Fathers and sons who are the main characters. "Fathers and Sons" main characters

Evgeny Vasilievich Bazarov - main character Romana, son of a regimental doctor, medical student, friend of Arkady Kirsanov. Bazarov is the brightest representative of youth and democratic intelligentsia of various ranks mid-19th century. Calling himself a “nihilist,” he denies the established social order and rejects any principles.

A beautiful aristocrat, 29 years old, whom Bazarov fell in love with. She considers herself to be a new generation of nobles: simple, calm, devoid of snobbery, preaches freedom of judgment and democracy. By nature, Anna Sergeevna is proud and smart. Left without a father at an early age, she raised her younger sister.

One of the main characters of the novel, the father of Arkady Kirsanov and the brother of Pavel Petrovich. In the past he was happily married, but remained a widower. Now he lives with a young girl, Fenechka, who gave birth to his son. Despite the fact that Nikolai Petrovich is no longer young, he tries to keep up with the times and is interested in music, poetry and art in general.

Brother of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, uncle of Arkady and Bazarov's main opponent. He acts as the main opponent in ideological disputes with Bazarov and, due to the strength of his character, is a worthy rival to him. Pavel Petrovich is distinguished by integrity, insight, aristocracy, high intelligence, sharp mind, nobility, willpower, liberal views and passion for everything English.

Is one of the main female characters in the novel. She is an ordinary peasant girl, left an orphan at an early age. Fenechka’s mother Arina Savishna worked as a housekeeper on the estate of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. When she died, he took upon himself the care of young Fenechka, with whom he later fell in love.

A minor character in the novel, an emancipated landowner, Sitnikov’s friend, a psedonihilist. She imitates the most extreme manifestations of radicalism, is constantly interested in the “women's question” and the situation of women throughout the world, is interested in the natural sciences, and despises George Sand.

A minor character in the novel, Bazarov's friend and student, a pseudo-nihilist. He is characterized by anxious tension, as well as dog-like devotion to his “teacher.” He tries in vain to imitate Bazarov, making him his idol. In his attempts to behave freely and boldly, to show harshness in his judgments and actions, he looks comical.


Odintsova's younger sister. A young and shy girl of 18 years old. Their love with Arkady developed slowly, but gradually the young people fell in love with each other and got married. In the future, they had a son, Kolya.

Vasily Ivanovich

Bazarov's father, a retired staff doctor. Lives on a remote estate, has a few serf souls. He treats local peasants. He is interested in gardening and vegetable gardening. Evgeniy was his only son, after whose death his life also faded.

Arina Vlasevna

Bazarov's mother, kind woman, passionately loving her son. She was very pious and believed in everything possible: in devils, dreams, omens, fortune telling, damage and even in the end of the world. In her youth she was beautiful, played the clavichord and knew French. Now I’ve gained weight and forgotten music and language. The death of her son practically killed her herself.


A servant in the Kirsanovs' house, a thin old man of about sixty years old. Nikolai Petrovich called him a grump. The only servant who did not love Bazarov.


A servant in the Kirsanovs' house, a young girl who helps Fenechka take care of her little son Mitya. She really liked Bazarov.


Valet in the Kirsanovs' house. Stupid and proud person. He knew how to read syllables. At the end of the book, he married the daughter of a city gardener and received a good dowry. She chose him only because he had a watch.


The little son of Nikolai Petrovich and Fenechka. He is not even a year old yet.

Matvey Ilyich

A noble relative of the Kirsanovs, to whom Arkady and Bazarov went from the estate. He advised them to go to the governor and get an invitation to the ball.


A fussy and forgetful person. He invited Bazarov and Kirsanov to his place. big ball, where they met Odintsova.

Princess X

Anna Sergeevna Odintsova's aunt, a thin and small old woman, a princess. After the death of her husband, Odintsova invited her to live on her estate and manage it. Now no one paid attention to her, although they treated her with respect and looked after her well. She died shortly after Bazarov's death.

Porfiry Platonich

Odintsova's neighbor, who often came to her to play cards. He was short, cheerful and already gray-haired. He loved to tell jokes.


Bazarov's father's clerk, Evgeniy's former uncle. He came to pick him up from Odintsova and said that his parents were really looking forward to him. He also came to her to bring her to the dying Bazarov.


Servant in the Bazarovs' house. Upon the arrival of Bazarov and Arkady, he began to serve them. For the sake of their arrival, he was dressed in different clothes and given new boots, which he could not get used to.

Doctor Odintsova

He came with Odintsova to examine the sick Bazarov, immediately determined that he had no chance of survival, which he managed to whisper to her before she met him.

// Heroes of Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is a great Russian writer, author of one of the most famous literary works XIX century "Fathers and Sons".

This novel is full of characters: main and secondary, brief characteristics which are set out below.

The main characters of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"

- the central character of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". When the reader first meets Bazarov on the pages of the work, the first thing that catches the eye and at the same time gives the most true description character - his appearance. Bazarov is dressed in old and time-worn clothes, but even in this form he presents himself proudly and with dignity.

Appearance young man also reflects the main traits of his character. Through thin lips, a manly voice, a large forehead and a firm gait, I.S. Turgenev conveys the secrecy, coldness and harshness of his hero.

Bazarov was raised as a doctor in a peasant family, and he, like his father, studied at the Faculty of Medicine. His skeptical attitude towards the people around him, nature, art, self-confidence and a certain selfishness are explained by the hero’s belonging to the nihilist movement. The character remains true to his principles until the end of his life, and dies from blood poisoning.

- the kindest, brightest and most “positive” among all the characters in the novel. Outwardly, Nikolai Petrovich looks like a typical nobleman of that time: a slightly hunched man with pleasant facial features, wearing a “country” coat.

Nikolai Petrovich is the father of Arkady, a liberal in his views. The hero tries to keep up with the times, as far as possible at that time, he is interested in the life of his son, the innovative ideas that Arkady joins.

For some time, the character experiences awkwardness and shame because of his feelings for the simple woman Fenichka, but by the end of the novel one can note the personal growth of this hero, because he is not only no longer ashamed, but even openly expresses his love by marrying Fenichka.

- Nikolai Petrovich’s older brother, who is the antipode of Yevgeny Bazarov. Despite the fact that for some period of time, the hero lives in the village, he does not choose a “country coat” like his brother. Pavel Petrovich always looks luxurious, his shirt is always starched, and he always has light gloves on his hands. The character believes that keeping an eye on his appearance necessary, even when he is among ordinary village people, and not in the usual St. Petersburg society.

In his life, Pavel Petrovich experienced unhappy love for Princess R., it was after the breakup that he moved to the village, where he met Fenechka, who resembled in appearance ex-love. One day, Bazarov sees the hero kissing Fenechka and challenges him to a duel, which becomes a kind of culmination of their conflict.

The hero emerges from battles wounded, so after his nephew’s wedding he goes abroad for treatment.

- son of Nikolai Petrovich and friend of Evgeniy. The hero is young and naive, which undoubtedly explains his blind imitation of Bazarov’s views at the beginning of the novel. He falls under the influence of a bright and very unusual current, to which Evgeniy is completely devoted, although Arkady himself, from the first pages of the novel, doubts the ideas that his friend advocates.

Arkady admires how Bazarov follows the ideas of the current until his death, but at a certain moment he realizes that he has completely different views and plans for this life.

Having abandoned the ideas of nihilism, Arkady finds love and happiness, which becomes the meaning of his life.

Minor characters in Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”

is the only woman for whom Bazarov acquires some semblance of feelings. In fact, Odintsova seems to be a very cruel woman who calculates her every step; she nevertheless loves luxury very much, but does not want to share it with anyone. Therefore, the quite expected outcome for her was an arranged marriage.

Katerina is a young girl raised by her sister in strictness. For this reason, one can note such traits as incredible modesty, love of nature, music, and kindness. Of course, the image of this girl is the ideal completion of the image of Arkady Kirsanov, who finds the meaning of his life in her.

Fenechka is a woman who comes from a peasant family, who becomes an example of natural beauty and purity. It is not surprising that Nikolai Petrovich chose her as his beloved, because Fenechka is the ideal woman for him, keeping the hearth and caring for the comfort and well-being of her family.

The novel became iconic for its time, and the image of the main character Evgeniy Bazarov was perceived by young people as an example to follow. Ideals such as uncompromisingness, lack of admiration for authorities and old truths, the priority of the useful over the beautiful were perceived by the people of that time and were reflected in Bazarov’s worldview.

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    The action in the novel takes place in the summer of 1859, that is, on the eve of the peasant reform of 1861.

    Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov come to Maryino and spend some time staying with the Kirsanovs (father Nikolai Petrovich and uncle Pavel Petrovich). Tensions with the elder Kirsanovs force Bazarov to leave Maryino and go to provincial town***. Arkady goes with him. Bazarov and Arkady spend time in the company of local “progressive” youth - Kukshina and Sitnikov. Then, at the governor’s ball, they meet Odintsova. Bazarov and Arkady go to Nikolskoye, Odintsova’s estate, and Mrs. Kukshina, wounded by them, remains in the city. Bazarov and Arkady, infatuated with Odintsova, spend some time in Nikolskoye. After an unsuccessful declaration of love, Bazarov, who frightened Odintsova, is forced to leave. He goes to his parents (Vasily and Arina Bazarov), and Arkady goes with him. Bazarov and Arkady are visiting his parents. Tired of the manifestations of parental love, Bazarov leaves his discouraged father and mother, and together with Arkady he goes back to Maryino. On the way, they accidentally stop at Nikolskoye, but, having met a cold reception, they return to Maryino. Bazarov lives for some time in Maryino. A surge of passion spills out into a kiss with Fenechka, her mother. illegitimate son Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, and because of her he shoots himself in a duel with Pavel Petrovich. Arkady, having returned to Maryino, leaves alone for Nikolskoye and stays with Odintsova, becoming more and more carried away by her sister Katya. Having completely ruined relations with the older Kirsanovs, Bazarov also goes to Nikolskoye. Bazarov apologizes to Odintsova for his feelings. Odintsova accepts the apology, and Bazarov spends several days in Nikolskoye. Arkady declares his love to Katya. Having said goodbye to Arkady forever, Bazarov returns to his parents. Living with his parents, Bazarov helps his father treat the sick and dies from blood poisoning, accidentally cutting himself during an autopsy of a man who died of typhus. Before death last time sees Odintsova, who comes to him at his request. Arkady Kirsanov marries Katya, and Nikolai Petrovich marries Fenechka. Pavel Petrovich is leaving abroad forever.

    Main characters

    • Evgeny Vasilievich Bazarov- nihilist, student, studying to become a doctor. In nihilism, he is Arkady's mentor, protests against the liberal ideas of the Kirsanov brothers and the conservative views of his parents. Revolutionary-democrat, commoner. By the end of the novel, he falls in love with Odintsova, changing his nihilistic views on love. Love turned out to be a test for Bazarov, he understands that there is an obvious romantic in him - he even declares his love to Odintsova. At the end of the book he works as a village doctor. Opening up a man who died of typhus, he himself becomes infected through carelessness. After death, a religious ceremony is performed over him.
    • Nikolay Petrovich Kirsanov- landowner, liberal, father of Arkady, widower. Loves music and poetry. Interested in progressive ideas, including in agriculture. At the beginning of the novel, he is ashamed of his love for Fenechka, a woman from common people, but then marries her.
    • Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov- Nikolai Petrovich’s elder brother, a retired officer, an aristocrat, proud, self-confident, an ardent supporter of liberalism. He often argues with Bazarov about love, nature, aristocracy, art, and science. Lonely. In my youth I experienced tragic love. He sees in Fenechka Princess R., with whom he was in love. He hates Bazarov and challenges him to a duel, in which he is slightly wounded in the thigh.
    • Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov- son of Nikolai Petrovich’s first wife, Maria. Recent candidate of science at St. Petersburg University and friend of Bazarov. He becomes a nihilist under the influence of Bazarov, but then abandons these ideas.
    • Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov- Bazarov’s father, a retired army surgeon. Not rich. Manages his wife's estate. Moderately educated and enlightened, he feels that rural life left him isolated from modern ideas. He adheres to generally conservative views, is religious, and loves his son immensely.
    • Arina Vlasevna- Bazarov's mother. It is she who owns the village of the Bazarovs and 15 souls of serfs. Devout follower of Orthodoxy. Very superstitious. She is suspicious and sentimentally sensitive. She loves her son and is deeply concerned about his renunciation of faith.
    • Anna Sergeevna Odintsova- a rich widow who welcomes nihilistic friends to her estate. He sympathizes with Bazarov, but after his confession he does not reciprocate. Counts quiet life without worries, everything is more important, including love.
    • Katerina (Ekaterina Sergeevna Lokteva) - Anna Sergeevna Odintsova’s sister, a quiet girl, invisible in her sister’s shadow, plays the clavichord. Arkady spends a lot of time with her, languishing in love with Anna. But later he realizes his love for Katya. At the end of the novel, Catherine marries Arkady.

    Other heroes

    • Victor Sitnikov- an acquaintance of Bazarov and Arkady, an adherent of nihilism. He belongs to that category of “progressives” who reject any authority, chasing the fashion for “free thinking.” He doesn’t really know anything and doesn’t know how to do anything, but in his “nihilism” he leaves both Arkady and Bazarov far behind him. Bazarov openly despises Sitnikov.
    • Evdoksiya Kukshina- an acquaintance of Sitnikov, who, like him, is a pseudo-adherent of nihilism.
    • Fenechka(Fedosya Nikolaevna) - daughter of Nikolai Petrovich’s housekeeper, Arina Savishna. After the death of her mother, she became the master's mistress and the mother of his child. It becomes the reason for a duel between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, since Bazarov, finding Fenechka alone, kisses her deeply, and Pavel Petrovich becomes an accidental witness to the kiss, who is deeply outraged by the act of “this hairy guy”, he is especially indignant also because and he himself is not completely indifferent to his brother’s beloved. In the end, Fenechka became the wife of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov.
    • Dunyasha- maid under Fenechka.
    • Peter- servant of the Kirsanovs.
    • Princess R. (Nelly)- beloved of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.
    • Matvey Ilyich Kolyazin- an official in the City ***.
    • Sergei Nikolaevich Loktev- father of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova and Katerina. The famous swindler and gambler, after 15 years of living in Moscow and St. Petersburg, “lost to dust” and was forced to settle in the village.
    • Princess Avdotya Stepanovna- Anna Sergeevna Odintsova’s aunt, an angry and arrogant old woman. After the death of her father, Anna Sergeevna settled her with her. At the end of the novel she dies, “forgotten on the very day of death.”
    • Timofeich- clerk of Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov, former uncle of Evgeny Bazarov. A shabby and agile old man with faded yellow hair.
    Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was a nobleman whose condition was not regrettable. He had a stable, permanent income and was engaged in writing for his own self-fulfillment.

    For a long time the author limited himself to writing stories and short stories. He seemed to be gathering strength and life experience for his novels, which brought him worldwide fame. The writer initially defined even his first novel, “Rudin,” as a story. Later, things began to work out for the author with novels, and he wrote six works, one after another, over ten years.

    The history of the creation of the novel “Fathers and Sons”

    Turgenev began publishing his novels starting in 1856, and all of his works became an integral and important part of Russian literature.

    Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" became the fourth novel in literary activity writer. The years of its creation were 1860-1861, when the writer began to feel more confident. This novel is rightfully considered the pinnacle of his work, where all the writer’s manners are perfectly visible. And to date this novel is the most famous work Ivan Turgenev, and his popularity is still growing, since the plot raises very important issues that are relevant today.

    The author tried to convey a lot to the reader. He perfectly depicted how relationships develop between people belonging to different backgrounds. social strata. I tried to reflect modern reality and touched on topics that still interest people. But then Ivan Sergeevich himself emphasized more than once that it was very important for him to show his writing skills, and not just to gain fame and popularity by discussing pressing issues.

    A striking example of this is his novel “Fathers and Sons,” which was published already in 1862. At that time political situation the country was tense. It was finally cancelled. serfdom, Russia and Europe began to move closer. Hence the different philosophical movements, which began to emerge in Russia.

    However, the main action of the novel dates back to the time before reforms took place in Russia. Approximately the action of Turgenev's novel can be dated back to 1859. It was Ivan Turgenev who first introduced such a concept as “nihilism”, which became a new direction in public life countries and gains popularity.

    The main character of Turgenev's novel is Evgeny Bazarov. He is precisely a nihilist. Young people of that time took him as a role model, highlighting in him such moral qualities, How

    uncompromisingness, lack of any respect or admiration for what older or authoritative people say.

    Turgenev's hero puts his views above all else. Everything that can be useful or beautiful, but does not coincide with his worldview, everything recedes into the background. This was unusual for the literature of that time, which is why the phenomenon depicted by the author found such a lively response among readers.

    The plot of Turgenev's work "Fathers and Sons"

    The action takes place in 1859. Two nihilist friends come to the Kirsanovs’ estate, which is located in Maryino. Arkady met his new friend Yevgeny Bazarov at the institute where he studied to become a doctor. Nikolai Petrovich was looking forward to this arrival, who missed his son greatly. But unfortunately, Evgeniy’s relationship with the elder Kirsanovs does not go well, and Evgeniy decides to leave their hospitable home and moved to small town provinces.

    Arkady leaves with him. Together they have a great time in the company of young people and beautiful girls. But one day at a ball they meet Odintsova, both fall in love with her and go to her estate, accepting the invitation. They live in Nikolskoye for some time, but Evgeniy’s explanations are not reciprocated, so he leaves. This time he goes to his parents, and Arkady goes with him. But the love of the old Bazarovs soon begins to irritate Evgeny, so they again return to Maryino to the Kirsanov family. Bazarov, who is trying to find a way out of the love he has for Anna Sergeevna, kisses Fenechka. Pavel Petrovich sees this and challenges him to a duel. All this led to a scandal, and the friends parted ways.

    But Arkady, who has been visiting Nikolskoye for a long time and is infatuated with Katenka, one day meets Bazarov there too. After Arkady's explanation and his declaration of love to Katenka, Bazarov returns to his parents. He decides to forget Odintsova, so he begins to act decisively and helps his father treat patients with typhus. One day he became infected when he opened up a peasant who had died of typhus. He tried to invent a drug that could cure everyone. He gets sick for a long time and then dies. Just before his death, he asks Odintsova to come and she fulfills his request. Arkady marries Odintsova's sister, and Nikolai Kirsanov finally decides to legitimize his relationship with Fenechka. His older brother leaves the country forever and settles abroad.

    Heroes of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"

    Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" has a large number of heroes. Among them there are main characters who influence the entire plot of the novel. There are episodic ones that add color and allow the author to express his thoughts even brighter and more accessible.

    The main characters of the work “Fathers and Sons” include the following persons:

    ★ Bazarov.
    ★ Kirsanov brothers: Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich.
    ★ Arkady Kirsanov.

    Bazarov is a student, a nihilist. He plans to become a doctor in the future. Evgeniy Vasilyevich has practically no friends. But then he meets the Kirsanov family. So, he first meets Arkady, who is easily influenced, so he tries to impose his nihilist views on him. He does not understand and does not at all want to accept people of the older generation, and does not take into account the opinions of his parents. Bazarov is a commoner, that is, a person who has broken away from his previously familiar environment. But falling in love with Odintsova, he suddenly changes his views, and it soon turns out that a real romantic lives in his soul. After his death, a religious ceremony is performed over his body, like a simple and ordinary person.

    Nikolai Petrovich is one of the main characters of Turgenev’s novel. Kirsanov is a landowner and Arkady's father. He adheres to conservative views, and therefore does not accept Bazarov’s nihilism. His wife died long ago, but there is another love in his life - for Fenechka, a peasant woman. At the end of the novel, he, despite all the conventions of society, marries her. He is romantic, loves music and has a good attitude towards poetry. His older brother, Pavel Petrovich, is very different in character. Pavel Petrovich was once an officer, but is now retired. He is aristocratic, self-confident, proud. He loves to talk about art and science. He was once in love, but the love ended in tragedy. His attitude towards other heroes is different: he loves his nephew and brother. He also treats Fenechka well, because she resembles that woman, the princess, with whom he was once in love. But he openly hates Bazarov both for his views and behavior, and even challenges him to a duel. In this battle, Pavel Petrovich was slightly wounded.

    Arkasha Kirsanov is Bazarov’s friend and son little brother Kirsanov. He, too, will become a doctor in the future, but for now he is only a student. The nihilist Bazarov has a huge influence on him and for some time he adheres to his views and ideas, but, once in his parents’ house, he abandons them.

    There are others in Turgenev's novel characters, which cannot be classified as episodic, but also main role to reveal the plot they do not have:

    ⇒ Bazarov, father of the nihilist Evgeniy. Vasily Ivanovich was once a surgeon in the army, and is currently retired. He is educated and smart, but not rich. He loves his son, but does not share his views, still adhering to conservative ideas.

    ⇒ Arina Vlasyevna is a pious woman, Bazarov’s mother. She has a small estate, which is managed by her husband and 10-15 serfs. Superstitious and suspicious, she is very worried about her son.

    ⇒ Odintsova. Anna Sergeevna prefers a calm and measured life. When she listens to a declaration of love from Bazarov, she refuses him, although she still liked him. She is rich and inherited this wealth from her husband.

    ⇒ Katenka Lokteva is a quiet and almost invisible girl, always in the shadow of her sister Odintsova. Arkady is in love with her, but he was not immediately able to sort out his feelings because of Odintsova’s infatuation with Anna. Katenka will marry Arkady.

    There are many episodic persons in Turgenev’s novel:

    Viktor Sitnikov is an adherent of nihilism.
    Kukshina is a nihilist, but Eudoxia adheres to these ideas only for his own good.
    Fenechka. She gave birth to a child for her master, and then became his wife. The eldest of the Kirsanovs and Bazarovs is fighting because of her.
    Dunya, Fenechka's servant.
    Peter, a servant in the Kirsanovs' house.
    Princess Nellie R, with whom the elder Kirsanov was once in love.
    Kolyazin is a city official.
    Loktev is the father of two young and beautiful heroines of Turgenev’s novel.
    Avdotya Stepanovna is the aunt of the young heroines, a princess, but an evil and very harmful old woman.
    Timofeevich, clerk.

    Critical reviews and ratings

    Turgenev's work was perceived differently. For example, readers did not approve of the main character of Turgenev’s novel, who crossed many values. But young people, on the contrary, tried their best to support him, believing that the main character of the work is a vivid reflection of the world in which they live.

    The opinions of the censors were also divided. An unusual and heated dispute flared up on the pages of the Sovremennik magazines and the famous Russian Word. At this time, riots broke out in the city on the Neva, when unknown aggressive young people staged a pogrom. People died as a result of the riots. Many believed that Ivan Turgenev, who wrote the novel “Fathers and Sons,” was also to blame for this, because only his new phenomenon, like nihilism, could lead to such a result. Some even believed that Turgenev's novel could not be called a work of art.

    But there were also those who defended the writer and his novel, believing that these riots would have taken place without Turgenev’s work.

    The critics agreed on one thing - the novel was written very worthy, from an artistic point of view. literary language. That is why the novel, written by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev a century and a half ago for his contemporaries, remains relevant today.

    The most important feature of the amazing talent of I.S. Turgenev - a keen sense of his time, which is the best test for an artist. The images he created continue to live, but in another world, the name of which is the grateful memory of descendants who learned love, dreams and wisdom from the writer.

    The clash of two political forces, liberal nobles and raznochintsy revolutionaries, found artistic expression in a new work, which was created during a difficult period of social confrontation.

    The idea of ​​“Fathers and Sons” is the result of communication with the staff of the Sovremennik magazine, where the writer for a long time have worked. The writer had a hard time leaving the magazine, because the memory of Belinsky was connected with him. The articles of Dobrolyubov, with whom Ivan Sergeevich constantly argued and sometimes disagreed, served as a real basis for depicting ideological differences. The radically minded young man was not on the side of gradual reforms, like the author of Fathers and Sons, but firmly believed in the path of revolutionary transformation of Russia. The editor of the magazine, Nikolai Nekrasov, supported this point of view, so the classics left the editorial office fiction- Tolstoy and Turgenev.

    The first sketches for the future novel were made at the end of July 1860 on the English Isle of Wight. The image of Bazarov was defined by the author as the character of a self-confident, hard-working, nihilist person who does not recognize compromises or authorities. While working on the novel, Turgenev involuntarily develops sympathy for his character. In this he is helped by the diary of the main character, which is kept by the writer himself.

    In May 1861, the writer returned from Paris to his Spasskoye estate and made his last entry in the manuscripts. In February 1862, the novel was published in the Russian Bulletin.

    Main problems

    After reading the novel, you understand its true value, created by the “genius of proportion” (D. Merezhkovsky). What did Turgenev love? What did you doubt? What did you dream about?

    1. Central to the book is moral problem relationships between generations. "Fathers" or "children"? The fate of everyone is connected with the search for an answer to the question: what is the meaning of life? For new people it lies in work, but the old guard sees it in reasoning and contemplation, because crowds of peasants work for them. In this fundamental position there is a place for irreconcilable conflict: fathers and children live differently. In this discrepancy we see the problem of misunderstanding of opposites. The antagonists cannot and do not want to accept each other, this impasse is especially evident in the relationship between Pavel Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov.
    2. The problem is just as acute moral choice: whose side is the truth on? Turgenev believed that the past cannot be denied, because only thanks to it the future is built. In the image of Bazarov, he expressed the need to preserve the continuity of generations. The hero is unhappy because he is lonely and understood, because he himself did not strive for anyone and did not want to understand. However, changes, whether people of the past like it or not, will still come, and we must be prepared for them. This is evidenced by the ironic image of Pavel Kirsanov, who lost his sense of reality while putting on ceremonial tailcoats in the village. The writer calls for a sensitive response to changes and trying to understand them, and not indiscriminately criticize them, like Uncle Arkady. Thus, the solution to the problem is in a tolerant attitude different people each other and an attempt to understand the opposite life concept. In this sense, the position of Nikolai Kirsanov, who was tolerant of new trends and was never in a hurry to judge them, won. His son also found a compromise solution.
    3. However, the author made it clear that there is a high purpose behind Bazarov’s tragedy. It is precisely such desperate and self-confident pioneers who pave the way forward for the world, so the problem of recognizing this mission in society also occupies important place. Evgeniy repents on his deathbed that he feels useless, this realization destroys him, but he could have become a great scientist or a skilled doctor. But the cruel mores of the conservative world are pushing him out, because they feel threatened by him.
    4. The problems of the “new” people, the diverse intelligentsia, and difficult relationships in society, with parents, and in the family are also obvious. The commoners do not have profitable estates and a position in society, so they are forced to work and become embittered when they see social injustice: they work hard for a piece of bread, and the nobles, stupid and mediocre, do nothing and occupy all the upper floors of the social hierarchy, where the elevator simply does not reach. Hence the revolutionary sentiments and the moral crisis of an entire generation.
    5. Problems of eternal human values: love, friendship, art, attitude to nature. Turgenev knew how to reveal the depths of human character in love, to test the true essence of a person with love. But not everyone passes this test; an example of this is Bazarov, who breaks down under the onslaught of feeling.

    All the interests and plans of the writer were entirely focused on the most important tasks of the time, moving towards the most pressing problems of everyday life.

    Characteristics of the characters in the novel

    Evgeny Vasilievich Bazarov- comes from the people. Son of a regimental doctor. My grandfather on my father’s side “plowed the land.” Evgeny makes his own way in life, gets a good education. Therefore, the hero is careless in clothes and manners; no one raised him. Bazarov is a representative of the new revolutionary-democratic generation, whose task is to destroy the old way of life, to fight against those who slow down social development. A complex man, doubtful, but proud and adamant. Evgeniy Vasilyevich is very vague about how to correct society. Denies old world, accepts only what is confirmed by practice.

    • The writer portrayed in Bazarov the type of young man who believes exclusively in scientific activity and one who denies religion. The hero has a deep interest in natural sciences. From childhood, his parents instilled in him a love of work.
    • He condemns the people for illiteracy and ignorance, but is proud of his origin. Bazarov's views and beliefs do not find like-minded people. Sitnikov, a talker and phrase-monger, and the “emancipated” Kukshina are worthless “followers”.
    • A soul unknown to him is rushing about in Evgeny Vasilyevich. What should a physiologist and anatomist do with it? It is not visible under a microscope. But the soul hurts, although it - scientific fact- No!
    • Turgenev spends most of the novel exploring the “temptations” of his hero. He torments him with the love of old people - his parents - what to do with them? What about love for Odintsova? The principles are in no way compatible with life, with the living movements of people. What remains for Bazarov? Just die. Death is his final test. He accepts her heroically, does not console himself with the spells of a materialist, but calls his beloved.
    • The spirit conquers the enraged mind, overcomes the errors of the schemes and postulates of the new teaching.
    • Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - bearer of noble culture. Bazarov is disgusted by Pavel Petrovich’s “starched collars” and “long nails”. But the hero’s aristocratic manners are an internal weakness, a secret consciousness of his inferiority.

      • Kirsanov believes that respecting yourself means taking care of your appearance and never losing your dignity, even in the village. He organizes his daily routine in the English manner.
      • Pavel Petrovich retired, indulging in love experiences. This decision of his became a “retirement” from life. Love does not bring joy to a person if he lives only by its interests and whims.
      • The hero is guided by principles taken “on faith”, corresponding to his position as a gentleman - a serf owner. The Russian people are honored for their patriarchy and obedience.
      • In relation to a woman, strength and passion of feelings are manifested, but he does not understand them.
      • Pavel Petrovich is indifferent to nature. Denial of her beauty speaks of his spiritual limitations.
      • This man is deeply unhappy.

      Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov- Arkady's father and brother Pavel Petrovich. Do military career failed, but he did not despair and entered the university. After the death of his wife, he devoted himself to his son and the improvement of the estate.

      • The characteristic features of the character are gentleness and humility. The hero's intelligence evokes sympathy and respect. Nikolai Petrovich is a romantic at heart, loves music, recites poetry.
      • He is an opponent of nihilism and tries to smooth out any emerging disagreements. Lives in accordance with his heart and conscience.

      Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov- a person who is not independent, deprived of his own life principles. He completely obeys his friend. He joined Bazarov only because of his youthful enthusiasm, since he did not have his own views, so in the finale there was a break between them.

      • Subsequently, he became a zealous owner and started a family.
      • “A nice fellow,” but “a soft, liberal gentleman,” Bazarov says about him.
      • All the Kirsanovs are “more children of events than fathers of their own actions.”

      Odintsova Anna Sergeevna- an “element” “related” to Bazarov’s personality. On what basis can this conclusion be made? The firmness of her outlook on life, “proud loneliness, intelligence - make her “close” to the main character of the novel. She, like Eugene, sacrificed personal happiness, so her heart is cold and fearful of feelings. She herself trampled on them by marrying for convenience.

      Conflict between "fathers" and "children"

      Conflict – “clash”, “serious disagreement”, “dispute”. To say that these concepts have only a “negative connotation” means to completely misunderstand the processes of social development. “Truth is born in dispute” - this axiom can be considered a “key” that lifts the curtain on the problems posed by Turgenev in the novel.

      Disputes - main compositional device, allowing the reader to determine his point of view and take a certain position in his views on a particular social phenomenon, area of ​​development, nature, art, moral concepts. Using the “technique of debate” between “youth” and “old age,” the author affirms the idea that life does not stand still, it is multifaceted and multifaceted.

      The conflict between “fathers” and “children” will never be resolved; it can be described as a “constant”. However, it is the conflict of generations that is the engine of development of everything on earth. On the pages of the novel there is a heated debate caused by the struggle of revolutionary democratic forces with the liberal nobility.

      Main topics

      Turgenev managed to saturate the novel with progressive thought: protest against violence, hatred of legalized slavery, pain for the suffering of the people, the desire to found their happiness.

      The main themes in the novel “Fathers and Sons”:

    1. Ideological contradictions of the intelligentsia during the preparation of the reform on the abolition of serfdom;
    2. “Fathers” and “sons”: relationships between generations and the theme of family;
    3. A “new” type of person at the turn of two eras;
    4. Immense love for the homeland, parents, woman;
    5. Human and nature. The world: workshop or temple?

    What is the point of the book?

    Turgenev's work sounds an alarming alarm over the whole of Russia, calling on fellow citizens to unite, sanity, and fruitful activity for the good of the Motherland.

    The book explains to us not only the past, but also the present day, reminds us of eternal values. The title of the novel does not mean the older and younger generations, not family relationships, and people of new and old views. “Fathers and Sons” is valuable not only as an illustration of history; the work touches on many moral issues.

    The basis of the existence of the human race is the family, where everyone has their own responsibilities: the elders (“fathers”) look after the younger (“children”), pass on to them the experience and traditions accumulated by their ancestors, and instill moral feelings in them; the younger ones honor adults, adopt from them everything important and best that is necessary for the formation of a person of a new formation. However, their task is also the creation of fundamental innovations, which is impossible without some denial of past misconceptions. The harmony of the world order lies in the fact that these “connections” are not broken, but not in the fact that everything remains the old fashioned way.

    The book has great educational value. Reading it at the time of forming your character means thinking about important life problems. "Fathers and Sons" teach serious attitude to the world active position, patriotism. They teach from a young age to develop strong principles, engaging in self-education, but at the same time honor the memory of their ancestors, even if it does not always turn out to be right.

    Criticism about the novel

    • After the publication of Fathers and Sons, a fierce controversy erupted. M.A. Antonovich in the Sovremennik magazine interpreted the novel as a “merciless” and “destructive criticism of the younger generation.”
    • D. Pisarev in “Russian Word” highly appreciated the work and the image of a nihilist created by the master. The critic emphasized the tragedy of character and noted the firmness of a person who does not retreat from trials. He agrees with other writers of criticism that the “new” people may cause resentment, but it is impossible to deny them “sincerity.” The appearance of Bazarov in Russian literature is a new step in highlighting the social and public life of the country.

    Can you agree with the critic on everything? Probably no. He calls Pavel Petrovich “a small-sized Pechorin.” But the dispute between the two characters gives reason to doubt this. Pisarev claims that Turgenev does not sympathize with any of his heroes. The writer considers Bazarov his “favorite child.”

    What is "nihilism"?

    For the first time, the word “nihilist” is heard in the novel from the lips of Arkady and immediately attracts attention. However, the concept of “nihilist” is in no way connected with Kirsanov Jr.

    The word “nihilist” was taken by Turgenev from N. Dobrolyubov’s review of a book by the Kazan philosopher, conservative professor V. Bervy. However, Dobrolyubov interpreted it in a positive sense and assigned it to the younger generation. The word was introduced into widespread use by Ivan Sergeevich, which became synonymous with the word “revolutionary.”

    The “nihilist” in the novel is Bazarov, who does not recognize authorities and denies everything. The writer did not accept the extremes of nihilism, caricaturing Kukshina and Sitnikov, but sympathized with the main character.

    Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov still teaches us about his fate. Every person has a unique spiritual image, whether he is a nihilist or a simple layman. Respect and reverence for another person consists of respect for the fact that in him there is the same secret flicker of a living soul that is in you.

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