for many. Participation in the Pugachev uprising and its suppression clearly highlighted two unforgettable characters in the story - Pyotr Grinev and Alexei Shvabrin.

    From the very beginning of the story, we have the opportunity to observe what events and factors leave their deep imprints on the character of Pyotr Grinev, shaping him. At the beginning of the story, Peter is a gullible and naive young man, but even then he sacredly fulfills the behest of his father, who accompanied him to service: “Take care of honor from a young age.” Deep shame and remorse seize Peter after a cheerful feast with his new acquaintance Zurin. However, in spite of everything, Peter considers it a matter of honor to give him the money lost in a dishonest game. Grinev shows kindness, generosity and simple human gratitude towards the man who saved him during a snowstorm and subsequently turned out to be the leader of the peasant uprising, Pugachev.

    Having served in the Belogorsk fortress, Pyotr Grinev gets acquainted with all its inhabitants, becoming especially close to the family of the commandant of the fortress Mironov and Alexey Shvabrin.

    As love and tenderness for Masha Mironova grows and strengthens in Grinev’s heart, the reasons for Shvabrin’s base and vile impulses are revealed to him. After all, Shvabrin was once also in love with Marya Ivanovna, but, having received a refusal, now he cannot come to terms with it, and is trying to denigrate her by inventing gossip and nasty things about her and her family. Realizing this, Grinev stands up for the girl’s honor and challenges the offender to a duel. It is unknown how the fight would have ended if Shvabrin had not wounded Peter with a dishonorable blow.

    Shvabrin can’t bear to see the attention and concern that Masha and her family surrounded the wounded Grinev. He writes an anonymous letter to Peter's father, after which, enraged by his son's act, the father does not give young Grinov consent to marry his beloved girl.

    When the wave of uprising reached the walls of the Belogorsk fortress, its inhabitants greeted the rebels in different ways. The commandant of the fortress and many officers fell at the hands of the stern Pugachev, refusing to recognize him as king. Pangs of conscience are not characteristic of Shvabrin. Without hesitation, he swore allegiance to Pugachev, kissed his hand, changed his clothes and cut his hair. For this man there is no concept of noble duty and he is ready to do anything to save his life. Remaining in charge of the fortress, this scoundrel locks up Masha Mironova on bread and water and threatens her in every possible way, trying to get her to become his wife. He feels his impunity and this makes him even more cruel.

    By the will of fate, it turns out that the hare sheepskin coat, given by Grinev to Pugachev a long time ago, saves the young man’s life during the trial of the defenders of the fortress. Now his main task is to rescue Masha from captivity, give her protection and shelter. Honesty and straightforwardness, kindness, self-esteem and duty, nobility attract in Grinev not only the readers of the story, but also Pugachev himself, who knows how to appreciate the real merits of a person. After all, Grinev, turning to the state enemy for help, does not betray his oath and does not hide this from the formidable chieftain. Hoping for decency, understanding and human participation, Pyotr Grinev asks Pugachev for help and receives it. The girl and her good name are saved. Material from the site

    Having been put on trial after the suppression of the uprising, Shvabrin does not even think of repenting of his base actions. He continues to shield himself, accusing Grinev of espionage and treason, thereby hoping once and for all to take revenge on his enemy, Shvabrin’s witness of baseness and meanness. Grinev once again shows nobility and breadth of soul, refusing to justify himself in the face of the empress and the entire state in order not to involve the name of his beloved girl, who was left an orphan and suffered difficult trials, in the trial.

    For Pyotr Grinev, everything ends well, and we see that no vicissitudes or difficulties of fate can ever break a person if he is determined to fight for his principles, ideals, and love. Unprincipled and demon honest man, who has no sense of duty, often faces the fate of being left alone with his disgusting actions, baseness, meanness, without friends, loved ones and just close people.

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    On this page there is material on the following topics:

    • description of Grinev’s character
    • description of Grinev in quotes
    • essay by Grinev and Shvabrin
    • Grinev in the story The Captain's Daughter
    • How do Grinev and Shvabrin relate to the Mironov family?

    The main characters of the work by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter", there are two officers Grinev and Shvabrin, completely opposite in human qualities. Despite the fact that both young men came from a noble family, in which, as is known, high values ​​and morals were instilled from childhood, one was honest and noble, and the other was cunning and agile.

    Shvabrin appears in the work as negative hero ends up serving in the Belogorsk fortress due to committing a murder. During his service, when Pugachev’s uprising began, he, without thinking twice and completely not caring about his duty, joined his ranks. He also doesn't care about the feelings of the people around him. By the will of his love for Maria Mironova, not paying attention to the fact that the feelings are not mutual, he decides to force the girl to be with him. He acts treacherously towards his friend, plotting conspiracies and pretenses against him.

    Grinev is the completely opposite side of Shvabrin. He, of his own free will, went to serve in a fortress remote from the city, listening and obeying his father in everything. He feels incredible devotion and reverence for his parents. He also strictly follows the instructions he received, which states that honor must be protected from a young age. During Pugachev’s uprising, without fearing for his life, Grinev makes it clear that there is no reason for it, he will not join his ranks, since he swore an oath to the empress and will faithfully serve only her.

    Pushkin in this work makes it clear to the reader that people like Shvabrin are followed only by devastation, which will certainly lead to the collapse of his family, as well as the entire country. And Grinev is a stronghold in building a healthy and developing society with high moral principles and positions that are guaranteed to lead to a happy and carefree future.

    Comparative characteristics of Grinev and Shvabrin

    Pyotr Grinev and Alexey Shvabrin are the heroes of the story “The Captain's Daughter”.

    These two young men are from wealthy families. They are officers and both are in love with captain's daughter Waving to Mironov.

    Pyotr Grinev entered service in the Belogorsk fortress at the request of his father. Alexey Shvabrin was transferred to the fortress for murder. During a sword duel, he stabbed one lieutenant.

    Pyotr Grinev sincerely loves Masha Mironova and she reciprocates his feelings. He is ready to take decisive and courageous actions for her sake.

    Alexey Shvabrin, having failed to gain the girl’s favor and having received a refusal from her, behaves extremely unworthily. He speaks negatively about Masha’s family, allows himself to mock the girl and spreads bad rumors about her.

    Petr Grinev quarrels with Shvabrin because of his misbehavior in relation to Masha. Wanting to defend the girl’s honor, Peter fights Shvabrin in a duel. Turning for a moment at the shout of his servant, he receives an insidious blow in the back from Shvabrin.

    They understand their duty to their homeland differently. When the fortress was stormed by Emelyan Pugachev’s gang, Peter was ready to fight to the last. He behaved bravely and was not afraid to tell Pugachev the truth to his face.

    Shvabrin, on the contrary, without hesitation went over to the side of the villains. He fawned and groveled before Pugachev.

    When Shvabrina is appointed commandant of the fortress. He, being a vile person, takes advantage of his new position. He treats Masha Mironova cruelly, keeps her locked up and forces her to marry him.

    Pyotr Grinev learns about this from Masha’s letter and immediately sets off to rescue the girl from Shvabrin’s captivity. Thanks to his frankness and courage, he earns Pugachev's favor and respect.

    Peter is a generous and brave man. Throughout the story, he fights with dignity and selflessly for his rights and for his love.

    Shvabrin is deceitful and hypocritical, he is ready to secretly strike and betray his comrades. He repeatedly tried to annoy Peter and wrote denunciations against him.

    Both of them were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy with Pugachev. Shvabrin behaved extremely dishonestly here too; he tried to slander Peter. As a result, Grinev is acquitted and released. His beloved Masha helps him in this. He will marry her. Shvabrin remains in custody.

    A.S. Pushkin, using the example of these two young and wealthy guys, managed to show how different people can be.

    Option 3

    These two officers are complete opposites in their human qualities. Both come from a family of nobles, so there is no doubt about their upbringing. But the differences begin where it ends.

    Shvabrin plays a negative role. He is in service in the Belgorod fortress. He is sent there because he commits murder. When Emelyan Pugachev's uprising begins, he supports the rebel without any doubt. Since his main qualities are cunning and deceit, he does not care about moral duty at all. There is nothing to say about the feelings of the people around him. His beloved Maria Mironova does not reciprocate his feelings and he decides to take her by force. But since this does not look the way it should look to an officer, his actions are not difficult to predict. Conspiracies and pretense in relation to his friend, who has a better chance of marrying Maria, do not take long to come!

    Grinev is the complete opposite of him. His decision to go to this fortress was guided by duty to the fatherland, and not by various tricks or crimes. He obeys and obeys his father and therefore he considers him a good son. All instructions received before leaving are followed impeccably. Protecting his honor from a young age, Grinev wants to become a good officer and commander. And since the oath is not an empty phrase for him, then during an uprising he begins to act like a loyal warrior of the empress. Why does Mary choose an honest man? To understand, it’s worth taking a closer look at both of them.

    Peter does not want to commit meanness, but on the contrary wants to prove his love through actions. Therefore, he dares to take various actions that distinguish him favorably from the general background. Then, after receiving a refusal, Alexey Shvabrin begins to speak extremely negatively about the young lady herself. Moreover, he secretly starts negative rumors that affect the girl’s reputation. Because of this, a quarrel between two young people begins. But the girl’s honor is not an empty phrase for Peter, and he schedules a duel after all the circumstances are clarified. But fate is not on the side of decent people. Turning away for a moment, Grinev expects a blow in the back, which turns out to be decisive in this confrontation. The duel ends with Alexei's victory.

    After the siege began, it was with the support of Shvabrin that Pugachev took the fortress into his own hands. By appointing him in charge, he actually frees his hands. And since he also grovels in every possible way, no proof of loyalty is required. Maria falls into a kind of captivity, which fetters her actions. Alexey begins to force her to marry him. When Grinev learns about this in a letter, he immediately rushes to the girl’s rescue. This evokes respect not only from her, but also from the rebel himself.

    Even from these words, one can understand that Pyotr Grinev is driven by decency, honor, courage and dedication. Then, like Alexey Shvabrin, he is driven by lies, hypocrisy and stabs in the back. And repeated denunciations only confirm that such people are simply not needed even in the ranks of those who decide to go against the crown and the state.

    Cool! 6


    In the novel by A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter” two opposing characters are depicted: the noble Pyotr Grinev and the dishonest Alexey Shvabrin. The story of their relationship is one of the main plot points of The Captain's Daughter and reveals in detail the problem of protecting honor in the novel.


    Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter” is dedicated to the problem of protecting and preserving honor. To explore this topic, the author portrays two opposing characters: the young officer Pyotr Grinev and Alexey Shvabrin, exiled to the Belogorsk fortress for a duel.

    Young Pyotr Grinev appears in the novel as an infantile, poorly educated nobleman, not ready for adult life, but in every possible way wanting to do so. adult life break out. The time spent in the Belogorsk fortress and in the battles near Orenburg changes his character and fate. He not only develops all his best noble qualities, but also finds true love, as a result remaining an honest person.

    In contrast, the author from the very beginning portrays Alexei Shvabrin as a man who has clearly crossed the line between honor and dishonor. According to Vasilisa Egorovna, Alexey Ivanovich “was discharged from the guard for murder and does not believe in God.” Pushkin endows his hero not only with a bad character and a penchant for dishonest acts, but also symbolically paints a portrait of a man with a “swarthy face and distinctly ugly,” but at the same time “excessively lively.”

    Perhaps it is Shvabrin’s liveliness that attracts Grinev. The young nobleman is also very interesting to Shvabrin, for whom the Belogorsk fortress is an exile, bad place, in which he does not see people. Shvabrin’s interest in Grinev is explained by the desire to “finally see human face"After five years of being in the hopeless steppe wilderness. Grinev feels sympathy for Shvabrin and spends a lot of time with him, but gradually his feelings for Maria Mironova begin to take hold of him. This not only alienates Grinev from Shvabrin, but also provokes a duel between them. Grinev wants to take revenge on Shvabrin for slandering his beloved, whom Shvabrin takes revenge on for rejecting him.

    During all subsequent events, Shvabrin increasingly shows his dishonor and, as a result, turns into the ultimate villain. All the traits most disgusting to Grinev awaken in him: a slanderer, a traitor, who forcibly wants to marry Maria to himself. He and Grinev are no longer friends or even comrades in arms; Shvabrin not only becomes disgusted by Grinev, they become on opposite sides in the Pugachev uprising. Even entering into relations with Pugachev, Grinev cannot go all the way, he cannot betray his noble honor. For Shvabrin, honor is initially not so important, so it costs him nothing to run over to the other side and then slander honest Grinev.

    Grinev and Shvabrin are two opposites that diverge as quickly as they attract. These heroes choose different paths, but the outcome still turns out to be successful for honest Grinev, who was pardoned by the empress and lived a long life. happy life, unlike Shvabrin, who disappeared unknown to the sound of chains in the prison corridors.

    Even more essays on the topic: “Relationships between Grinev and Shvabrin”:

    Historical story "The Captain's Daughter" - last piece A.S. Pushkin, written in prose. This work reflects the most important topics Pushkin’s creativity of the late period – the place of the “little” man in historical events, moral choice in harsh social circumstances, law and mercy, people and power, “family thought.” One of the central moral problems The story is a problem of honor and dishonor. The resolution of this issue can be traced primarily through the fates of Grinev and Shvabrin.

    These are young officers. Both serve in the Belogorsk fortress. Grinev and Shvabrin are nobles, close in age, education, and mental development. Grinev describes the impression the young lieutenant made on him: “Shvabrin was very intelligent. His conversation was witty and entertaining. With great joy he described to me the commandant’s family, his society and the region where fate had brought me.” However, the heroes did not become friends. One of the reasons for the hostility is Masha Mironova. It was in the relationship with the captain's daughter that they revealed moral qualities heroes. Grinev and Shvabrin turned out to be antipodes. The attitude towards honor and duty finally separated Grinev and Shvabrin during the Pugachev rebellion.

    Pyotr Andreevich is distinguished by kindness, gentleness, conscientiousness, and sensitivity. It is no coincidence that Grinev immediately became “native” to the Mironovs, and Masha fell in love with him deeply and selflessly. The girl confesses to Grinev: “... until your grave, you will remain alone in my heart.” Shvabrin, on the contrary, makes a repulsive impression on those around him. The moral flaw is already evident in his appearance: he was short in stature, with a “very ugly face.” Masha, like Grinev, is unpleasant about Shvabrin, the girl is scared away by him evil tongue: “...he’s such a mocker.” In the lieutenant she feels dangerous person: “He’s very disgusting to me, but it’s strange: I wouldn’t want him to like me the same way. That would worry me with fear.” Subsequently, having become a prisoner of Shvabrin, she is ready to die, but not submit to him. For Vasilisa Egorovna, Shvabrin is a “murderer,” and the disabled Ivan Ignatich admits: “I’m not a fan of him myself.”

    Grinev is honest, open, straightforward. He lives and acts at the behest of his heart, and his heart is freely subordinate to the laws of noble honor, the code of Russian chivalry, and a sense of duty. These laws are unchanged for him. Grinev is a man of his word. He promised to thank the random guide and did this, despite Savelich’s desperate resistance. Grinev could not give half a ruble for vodka, but gave the counselor his rabbit sheepskin coat. The law of honor forces young man pay off the huge billiard debt of the hussar Zurin, who played not too honestly. Grinev is noble and ready to fight a duel with Shvabrin, who insulted the honor of Masha Mironova.

    Grinev is consistently honest, and Shvabrin commits immoral acts one after another. This envious, evil, vengeful person is accustomed to acting with deceit and deceit. Shvabrin deliberately described Grineva Masha as “a complete fool” and hid from him his matchmaking with the captain’s daughter. Grinev soon understood the reasons for Shvabrin’s deliberate slander, with which he persecuted Masha: “He probably noticed our mutual inclination and tried to distract us from each other.”

    Shvabrin is ready to get rid of his opponent by any means necessary. Insulting Masha, he skillfully infuriates Grinev and provokes a challenge to a duel, not considering the inexperienced Grinev a dangerous opponent. The lieutenant planned murder. This man stops at nothing. He is used to having all his wishes come true. According to Vasilisa Egorovna, Shvabrin was “transferred to the Belogorsk fortress for murder”, for the fact that in a duel he “stabbed a lieutenant, and even in front of two witnesses.” During the duel of officers, Grinev, unexpectedly for Shvabrin, turned out to be a skilled fencer, but, taking advantage of the favorable moment for him, Shvabrin wounded Grinev.

    Grinev is generous, and Shvabrin is low. After the duel, the young officer forgave the “unfortunate rival,” but he continued to insidiously take revenge on Grinev and wrote a denunciation to his parents. Shvabrin constantly commits immoral acts. But the main crime in the chain of his constant baseness is going over to Pugachev’s side not for ideological, but for selfish reasons. Pushkin shows how in historical trials all the qualities of nature are fully manifested in a person. The vile beginning in Shvabrin makes him a complete scoundrel. Grinev's openness and honesty attracted Pugachev to him and saved his life. The hero’s high moral potential was revealed during the most difficult tests of the strength of his convictions. Grinev several times had to choose between honor and dishonor, and in fact between life and death.

    After Pugachev “pardoned” Grinev, he had to kiss his hand, that is, recognize him as the king. In the chapter " Uninvited guest“Pugachev himself arranges a “test of compromise,” trying to get a promise from Grinev to “at least not fight” against him. In all these cases, the hero, risking his life, shows firmness and intransigence.

    Shvabrin has no moral principles. He saves his life by breaking his oath. Grinev was amazed to see “among the elders Shvabrin, with his hair cut in a circle and wearing a Cossack caftan.” This scary man continues to relentlessly pursue Masha Mironova. Shvabrin is fanatically obsessed with the desire to achieve not love, but at least obedience from the captain's daughter. Grinev assesses Shvabrin’s actions: “I looked with disgust at the nobleman lying at the feet of the runaway Cossack.”

    The author's position coincides with the views of the narrator. This is evidenced by the epigraph to the story: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” Grinev remained faithful to duty and honor. The most important words he told Pugachev: “Just don’t demand what is contrary to my honor and Christian conscience.” Shvabrin violated both his noble and human duties.


    The story “The Captain's Daughter” by A. Pushkin attracts the reader not only with interesting historical facts, but also with bright, memorable images of the characters.

    Young officers Pyotr Grinev and Alexey Shvabrin are characters whose characters and views are completely opposite. This is evidenced by how differently they behave in everyday life, in critical situations, and in love. And if you feel sympathy for Grinev from the very first pages of the story, then meeting Shvabrin evokes contempt and disgust.

    The portrait of Shvabrin is as follows: “... a young officer of short stature, with a dark and distinctly ugly face.” His appearance matches his nature - evil, cowardly, hypocritical. Shvabrin is capable of dishonest acts; it costs him nothing to slander or betray a person for his own benefit. This person cares most about his “selfish” interest.

    Having failed to achieve the love of Masha Mironova, he not only seeks to stand in her way to happiness, but also tries, with the help of threats and force, to force the girl to marry him. Saving his life, Shvabrin is one of the first to swear allegiance to the impostor Pugachev, and when this is revealed and he appears in court, he perjures himself against Grinev in order to at least take revenge on him for all his failures.

    Everything was embodied in the image of Pyotr Grinev best features noble class. He is honest, brave, courageous, fair, knows how to keep his word, loves his fatherland and is devoted to his duty. Most of all, the young man is liked by his sincerity and straightforwardness. He is alien to arrogance and sycophancy. Having managed to win the love of Marya Ivanovna, Grinev reveals himself not only as a gentle and devoted admirer. Above all, he puts her honor, her name, and is ready not only to defend them with a sword in hand, but also to go into exile for Masha’s sake.

    with their own positive qualities Grinev's character even conquered the robber Pugachev, who helped him free Masha from the hands of Shvabrin and wanted to be imprisoned by his father at their wedding.

    I am sure that in our time many would like to be like Pyotr Grinev, while they would never want to meet Shvabrin.


    Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin is not only a negative character, but also the opposite of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, the narrator on whose behalf the narration in “The Captain's Daughter” is told.

    Grinev and Shvabrin are not the only characters in the story who are in one way or another compared to each other: similar “pairs” form almost all the main characters works: Empress Catherine - false emperor Pugachev, Masha Mironova - her mother Vasilisa Egorovna - which allows us to talk about the comparison as one of the most important compositional techniques, used by the author in the story.

    It is interesting, however, that not all of the named heroes are absolutely opposed to each other. Thus, Masha Mironova, rather, is compared with her mother and displays as much devotion to her chosen one and courage in the fight for him as captain Mironova, who was not afraid of the villains and accepted death with her husband. The contrast between the “couple” Ekaterina and Pugachev is not as clear as it seems at first glance.

    These hostile and warring characters have many similar traits and similar actions. Both are capable of cruelty and of showing mercy and justice. In the name of Catherine, supporters of Pugachev (a mutilated Bashkir with his tongue cut out) are brutally persecuted and brutally tortured, and Pugachev commits atrocities and executions together with his comrades. On the other hand, both Pugachev and Ekaterina show mercy towards Grinev, saving him and Marya Ivanovna from trouble and ultimately arranging their happiness.

    And only between Grinev and Shvabrin nothing but antagonism is revealed. It is already indicated in the names with which the author calls his heroes. Grinev bears the name Peter, he is the namesake of the great emperor, for whom Pushkin, of course, had the most enthusiastic feelings. Shvabrin is given the name of the traitor to his father's cause - Tsarevich Alexei. This, of course, does not mean at all that every character in Pushkin’s work who bears one of these names should be correlated in the reader’s mind with the named historical figures. But in the context of the story, where the problem of honor and dishonor, devotion and betrayal is so important, such a coincidence seems no coincidence.

    It is known how seriously Pushkin took the concept of family noble honor, what is commonly called roots. It is no coincidence, of course, that this is why the story tells in such detail and detail about the childhood of Petrusha Grinev, about his family, in which the traditions of centuries-old noble upbringing are sacredly preserved. And even though these “habits of dear old times” are described not without irony, it is obvious that the author’s irony is full of warmth and understanding. And in the end, it was the thought of the impossibility of disgracing the honor of the clan and family that did not allow Grinev to commit betrayal against his beloved girl and violate the officer’s oath.

    Shvabrin is a man without a family, without a tribe. We know nothing about his origin, about his parents. Nothing is said about his childhood or upbringing. Behind him, it seems, there is no spiritual and moral baggage that supports Grinev. Apparently, no one gave Shvabrin the simple and wise instruction: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” And therefore he easily neglects her to save own life and just for personal well-being. At the same time, we note that Shvabrin is an avid duelist: it is known that he was transferred to the Belogorsk fortress for some kind of “villainy,” probably for a duel. He challenges Grinev to a duel, and in a situation where he himself is entirely to blame: he insulted Maria Ivanovna, vilely slandering her in front of the lover Pyotr Andreevich.

    It is important that none of the duels in the story honest heroes does not approve: neither Captain Mironov, who reminded Grinev that “fights are formally prohibited in the military article,” nor Vasilisa Yegorovna, who considered them “murder” and “murder,” nor Savelich. Grinev accepts the challenge, defending the honor of his beloved girl, while Shvabrin - from the fact that he was rightly called a liar and a scoundrel. Thus, in his addiction to duels, Shvabrin turns out to be a defender of superficial, falsely understood honor, a zealot not for the spirit, but for the letter of the law, only for its external observance. This once again proves that he has no idea of ​​true honor.

    For Shvabrin, nothing is sacred at all: no love, no friendship, no duty. Moreover, we understand that neglecting these concepts is commonplace for him. From the words of Vasilisa Yegorovna we learn that Shvabrin “does not believe in God”, that he was “discharged from the guard for murder.” Not every duel and not every officer was dismissed from the guard. Obviously, some ugly, vile story was connected with that duel. And, therefore, what happened in the Belogorsk fortress and subsequently was not an accident, not a consequence of momentary weakness, not just cowardice, which is ultimately excusable under certain circumstances. Shvabrin came to his final fall naturally.

    He lived without faith, without moral ideals. He himself was incapable of love, and neglected the feelings of others. After all, he knew that he was disgusted with Masha, but, despite this, he harassed her, stopping at nothing. The advice he gives to Grinev regarding Marya Ivanovna reveals him as a vulgar (“... if you want Masha Mironova to come to you at dusk, then instead of tender poems, give her a pair of earrings”), Shvabrin is not only mean, but also cunning. After the duel, fearing new troubles, he acts out a scene of sincere repentance in front of Grinev. Further events show that the simple-minded Grinev was in vain to believe the liar. At the first opportunity, Shvabrin takes vile revenge on Grinev by betraying Marya Ivanovna to Pugacheva. And here the villain and criminal, the peasant Pugachev, shows a nobility incomprehensible to Shvabrin: he, to Shvabrin’s indescribable anger, lets Grinev and Masha Mironova go with God, forcing Shvabrin to give them “a pass to all outposts and fortresses under his control. Shvabrin, completely destroyed, stood dumbfounded”...

    The last time we see Shvabrin is when he, arrested for his connection with Pugachev, shackled in chains, makes a last attempt to slander and destroy Grinev. He had changed greatly in appearance: “his hair, recently pitch black, had turned completely grey,” but his soul was still black: he uttered his accusations, albeit in a “weak but bold voice” - so great was his anger and hatred of his opponent’s happiness.

    Shvabrin will end his life as ingloriously as he lived: loved by no one and loved by no one, serving no one and nothing, but only adapting all his life. He is like a tumbleweed, a plant without a root, a man without a clan, without a tribe, he did not live, but rolled down,
    until he fell into the abyss...

    In the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter” two heroes are described: Shvabrin and Grinev. Both are nobles by origin, both end up in the Belogorsk fortress, both are related to Pugachev. At first glance it seems that they are similar. But that's not true.

    Grinev received a home education. From the age of five he was given to the care of the eager Savelich, who taught him to read and write. Soon, the Frenchman Beaupré was hired for the further education and training of Grinev, “who was discharged from Moscow along with a year’s supply of Provençal oil and wine.”

    He wasn't a real teacher, so most of the time they each did their own thing.

    Shvabrin received a secular education. The entertainments of this society, such as playing cards, were no strangers to him. And disputes, in his opinion, should have been resolved by a duel.

    Grinev was enrolled in the Semenovsky regiment even before his birth. But when he turned 16, his father, once again leafing through the Court Calendar, decided that it was time for Peter to go serve. And so that he would not have fun in St. Petersburg instead, Andrei Petrovich decided to send his son to “sniff gunpowder” in Orenburg, to his old acquaintance under his superiors. There Grinev was assigned to the Belogorsk fortress.

    Everyone knew that if a member of the guard suddenly found himself in a garrison, then most likely he had done something wrong. Shvabrin was one of these people. He was punished for murder during a duel.

    Life in the fortress was boring. There was no real enemy, so the officers had virtually no responsibilities. Here Grinev meets Shvabrin. At first they get along with each other. Shvabrin's conversation was interesting to Grinev. But every day their relationship worsened. They were both in love with Marya Ivanovna, the daughter of the commandant. Shvabrin hid this. At first he described Masha Grineva as a complete fool. Then, when Pyotr Andreevich showed him his poems dedicated to the commandant’s daughter, he strongly criticized them. Grinev was very offended by this, and soon they agreed on a duel. But during the battle, Savelich suddenly runs out and calls out to Grinev. And at this moment Shvabrin delivers a sneaky blow to the distracted enemy. Pyotr Andreevich loses consciousness, but survives. In this situation, Shvabrin shows himself to be a person who cannot be trusted.

    Soon it becomes known about Pugachev's approaching army. Everyone except Shvabrin is very excited. He was lost in thought. Days passed, and now the rebels were already at the walls of the Belogorsk fortress. The besieged decide to open the gates and give battle to the enemy. But when they did this, it turned out that only three people came out: Grinev, the commandant and Ivan Ignatich. The rest were afraid to take the fight. Thus the fortress was captured and the commandant was hanged. Grinev was pardoned because he had long ago given the man, who turned out to be Pugachev, a hare sheepskin coat for his help. Shvabrin, assessing the balance of power, treacherously defected to the rebels.

    Shvabrin was appointed the new commandant of the fortress. He firmly decided to win Masha’s hand, even by force. But when Grinev returned to the Belogorsk fortress, and even together with Pugachev, Shvabrin found himself in predicament. Pyotr Andreevich still remained his enemy. But Grinev’s new position forces him to pretend that there are no disagreements between them. Grinev, in turn, behaves honestly, without talking to his enemy.

    Soon, by coincidence, they meet in court. Both of them are accused of participating in Pugachev’s conspiracy. The differences lie in the fact that Shvabrin actually acted with the rebels, while Grinev was never at one with them. By this point, the characters have changed a lot. Pyotr Andreevich, from the insecure young man he was at the beginning of the work, turned into a worthy adult. But Shvabrin showed all his negative qualities: meanness, treachery, hypocrisy, tendency to lie. During the interrogation, he, realizing that he himself will no longer justify himself, begins to blame his rival in every possible way. Grinev is not like him and speaks only for himself.

    By the end of the work of fate, both Shvabrin and Grinev correspond to their personal qualities. Honest and open, Pyotr Andreevich achieves everything he wanted. And the deceitful Shvabrin is punished by the authorities. The heroes started from the same position, but one was able to turn into positive person, whom you can trust, and the other remains a liar who thinks only about himself.

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