The main dates of the life and work of Saltykov-Shchedrin. Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin, brief biography

Shchedrin, real name Saltykov, was born in 1826, in the village of Spas-Ugol, Tver province, now Moscow region, on the family estate.

The strictest economy, parental scandals and swearing, cruel treatment of serfs - this is the world of his childhood, captured in the novel “Poshekhon Antiquity.”

Having received elementary education in the family, the writer studied at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, where senior government officials were trained. There his literary and poetic abilities manifested themselves.

After graduation, he began service, which continued with a short break until 1868.

In 1848 a young official already taking part in literary - public life capital, almost suffered the same fate as Dostoevsky: Saltykov was arrested for the stories “Contradictions” (1847) and “A Confused Case” (1848). He continues to serve in Vyatka, from where he returns after the death of Nicholas I, in 1855.

In 1856 - 1857, the satirist, basing his impressions of the province and for the first time using his favorite form - a cycle of closely related stories and scenes, embodied his plan - “ Provincial essays».

1858 Saltykov is the vice-governor of Ryazan, later of Tver, and in 1865 - 1868 he served in important posts in Penza, Tula, and the same Ryazan. According to contemporaries, he was a respectable, incorruptible, and zealous official. But intransigence, rigidity and inflexibility, some cynicism and caustic temperament, reluctance to adapt to the leaders and the current situation, became the reason for leaving the civil service.

Shchedrin devotes himself entirely to literary craft. True experience of life in the outback and awareness of the structure of the state apparatus from the inside made the writer an expert on the national foundations of that time. “Innocent Stories”, “Satires in Prose”, “Pompadours and Pompadours”, and the brilliant “History of a City” appeared, which in its genre became a satirical parody of historical work.

In 1863 - 1864, having temporarily retired from service, Saltykov collaborated with Nekrasov in the Sovremennik magazine. In 1868 - becomes co-editor of Otechestvennye Zapiski, linking his further literary and social activities with this magazine. In 1880 The socio-psychological novel “Gentlemen Golovlevs” has been completed.

In 1884 By decision of the government, the popular and democratic “Otechestvennye Zapiski” is closed. The writer perceives this as a personal life disaster. The mental wound inflicted by the banning of the publication, into which so much effort and heart had been invested, did not heal until his death in 1889.

Despite the painful illness and oppressed state of mind Saltykov continues to compose. This time includes: “Poshekhon Antiquity”, “Little Things in Life”. Bright, expressive, sharp in their themes fairy tales, the images of which have become household names. The author begins " Forgotten words", in the genre poetic prose, but death interrupts his work.

All the works of the classic are united not by genre, not by theme, or even by a special, sarcastic method of describing what is happening, but by the fact that they are original parts and fragments of one great work, which depicted Russian life late XIX century.

M.E. Saltykov, thanks to the strength and depth of his amazing talent, is a rare, amazing phenomenon. He rightfully occupies a special niche in literature.

A very short biography of Saltykov-Shchedrin

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin was born in the Tver province in 1826. At the age of 10, he began studying at the Moscow Noble Institute. Having shown himself to be an excellent student, he soon received a transfer to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

At the age of 19, Mikhail entered the military service, to the office. At this time, his works began to be published for the first time.

He was exiled to Vyatka in 1848 because his way of thinking was not accepted by many. There he served as a senior official under the governor and later became an advisor to the governor's board.

It was not until 1856 that his residence restriction was lifted. At this time, Mikhail returned to St. Petersburg. There he began to engage in writing again. In addition, the writer worked at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and took part in reforms. In 1858, Saltykov-Shchedrin became vice-governor in Ryazan, and then in Tver. At the age of 36, he resigned, returned to St. Petersburg and began working as editor of Sovremennik magazine.

For several years he tried to return to public service, but the attempts were unsuccessful.

Almost until his death, Mikhail worked in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski, first as one of the editors, and then as the managing editor of the magazine. At this time he created his famous work - “The History of a City”.

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin - Russian writer, journalist, publicist and public figure. Born in 1826 on January 27 in the Tver province, a descendant of an old noble family. He excelled in his studies at the noble institute, thanks to which in 1838 he transferred to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. At the age of 22, he was exiled to Vyatka, where he worked for the next 8 years in low positions in the provincial government.

Upon returning to St. Petersburg, Mikhail Saltykov joined the Ministry of Internal Affairs and also continued to write. After retiring, he moved to St. Petersburg and began editorial work at the Sovremennik magazine. Later he returned to public service, and also served on the editorial board of the journal Otechestvennye zapiski. The ban on this publication in 1884 greatly damaged the writer’s health, which was reflected in various works. He died on April 28, 1889 and was buried at the Volkovsky cemetery according to his own last will next to I.S. Turgenev.

Creative stages of life

Mikhail Saltykov graduated from the lyceum in the second category. Among the standard lyceum “sins” such as smoking, rudeness and careless appearance he was also credited with writing disapproving poetry. However, the future writer’s poems turned out to be weak, and he himself understood this, so he quickly abandoned poetic activity.

From Saltykov-Shchedrin’s debut work “Contradictions,” it is noticeable that the young prose writer was greatly influenced by the novels of George Sand and French socialism. “Contradictions” and “Convoluted Case” caused indignation among the authorities, and Mikhail Evgrafovich was exiled to Vyatka. He practically did not study literature during this period of his life. It was possible to return to it in 1855, when, after the death of Nicholas I, the young official was allowed to leave his place of exile. “Provincial Sketches”, published in “Russian Bulletin”, made Shchedrin famous and revered in wide circle readers by the author.

Being the vice-governor of Tver and Ryazan, the writer did not stop writing for many magazines, although readers found most of his works in Sovremennik. From the works of 1858-1862, the collections “Satires in Prose” and “Innocent Stories” were formed, published three times each. During his service as manager of the treasury chamber of Penza, Tula and Ryazan (1864-1867), Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov was published only once with the article “Testament to my children.”

In 1868, the publicist completely left the civil service and, at the personal request of Nikolai Nekrasov, became one of the key employees of the journal Otechestvennye zapiski. Ten years later he became editor-in-chief. Until 1884, when Otechestvennye zapiski was banned, Saltykov-Shchedrin devoted himself entirely to working on them, publishing almost two dozen collections. This period saw the publication of one of the author’s best and most popular works, “The History of a City.”

Having lost his most beloved publication, Mikhail Evgrafovich was published in the “Bulletin of Europe”, which included the most grotesque collections: “Poshekhon Antiquity”, “Fairy Tales”, “Little Things in Life”.

Basic motives of creativity

Saltykov-Shchedrin became a popularizer of the social-satirical fairy tale. In his stories and stories, he exposed human vices, relations between the authorities and the people, bureaucratic crime and tyranny, as well as landowner cruelty. The novel “The Golovlevs” depicts the physical and spiritual decay of the nobility at the end of the 19th century.

After the closure of Otechestvennye Zapiski, Saltykov-Shchedrin directed his writing talent to the top of the Russian government, creating exclusively grotesque works. A distinctive feature of the author's style is the depiction of the vices of the bureaucratic and power apparatus not from the outside, but through the eyes of a person who is part of this environment.

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Life and work of the writer Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov - Shchedrin (1826 – 1889)

The writer's childhood He was the sixth child of a hereditary nobleman, collegiate adviser E.V. Saltykov. Mother came from a family of Moscow merchants. Until the age of 10 he lived on his father's estate. Childhood years were spent in an atmosphere of extreme frugality and strictness of the mother, which often turned into cruelty. Relations between family members - indifference, disunity, dividing children into loved ones and “hateful” ones, physical punishment - later became the basis for bright artistic images the Golovlev family in the novel “Gentlemen Golovlevs.

House in the village of Spas-Ugol, Tver province, where M.E. Saltykov was born

E.V. Saltykov, father of the writer and mother, Saltykova O.M.

Years of study Having received good home education At the age of 10, Saltykov was accepted as a boarder into the Moscow Noble Institute, where he spent two years.

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum In 1838 he was transferred to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Here he begins to write poetry and is greatly influenced by the articles of V. Belinsky and A. Herzen, and the works of N. Gogol.

Service In 1844, after graduating from the Lyceum, he served as an official in the office of the War Ministry. “...Everywhere there is duty, everywhere there is coercion, everywhere there is boredom and lies...”, he gave such a description of bureaucratic Petersburg.

Petrashevsky’s circle Another life was more attractive to Saltykov: communication with writers, visiting Petrashevsky’s “Fridays,” where philosophers, scientists, writers, and military men gathered, united by anti-serfdom sentiments and the search for the ideals of a just society.

Arrest and exile Saltykov's first stories "Contradictions" (1847), "Confused Affair" (1848) with their acute social issues attracted the attention of the authorities, frightened by the French Revolution of 1848. The writer was exiled to Vyatka for “... a harmful way of thinking and a destructive desire to spread ideas that had already shaken the whole of Western Europe...”.

M.E. was under arrest here. Saltykov in April 1848

In Vyatka, the house where Saltykov lived - Shchedrin

Vyatka also had a beneficial influence on me: it brought me closer to real life and gave me a lot of materials for “Provincial Sketches.” M.E. Saltykov

Ryazan The stupidity of the local authorities regarding the peasant business is so amazing that it is impossible to witness what is being done without disgust. I think by the fall I will completely pay off the service... M.E. Saltykov–Shchedrin – P.V. Annenkov. May 16, 1861


Tver In 1858 - 62 he served as vice-governor in Ryazan, then in Tver. I always tried to surround myself at my place of work with honest, young and educated people, firing bribe-takers and thieves.

The writer's wife At this time, he married the 17-year-old daughter of the Vyatka vice-governor, E. Boltina.

In St. Petersburg In 1862, he retired, moved to St. Petersburg and, at the invitation of Nekrasov, joined the editorial board of the Sovremennik magazine, which at that time was experiencing enormous difficulties (Dobrolyubov died, Chernyshevsky was imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress). Saltykov takes on a huge amount of writing and editing work.

In the magazine "Otechestvennye zapiski" From 1868 to 1884, he published all his works only on the pages of "Otechestvennye zapiski". Readers of the magazine get acquainted with the cycles satirical stories and Saltykov’s essays: “Pompadours and pompadours”, “Letters about the province”, “Signs of the times”, “Gentlemen of Tashkent”, “Well-intentioned speeches”.

Tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin The fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin are the most popular. His first tales were published in 1869: " Wild landowner", "How one man fed two generals." Fairy tales are the result of many years of life observations of the writer. In them, he acts as a defender of people's interests, an exponent of people's ideals, advanced ideas of his time (see "Tales of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin") .

The last years of his life In 1875 - 76 he was treated abroad, visited countries Western Europe V different years life. In Paris he met with Turgenev, Flaubert, Zola.

The last years of life St. Petersburg. House on Liteiny Prospekt, 62. From 1876 until the end of his days the writer lived there.

Death of Saltykov - Shchedrin Saltykov-Shchedrin died on May 10 (old style - April 28) 1889 in St. Petersburg, shortly before his death he began work on a new work, “Forgotten Words.” He was buried on May 2 (old style), according to his wishes, at the Volkov cemetery, next to I.S. Turgenev.

Writer about Russia Throughout his life, Saltykov-Shchedrin retained faith in his people, his history. “I love Russia to the point of heartache and I can’t even imagine myself anywhere other than Russia.”

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Literature lesson in grade 10 "Satirical depiction of the "masters of life" in the fairy tales of M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin "The Bear in the Voivodeship" and "The Eagle is a Patron"

Literature lesson in 10th grade using a computer and interactive whiteboard on this topic " Satirical image"masters of life" in the fairy tales of M.E. Saltykova - Shchedrin "Bear in the Voivodeship" and "Or...

Presentation using an interactive whiteboard for a literature lesson in grade 10 on the topic “Satirical depiction of the masters of life in fairy tales by M.E. Saltykova - Shchedrin "Bear in the Voivodeship" and "Eagle - ...

Presentation dedicated to the life and work of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (Study of the fairy tale "Wild Landowner")

Can be used when studying fairy tales by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (terms: irony, sarcasm, allegory)...

In the first month of 1826, on the 15th of the old style, he was born in the Tver province famous writer Saltykov-Shchedrin.

He received his primary education at home four years. He studied at the Moscow Noble Institute, then for free (as an excellent student) at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. I tried to write poetry, but gave up forever.

First job and unsuccessful publications

In 1844, Saltykov was enlisted in the War Ministry as a clerk, where he received a real position after two years of waiting. The magazine “Otechestvennye zapiski” publishes the stories “Contradictions” (1847) and “A Confused Affair.”

By coincidence, during this period the printed publication was specially registered with the chief of gendarmes as harmful to public consciousness. The special supervisory commission acted quickly and the young writer was sent into exile for his publications, where he remained for several years.

Under the leadership of the Vyatka governor

He began serving the Vyatka governor in 1848 as a clerk, rising in his career to representative for special assignments. All attempts by family, friends and patrons to get Mikhail to St. Petersburg are unsuccessful.

Resigned, he works conscientiously, traveling hundreds of kilometers on provincial business. Extensive experience in communicating with officials will allow the writer to later write “Provincial Sketches.” In the link he translates foreign classics, studies the history of the country.

In February 1855, Alexander II took the royal throne. But the writer is simply forgotten. Pyotr Lanskoy helps Mikhail Evgrafovich get out of exile by sending his brother, the Minister of Internal Affairs, a request to intercede for the writer before the sovereign. After receiving highest resolution After seven years of exile, Mikhail Evgrafovich leaves home.

Business travel. New writer's name

Returning from exile had a beneficial effect on the writer's impulses. The Russky Vestnik published “Provincial Sketches,” which the author published under the pseudonym Shchedrin. The ignorance and even outright criminality of provincial officials were shown “in all its glory.” The writer's name "went to the masses." He hoped that exposing the shortcomings of society would serve to improve his health.

Since 1858, for four years, Saltykov-Shchedrin held the position of vice-governor, first of Ryazan, then of Tver. Local roguish officials, not wanting to work with an honest man They send batches of slander to the Tsar and seek to replace the leadership.

Saltykov-Shchedrin is published in Russky Vestnik and Sovremennik. The year 1862 is marked by his departure from service. In St. Petersburg, a writer comes to work at the editorial office of Sovremennik, increases the magazine's circulation, but after disagreements is forced to resign.

From 1864 to 1868 he worked in the department of the Treasury Chambers. But his reluctance to tolerate lazy people and bribe-takers was beyond him. Having changed three cities of service, Saltykov-Shchedrin decides to finish his business and devote himself to literature.

Brilliant heyday and sad decline

After completing his activities for the benefit of the state, the writer is completely immersed in creative life. "Letters about the Province" are published. Before the closure of Otechestvennye Zapiski (in 1884), they published “The History of One City”, “The Golovlevs” and all best works satires. Since 1878, Saltykov-Shchedrin himself has headed the printed publication.

After the closure of his favorite magazine, he moved to Vestnik Evropy, where he published “Fairy Tales” (finished in 1886) and “Motley Letters.” “Poshekhon Antiquity” was published after the death of the author.

The closure of Otechestvennye Zapiski shocked Mikhail Evgrafovich to the core. Having lost his close connection with the public, he literally melted before our eyes. The writer died after another cold on April 28 (old style) 1889.

  • “The Wise Minnow”, analysis of the tale by Saltykov-Shchedrin

Name: Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin
Date of Birth: 27.01.1826
Age: 192 years
Date of death: 10.05.1889.
Place of Birth: Spas-Ugol city, Russia
Activity: Russian writer, journalist
Family status: married

One can talk endlessly about the biography of Saltykov-Shchedrin, given his status as the founder of the Russian satirical literature with elements of a fairy tale. Therefore, in quick facts about the most important events in the writer’s life, the attitude of the degenerate noble class to the state of affairs in the serf state is clearly visible.


Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin in his youth
The parents of the future satirist were Evgraf Vasilyevich Saltykov and Olga Mikhailovna Zabelina. Dad served as a collegiate adviser and had no weight either in society or in the family, due to his origins from a poor noble family. Everything was run by the mother, a strict woman with primitive ideas about raising children and enormous greed for her own wealth.
She was married off as a very young girl, which is why she brought the principles of landowner life into her own family and adhered to them with strict strictness.
The writer was born as the sixth child of 9 living brothers and sisters on January 15, 1826 in the village of Spas-Ugol, Kalyazin district, Tver province. Until the age of 10, he was considered the most beloved child in the family, which was reflected in the somewhat strange attitude of his greedy and domineering mother towards him - the remains of the festive dinner were the first to be given to Mikhail.
The education of the master's children was carried out by teachers and tutors from their own serfs, as well as the writer's elder sister Nadezhda, together with her colleague at the Catherine Institute, Avdotya Vasilevskaya. A little later, a priest from a neighboring village and a theological seminary student joined in educating the teenagers.
For his excellent knowledge of basic subjects, Mikhail Saltykov was admitted to the Moscow Noble Institute in 1836 straight into the third grade. Based on the results of his studies, he was enrolled in the capital's lyceum on state support in 1838, as a successful student.
Famous writer Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin

It is noteworthy that the writer’s craving for creativity developed within the walls of the lyceum under the influence of the work of Pushkin and his sudden death. Initially, Mikhail Saltykov tried to study poetry, which he quickly got tired of due to the need to “squeeze good thoughts into the framework of rhymed lines.”

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Career and exile

After graduation, Mikhail Evgrafovich received a low rank in the table of ranks for freethinking and a craving for Protestant sentiments, which prevented him from taking a high position in the public service. At the same time, he continued to improve in writing, for which he was exiled to the provinces.

His further activities are inextricably linked with his residence in various provinces Russian Empire and activities as an official in authoritative positions:

Elizaveta is the writer's daughter
In April 1948, Saltykova was sent to Vyatka by his immediate superior, Count Chernyshov, who was frightened by the writer’s thoughts expressed in the story “A Confused Affair.” By this time Europe was scared French Revolution and the German uprisings, which led to stricter censorship and the exile of all educated people sympathetic to the problems of the lower strata of the population.
In 1951, the disgraced satirist was able to avoid bloodshed between tenants and peasants in the surrounding villages.
Before the end of his exile in 1955, the writer worked a lot on translations of French educators, and also compiled “The History of the Russian State” to teach this subject to the daughters of his friend, the vice-governor of Vyatka and nearby villages. He had a warm welcome in the Boltin family and constantly spent free time with the younger daughters of the mayor, which later played an important role in the biography of Saltykov-Shchedrin - the St. Petersburg state councilor fell in love with his wife, Elena Appolonievna Boltina, when she was barely 12 years old.
In 1856, having become an actual state councilor from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he married his chosen one, who was barely 14 years old. Only the writer’s elder brother came to the wedding - Mikhail Evgrafovich’s mother did not like her daughter-in-law because of her youth and the lack of a rich dowry.
From 1858 to 1862 he served as the chief police chief in the Tver and Ryazan provinces. During this time, he was able to organize several areas to manage order in the areas adjacent to these cities and showed himself as a progressive fighter for justice in relation to disenfranchised sections of the population - officials of the lower categories, serfs and farmers.

In essays by contemporaries talking about the most important facts from the life of the first satirist, the time of service in government positions was not in vain for Saltykov-Shchedrin. Observations of the life and foundations of provincial settlements and cities served as a rich basis for the future works of the classic.

Saltykov-Shchedrin: photo

Success in literary work

Mikhail Evgrafovich did not give up hope of creating a name for himself as a progressive writer modernity and therefore throughout the entire period civil service worked a lot on his own written observations and reflections. The fruitfulness of his efforts was determined by his undoubted popularity individual works, which saw the light at different stages of his work:

1856 - the beginning of a series of publications under the general title “Provincial Notes” in the magazine “Russian Bulletin”.
From June 1868, after the second and final resignation, Saltykov became the de facto editor of the journal Otechestvennye zapiski together with Nekrasov. By this time, a collection of his essays and stories, compiled from many years of publications in Moskovskiye Vedomosti and Sovremennik, had been published.
Between 1868 and 1884 the publication published most famous works Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, which allowed him and his loved ones to live with dignity and travel around Europe.

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Saltykov-Shchedrin founder of Russian satirical literature with fairy tale elements

The writer died in 1989, leaving behind not only a young widow, but also a son and daughter. Contrary to a huge number of sources who claimed that Saltykov-Shchedrin did not love his family, there are many reasons to say the opposite - the writer’s suicide notes to his son have been preserved. In them, the dying person, with great tenderness and love, asks the heir to take care of his sister and mother after his death.

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