Open music lesson “Sounds of winter. Summary of a corrective music lesson for a preparatory school group “We really like winter Music lessons in kindergarten winter birds

Target:- development of children’s musical abilities in various types of musical activities,

Show continuity in the work of the music director and teacher in children’s mastery of the program.


1. Educational:

Continue to teach how to perceive the surrounding reality with the help of musical images;

Exercise children in the expressive transmission of sound images.

2. Developmental:

Contribute to the formation of children's cognitive interest through music and visual arts;

Stimulate children's desire to speak out about music;

Develop pitch hearing.

3. Educational:

Enrich the emotional sphere of children through music, painting, and literature;

Develop skills of culture of behavior, communication with each other, goodwill.

Children enter the hall.

Music supervisor. Hello guys, ( sings, children respond by singing) I'm glad to see you. Let's start our musical meeting with a greeting.

Valelogical chant song “Hello!”

On this wonderful day, (one hand on the belt, then the other)

Good afternoon. (clap hands and knees)

Greet each other (one hand on the belt, then the other)

We're not lazy. (stomping feet)

Extend your arms (one hand forward, then the other)

Do not snooze. (arms outstretched, head shakes left and right)

A cheerful song (hands folded in front of you, shaking)

Start singing. (clap)

And now we continue to sing with acceleration. ( They sing again).

The weather is so wonderful today! The sun is shining! Today we have an unusual activity. Do you know why? Yes, because winter is an extraordinary time of year. ( Slad - Winter). Judge for yourself. Winter froze everything around, bound it with ice, covered it with snow... and all the nature around is mysterious, fabulous. In winter it is very fresh and frosty outside. And in order not to freeze, let's dance, you're in a good mood, right? (Yes!) I invite you to a fun workout.

Speech and motor warm-up “At the Giraffe” is carried out, music. Zheleznova (children, as shown by the teacher, perform movements in accordance with the text).

1 slide. Giraffe.

2 slide. Elephant.

3 slide. Kittens.

4 slide. Zebra.

5 slide. Giraffe.

Music supervisor. Very good. Is everyone warm? (Yes). Do you love fairy tales? (Yes). Me too. Do you want to get into a winter fairy tale? (Yes). To get into a winter fairy tale, we need to draw winter, look at the magic screen, it will tell us the movements (“snowflakes”, “trees in hats and fur coats”, “bunchbirds”, “clouds”, “breeze” - reminiscent of m.r. movements), and the music will show us the way to the fairy tale... Let's go to the fairy tale quietly, so as not to frighten it away.

Musical dance improvisation to music. "Pizzicato", music. A. Delibes.

Music supervisor. What wonderful children, you know how to listen to music and respond to its character. Here we are in a winter fairy tale, you drew it yourself. And now we sit down quietly, because the fairy tale continues:

Winter comes with kindness

And with my fairy tale.

With a magic wand

Will wave -

The Winter Fairy will come.

The music is “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” by P. I. Tchaikovsky. (Multimedia projector).

Did you like the music?

Tell me, what is the character of the music? (Children take turns saying - quiet, gentle, calm, affectionate, fabulous, magical, snowy)

Is it possible to compare music with winter, how can they be similar? (Children's answers: beautiful, fabulous, magical, winter, snowy).

So many wonderful words! (Portrait of the composer on the slide). It’s not for nothing that the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky called his music “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” - this is a winter fairy tale of snow flakes. They spin, fly and captivate everything around with their dance.

Musical director: Your sparkling eyes and smiles tell me that you are in a good mood. Look, after hearing beautiful music, the winter sun came out in our fairy tale (slide of sad sun), but it's very sad. Why? (Children answer). Of course, he needs to add some rays. To make it shine brighter and more cheerfully, I suggest singing songs to the sun and adding some rays to it. (Shows the magic box). Please note that the rays are different in length (long and short). Therefore, the songs will be different - short and long. (Shows Mr. in a voice). Children take a paper ray and take turns singing to the syllable “la”.

Musical and didactic game “Give a ray of sunshine.”

Musical director. Well done, our sun has begun to shine even brighter and warmer ( slide cheerful sunshine). And now let’s all sing a song about a winter’s fairy tale.

“Winter's Tale”, lyrics: Andrey Usachev, music: Alexander Pinegin.

Slide “Winter's Tale”.

Musical director. We will sing gently, affectionately, quietly, listen to each other and the music. Your song is wonderful.

Musical director. The sounds of magical musical instruments live in our winter fairy tale, here they are, look and everyone take any musical instrument. ( Children choose and take a musical instrument). I invite everyone to perform winter fairytale music together with a cheerful orchestra. We need the main man of the orchestra, what's his name? (conductor). It will be me. We listen and look at the conductor. We play the music of B. Smetan “Orchestra”.

Orchestra B. Smetan “Orchestra”.

Musical director. Well done, we have a wonderful winter orchestra. So we told you our winter fairy tale.

And now, as a farewell, I invite you to perform the cheerful dance “Winter Beauty” with me.

Dance “Winter is a Beauty”, music. A. Evdotyeva.

Musical director. Did you like the way you danced? (Yes). Well done. What's your mood? ( Cheerful, joyful, kind, good, fabulous). Let's remember what helped us get into a fairy tale today? (Children's answers). A fun warm-up, a song, a dance, musical instruments, in a word, wonderful music.

I wish you all a good winter mood, believe in fairy tales and love music, it helps make a fairy tale. And as a gift to you, winter snowflakes.

All the best! Goodbye! (Sings, children sing in response).

Size: px

Start showing from the page:


1 Integrated music lesson in the preparatory group on the topic: “Winter in music, poetry and painting” of the year Musical director: Nadezhda Andreevna Polunina. Purpose of the lesson: To develop an aesthetic attitude towards nature through the integration of poetry, painting and music. Objectives: - Develop the ability to perceive the works of great artists, poets, composers. -Develop the ability to convey the character of music through expressive singing and musical-rhythmic movement. -Develop erudition, culture, creativity. Progress of the lesson: Children enter the hall to the music of G. Sviridov “Blizzard” Musical director: Children! Today you entered the hall to the music of Georgy Sviridov “Blizzard”. - At what time of year does a blizzard occur? (children’s answer: in winter) - Do you like winter? - What do you like in winter? - What kind of winter is it like? (children: fluffy, quiet, frosty, blizzard..) Today we will talk about winter, how it was portrayed by artists, poets, composers. But first, let us sing our favorite song “Music of Winter” by Z. Root. Before singing, let’s tune in, do breathing exercises and sing. Today we will do a breathing exercise with a “snowflake”, since the theme of our lesson is “Winter”. Look, I have a “snowflake” in my hands.

2 “A big snowflake lies on the palm of your hand. I’ll blow a little on this snowflake. Let’s blow softly on the snowflake lying there, Let’s blow harder on the snowflake as it flies.” (Children take the “snowflakes” prepared in advance and repeat the exercise) (Next comes chanting. Various chants are performed). The song “Music of Winter” by Z. Root is performed (performed together and one at a time) Musical director: Many poets, artists, and composers loved winter very much. Look at the painting “Winter” by Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin. (a painting by I. I. Shishkin appears on the screen. Against the background of the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “January” from the cycle “Seasons,” the music director reads an excerpt from a poem by F. I. Tyutchev) “Bewitched by the enchantress in winter, the forest stands And under the snow fringed, motionless, mute, he glitters with a wonderful life. And he stands, bewitched, neither dead nor alive, enchanted by a magical dream, all entangled, all bound, with a light downy chain.”

3 Children! This is an excerpt from a poem by Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Tell me: what do we see in this picture? (winter forest, trees, snow) -What kind of snow? (fluffy, deep) -Trees are like sentries on duty What kind of winter is in the picture? (quiet, soft) -What color predominates? (white and brown) Let's compare this picture with the painting by Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar “The Tale of Frost and the Rising Sun.” -What do we see in this picture? What is winter like here? (frosty, sunny) -How are the paintings different? (this one has a variety of colors, the snow sparkles in different colors) Probably, this is exactly the kind of winter that A.S. wrote about. Pushkin in his poem “Winter Morning”. Let's read this poem together. I'll start, and you continue. “Frost and sun; wonderful day! You are still dozing, lovely friend. It’s time, beauty, wake up: Open your eyes, closed with bliss, Towards the northern Aurora. Be the star of the north! In the evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry, there was darkness in the cloudy sky; The moon, like a pale spot, turned yellow through the dark clouds, And you sat sad, And now look out the window:

4 (children) Under the blue skies With magnificent carpets, Shining in the sun, the snow lies; The transparent forest alone turns black, And the spruce turns green through the frost, And the river glitters under the ice.” And now let’s turn to the music. How did composers sing about this wonderful time of year? Let's compare the works of two composers: the Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi and the Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Both composers have a cycle of works “The Seasons”. Let's listen: how did Antonio Vivaldi depict winter? In the first chords of his work you can hear the creaking of snow under your feet, and then what is the character of the music? (stern, excited) Which poem goes with this music? “Winter Evening” by A.S. Pushkin. (children read) “A storm covers the sky with darkness, spinning whirlwinds of snow; Then, like an animal, she will howl, Then she will cry like a child, Then she will suddenly rustle on the dilapidated roof, Then, like a belated traveler, She will knock on our window.” Now let’s remember the plays “December” and “January” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, which we have already listened to before. (children remember the beautiful waltz music of “December” - (“Christmastide”) and the tender “January” - (“At the Fireplace”).

5 And today we will hear for the first time the play “February” by P.I. Tchaikovsky. The composer named this play after one of the noisiest folk holidays, when they say goodbye to winter and welcome spring... What holiday is this? (Maslenitsa) (Before listening, children are asked to think about what the character of the music should be? Answers: cheerful, joyful, fast, loud, bright, festive). We listen to “February” (“Maslenitsa”) by P.I. Tchaikovsky. (Invite the children to make drawings for the next lesson, inspired by the music they heard in today’s lesson) The last task is creative: improvising a dance to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “December” with multi-colored ribbons (like those multi-colored snowflakes that we saw in the painting by I. E. Grabar). (Children improvise a dance to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky) Let’s summarize our lesson. (Children answer questions about what they saw and heard. They remember the authors of paintings, poems and music on the theme “Winter”). Surprise moment: Musical director: Children! Our lesson has come to an end. But what do I hear? (you can hear “magic music” from the box, which was prepared in advance without the children noticing). Maybe it was Winter the Sorceress who came up with something? Oh! Look, our snowflakes have turned into chocolate medals! (chocolates are given to the children and they go into the group to the music).

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Target: The goal of musical correctional classes is to activate various aspects of the psychophysical activity of children due to the impact of music on the emotional sphere.



Teach children to distinguish shades of moods, changes in the nature of music and convey them in singing, movement, dance

Consolidate and generalize knowledge about winter and its signs through the emotional perception of musical works

Expand children's vocabulary


Develop children's musical and creative abilities in various types of musical activities, using a variety of methods and techniques

Enrich children's musical experiences by evoking an emotional response when perceiving music

To promote the development of children's creative activity in musical and performing activities

Develop auditory attention, memory, imagination, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm


To cultivate in children a love of nature through exposure to highly artistic examples of musical, poetic and visual works of art.

Integration of educational areas in the classroom.

Social and communicative development :

To form in children a sense of cohesion, unity, and a positive emotional mood within the team

Learn to express your point of view, listen to peers and maintain a conversation.

Cognitive development:

To consolidate children's knowledge about the signs of winter and seasonal changes in nature.

Speech development:

Activate children's vocabulary.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Develop a sense of beauty through the winter landscape and the ability to convey it in teamwork

Physical development:

Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children using health-saving technologies.

Summary of correctional music lesson

for pre-school group

“We really like winter”

M. r. Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

M.r. . We have guests at our lesson, let's be polite and say hello to them.

Children: Hello!

M. r. :

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

Guys, your smiles made everyone feel warmer, and our whole day will be brighter and more fun.

And now, a riddle for you:

Callous weather

Snow is a mess,

It's that time of year

We are calling…. (winter).

I suggest you go to the winter forest. And to get there, I will say the magic words and we will find ourselves in the forest. One, two, three, spin around and end up at the edge of the forest!

(Imitation exercise for emotional release)SLIDE


All the guys on the road Children are marching.
The music is calling

Along the paths
Kindergarten is underway.

It’s quiet underfoot They walk on their toes.
A snowball is falling.

We'll walk on our toes.

Don't lag behind, my friend!

Losing .

There is a lot of snow in the forest, They walk widely.
There are snowdrifts.

To avoid getting bogged down,

Take a wider step.

Marching along forest paths.
The guys are in a hurry.

Went out for a walk

Our kindergarten.

So we came to the winter forest, let's admire natureSLIDE

Winter dances, sings, plays with us

And he invites everyone to listen to music.

You go through everything quietly,

Sit on the chairs and relax.

(Listening to music)

Now we will listen to a wonderful piece of music about winter, called"Winter morning" ", and it was written by the well-known composer P.I. Tchaikovsky

Z ima - this time of year,
What gives us all beauty!

Dressed in white nature

Revealed purity to the world!

M.R.: Guys, what winter morning did you imagine listening to this music?

Children: Beautiful, snowy, cold, frosty, clear, etc.

M.r. .: What moods and feelings does this play convey? What was the character of the music?

Children: Gentle, bright, calm, expressive, etc.

M.R.: Yes, the music sounded gentle, expressive, and we were overcome with different feelings: inspiration, joy, the beauty of a winter morning. We listened to P.I. Tchaikovsky’s play “Winter Morning”.

Yes, guys, there are a lot of interesting things in the forest in winter

There is snow everywhere, houses in the snow -

Winter brought him.

She hurried to us quickly,

She brought us bullfinches.

From dawn to dawn

Bullfinches praise winter


Who doesn't know the bullfinch,
An unusual bird?
A little more than a sparrow
He's bigger than a titmouse.
Lives in parks and forests,
On the green streets.
He sings very quietly
How the pipe plays.

Guys, how does the pipe play?

Children's answers

Let us sing with these words. Ti-ri-ra (loud-quiet)

Now let’s sing louder and clap the rhythmic pattern.

Get ready, be careful and clap the rhythm correctly.


Chant Ti-ri-ra slide

(children complete the task together with teacher).

You did great! It was as if a flock of bullfinches were singing outside the window. . Well done!

I suggest you turn into bullfinches, for this we will put on masks (wear masks)

I will sing a song about bullfinches, and you will be little bullfinches and answer me in the chorus with words from our chant.

1. Outside the window there is a bullfinchslide
Like droplets of dawn!
Circling over the clearing
A flock of rosy

Ti-ri-ra, ti-ri-ra




2. Let it be white-white around-
Not afraid of winter blizzards


Little red balls.

3. In an open field by the river
Mischievous bullfinches

They wash themselves with snow -

This is how they are tempered!

-R az, two, three, four, five.
We're going to play

.(musical game onchange in the nature of music and their transmission in singing, movement, dance

Game of birds and blizzard (hoops) slide

What a fun time of year - winter! We sing, and dance, and play, and don’t freeze at all. But it's time for us to go to the group. And so again. Spin two, three times and end up in our group!

So we visited the winter forest.

Let's remember the song about winter.

(repetition of what has been covered)

“Song about Winter” SLIDE

- Well done boys. You did a good job. In memory of our journey, I want to make a beautiful picture with youwith bullfinches, let's go to whatman paper and plant bullfinches on a tree.

Look at the branches,

Bullfinches in red T-shirts

Feathers spread out

Basking in the sun.

They turn their heads, they turn them

They want to fly away

Enjoy it quickly
On the handsome bullfinches!

M.R .. Well done guys, what beautiful bullfinches we got.

Our lesson is coming to an end. What did you especially like about today's lesson?

Well, now I’m inviting you to dance. Do you agree?



Dance we are friends (perform movements according to the text)

Municipal state preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 8"

Summary of direct educational activities on music education in the senior group

“Hello, winter-winter!”


Musical director

Perutskaya G.N.


Target : development of musical abilities in preschool children.


Introduce children to the new musical work “Waltz of Snow Flakes” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, emotionally perceive and understand the figurative content of musical works.

Learn to distinguish the nature of music, convey its mood with movements, “snowball spinning” - easy running, smooth hand movements.

Encourage you to sing the melody clearly, pronounce the words clearly, and sing expressively.

To develop in children the ability to perform movements to music, coordinating them with the text.

Practice the ability to play bells rhythmically.

Foster a culture of listening to music, friendly relationships when performing team work.

Integration of areas.

"Physical Culture"- continue to accumulate and enrich children’s motor experience, teach them to convey the leisurely, measured nature of music in their movements, imitating skiing.

"Cognition" - enrich children's understanding of seasonal changes in nature.

"Reading fiction" - instill a love for the artistic word.

"Artistic creativity"- continue to develop interest in the application. Strengthen your neat gluing skills. To form a desire to interact with peers when creating collective compositions.

Preliminary work.

1. Conversations with children about winter and wild animals.

2. Learning the words of the round dance “Like thin ice”, the lyrics of the song “Winter”

3. Conducting breathing exercises.

4. Phys. minute “We are making a snowman”

5. Exercise “Ring the bell.”

6. Musical exercises: “In the wilderness, sounds in silence,” “Hello.”

7.Practicing dance movements with snowflakes.

8.Imitation of various movements (sleds, skates, skis).

Material and equipment. Telegram, Christmas trees, snowflakes, bells, screen, projector, Whatman paper (attached to the board.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall, the music director greets them.

Children sing “hello” to the guests.

Music hands Guys, today a telegram was brought to our kindergarten - here it is(is reading).

For the children of the “Golden Fish” kindergarten.

« We invite you to the winter forest

There are many miracles here

You can jump and gallop

It can be fun to play.

Come to the clearing

Help me choose a Christmas tree!” Hares.

Music hands Well, guys, do you want to go into the forest to help the hares choose a Christmas tree and decorate it for the New Year?

Children's answer.

Music hands What time of year is it now?

Music hands So what kind of forest? (winter)

Music hands What will we go on?

Children's answer.

Voss. Let's go skiing.

Voss. We put on our skis, take our poles and go help the bunnies.

Children “go skiing” to the music “Waltz of Skaters”

(then they go sledding and skating)

(while the children are “riding”, the musical director arranges Christmas trees around the hall)

Voss. Here we are!

Music hands You and I found ourselves in a winter forest. How beautiful it is now: all the trees are covered in snow, they are dressed in a magical outfit, you can’t hear the birds, all nature is asleep. Silence. The snow sparkles in the sun.

Voss. Look how many snowflakes attacked the Christmas trees(snowflakes are attached to the Christmas trees).

Music hands Guys, take one snowflake each, now we’ll play with them.

Music hands A large snowflake lies on the palm.

I'll blow a little on this snowflake.

Blow softly - the snowflake lies,

Blow harder - the snowflake flies(breathing exercise).

(when we blow, we don’t puff out our cheeks)

Music hands Where are the bunnies? Let's call them: “Where are you bunnies “ay!”

Music hands They don't hear...

Let's call again(name).

Voss. They don't hear again. Apparently they hid in the forest.

Music hand: Let's remember the song about winter and sing it, maybe the bunnies will hear us.

Song "Winter"

Music hands And now I propose to listen to the music of the winter forest and see how nature has transformed.

Children listen to music. P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of Snow Flakes”

(watching the presentation “Winter Forest”)

Music hands: You've listened to it, now tell me what kind of music it is?

How does it make us feel? What instrument did it sound like? How did the composer depict winter? (children's answers)

Music hands Now, guys, let's take the instruments and try to decorate the music we listened to. Choose the tool that you think will suit you. (children take tools)

Playing music to previously listened to music

Music hands Guys, tell me, why didn’t you choose spoons and a tambourine?

(children's answers)

Voss. And in the forest the frost is getting stronger. Cold! Music hands It's okay, we'll warm up now. Guys, what do you like to play in winter? And I propose to build a snowman.

Physical exercise “We are making a snowman”

Music hands So that we don’t freeze at all, let’s sing the Russian folk song “Like on thin ice.” Get up in a round dance, sing and dance.

“Like a little white snow fell on thin ice”

(Russian folk song) (2 times)

Music hands Well, are you warmed up? ( Children's answer).

Voss. Guys, guess the riddle.


Our animal lives in anxiety

Takes your feet away from trouble

Well, guess quickly,

What is the animal's name...

Children. Bunny! (a bunny appears on the screen)

Music hands Well, of course it's a bunny. And it seems to me that he is not alone, but together with his mother. Listen!

(pitch detection game)This is the mother bunny(bunny theme in the first octave).And this is the son of a bunny(bunny theme in the second octave).Now close all your eyes, listen with your ears and guess who is jumping in the snow around the Christmas tree: mother is a hare or son is a little hare.

(the game is repeated 2-3 times)

Music hands Oh, how dark everything around was. It started snowing. The snow is falling slowly, slowly. White flakes are swirling. He makes everyone very happy today. And, of course, the guys.

Music hands Now the girls will take white scarves and spin like feathers in a waltz of snowflakes.

Waltz of snowflakes.

Music director And now it’s time to choose the most beautiful Christmas tree for our bunnies(choose.) New Years is soon! And around this Christmas tree the forest animals will dance in a circle: hares, squirrels, foxes. And to make it even more beautiful, we will decorate it with our bells. Let them ring in the winter wind and cheer the forest animals.

Music hands It's time for us to say goodbye to the forest

We need to go back to kindergarten!

Voss. Put on your skis and hit the road.

The music “Waltz of the Skaters” sounds again

Children imitate skiing.

Voss. Well, we returned to our kindergarten.

Today we traveled through the winter forest, and now let's create our own picture of the winter forest, glue the Christmas trees that you made.

(Children take the prepared Christmas trees and paste them onto a picture of a winter forest.)

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of Snow Flakes” is playing.

Children do collective work on appliqué. Then they review and discuss the result of the work.

Music hands Now let's say goodbye to the guests. (Children sing “Goodbye.”)

Oksana Ostroukh
Open music lesson “Sounds of Winter”


Older age.

Goals and objectives classes. Develop children's aesthetic taste, cultivate a love of listening music. Draw children's attention to the special beauty of winter sounds of nature. To form the idea that in nature everything is subject to a certain rhythm; translate ideas about rhythm in nature and life into rhythmic Feel: auditory, visual, tactile; develop the ability for imaginative and free improvisation, as well as develop an ear for timbre, a sense of rhythm, imagination, and associative thinking. Form children's vocabulary and logical thinking.

Progress of the lesson.

(sounds music, children run in a circle, then stop)

M.R.: Guys, I’m very glad to see you again in our music hall. I hope everyone is in a good mood, so I suggest not to waste time, but rather say hello to each other.


1. The legs walked straight along the path. (They walk randomly around the hall)

We walked happily and met a friend. (Find a mate - a friend)

Chorus: Hello, hello, dear friend! (Shake hands)

Look around you. (Spread their arms to the sides)

Just smile at me! (Smile at each other)

Give me a big hug! (Hug)

Losing: spin in pairs, holding hands.

(The game is repeated 3 times.)

M.R.: All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend!

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other. (Children hold hands and smile at each other)

Well done boys! We greeted you cheerfully and became friends, but we completely forgot about our guests, let's stand in a semicircle, facing the guests and greet them too!

(children singing):

Dear guests, hello, hello!

We wish everyone happiness, health and joy.

We hope that you will not be bored with us,

Let us quickly class start!

M.R.: Well, are guests allowed?

Guests: Allowed.

M.R.: Then let's start the lesson.

It's about to start playing music, and in its background there is a poem, listen to it carefully and tell us what you told us about music and poetry.

(sounds music and a poem against its background):

M.R.: At night, in the fields, to the tunes of a blizzard,

Birch and spruce trees are dozing, swaying.

I imagine at night, between the white birches,

Frost wanders in the foggy glow.

What time of year do you think this poem is talking about? (Children's answers). That's right, of course about winter. And today we will go for a walk in the winter forest to listen to winter songs. sounds and see all the beauty of the winter forest.

Is everyone ready?

Children: Yes!

M.R.: Then rhythmically repeat the words and movements after me.


It's time for us to get ready (clap hands)

On a journey, friends. (Slap knees)

Winter is waiting for us (hands up, finger to cheek, shake head)

They are waiting for blizzards, waiting for snow. (Motor, arms up to the sides)

Distant lands await us (visor right and left)

And deep seas. (Swimming)

Let's go on a hike (walking)

We don't need a plane (arms to the sides, flying)

We don't need a locomotive (simulation of train movement)

Let's pinch ourselves on the nose. (Pinch nose)

Now close your eyes (sit down and close your eyes)

Let's go! Hooray! (jump up)

(children under music walk like a snake around the hall, then stop)

(lights go out, turn on the ball, music)

M.R.: So you and I found ourselves in a winter forest clearing, look how many beautiful snowflakes the winter has left around. They are so light, fluffy and very fragile, let's depict snowflakes in motion.


(sounds music)

Snowflakes are spinning

In the frosty air. (Spin on your toes)

Fall to the ground (Sit down slowly, show the smooth fall of snowflakes)

Lacy stars.

Here's one that fell (Stand up and catch an imaginary snowflake in your palm)

On my palm.

Oh, don't worry, snowflake,

Wait a bit! (Carefully cover the snowflake with your other palm)

M.R.: Guys, look, all the snowflakes are so beautiful, snow-white, but they are so lonely lying on the ground, they have no friends at all. Let us get to know them, sing our name to each snowflake, and then put them in a basket and take them with us to kindergarten.

(children put a snowflake and sing its name-song)

(soundtrack of a snowstorm sounds)

M.R.: Children, listen to what this is sound? Maybe there was a light summer breeze? (Children's answers)

Let each of you now blow on your hand so that the wind is cold and sound sounded like the howling of a blizzard. (Children blow)

Hear, the wind is blowing stronger and stronger, let’s use our voice and hand to depict the howling of the winter wind. (Teacher and musical the leader together with the children, gliding with his voice sound(y, depict the winter wind. Hand "draw" lines in the air, conditionally modeling height and dynamics "storms".)

(The soundtrack of the blizzard ends and sounds quiet music)

M.R.: The blizzard ended, soft and fluffy snow fell from the sky. Let's quietly walk along the path on tiptoes and sit down on the chairs so that nothing disturbs the silence in nature.

Sit up straight, straighten your shoulders, let's warm up our throats after a walk in the cold winter forest.


Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, (shakes head, holds cheeks)

The snow fell thickly. (Rotate hands from top to bottom)

Ai-ai-ai, ai-ai-ai, (shakes head)

You catch it with your hand. (Close and unclench your hands)

M.R.: Guys, we are with you at the previous classes We've learned a song about winter, let's sing it with you. But we won’t just sing, we’ll also voice the loss by playing musical instruments. (The teacher distributes tools)


M.R.: I invite you to plunge into the magical world music. Today we will continue our acquaintance with the work of composer Antonio Vivaldi and once again listen to the work called "Winter".

Close all your eyes, sit comfortably and try to imagine a picture or a fairy tale that is being told to you music.

(Listen to an excerpt from musical piece “Winter”).

What did you imagine while listening? music? (Answers)

Which music by nature? (Tense, excited, anxious, moving, magical, graceful, airy, fabulous).

Who performed this piece? (Orchestra)

Which instrument, in your opinion, sounded the brightest? (Violin)

You told me that this magical music, alarming, elegant, fabulous... What do you think, the music sounded rhythmic? (Rhythmically)

That's right, guys, if only the music had no rhythm, then it wouldn't be music, but just a regular set sounds. After all, in music, as in all our lives, everything is subject to laws rhythm: you and I walk rhythmically (imitation of walking, breathe rhythmically (inhale-exhale, our heart beats rhythmically (children listen to the heart, the clock ticks rhythmically (tick tock)

In nature there are also many different rhythms: morning-day-evening-night, summer-winter-autumn-spring. Let your imagination run wild: is there a rhythm at the door? (Yes, open - close) . At the flower? (Bloom - bloom and wither).

Now be careful, and I’ll tell you a riddle about a natural phenomenon that also has its own rhythm.

White, patterned little star,

You fly into my hand, sit for a minute.

The star spun in the air a little,

She sat down and melted on my palm. (Snowflake)

You guessed the riddle correctly, this is a snowflake (I’m showing the snowflake, look how beautiful it is, all the parts of the snowflake are also arranged in a strict rhythmic order.

Now go quietly and sit down at the table. (Children sit down)

I suggest that you use the material that lies on your table to depict your snowflake the way you imagine. And it will help you see an imaginary snowflake music, which we listened to. What is the name of the work? (Winter) Who composed this work? (A. Vivaldi)

(children work at tables, making snowflakes)

M.R.: (walks with children, looks at snowflakes) Guys, what wonderful snowflakes you have made, they are all so beautiful and different, but note that all snowflakes have rays (parts) alternate in a strict rhythmic order (big ray, small)

You and I have worked well and dreamed up, and now we can relax a little and play, and our game is called "Ice Gate".


The ice gates are not always allowed through.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is allowed

And for the third time -

We'll freeze you.

Bottom line classes.

(children say goodbye)

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