What did Lil Peep die from: who is he, biography. Who are Lil rappers

In the United States, rapper Gustav Ahr, who performed under the pseudonym Lil Peep, died at the age of 21. The artist's death was confirmed by his manager Chase Ortega. From messages from friends of the rapper, it is known that Lil Peep died as a result of an overdose several hours before he was supposed to perform at a concert in Tucson, Arizona. The rapper's colleagues mourn and warn subscribers about the dangers of drugs.

The first reports that something happened to the 21-year-old rapper, known for the tracks Benz Truck and Awful Things, appeared late at night on November 15, local time. A message appeared on the r/g59 subreddit, reporting that all is not well with Lil Peep.

On the evening of November 15, the musician was scheduled to give a concert in Tucson, Arizona. Later, the person who published the photo wrote that a coroner's car pulled up to the bus.

Criminologists and a coroner arrived at the scene. I am so sorry…

They take the body. I don't want to look at it.

His friend Bexey came outside. He sobs and screams that all this is not really happening, that he does not want to live anymore.

Before it became clear that the rapper needed help, his friend Bexey posted an Instagram story showing Lil Peep unconscious on a bus seat with his head thrown back. The post was later deleted.

Fragment from the video. Bexey himself is in the picture.

He later said that he had no idea that Pip was possibly already dead.


Fuck you. He fell asleep and snored. I would never laugh at my brother's dead body, you sick bastard.

Lil Peep

In 2017, a young rapper who started career path after publishing his first compositions on Soundcloud and YouTube, he released his debut LP album Come Over When You’re Sober, Pt.1. The musician's latest single, Avoid, was released on October 13.

In a July interview with Vice, the rapper, who often addressed topics of depression and drug use in his lyrics, spoke about the problems gnawing at him.

Do you remember your first date?
- No... I destroyed my own memory.

I am very emotional person, and I destroy myself and the people around me with this. I wish I could be less sensitive. I feel everything very strongly.

Lil Pump

RIP Lil Peep.

Post Malone

For that a short time that I knew you, you were a great friend and a great person. Your music changed the world and it will never be the same. I love you, buddy. And I always will. Lil Pump is a controversial American rap artist, author of the hits “D Rose”, “Boss” and “Gucci Gang”. He became famous on YouTube at the age of 16 when he posted a video for the song D Rose, which instantly gained millions of views and went viral.

Childhood and youth

Lil Pump (real name Gazzy Garcia) was born on August 17, 2000 in Miami, Florida, into a family of Mexican descent.

As a child, Garcia was difficult child– fights with classmates and problems with teachers were a common situation for him. IN adolescence Gazzy started using marijuana and other illegal substances and practically forgot about his studies. As a result, the guy was expelled in high school.


As a child, Gazzy most liked the work of American rappers Chief Keef and Lil B - the teenager knew the lyrics of these artists' songs by heart. The passion for their work subsequently greatly affected the young artist’s performance style.

In high school, Gazzy met Omar Pineiro, known in the hip-hop community under the pseudonym Smokepurpp. Pineiro heard Garcia's freestyle and literally forced him to record tracks in the studio.

He told me, “Dude, record a song!” I refused, and he literally dragged me into the studio. I freestyled. Before that, I didn't even want to rap.

So, since October 2015, Garcia, who later began performing under the nickname Lil Pump (which Russian-speaking fans jokingly translate as “lilac pump”), began to be active creative activity and quickly established himself firmly on the rap scene.

Lil Pump posted his first track under the same name on the SoundCloud website, and within a couple of days it gained 10 thousand plays. This inspired the young artist to take music seriously.

Subsequently young musician collaborated with such reputable artists as Lil Tex, FamousDex, Ugly God, etc. In 2016, Lil Pump went on a tour with Smokepurpp, which they called “The Meantime”. In June 2016, a video was released for the rapper’s first single, which gained almost 9 million views within a year.

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His record was broken by the video for the track “D Rose”, which gained more than 70 million views in six months. The song is dedicated to someone else young talent– basketball player Derrick Rose, who at the age of 22 became the most valuable player of the NBA season. The artist himself considers “Broke My Wrist” his favorite song, but it was “D Rose” that became this moment the most popular and brought to a young performer fame in the hip-hop world new school.

Lil Pump - D Rose

Lyrics young rapper with yellow-raspberry dreadlocks were not lyrical or deep meaning: They are full of profanity, and their main idea is sex, drugs and fun. However, this did not stop Garcia from winning the hearts of millions of fans at such a young age. In June 2017, two Lil Pump videos were released: for the songs “Boss” and “Next” (Lil Pump recorded the latter song together with rapper Rich The Kid).

Lil Pump - Boss

On October 13, the artist released his debut mixtape, featuring Smokepurpp, Chief Keef, Rick Ross, Gucci Mane, 2 Chainz and others. famous rappers. The album debuted at number 3 on the Billboard 200 album chart with 46,000 copies sold in its first week.

Lil Pump - "Gucci Gang"

At the end of October, Lil Pump released a video for his viral track "Gucci Gang", which became the fifth single from his mixtape. In the video, the musician, dressed in Gucci, comes to school accompanied by a tiger, disrupts classes and throws a party, and at the end gives the teacher a bag of marijuana.

Lil Pump's personal life

The rapper has many tattoos on his body and face, including five skulls in red flames on his neck. He got one of his last tattoos (under his eye) in June 2017.

The musician's height is 171 cm. Lil Pump basks in female attention, but whether his heart is occupied or not is unknown. In one of his Instagram posts, the musician wrote that he would “never buy a girl an engagement ring.”

The musician's brother, Karl (Karl Åhr), claims that Gustav's death was the result of a tragic mistake.

Karl (better known as Oscar) shares his assumptions that the medical drug Xanax, the overdose of which caused the musician’s death, was counterfeit, and this is what played a fatal role. So, immediately before the tragic events, Gustav received his pills not from the usual, trusted source, but in a different way.

Lil Peep's family unanimously claims that the musician is Lately he was happy and calm, and even ordinary depression left him. There was not a single hint in Pip's words of a desire to die. On the contrary, he willingly shared his plans for the future and was inspired interesting projects and ideas.

“It was an accident! Damn accident! - Karl confidently answers People magazine when asked about the cause of Gustav’s death, - his brother was very pleased current state own life".

In addition, Karl admits that Gustav created the image of a “sad, depressed, suicidal emo teenager” solely for the stage. IN ordinary life, with friends, and especially at home, he was a cheerful and positive guy.

He felt comfortable at home and got along well with his mother and his dog, named Taz, whom he loved very much.

“Gustav was extremely proud to learn that there were people who were on the verge of suicide, but thanks to his music, they were able to cope with their depression,” Karl continued, “he was not really as sad as he was thought to be in songs and videos . It upsets me a little because in my memory he will remain a happy person.”

Drug use, according to his brother, was not a physiological necessity for Gustav! Rather, it was an external attribute of the rap culture of which he considered himself a part.

His posts on social networks were sometimes too gloomy, but here the reason was not so much in youthful depression, but in the understanding of the inevitability of his quick end. So, in , Lil Peep says that he had already overdosed several times and they barely had time to pump him out. He was not a stupid guy, and he understood perfectly well that sooner or later, medical assistance would not be in time and he would not wake up... which is what happened on November 15, 2017.

Speaking about the use of Xanax, Carl says, “In a different situation, Gus would have found a safer and reliable way buy pills, but he had health problems and, in order not to upset fans waiting for his performance the next day by canceling a concert, he used Xanax obtained from a dubious source.”

All these words, heard from the lips of one of the people closest to Gustav’s life, allow us to conclude that Lil Peep’s death actually occurred as a result fatal accident. On the other hand, it must be admitted that if drugs had not been present in his life, this might not have happened...

In his last video, made a few hours before his death, Gustav reports that he took 6 (six) Xanax tablets and is no longer sick. To put it simply, he informed the fans that he would not cancel the performance and the concert would take place.

If we consider what happened from this point of view, then we can accuse Pip of not caring about his health and his life... but not of neglecting his fans.

Rest in peace, Gustav! You will forever remain in our hearts!

UPD. I came across reports online from television channel"Russia 24" about the death of Lil Peep. This is something. World turned upside down. If earlier bloggers posted their thoughts online, based on what they saw on TV... But now television journalists roam the Internet, looking for “hot news”, and then (adding with connections they thought up on their own) retell them from the screen. It's incredibly wild to listen to.

I will be very pleased if you share this article with your friends 😉

Gustav Ahr, known to teenagers and rap fans as Lil Peep, seems to have programmed himself for a short life, like a flash of lightning. The motto "Rake money, die young" is tattooed on his forehead. Fans labeled the American vocalist as a “sound cloud rapper,” and musical style like a mix of rap and emo trap. But the performer himself did not bother himself with the “purity” of the genre and mixed styles as inspiration suggested.

Some fans call Lil Peep a "Southern rapper" or a "white rapper" for his melancholy guitar strums and good old rock infusions into his tracks. But among the guy’s fans there were those who described the musician as “the future of emo.”

No matter what Lil Peep’s work is called and no matter how “pure” rappers criticize him, the vocalist’s compositions are fascinating and very individual, making it impossible to confuse the beatmaker with anyone else. The thematic range of Gustav's songs is unrequited love, depression, suicide, drugs and witchcraft. “I called,” say superstitious people. “I foresaw it,” sigh the fans.

Childhood and youth

Gustav Ahr is an American in whose veins Irish-German blood from his mother and Swedish from his father were mixed. He was born in southern New York in the village of Ronkonkoma in 1996. As a child, Gustav experienced difficulties communicating with peers, considering them stereotypical and boring. The boy grew up withdrawn and loved solitude; school brought melancholy and rejection.

After his parents separated, his tendency toward depression and melancholy doubled; the 14-year-old teenager was expelled from college for poor academic performance and quarrels with classmates. The only person The one who understood Gustav was his mother. Lisa - teacher primary school– I even did the boy’s homework.

Thanks to his mother, Ara was allowed to study at home and take exams online, so Gustav received a school certificate. After his parents' divorce, Lil Peep did not communicate with his father, a professor at Harvard University, without forgiving him for his betrayal.

The idea to rap and make music came during the usual depression, when Bad mood was looking for a way out. Technical savvy and creativity“gave birth” to a beatmaker who performed under the creative pseudonym Lil Peep. Gustav later admitted that his mother called him “little pip”.

“She and I raised birds together when I was little, so I grew up surrounded by ducks and chickens. I kept them in my room. This was my childhood,” the musician admitted to reporters.


At first, Lil Peep rapped, but after six months he realized that he would get lost among thousands of guy rappers. Therefore, he developed his own style, mixing emo music with hip-hop, rap and trap. An aspiring musician took computer courses and mastered musical programms. The artist’s creativity was influenced by his passion for the music of the groups Blink-182, Mu Chemical Romance And Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Gustav’s classes were approved by his family – his mother, brother and grandmother. Their support, according to Lil Peep, helped his formation and self-determination. At 14, the son confessed his love to his mother: for his mother’s birthday, he made his first tattoo on his hand - he knocked out her date of birth and initials.

Later, the collection of tattoos on Lil Peep's body grew. The guy’s “signature” tattoo is the inscription CryBaby (Crybaby) above right eyebrow singer She is a tribute to the same name cult film 1990s

Lil Peep's image left no one indifferent: the rapper's hair changed color from poisonous yellow to pink. Clothes and tattoos are in your favorite pink and black colors. The emo musician’s hobby was watching his favorite anime – “Bleach”, “Departed”, “Death Note”.

To build individual style pioneer new rap school Lil Peep was influenced by the work of the group GothBoiClique. As a teenager, Gustav enthusiastically listened to musicians and did not suspect that after 3-4 years he would join them and move to Los Angeles.

Countdown in creative biography Lil Peep happened in 2015. The debut mixtape entitled Lil Peep: Part 1, consisting of 11 tracks, attracted the attention of music lovers, and the compositions Awful Things, The Way I See Things, Benz truck and White wine received millions of views on YouTube.

The first success inspired Lil Peep to create new mixtapes: in December 2015, the artist presented Live Forever to fans, and in January next year donated California Girls and Vertigo mixtapes. In mid-2016, he recorded Crybaby and Hellboy.

All compositions are thoroughly saturated with thoughts about suicide, the frailty of existence and the perishability of being. Simple lyrics about gone girls and drug intoxication are present in every Lil Peep composition.

The Hellboy mixtape appeared in September 2016 and consists of 16 tracks. A video has appeared for the song Girls, exposing gender stereotypes, and in the OMFG track “Crybaby” talks about fatigue and the desire to commit suicide.

Suicidal motives are also present in Lil Peep's release entitled Come Over When You"re Sober Pt. 1, presented in 2017. The mixtape contains 7 tracks, among them the most popular tracks Star shopping (“Shopping Stars”), Suck my blood (“ Drinks my blood") and Downtown lyrics ("City Lyrics").

In June 2017, Lil Peep via "Instagram" presented his debut album Come Over When You're Sober and went on tour to promote it.

Personal life

With a height of 1.92 meters, Lil Peep weighed 68 kg. His bright appearance and growing popularity attracted crowds of fans to the rapper. But the guy also had plenty of critics. Pip got used to misunderstanding and built up “armor” against the attacks of haters, but remained vulnerable and prone to frequent depression.

First unsuccessful love story left in my heart Lila deep wound: After breaking up with his girlfriend, the musician avoided beauties for six years. A corresponding tattoo appeared on the rapper’s stomach - the word LOVE with sad smiley instead of the letter “O”, and on the cheek is a broken heart.

But in 2017, next to Lil they saw a dark-haired girl, whose name - Layla - he had stamped on his forearm. Fans saw a photo of Lil Peep's beloved on his Instagram page. In August 2017, Gustav Ahr

What does the prefix Lil mean in the rapper's nickname? Lil is short for little. Rappers who have this prefix are either young or were so when they started making music. The exception will be Lil Wayne, who took this pseudonym because of his short stature. In this article I will not focus on Lil Wayne or Lil Troy (who is already over 50). The time has come for the young, let's talk about them.

Lil Pump

This guy is only 17, and he achieved what even 10 lives would not be enough for you to achieve. The first track by Gazzy Garcia (the artist's real name) “Lil Pump” was released on February 9, 2016 and immediately took off. Then Pump released “ELEMENTARY” and “Drum$tick”, which also found their audience. He gained wide popularity after the song “Gucci Gang” and the video for it, which received more than 500 million views on YouTube. Why is Lil Pump so famous? It's all about the quality music, the lyrics of his tracks, to put it mildly, leave much to be desired, but the beat just makes you twitch with your whole body. The fat muzh just draws you in, and you shake your legs as hard as you can. This is the whole secret of new school hip-hop. Whether it’s good or bad is not for me to judge, but such music has a right to exist. Finally, I’ll tell you about Lil Pump’s most famous phrase, in Russian it sounds like “Eshchkeeeeeee”, and in English it sounds like “Let’s get it ", but due to the distorted pronunciation it is almost impossible to recognize her."Let's get it "translates as "Let's get it", which fits very canonically into the image Lil Pump.

Lil Peep

Lil Peep died on November 15, 2017 from an overdose of Xanax and cocaine, but his unreleased tracks are still being released. Lil Peep was a new generation of emo, and his musical style was described as emo trap. He was very open, in 2017 he admitted that he was bisexual. This already says a lot about the performers. In his songs, he raised themes of hatred, drugs, addiction, and unhappy love. All songs Lil Peep heavy, atmospheric, mostly decadent, but with elements of trap. It was this combination that became his feature, thanks to which he gained recognition from a wide audience. But don’t forget about his sincerity, the songs are simply saturated with pain, and you believe his every word. During my career Lil Peep released only 1 album " Come Over When You're Sober" (Part I). Unfortunately, we will never hear Part II.

Lil Skies

Lil Skies is less popular than Lil Pump or Lil Peep, but his audience is gradually growing, and the quality of his music is very hard to doubt. Unlike the above-mentioned artists, Lil Skies' music is closer to classic hip-hop, but also has its own characteristics. For example, his recitative is similar to singing. His very light voice fits well with the beat, creating the illusion of a melody. The performer has Mexican roots, and spent most of his life in a small town in Pennsylvania. Lil Skies began recording at age 4, and 8 years later he was writing his own poems. In 2015, his first mixtape, “Grades Bad Habits,” appeared online. In a short time Lil Skies Lil Skies was able to create my own own style and get respect from already established artists such as Lil Uzi Vert, Mac Miller and Wiz Khalifa.

Lil Xan

Lil Xan - another guy with Mexican roots on my list. Xan He was on Xanax for 2 years, hence his pseudonym, but recently the performer was able to give up drug addiction. At the beginning of its creative career the rapper created a team and called it "Low Gang". The team consists of: Steve Canon and Arnold Dead. Beanies is a clothing line styled by Xan himself. His first performance took place at the Roxy Theater for the 21st Anniversary Festival, which took place in October 2017. In just a year, Xan became very famous and began to earn a lot of money from his tracks and concerts. One of the biggest hits was the song Xanarchy. His debut mixtape "CITGO" was released in September 2016. It includes tracks such as “Who are you”, “Bout the Bout it” and “OTW”, which featured Stephen Cannon. Lil Xan has only been in the rap game for 1 year, but already has status Super star.

Lil Uzi Vert

« Someone once told me that I read like a small machine gun, and then I realized that I would call myself Lil Uzi " Later the performer added the word " Vert ”, and explained that this means “climbing straight to the top.” Uzi is one of the flagships of modern hip-hop.
XO Tour Llif3 the main hit of the artist, who topped various music charts many times. Main distinguishing feature Lil Uzi – his fast recitative, which not many can boast of. His idols were: famous people like Wiz Khalifa Kanye West, Marilyn Manson and others. In addition, he drew his inspiration from different directions. His debut single became "Money Longer". Details personal life Lil Uzi keeps a secret.

Lil Yachty

Latest Lilo m on my list is Lil Yachty . The rapper is known to the public for his comedic lyrics, unique melodies and, of course, his red French braids (not dreadlocks). He rose to fame with his mixtapes Summer Songs 2 and Lil Boat. However, this was not his first debut as a singer. His initial recognition came in August 2015 with tracks such as "One Night" and "Minnesota". Both of them were part of his debut album called "Summer Songs". Yachty's life was not easy, as high school He more than once became a victim of bullying from his classmates. For the rapper himself, it was just everyday life. He started working with young age and even formed a certain team that is now part of his music. It wasn't easy for Yachty at first when he moved to New York, but things soon changed for the better.

I hope after this article you have a better understanding of modern hip-hop and can distinguish Lil Xan from Lil Skies. I would like to note that the music of each of the artists presented above is new and unique in one way or another.

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