Basic rules of business etiquette briefly. The main rules of business etiquette that every manager should know

Business and professional life needs organization and orderliness.

In the field of business, business etiquette regulates. It is designed to organize interaction at work, during the performance of their official duties.

Ethics is a system of moral standards accepted in society.

Etiquette is a set of rules accepted in society specific rules and laws of behavior.

There are many types of etiquette: everyday, diplomatic, military, guest and others.

Business etiquette is one of the components of ethics. Without knowledge of the rules of business etiquette, it is impossible to achieve success in your chosen field of activity.

Compliance with all rules and norms of communication in a professional environment guarantees respect and authority among colleagues. Right choice, the appropriateness and timeliness of a word, gesture, posture, or other ethical sign reveals a person’s business and personal qualities from the best side.

The rules of business etiquette must be followed because they:

  • contribute to the formation of positive;
  • favor successful negotiations and business meetings;
  • safety net in case of force majeure or awkward moments;
  • provide an opportunity to more successfully and quickly achieve goals.

Violating the generally accepted rules of entrepreneurship and doing business makes it unsuccessful. Unethical entrepreneurs fail to establish themselves in the market.

Etiquette includes universal universal moral and ethical standards:

  • respectful respect for elders;
  • helping a woman;
  • honor and dignity;
  • modesty;
  • tolerance;
  • benevolence and others.

Features of communication ethics in the business environment

In a business environment, it is not enough to simply be a well-mannered, cultured, polite person. Business etiquette has a number of features and differences. The rules of business etiquette require rigor and precision in execution.

Features of communication ethics in an organization are determined by the specifics economic sphere people's lives and traditions that have developed in the cultural environment.

Basics of business etiquette – general principles culture of behavior in a corporate environment:

  • Politeness

The tone of communication with colleagues, partners, and clients is always friendly and welcoming. A perfect smile - business card successful person in business. Politeness helps to increase the profitability of an enterprise, maintain a good relationship with partners and clients. Nervousness, irritability and panic are excluded by the rules of business etiquette.

  • Correctness

In a corporate environment, it is not customary to be rude and inattentive even towards a dishonest partner. You must be able to control yourself, restrain your emotions and regulate your behavior through willpower.

  • Tact

Business people do not forget about a sense of proportion and tact in their relationships with people. They prudently avoid awkward, negative, and unacceptable topics in conversation.

  • Delicacy

Delicacy implies softness, smoothness, flexibility, and floridness of speech. It is customary to give compliments without turning into flattery and hypocrisy.

  • Modesty

The ability to behave modestly characterizes a person as well-mannered and favorably emphasizes his business and personal qualities. A modest specialist and professional in his field is perceived as a balanced, harmonious, holistic, mature person.

  • Mandatory

If an employee or manager has taken on a responsibility and made a promise, he must keep it. The extent to which a manager or employee of an organization is obliging can tell about his ability to analyze, predict, and assess the situation, strengths, and opportunities.

  • Punctuality

In a business environment, it is considered indecent to be inaccurate in time and not be able to manage it correctly, because this is a sign that a person does not value his or other people’s time. For example, waiting more than five minutes for an important meeting is defined by the rules of business etiquette as a gross violation. Time is especially valuable in business.

Laws and rules of ethics

The rules of business etiquette must be observed, since their violation can lead to the severance of partnerships, loss of reputation, sales markets and other negative consequences.

All business people comply job descriptions, act in accordance with the organization’s charter and comply with oral and written rules of corporate etiquette.

The rules of business etiquette provide for the following working points:

  • Dress code

The clothing style is classic, discreet, neat. Formal suit, acceptable colors in clothes (usually black, gray, white colors), neat hairstyle. Each organization can prescribe its own dress code rules, but they are always within the framework of appearance features generally recognized in business.

  • Attitude to work

Conscientious, responsible, decent attitude towards work, perhaps main feature professionalism. At work it is not customary to resolve personal matters or visit social media, talk a lot with colleagues not about business, take frequent tea breaks.

  • Time management

Nobody likes unpunctual people. And in business, every minute is precious and scheduled, so the value of time cannot be exaggerated. The rules are: time is money; every professional and specialist must master the basics; you need to plan your working day.

  • Written speech

Educated and cultured person always writes correctly. There are rules and canons for preparing business letters and other documentation.

  • Oral speech
  • Telephone etiquette

Business etiquette involves rules for negotiations and conversations on the phone. They prepare for a telephone conversation in advance: they determine the time when it is more convenient for the interlocutor to talk, prepare the questions that need to be asked, and note the main points that need to be discussed.

  • Chatting in Internet

A new word has been coined for Internet communication etiquette – netiquette. It is no longer possible to imagine civilized life without the Internet. The modern worker uses by email, company website, internal chat, and so on.

The rules for writing business emails partially coincide with the rules for writing paper letters. It is customary to sign an e-mail not only with the name of the author, but also to leave contact information (name of organization, zip code, telephone numbers, Skype nickname, company website address, work schedule).

  • Desktop

According to the rules of etiquette, there should be order on the desktop. Even stacks of papers, books, folders - everything is in its place. The employer's and employee's desks will tell you how they work. The unspoken rule says: the more order there is on your desktop, the more order you have in your head.

  • trade secret

Confidential information and trade secrets are not subject to disclosure.

  • Respect

In behavior and communication, a cultured person expresses respect for his interlocutor, partner, opponent, and client. Business etiquette obliges you to be an attentive listener, respect other people’s opinions, help a colleague with work, and so on.

  • Business negotiations, meetings, events

Ability to negotiate competently and effectively complete them - special art. Business etiquette says: negotiations and meetings should have a purpose, a plan, a specific time frame and a location that is convenient for both parties.

Business events, such as meeting business partners at a train station or airport, introducing members of a delegation, presenting flowers and other actions, are carried out according to protocol. For example, there are certain seating rules at the negotiating table.

  • Subordination

The “superior-subordinate” relationship requires smooth communication while maintaining a certain distance. An ethical boss makes comments to a subordinate only one-on-one. Gives oral and written assignments specifically, concisely, and clearly. An ethical subordinate certainly follows the orders of the leader, but can express his point of view, give helpful advice, make a suggestion.

  • Relationships in the team

The microclimate in a team is of great importance and affects the productivity and performance of employees. Business etiquette presupposes friendly, respectful relationships, assistance and support in solving assigned tasks. Taboos: gossip, intrigue, intrigues, cold war, and office romances(personal life is assumed outside working hours and not at the workplace).

  • Business gestures

Gestures should be energetic, but not excessive or sweeping; gait is smooth, swift, walking speed is average (not running or walking); straight posture; confident look.

The only touch allowed in a business environment is a handshake. At the same time, there are also rules here. When shaking hands, it is not customary for the hand to be limp, wet, or cold. The interlocutor’s hand should not be squeezed or shaken for a long time. There are quite a few psychological literature, on body language, which looks at business gestures and how they can be interpreted.

To be ethical in a professional environment, you must comply with all laws and adhere to the rules of etiquette.

Ethics and business etiquette are studied in general education educational institutions, when attending relevant courses, trainings, seminars and are mastered independently by a business person.

Ethics as a personality quality

A person’s business qualities are the ability to perform tasks and achieve goals determined by the specifics of work, specialty, and qualifications.

There are two types of business qualities:

  1. personal, innate;
  2. professional, acquired.

When hiring new employees, self-respecting companies conduct psychological testing that allows them to diagnose innate and acquired business qualities.

General and business culture employee are no less important than qualifications, ability to work and work experience.

Undoubtedly, when hiring, the moral and ethical qualities of a person are taken into account. But these qualities can also be acquired, nurtured, instilled in the process professional activity.

A person’s ethics is expressed in the following manifestations of his morality:

  1. conscience, a sense of personal responsibility for everything that happens in life;
  2. will, developed self-control, clear regulation of behavior;
  3. honesty, the ability to tell the truth and act accordingly;
  4. collectivism, social orientation of activities, friendliness, desire to strive for a common goal;
  5. self-control, stress resistance, control over feelings and emotions;
  6. integrity, consistency, upholding ethical positions, matching words with actions;
  7. diligence, desire to work, interest in work;
  8. responsibility, seriousness, stability;
  9. generosity, tolerance, humanity, tolerance;
  10. optimism, faith in the best, self-confidence.

Morality and ethics are the basic personality characteristics of a cultural leader and employee. A person successful in business has a developed need to act in accordance with the requirements of ethics and morality, to be kind and honest.

Etiquette is an established order of behavior, a set of rules of behavior, norms of relationships among people accepted in certain social circles.

Business etiquette is the most important aspect of the professional behavior of a business person.

Business behavior is a system of actions of an individual associated with the implementation of his business interests and including interaction with partners, clients, managers, subordinates, and colleagues. Business behavior is realized through business communication, establishing relationships and making decisions that contribute to business success.

Features of etiquette are a combination of formal rules of behavior in predetermined situations.

Business ethics is based on such universal human values, How:

1. freedom. A business person must value not only the freedom of his commercial actions, but also the freedom of his competitors, which is expressed in the inadmissibility of interference in their affairs.

2. tolerance, awareness of the impossibility of instantly overcoming the weaknesses and shortcomings of partners, clients or subordinates. This concept establishes mutual trust, understanding and frankness.

3. tact and delicacy. Tact in communication is an understanding of the correspondence between goals and norms of behavior and the ability to apply these norms. To be tactful means to recognize your partner as equal and equal in any situation. human personality taking into account the characteristics of gender, age, nationality, habits. Delicacy is politeness and attentiveness in communication, a form of manifestation of correctness and sincerity in the eyes of colleagues. The price of delicacy is especially high when communicating with foreign colleagues. Other people's customs and ideas may seem strange, their behavior may seem familiar or vulgar. Delicacy should not turn into flattery.

4. justice. Objective assessment personal qualities people and their activities. Recognition of their individuality, openness to criticism, self-criticism.

5. business obligation. The ability, no matter what, to fulfill accepted obligations.

Communication is a complex process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by needs joint activities and includes the exchange of information, the development of a unified interaction strategy, perception and understanding of the other person.

By nature and content, communication can be formal (business) and informal (secular, everyday, everyday).

Business communication is a process of relationship and interaction in which there is an exchange of activities, information and experience that involve achieving a certain result, solving a specific problem or realizing a certain goal.

Business communication is implemented in various forms:

Business conversation,

Business meeting,

Business meetings,

Public performance.

A modern business person must respect himself as an individual and treat others with respect, showing tolerance, delicacy, tact in business relationships, trust not only himself, but also his partners, must be convinced that honor comes before profit. And also recognize the inevitability of competition, but recognize the need for cooperation, value the freedom of your commercial actions and the freedom of action of competitors. Be able to take risks and take responsibility for all decisions made, fulfill promises on time, not make excuses, but set specific deadlines.

Etiquette is a form of social control over compliance with the behavior of each person. Violation of etiquette causes certain sanctions. Practical knowledge of etiquette enables people to use ready-made forms of generally accepted politeness to communicate at various levels.

Their appearance, clothing, the ability to behave correctly in different places, in different situations.

The manner of speaking, the ability to maintain a conversation is also of no small importance when people address each other, you need to know what you are talking about and be able to express your thoughts in such a form that they do not look like edification or moralizing, the ability to manage your negative emotions.

In etiquette, attentiveness, the ability to listen to the speaker, and to provide a service to those in need are highly valued.

Every person must know and observe the basic norms of etiquette, understand the need for certain rules and relationships. Manners largely reflect a person’s internal culture, his moral and intellectual qualities.

In general, business communication differs from everyday (informal) communication in that in its process goals and specific tasks are set that require solutions. In business communication, we cannot stop interacting with a partner (at least without losses for both parties). In ordinary friendly communication, specific tasks are most often not set, specific goals are not pursued. Such communication can be stopped (at the request of the participants) at any time.

Business communication can be divided into direct (immediate contact) and indirect (when there is a space-time distance between partners).

Direct business communication has greater effectiveness, the power of emotional impact and suggestion than indirect communication; social and psychological mechanisms directly operate in it.

There are two types of communication: verbal and non-verbal. Communication carried out using words is called verbal. At nonverbal communication the means of transmitting information are non-verbal (non-verbal) signs (postures, gestures, facial expressions, intonation, glances, etc.).

Speech is capable of accurately and impartially recording a person’s intellectual considerations and serving as a means of transmitting unambiguously interpreted messages. That is why speech is successfully used to reinforce and convey various kinds scientific ideas, as well as coordinating joint activities to understand a person’s emotional experiences and his relationships with people.

Nonverbal means of communication are most often used to establish and maintain emotional contact with the interlocutor during the conversation, to record how well a person controls himself, and to obtain information about what people really think about others.

Mechanisms of influence in the process of communication can be divided into the following types:

1. Suggestion is a purposeful, unreasoned influence of one person on another. With suggestion, the process of transmitting information is carried out based on its uncritical perception.

2. Persuasion - this influence is based on using logical justification to achieve consent from the person receiving the information.

3. Imitation. Its specificity, in contrast to infection and suggestion, is that it involves not simply accepting the external features of another person’s behavior, but reproducing the features and images of the demonstrated behavior.

4. Infection can be defined as an unconscious, involuntary exposure of a person to certain mental states. It manifests itself through the transmission of a certain emotional state or mental state.

Communication structure

Table 1 - Structure of communication

The structure of business communication can be characterized by identifying three interrelated aspects in it: communicative, interactive and perceptual (person's perception by person).

For public relations a hierarchy is needed that everyone would recognize and obey. The basis of such relationships is modesty about oneself and respect for others. The structure of communication is determined by its three interconnected aspects - perception, communication and interaction (Table 1).

The communicative side of business communication.

The communicative side of communication, or communication in the narrow sense of the word, consists of the exchange of information between communicating individuals. The interactive side (interaction) - in the organization of interaction, i.e. in the exchange of not only messages, but also actions. The perceptual side (perception) is the process of perception and knowledge of each other by communication partners and establishing mutual understanding on this basis. In reality, each of these aspects of communication does not exist in isolation from the other two, and isolating them is only possible for analysis.

Communication is communication, i.e. exchange of opinions, experiences, moods, desires, etc. The content of a specific communication can be different: a discussion of news, a report on the weather or a dispute about politics, a decision business issues with partners, etc. Communication in communication is always significant for its participants, since the exchange of messages occurs not without a reason, but in order to achieve some goals, satisfy some needs, etc.

The interactive side of business communication lies in organizing interaction between people, i.e. in the exchange of not only knowledge and ideas, but also actions.

Action is the main content of communication. When describing it, we often use action terms. For example, “he hit me” or “he adjusted to me.” It is also very important to be able to correlate actions and situations. After all, one and the same situation can be “read” differently by partners and, accordingly, their actions in the same situation can be different.

The perceptual side of business communication means the process of communication partners perceiving each other and establishing mutual understanding on this basis. When communicating with a person, we seem to “read” him, and this “fluent reading” allows us to understand his behavior. Very often it is important not only to understand this or that behavior in itself, but also to understand the foundations, origins, driving forces and mechanisms.

The practice of business relations shows that in solving problems associated with interpersonal contact, much depends on how partners (interlocutors) are able to establish contact with each other. With all the variety of forms of business communication, business conversation is the most common and most often used.

A business conversation is understood as verbal communication between interlocutors who have the necessary authority from their organizations and firms to establish business relationships, resolve business problems or develop a constructive approach to solving them.

A business conversation is the most favorable, often the only opportunity to convince your interlocutor of the validity of your position so that he agrees and supports it. Thus, one of the main tasks of a business conversation is to convince a partner to accept specific proposals.

Business conversation performs a number of important functions:

Mutual communication between workers from the same business area;

Joint search, promotion and prompt development of working ideas and plans;

Control and coordination of already started business activities;

Maintaining business contacts;

Stimulating business activity.

The main stages of a business conversation are:

Starting a conversation;

Informing partners;

Argumentation of the proposed provisions;

Making decisions;

Ending the conversation.

Emotions - mental reflection in the form of direct experience life meaning phenomena and situations determined by the relationship of their objective properties to the needs of the subject.

Emotions are a special class of subjective psychological states, reflecting in the form of direct experiences, sensations of pleasant and unpleasant, a person’s attitude towards the world and people, the process and its results practical activities. The word “emotion” itself comes from the Latin “emovere”, which means to excite, shock, excite.

Emotions can be distinguished:

by sensory tone - positive order and negative order;

in relation to the mobilization of the body's resources - sthenic and asthenic (Greek - “stenos” - strength). Thethenic emotions increase activity, causing a surge of energy and uplift, while asthenic emotions act in the opposite way;

according to needs - they distinguish between lower emotions associated with the satisfaction of organic needs, the so-called “general sensations” (hunger, thirst, etc.) and higher emotions (feelings), socially conditioned, associated with social relations;

Based on strength and duration (form of course), several types of emotions are distinguished: affects, passions, emotions themselves, moods, feelings and stress.

Emotions are closely related to needs, since, as a rule, when needs are satisfied, a person experiences positive emotions and, conversely, when it is impossible to get what he wants, negative emotions.

When the question arises about the importance of emotions in business behavior, the most common opinion is associated with their negative impact on the effectiveness of behavior and activity, and, therefore, with the need to suppress them. In fact, such an approach indicates a lack of understanding of the role of emotions in human life and activity and requires that the necessary attention be given to this issue.

For many years, emotions and processes associated with understanding the world around us were opposed; it was believed that emotions were inherited from our distant ancestors. Today it is generally accepted that the structure of emotions includes not only a subjective component, i.e. a reflection of a person’s state, but also a cognitive component - a reflection of objects and phenomena that have a certain significance for the needs, goals and motives of a person experiencing emotions. This implies a double conditionality of emotions: on the one hand, by the needs of a person, which determine his attitude towards the object of emotions, and on the other, by his ability to reflect and understand certain properties this object.

Each emotion is unique in its sources, experiences, external manifestations and methods of regulation. The repertoire of human emotions is very rich, it includes a whole palette of different emotional phenomena. There are many classifications of emotions

Affect is the most powerful emotional reaction that completely captures the human psyche. It occurs in extreme conditions when a person cannot cope with the situation. Distinctive features affect are situational, generalized, short duration and high intensity. The whole body is mobilized, movements are impulsive. Affect is practically uncontrollable and is not subject to volitional control.

Passion is a strong, persistent, long-lasting feeling that captures a person and owns him. In strength it is close to affect, and in duration - to feelings.

Emotions in the narrow sense are situational in nature, expressing an evaluative attitude towards emerging or possible situations, may be weakly manifested in external behavior, especially in a person who skillfully hides them.

Feelings are the most stable emotional states. They are objective in nature: it is always a feeling for something, for someone.

Mood is a state that colors our feelings, a long-term emotional state of relatively weak expression. Unlike emotions and feelings, mood is not objective, but personal, not situational, but extended over time.

The topic of human emotions remains one of the most mysterious areas of psychology. There is not even a consensus among scientists about their role in the implementation of life processes. Even in ancient times, opinions were expressed both about their disorganizing influence on behavior and about the fact that they represent the most important mobilizing and stimulating effect.

Today it is customary to distinguish several main functions of emotions:

The communicative function is considered the most important, since without emotional manifestations it is difficult to imagine communication between people. By expressing his attitude, a person shows his attitude to reality and, above all, to other people, and a person receives most of the information in the process of communication using non-verbal communication.



Signal - emotions act as an internal language, as a system of signals through which a person learns about the significance of what is happening



Mobilizing - during human activity, emotions perform the function of assessing its progress and results, organizing human activity, motivating, stimulating and directing it.

In relation to business behavior, each of these functions has great importance. The ability to effectively use emotions in your professional activities is absolutely necessary for its success. One of the most pressing tasks is overcoming stress and self-regulation. The activity of a business person is inherently associated with stress, as it takes place under conditions of time shortage, with high degree uncertainty requires taking responsibility for making decisions based on insufficient information. In order to learn the best way use your emotions in work, regulate your state and cope with stress, it is necessary to consider in more detail the nature of emotions and their connection with other components of the personal structure.

It is a great misconception to think that we can create or abolish our emotions at will. Emotions are an integral part of a person’s life in its interaction with the external environment. Emotions are a mental reflection in the form of direct experience of the life meaning of phenomena and situations, determined by the relationship of their objective properties to the needs of the subject. That is, emotions serve as an indicator of how much certain external events, situations or objects satisfy (or do not satisfy) our needs.

Etiquette is one of the components of your business image, and experienced business partners also pay attention to this aspect of your behavior. Let's consider the basic rules of business etiquette:

The first rule is to be punctual.

It is very important in business to properly organize and calculate time. Planning and punctually completing all planned tasks is the key to success. Being late is inappropriate for the person who was expecting you. And even the most sincere apologies and assurances about the impossibility of coming on time are unable to completely make amends, since even at the subconscious level there will be a certain unpleasant aftertaste, which will mean somewhat negative treatment towards you.

The second rule is don’t say too much to others.

Every millionaire has certain secrets for achieving success, but none will tell you them. You should not talk about affairs in your own business, because sometimes even the smallest hint can affect the activities of a competitor.

The third rule is don't be selfish.

It is impossible to conduct business successfully without taking into account the thoughts and interests of partners, clients, and customers. Often it is selfishness that prevents success. It is very important to be tolerant of your opponent or partner, learn to listen and explain your point of view.

The fourth rule is to dress as is customary in society.

Clothing is a demonstration of your taste and status in society. This rule should not be taken lightly. Appearance is the first aspect that a person pays attention to and this immediately sets him in the appropriate mood.

The fifth rule is to keep your speech clean.

Everything you say and write should be presented in beautiful language, correctly. The ability to communicate, competently conduct a discussion and convince an opponent is very important for negotiating. Watch your pronunciation, diction and intonation. Never use obscene language or offensive language. However, do not forget that the ability to listen to your interlocutor is an equally important aspect of communication.

The rules of etiquette listed above reveal its main provisions, the observance of which will help in business, but there are many other rules that also need to be followed:

● Speech and psychological rules. In speech etiquette business people Compliments are also important. A compliment satisfies a person’s most important psychological need for positive emotions. Everyone benefits from a compliment. But it should be remembered that a compliment should not contain ambiguous phrases or teachings; it should be as brief as possible, built on a factual basis, be sincere and specific.

● Professional listening and emotional intelligence. Professional listening is a special talent that manifests itself in the ability to find valuable information in what he hears from a partner, and therefore inspire confidence in him. The main technique of listening is to respond not to your own thoughts, but to the thoughts and the partner’s statements are completely in his verbal field. Listening is more than just understanding words; it is also a way of understanding the intonation of speech. Having this ability can ensure success in business communication.

Business etiquette requires special behavior when communicating with clients. This requires good psychological knowledge, experience and a certain emotional intelligence, which includes not only understanding oneself and managing one’s own emotions, but also the ability to recognize the emotions of other people.

● Appearance and clothing. Among the channels through which a person sends information about himself, his appearance and clothing are of considerable importance. Clothes are a kind of calling card and have a psychological impact on communication partners. The way you wear clothes is very important. The most suitable form business clothes there was and remains a suit for men and women.

● Etiquette ceremonies:

○ Greeting. It is a form of mutual respect, and in any situation it should show not only our politeness, but also our sincere disposition and goodwill towards our partner. Here it is appropriate to use not only verbal means, but also non-verbal gestures: nod, bow, smile. Calling by name and patronymic is an appeal to an individual, thereby emphasizing respect for the person; such a greeting speaks about your culture.

○ Handshake.Expresses mutual arrangement people to each other and requires special tact. Increasingly, when a man and a woman greet each other, she is the one who initiates the handshake. An exception to the rule is the situation when a man is much older than a woman in age or official position, in which case he offers his hand first. It is not customary to shake hands across a threshold, a table, or any obstacle.

○ Presentation. Through presentation, necessary and useful connections can be made. It is customary to represent a younger person to an older person, a single person to a married person, a lower status person to a higher person, a man to a woman, a younger woman to an older person, etc. When a man is introduced to a woman, he stands up and bows slightly, while the woman remains seated. Those who have just arrived at the meeting do not introduce themselves to persons who are already leaving it. You should not introduce yourself in elevators.

○ Receptions. Society has long had certain rules for organizing and holding various kinds of receptions - from diplomatic receptions to house parties. Receptions are held both to commemorate important events and in honor of any official events. Receptions are divided into daytime and evening, receptions with and without seating at a table.

○ Presentation. The main purpose of the presentation is to present: a company, product, service, book, etc. The presentation provides a good opportunity to invite the right people, establish business contacts. A list of people it is desirable to see at this event is carefully thought out, and invitations are sent out in advance. The presentation can be announced in the media.

○ Rules for communicating by telephone. When used effectively, the telephone becomes an essential component of a company's image, and the ability of a company's employees to conduct telephone conversations determines its reputation and the scope of its business operations.

Correcting communication over the phone is very important. Analysis shows that in a telephone conversation, about 40% is occupied by repetitions of words and pauses. Extra information, so telephone conversation You need to prepare in advance, select the necessary material, documents, proposals, addresses.

You should draw up a conversation plan if a telephone conversation is important to you, write down questions, predict the likely answers and proposals of a business partner, keep in memory or on paper the dates and numbers of documents and materials related to the case.

Whatever phone number you dial, no matter who comes up, you must say hello; if you call an institution, you must immediately introduce yourself.

The emerging autoresponders are designed to improve the performance of various types of services. However, they must be used correctly. You should only turn on your answering machine when you need to leave your desk. When you return, immediately listen to the recording. You should answer calls without delay. If you call back and the answering machine answers, you need to identify yourself, ask your question or report something, then, reminding your phone number, ask to call you.

● Rules of business communication:

○ Rules for business writing. A business letter is an element of creativity, because... Each business letter is individual. It strictly depends on the personality of the addressee, the specificity of the situation, position and general culture of the writer. Business letters serve two functions: they provide communication between business partners and store information about this communication.

The main requirements for a business letter are its brevity, clarity and correctness. The main thoughts and proposals of the author of the letter must be formulated concisely. The letter is written on only one issue; the text must be convincing with sufficient argumentation. The tone of presentation is neutral, not allowing emotional manifestations.

○ Fax. A special role in this type of electronic communication system belongs to the design of the first page. It is drawn up on the company's letterhead, where its logo is placed at the top, and at the bottom of the page along the entire length of the line - addresses, telephone numbers and other coordinates of the company's offices and branches. The text is printed on a printer and signed by hand. Always respond to messages, even if you find it difficult to solve a problem. In the business world, someone who does not respond to correspondence is considered an irresponsible partner and is not trusted.

○ A business card is a sheet of not too thick cardboard of a small format, printed in a typographical way. Color varies, although protocol requires them to be white. The text is typed in black, but not in “silver” or “gold”. The back of the card must be clean to make notes. Sometimes the text on the reverse side is duplicated in a foreign language.

Each employee has an idea of ​​how he should behave in a team. This applies to communication with your boss and colleagues.

Without following the rules, a healthy climate in the team is impossible. Therefore, it is important for managers and subordinates to find mutual language, and the ethics of business communication will help with this.

Etiquette tasks

Behavior at work involves aspects related to employees in the team and external contacts (between teams and communication with clients).

Speech etiquette in business communication performs the following tasks:

  • creates a healthy atmosphere;
  • increases productivity;
  • motivates you to fulfill your duties.

When the norms of business communication are observed, a pleasant, inviting atmosphere is constantly felt in the team. It is important that each employee enjoys the work done and strives to do it as best as possible.

Business communication ethics are designed to be applied in practice and in handling work situations. A team in which business communication etiquette comes first is distinguished by management’s respect for employees, the ability to find a way out of a conflict situation, acceptance right decisions in working hours.

Speech etiquette in business communication includes several components:

  • conversations;
  • negotiations with representatives of other companies;
  • presentations;
  • correspondence;
  • meetings;
  • conferences;
  • talking on the phone;
  • consultations;
  • interview;
  • interviews.

In these options, working contacts are established, decisions are made, and information is exchanged. Ethics in business communication helps to establish clear boundaries within which decisions are made. business problems. By following the rules of behavior in the business world, orders are given and received, and a friendly, professional atmosphere is maintained.

A wise leader, applying business communication etiquette in practice, achieves high productivity in the company. Employees become motivated and are ready to achieve their goals. The culture of business communication and the competent application of its principles creates a positive mood in the team.

Types of behavior in a team

There are three known options for working communication in a team:

  • top down;
  • down up;
  • horizontally.

Work contact options contain general rules. Every employee should feel respect, regardless of their position. A wise boss strives to create a friendly atmosphere in the team and adheres to correct treatment of employees. But at the same time, subordination is not excluded.

The culture of business communication includes talking on the phone:

  1. While at the workplace, it is unacceptable to greet a person with an ordinary “hello” or “yes.” When you pick up the phone, you need to introduce yourself, naming the company and your position. In some organizations, the employee adds his name to the greeting.
  2. During the conversation you should be as attentive as possible. The client is pleased when he is addressed by name.
  3. Answers must be clear and to the point.
  4. If it is impossible to carry on a conversation, you must definitely apologize, offering to reschedule it for another time.

Contact between manager and subordinate

If the boss wants the team to observe the norms of business communication, then he must show by personal example how this works. You can give an order in several ways. This can be done in a strict form or in the form of a request. How the order will sound depends on how competently the manager knows etiquette in business communication.

A wise leader knows and values ​​his employees, listens to their opinions and advice, and is ready to make compromises (without compromising work).

A good boss is fair - this is required by the ethics of business communication. If a subordinate made a mistake or inaccuracy in the performance of duties, then the fines must correspond to the amount of the omission. It’s the same with incentives - work done requires a reward.

Speech etiquette in business communication involves the conversation itself and the tone in which phrases are pronounced. The same order can be given in different voice timbres, and as a result its perception changes. Therefore, the first phrases spoken to attract the attention of the interlocutor are important. The culture of business communication prescribes greetings that are chosen depending on the status, age and gender of the employee.

Contact between subordinate and supervisor

One of the main rules that business communication etiquette prescribes is respect. subordinates of the manager. This does not mean that he needs to flatter or agree with everything.

An employee with his own views and opinions on issues related to work issues, and who knows how to present this in the correct form - good employee. Such subordinates are devoted to their company and do not neglect speech etiquette in business communication.

When talking with your boss, it is not recommended to point out any shortcomings in a harsh manner. The culture of business communication in such contact comes down to the ability of a subordinate to convey the necessary information to the manager without flattery, lies or cunning. In a calm and friendly atmosphere in a team, this is not difficult to do. The relationship between subordinates and the manager, built on, is the application of ethical rules in business communication.

If a subordinate wants to make suggestions to improve the company's performance, then he should not immediately go to the top manager of the company. First you need to contact your nearest boss, otherwise the chain of command will be broken. In the future, such behavior of a subordinate will cause discord in the team.

Rules of business communication

Each employee has rights and responsibilities. A good boss distributes the workload evenly among his subordinates. Although each employee does his own job, he necessarily encounters and comes into contact with other colleagues.

So that it does not arise conflict situations that interfere with the work process, the culture of business communication is important:

  1. Unforeseen situations sometimes arise at company presentations or meetings. To avoid conflict and personalization, observe the etiquette of business communication. Guided by the rules, it is unacceptable to interrupt colleagues, and if questions or comments arise, they can only be asked in the correct form.
  2. In pursuit of praise from their boss, some subordinates make mistakes. This manifests itself in the form of empty promises, or the employee takes on more responsibilities that he subsequently fails to cope with.
  3. Many people do not know how to listen to their interlocutor. But in working moments you cannot do without this skill. Speech etiquette in business communication helps to properly manage working time, listen and correctly understand the interlocutor.
  4. Some companies host foreign representatives of countries and organize buffets in their honor. During such negotiations, it is important to observe business communication etiquette. Knowing the rules and applying them correctly, you can achieve the desired result in negotiations. A favorable atmosphere and the ability to interest the interlocutor leads to the achievement of the desired goal.
  5. The rules of working contacts during negotiations or other business processes prohibit touching the interlocutor. But for every rule there are exceptions, and here it is a handshake. Such a gesture should be brief and businesslike, and the hand should be dry and not cold. During negotiations, unnecessary gestures and facial expressions are avoided. If a person is insecure, fussing, hiding his eyes, then he is unlikely to gain the trust of his interlocutor.

It is important how employees greet each other. Ethics of business communication allows you to use the following techniques:

  • friendly look;
  • smile;
  • appropriate compliments;
  • showing interest;
  • respect;
  • emphasizing the importance of the employee;
  • nice words.

Such options help create a calm, working environment in the team.

Team rules

In the company, each employee is assigned responsibilities that he performs and is responsible for. A knowledgeable manager knows when to assign rewards to an employee, and at the same time notices omissions. For poor performance of work tasks, an appropriate penalty is imposed.

In a team, the work process consists of positive and negative aspects. The culture of business communication regulates emerging issues. If you correctly apply the rules of communication, then criticism is perceived without offense or negative emotions.

In order to maintain a calm, working environment in the team, the manager excludes any psychological pressure. The ethics of business communication excludes threats, pressure from the manager or other employees, and humiliation. Employees understand that they work on the same team, and the company is a second family. This is the only way to achieve impressive results.

Some employees find it difficult to fit into the team. Uncertain actions, low self-esteem, and fears lead to anxiety and an inability to cope with work responsibilities. But if there is a healthy atmosphere in the team and the employees are friendly, then the problem will be resolved. The rules of communication in a work environment, observed by the team, will eliminate unnecessary fears.

A team in which communication rules are applied has a healthy atmosphere. Respect is present towards the manager, between employees, and in contacts with clients. In such a team there is no place for gossip, commercial secrets are respected, and people come to work with pleasure.

Failure to comply with the rules of conduct in a work environment leads to a negative effect. A competent leader who wants the company to succeed maintains a healthy environment in the team that complies with generally accepted standards.

When you start working, you will very soon realize that the ability to follow the basic rules of business etiquette helps professional success in any field and is valued as highly as business qualities. It will help you easily fit into any team and quickly gain authority among colleagues and management, especially if you quickly manage to grasp the difference between business and business and learn to choose the right line of behavior.

Basic rules of business etiquette

Good manners in an office or government office are somewhat different from what is considered decent (customary) outside of them.

  • If the leader is a man, women should not expect him to stand up when they enter the office. Although there are well-mannered men among bosses in whom this habit has been brought to the level of a reflex and who always stand up when a lady enters the room, this is an exception. And even though this is pleasant, a secular tone at work is still inappropriate. In an office or a government agency, the male boss is the first to walk through the door, and when you go on business, he is the first to get into the car.
  • Saying “thank you” and “please” in a work environment is even more desirable than in a “ social life" Thank your colleagues for any service, even the most insignificant, and do not forget about the “magic word” when you make a request or simply convey an order from your superiors to one of your employees.
  • Always smile when greeting colleagues and respond to their greetings with a smile.
  • Talk to people in a calm, friendly tone and show them signs of attention, regardless of their gender.
  • If the man walking ahead of you to the door has a lot of documents, pass him to open the door and let him pass. Helping in the office should always be done by someone who is more comfortable and handy, however, in official relations there is a clear hierarchy that you must feel and support. This does not mean that you should be timid in front of your superiors or show increased attention to every word, no, but you should give him or her due respect.

Accepted rules of business etiquette can differ significantly not only in different industries, but also in individual companies. However, there are rules that both office workers and government employees must follow. Among them are punctuality, dressing in accordance with the company's image, the ability to keep secrets, and the ability to leave personal problems outside of work. Let's talk about each of these rules in more detail.

The need to do everything on time

The rules in the office or government agency require that you always come to work on time and complete all tasks on time. Late arrivals and delays in work that must be completed at exactly the promised time are unacceptable.

Never miss business meetings, come to them early so as not to expose the company, not just your own. If you need to stay late, give notice in advance; management should be aware of where you are. Remember that maintaining accuracy and punctuality in all matters are indispensable rules of business etiquette and office worker, as well as showing respect for others, which is natural for any well-mannered person.

How to dress properly for the office or public service

It is necessary to follow generally accepted rules of business etiquette in clothing.

  • The employee's appearance should be consistent with the company's image, creating a pleasant impression, and when you work in a government agency, this is even more important.
  • Women must wear skirts and dresses no longer than knee length; tailored pantsuits are permitted. It is unacceptable to wear clothes in bright, flashy colors with sparkles, rhinestones, or tight-fitting clothes to work in the office.
  • Men should adhere to a business style, wear suits, trousers, shirts with or without a tie. It is better to exclude jeans and sweaters from your work wardrobe.
  • You can wear modest jewelry to work that matches your clothes, like other details of your suit.

Privacy Rule

You must be able to keep company secrets, any transaction, without discussing this topic with your colleagues or your loved ones. Do not read letters intended for other persons; transmit all messages personally, without intermediaries or third parties. If you need to send a fax, call the recipient in advance so that he or she is nearby to receive the document or letter in person. Don't mix yours personal life with work, you should not talk about problems in life, seek consolation or ask for help from colleagues. In the office it is important to maintain composure and good mood, regardless bad mood. These rules of business etiquette for civil servants and office workers must be strictly followed.

You and the boss

The rules of business etiquette for subordinates imply distant, unfamiliar contact with a manager. Even if the boss (boss) is a girl or boy only a little older than you, you should say “you”. If you are in the manager’s office, and a business partner or another boss comes in, whether you should stay or leave - he must decide; if he asks you to leave, there is no reason to feel disadvantaged. If your boss ever insults you in front of others, don't respond in kind. If you are upset, do not rush out of the office, try to calmly leave and find a secluded place where you can calm down. Don't discuss what happened with your colleagues. You can sort things out with your manager during non-working hours by calmly listening to his wishes and expressing your complaints. The higher up you are, the more complex your role, and in some situations it is important to remember the rules of business etiquette. If a particularly respected person needs to be escorted along the corridor of an institution, you need to open the doors to let the important guest through, and then move next to him, lagging behind only a quarter of a step. If the corridor branches, you will have to give him a graceful gesture in the direction. If the corridor winds, you can say, “Let me walk you,” and then boldly walk ahead.

A few words about bad manners

There are norms and rules of business etiquette that are unambiguous for all employees: do not read other people’s letters, speak with restraint and politely, be friendly with colleagues and keep a distance from your superiors. But sometimes at work an exception is made to these rules, for example, when you need to find a document in the desk of another employee who is not there. The general conduct at work and in the office must be dignified, with impeccable manners. You constantly need to monitor your behavior, how you walk, communicate, and sit. Remember that it is indecent to touch your nose, ears, hair or other parts of the body in front of everyone.

What you should never do in the workplace:

  • Chewing, picking teeth.
  • Chew pens, pencils, papers, or nails.
  • Correcting makeup, manicure, and applying lipstick at the workplace - these are the basic rules of business etiquette for a secretary.
  • Yawn without covering your mouth.
  • Cross your legs on the table, cross your legs

Daily you need:

  • Keep your clothes, hair, and body clean, use deodorant, but not perfume.
  • Carry a neat handkerchief.
  • Monitor your dental health.

These rules and wishes are indispensable standards of etiquette; they allow you to become not only a good, valuable employee, but also a pleasant person with whom you want to do business. Appearance is the best way to demonstrate respect for other people.

Rules of good manners in communicating with colleagues

When you just start working in the office and get to know your colleagues, you begin to build relationships that will determine the climate in the team and the results general work. How to behave in order to win them over? Be friendly with everyone, but don't try to get close to just one person right away, give yourself some time to get to know people better. Feel free to ask employees about work, but don’t start personal conversations with them at first. Don’t worry if you didn’t manage to join the team from the first day, there’s nothing wrong with that. Always thank your colleagues for their help and remember not to go beyond the rules of business communication etiquette.

For example:

  • do not bother your colleagues with your conversations and do not interfere in other people’s conversations;
  • do not gossip and do not listen to gossip, do not eavesdrop on other people's telephone conversations;
  • do not discuss health problems and body functions with colleagues;
  • do not try to express or impose your personal opinion on any occasion;
  • do not reprimand anyone in the presence of strangers, even if you are right three times, if you suddenly lose your temper - apologize immediately;
  • do not pretend that you are busier than others, sometimes you can politely ask your colleagues not to make noise, but do it politely and without challenge;
  • do not be selfish; in your zeal for office, try not to harm your colleagues in order to earn some kind of advantage or curry favor with your superiors.

And the main rule of business etiquette, as an office worker, says: “you must be polite, tactful, courteous and tolerant when communicating with colleagues and management, never being led by your emotions.”

Telephone etiquette rules for a secretary

The first impression of a company is often formed through telephone contact, and a bad first impression is difficult to get rid of. Very often, when you call a company on business, you can come across an answer that has nothing to do with business etiquette or simple ones. Some employees answer the office phone as if they are doing a favor, others do not consider it necessary to name the company or department . And everyone knows how nice it is to talk on the phone with a good educated people who respond quickly, affably, and express their readiness to help.

On phone calls, as a rule, the secretary answers, but not only he, but all employees must know the basic rules of business communication etiquette, which are important to observe when communicating by phone.

  • Don't make people wait for an answer, pick up the phone immediately and answer. If you can’t talk, ask to call back; don’t keep the caller waiting. And putting music on the line to fill a pause is considered bad manners.
  • Immediately after you pick up the phone, say hello, name your company and introduce yourself. If you work in a large institution, you need to name a specific department to help the subscriber navigate.
  • When someone else is asked to answer the phone, accept the message for them or offer to call them back later.
  • During the conversation, control yourself and behave correctly even with the most dull clients. If the person is on edge, help him calm down, but in response to an insult, simply hang up.
  • Watch your speech and choose your words, remember that jargon is completely inappropriate in business communication. Never answer “yeah” or “okay”, only “yes”, “okay” or “of course”.
  • Hold the receiver in your hands, not between your shoulder and chin, speak clearly and directly into the microphone, and not past it. And never speak with your mouth full.
  • When you call, say hello and immediately identify yourself and the company you represent. Be polite, short and to the point.

Business etiquette in dealing with visitors

Civil servants and office workers often receive clients in their offices. Good manners are extremely important here, people like to deal with someone who shows them respect. The rules of etiquette for business communication and behavior must be observed in everything: in greeting the visitor at the door, helping him undress, and not making him wait. If you still have to wait, be sure to apologize, even if the fault for this delay lies not with you, offer him tea or coffee. Meet people warmly, with a smile, try to establish informal contacts, but never gossip about anything. When speaking, keep your distance, but be correct, polite and patient. Accompany visitors to the office door as if they were your own guests.

Good tone in business letters

Rules of etiquette business correspondence affect both the appearance and content, the filling of the letter itself. Before writing, you need to make a plan that will help you briefly and clearly state the essence of the matter. It is important to take into account several mandatory rules for conducting business correspondence.

  1. The letter must be written correctly in terms of style, spelling and punctuation.
  2. It is customary to print official messages; this is a sign of respect for the addressee.
  3. According to the rules of good manners, none of the letters, with the exception of thank you letters, should remain unanswered.
  4. The letter must be neatly formatted, business letters It is customary to write only on white A-4 paper.
  5. Always date your letters at the bottom left and include a personal signature, last name, and initials.
  6. When addressing someone, it is customary to use the word “dear”, and when using the personal pronoun “You”, write it with a capital letter.


Perfection is achieved through effort and repetition. Strive for perfection in everything, proclaim the rules of business etiquette - in the manner of deportment, in the manner of speaking and moving, but do not stop only at the external manifestation of good manners, correct shortcomings of your own character, be attentive to colleagues, learn self-control and patience, treat yourself and towards other people with equal respect. If you work hard, you will soon notice results that will transform your life.

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