Open lesson Russian folk tales preparatory group. Summary of a lesson (directly educational activity) on speech development in the preparatory group "journey through fairy tales"

Goal: Development of speech and consolidation of children’s knowledge about fairy tales and fairy-tale characters.

Objectives: Learn to answer questions about the content of a fairy tale; continue to teach how to solve riddles; come up with short sequels to fairy tales; develop imagination; enrich children's vocabulary; develop fine motor skills.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales.

Materials and equipment: map of a fairy-tale street, illustrations for fairy tales; simple pencil; sheets with a drawn mitten for shading.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, do you like fairy tales? Do you want to go to a fabulous city where fairy tales live? There are many different streets in this city of fairy tales. There is a street of fairy tales, a street of Pushkin's fairy tales, a street of Korney Chukovsky's fairy tales and others. And I propose to go on a journey through the streets of winter fairy tales. I even have a map of this street. It will be useful to us. How do we get there? How in different fairy tales do the characters get from one place to another? (children's answers). Today, in order to get to the fairy-tale city, we need to say the Russian proverb: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.” But you need to pronounce it in different ways: quietly, loudly, slowly, quickly. (Children say a proverb).

Well here we are fairytale city, look at the map, we are standing at the first house. What kind of fairy tale lives there? Guess it!

The teacher asks a riddle:

Walking briskly along the path,

They carry the water themselves in buckets.

(Children guess the riddle). Answer my questions, then the doors to the fairy tale will open:

1) What is the name of the main character of the fairy tale?

2) What did Emelya like to do most?

3) Where did Emelya’s daughters-in-law go?

4) Who did Emelya see in the ice hole?

5) What did the pike ask Emelya?

6) How did Emelya go to the Tsar?

7) Where did they put Emelya and the princess?

8) What did Emelya order the pike to build on the shore?

9) Who did Emelya become?

Well done! So it seemed like a fairy tale. The doors are open. (The teacher attaches the illustration to the board).

We go further and approach another house. The doors are closed, but you need to complete the task and then the fairy tale will appear. (The teacher attaches images of a wolf and a fox to the board). You need to compare the wolf and the fox, how their characters are similar and how they differ, how they are similar in appearance and how they are different. You told everything well and that’s why the fairy tale appeared. Name it. (fairy tale "Sister Fox and the Wolf").

Oh, something's cold in there winter forest, let's warm up, do some physical exercises. just a minute" Winter's Tale. (Children perform the musical physical exercise "Winter's Tale".)

And here is the next house. What kind of fairy tale lives here? Guess it! (The teacher asks a riddle).

The beautiful maiden is sad

She doesn't like spring.

It's hard for her in the sun!

The poor thing is shedding tears. (Children guess the riddle.)

(The teacher attaches the illustration to the board.)

What does this fairy tale teach? (Children's answers.)

Let's come up with another ending to this fairy tale. (Children's answers.)

Well done! And ahead of us is another house. Who lives there? Guess this fairy tale from the coloring picture. (Children's answers.)

(The teacher puts on an illustration for the fairy tale “Twelve Months” by S. Marshak.)

What month is it now? (Children’s answers.) But now we’ll tell you about December.

Finger gymnastics "December" is carried out. (Based on a poem by S. Marshak.)

And here is another house, there is a light on. They're probably waiting for us to visit. Let's look through the window.

(The teacher attaches an illustration based on the fairy tale “The Mitten.”) What is the name of this fairy tale and who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Children's answers.)

They ask for more mitten houses to be made for them, otherwise there will be a cold winter ahead. I have mittens like this, but they lack the pattern. I'll show you how to make a pattern, and you should make the same one. (Children do shading according to the pattern.)

Well done, you completed all the tasks, and next time we will go on a journey through other streets of the fairy-tale city.

Lesson objectives

1. Develop imagination, memory, speech, pantomimic and verbal expressiveness.

2. Consolidate knowledge of the content of fairy tales.

3. Develop children's creativity.

4. To form an interest in fairy tales, the moral principle of the child’s personality.

Introductory conversation

Teacher. Children, today we will go to magical journey into the world of fairy tales. It will be unusual because all the fairy tales will be mixed up. We will compose our own fairy tale along the journey. And we will go together with the heroes of the fairy tale “The Wizard Emerald City" Remember the heroes of this fairy tale.

Children(remember). Ellie Girl, Woodcutter, Scarecrow, Lion, Toto, Wizard, Gingema, Flying Monkeys, Bastinda.

Teacher. How did Ellie the girl get to Great Goodwin? She had magic shoes. Now I will give you these shoes (hands out imaginary shoes). Tell us, what color are your shoes, what shape is your nose, how high are your heels, what kind of fasteners are they, what are they decorated with? Tap your heels, slowly and quietly at first, and then faster and louder. Ready to fly to the Emerald City? Place your arms out to the sides like birds. We're flying. A warm wind blows over us. We find ourselves in the clouds, they are fluffy, soft, white, cool. Let's swing on them a little.

We are in the city of Emerald

We are walking along a difficult road,

We are walking along a difficult road,

Dear is not easy.

Fulfill three wishes

Wise Goodwin will help.

And Ellie will return

Home with Totoshka.

The first one we met was the Scarecrow. Show how fat he is. What is it stuffed with? Straw. Show how the straw pours out of him and he turns from fat to thin. Take a needle, tear off the thread, thread it into the needle, tie a knot. Sew up the holes on the Scarecrow. Let me imitate him (imitates).

Children, what was the Scarecrow missing, what did he want to ask Goodwin? He lacked brains. Shall we share our knowledge with him?

Tell him:

“We know everything in the world, we can

And we will help the Scarecrow..."

Let's take the Scarecrow with us, let him study with us. Let's move on with Ellie's song.

And coming towards us... Who? You thought the Woodcutter, no, it's Pinocchio! Why is he going to Goodwin? What does he want to ask?

Children offer their own options.

Show me how long Pinocchio’s nose is. What is it made of? How do they move it wooden hands and legs? Show me the song Pinocchio.

Who in good fairy tales enters the house?

Who is everyone familiar with since childhood?

Who is not a scientist and a poet,

Have you conquered the whole world?

Who does everyone immediately recognize?

Tell me, what is his name?

On his head is a cap,

But the enemy will be deceived.

He will show his nose to the villains

And will make people laugh until they cry.

Who does everyone immediately recognize?

Tell me, what is his name?


Let's take Pinocchio with us. He is very naughty, although he is kind. Maybe Goodwin can teach him to behave? Let's move on with Ellie's song. Here comes the Woodcutter! But what about him?! He can't move, he's all rusty. Show how motionless the Woodcutter is, even the ax is frozen in his hand. I will lubricate it with machine oil and it will be able to move. First the neck moved, then the arms, torso, legs. And now the Woodcutter can move freely. He even sang his own song. Sing along with him.

I am the Iron Woodman.

And it could be useful

But it's just not enough

Heartfelt kindness. (2 times.)

Children, let's give him a piece of our heart? Say: “Take, Woodcutter, a piece of our heartfelt warmth.”

Children make a gesture.

What nice children! Now the Woodcutter has a heart and he can feel.

Look: there is a lake ahead, and some ugly goose or duck is swimming on it. Who could it be? From what fairy tale? Of course it is ugly duck from Andersen's fairy tale. Guys, what is he missing? Probably beauty. Everyone teased him as ugly, terrible, ugly. How unfortunate he was! But we know how the fairy tale ended. Show him what a beautiful swan he will become. They flapped their snow-white wings, proudly stretched out their necks, and flew slowly.

But what is all that noise?!

Grandfather calls grandmother, grandmother calls her granddaughter, granddaughter calls Zhuchka. What fairy tale have we found ourselves in? Turnip. Why couldn't grandfather pull out the turnip? He is already old, and he does not have enough strength to pull out a large turnip. He probably wants to ask Goodwin for strength and youth? Do you have strength and youth? Let's help pull out the turnip. I'll be a turnip. And you stand up one after another, tightly grab the person in front by the waist, and press yourself into the ground.

We pull the turnip, we pull it,

And we won’t get tired of pushing.

One two three four five,

Everyone tensed up again.

One two three four five,

Everyone needs to hold on tighter.

We will still help the grandfather.

So they pulled out the turnip.

So we helped grandpa. Well done! Let's go further. Av-av-av! This is Totoshka calling us. We found ourselves in a field with large red poppies. The flowers are so tall that you can play hide and seek. Move the poppies apart, maybe someone is hiding in them?

Who here can tremble so much from the heroes of the fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City”? Yes, it's Leo! I see his long thick mane. He seemed very scared of us. He tucked his tail, trembled all over, covered his head with his paws and looked out from behind the flowers with fear.

Show me such a cowardly lion.

But we are brave! Let's share our courage with Leo, say: “Take, Leo, a piece of my courage. You need her so much. You are the king of beasts!” Stand up straight with Leo, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, cross your arms over your chest, and raise your head proudly. Say: “I am a lion, proud, bold and fearless! I am the king of beasts! I am strong and mighty!” (2 times.)

Since we are so brave, let's play tag with the evil Gorgon? When you run away, you can tease her, make faces at her.

While we were playing tag, someone's house fell apart. And in it lived: a frog-frog, a running bunny, a squeaking mosquito. What kind of house is this? Who else lived in it? Of course, this is a mansion. The inhabitants of the tower wanted to ask the wise Goodwin for advice on how to fit everyone in the tower? Tell me how to do this? Let's do a round dance together with the residents of the tower.

There is a teremok-teremok in the field,

He's not short, he's not tall, he's not tall...

All residents of the land of fairy tales were satisfied, we helped everyone. Now let's go back to kindergarten to the song "Small Country."

There are behind the mountains, behind the forests

Little country.

There are animals with kind eyes,

Life there is full of love.

There is a miracle lake sparkling,

There is no evil or grief there,

There's a firebird living in the palace

And gives light to people.

I only dream about this country

But a bright moment will come,

And on a magic chariot

I'll take the flight.

I'm destined for a meeting hour

In my starry country.

There's a beautiful boy waiting for me there

On a golden horse.

Small country, small country.

Who will tell me, who will tell me,

Where is she, where is she.


Remember, children, which fairy tale heroes traveled with us? How did we help them? What other fairy tales would you like to travel to? You can even come up with your own.

Summary of GCD for speech development. Topic: “Journey to the land of fairy tales.” Preparatory group

1. Improve children’s ability to recognize literary works;
2. Activate in children’s speech: names of fairy tales, fairy-tale characters;
3. Develop children’s ability to take on roles fairy tale character and lead her to the end;
4. Form emotional responsiveness, cultivate sympathy for positive characters;
Material: arrow, frog, chest with nuts, squirrel, hare and wolf mask, well, buckets, net, fish, tape recorder.

Progress of the lesson:
Educator: Hello children, I welcome you to fairy land. Today we are going on a wonderful journey, to the land of fairy tales. It's time for us to hurry, amazing miracles await us. And we will fly there on a carpet airplane. Sit back and go. (The lights go out, the audio recording sounds, the lights come on).
Educator: Look, guys, an arrow! What fairy tale is she from? How did she get here? Yes, something happened in this fairy tale! (listening to a fragment from the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”). What did Ivan Tsarevich do? How does this fairy tale end? In what other fairy tale does an arrow help the heroes?
Let's go where the arrow shows us. Guys, what is this wonderful chest, and are there golden nuts in it? Whose are they? (The Tale of Tsar Saltan). Who remembers who wrote this work? (A.S. Pushkin). What miracles are there in this fairy tale? Let's remember this fairy tale. (the child reads the passage by heart).

Educator: Now it's time for us to move on. Oh guys, who is this? (a hare sits on a stump).
Hare: I'm not afraid of anyone! Not a little bit!
Guys, what fairy tale is this from? boastful hare? What is he like? I will now wave my magic wand and turn you all into hares. (Staging of an excerpt from the fairy tale “The Braggart Hare”).
Look what a wonderful clearing. Sit back and I'll tell you some riddles. You need to guess the name of the fairy tale.
1. Plate, jug, crane, porridge (Fox and Crane);
2. Wolf, goat, kids (Wolf and seven kids);
3. Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, mouse (Turnip);
4. Girl, basket, grandmother, wolf (Little Red Riding Hood);
5. Shoe, pumpkin, stepmother, ball (Cinderella);

You are probably tired, let’s rest a little and dance “Dance of the Little Ducklings”
Educator:And now it's time to hit the road. (We walk through the land of fairy tales, there is a well ahead, there are buckets in it). Children, whose buckets are these? How did they get into the well? Who did the girls go to to get their buckets? How did Moroz Ivanovich reward them? Why?
Well done, listen, I hear the sound of the sea. What is this, children? (net, and there is a fish in it). What fairy tale is this fish from? What miracles did she do? Why at the end of the fairy tale is the grandmother left with a broken trough?
Educator: How many fairy tales do you know, let's remember them. What other fairy tales do you know? And now it's time for us to return. Get on the airplane carpet. Summary of the lesson.

Summary of a lesson in kindergarten for children 6-7 years old “Visiting a fairy tale”

Mishchenko Galina Nikolaevna teacher, MADOU MO Krasnodar “Kindergarten No. 113”
Description of work: This material intended for educators kindergarten, for educational activities on speech development and familiarization with the fairy tale genre in preparatory group.
Target: Continue to develop interest in the greatest wealth of humanity - fairy tales.
- Learn to recognize individual tales according to characteristic features;
- Find comparisons, figurative meanings of words, figurative comparisons, in Russian folk tales;
- Recognize a fairy tale by genre;
- Cultivate interest in oral folk art.
Material: Notebook, illustrations for fairy tales, subject pictures of animals, leaves, stars, carrots, umbrellas.
Progress of the lesson. The grandmother-storyteller enters.
- Hello guys! Did you find out who I am? I am a grandmother-storyteller, I came to visit you, and we will talk about fairy tales.
Guys, do you know what a fairy tale is?
Children's answer. Well, listen up.
Storyteller. So we sat down next to each other.
Let's talk about everything good.
About old things
About past affairs,
So that the girls would think about it,
Well done, they listened.
- What fairy tales do you know?
Children's answer.
- What kind of fairy tales are there?
Children's response .
Right: fairy tales about animals, everyday tales (about everyday objects), fairy tales, fairy tales in verse, boring tales.
Storyteller. Guess who will be one of the heroes of our task, listen here:
Unusual, thick, round,
It is baked from flour
It was cooled down at the window.
I didn’t listen to my grandparents
I decided to run away from them.
Rolled along the path,
But on the way he met
Hare, Wolf and Bear
Everyone wanted to eat him.
But his confidence
Helped solve the problem.
Did you find out who this hero is?
Children's answer (Kolobok). - What fairy tale is he from?
-Who did he meet in the forest?
Children's answer.
In order to overcome all the obstacles with the heroes of this fairy tale, we must help solve the problems, but first, let's stretch our fingers.
Finger gymnastics.
"Favorite Tales"

Let's play now
Let's call fairy tales:
"Kolobok", "Teremok",
Here is "The Fox and the Wolf".
Let's not forget "Three Bears"

And the “Snow Maiden” is beautiful,
We also know “ Firebird»
We know "The Wolf and the Little Goats"
Everyone is happy about these fairy tales.
Here's what! Our Kolobok met the Fox.
Who is this? (Fox)
Fox enters
And the fox says: “I’ll eat Kolobok.”
- Don’t eat the kolobok, be sorry.
Okay, I'll give you a deadline:
So that I can do it in five minutes
Decide everything that is here.
Receive my envelope
And prepare your answer quickly.
Storyteller. Come on, Lisa, do your tasks!
Shall we help Kolobok now?
Guys, let's all get together and help our bun.
What kind of tasks has she prepared for us?
1.Where does a fairy tale begin? (All fairy tales begin with a saying. “This is not a fairy tale, but there’s still a saying, and the whole fairy tale is ahead.”
Listen again,
The miracle begins with a saying:
It was at sea,
on the ocean, on the island of Kidan,
There is a tree - golden domes;
The Cat walks - Bayun: it goes up - a song
sings, and goes downstairs and tells stories..."
2. Remember which fairy tales have a traditional beginning.
What is this? (This is the beginning of a fairy tale).
Let's play with you, I call, and you continue.
Game "What happens next".
"Lived once…".
“In a certain kingdom...”
There are also repetitions in fairy tales.
Which ones do you know? (Children's answer).
“Rolling, Kolobok, rolling, and towards him...” (Who?)
“He’s pulling, he’s pulling, he can’t pull it out, he called...”
"It's worth the tower..."
“Grandfather is crying, woman is crying...”
Storyteller. Oh, what great guys, but that’s not all.
Fairy tales also have a traditional ending. Which ones do you know?
Children's answers.
" I was there…".
“This is the end of the fairy tale...”
“And they began to live and live...”
You guys have done your best, but there are still tasks here from Lisa.
The next task is from Lisa.
TRIZ game “What does it look like?” 1.
What do autumn leaves look like?

Children's answer.
Listen, if we compare the yellow leaves with a mouse...
"The leaves are running along the path
Like yellow mice from a cat.”
2. How to make three hundred umbrellas? (Children's answer).
And if we blow on a dandelion, what will happen to it?
Children's answer. (“Dandelion fluffs are compared to umbrellas.”)
In what other plants are they found? (“Dandelion”, “mother and stepmother”,
"Burdock", etc.)
3. What can the stars be compared to?
Children's answer.
- with snowflakes that forgot to fall;
- with flowers that sleep in the sky with their legs tucked in;
- with golden carnations that are nailed to the sky.
4. What can you compare carrots to? (with a red nose; with a cap).
Well done on this task too!
The next task in the envelope is called “Imaginative comparisons”, here is a task for everyone.
1. Boy + bear = (clumsy, awkward).
2. Thundercloud + face = (angry).
3. Water + glass = (clean, transparent).
4. Grass + carpet = (elegant, beautiful, soft).
5. Girl + swan = (beautiful, proud).
6. Ice + stone = (very hard).
Storyteller. Smart girls, what a difficult task Lisa prepared and completed it. Oh, this Fox just can’t calm down, there’s still one last task.
People sometimes compare themselves to animals, beasts, birds. I’m starting an unusual task, and you continue. You need to portray them using pantomime.
Game "Who are you?"
- Cunning, like... (fox);
- Prickly, like... (hedgehog);
- Healthy as...(bull);
- Hungry as wolf);
- Cowardly, like... (hare);
- Mulish);
- Important, like...(peacock);
- Inflated like... (turkey).
Storyteller. What a great fellow you are!
After all, the fairy tale could have ended sadly for our little kolobok. Well, the Fox is a beauty: “Saying as if you’re singing a song can make you think, but we coped with your tasks and saved Kolobok.” “And Kolobok rolled further towards the other heroes of fairy tales.” “There is a lie in a fairy tale, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson".
Bottom line
Do you remember what tasks you performed?
You are already good at finding comparisons in fairy tales.
Let's compare our Fox with something and let him run into his forest.
What is she like?
Children's answers. (The fox is red, like fire, cunning)
That's all.
“The fairy tale will soon be told, but the deed will not be done soon.”

Lesson summary on speech development

in the preparatory group

"Visiting a fairy tale"

Program content.

Educational: To consolidate familiar fairy tales in children’s memory, recognize them by fragments, illustrations, objects, etc. Continue working on the sentence and its verbal composition, be able to draw up sentence diagrams.

Developmental: Develop thinking, memory, imagination. Develop eye and fine motor skills.

Educational: To cultivate interest and love for fairy tales.

Formation of hand coordination skills when writing.

Priority educational field: Speech development.

Integration of areas: Speech, social-communicative, physical development.


Illustrations for fairy tales - “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Ryaba Hen”, “The Fox - Sister and Gray wolf"; exhibition of books on fairy tales; ball;

toys - hare, fox, bear, wolf, bun; notebooks; a yellow pencil for each child;

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizing time, topic announcement:

Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes.) You already know a lot of fairy tales. And today we have gathered to once again remember our favorite fairy tales, to find out which of you knows more fairy tales. So, the journey to the land of fairy tales begins! Reading of F. Krivin’s poem “The floorboard creaks about something”:

The floorboard is creaking about something,

And the knitting needle can’t sleep again,

Sitting on the bed, pillows

Ears are already pricked up.

And immediately the faces change,

Sounds and colors change...

The floorboard creaks softly,

A fairy tale goes around the room...

Game: “You give me, I give you.”

(Children stand in a circle. The leader from the middle of the circle throws the ball to the children, naming the animal. Children take turns answering in which fairy tale this hero appears.) For example: cow - fairy tale “Kroshechka - Khavroshechka.”

Goat -…; Bear -…; Wolf -…; Geese -…; Fox -…; Chicken -…; Hare-…

Well done! - We sit down quietly at the table.

2. Main part:

Fairy tales tell about the unprecedented, the miraculous, and they come in different forms: folk and original.

Guys, why do you think fairy tales are called folk tales (because they were composed by the people). Fairy tales were passed from one person to another. Therefore, fairy tales belong to oral folk art.

Game: “Find out the fairy tale by the riddle”

Guys, do you know a lot of fairy tales? (Yes). Let's check it now. I will ask you riddles, and you will name a fairy tale.

** A girl appeared in a flower cup,

And that girl was a little bigger than a marigold. (Thumbelina)

**Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)

**Treats small children,

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good Doctor... (Aibolit).

**I left my grandfather.

I left my grandmother

I'll come to you soon. (Kolobok).

Game: “Find out the fairy tale from the picture”

Well done, you can recognize a fairy tale from a riddle. And try to recognize the fairy tale from the illustration (on the board there are illustrations for the fairy tales “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Rock Hen”, “The Little Fox-Sister and the Gray Wolf”).

1) – Guys, look and tell me what fairy tale this illustration is from? - shows an illustration from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” (This is the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids.”)

Who composed it? (This is a Russian folk tale.)

Guys, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” - this German fairy tale, a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. It became widespread in Russia and became part of the oral folk art and with some changes in the plot received the status of a “Russian folk tale”.

What does this fairy tale teach us? (Because you shouldn’t open the door for strangers, listen to your mother, don’t be as angry as a wolf, but you have to be kind.)

2) - Look and tell me which fairy tale this illustration is from? - shows an illustration from the fairy tale “Hen Ryaba” (This is the fairy tale “Hen Ryaba.”)

Which chicken in this fairy tale is good or bad? (The hen is good. She gave her grandfather and grandmother a golden egg, and when the mouse broke it, she took pity on them and laid them another egg.)

Game: “Find out the fairy tale by the heroes”

I'll call fairy-tale heroes, and you will remember the names of the fairy tales in which they take place.

1. Grandfather, bug, granddaughter, mouse. (Tale "Turnip")

2. Mouse, grandma, egg. (Fairy tale “The Ryaba Hen”)

3. A very little girl, a cockchafer, a swallow, a mouse. (Fairy tale "Thumbelina")

4. King, three sons, arrow, swamp. (Fairy tale "The Frog Princess")

Guys, here are fairy-tale characters (toys): hare, wolf, fox, bear, bun.

Questions: - Which of the fairy-tale heroes is the odd one out in this row? (Kolobok)

How can you name the rest of the heroes? (wild animals)

What other heroes can you add? (old man, old woman)

What is the name of this fairy tale? (Fairy tale "Kolobok")

3. Physical exercise:


Pinocchio stretched,

Once - bent over,

Two - bent over,

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently I didn't find the key.

To get us the key,

You need to stand on your toes.

4. Continued work:

Game educational situation “Making sentences”, “ Graphic image proposals."

Guys, now I will show you a fairy-tale hero, and you must name him and make any sentence with this word. For example: hare (the hare loves carrots). How many words does this sentence consist of (this sentence consists of 3 words, the child writes the sentence diagram on the board \- - -)

Turnip; Cat; Mouse.

Grandfather planted a turnip. Bug called the cat. A mouse for a cat.

What fairy tale is this excerpt from? (“Turnip”) Well done!

5. Finger gymnastics:

Here are my helpers,

Turn them any way you want.

The road is white and smooth

Fingers gallop like horses.

Chok-chok-chok, chok-chok-chok,

A frisky herd gallops.

Hands on the table, palms down. Alternately moving forward with the left and then the right hand with simultaneous flexion and extension of the fingers.

Your fingers have warmed up and now you can get to work. Once again, pay attention to your landing.

A desk is not a bed

And you can't lie on it.

You sit at your desk slimly

And behave with dignity.

6. Independent work in notebooks:

Guys, open your notebooks. Place your notebooks correctly on the table. (Children's tables are lined at an angle of 30 degrees). Clever girls! There is a drawing of a turnip in your notebook. You need to color the turnip from top to bottom without leaving any white spots. We will work with a pencil. What color pencil do we need? ( yellow, because turnips are yellow). We hold the pencil correctly in a “pinch” of the thumb, index and middle fingers right hand. Ready? Then we start working.

7. Summing up:

Well done! I want to thank you on behalf of all fairy-tale heroes. You know fairy tales well, but I think each of you has a favorite fairy tale.

List of used literature

Koryakina L.V. Fun physical education minutes. // Preschool education. 1996 - №5

2. Sukhin I.G. " Literary quizzes, tests and fairy tales-riddles for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren" - M.: " New school", 1998.

3. Your first library “Russians” folk tales" - M.: "Planet of Childhood", 2003.

4. Falkovich T.A., Barylkina L.P. “Development of speech, preparation for mastering writing” - M.: “VAKO”, 2005.

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