Holidays at the dacha. Story

Putting only one bill into each. Get your initial deposits! (Gives the couples candy wrappers). Banks For Your deposits can serve as pockets, lapels, and all secluded places. Try to complete the process as quickly as possible... eat a banana in a race while blindfolded. It would seem, what could be simpler? But... While the girls are blindfolded, the presenter offers the girls give away hold the bananas for him, at this time a condom is put on the banana. The girls' reaction when they try to take a bite is difficult to describe, but...

Legend - a tale of love for adults

Secret desires. Of course, childhood affection grew into a high and reverent feeling. When both he and she were ready for anything, each other For friend. Not for the sake of praise, but simply because they loved - purely and sincerely - the way they love once and for all. The young man... all the trading ports, but he never found anything that would be worthy of his beloved. The young man decided to return to the only one to give away in his palms is the most valuable thing he has - his love. Approaching the familiar latitudes, the young man saw his Paradise - ...


No, I can't cry, a fairy tale for adults

No. “This is a story about a seagull who wanted to get rid of something she couldn’t live without,” he began. story blond young man. On a distant coast, sheltered by inaccessible rocks, lived a seagull. This free bird, trying to drown out the surf, each... forms a serene comfort. I wanted to fly away and throw off the shackles of slavish dependence on the sea surf, to those paradise forests that I heard about in stories other birds. - Sea, I’m tired, I’m tired of your cruel caresses. Because sometimes your waves are so rough that...


Burning candles cry, a fairy tale for adults

AND luxurious life didn't darken my dreams young musician, because he knew that someday he would definitely find the one, For in which worldly values ​​will have no meaning and meaning. When the dark night gently fell on the streets of the city, the young man, placing... in the center of an incomprehensible flame. And, forgetting about everything, you want to become part of this light and warmth, so that, after absorbing, give away all of yourself to someone to whom you are endlessly devoted. Handing the musician a burning cinder, the girl, almost silently, whispered: “I want...


The Maiden of Fire, a fairy tale for adults

A life in which there were no prohibitions, canons, or norms, in which everything was filled with sacred and hidden meaning, hitherto unsolved. The young man was waiting for the Virgin from the fire so that tell to a dear stranger that he finally understood and comprehended everything that she had been whispering to him for so long on long, enchanted nights. He was waiting for her. I was waiting for her to...


About a Little Ray, a fairy tale for adults

But also incredibly reverent and kind soul. Yes, the little ray had a soul. Any manifestation of existence can have a soul. Warmed by the fire of a fire, cold stones can give away provides warmth to a person when he needs it. The faceless boxes of apartments absorb our warmth and retain it, even in our absence. Any animal is always...


About the Sun and the Moon, a fairy tale for adults

Somehow the Sun and the Moon got into an argument. They didn’t even argue, they just had a fight. “Go away,” said the Sun to the Moon, why are you needed? You can't give people anything other than a dull, dull glow. My rainbow and cheerful, sunny reflections give the world affection, warmth, and life to all living things on earth. Leave! The earth can live without your dark and dull light! Luna was offended and, of course, left. She hid behind a smoky mountain, deciding to spend her life in a whitish fog so as not to disturb anyone...


Amulet, fairy tale for adults

Somewhere very, very far away, among the endless carnival of galaxies and constellations, on one of the mysterious and magical planets, a prince was born. Blond, blue-eyed, incredibly handsome and infinitely kind. His wondrous, melodious voice was like the most enchanting birdsong. A little prince He was gentle and affectionate not only towards friends and relatives, but anyone who was gifted with his delightful smile became happier and kinder. The planet where the prince was born did not know violence and war. ...

Do you want a funny country story for the spring weather? Then listen. We planned a trip to the dacha. And before that I had a fight with my husband. I'm going silently. He silently drove the car. They loaded their things in silence. Only the dog loudly expressed his joy about the trip. She and I sat in the back seat. My daughter came and sat in front. She threw the bag with the phone back, turned on the music and fell silent.

The husband furiously rubs the windshield. I sat for a while and realized that I needed to dress warmer. Without saying anything to anyone (and why say anything, because everyone is nearby and everyone has eyes), I got out of the car and went into the house to warm myself. I took a warm scarf, was about to go out and then I remembered: to return - Bad sign. To prevent it from coming true, you need to go to the mirror, stick out your tongue and make a face. I did so. Did you present the picture? And so, with a calm soul, I go out, look around and see that mine is not there. I looked to the right, to the left - no! Are they joking? I dialed my daughter’s phone number (I don’t call my husband - I’m in a quarrel). Doesn't answer. I called again - no answer. I go into the house, sit by the window and start crying, stressing myself out: “My father-in-law wouldn’t forget me, he wouldn’t leave me. He loves her. And my husband would not forget my friend Larisa Vladimirovna. She holds it in her fist. But I can be forgotten, like some thing!”

About 20 minutes passed. A call from my daughter: “Mom, where are you?” "I'm so angry:" On back seat!” And she passed out. About 20 minutes later they arrive. I go out, my daughter takes me by the arms and, like a patient, carefully puts me in the car, closes the door, checks that it is closed well, and we drive off. The following becomes clear. Having driven 20 kilometers, my husband looked in the mirror, saw that I was not there, and said to Glashka (the dog): “Glasha, where is Valya?” The flasher doesn't give me away.

Then my daughter says that she almost went crazy. Where did I go? Did it fall out? Got out at a traffic light? They didn’t hear my calls, my phone was in my bag, my bag was in the back seat, and I had headphones in my ears.
Arriving at the dacha, I began to tell all this to my neighbors (we live very friendly with them, like one family). I tell you this so pitifully, everyone sympathizes with me. Why! The husband forgot his wife and only remembered at the 20th kilometer. For three days we worried about all this, and then something clicked in my head, and I began to tell this story in a different way: “The third day Valyusha is crying, my husband did not take Valya to the dacha.” And everyone was already laughing at this story.

Still, I read smart books and know that I need to think positively, much like my dacha neighbor. Her bathhouse fell apart. From old age. The wall flew off. Understanding the expenses that await her and the amount of work ahead, I express my sympathy for her. There are many people in the family, but only the husband has business hands. She, apparently, also reads the same books and says: “Everything is fine with us, my husband will restore everything, he works with pleasure.”
Yeah, with pleasure! I see the pleasure written on his face. He doesn't read the right books.
And how much funny jokes I had to hear it at the dacha. Here we have a commune. I would say, a commune of people who live by the principle: “Now I don’t go on vacation and don’t lie on the beach, I’d rather sit in the garden under a pear tree on manure.”
So the neighbor invited us and the guests to his bathhouse. Of course, they drank, stumbled into the washroom, and poured water on the stones. They shout: “Egorych, a couple is not enough!” Answer: “Well, I haven’t flooded it yet.”

Or another picture. The neighbors are coming. Our friend and his family arrived. The car arrived overloaded, all the people were well-fed. My mother-in-law barely squeezed through the door; importantly, slowly, the wife fell out in a bun; my daughter quickly jumped out; Tyree the dog jumped out after her. And then the neighbor’s words make you laugh: “Wow, he brought some women!”
I also have a dog, a chocolate-colored cocker spaniel. I named her Glafira, that is, Glashka. Yesterday I bought her pork liver. Defrosted it and set it to cook. I cooked it, drained the water and saw that three worms, similar to maggots, were floating in the broth. Have you seen them among fishermen? She examined one and threw it away, and then she put the whole brew aside with disgust. Already in the morning I decided to go to the store. I'll show you how to sell such crap! I got dressed and went. I had almost reached the store, but I decided to look at these creatures again in daylight. I took out a saucepan. I carried the brew in it so as not to crush the worms.

I'm considering it. And then I suddenly remember that yesterday I made pilaf. These maggots are very similar to grains of rice. I go back and visit my friend (she is buying the same liver for her cat). She takes a magnifying glass and also decides that these are worms. Before passing the verdict, we decide to drink some tea. Tea combed our thoughts, and we realized: “It’s good that I didn’t get to the store.” I go home, take out the pilaf and see that the boiled rice and maggots are almost identical. I defrosted the rest of the liver and made sure there were no worms in it. Now imagine if I did get to the store! Yes, they would take me for a professional brawler!

By the way, about maggots. They scared me once already. My husband bought them for fishing and put the boxes with them in the refrigerator. Apparently, one of them was poorly closed, and these creatures crawled in different directions. I open the refrigerator and they are everywhere. Oru. I close the refrigerator. I run away and swear at my husband. And he goes, opens the refrigerator, collects them and lovingly says: “We’re frozen, my dears, let’s run to warm ourselves up!” Come here!"

Our Glashka is a lady and a thief. She buries socks, slippers, gloves - everything she steals - in the beds. One day neighbor Rimma shouts:
- Tolya, didn’t you find my panties?
“I found it,” the husband answers. “They’re hanging on the fence.” And I swore at mine for throwing things around.
In the summer, Glashka has the usual “lady’s” problems. Well, very cute males ran after her! She could get through the eye of a needle to them. I thought, how can I keep her from them? And I came up with an idea. I tied small rakes to the leash.
And the attraction began...

Glashka ran along the paths, rattled them, the neighbors laughed, but understood me, since they often had to look for a fugitive with me. Then suddenly there was silence, and then the whole group of us looked for which hole in the fence it was stuck at. They found her, sympathized with her like women, and vying with each other scolded these nasty dirty village dogs, meaning, probably, each of her own males. However, they could not keep the sleek beauty. She found a hole somewhere and ran away. As a result of the search, we found her on a garbage heap with the most unsightly and mongrel dog. I kept wondering why Glashka doesn’t want to communicate with beautiful, well-groomed spaniels, but chooses the most unsightly and shabby males for mating?

Every summer day brings surprises. Yesterday I had a fight with my husband. I’m leaving for the bus with three buckets of berries. I’ll take two and come back for the third. A drunk walks ahead, swaying. He watches me run from bucket to bucket and decisively takes the two that were closest. I tell him: “You can barely stand on your own feet!” And he: “Smart? Yes? Why are you carrying three buckets alone?” I have nothing to say. So he helped me until the stop. He stumbled, but carried on. And my offended Tolya didn’t even ask how I managed to carry such a load.

Behind the fence our rules were even stricter than on the site. Everything that I destroyed, Tolya arranged there with love. This is how the daffodils, watersheds and other population, which had already proliferated very much, began their second life behind the fence comfortably. The irises just drove me crazy, so I moved them there too. And then Oksana (daughter) again prescribed them on our site, and now she continues to buy new varieties. And I don't argue anymore.
Here, behind the fence, our willows grew. At one time they were used real hunt: fences have become fashionable. And for a husband, this is tantamount to cutting off his arms and legs. They protected, explained, and called neighbors for help.
He himself carried brushwood from the islands and did not touch his own willows. One day we heard our willows rustling; someone needed them for a fence. So the husband began to swear in vain, expressively and loudly shouting: “Them, mother!” Saved the willows. My grandfather weaved fences and baskets. And I, a village woman, would have some brushwood in my hands. And this was done by the townsman Tolya. And he loved the land more than I did. How to explain this?

The “Country Stories” competition continues. Today Tatyana from Vitebsk talks about her dacha. She says that there is no better place to relax, so the summer season never ends for her.

— My husband and I never wanted a dacha. There were parents’ dachas, where people came to serve their “labor service” and quickly ran away to more fun places: with friends, on picnics, on trips. But when the inevitable retirement suddenly loomed on the horizon, thoughts began to wander about their dacha.

Construction from scratch was unrealistic - age and funds (or rather, their complete lack) did not allow it. It didn’t make sense to rebuild our parents’ dachas, so we started searching ready-made version. I didn't like everything I watched. But our dacha found us on its own.

One day we received an invitation to come “help” get rid of a large apple harvest. We looked around and... disappeared. The place simply bewitched: immediately in front of the site (quite spacious - 9 acres) there is a small field of rye, and behind it a forest with mushrooms, berries and singing birds. A ten-minute walk through the woods is a river. And all this goodness is nine kilometers from our entrance! Of course, when we were offered to buy it, we got into debt, became tense, went through all the ordeals of difficult relationships with the previous owners (they either sold it or changed their minds) and finally became owners.

When buying an old dacha, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to fit your tastes and preferences into certain given frameworks. And we started to enter. Let me say right away that we did everything by trial and error. We knew nothing about the structure and organization of dacha life and acted based on our own wishes, feelings and advice from the Internet.

Over a 15-20 year period " past life“To our dacha, its owners brought an incredible amount of everything unnecessary in city life. Moreover, they themselves could not explain the purpose of some objects. All this had to be either burned, or taken to landfills, or scrapped. Both friends who came to see our purchase, and we ourselves, left with trunks full of junk. But we learned lesson No. 1: do not turn the dacha into a “junk dump”, do not drag anything unnecessary onto it.

When choosing a dacha, we immediately decided on its concept: it should be a place to relax, open house, where relatives and friends can always come. Well, as comfortable as possible for summer life.

All our work was complicated by the terrain of the site: for any building we had to level the sites and even build terraces due to the large slope.

Not being original, in parallel with the clearing, we began rebuilding the toilet. The structure itself is largely standard, but they gave us a pit good advice, maybe someone else will find it useful. We placed 5 or 6 tires in the dug hole, which we received completely free of charge at the nearest tire shop. The total depth was more than two meters. Enough for several generations. The toilet, which stuck out in plain sight, was moved to this pit. Well, light, ventilation - that goes without saying. It turned out practical, cute and private.

Our second building was a gazebo, which we decided to put in place of a huge film greenhouse welded from a metal corner, located right in front of the porch.

The option of purchasing a canopy or awning was rejected immediately - it was not mounted into the surrounding landscape, only wood was suitable. In general, we limited the use of plastic only to garden chairs. In everything else - only natural materials: wood and stone. Today gazebos are sold “on every corner,” but a couple of years ago we had difficulty finding a craftsman who, according to our drawings, made such a miracle.

We covered ourselves from the road with ornamental bushes and maiden vines. A large table was placed in the gazebo for a large company.

Well, I chose a place for a barbecue nearby. Again, close to the entrance to the house, so it wasn’t far to run around with plates. They laid tiles on the prepared site and dug building blocks around the perimeter (thanks for the idea from the Internet), poured soil into the recesses and planted border flowers on the non-working side for a couple of years. Then they abandoned it, and the place was taken over by the ubiquitous daisies.

I love water very much, so they dug a small artificial pond in the same area. It was redone several times, but due to the slope, they never achieved a perfectly level position. The slope was leveled with cobblestones and planted with suitable vegetation. Thus, the formation of this zone is almost complete.

The “heavy legacy of the past” for me was a huge barrel with wheels embedded in the ground. It seemed unrealistic to move it, and a supply of water in case of interruptions in the public water supply turned out to be useful. Her “face” suggested the way out.

Really, a little train from Romashkovo? That's what I did. And the wheels were covered with a decorative fence. The children from the neighboring dachas really enjoyed it; they went on an excursion. I made daisies on all sides from self-adhesive paper. True, this was a mistake; some began to peel off pretty quickly. This year I will repaint it and paint the daisies through a stencil.

Thus, we have finally realized our main plan. But, as they say, there is no limit to perfection. Every year something new is added. Either a canopy plaited with grapes and providing pleasant shade all summer long, or a horizontal bar, or a basketball hoop.

But overall, we have created a place where we enjoy spending time ourselves and love receiving guests. Our dacha leaves no one indifferent. Some special energy allows you to immediately relieve fatigue, irritation, and forget about problems for a while.

I want to come here not only in the summer. When people ask us if we have opened the summer season, we always answer: “We didn’t close it”! If there is snow in winter, then we have a supply of skis there not only for ourselves. This winter we put our grandson on skis. And we have slides right behind the gate - you'll rock!

P.S. We have not given up our passion for travel. They just moved them from spring to autumn. After all, to paraphrase Exupery, we are responsible for the place that has tamed us.

Tell us about your dacha and win a prize

site competition for avid and novice summer residents. Tell us about your dacha: how it was bought, built or rebuilt, how you created a place where you feel comfortable. Best stories We will publish it, and for the best one we will award a cash prize.

If the whole dacha is still far from ideal, send a description of the place you have equipped for relaxation and gatherings with friends and family - it could be an original gazebo, a terrace, a barbecue area, a bathhouse, a pond where you can sunbathe.

We expect from you:

— text in doc format;

— 5−15 photos. Send as a separate file. Preferably horizontal in jpeg format good quality;

- phone number and name to make it easier to contact for awarding the prize.

Send both text and photos by email [email protected] marked "Dacha".

The winner will traditionally be chosen by TUT.BY readers in a vote. The best dacha story will receive monetary reward— 300 Belarusian rubles.

The fact is that the boss decided to let one of us go on vacation during the off season. It fell to me to rest. I should have been happy, but it only puzzled me. Two weeks is not such a long time, which means I had to urgently decide where I wanted to spend them. I didn't know this. I had too little money to travel south. But I didn’t want to sit in the stuffy city. In short, there was something to think about.

Right at this moment
sounded phone call. Picking up the phone, I gently uttered a well-rehearsed phrase: “Notary office. How can we be of service to you?”
- Absolutely everyone! - the voice of my college friend Aska announced cheerfully. - I'm more useful person I’ve never seen anything like you, Telichkina! Are you busy? Can you talk?
“Easy,” I grinned. — It’s still quiet here: all self-respecting people are now relaxing at resorts, and not running around notaries. And from Monday I have a vacation. “Cool!” my friend rejoiced. “I was just about to figure out how to sneak you out of work for a week.” I want to take you and Albinka out into nature. Goga managed to knock out a house in the forest.

Would you like to come with us?

- You ask! With great pleasure. I urgently need to change the situation, otherwise I’m starting to mope.
On Sunday Goga took us to the place. Having opened the house, he stepped aside and grimaced with displeasure.
- Who was vacationing so actively here?! Walking around her husband, Aska also looked into the room and whistled:
- Wow! How long have they been hanging here? Judging by the number of bottles, at least a month. - Come on, let me go! — Quickly pushing her friend aside, Albinka stepped into the room. She winced and sneezed. - You bastards! At least they would ventilate it, or something! Everything here stank of tobacco! And the dust!..
I am so allergic to dust and pollen! Asuka disgustedly pointed her finger at the plate with the dried snack.
— As far as I understand, this is cheese. We didn't eat it yesterday. It's moldy.
I also looked at this disgrace.
- Girls, don't panic. After all, it can be removed. We'll be done in half an hour.
“I can’t,” Albinka whined. - I'm allergic. For me dust is death!
- I see... Well, what about you? — I turned my gaze to Aska.

The friend shrugged.
- Well, actually in my situation it’s harmful, but if it’s really necessary...
- In what position?! - I interrupted. - With such a period of time, physical work will only be beneficial. Come on, I can manage without you. But on condition: you and Albinka cook dinner. - Of course! — the girlfriends smiled joyfully. - Zhenya, you are lovely! And I started cleaning. I quickly took out all the trash. I washed the dishes and scrubbed the table, wiped the floors... Then I looked out into the yard. The friends sat on the bench and laughed loudly.
- That's it, girls! Ready! I'm giving up my watch! - I reported. — Now you can start preparing lunch.
- Here's another! — Aska waved it off. — I took sandwiches from home. There are canned fish. We'll get by today.
— Should I boil some new potatoes? — I asked hopefully.
- Glutton! If you want, you can cook it,” Aska grimaced with displeasure.
I wanted to involve Albinka, but at that moment she jumped up from the bench as if she had been stung. There was actually a sting sticking out of her hand. Seeing this, she almost fainted.
- I'm finished! I'm about to swell! - Looking at me, she ordered:
- My purse! Fast! I have allergy medications there.

I galloped after her purse. Then she spent half an hour giving Albina lotions and calming down Aska, who was worried about her beloved friend. Then she carefully put them in bed and went to peel the potatoes. Over lunch we reminisced student years. Carried away by the conversation, my friends ignored my question about who would wash the dishes. I was about to get angry, but then my cell phone began to crackle. The boss called.
- Zhenya! We have an emergency! Lada was taken to the hospital. Can you go out tomorrow?
- No problem! - she said without regret. And, hanging up, she reported:
- This is where my vacation ends.
“Well, wow,” whined Aska. “For once we got together, and you...
- What if you can get away at least next weekend? - Albina asked hopefully. “The three of us are still much more fun.”
“I don’t think so,” I sighed. - You’re already here without me!

I always enjoy reading stories about forum members’ dacha plots, but I still haven’t decided to write the story of purchasing my dacha, it’s too simple compared to everyone else. But over the past six months this site has become so dear to me that it’s probably time to write about myself.

Part one... sad:

So... I'll start from afar... I grew up with my mom and dad only child, they adored me, spoiled me beyond measure, always tried to protect me from all sorts of everyday difficulties, and even more so from working at my summer cottage. The dacha seemed to me an extraordinary, fabulously magical place where for some reason they wouldn’t take me. The magic melted away in one moment when... adolescence I visited this fabulous place and saw what my parents were doing there. To say that I was disappointed is to say nothing! A plot of land of 6 acres next to the railway track, even rows of beds (what kind of beds are there? landscape design), and a small house made of sleepers that smelled strongly of fuel oil - that’s what I saw.
This is where my dacha story would have ended before it even began, if one day a misfortune had not happened.

My mother forgot the keys to the dacha and decided to climb over the fence (not to actually return home). WITH inside A ladder was placed along the fence, along which she safely descended to the site. After spending the day at the dacha, tired but happy, my mother climbed the ladder up the fence and pushed it away with her foot, deciding that thieves could take advantage of her just like she did. And only then, looking down, I realized that jumping from a height of a three-meter fence was quite dangerous. But there was nowhere to retreat... She woke up from pain already in the hospital. She was brought there by a man who happened to drive past our dacha and saw an unconscious woman lying on the ground. This unknown hero He didn’t even leave his phone number - at least to say thank you to him.
In general, jumping from the fence cost my mom a crushed heel, then there was surgery and 40 days in traction. She was very upset... Guess what? How can her favorite dacha be left unattended for 2 months! Everything will dry out and become overgrown with weeds! And the fact that the surgeons collected her heel from the fragments is just everyday little things, as they say, it will heal before the wedding!
It was in June, everything was already planted at the dacha, all that remained was to weed, water, and harvest, which I promised to do, naively believing that I could easily cope with such little things. Needless to say, thanks to my efforts, the year was very lean.

First of all, I weeded out a whole ridge of carrot seedlings, confident that it was dill, which (oddly enough) did not sprout in even rows where it was not planted. Then there were tomatoes burned in a greenhouse, cabbage eaten by caterpillars, strawberries overgrown with antennae, etc. and so on. But when in mid-July, despite everything, my zucchini grew, I was in seventh heaven! After that, my attitude towards the dacha changed dramatically. I suddenly realized what a pleasure it is when something grows as a result of your work.
That's how my mother got an assistant and a diligent student. After a few years, I more or less mastered the agricultural technology of growing vegetables. But looking at the pictures in glossy gardening magazines, I felt like I wanted more. The black graves of the garden beds and the trains rushing past did not bring aesthetic pleasure...

Aren't you tired?

Then part two...happy:

The search for my dream site began. How did I see him? I didn't know. I just looked through all the proposals in the hope that one day my heart would skip a beat and I would understand, this is it, my. At first I went alone, then I told my husband that we were buying a dacha and he began to travel with me.
At first my husband didn’t take this idea seriously, but he stopped arguing with me a long time ago - a handbag is a handbag, a dacha is a dacha - have fun, dear! Looking around the dacha plots, I suddenly realized that 6 acres is not enough for the soul, the soul requires space.

In August 2006 we went to look at a house in the village. On the way, the seller told us that there was no electricity in the village; the wires had been cut five years ago and were not going to be restored. I was angry at myself for not finding out on the phone and now I was wasting my time. The village was only 15 km away. away from the city, away from the busy road. There is a forest, a river nearby and the feeling that there is no civilization for thousands of kilometers around. On a plot of 18 acres there was a log house, converted from an old five-wall building in a modern way. Inside there is high-quality furniture, homemade, luxurious wooden beds in two bedrooms, and even the Russian stove was built anew. All this splendor came with a bathhouse. But that was not the main thing. When we got out of the car, I saw the same fairy-tale-magical place that I imagined as a child, when my parents were leaving for their dacha. The forest, the river, the smell of hay and the house seemed to wink at me with its windows. I already knew that I would buy it, I didn’t have to go inside. With a blissful smile on my face, I trudged along behind my husband, to whom the seller explained what, where and how it was done, and what shortcomings there were. They climbed under the floor and into the attic, looked at the bathhouse and the barn, and I sat on the porch his at home and it didn’t matter at all what decision the husband would make. When the inspection was finished, my husband came up to me and said: “I like it.”
“Me too,” I replied...

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