Main types of human activities and their characteristics. Activity is a way of people’s existence – Knowledge Hypermarket

Activity- specific conscious activity of a person, aimed at knowing and creatively changing the world around him and himself in accordance with current needs and goals. The main feature of activity is that it cannot be determined only by those needs and motives that give rise to it. The need itself can act as an incentive to activity, and its content will be determined by the level of knowledge, skills, goals of society, and individual experience.

Features of human activity

The activity of an individual is very different from the activity of animals, since it has a creative and transformative character. If you need to define human activity in an exam, it is important to understand its features in order to clearly formulate the concept.

She has such traits:

Main Components

In order to fully understand the complexity and specificity of human activity, you need to understand its main components:

  • Subject - an individual who performs actions.
  • An object - what the actions and activity of the subject are directed towards. The object can be any material (product manufacturing), another individual (influence with the goal of changing beliefs), or the subject himself (training in the gym with the goal of changing oneself).

There are also components that form the structure of the activity:

Human needs

The famous American psychologist A. Maslow developed the “pyramid of human needs”. He divides all human needs into primary (physiological, the need for safety and security) and secondary (social needs, respect, self-realization). Primary needs are basic for the survival of the individual; if they are not satisfied, then the transition to satisfying needs from the higher layers of the pyramid is impossible. Secondary needs are acquired in the process of human social life; their satisfaction occurs through the interaction of individuals in interpersonal communication.

Motives for activity

Based on the needs, the subject’s motives are formed, pushing him to activity. Complex activities can carry many motives. In such cases, a hierarchy of motives is formed, in which the dominant (main) and secondary motives are determined.

A motive can be formed under the influence of one or more needs that pass through the prism of interests, beliefs, traditions, and attitudes of the individual:

  • Interest is the main reason for action. Different social groups may have identical needs but different interests. For example, entrepreneurs and people of art: the first group has material interests, and the second - spiritual; Both groups have a common need, but the ways to achieve it are different. In addition, each person has interests that are formed under the influence of the environment, inclinations, and level of development (people can read books of different genres or engage in different types of creativity).
  • Traditions are a set of rituals and attitudes from previous generations, which are manifested in religion, national rituals, professional and corporate characteristics. Sometimes people, following traditions, can limit their basic needs. For example, soldiers in war may limit their need for security because professional and national traditions require them to defend their country.
  • Beliefs are principled and strong views on events and the world around us, which can force the subject to abandon basic needs in favor of what he considers right (refusal of money to preserve dignity).

Defining the Goal

A person’s motivation determines the formation of goals and results. An individual can create an internal plan of action, on the basis of which they will be carried out in a certain order to obtain a specific result. When a subject begins to do something, he holds in his mind the image of the desired result. That is, before creating something in reality, an individual creates it in his imagination.

Since human activity is often complex, goals are also divided into simple and complex. To achieve a complex goal, you need to plan your activity, break it down into steps, highlight tasks, identify tools for action and possible ways to overcome obstacles. If all tasks are solved during the manipulations, then the goal will be achieved.

Individuals may have common needs, goals and strive to achieve the same results, but when using different means and performing different actions, the content of the activity will be very different.

Types of actions

There are these types of social actions identified by M. Weber:

  • purposeful - with such actions, a person plans all tasks and means, thinks through ways to overcome obstacles (preparing a teacher for a lecture);
  • value-rational - this type of action is based on moral principles, values, beliefs (the decision to save the life of another person by risking your own life);
  • affective - spontaneous actions under the influence of strong emotional states (flight when attacked);
  • traditional - actions that a person performs out of habit can be developed on the basis of rituals or traditions (sequence of actions at a wedding ceremony).

The basis for active human actions are the first two types of actions, which are characterized by awareness of the goal and a creative nature.

Forms of activity

There are two main forms of activity of the subject, different in the nature of the functions performed:

  • Physical work- carried out by activating the musculoskeletal system, muscles and all functional systems of the body. This form of activity requires very high energy costs and fatigue of the body.
  • Brainwork- implies intellectual activity to perform work related to information processing. With this form of activity, the tension of all mental processes increases: attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

As a rule, human actions include both forms of activity. There are many examples of human activity that combine physical and mental labor: actions to modify the surrounding space, work to create creative objects, and others. Let's consider in more detail: in order to plant a tree, you must first think through the course of action, get all the necessary materials for this, and then use physical effort to perform this action.

There are many activities that a person engages in throughout his life. But which of them are called the main ones and why? These include play, learning, communication, work and creativity. They are fundamental because it is in them that the most intensive and effective development of the individual occurs.

This is a specific type of human activity, the goal of which is not the result, but the process. Its peculiarity is that all actions take place in an imaginary situation that can change quickly. Children use substitute objects that act as analogues for them of what adults use in real life.

The game develops mental processes, attention, social activity and acquires interpersonal communication skills. There are different types of games that arise at certain age periods, subject to the normal development of the child.

This is one of the basic types of interaction, which is characterized by the mutual exchange of emotions, thoughts, and views.. The structural components of communication are the subject (the initiator of communication), the goal (what the communication is for), content (the information that is transmitted), means (methods of transmitting information; drawings, audio, video, sensory organs can be used) and the recipient of information.

Communication is a structural component of any purposeful activity, and the activity itself acts as a condition for the emergence of communication.

The purpose of this type of activity is the acquisition by the subject of knowledge, skills and abilities. Learning can be specially organized or spontaneous (gaining knowledge and experience while performing other actions). There is also such a form of teaching as self-education.

Labor is the purposeful activity of an individual, the goal of which is to obtain a specific result.. Work is impossible without a certain level of knowledge, skills and craftsmanship. This purposeful activity helps develop the individual and transform the environment.


Creativity is the name given to human activity that generates something new that did not previously exist. It can be an independent activity or a component of another type of activity. This type of activity is typical for all children. When a person grows up, he already has certain abilities and talents that develop and manifest themselves in creativity.

Depending on what result the individual’s actions are aimed at, there are:

Based on the number of subjects and objects of activity, they distinguish individual And collective activity. According to their influence on social progress, it is customary to divide progressive(develops society) and reactionary activity. The following types of activities are also distinguished: legal And illegal, reproductive(creation from a model) and creative(creating something new) extraversion(physical actions) and introverted(thinking, fantasy, feelings).

The purposeful activity of a person is fundamentally different from the behavioral activity of animals, since it is his way of existence. Animal behavior is regulated by instincts and is a means of adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

Human behavior is a conscious activity that is aimed at transforming the world around us. An example of this is setting a goal, developing an internal action plan, and anticipating the outcome of this activity.

The very existence of a person is a constant creation and development, changing oneself and the external world to create better living conditions and satisfy one’s needs. Human activity is characterized by awareness, the presence of an internal plan of action, which is subsequently implemented when performing assigned tasks. Another important difference between human behavior and animal behavior is that the activity of an individual is not always connected with basic motives and very often can come into conflict with them.

A person in modern society is engaged in a variety of activities. In order to describe all types of human activity, it is necessary to list the most important needs for a given person, and the number of needs is very large.

The emergence of various types of activities is associated with the socio-historical development of man. The fundamental types of activities in which a person is involved in the process of his individual development are communication, play, study, and work.

  • * communication - interaction of two or more people in the process of exchanging information of a cognitive or affective-evaluative nature;
  • * game is a type of activity in conditional situations that imitate real ones, in which social experience is learned;
  • * learning is the process of systematic acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to perform work activities;
  • * labor is an activity aimed at creating a socially useful product that satisfies the material and spiritual needs of people.

Communication is a type of activity consisting of the exchange of information between people. Depending on the age stage of human development and the specifics of activity, the nature of communication changes. Each age stage is characterized by a specific type of communication. In infancy, an adult exchanges emotional states with the child and helps them navigate the world around them. At an early age, communication between an adult and a child is carried out in connection with object manipulation, the properties of objects are actively mastered, and the child’s speech is formed. In the preschool period of childhood, role-playing games develop interpersonal communication skills with peers. The younger student is busy with learning activities, and communication is accordingly included in this process. In adolescence, in addition to communication, a lot of time is devoted to preparing for professional activity. The specifics of an adult’s professional activity leave an imprint on the nature of communication, behavior and speech. Communication in professional activity not only organizes, but also enriches it; new connections and relationships arise between people.

A game is a type of activity the result of which is not the production of any material product. She is the leading activity of the preschooler, since through her he accepts the norms of society and learns interpersonal communication with peers. Among the types of games we can distinguish individual and group, subject and plot, role-playing and games with rules. Games are of great importance in people's lives: for children they are mainly of a developmental nature, for adults they are a means of communication and relaxation.

Teaching is a type of activity, its purpose is to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities. In the process of historical development, knowledge was accumulated in various fields of science and practice, therefore, in order to master this knowledge, teaching became a special type of activity. Teaching influences the mental development of an individual. It consists of assimilation of information about the properties of surrounding objects and phenomena (knowledge), the correct choice of techniques and operations in accordance with the goals and conditions of activity (skill).

Labor is historically one of the first types of human activity. The subject of psychological study is not the work itself as a whole, but its psychological components. Typically, work is characterized as a conscious activity that is aimed at achieving a result and is regulated by the will in accordance with its conscious purpose. Labor performs an important formative function in the development of the individual, since it influences the development of his abilities and character.

Attitudes towards work are established in early childhood; knowledge and skills are formed in the process of education, special training, and work experience. To work means to express oneself in activity. Work in a certain field of human activity is associated with a profession.

Thus, each of the types of activity discussed above is most characteristic of certain age stages of personality development. The current type of activity, as it were, prepares the next one, since it develops the corresponding needs, cognitive abilities and behavioral characteristics.

Depending on the characteristics of a person’s relationship to the world around him, activities are divided into practical and spiritual.

Practical activities are aimed at changing the world around us. Since the surrounding world consists of nature and society, it can be productive (changing nature) and socially transformative (changing the structure of society).

Spiritual activity is aimed at changing individual and social consciousness. It is realized in the spheres of art, religion, scientific creativity, in moral actions, organizing collective life and orienting a person to solve problems of the meaning of life, happiness, and well-being.

Spiritual activity includes cognitive activity (gaining knowledge about the world), value activity (determining norms and principles of life), predictive activity (building models of the future), etc.

The division of activity into spiritual and material is arbitrary. In reality, the spiritual and the material cannot be separated from each other. Any activity has a material side, since in one way or another it relates to the outside world, and an ideal side, since it involves goal setting, planning, choice of means, etc.

By spheres of public life - economic, social, political and spiritual.

Traditionally, there are four main spheres of public life:

  • § social (peoples, nations, classes, gender and age groups, etc.)
  • § economic (productive forces, production relations)
  • § political (state, parties, socio-political movements)
  • § spiritual (religion, morality, science, art, education).

It is important to understand that people are simultaneously in different relationships with each other, connected with someone, isolated from someone when solving their life issues. Therefore, the spheres of social life are not geometric spaces where different people live, but the relationships of the same people in connection with different aspects of their lives.

The social sphere is the relationships that arise in the production of direct human life and man as a social being. The social sphere includes various social communities and relationships between them. A person, occupying a certain position in society, is included in various communities: he can be a man, a worker, a father of a family, a city resident, etc.

The economic sphere is a set of relationships between people that arise during the creation and movement of material wealth. The economic sphere is the area of ​​production, exchange, distribution, consumption of goods and services. Production relations and productive forces together constitute the economic sphere of society.

The political sphere is the relationship between people associated with power that ensures joint security.

The elements of the political sphere can be represented as follows:

  • § political organizations and institutions - social groups, revolutionary movements, parliamentarism, parties, citizenship, presidency, etc.;
  • § political norms - political, legal and moral norms, customs and traditions;
  • § political communications - relationships, connections and forms of interaction between participants in the political process, as well as between the political system as a whole and society;
  • § political culture and ideology - political ideas, ideology, political culture, political psychology.

The spiritual sphere is the sphere of relationships that arise during the production, transmission and development of spiritual values ​​(knowledge, beliefs, norms of behavior, artistic images, etc.).

If a person’s material life is connected with the satisfaction of specific everyday needs (food, clothing, drink, etc.). then the spiritual sphere of a person’s life is aimed at satisfying the needs for the development of consciousness, worldview, and various spiritual qualities.

The inclusion of society is mass, collective, individual.

In connection with social forms of bringing people together for the purpose of carrying out activities, collective, mass, and individual activities are distinguished. Collective, mass, individual forms of activity are determined by the essence of the acting subject (a person, a group of people, a public organization, etc.). Depending on the social forms of association of people for the purpose of carrying out activities, they establish individual (example: management of a region or country), collective (ship management systems, teamwork), mass (an example of mass media is the death of Michael Jackson).

Dependence on social norms - moral, immoral, legal, illegal.

Conditions based on the activity’s compliance with existing general cultural traditions and social norms differentiate legal and illegal, as well as moral and immoral activities. Illegal activity is everything that is prohibited by law or constitution. Take, for example, the manufacture and production of weapons, explosives, drug distribution, all of this is illegal activity. Naturally, many try to adhere to moral activities, that is, to study conscientiously, be polite, value their relatives, help the old and homeless. There is a striking example of moral activity - the whole life of Mother Teresa.

The potential of new things in activity - innovative, inventive, creative, routine.

When human activity affects the historical course of events, with social growth, then progressive or reactionary, as well as creative and destructive activities are distributed. For example: The progressive role of the industrial activity of Peter 1 or the progressive activity of Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin.

Depending on the absence or presence of any goals, the success of the activity and the ways of its implementation, monotonous, monotonous, template activity is revealed, which in turn proceeds strictly according to certain requirements, and new things are most often not given (Manufacture of any product, substance according to the scheme at the plant or factory). But creative, inventive activity, on the contrary, carries with it the character of originality of the new, previously unknown. It is distinguished by its specificity, exclusivity, and uniqueness. And elements of creativity can be used in any of the activities. Examples include dancing, music, painting, there are no rules or instructions here, here is the embodiment of fantasy and its implementation.

Types of human cognitive activity

Teaching or cognitive activity refers to the spiritual spheres of human life and society. There are four types of cognitive activity:

  • · everyday - consists of sharing experiences and the images that people carry within themselves and share with the outside world;
  • · scientific - characterized by the study and use of various laws and patterns. The main goal of scientific cognitive activity is to create an ideal system of the material world;
  • · artistic cognitive activity consists in the attempt of creators and artists to assess the surrounding reality and find shades of beauty and ugliness in it;
  • · religious. Its subject is the person himself. His actions are assessed from the point of view of pleasing to God. This also includes moral standards and moral aspects of actions. Considering that a person’s whole life consists of actions, spiritual activity plays an important role in their formation.

Types of human spiritual activity

The spiritual life of a person and society corresponds to such types of activities as religious, scientific and creative. Knowing the essence of scientific and religious activity, it is worth taking a closer look at the types of human creative activity. These include artistic or musical direction, literature and architecture, directing and acting. Every person has the makings of creativity, but to reveal them you need to work long and hard.

Types of human labor activity

In the process of work, a person’s worldview and his life principles develop. Labor activity requires planning and discipline from the individual. Types of work activity are both mental and physical. There is a stereotype in society that physical labor is much more difficult than mental labor. Although the work of the intellect does not appear outwardly, in fact these types of work activities are almost equal. Once again, this fact proves the diversity of professions that exist today.

Types of human professional activity

In a broad sense, the concept of profession means a diverse form of activity performed for the benefit of society. Simply put, the essence of professional activity comes down to the fact that people work for people and for the benefit of the whole society. There are 5 types of professional activities.

  • 1. Man-nature. The essence of this activity is interaction with living beings: plants, animals and microorganisms.
  • 2. Man-man. This type includes professions in one way or another related to interaction with people. The activity here is to educate, guide people, and provide them with information, trade and consumer services.
  • 3. Man-technology. A type of activity characterized by the interaction of humans and technical structures and mechanisms. This includes everything related to automatic and mechanical systems, materials and types of energy.
  • 4. Man - sign systems. Activities of this type involve interacting with numbers, signs, natural and artificial languages.
  • 5. Man is an artistic image. This type includes all creative professions related to music, literature, acting, and visual arts.

Types of economic activities of people

Human economic activity has recently been fiercely contested by conservationists because it is based on natural reserves that will soon run out. Types of human economic activity include the extraction of minerals, such as oil, metals, stones and everything that can benefit humans and cause damage not only to nature, but to the entire planet.

Types of human information activities

An integral part of human interaction with the outside world is information. Types of information activities include receiving, using, distributing and storing information. Information activities often become a threat to life, since there are always people who do not want third parties to know and disclose any facts. Also, this type of activity can be provocative in nature, and also be a means of manipulating the consciousness of society.

Types of human mental activity

Mental activity affects the state of the individual and the productivity of his life. The simplest type of mental activity is a reflex. These are habits and skills established through constant repetition. They are almost invisible compared to the most complex type of mental activity - creativity. It is distinguished by constant diversity and originality, originality and uniqueness. That’s why creative people are so often emotionally unstable, and professions related to creativity are considered the most difficult. That is why creative people are called talents who can transform this world and instill cultural skills in society.

Culture includes all types of transformative human activity. There are only two types of this activity - creation and destruction. The second, unfortunately, is more common. Many years of human transformative activity in nature have led to troubles and disasters.

Only creativity can come to the rescue here, and this means, at a minimum, the restoration of natural resources.

Activity distinguishes us from animals. Some of its types benefit the development and formation of personality, others are destructive. Knowing what qualities are inherent in us, we can avoid the disastrous consequences of our own activities. This will not only benefit the world around us, but will also allow us to do what we love with a clear conscience and consider ourselves people with a capital “H.”


Hello! In this article we will talk about the types of activities of an individual entrepreneur.

Today you will learn:

  • What types of activities exist according to OKVED;
  • What type of activity to choose;
  • How to add and change the type of activity of an individual entrepreneur;
  • What is it for types of activities.

What are types of activities (OKVED) for individual entrepreneurs

The main reason for the impossibility of using this or that system is the type of activity that the individual entrepreneur is engaged in.

Taxation by type of activity is presented in the table:

Tax regime

Prohibited types of activities of individual entrepreneurs

Basic tax system

Simplified taxation system

Banking activities;

Insurance services;

Non-state pension funds;

Investment organizations;

Working with securities;

Activities of pawnshops;

Production of excise goods;

Extraction and sale of minerals;

Gambling establishments;


Patent tax system

Almost all types of activities that are aimed at producing something other than: production of business cards, pottery, sausage production, clothing and footwear production

A single tax on imputed income

Currency exchange;

Gambling establishments;

Production and sale of excise goods;

Extraction, production and sale of precious metals and stones;

Extraction and sale of minerals;

Banking activities;

Management activities;

Communication services;

Retail trade type of activity trade in art objects, antiques;

Tour organization

Agricultural tax

Everything except agricultural production

However, despite the variety of modes, you will need to take into account many conditions, such as the maximum number of staff members, maximum turnover, and classifier restrictions.

In addition to taxes, there is also an obligation to pay contributions to extra-budgetary funds for yourself, and this must be taken into account when choosing a favorable tax regime.

What are individual entrepreneurs’ contributions for themselves? These are your contributions to health and pension funds. That is, regardless of whether you worked this year, made a profit or not, you will be required to pay these contributions to the state in a fixed amount.

In 2018, the amount of contributions will be 32,385 rubles. And if, for example, income for the whole year was more than 300,000 rubles, contributions to the pension fund will be calculated additionally, based on 1% of income above the limit.

To summarize the choice of the most favorable tax regime, it is best to make an individual tax calculation for individual entrepreneurs within each system.

The following parameters will need to be taken into account:

  • If there are employees, then their number;
  • Which region of the Russian Federation do you belong to;
  • The tax system used by your future partners and clients;
  • Sales area;
  • Use of transport during transportation, etc.

When considering the issue of taxes, one cannot help but touch upon the topic of the so-called “tax holidays” that came into effect in 2015. For many, this innovation is very useful and applicable. “Tax holidays” involve exempting individual entrepreneurs from paying any tax and reducing the percentage on other taxes. However, not all individual entrepreneurs can take advantage of the benefit.

Conditions for providing “tax holidays”:

  • Your type of activity is the production of goods, scientific work or social activity;
  • You are registering an individual entrepreneur for the first time;
  • The individual entrepreneur has existed for no more than two years;
  • Your region is included in the list of regions of the Russian Federation where this benefit was introduced and your individual entrepreneur was registered after the adoption of the law in your region on “tax holidays”;
  • You use the simplified tax system or a patent.

It must be taken into account that regional authorities have the right to introduce certain restrictions regarding the number of employees, maximum income per year, and areas of activity of individual entrepreneurs.

Is the type of activity of the individual entrepreneur confirmed?

We will not torment you and will immediately say that. The main direction of the individual entrepreneur’s activity is confirmed during its registration, when the businessman enters the activity number in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, after which this information comes to the Social Insurance Fund.

However, if you decide to change the main direction of activity of the enterprise, then you need to contact the tax office with an application for a change in the direction of activity in order to secure the change.

Why do this? You must receive payment for services rendered and products manufactured strictly according to the business activity code declared to the Federal Tax Service. Otherwise, this income will be considered as received outside the declared OKVED code, and will have to be taxed at 13% personal income tax.

Also, the amount of insurance premiums for injuries depends on the code of the main type of activity. Now experts identify 32 points, which determine the amount of contributions for various areas of activity. The amount of payments depends on the degree of danger and complexity of the work.

Thus, we can conclude that it is necessary to confirm the main type of activity in order to correctly make deductions for injuries to the Social Insurance Fund in the current year, without overpaying if the percentage differs from the previous year.

How to change and add an individual entrepreneur activity type

The enterprise develops along with the market, and now you are no longer doing what you used to do, which means that you need to think about changing OKVED. It's not difficult, now we'll look at how to do it in detail.

First, you will have to create a number for a new type of activity, and then fill out an application for changing the direction of activity.

To do this, sequentially implement the following steps:

  • Go to the subsection “Registration of individual entrepreneurs” on the Federal Tax Service resource;
  • Download the form, this is your application, and fill in the fields with information (in virtual or paper format, in the second case it will need to be printed after filling out).

The application consists of four pages. The first page is the title page, here we write our first name, last name and patronymic, indicate OGRNIP and. The second sheet is intended for recording a new direction of business. On the third sheet it is necessary to cancel the old direction of the enterprise’s activity. All three pages of the document are required to be completed.

Now you need to collect the missing documents for the tax office.

These include:

  • Passport;

If you are sending a tax trustee, then attach a notarized power of attorney and the passport of your representative.

And the last stage is to deliver all this wealth to the tax office. You can do this yourself, through a representative (don’t forget about the power of attorney), using mail or the Internet. But remember that you need to contact the same tax office with which you registered your individual entrepreneur.

But that is not all. If you are an entrepreneur with employees, you need to confirm the main activity of the individual entrepreneur by submitting a certificate to the Social Insurance Fund. If your individual entrepreneur does not have employees, then such a certificate is not needed.

What to do if OKVED has not changed, but only new areas of doing business have been added. We simply add side business lines to the existing list. To do this, fill out only the lines for auxiliary areas of activity of the individual entrepreneur on the second page of form P24001. The third page only needs to be completed if you want to exclude any type of activity.

There are different classifications of activities:

1. By method of implementation:

- Practical activities(transformation of objects of nature and society). It includes material and production activities (transformation of nature) and social and transformative activities (transformation of society);

- spiritual activity, associated with a change in people's consciousness. It includes:

Cognitive activity (reflection of reality in artistic and scientific form, in myths and religious teachings);

Value-oriented activity (people’s attitude to the phenomena of the surrounding world, the formation of their worldview);

Forecasting activities (planning and anticipation of possible changes in reality).

2. By the nature of human activity:

Creative activity - production of material and spiritual values;

Destructive activity - a negative impact on nature (environmental pollution) and society (wars, invasions, etc.).

3. According to the creative role in social development:

Reproductive activity - aimed at obtaining a known result of labor;

Productive activity is the production of new ideas, ways to achieve a goal.

4. Depending on compliance with general cultural values ​​and social norms:

Legal and illegal;

Moral and immoral.

5. Depending on the novelty of goals, results, means:

Monotonous, template, monotonous;

Innovative, inventive, creative.

6. Depending on the public spheres in which the activity takes place

Economic (production, consumer, etc.);

Political (state, military, international, etc.);


Spiritual (scientific, educational, leisure, etc.)

7. According to the method of formation of a person as an individual:

- a game;


Work- expedient social activity of a person aimed at transforming the environment and achieving a socially useful result. A distinctive feature of work activity is the originality of its motives. Work is always aimed at achieving programmed results, pre-expected results. Labor, as a purposeful activity, began with the manufacture of tools. The presence of tools and special training is a specific feature of human labor activity. Only people are capable of influencing the environment with the help of specially created means of labor. Success requires skill, knowledge, and skill. In any work activity, its participants solve a specific problem, plan their actions, and anticipate the result.

A game- the primary type of human activity, an imaginary representation of reality in artificially simulated situations. The main motive is not in the result, but in the process itself. Games are often in the nature of entertainment, with the goal of obtaining relaxation. Some forms of gaming activity take on the character of rituals, educational and training sessions, and sports hobbies. The most significant feature of gaming activity is its two-dimensionality:

On the one hand, the player carries out a real action;

On the other hand, actions are conditional. The game in its developed form includes the roles that the players take on. A role is compliance with accepted (conventional) norms of behavior in a game situation.

By engaging in any activity, a person learns something, and, therefore, we change ourselves. Target teachings- acquisition of knowledge and mastery of methods of action necessary for successful interaction with the world.

In the process of working together, people communicate with each other, exchange practical experience and methods of activity, i.e. are situated in communication.

In modern Russian science, there are different points of view on how activity and communication are related:

1) these concepts are identified;

2) activity and communication are opposed to each other;

3) communication is considered along with activity as an independent but equal phenomenon.

The first point of view is more often presented in textbooks.

Communication is a process of interrelation and interaction between people and social groups, during which information, experience, and results of activities are exchanged. In the world of communication, the interaction of the subject occurs not with the object, but with the subject.

Depending on the diversity of subjects, the following types of communication are distinguished:

Communication between real subjects (two people);

Communication of a real subject with an illusory partner (communication with an animal),

Communication between a real subject and an imaginary partner (internal dialogue);

Communication between imaginary partners (fictional characters).

All types of activities are interconnected and in everyday life it is difficult to separate them from each other. Thus, in the process of work, a person can communicate with a partner, arranging a game in the form of a competition, learning new skills, and in this process gain fundamentally new knowledge about the world, learning its laws. A number of scientists identify as a type of activity, along with work, play, communication and cognition(teaching in this case is interpreted as a private type of knowledge).

Introduction 2

1. The concept of human activity 4

2. Types of human activity 8

Conclusion 15

Literature 17


In psychology there is such a concept as activity. In order to consider this concept, it is necessary to find out what exactly such a science as psychology considers. Any person, based on his own experience, is aware that he is somehow capable of perceiving and cognizing the world around him, various objects and phenomena.

The normal state of a person, unless he is sleeping, is an active, active state. While a person lives, he constantly acts, does something, is busy with something - he works, studies, plays sports, plays, communicates with people, reads, etc. In a word, he shows activity - external (movements, operations, muscle effort) or internal (mental activity that is observed even in a motionless person when he thinks, reads, remembers, etc.). However, it is possible to distinguish between external and internal activity only conditionally. As studies have shown, the work of thought, even when a person is not outwardly active, is associated with speech-motor micromovements (which can be registered). What we call “thinking to oneself” is speaking “to oneself,” since the thinking of a normal adult person exists in speech form. Therefore, any human activity.

Activity is a person’s activity aimed at achieving consciously set goals related to meeting his needs and interests, and fulfilling the requirements for him from society and the state.

Without activity, human life is impossible. In the process of activity, a person learns about the world around him. Activity creates the material conditions of human life, without which he cannot exist - food, clothing, housing. In the process of activity, spiritual products are created: science, literature, music, painting. In the process of activity, a person changes the surrounding reality, with his work transforms the world around him: deserts become blooming gardens, rivers change their course and direction, cities arise in the tundra and taiga. A person’s activity shapes and changes himself, his will, character, and abilities.

1. The concept of human activity

Human activity is fundamentally different from animal behavior, even if this behavior is quite complex. Firstly, human activity is conscientious character - a person is aware of the goal and ways to achieve it, and anticipates the result. Secondly, human activity is connected with the manufacture, use and storage of tools. Thirdly, human activity is of a social nature; it is carried out, as a rule, in a group and for a group.

Activity is determined (determined) by socio-historical conditions. Depending on the requirements of society, human activity takes on a different character. Consider, for example, human labor activity. At all times and eras, people have been engaged in labor activities. But in a capitalist society, a working person becomes an appendage of the machine, and his activity is directed by the capitalist only to obtain greater profits.

In our country, due to changing social conditions, work itself is becoming more and more a human need; it reveals the best sides of the personality of Soviet people. They will know the happiness of work.

The nature of this type of activity as teaching has also changed. The pre-revolutionary school taught the younger generation what was necessary to consolidate the dominance of the oppressor class. And the teaching itself was in the nature of cramming and drilling. The teaching in the Soviet school is of a completely different nature. It gives the knowledge necessary for a person to fulfill his social duty - work for the common benefit. And the training itself is developmental in nature, it is focused on the formation of active, independent, creative thinking in schoolchildren.

Necessary conditions for human activity are mental processes. They are, on the one hand, a mandatory characteristic of any human activity: whether a child plays, whether a schoolchild studies, whether a person works - all types of activity are always inextricably linked with attention, perception, memory, thinking, imagination, without which no human activity can be carried out . On the other hand, all mental processes occur, are formed and are regulated in activity. This is how the relationship between mental processes and human activity is realized.

Activities are usually considered from the point of view of its structure (composition). First of all, they distinguish goals And motives activities.

Every human activity is determined by the goals and objectives that he sets for himself. If there is no goal, then there is no activity. Activity is caused by certain motives, reasons that prompted a person to set one or another goal and organize activities to achieve it. The goal is that. for what does a person act? motive is why a person acts. Consider your teaching in teacher training school from this angle. What is your goal? Successfully complete it and become a teacher. Why did you start studying? Why did you set yourself the goal of graduating from pedagogical school? And immediately the motives that prompted you to make this decision will appear in your memory. They may be different, but everyone will have some motives that determined the setting of the goal of your educational activity.

Usually, human activity is determined not by any one motive and one goal, but by a whole system of goals and motives - immediate and increasingly general and distant ones.

For example, you are studying this textbook. The immediate goal is to master the content of this chapter. Behind it is a more distant goal - to know psychology well. Behind it is an even more general and distant one - to become a well-educated specialist teacher, and, finally, the most general goal - to benefit the Motherland and people. It is important that a person sees not only immediate prospects and goals, but also distant ones - this gives strength to fight difficulties and overcome obstacles, and achieving an intermediate result does not demobilize a person.

Activities are also assessed by the level of motivation, by whether the motives are social or have a pronounced narrow personal character. For a well-educated person, social motives acquire a personal meaning and become his personal matter.

An integral part, or, in other words, a separate act of activity is called an action. Human actions are also performed for one reason or another and are aimed at achieving certain goals. A person’s actions are always conscious, but the degree of consciousness of actions can be different. Actions are completely conscious when a goal is set and understood, the order and sequence of movements is outlined, and certain results of the action are assumed. Actions are not fully conscious when the goal, sequence of movements and control are not sufficiently realized. Such little-conscious actions, performed under the influence of strong feelings, strong stimuli, often unexpected, are called impulsive. From the classroom window you can see an old park, the trees of which go down to the pond. Snow. The class is quiet, students solve problems independently. Someone shouted: “Hare, dogs!” Immediately the boys' heads turned to the window, then they all jumped up and rushed to the windows. The hare was chased by dogs, he rolled down the hill into a pond in a white lump, and the dogs followed him. At the sight of this picture, the children and the teacher involuntarily moved to the window, looked and could not tear themselves away until the hare disappeared into the bushes. Under the influence of a strong and sudden stimulus, the actions of the students and the teacher (their movement to the window) were carried out without a clearly realized goal, without thinking, which indicates their lack of awareness. These are impulsive actions. Differentiate between actions practical And mental. They are closely related. Practical actions (manipulating objects, constructive actions, actions in the school area, etc.) are of great importance in cognitive activity (in perception and thinking). From an early age, the child begins to master practical actions with objects and ways of handling them and thereby learns about these objects. Practical actions with objects do not lose their importance in the student’s educational work; they help to better understand and assimilate the educational material. Thus, when solving mathematical problems, the student turns to practical actions with objects. Based on practical actions, mental actions arise in the mind. Mental cognitive activity allows you to more fully and deeply understand the objects being studied and the phenomena of reality. Human actions are inseparable from speech activity. Speech activity, the word (including inner speech, mental pronunciation) regulate a person’s behavior and activity, help him realize his actions, verbally formulate the tasks of an action and outline its plan, change the nature of the action, and correct mistakes. In any activity, the following components (components, links, stages) can be distinguished: goal setting stage(clear awareness of a specific task); work planning stage, choosing the most rational method of action; stage of implementation, implementation of activities, accompanied by ongoing monitoring and restructuring of activities if necessary; followed by checking results, correcting errors, if they were comparison results obtained with the planned ones, summarizing work and her grade. All these components can be easily traced by analyzing a student’s specific educational activity (of course, if it is properly organized by the teacher).

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