Ostrovsky short plays. The most famous plays by A.N. Ostrovsky

The purpose of the lesson. A.N. Ostrovsky Drama "Dowry". At first glance, the first two phenomena are exposure. Symbolic meaning first and last names. Paratov Sergey Sergeevich. Usually the names of Ostrovsky's plays are sayings, proverbs. Karandyshev. Creative ideas of A.N. Ostrovsky. Characters. Discussion of the image of L.I. Ogudalova. Analysis of the drama "Dowry". What do we learn about Paratov.

“Heroes of “The Snow Maiden”” - Songs. Cold creature. Immense power. Snow Maiden. What kind of fairy-tale heroes are there? A.N. Ostrovsky. Image of Lelya. Morning of love. Heroes. Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov. Winter's Tale. The finale of the opera. Characters. Shepherd's horn. The author's ideals. Scene. Love. The elements of Russian folk rituals. The power and beauty of nature. Caring attitude To cultural traditions people. V.M. Vasnetsov. Kupava and Mizgir. Father Frost.

“The Play “Dowry”” - Final scene. "Dowry." But the ability to get carried away and extravagance do not at all reject sober calculation. The relationship between Larisa and Paratov resembles the relationship between a predator and a victim. Former merchants are turning into millionaire entrepreneurs. Katerina is a truly tragic heroine. Like Katerina, Larisa belongs to women with a “warm heart”. It’s like being on an unprecedentedly high-speed ship, like being on a luxurious villa.

“Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”” - Read expressively Katerina’s monologue in the repentance scene. What kind of order reigns in the city? (Confirm your answer with text). Tikhon is kind and sincerely loves Katerina. What is the heroine struggling with: a sense of duty or “ dark kingdom"? Did Katerina have any other way out other than death? Why is Katerina left alone with her grief? Prove the truth of N. Dobrolyubov’s words. Under what conditions? Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna is the embodiment of despotism, covered with hypocrisy.

“Heroes of the Thunderstorm” - Features of Ostrovsky’s style. Portrait of Ostrovsky. Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky. The play "The Thunderstorm" was written in 1859. N.A. Dobrolyubov. Social activity A.N. Ostrovsky. Conversation on the perception of the play. The main theme of "Thunderstorms". Meaning of the title. The behavior is hypocritical. National Theater. Acceptance of contrast. Most famous plays A.N. Ostrovsky. Curly. Monument to A.N. Ostrovsky. Katerina's protest. Dictionary.

“Ostrovsky’s play “Dowry”” - Poetic lines. Skills for expressing your thoughts. A sad song about a homeless woman. Problematic issues. What is Karandyshev like? Love for Larisa. What kind of person is Paratov? Analysis of the play. Acquiring text analysis skills. Larisa's fiance. What does the gypsy song add to the play and film? Ostrovsky. Shot by Karandyshev. The mystery of Ostrovsky's play. Romance. Cruel romance. Does Paratova need Larisa? Gypsy song.

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky; Russian Empire, Moscow; 03/31/1823 – 06/02/1886

One of the greatest playwrights Russian Empire is rightfully considered A.N. Ostrovsky. He left behind a significant contribution not only to Russian, but also world literature. A. N. Ostrovsky's plays are still a huge success today. This allowed the playwright to take high place in our rating, and his works be represented in other ratings on our site.

A N Ostrovsky biography

Ostrovsky was born in Moscow. His father was a priest, and his mother was the daughter of a sexton. But, unfortunately, Alexander’s mother passed away when he was only 8 years old. The father remarried the daughter of a Swedish nobleman. The stepmother turned out to be a good woman and devoted a lot of time to her stepchildren.

Thanks to his father's large library, Alexander became addicted to literature early on. The father wanted his son to be a lawyer. That is why, immediately after graduating from high school, Ostrovsky went to study at the Faculty of Law of Moscow University. But he did not finish university because of a quarrel with a teacher, but went to court as a clerk. It was here that Ostrovsky saw many episodes from his first comedy, “The Insolvent Debtor.” Subsequently, this comedy was renamed “Our People – We Will Be Numbered.”

This debut work by Ostrovsky was scandalous, as it represented the merchant class rather poorly. Because of this, the life of A. N. Ostrovsky became significantly more complicated, although writers such as, appreciated this work very highly. Since 1853, reading Ostrovsky has become increasingly popular; his new works are staged in Maly and Alexandrinsky theaters. Since 1856, Ostrovsky can be read in the Sovremennik magazine, where almost all of his works are published.

In 1960, Ostrovsky’s “The Thunderstorm” appeared, which you can read on our website. This work deserves the most rave reviews from critics. Subsequently, the author receives increasing respect and recognition. In 1863 he was awarded the Uvarov Prize and elected a member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. The year 1866 in the life of A. N. Ostrovsky also becomes special. This year he founded the Artistic Circle, whose members are, and many others famous writers. But, despite this, Alexander Nikolaevich does not stop there, and works on new works until his death.

Plays by A. N. Ostrovsky on the Top books website

Ostrovsky entered our rating with the work “The Thunderstorm”. This play is considered one of best works author, so it is not surprising that people love to read Ostrovsky’s “The Thunderstorm”, despite the age of the work. At the same time, interest in the play is quite stable, which can only be achieved by truly significant work. You can find out more about Ostrovsky’s works below.

All works by A. N. Ostrovsky

  1. Family picture
  2. Unexpected case
  3. Morning of a young man
  4. Poor bride
  5. Don't get in your own sleigh
  6. Don't live the way you want
  7. There's a hangover at someone else's feast
  8. Plum
  9. Holiday nap before lunch
  10. Did not get along
  11. Kindergarten
  12. an old friend is better than two new ones
  13. Your own dogs are fighting, don’t bother someone else’s
  14. Balzaminov's marriage
  15. Kozma Zakharyich Minin-Sukhoruk
  16. Hard days
  17. Sin and misfortune do not live on anyone
  18. Voivode
  19. Jokers
  20. In a busy place
  21. Abyss
  22. Dmitry the Pretender and Vasily Shuisky
  23. Tushino
  24. Vasilisa Melentyeva
  25. Simplicity is enough for every wise man
  26. Warm heart
  27. Mad money
  28. Every day is not Sunday
  29. There wasn’t a penny, but suddenly it was Altyn
  30. 17th century comedian
  31. Late love
  32. Labor bread
  33. Wolves and sheep
  34. Rich Brides
  35. Truth is good, but happiness is better
  36. Belugin's marriage
  37. The last victim
  38. Good master
  39. Savage
  40. The heart is not a stone
  41. Slaves
  42. It shines but does not warm
  43. Guilty without guilt
  44. Talents and fans
  45. Handsome man
  46. Not of this world

The work of Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky is deservedly the pinnacle of Russian drama. mid-19th century. It is familiar to us since school years. And despite the fact that Ostrovsky’s plays, the list of which is very large, were written back in the century before last, they remain relevant even now. So what is the merit of the famous playwright and how did the innovation of his work manifest itself?

short biography

Alexander Ostrovsky was born on March 31, 1823 in Moscow. The childhood of the future playwright was spent in Zamoskvorechye, a merchant district of Moscow. The playwright's father, Nikolai Fedorovich, served as a lawyer and wanted his son to follow in his footsteps. Therefore, Ostrovsky studied to become a lawyer for several years and after that, at the behest of his father, he entered the court as a scribe. But even then Ostrovsky began to create his first plays. Since 1853, the playwright's works have been staged in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Alexander Ostrovsky had two wives and six children.

General characteristics of creativity and themes of Ostrovsky’s plays

Over the years of his work, the playwright created 47 plays. “Poor Bride”, “Forest”, “Dowry”, “Snow Maiden”, “Poverty is not a vice” - all these are Ostrovsky’s plays. The list can go on for a very long time. Most of the plays are comedies. It is not for nothing that Ostrovsky remained in history as a great comedian - even in his dramas there is a funny beginning.

Ostrovsky's great merit lies in the fact that it was he who laid down the principles of realism in Russian drama. His work reflects the very life of the people in all its diversity and naturalness; the heroes of Ostrovsky’s plays are the most different people: merchants, artisans, teachers, officials. Perhaps the works of Alexander Nikolaevich are close to us to this day precisely because his characters are so realistic, truthful and so similar to ourselves. Let's analyze this by specific examples several plays.

Early work of Nikolai Ostrovsky. “Our people - we will be numbered”

One of the debut plays that gave Ostrovsky universal fame was the comedy “Our People - We Will Be Numbered.” Its plot is based on actual events from the playwright's legal practice.

The play depicts the deception of the merchant Bolshov, who declared himself bankrupt so as not to have to pay his debts, and the retaliatory fraud of his daughter and son-in-law, who refused to help him. Here Ostrovsky depicts the patriarchal traditions of life, the characters and vices of Moscow merchants. In this play, the playwright acutely touched on a theme that ran through all of his work: the theme of the gradual destruction of the patriarchal structure of life, transformation and human relationships themselves.

Analysis of Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm"

The play “The Thunderstorm” became a turning point and one of the best works in Ostrovsky’s works. It also shows the contrast between the old patriarchal world and a fundamentally new way of life. The play takes place on the banks of the Volga in the provincial town of Kalinov.

The main character Katerina Kabanova lives in the house of her husband and his mother, the merchant Kabanikha. She suffers from constant pressure and oppression from her mother-in-law, a prominent representative of the patriarchal world. Katerina is torn between a sense of duty towards her family and a feeling that washes over her for another. She is confused because she loves her husband in her own way, but cannot control herself and agrees to go on dates with Boris. Afterwards, the heroine repents, her desire for freedom and happiness collides with established moral principles. Katerina, incapable of deception, confesses what she did to her husband and Kabanikha.

She can no longer live in a society where lies and tyranny reign and people are not able to perceive the beauty of the world. The heroine's husband loves Katerina, but cannot, like her, rebel against the oppression of his mother - he is too weak for this. The beloved, Boris, is also unable to change anything, since he himself cannot free himself from the power of the patriarchal world. And Katerina commits suicide - a protest against the old way of life, doomed to destruction.

As for this play by Ostrovsky, the list of heroes can be divided into two parts. In the first there will be representatives of the old world: Kabanikha, Dikoy, Tikhon. In the second there are heroes symbolizing a new beginning: Katerina, Boris.

Heroes of Ostrovsky

Alexander Ostrovsky created a whole gallery of a wide variety of characters. Here officials and merchants, peasants and nobles, teachers and artists are as diverse as life itself. A notable feature of Ostrovsky’s dramaturgy is the speech of his characters - each character speaks in his own language, corresponding to his profession and character. It is worth noting the playwright's skillful use of folk art: proverbs, sayings, songs. As an example, we can cite at least the title of Ostrovsky’s plays: “Poverty is not a vice”, “Our own people - we will be numbered” and others.

The significance of Ostrovsky’s dramaturgy for Russian literature

The dramaturgy of Alexander Ostrovsky served as a significant stage in the formation of the national Russian theater: it was he who created it in its current form, and this is the undoubted innovation of his work. Ostrovsky's plays, a list of which was briefly given at the beginning of the article, confirmed the triumph of realism in Russian drama, and he himself went down in its history as a unique, original and brilliant master of words.

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky

Collected works in sixteen volumes

Volume 1. Plays 1847-1854

From the editor

This publication, carried out by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of May 11, 1948, is the first complete collection of works of the great Russian playwright Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky, including his epistolary heritage.

The first collected works of A. N. Ostrovsky were published in 1859 in two volumes by G. A. Kushelev-Bezborodko. In 1867–1870 A collection of works appeared in five volumes, published by D. E. Kozhanchikov. These publications were carried out with the direct participation of the author. In 1874, with the participation of N. A. Nekrasov as a publisher, an eight-volume collection of Ostrovsky’s works was published. In 1878, in the publication of Salaev, an additional volume IX was published and in 1884, in the publication of Kekhribirji, vol. X.

The last collection of works that appeared during the life of A. N. Ostrovsky was published in 1885–1886. in ten volumes, published by N. G. Martynov. Due to illness, the playwright was unable to take part in the reading of proofs of his works. In this regard, the last lifetime edition contains many typos and, in some cases, direct distortions of Ostrovsky’s texts.

The collected works published after Ostrovsky's death were a simple reprint of Martynov's edition. The first experience of scientific publication of the works of the great playwright was the “Complete Works of A. N. Ostrovsky” in ten volumes, published in 1904–1905. in the publication "Enlightenment" edited by the artist Alexandria Theater M. I. Pisareva. In preparing this collection of works, Pisarev checked the printed texts with the autographs at his disposal, correcting in a number of cases errors in previous editions. In 1909, the same publication published two additional volumes plays by A. N. Ostrovsky, written jointly with P. M. Nevezhin and N. Ya. Solovyov.

After the Great October Revolution socialist revolution, according to the decision of the Soviet government, the State Publishing House published in 1919–1926. “Works of A. N. Ostrovsky in 11 volumes” edited by N. N. Dolgov (1-10 vols.) and B. Tomashevsky and K. Halabaev (11 t.), supplemented with new materials. However, this publication, as well as the previous ones, far from exhausted all the richest literary heritage the great playwright, in particular, none of the publications included Ostrovsky’s letters.

Along with the publication of collected works in the years Soviet power Many of Ostrovsky's plays were published in large numbers. During this time, several one-volume editions of Ostrovsky's selected works were also published.

In collected works published before October revolution, Ostrovsky's works were subject to editing by the tsarist censorship. Soviet textualists have done great job to restore the original, undistorted text of the works of A. N. Ostrovsky.

In preparing this full meeting works, all handwritten materials located in Moscow and Leningrad state repositories were used. This publication aims to provide a complete set of works by A. N. Ostrovsky, verified from manuscripts and authorized publications. Ostrovsky's works are given in chronological order. Scroll characters in each play it is given according to authorized publications, i.e. either at the beginning of the play, or according to actions and scenes. Each of the volumes is accompanied by brief notes, which provide information of a historical and literary nature.

Family picture*

Antip Antipych Puzatov, merchant, 35 years old.

Matryona Savishna, his wife, 25 years old.

Marya Antipovna, Puzatov’s sister, girl, 19 years old.

Stepanida Trofimovna, mother of Puzatov, 60 years old.

Paramon Ferapontych Shiryalov, merchant, 60 years old.

Daria, the Puzatovs' maid.

A room in Puzatov’s house, furnished without taste; There are portraits above the sofa, birds of paradise on the ceiling, multi-colored drapery and bottles of tincture on the windows. Marya Antipovna is sitting at the window, behind the hoop.

Marya Antipovna (sews and sings in a low voice).

Black color, gloomy color,
You are always dear to me.

(Becomes thoughtful and leaves work.) Now the summer is passing, and September is just around the corner, and you sit within four walls, like some nun, and don’t go near the window. How anti-responsible! (Silence.) Well, perhaps don't let me! lock it up! tyrannize! My sister and I will ask to go to the all-night vigil at the monastery, get dressed, and go to the park or Sokolniki. We need to get smart somehow. (Works. Silence.) Why is it that Vasily Gavrilych never passed by these days?.. (Looking out the window.) Sister! sister! the officer is coming!.. quickly, sister!.. with a white feather!

Matryona Savishna (runs in). Where, Masha, where?

Marya Antipovna. Here, look. (They both look.) Bows. Oh, what! (They hide outside the window.)

Matryona Savishna. How cute!

Marya Antipovna. Sister, let’s sit here: maybe he’ll go back.

Matryona Savishna. And what are you saying, Masha! Once you get him used to it, he will drive past it five times every day. After that you won’t be able to get rid of him. I already know these military men. There Anna Markovna taught the hussar: he drives by, and she glances and smiles. Well, my madam: he rode into the hallway on horseback.

Marya Antipovna. Oh, what a horror!

Matryona Savishna. That's exactly what it is! Nothing like that happened, but fame spread throughout Moscow... (Looking out the window.) Well, Masha, Daria is coming. Will she say something?

Marya Antipovna. Oh, sister, I wish my mother didn’t get her!

Daria runs in.

Daria. Well, Mother Matryona Savishna, I was completely caught! I run, madam, to the stairs, and Stepanida Trofimovna was right there. Well, she supposedly ran to the shop for silk. Because she gets to everything with us. Just yesterday, clerk Petrusha...

Marya Antipovna. Well, what are they?

Daria. Yes! ordered to bow. So, madam, I come to them: Ivan Petrovich is lying on the sofa, and Vasily Gavrilych is on the bed... or, I mean, Vasily Gavrilych is on the Sofa. If you smoked tobacco, madam, you won’t be able to breathe easily.

Matryona Savishna. What did they say?

Daria. And they said, my madam, that by all means, he says, they should come to Ostankino today, at vespers, he says. Yes, she says, Daria, tell them to come without fail, even if it rains, everyone should come.

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