List of original male names. Male and female names

Choosing a name for an unborn child is very difficult, because it is this that determines the entire fate of a person, your little son, so you want him to be happy and joyful, strong, resilient, generous and wise. There are several options for interesting names for boys and their interpretation.

Beautiful names for boys and their meanings

According to popular belief, a man’s name must contain the letter “r”, then the character of your son will be firm and strong. Several options for interesting and beautiful male names:

  • Gabriel - from Hebrew, divine warrior.
  • Adrian - from Greek strong, mature.
  • Robert is an ancient Germanic name of unfading glory.
  • Ernest is an ancient Germanic name meaning serious, strict.
  • Christian - from ancient Greek - Christian

Beautiful Slavic names for boys

Slavic names have remained popular for many years; more and more often you can hear parents calling Nikon, Matvey or Savva. This name takes us back to our roots and is suitable for a boy Slavic origin. Having chosen a name, try to choose diminutive forms:

  • Miron, Mirosha
  • Radomir, Radik
  • Dobrynya, Dobrynyushka
  • Jaromir, Jaromirchik
  • Dragomir, Dragomirchik
  • Svyatozar, Svetik
  • Peresvet, Svetik
  • Ladomir, Ladushka
  • Bazhen, Bazhenushka
  • Velimir, Velyusha
  • Belogor, Belogorushka
  • Gorynya, Gorynyushka
  • Mirolubushka, Mirolubushka
  • Milorad, Miloradushka.

When choosing, you should evaluate the combination of first name, patronymic and last name; obvious dissonance can later cause ridicule among classmates.

Beautiful Orthodox names for boys

A name is called Orthodox if it is determined depending on the saint whose memory is celebrated on the child’s birthday. This calendar of names is called Christmastide or Saints, using them you can choose one of the names that you like the most. For example, you may come across such names:

  • Sylvester
  • Arkhippus
  • Akhila
  • Fadey
  • Emilian
  • Makar

For each date there are from 7 to 15 names, and you can also look at the names a few days in advance. If you named your child according to the calendar, then Angel Day and birthday will fall on the same day.

Beautiful old names for boys

Ancient names that almost went out of use are being revived today. Parents who want to give their child a unique name can find it in the calendar or metrics. As we know, everything new is well forgotten old.

  • Aryan - brave
  • Bonifatius - gracious
  • Dositheus - a gift from God
  • Eutychius - joyful
  • Callist - beautiful, attractive
  • Liverius - free-willed
  • Malachi - messenger from God
  • Olympius - sunny
  • Photius - enlightener

Beautiful Muslim boy names

Having chosen several name options, tell your baby about them and see how he reacts. Try calling him by his name, this will make it easier for both you and him to get used to it. Among the Muslim names we can list:

  • Alfir - excellent
  • Anwar - radiant
  • Garif - knowledgeable
  • Garey is worthy
  • Ikram - respectful
  • Insaf is fair
  • Murat is desirable
  • Musharif - famous

Beautiful Tatar names for boys

Tatar names often associated with outstanding personalities that determined the fate Tatar people. Usually the whole family gets involved in the selection process; the abundance of options offered can sometimes make your head spin. Beautiful Tatar male names:

  • Bakir – student
  • Ahmad - praised
  • Eldar - ruler of the country
  • Timur - iron
  • Narbek – light
  • Irek - will
  • Ildus - who loves his homeland

Beautiful Kazakh names for boys

Kazakh names are always distinguished by melody and masculinity. Men's Kazakh names honor various virtues. Some parents prefer not to disclose the name of their unborn child outside the family until the moment of birth.

  • Aidar - the strongest and most powerful
  • Kairat is the most active and mobile
  • Samat is the most constant
  • Rashit - the bravest
  • Sharip - the most respected
  • Talip - the most learned
  • Ulan is the bravest

Beautiful Arabic names for boys

7 days after the birth of the baby, the child is given a name according to Muslim customs, during which time parents can understand what name is suitable for the child and reflects his character. On the other hand, it is believed that strong name can change a person’s destiny and give energy to a weak and sick child. The chosen name option will determine the entire later life. Most popular Arabic name"Muhammad", or "praiseworthy", other options:

  • Damir is smart
  • Arsen - fearless
  • Suleiman - protected
  • Timerlan - persistent
  • Ibrahim - father of nations
  • Jamil is attractive

Beautiful Turkish names for boys

Male names in Turkey come from Arabic, Persian or Turkish roots. Double names are also common. A boy’s name should have a special meaning and carry the qualities that parents want to see in their son: virtue, respect, intelligence, strength, etc.

  • Balaban - brave
  • Baskurt - first warrior, military leader
  • Ugar - lucky
  • Mustafa - the chosen one
  • Akhmet - the most famous
  • Kerem is generous

Beautiful Islamic names for boys

Most Islamic names have Arabic roots, and they appeared long before the birth of Islam. The most popular names are the names of the prophets mentioned in the Quran.

  • Aziz - strong, majestic
  • Vakil – patronizing
  • Dahi - wise in knowledge
  • Zinnur - light ray
  • Ishak - bringer of joy
  • Maksud - welcome
  • Munir - illuminating the way
  • Nadir – valuable, rare

Beautiful German names for boys

Ancient Germanic roots underlie almost all German names; of course, over the centuries they were influenced by the European neighborhood and changed. According to the rules, in Germany you can choose a name from an approved registry of names, inventing or inventing it is prohibited, and any conflicts are resolved through the courts.

  • Hermann - warrior
  • Raymond - defender
  • Wolfgang - the wandering wolf
  • Valdemar - lord
  • Emil – filled with passion
  • Karl - courageous
  • Paul is the most modest

Beautiful Armenian names for boys

Men's Armenian names Usually they glorify famous kings and generals, nature or human qualities.

  • Sarkis - holding a high position
  • Hovhannes - God had mercy on him
  • Vahe - hardy
  • Yegiazar - God helps him
  • Matevos - God's gift
  • Ruben – bright, noticeable
  • Hamlet - simple, sad
  • Argam - worthy

Beautiful Caucasian names for boys

The national diversity of the Caucasus Mountains has caused the accumulation of a database of names with similar characteristic features. Before naming, parents determine the meaning of the name, and only then, based on the meaning in the name book, choose names that fit this meaning.

  • Rustam - brave, courageous, courageous
  • Baisal - confident
  • Amir is the ruler
  • Kydyr – endowed with power
  • Karim - generous
  • Azat – independent

Beautiful Chechen names for boys

Chechen names are given to babies in accordance with the principles of the Muslim faith. As in most nations, names come from the names of holy prophets, natural phenomena, animals and plants.

  • Damask steel - steel
  • Murad – aspiring
  • Pasha is the ruler
  • Fazl - revered
  • Rahim - merciful
  • Zakiy – pure
  • Qais – firm, unapproachable
  • Ikram – respectful

Beautiful American names for boys

According to American traditions, a boy may be named after his father or grandfather or other revered relative. To avoid confusion, "junior" is added, for example Jacob Stevenson Junior. The basis of American names are biblical names, such as Job, Samosn, Adam and others.

  • Ben - living in the south
  • Quentin is the fifth in a row
  • Perry is a travel enthusiast
  • Fester - forest lover
  • Earl - famous
  • Phil is an equestrian and horse lover.
  • Tom – identical as two peas in a pod, twin
  • Reynold - ruling wisely
  • Marlon is a small warrior
  • Albee - sunny

Beautiful English names for boys

The English name book is truly huge, you can find names in it of various origins, both native English and Arabic, French, Greek. Moreover, the English often have several names, for example, Patrick Jay, Christian John Alfred.

  • Raymund is a smart defender
  • Casey - vigilant
  • Vic is the winner
  • Matthew - gifted by God
  • James - conqueror
  • Miki - godlike
  • Louis - warlike
  • Hammond - domestic
  • Bertie - noticeable, bright

You are given a whole 9 months to choose a name for your baby, during which time you will definitely have time to go through and scroll through everything in your head possible options, figure out how they combine with the patronymic and surname, and even imagine what names would be suitable for the patronymic formed from the given name for your grandchildren. Do not rush to choose a name; during pregnancy you will already be able to feel the baby’s character, understand what he is like: quiet or active, emotional or calm. Mothers always feel their babies and understand them even in the womb. Of course, the name determines the fate of a person, but you still need to try very hard to really live up to the qualities and virtues that are inherent in this name.

Video: Beautiful Russian names for boys

Naming a person is an important and serious matter. It should be approached responsibly, because the name affects character and self-identification.

Any word has its own history, evokes associations and images, and sounds influence the emotions on which our actions depend. Thus, each word has its own energy. Boy names should convey strength, resilience, and other traits that will be beneficial in a person's life.

Different cultures put into their words, in addition to the specific meaning, their own energy. Every culture is different in some way bright features, and the most best features were fixed in words.

Russian names are most often borrowed from Greek or Roman culture, although there are also purely Slavic, Tatar, Muslim, Ukrainian and even english names due to the multinational composition of our Motherland. Foreign names are often not Orthodox, and therefore are not represented in the calendar.

Foreign names make it easier to assimilate into the cultures from which they come. This is true precisely for those cases when not only the roots of the name are foreign, but it is also rarely used in the person’s native land. Foreign, in particular European, names are usually associated with the development of such qualities as elitism, self-esteem and tact.

Choosing a name is not an easy task: in addition to the influence of the culture from which it originated, you should also focus on its prevalence, as well as the child’s patronymic. Popular names They single out a person less and foster a sense of community and inclusion in a certain group.

But rare ones, on the contrary, develop a sense of isolation, uniqueness and individuality. The patronymic should not be dissonant with the name; euphonious, beautiful combinations contribute to harmonious development, calm character and prudence.

The meanings of words that were used in ancient times for naming and passed into our century are usually always positive, although they emphasize certain character traits or abilities. In this regard, the greatest importance is the harmony and correspondence with the inner essence of a person.

The essence of a person is a combination of genetic factors and the collective unconscious. Since any word has energy, the word that identifies a person throughout his life must be identical to the energy of the person himself.

Energy of Western cultures

Many European and Russian names owe their origin to cultures Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome. The meaning of the culture from which the word comes is very great. It stores the information code that was characteristic of the heyday of this culture.

The word becomes associated with certain traits inherent in people from the time and place where it was first used. Consequently, its energy is closely related to the energy of the culture that gave birth to it.

Russian names Greek origin usually endow the owner with intense emotionality. They contribute to the development of research qualities and sociability. Their owners often move from liveliness to melancholy and thoughtfulness, and then suddenly become very active again.

Alexander and Alexey, Anatoly and Andrey, Arkady and Artemy, Gennady and, Gregory and, Dmitry and Evgeny, Kirill and Leonid, and Nikolay, Peter and Fedor have been calling boys for centuries in Russia; this is the most popular choice. Rare and beautiful names of Greek origin for a boy:

  • Symbolizing the resurrection - Anastas.
  • Andronicus, whose meaning is “conqueror of husbands.”
  • Aristarchus is the ruler of the best.
  • The legendary hero of Greek myths is Achilles.
  • Ruler and master Cyrus.
  • Cleomenes - meaning associated with power and glory.
  • A man with a lion's character is Leander.

No less popular are Russian names of Roman origin. Regardless of the specific meaning, their owners are disciplined, freedom-loving and energetic. The most popular of them in Russia: Anton, Valentin, Valery, Victor, Vitaly, Maxim, Roman, Sergey. From the group under consideration, we can also highlight names that are unusual for us: Augustus, Adrian, Guy, Dominic, Lucius, Mark, Patrick, Serge, Felix, Emil, Julian.

And although many of them are not used at all in Russia, in England and the USA their forms are often found. In addition, many American and English names also include forms close to ours. For example, Alexander, Mikael (Mikhail), Andrew (Andrey), Anthony (Anton), Nicholas (Nikolai) are international names found in different countries, only the pronunciation changes slightly from border to border.

In England, boys are often called: Jack, Oliver, Charlie, Harry, Thomas, James. American most common names: Jacob, Michael, Ethan, Alexander, Anthony, Christopher and Matthew. American and English modern names, as a rule, are not subject to strict regulations; you can call a child any word with almost no restrictions.

While England was Catholic, names were given from the calendar, while Christian options sometimes changed beyond recognition, and the forms became independent names. Then the Old and New Testaments were used to name the child; closer to our time, they began to invent them themselves.

Energy of Eastern cultures

Some Russian names have their origin in Hebrew or Slavic cultures. So, the most common Russian names Jewish origin: Benjamin, Gabriel, David, Ivan, Mikhail, Savva, Semyon, Yakov and. Jewish names They are excellent for boys and endow their owners with deep faith and amazing vitality; their owners are usually conservative, mysterious and very smart.

Slavic, that is, in fact, originally Russian, belongs to people who are very often thrown in different directions. Slavic names are given to lovers of freedom who perform unusual deeds. Slavic names usually belong to those who respect the personal space and interests of other people.

Many are pure Slavic words were supplanted by Roman and Greek influence, therefore Slavic traditions, among which naming, have become distorted or disappeared. Men who wear Slavic names, proud and independent, and often inclined towards idealism. The most famous Slavic male names: Wenceslav, Vladimir, Vyacheslav, Svyatoslav, Stanislav, Yaroslav.

Muslim and Tatar cultures

They contributed a little to the tradition of naming children in Russia. Muslim traditions and the foundations have a very specific energetic color, connecting Muslim names with strength, will and resilience. In addition, almost the entire Muslim society has a tendency towards passion and a guideline for spiritual improvement. Some beautiful male Muslim names (not all of them are recognized by Islamic scholars):

  • Adil, whose meaning is “fair”.
  • Ayman meaning "right".
  • Aman, the meaning is associated with calmness and protection.
  • Amir, from a word meaning superiority and difference from others.
  • Assad is a "lion".
  • Jasir - the meaning reflects courage and bravery.

These are just a few examples and come from words found in the Qur'an. You can look at a specialized resource and see the whole variety of words suitable for naming.

Modern Tatar traditions They allow you to name your child freely, so there is a lot of choice. Tatar society borrowed a lot from the Persians and Arabs, so Tatar names often have Muslim, Persian and Turkic roots. Tatar names are beautiful and unusual, their meanings are deep and energetically strong, here are some of them:

  • Ainur - "moonlight".
  • Arslan or Ruslan - “lion”.
  • Akhun - “mentor”.
  • Ildar - "ruler".
  • Rainur - “bright path of life.”
  • Rustam is a “giant”.
  • - "iron".

At the same time, Russians (Ruslan) are also found in this list due to the fact that there was a merging of cultures and a change in words. Due to the fact that many of them are borrowed from the Persian language, the Tatar heritage is associated with the dignity and nobility that are attributed to Persian culture.

Ukrainian foundations are very close to Russian culture. Both nationalities have ancient Russian roots. Therefore, Ukrainian and Russian naming traditions are very similar. Ukrainian male names contain, along with Russian, European and Orthodox names: Nazar, Danilo, Mikita, Bogdan and others. Many of them have the same origins as Russian ones, so they read very similarly, but rare and unusual ones come from foreign influence: Ramis, Loammiy, Augustine, Barthalamey, Galaktion, Darius, Edward.

Astrology and words

Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics of influence on those born under this sign.. Each zodiac sign has its own energy. Since the name also has its own energy, their joint influence should be harmonious. Therefore, it should be energetically suitable for the zodiac sign.

For example, fire sign An energetic and active name will work well, but one that clearly expresses denial of leadership, avoidance of activity, or a tendency toward melancholy will not work. A list that takes into account their abilities to complement each other will help you choose a suitable, beautiful male name for your zodiac sign.

  • The names Alexander, Alexey, Andrey, Egor and Vladimir are suitable for Aries.
  • Taurus - Anatoly, Anton, Arthur, Vadim, Denis and Mark.
  • Geminis are best called Gennady, Igor, Konstantin, Nikita or Sergey.
  • To maximize his abilities, a boy born under the sign of Cancer is named Andrei, Valentin, Vasily, Ilya or Maxim.
  • Leo is called Alexei, Anton, Ilya, Kirill or Mark.
  • Virgos will settle well in life, being named Victor, Gennady, Gleb, Konstantin and Nikita.
  • Libra should be called Artem, Alexey, Anton, Konstantin or Oleg.
  • Scorpio - Valery, Dmitry, Sergei, Fedor or Yuri.
  • And Streltsov - Egor, Maxim, Nikolai, Yuri or Vyacheslav.
  • Aquarius will perform well if named Andrey, Vitaly, Vladimir, Evgeny or Gennady.
  • Pisces will open up to the maximum if the boy’s name is Anton, Vadim, Vladislav, Ilya, Nikita or Roman.

Sound and name day

The beautiful sound of a full name depends on whether the middle name matches it. There are several rules that should be taken into account when choosing a middle name for a boy.

1. Growling and hard consonants in a patronymic require that they be balanced by a soft name, and vice versa.

2. It is worth considering the length of words: if one is short, then the second should be long. They must complement each other.

3. Their origin must be limited to one culture.

Angel's day is determined Orthodox calendar, for Catholics - Catholic. Unfortunately, if you choose a foreign name, the Orthodox calendar may not include a saint with that name. Church traditions in this case determine foreign names Orthodox analogues, this is how a person receives a patron saint. Orthodox analogues are selected not only by meaning, but also by sound. For example, if your name is Timur, then the Orthodox name Timofey is used for baptism.

Words have always influenced our lives, but it is we who determine how to treat them. A person is able to completely change the influence of stars, planets and letters on himself if he pays attention to the targeted formation of his personality and qualities useful for life in himself. Happiness and harmony are found by working on yourself and the world around you. The main thing is to believe in yourself and have a guideline in life. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

Often in a family where a male child is expected, one of the most difficult problems is choosing a name. Nowadays names for boys are being chosen both with a slightly “foreign” sound and traditional Russian ones. But in any case, the choice must be balanced, depending on many criteria.

The most important

In pursuit of the best or most beautiful of names, it is important not to miss the main thing:

  • When choosing a name for a boy who will continue the family line and protect the family clan, it is important that in the future it becomes the basis for a good, harmonious patronymic for grandchildren.
  • Rare, strange, funny, meaningless names for boys are negatively perceived by society. For example, the name of the hero of a favorite TV series can become an object of ridicule for a child at school and kindergarten.
  • Psychologists do not advise naming a child after the father. In addition to the everyday inconvenience of a coincidence, this may be the cause of nervous disorders of the future heir.

In honor of relatives

A peculiar tradition of naming a boy as a sign of respect, gratitude, love for someone is an interesting idea. But will the owner of the name like it in the future? Here are examples of who male children are often named after:

  • A relative. This could be a dear grandfather, uncle, beloved godfather of one of the parents. Why not? The child will be the darling of a beloved relative, an object of care and protection.
  • A deceased relative. Not the best best idea for superstitious parents. So it was popular among the people that in this case, the newborn, on a subconscious level, will copy all the character traits and fate of the deceased.

The child can be named after a man - an obstetrician who successfully delivered the child, or any other person who once gave a helping hand and played a vital role in the fate of the father or mother of the unborn child. In any case, the decision must be balanced, agreed upon by both father and mother.


The time of year when the birth of a child is planned affects the fate and character of the newborn.

Let's look at the names of boys born in different seasons:

  • Winter. Arseny, Mikhail, Pavel, Alexey, Semyon, Valentin. Soft and calm names are necessary to compensate for the stubborn, strong, strong-willed nature of winter men.
  • Spring. More solid-sounding ones are suitable here, because spring children rarely have a lively character. To unborn child was always confident in himself, he can be called Oscar, Boris, Timur, Victor, Gleb.
  • Summer. Active, proud, summer men love risk and freedom. Short, courageous ones are suitable for these people: Gleb, Roman, Denis, Anton, Mark.
  • Autumn. Balanced realists born in autumn, few people trust. Smart and calm boys this time of year need sonorous names vying for attention: Nikolay, Sergey, Peter, Felix, German, Kirill.

Last name and patronymic

Parents looking over names for a boy need to think about the euphony of the name in combination with the child’s patronymic and surname. Consonants play an important role. These may be predominant voiced or voiceless consonants. The name must contain the same consonants as in the patronymic or surname. For example, Ivanov Matvey Semenovich (predominance of noisy consonants) or Andreev Viktor Borisovich (hard consonants).

This combination is considered pleasant to hear and pronounce, and also makes communication with the owner easy and convenient. Many people believe that short names boys are more suitable for long surnames and vice versa.

It's fashionable

Naming a boy in a fashionable way is the choice of many modern parents keeping up with the times. Every New Year rich in an abundance of popular male names.

Which ones are relevant in the mid-2010s?

  • Benedict,
  • Arthur,
  • Adam,
  • Hermann,
  • Walter,
  • David,
  • Ignat,
  • Rudolf,
  • Plato,
  • Taras.

Fashionable ones are often outdated, long forgotten, for example, Khariton, Klement, Zakhar. In an effort to pay tribute to fashion, it is important not to overdo it and not name the boy too funny, difficult or strange.

According to the church calendar

A little time has passed since the time when all children were named according to their name day. church calendar. Such a number suggested to parents male names for their newborn. To this day it is believed that a boy named according to the calendar will have good health, successful work And happy family. Unfortunately, such a number has a limited number of names that might appeal to modern spouses.

According to the value

Each name, translated from various ancient languages, has a special characteristic and meaning. When choosing a name for a boy, parents often want to invest certain qualities in the future heir:

  • Andrey is courageous.
  • Boris is a struggling man.
  • Leo – intelligence and foresight.
  • Nikita is a victor. An excellent choice for the future athlete.
  • Roman is a favorite of women.
  • Peter – independence, conviction.
  • Sergei is an ideal father and husband.
  • Tikhon is a lucky man.
  • Konstantin – constancy.

Valery, Vitaly are those names that personify health and fortitude. Anton is a competitive person who struggles with difficulties. This is what they advise to call weak or premature children, so that the magic of the name gives the boys vitality and improves health.

Important points

Boys' names can be beautiful, short, ancient, double, foreign.

But, among other things, when choosing, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Nationality. Many families where spouses are representatives different nationalities, have difficulty choosing what to name their child. It is important to think about this in advance, find a compromise and take into account nationality future baby. This will help avoid further marital disagreements and resentments.
  • Diminutive form of a name. This form should not be annoying, cause irony, or be too difficult to pronounce.
  • Place of residence. Prim, sophisticated, rare names for boys are inappropriate in small villages with a predominance of traditional views on life. Marcel, Alfred, Antonio, Emmanuel will be more harmoniously perceived by the society of megacities.

By month

Sample alphabetical list of popular boy names:

  • August, Augustine, Auror, Agap, Adam, Aksen, Alevtin, Alexander, Alexey, Alexy, Albert, Anastasy, Anatoly, Anvar, Andrey, Andron, Anisim, Antip, Anton, Antonin, Aristarchus, Arkady, Arseny, Artamon, Artyom, Artemy, Arthur, Arkhip, Askold, Afanasy, Afinogen.

  • Boris, Bogdan, Borislav.
  • Vadim, Valentin, Valery, Valeryan, Vasily, Vaclav, Velimir, Velor, Veniamin, Vikenty, Victor, Vilen, Vitaly, Vlad, Vladimir, Vladislav, Vladlen, Vlas, Vlasiy, Volodar, Voldemar, Vsevolod, Vyacheslav.
  • Gabriel, Gavrila, Gaidar, Gaspar, Guy, Genius, Gennady, George, German, Hermogenes, Gleb, Count, Gregory.
  • Dan, Daniel, David, Danila, Dar, Dementy, Demid, Democrat, Demyan, Denis, Didim, Dean, Dmitry, Dimitri, Dobrynya, Donat, Dorofey.
  • Evgeny, Evgraf, Evdokim, Evlampy, Evlogy, Evsey, Eustathy, Egor, Elizar, Eleazar, Elisha, Emelyan, Epifan, Eremey, Ermak, Ermil, Ermolai, Erofey, Efim, Ephraim.
  • Zhdan.
  • Zakhar, Zinovy, Zoriy, Zot.
  • Ivan, Ignat, Igor, Izyaslav, Iy, Hilarion, Ilya, Innocent, Joseph, Hippolytus, Iskander, Iriny, July.
  • Kazimir, Kapiton, Kai, Kaspar, Kim, Cyrus, Cyril, Claudius, Clementy, Klim, Kondraty, Kondrat, Konstantin, Krasnoslav, Kuzma.

  • Laurus, Lawrence, Lazarus, Larion, Leo, Leonid, Leonty, Leopold, Lermont, Fox, Luke, Lukyan, We love.
  • May, Makar, Max, Maxim, Maximilian, Marin, Markel, Mars, Marcel, Manuel, Martyn, Martin, Matvey, Methodius, Mecheslav, Milad, Milen, Miloslav, Mir, Miron, Miroslav, Mikhail, Mitya, Mstislav.
  • Naum, Neonil, Nestor, Nikanor, Nikita, Nikifor, Nicodemus, Nikolai, Nikon, Nile, Novomir.
  • October, Oleg, Olgerd, Onisim, Osip, Oscar, Ostap, Ostromir.
  • Pavel, Panteleimon, Panfil, Paramon, Pakhom, Peresvet, Peter, Plato, Potap, Prozor, Prokofy, Prokhor.
  • Radislav, Radomir, Rodion, Roman, Rolan, Rostislav.
  • Saveliy, Samson, Svet, Svetlana, Svetozar, Svetoslav, Svyatogor, Svyatoslav, Sever, Severyan, Semyon, Seraphim, Sergei, Sidor, Slava, Spartak, Spiridon, Staly, Stanislav, Stepan, Stefan.
  • Timur, Timofey, Telnan, Terenty, Tihomir, Tikhon, Trifon, Trofim, Tunguz, Taras.
  • Ulyan, Ustin.
  • Fadey, February, Fedor, Feodor, Theodore, Theodosius, Feofan, Filaret, Filat, Filimon, Philip, Thomas, Frol.

  • Khariton, Brave.
  • Caesar.
  • Cheslav. Schmidt
  • Edgar, Oedipus, Edmund, Edward, El, Elbrus, Engel, Energius, Erasmus, Erastus, Erg, Erius, Eric.
  • Julian, Julius, Hume, Jupiter, Yuri, Justin.
  • Yakov, Jan, Jaromir, Yarodan, Yaroslav.

But which one should you choose?

Based on the month of birth, because depending on this, the boy may have special character qualities.

  • January. An independent person, a devoted friend. Has difficulty making important decisions. Suitable names are Ilya, Ivan, Maxim, Philip, Georgy, Artem, Trofim.
  • February. The male representative of this month is a sensitive, vulnerable nature. He is a caring father, a scrupulous worker. Fedor, Stepan, Gennady, Leonty, Alexander, Egor, Efrem, Savva, Luka.

  • March boys are optimists and cheerful people, not afraid of difficulties. Pavel, Julian, Mark, Denis, Venedikt, Irakli, Alexey.
  • April people are mobile and light-hearted people who do not stand in one place. They are hungry for change. Devoted to the women they love. Zakhar, Thomas, Innocent, Antip, Polycarp, Rodion, Aristarchus, Samson.
  • May. An energetic and conflict-free person. Favorite fun companies. Dmitry, Egor, Fedot, Pavel, Pakhom, Afanasy, Vsevolod.
  • June. The boy of this month is an extremely lucky person, and in the future he will be an authoritative person with good health. Ignatius, Sergei, Konstantin, Vladimir, Nazar, Igor, Mstislav, Karp.
  • July. This is a leader, an organizer. He will never regret the past, clearly planning all his actions. Gleb, Julian, Roman, Yakov, Vasily, Daniil, Gury, Stanislav.
  • Augustovsky. This boy knows how to keep secrets, is principled and loyal. Roman, Semyon, Makar, Naum, Nikolai, Dmitry, Frol, Markel.
  • September. There is never a dull moment with the men of this month. They always have a lot of ideas in stock, without conflict. Andrey, Fadey, Zakhar, Kirill, Khariton, Valery, Pimen, Arkady.

  • October. Gambling, enterprising nature. They take everything from life. Oleg, David, Vlad, Mark, Grigory, Nikita, Ignat, Demyan.
  • November. Dreamy and romantic representatives of this month are rarely correctly understood by those around them. November boys' names: Ivan, Artem, Victor, Orest, Yuri, Osip, Taras, Nestor, Philip.
  • December. Inside these men there is an ocean of passions, but their ardent nature is hidden under a mask of cold indifference. They trust others little. Zakhar, Roman, Mikhail, Maxim, Lev, Pavel, Spiridon, Semyon, Filaret, Modest.

So, the choice of what to name a boy must be approached with all responsibility, so that the future man is proud and not ashamed of his name.

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What to name a newborn? More and more often, parents give the boy an unusual masculine name. Do right choice Taking into account personal preferences, this selection will help.

Unusual Russian modern male names

In the Russian language there are many beautiful, rare and unusual male names that can become good choice for a newborn boy.

  • Archimedes - “sage”;
  • Bulat - “strong”, “steel”;
  • Darwin - " best friend»;
  • Darius - “possessor of good” or “divine gift”;
  • Erofey - “sacred”;
  • Milan - “darling”;
  • Odysseus - “angry”;
  • Solomon - “peaceful”;
  • Spartak - “living in Sparta” or “trampling”;
  • Czeslav - “honor and glory.”

Many of them are reminiscent of famous people in the past who became famous in science, literature or other fields of activity.

Names of English origin

In an English-speaking environment, a child often has two names: personal and middle. The first is usually more traditional, old, familiar. The second helps to emphasize individuality. Sometimes parents show imagination and name their beloved child in a very original way, because the name of the newborn can be any word.

Interesting English options for a foreign name for a boy:

  • Vincent - "conqueror";
  • Harry - "housekeeper";
  • Herman - “army man”, “native”;
  • John - “good god”;
  • Clement - “merciful”, “tender”;
  • Louis - “famous warrior”;
  • Moses - “saved from water”;
  • Oliver - "warrior";
  • Oscar - "deer lover";
  • Patrick - "nobleman";
  • Thomas - "twin";
  • Felix - “lucky”;
  • Philip - "horse lover";
  • Elvis - “wise”;
  • Anthony - "invaluable";
  • Eric is the "ruler".

These options are quite rare in the Russian-speaking environment, but they sound beautiful, are easy to pronounce and remember.

American unusual names

Even names for boys familiar to Americans in Russian sound original:

  • Benjamin - "son of the people from the south";
  • Jim - "invader";
  • Quentin - "fifth";
  • Christopher - "follower of Christ";
  • Louis - "famous warrior";
  • Rob - "famous";
  • Robert - "brilliant";
  • Richard - "rich in heart" or "brave ruler";
  • Mark - "hammer" or " dedicated to god Mars";
  • Stephen - “crowned”;
  • Franklin is an "honorary citizen."

Some of them are appropriate to call a newborn in an international family.

You can give your baby one of these popular names or choose a rarer one, for example:

  • Alpin - “white”;
  • Wistan - “fighting the stone”;
  • Dob - “famous”;
  • Calder - “strong water”;
  • Preston - "the priest's village".

When looking for an unusual name for a baby, the main thing is not to overdo it in the pursuit of originality.

You should take your choice seriously, because a name accompanies a person throughout his life. It should emphasize individuality, but not cause discomfort to its owner.

America - multinational country, which was filled by emigrants from all over the world. Each transferred part of the culture of their people to their new place of residence. This was also reflected in how parents began to name their newborns. An unusual name for a boy is commonplace here. Parents can choose something completely unique for their baby. For example, use the name as a name geographical feature or an ordinary item that is used in everyday life.

So, in Chicago there lives a child named Meningitis and a boy named Little Knight is growing up. Due to the peculiarities of the mentality, such options are not suitable for a child from a Russian-speaking family. It is unlikely that a grown-up baby will thank the parents who named him Boulevard, April, Voucher, Google, Dolphin, Server or Ocean. Do not forget that the boy lives in society. Not everyone will appreciate the child’s specific name; on the contrary, it may lead to ridicule and bullying.

Old Slavonic names for a boy

History has preserved many ancient Slavic names that were undeservedly forgotten by several generations. You don't need to translate words to understand their meaning. More and more often, parents call their children with simple Russian names of their ancestors: melodious, close in sound to us.

  • Bogdan;
  • Damir;
  • Dobrynya;
  • Vladimir;
  • Vladislav;
  • Vsevolod;
  • Lubomir;
  • Svyatoslav;
  • Svetozar;
  • Tihomir;
  • Ratibor;
  • Yaroslav.

It is difficult to understand the meaning of some names from the past, for example:

  • Arseny - “courageous”, “strong”;
  • Anisim - “benefit”;
  • Vadim - “invited”;
  • Gleb - “favorite of the gods”;
  • Yeseniy - “clear sky”;
  • Elisha - “saved by God”;
  • Ivan - “born” or “connected with other worlds”;
  • Igor - “defender”;
  • Plato - “broad-shouldered”;
  • Ratibor - " chosen warrior»;
  • Timothy - “honorer”;
  • Yarilo - “sun”.

On Old Slavonic names It’s definitely worth paying attention to when choosing a name for your son. They bring positive energy and help you feel like you are part of a unique nation.

This name will help the child become better and feel powerful. native land, will give the strength of the ancestors.

The rarest and most beautiful male names

The fashion for names for boys is constantly changing.

Some of them were previously very rare, but have now become popular, for example:

  • David - “favorite”;
  • Daniel - “my God is the judge”;
  • Denis - “dedicated to Dionysus”;
  • Ignat - “fiery”;
  • Luka - “light”;
  • Matvey - “given by God”;
  • Nikita is the “winner”.

The opposite story happened to others. For example, there are many adult Sergeevs, but there are almost no children with this name.

We can recommend the following rare and beautiful names for newborns:

  • Anatoly - “ascending”, “eastern”;
  • Albert - “noble splendor”;
  • Arkady - “land of happiness”;
  • Arthur - "big bear";
  • Arkhip - “senior horseman”;
  • Boris is a “fighter”;
  • Valery - “strong man”;
  • Vasily - “royal”;
  • Benjamin - “beloved son”;
  • Georgy - “farmer”;
  • Gennady - “noble”;
  • Gregory - “cheerful”;
  • Demid - “advice of Zeus”;
  • Dorotheus - “God’s gift”;
  • Egor - “plowman”;
  • Efim - “compassionate”;
  • Zakhar - “God remembers”;
  • Elijah - “my god Yahweh”;
  • Konstantin - “permanent”;
  • Roots - “horn” or “dogwood fruit”;
  • Leonidas - “like a lion”;
  • Makar - “blessed”, “happy”;
  • Marat - “desired”;
  • Myron - “fragrant”;
  • Michael - “like God”;
  • Ostap - “stable”;
  • Peter - “stone”;
  • Ruslan - “lion”;
  • Ustin - “fair”;
  • Fedor - “gift of God”;
  • Felix - "lucky";
  • Yuri is a “farmer”.

In pursuit of originality, you should choose beautiful, rare, unusual male names with caution. For your baby, it is better to choose an easy-to-pronounce, harmonious name. It’s good if it is combined with the middle name and last name, it’s easy to remember. A name is the first gift that a newborn receives from loved ones. It becomes " business card” of a child, can affect his character and even his fate.

Unusual male names: beautiful and rare names for a boy and their meanings

After the birth of a child or even before this event, parents are faced with the question of what to name the baby. Often, after going through many options during pregnancy, it is difficult to finally solve this problem. With the help of a beautiful name, mothers and fathers strive to direct the child’s life along the path of good luck and prosperity, identify his personality and preserve certain family traditions.

How to choose a beautiful name for a newborn boy?

Harmony and prudence are the main principles that should be followed when naming a newborn. A correctly chosen name should be combined with the patronymic and surname, and not be overly pretentious or difficult to pronounce.

The baby should be named in accordance with cultural and religious traditions. For example, it is better not to name a Russian boy Said or Domenik, which may cause ridicule in the future.

Before naming a boy, you should familiarize yourself with several rules:

  1. Preservation of individuality. You should not name your baby after the father, other close relatives or great figures. By giving preference to such names, mom and dad often have high hopes for their son, which he will not always be able to justify. In the future, this often leads to conflicts between parents and child.
  2. Preference for “masculine” names. By naming the baby Zhenya, Sasha, Valya, you can provoke ridicule of the boy in the future. Together with inflexible surname such naming may cause its adoption strangers for a girl.
  3. Respect for tradition. Despite the mixing of cultures and global integration, you should not name your baby with a name from another tradition, which will be disharmonious with the Russian patronymic and surname.

Beautiful male names according to the church calendar

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Believing parents adhere to the method of naming sons according to church canons. Often babies are named after saints. Being mediators between God and people, even after death they give parishioners faith, which allows them to survive the hardships of fate. It is believed that with their help you can protect the baby from evil.

You can name your son according to the calendar, and if it is impossible to make a choice on your own, consult with a spiritual mentor. Today, most often they are guided not by the calendar, but by the list of saints revered by the church. The most popular names are:

  • Nikolai;
  • Vladimir;
  • Basil;
  • Andrey;
  • Michael;
  • Mark;
  • Konstantin;
  • Kirill et al.

Choosing a name by horoscope

This ancient tradition consists of naming the baby by date of birth. The method involves compiling natal chart, which is used to accurately determine suitable name. This method remained for a long time the exclusive prerogative of the wealthy aristocracy. Today, anyone can use it after receiving expert advice.

To determine a name based on a horoscope, it is not necessary to contact an astrologer. You can choose it from a list of names that are most suitable for a particular zodiac sign.

The following beautiful names are often used to name boys:

  • Aries – Alexander, Alexey, Artem, Egor, Nikolay, Yaroslav;
  • Taurus – Anton, Bogdan, Daniil, Ilya, Maxim, Nikita;
  • twins - Heinrich, Evgeniy, Igor, Konstantin, Sergei;
  • cancer – Andrey, Vitaly, Stanislav;
  • lion – Alexander, Artem, Ivan, Kirill, Mark;
  • maiden - Vsevolod, Gennady, Gleb, Denis, Rostislav, Stepan;
  • Libra – Anatoly, Anton, Vitaly, Leonid, Mikhail, Oleg, Plato;
  • Scorpio – Arseny, Rodion, Ruslan, Fedor, Yuri;
  • Sagittarius - Vladimir, Vyacheslav, Peter, Roman, Yan, Yaroslav;
  • Capricorn – Arthur, Vadim, Gleb, Denis, Egor, Nikolai;
  • Aquarius - Leonid, Gennady, Oleg, Ruslan, Svyatoslav;
  • Pisces – Bogdan, Valery, Vasily, Ivan, Maxim, Roman.

Trendy vintage names

During recent years there is a craze old names. This trend is associated with society’s interest in history and native culture. By naming their sons in the old manner, parents strive to turn them to their national roots. Often a name is chosen under the influence of the prevailing fashion and mentality in society.

The most popular ancient names are:

  1. Matvey. He is distinguished by hard work and perseverance, but at the same time reserved. He often chooses a profession that requires concentration and methodfulness - surgery, sports, banking. Has natural uncertainty, and therefore needs to be early childhood encourage Matvey's initiative so that he achieves success.
  2. Zakhar. Despite some harshness in sound, this name denotes a sentimental and good-natured person. He is distinguished by a caring and flexible character, which largely determines him future profession. He is not attracted to office work. Most often, he connects his life with a technical or agricultural specialty.
  3. Vsevolod. Rarely finds himself in unpleasant situations, which is associated with prudence and the ability to suppress dangerous moments in the bud with the help of humor and diplomacy. He has the gift of persuasion and the ability to get along with others, for which he enjoys the respect of people. Vsevolod is persistent, firm and diligent, but does not always strive for victory. He may concede the palm to a more worthy person, in his opinion.
  4. Gordey. He is peaceful and optimistic. With outward modesty he has inner strength and energy. He is an interesting storyteller and attentive listener.
  5. Luke. Despite the similarity with the verb “to deceive,” this name means honest man. The purposefulness of his character is combined with impulsiveness. He thinks carefully about solving a problem and persistently moves along the path to achieve results. In defending his interests he can show uncompromisingness and impetuosity.

Beautiful Russian names for a child

Wanting to name their son in accordance with Russian tradition, parents often mistakenly give preference to ancient names, which today look somewhat pretentious. Svyatogor, Varlaam, Dobrynya, Ostromir are not very suitable for modern children and are accepted by society for the extravagance of their parents. The ranking of 10 Russian names that are most relevant today includes:

  • Elisha;
  • Plato;
  • Nikolai;
  • Michael;
  • Paul;
  • Yaroslav;
  • Vladislav;
  • Denis;
  • Dmitriy;
  • Andrey.

Popular foreign names for boys: English and American

IN English speaking countries There is a popular tradition of naming children with two names: personal and middle. The first is the distinctive naming of the baby and is used in Everyday life. The second is most often given in honor close relative, and in official documents it is indicated between the main name and surname.

If in the post-Soviet environment names are of Greek, Latin, and Old Russian origin, then in English culture authentic names are predominantly popular:

  • today in Britain boys are often called Pauls, Davids, Georges, Jacobs, Alans, Marks;
  • in the United States, sons are named Richard, William, Noah, Robert, Aaron.

How to choose a beautiful Muslim name?

In Muslim culture, the method of naming children in accordance with ancient documents is especially popular. The wrong choice of name for a boy can cause bad luck, poverty, illness, laziness in the future, which pushes parents to name him in honor of the saints: Muhammad, Abdul, Idris, Qadir, Rahim, etc.

For Muslim culture typical same value for several different sounding names. For example, Hasan and Elmir mean beauty, while Zabir, Qavi and Ali characterize a person who is strong and powerful. It is noteworthy that there are no negative names, which explains the desire of parents to provide their children with a better destiny.

Muslim traditions are replete with names denoting beauty. You can name the boy Anwar (light, bright), Jamil (handsome), Dilyair (soulful), Ihsan (merciful), Ramil (magical), Fazil (talented). If parents cannot decide on their own the issue of naming their son, they can turn to the imam.

Before the revolution in the territory Russian Empire It was common among Muslims to use two names. The child received his first naming as a talisman. To protect his son from the evil eye, this name was hidden from strangers. The second was of lesser importance and was used in everyday life. IN Soviet times this tradition has died out, but today there is a return to it.

Unusual and rare names

By calling their sons unusual names, parents strive to give them a bright personality. Such children may retreat from public opinion, and sometimes go against him. Wanting to achieve any success despite the influence external factors, they can only rely on their perseverance and fortitude.

Parents sometimes make mistakes when naming their son rare name in order to endow him with the qualities of a fighter. If for some boys it becomes an impetus for the formation of a bright individuality, with the help of which they achieve success under any circumstances, then for the other it is a cause of constant psychological discomfort.

For thoughtful, calm children non-standard name is an annoying factor that attracts unnecessary attention. By naming the baby Oscar, Azat, Mikel or Radislav, parents endow him not with the power to defend his beliefs, but with the source internal conflict. He is expected to constantly prove his worth, while he requires solitude to develop his personality.

The rare name must be combined with the child's last and patronymic names. Combinations such as Petrova Madonna Alekseevna or Kozlov Marcel Ivanovich sound disharmonious.

When naming the baby, take into account national and cultural characteristics prevailing mentality in society. For example, names such as Arkhip, Bronislav, Borislav, Lavrentiy go well with surnames of Slavic origin.

Choosing a name depending on the time of year

When choosing a name, parents are traditionally guided by the month of their son's birth. There is an opinion about the relationship between the seasons and certain character traits of the baby.

It is believed that children born in winter, are distinguished by stubbornness and authority. To soften these traits, sons are named with names containing soft sounds:

  • Alexei;
  • Leonid;
  • Nikita;
  • Paul;
  • Basil.

Babies born in spring are distinguished by a romantic and sublime character. It is recommended to call them by traditional male names to balance their subtle nature, giving them courage and strength:

  • Konstantin;
  • Stepan;
  • Bogdan;
  • Egor;
  • Sergey.

Children, born in summer, have a brave and kind-hearted character. To enhance these qualities, it is recommended to choose sonorous names:

  • Elizar;
  • Philip;
  • Denis;
  • Yuri;
  • Vitaly.

“Autumn” children are often distinguished by mistrust and some egocentrism. To give the baby sociability and friendliness, choose simple sonorous names:

  • Anton;
  • Nazar;
  • Yakov;
  • Nahum;
  • Tikhon;
  • Semyon.

Rating of the most popular modern names

Today there is a decline in interest in foreign names. Children are called in the Old Russian manner less and less often. In 2017, boys often began to be called neutral names: Levs, Alexanders, Ivans, Maxims, Romans, Rodions and Kirills. The TOP of popular names also includes Daniil, Vladislav, Gleb and Mark.

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