Licensing authority for alcoholic beverages. Obtaining a license to sell alcoholic beverages

An alcohol sales license gives the right to restaurants and bars, cafes and shops to sell alcoholic beverages. If you are starting a business that involves selling alcoholic beverages, we advise you to arrange for a permit in advance. The process of obtaining a license is not quick, so if you do not have time to collect all the paperwork before the opening of your store or catering establishment, you will not be able to sell alcohol legally. Let's figure out what documents you need to prepare to obtain a liquor license and how the registration procedure takes place.

General licensing provisions

When planning to obtain an alcohol license, familiarize yourself with the regulatory documents governing this process. This is Federal Law No. 171 “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” dated November 22, 1995 and the corresponding local legislation. Licensing of alcohol retail trade is the responsibility of the constituent entities of the federation, which have their own licensing bodies and independently determine the requirements for applicants and the list of required documents.

Retail sale of weak alcohol or drinks with an alcohol content above 15%, for takeaway or for consumption on site - these are all different types of activity, each of which requires a separate license. For example, a store that sells both strong and low-alcohol products must obtain a license to sell alcohol for consumption outside the retail premises.

Only a legal entity (not an individual entrepreneur) can obtain a retail license; you must keep this in mind when registering your enterprise. The license is issued for a period of up to 5 years with the possibility of extension and payment of a state fee for each year of validity of the document in the amount of 40 thousand rubles.

Conditions for obtaining a liquor license

To obtain a license, an organization must meet the following requirements:

  • authorized capital of the store from 500 thousand rubles;
  • authorized capital of catering enterprises from 10 thousand rubles;
  • stationary premises purchased as property or long-term lease registered by the Ministry of Justice;
  • room area from 50 sq.m., ensuring sanitary and fire safety;
  • organization of technical security equipment in the sales area and warehouses, installation of safes;
  • presence of a cash register registered by tax authorities;
  • location of the store outside educational, medical, cultural and sports institutions and adjacent areas;
  • location of retail outlets selling strong alcoholic beverages for takeaway outside of public transport, military facilities, and places of large crowds of people;
  • for catering establishments selling alcohol for on-site consumption, the distance to the above mentioned facilities is at least 25 meters.

Maximum distances from alcohol stores or cafes to various social institutions and places of population in each municipality or district are determined independently at the discretion of local authorities, so these requirements must be clarified at the location of your enterprise.

Procedure for obtaining an alcohol license

Applicants for a license must collect a set of documents approved by local authorities.

An approximate list of documents is as follows:

Documents such as a certificate of absence of tax debt and permits from sanitary authorities and State Fire Supervision, confirmation of the safety of the premises, which were previously mandatory for obtaining a retail alcohol license, are not currently required to be provided. Licensing authority employees can independently request the necessary information. Compliance with all requirements is carried out during an on-site inspection of the premises. However, if possible, it is advisable to have such papers when submitting an application. For example, if the request reveals a debt to the budget, the license is refused, and the paid fee is not returned.

By the time of the inspection, it is necessary to prepare copies of certificates for alcoholic products, draw up a consumer corner (a book of complaints, a law on the protection of consumer rights, excerpts from acts regulating the circulation of alcoholic beverages).

Examination of the provided documents and on-site inspection of the organization is carried out within 30 days from the date of submission of the application. If violations are detected, the review of documents is extended to eliminate shortcomings for a period of no more than 1 month. If deficiencies are not corrected in a timely manner, the enterprise may be denied a license. The licensing authority notifies the organization three days in advance of the refusal or issue of a license.

You can apply for renewal 90 days before your current license expires.

Timely receipt of a license to sell alcohol allows the enterprise to operate legally, but operating without a license or in violation of its terms entails liability under administrative, criminal and civil law.

The issue of obtaining a license to sell alcoholic products is relevant for any company if it decides to trade in alcoholic products, regardless of what kind of outlet it is - wholesale, retail or a catering establishment. What are the rules for selling alcohol in 2018?

Why are we talking specifically about the rules for selling alcoholic beverages? Because every year government control over this area of ​​commerce is becoming stricter. Those who want to trade goods belonging to this category must not only obtain a license, but also constantly report to government agencies using the Unified State Automated Information System and submitting a special declaration. But first things first.

What is EGAIS and why you need to register with it

Since 2016, the sale of alcohol without connecting to EGAIS (stands for: unified state automated information system) is prohibited! This innovation came into effect in 2016. From January 1, everyone who produces or sells (retail or wholesale - it doesn’t matter) alcoholic products must be connected to the Unified State Automated Information System, and from July 1, the system is fully accepting data.

EGAIS is a general database of information about all alcoholic products that were produced in the country or imported into its territory, including data such as: manufacturer, date of manufacture, strength, composition, volume, etc. From July 2016, sales data will also be entered into it.

This system was created to control the turnover of alcoholic beverages and combat counterfeiting. If you want to sell such products, you will have to register with it. The fine for not connecting to EGAIS is quite impressive: for legal entities it can be up to 200 thousand rubles.

Next, let's talk about obtaining a license. I’ll say right away that the trade in alcoholic beverages is regulated by Law No. 171-FZ of November 22, 1995. Read it to become more thoroughly familiar with the requirements contained in it. The text of the law can be found at this link.

Now let's briefly go over the main points.

Which government agency is responsible for issuing a license to sell alcoholic beverages?

Licenses for the sale of alcohol-containing products are issued by the Federal Service for the Regulation of Alcohol Products - Rosalkogolregulirovanie (abbreviated FSRAR). Each region has its own Department responsible for the consumer market and services. Each region also monitors the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products. An application is submitted to this structure (the specific body should be clarified in advance), as well as a certain package of documents (their list is established by law and various regulations).

What is the procedure for issuing a license?

The license is issued only to legal entities; individual entrepreneurs can only sell beer and beer drinks - and a license is not required for this. The document is issued for a year or for five years at once. To obtain a license, you need to collect and submit a certain package of documents - usually this stage is the most difficult, since collecting all the necessary documentation is really not easy.

All types of documents submitted to the authorized body undergo mandatory registration, as well as expert verification. The corresponding decision - to issue a license or refuse to issue it - is made within a month from the moment the application was registered. It is possible to extend this period by another month if additional examination is necessary.

Obtaining a license and the necessary documents is the same for many organizations. The difference is the authorized capital (its size) and the requirements that retail and warehouse premises must meet.

What should be in the package of documents

The package of documents required to obtain a license to sell alcohol-containing products must include the following documents:

  1. Application for a license. This document must reflect all the details of the legal entity that is applying for a license. If food alcoholic products are sold at many points, the application must indicate information about each of these points. It is possible to obtain one license, and an application will be issued for each individual location. And there is an option to obtain a separate license for any point of sale.
  2. It is necessary to have copies of the constituent documents of the license applicant (necessarily certified by a notary).
  3. Copies of OGRN and TIN certificates, .
  4. Bank details.
  5. Certificate from the Federal Tax Service confirming that there are no debts to pay taxes and fees.
  6. A payment document confirming that the state fee for issuing a license has been paid.
  7. Documents confirming the availability of own/leased production and warehouse premises.
  8. A certificate confirming the compliance of the trade object with the declared type of activity.
  9. Conclusions of government agencies on the compliance of premises with environmental requirements and fire safety standards.
  10. Copies of certificates/declarations of conformity of main process equipment.
  11. Documents confirming the presence of paid authorized capital of the organization.

Documents can be submitted both in paper and electronic form.

What should be the authorized capital

It is worth mentioning separately about the authorized capital, since there are special requirements here. It should be:

  • Minimum 10,000 rubles - for companies that are going to sell products with 15% ethanol content;
  • Minimum 300,000 rubles - for companies that intend to sell products with more than 15% ethanol content;
  • 1,000,000 rubles – for a small business organization selling products with an ethanol content above 15% and not included in a special register;
  • 10,000,000 rubles – for wholesalers.

Payment of state duty for an alcohol license

Now let's figure out how much a liquor license costs.

Retail sale of alcoholic products:

  • Issuing a license - 65 000 rubles (for one year);
  • Extension of license validity period - 65 000 rubles (for one year).
  • Possible to receive for 5 years - 325 000 rubles

Production, storage and delivery of manufactured products:

  • For alcohol and strong alcohol - 9 500 000 rubles (for 5 years);
  • Wine and alcohol-containing food/non-food products - 800 000 rubles

Other activities:

  • Transportation of ethyl alcohol - 800 000 rubles;
  • Storage of alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing food products - 800 000 rubles;
  • Purchase, storage and supply of food/non-food alcohol-containing products - 800 000 rubles;
  • Transportation of unpackaged food/non-food products containing alcohol (with an alcohol content above 25%) - 800 000 rubles

Renewal of license:

  • When reorganizing a legal entity - 65 000 rubles;
  • When reorganizing a legal entity through a merger, if each of the legal entities has a valid license for the same type of licensing - 3 500 rubles;
  • When changing the name, location and other information about the legal entity that is indicated in the license - 3 500 rubles

Compliance with requirements for retail outlets

Before collecting a package of documents for issuing a license, it is worth taking into account all the requirements for companies, as well as retail premises in which the sale of alcohol-containing products is permitted. These requirements are listed in Article 16 of Law No. 171-FZ.

Sale of alcohol-containing products is prohibited in the following places (according to the above normative act):

  1. Where medical, children's, educational institutions and sports sections are located.
  2. Where cultural institutions are located. An exception may be the sale of alcohol within the framework of a catering organization.
  3. Where people use public transport, as well as at gas stations and stops, non-stationary retail facilities.
  4. Where there are markets and large crowds of people, as well as sources of increased danger - retail / wholesale markets, train stations, airports .
  5. Where there are military installations.

In addition, the following prohibitions should be taken into account:

  1. Only legal entities can sell alcoholic beverages; individual entrepreneurs can only sell beer and beer drinks.
  2. The sale of alcohol to minors is prohibited.
  3. Advertising of alcoholic products, including on the Internet and on television, is prohibited.
  4. Selling alcohol without accompanying documents, certificates, and labeling is prohibited.
  5. Sale of alcohol from 23.00 to 8.00 local time is prohibited (the ban does not apply to catering and duty-free shops).

In addition to all of the above, a retail outlet applicant for a license must have a certain level of appropriate equipment.

Companies involved in the sale of alcoholic products in the city must have their own or rented stationary and warehouse buildings. Their total area must be at least 50 square meters. m. The cash register equipment must also work properly. If you have a wholesale trade, then the size of the area should be at least 100 square meters. m.

These criteria are considered fair for both a trading company and a catering facility. A company selling alcoholic beverages in rural areas must meet more democratic requirements - 25 sq. m. This includes a sales area and a warehouse, as well as a cash register.

To sell beer and beer drinks, you also need to have a stationary and warehouse space, as well as a cash register. However, strict requirements regarding area are not specified by legislative acts. If beer and beer drinks are sold in public catering, then the mandatory clause about own or rented stationary retail and storage premises becomes irrelevant.

What is an alcohol declaration

All legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who sell alcohol or beer must submit an alcohol declaration. By submitting this declaration, the state controls the turnover of wholesale and retail trade in alcohol in the country. If EGAIS was created to combat counterfeiting, then the alcohol declaration is a means of recording alcohol turnover. The document is submitted to the relevant executive authority of the region and to the FSRAR if an entrepreneur has a license. If you have a license, you must submit a declaration quarterly until the license expires. If there is a license, but alcohol is not sold, then the declaration must still be submitted - with zero indicators.

Who needs it have a license

All restaurants, bars, clubs, eateries, retail supermarkets, hotels, hotels, etc. must have a permit document.

Conditions requirements for the licensee

For licensed trade in alcoholic beverages, a legal entity must have premises with an area exceeding 50 square meters. meters. At the same time, the authorized capital for a supermarket must be at least 50 thousand rubles, for a cafe or bar - 10 thousand.

The amount of authorized capital for small establishments (cafes or bars) varies depending on the region in which they are located.

For how long best to arrange

At the same time, the size of the state duty is constantly growing, so it is not economically feasible to renew the license every year.

The cost of a license for 12 months is 65 thousand rubles, for 5 years – 320 thousand.

Premises requirements

The licensing authority allows the sale of alcohol only to those stationary facilities whose rental period exceeds 1 year.

These facilities should be located at a distance of more than 50-200 meters from educational institutions, as well as clinics and other medical institutions, and sports facilities.

Joining EGAIS

Since the beginning of last year, all retail supermarkets must confirm in the Unified State Automated Information System both the purchase of alcohol-based drinks and the fact of their sale.

Without connecting to EGAIS or if the above requirements are not met, a legal entity is prohibited from selling alcoholic beverages.

Registration period licenses

An alcohol license is usually issued 2 months from the date of application. The period required to renew a current license is 14 working days.

The price of a license consists of a state fee, payment for services for the creation and transfer of relevant documentation to the licensing authorities.

Who can receive liquor license?

A license is issued to a legal entity on the basis of Federal Law 171. The following have the right to receive a permit:

  • LLC (limited liability company),
  • CJSC (closed joint stock company),
  • OJSC (open joint stock company).

Thus, an individual entrepreneur does not have the rights to engage in this activity, so he cannot obtain a license. If your business has been around for a long time, it is recommended

It is currently impossible to plan legal activities in the area retail turnover of alcohol without receiving licenses for retail sale of alcoholic beverages. The Notables company offers assistance in obtaining this license in Moscow and the region.

It is known that sale of alcoholic beverages- one of the most profitable branches of trade. And if during the USSR trade in alcoholic products was a state monopoly, today any legal entity that has the proper issued license(with all seals and signatures) for the sale of alcohol. A license is required wherever activities for the production, bottling, labeling, storage and sale, both retail and wholesale, of alcoholic beverages are carried out. In other words, liquor license necessary to permit any of the above activities.

It should be kept in mind that the most common alcoholic beverages sold in retail chains are vodka, cognac, whiskey and brandy; wines of various varieties, champagne wines, liqueurs, drinks with a reduced alcohol content. By the way, a license to sell alcohol is also needed in the case of selling drinking alcohol.

Licenses are three types of government permitting documents.

  • The first type is an alcohol license, which gives the right to produce, bottle and label drinks containing alcohol.
  • The second type is a license allowing the purchase and storage of alcoholic beverages.
  • And finally, the third type is a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages, issued separately for wholesale and retail trade.

All permits for the wholesale sale of alcohol and its storage issues Rosalkogolregulirovanie. Get a license, giving the right to retail trade in alcoholic beverages, including low-alcohol ones, is available at the branches of the Ministry of Consumer Market and Services. According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, these licenses can only be issued by legal entities. An alcohol license is not issued to individual entrepreneurs (IP). Recently, legislation governing rules for issuing a liquor license, important amendments have been made that significantly speed up the time frame for its receipt. According to these paragraphs, obtaining a sanitary-epidemiological report form was practically abolished.

Today maximum validity period for a liquor license– this is five years, and the minimum is a year. Firms should be aware that the cost of each year of license validity is paid separately and amounts to 40,000 rubles for each year. In practice, preference is given to paperwork for 1-2 years, after which the license is extended or closed, depending on how successfully the enterprise sells alcohol.

Types of alcohol licenses

Typically, an alcohol license is obtained for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages. There are several options retail sale of alcoholic beverages:

  1. Sale for consumption of alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks at the point of purchase. This type of sale is carried out in restaurants, cafes and bars, implying the presence of an equipped place for the consumption of alcohol without taking it outside the place of consumption;
  2. Retail sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption outside the place of sale. These are shops, stalls, markets, etc.

An alcohol license is issued if all rules for the sale of alcohol-containing products are met, and documentation for the alcohol sold is available, including information for the buyer about the name, trademark, composition of alcoholic products, etc.

Obtaining a license for alcoholic beverages– this is a whole area of ​​​​complex and troublesome procedures. Just to obtain permission to sell alcohol in Moscow, it is necessary to submit to the licensing authorities a number of constituent documents of the legal entity issuing the license: a lease agreement for the place; information about the presence of paid authorized capital, a certificate of registration, Goskomstat codes, extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and dozens of other documents.

An alcohol license, as we see, is a rather complicated thing, and the effort, and, what is much more important, the working time spent on obtaining it, often scares off entrepreneurs who decide to start selling alcoholic beverages. That is why, to obtain this permit, people often turn to firms providing legal services and consulting assistance.

The production and sale of alcoholic beverages is a profitable type of business if the process is organized correctly. There is always a demand for high-quality alcohol, regardless of the pricing policy of the product.

To carry out any activity with alcoholic products (production, sale, storage and transportation) a license is required.

Does everyone need a license: legal requirements

A license is issued for the manufacture, sale, storage and transportation of drinks that contain ethyl in an amount of 6% or more. The document can only be obtained by those legal entities whose business meets the licensing requirements of the law. Companies with different legal forms can obtain permission. Individual entrepreneurs (individual entrepreneurs) are not allowed to sell alcohol, either wholesale or retail.

An organization that plans to sell alcoholic beverages must have an authorized capital of a certain size:

  • when selling products containing up to 15% ethanol - 10,000 rubles;
  • when selling drinks containing more than 15% ethanol - 300,000 rubles;
  • when representatives of small businesses sell alcohol that is not in the register and contains more than 15% ethanol - 1 million rubles;
  • for wholesale trade - 10 million rubles.

The premises for storing and selling alcoholic beverages must fully comply with the law. Only stationary complexes that are the personal property of the company or are rented are suitable for trade. In the case of a lease, a lease agreement must be available.

Room size for storing and selling products in urban areas, from 50 m2 is required, in villages from 25 m2. The warehouse must be provided with high-quality ventilation, fire extinguishing means, all types of alarms and security. Retail outlets are equipped with cash registers, and strict reporting documents are required.

Alcohol producers are required to equip their equipment with automatic measuring instruments. The volumes of production and sales of products should be carefully recorded, all information should be reliably protected from distortion and counterfeiting. It is not permitted to produce alcoholic beverages if the volume of finished product is less than the minimum production capacity of the equipment.

All products (including those sold) must have a certificate of conformity or declaration.

The retail outlet, in accordance with the legislation on the sale of alcohol, must be located away from the following objects:

  • children's, educational, medical and sports organizations;
  • cultural centers (except for the sale of alcohol in the catering sector);
  • public transport and gas stations;
  • street shopping facilities (markets and bazaars);
  • places with large crowds of people;
  • sources with increased danger;
  • military facilities.

Licensing of moving (mobile) facilities and businesses that allow the sale of alcohol to minors is not permitted.

Fines for trading without a license

In 2014, Law No. 365-FZ came into force, which increased liability for the sale of alcohol without an alcohol license. New penalties for unauthorized trading have been introduced. They apply not only to wholesale and retail outlets, but also to catering establishments (cafes, bars, restaurants and others).

Violations are punishable by suspension of the company's activities, and in case of gross violations - by seizure of products. Previously, administrative suspension of activities did not apply to representatives of the retail sale of alcohol. The statute of limitations for alcohol violations has also been increased, now it is 1 year, previously it was 2 months.

In retail trade, violations for entrepreneurs are punishable by a fine of 10,000 - 15,000 rubles, for organizations - 200,000 - 300,000 rubles. Previously, this fine was 4,000 - 5,000 rubles and 40,000 - 50,000, respectively.

Fines are also levied for other violations of trade activities. Other violations mean non-compliance of retail facilities with alcohol licensing requirements. Amount of fine since 2014 for an entrepreneur is 5,000 - 10,000 rubles, for an organization - 50,000 - 100,000 rubles.

Fines for sellers amount to 4,000 - 5,000 rubles, for entrepreneurs - 10,000 - 15,000 rubles, for organizations - 200,000 - 300,000 rubles. To make sure that the stamps comply with accepted standards, you must register on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie website and use the resource for verifying the authenticity of excise stamps.

Each brand is subject to alcohol testing. Responsibility for the authenticity of each stamp rests with the seller. Sales of goods with old-style stamps are punishable by a fine of 40,000 rubles. Illegal alcohol can be returned to the supplier, and the return documents, copies of accompanying documents and a list of counterfeit brands indicating the series, number, displacement, name of the alcohol and manufacturer must be submitted to Rosalkogolregulirovanie.

In case of gross violations of licensing, the practice is to stop the company's work for 90 days with the confiscation of alcohol. A fine is also issued in the range of 150,000 - 200,000 rubles.

Gross violations include, for example, the sale of alcoholic beverages of dubious quality.

If an alcohol declaration is missing or not submitted, the entrepreneur pays a fine of 5,000 - 10,000 rubles, the enterprise - 50,000 - 100,000 rubles. Previously, such a fine was 3,000 - 4,000 rubles and 30,000 - 40,000 rubles, respectively. Now, declarations are submitted every quarter by the 20th day of the month following the reporting period. Failure to comply with the lawful demands of representatives of the state body for the control of alcohol products is punishable by a fine in the range of 5,000 - 8,000 rubles. When the requirements are not met, the entrepreneur pays 6,000 - 12,000 rubles, and the organization - 20,000 - 40,000 rubles.

The process of obtaining a liquor license

A license is issued for products with an ethanol content of 6% or more by the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market, as well as other licensing bodies of local government authorities. To obtain a license, you can turn to intermediaries - non-state licensing companies or certification centers. Such a company must have permission for this range of services. The advantages of intermediaries are the opportunity to get advice on the rules for obtaining an alcohol license.

An applicant for an alcohol license submits an application and a regulated package of documents to Rosalkogolregulirovanie. The procedure for obtaining a license for retail outlets, cafes, bars and restaurants is the same. Retail and public catering have different requirements for premises, and the list of documents differs slightly.

The period for making a decision on licensing is 30 days; if there is a need for a more thorough study of the authenticity of documents and information in them, the licensing process may drag on for another 30 days.

When a license is issued, an order is issued to issue or renew the document.

When submitting documents to the licensing authority, you must pay a state fee. One year of sales of alcohol with an alcohol content of 15% or more will cost 40,000 rubles tax, respectively, a license for 5 years will cost 200,000 rubles. The document can be issued annually or for a period of up to 5 years.

The state fee is also payable when extending the validity of the license and re-registration. If the license is refused, the fee is non-refundable. If you re-submit documents after refusal, you must pay the tax in full again.

For retail outlets, cafes, bars and restaurants, the following documents must be submitted (also applies to all joint stock companies):

  • Charter of LLC, OJSC, CJSC;
  • OGRN and TIN;
  • Evidence of changes (if any were made, all changes are presented);
  • Notification of a separate subdivision (if any);
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for retail);
  • Decision and report on the issue of shares (for JSC);
  • Statistics codes (for cafes, bars and restaurants);
  • Decision (minutes) on the appointment and assumption of office of the General Director;
  • Certificate of the value of the authorized capital (for retail);
  • Payment documents on payment of authorized capital (for JSC);
  • Balance submitted in the last reporting period (for catering);
  • Document confirming payment of state duty;
  • Long-term lease agreement or certificate of ownership;
  • BTI technical passport;
  • KKM registration card (for retail only);
  • Conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (for catering).

If the sale of alcoholic beverages will be carried out in a stationary pavilion, additionally submit:

  • Land lease agreement for the pavilion;
  • Certificate of acceptance into operation of a completed facility;
  • Agreement for the sale or lease of a pavilion.

License renewal process

The application must be submitted 90 days before the expiration date of the permit. The license renewal occurs within the same time frame as the receipt of the document. The fee for 1 year of licensing is 40,000 rubles. Rosalkogolregulirovanie verifies the compliance of documents, equipment and premises with accepted standards. All documents are controlled for authenticity, including the company address indicated in them. To extend the validity period of a permit, submit:

  • Constituent documents for the company;
  • A copy of the current license;
  • Certificate of absence of debts for payment of taxes and fees.

If the re-issuance of an alcohol license is associated with the reorganization of a company through a merger or with the re-registration of its place of registration or name, the fee will be 2 thousand rubles.

License for the production of alcohol

Licensing of manufacturers has its own nuances. Each type of product requires its own type of license:

  1. License for the production, storage and supply of ethyl alcohol and denatured alcohol of own production.
  2. License for the production, storage and supply of home-made alcoholic and alcohol-containing food products.
  3. License for the production, storage and supply of alcohol-containing non-food products.

To obtain a license for the production of alcoholic beverages, the following must be submitted along with the application:

  • Constituent documents and extracts on registration of a legal entity;
  • Document confirming payment of the licensing fee;
  • Conclusions on the compliance of all premises with sanitary, fire, and environmental requirements;
  • A document confirming the accreditation of your own laboratory for the control of alcohol production or a concluded agreement on conducting control with such a laboratory;
  • Copies of certificates of conformity of the main equipment used;
  • A document confirming the value of the authorized capital.

When submitting documents to the licensing authority for the production of alcoholic beverages, a state fee must also be paid. The tax is paid according to the same procedure as for the sale of alcohol. The amount of the duty depends on the type of alcoholic beverages:

  • for wine and similar alcohol - 500,000 rubles;
  • for vodka and cognac - 6 million rubles.

Obtaining a license for wholesale supplies

Obtaining a license for wholesale trade is carried out according to a standard procedure on a general basis. Additionally, the following documents must be submitted:

  • Conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on full compliance of production and warehouse premises with fire safety requirements;
  • Certificate of conformity for the main equipment used for the production and sale of alcoholic beverages and ethyl alcohol;
  • Conclusion of Rosprirodnadzor on compliance of all premises with environmental standards;
  • Document on authorized capital.

Changes in 2019

The most important change of 2019 is considered to be the final transition to online cash registers for all entrepreneurs.

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