Description of the painting by Igor Grabar “March snow. Essay describing Grabar's painting March Snow (description)

March snow

“March Snow” - painting by I.E. Grabar, which depicts a young girl with a rocker against the backdrop of a village landscape. The author created his creation according to all the rules of impressionism.

In the painting, Grabar depicted a spring village landscape. The girl goes for water and carries a rocker with two buckets on her shoulder. “Martok has arrived, put on seven trousers” - this folk proverb very relevant, because in Russia the month of March is quite cool and damp. So the girl in the picture is dressed like a March woman: she’s wearing a quilted jacket, long skirt, and on the head there is a scarf made of warm material.

It's getting dark. The shadows of trees are visible in the snow. The snow is slowly melting. There is a well nearby, to which a path leads. The girl heads to the well to fill the buckets with fresh water.

Village huts are visible. The trees have thrown snow from their branches and are looking forward to the arrival of warm weather. spring days. The earth is still covered with a snow-white blanket and has not yet thought of parting with it. Despite the fact that it is calendar spring, winter is still not going to give up its powers of power. However, the breath of spring can already be felt and the snow layer is gradually giving way under the pressure March sun, whose rays heat more and more.

Looking at the picture, one feels the beauty of nature, as well as peace and tranquility. It is very quiet around, and only the girl’s steps can be heard: she is walking on a melted crust of snow, which crunches under her feet. The painting conveys the beauty and harmony of the rural landscape. The author depicts the life of ordinary village residents of the Russian outback.

The picture evokes only positive emotions in the viewer, since it is painted easily, uncomplicatedly, and sincerely. It is clear that the author loves nature very much and through his talent conveys to the viewer all the charm and beauty rural areas.

The painting “March Snow” was painted in 1904. Today it is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery. The March day depicted by the author against the backdrop of a rural landscape leaves an extremely pleasant impression on the viewer. Looking at Grabar’s work, the viewer seems to feel nature being reborn from hibernation and enjoying the harmony of nature.

Description of the painting March Snow

The author of the painting “March Snow” I. E. Grabar chose for his canvas a simple plot from village life. Familiar rural landscape, complemented wooden houses and a girl with a rocker. Unusual in this canvas artistic style, which creates an expressive, snowy texture. Confident, generous steps of the brush, painting multi-colored shadows and bright highlights, immediately make it clear to the viewer who the main character is here.

March snow surrounded the entire space with its luxurious, bright mood. The cold, winter whiteness has already receded. Timid, spring sun colors a fragile carpet in many expressive shades. A beautiful village woman in bright clothes walks along a dark, melted path. The daily bustle has consumed her, she cannot stop and admire the beautiful March snow.

All landscape elements that make up the plot of the painting are directed beyond the perimeter of the canvas. A small part of a tree is visible in the foreground, the shadows of which create an interesting pattern on the relief snow area. Dark paths lurk behind the scenes. And it seems that the girl is about to leave the picture to leave the viewer alone with this beautiful “March Snow”.

3rd grade. 5th grade.

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// Essay-description based on the painting by I.E. Grabar "March Snow"

March is the first month of spring. It is the most capricious and uncertain, because today the sun may be shining outside the window, but tomorrow the weather will deteriorate and everything around will be gray and cloudy. However, without looking at this, we understand perfectly well that soon the warm season - spring - will take full possession and everything around will forget about the cold and cold for a long time.

Talented artist I.E. Grabar noticed the moment when the ground was still covered with snow everywhere, however, it was no longer so threatening and cold. The snow can easily be called loose and stale. More will pass a little time, and this snow crust will disappear from the face of the earth, saturating the earth with melt water!

A woman is depicted in the center of the painting “March Snow”. She carries buckets of water. I think they are filled to the top, because from the silhouette of the heroine it is clear how heavy and uncomfortable her load is. It seems to me that the girl wants to quickly carry her burden and free herself from the burden. Most likely, her house is located near a water source. Otherwise, making frequent trips to fetch water would be an unbearable ordeal.

I.E. Grabar conveys on his canvas the landscape of a real Russian village. main character dressed in warm and practical things that can warm her even in the most severe frosts. The background depicts small village houses, which are surrounded on all sides by boundless natural spaces. In the foreground of the picture, our attention is drawn to shadows from tree trunks and branches. The artist skillfully plays with light, with the shades depicted in the snow.

Looking at the picture, I would be transported to that clearing, feeling the cool, still frosty air. However, the first warm Sun rays make it clear that spring is just around the corner. And very soon it will change the created landscape, dissolve the snow and awaken life.

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A trip to the “Museum House” Today we will look at a reproduction of a painting by the famous Russian artist Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar “March Snow”, which is currently on display at the State Tretyakov Gallery, like a harbinger of spring. The painting was painted in 1904. Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich. E. Grabar is an outstanding Russian artist and cultural figure, the author of many famous paintings. He was born in 1871 and died in 1960. Grabar lived long life and managed to do a lot for people, bring a lot of joy to people. Questions for students What time of year is shown in the picture? (Spring.) What month? (First days of March.) What mood does the picture convey? (With joy from the onset of warmth, abundance sunlight.) Where is the snow still bright white and untouched? (Where people don’t go.) Where - with big amount traces, darkened by the thaw? (On the road.) Where is the one that has melted and turned red from the earth? (On the paths.) Is it possible, looking at the snow, to come to the conclusion that the sun is shining brightly outside? (Yes, shadows from trees are visible in the foreground; the objects depicted in the picture are lit differently.) Using what technique does the artist help us see this? (Using contrast.) What trees (coniferous or deciduous) does the villager walk past to get water? What age is the villager: is she a young girl or an elderly woman? (She is young, as she is about to fetch two buckets of water, she walks quickly, and she has the figure of a young girl.) What can you say about the village woman’s gait: does she walk slowly, sedately, or quickly, impetuously? (She walks quickly and swiftly.) Do you think the buckets are empty or full? (They are still empty, since the young lady is walking quickly.) Do the pictured buckets help you see that the day is dazzlingly bright and sunny? (Yes, there are bright reflections of the sun on them.) Description of the painting In the painting by I.E. Grabar depicts a March day. This is a rural landscape. In the foreground, a young girl is hurrying to fetch water, carrying a rocker with two buckets on one shoulder. Despite the fact that it is March, winter is in no hurry to give up its position - the girl is dressed quite warmly: a padded jacket, a floor-length skirt, and a scarf on her head. It’s not for nothing that people say that when March comes, you need to put on two trousers. After all, even though it’s getting warmer, especially in the sun, it’s still damp outside. And this is especially felt in the evening. You can tell that it’s getting evening by the blue shadows of the trees on the melting snow. Such a shadow can only be obtained in the red rays of the sunset. The snow has already melted on the paths. The path goes somewhere into the distance, and the girl needs to do more to get fresh water. big way to the well. Several wooden huts are visible. On the right are the trees, they have already thrown off their warm snow caps and are waiting for warmth. Only the earth is in no hurry to throw off the duvet of snow. We see in the picture all this snowy thickness, which will not soon surrender to the rays of the ever-growing March sun. But the snow has already become spongy, with icy lumps melted by the sun on top. But even this aged snow seems to the artist to be something marvelous. Grabar caught that elusive blue of the snow, which can only be seen at a certain time of the day, more precisely, when the day is about to give way to twilight. There is peace on the street, so quiet and calm, and you can only hear the girl stepping, breaking the thin ice crust that has formed on the path. Only this crunch is heard in the silence. The air already smells of spring, and to show this, the picture is painted softly and lightly. The viewer is attracted by the simplicity of the plot, harmony and beauty. rural life. The artist depicted the ordinary everyday life of the village residents. But he saw inimitable beauty in them. Grabar admires the awakening nature, admires the coming spring, trying to show the still hidden power of melt water, which is about to burst into streams into the village landscape.

The painting “March Snow” by the famous Russian artist Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar, which is currently on display at the State Tretyakov Gallery, is like a harbinger of spring. The painting was painted in 1904.

It’s the spring month of March, but in Russia it’s very treacherous: sometimes it will enchant you with warmth, sometimes it will encourage you with frost, and sometimes it will sprinkle you with new snow. And this is especially noticeable in rural areas. So Grabar decided to capture a March day against the backdrop of a rural landscape.

The girl hurries with a rocker and buckets to the source for water. She is dressed warmly: a tightly tied scarf, a sheepskin coat and a long colored skirt. It is clear that this girl is not averse to fashion. After all, young people always gather near the source, and each of them tries to outdo their friends and neighbors, as if at a show.

In the painting March Snow, village outbuildings are visible, but the houses themselves are not visible. This means that the heroine has already moved away from the village and is on her way to the well. It is clear that the sun is already about to set; as a result of such a natural effect in the picture, the author demonstrates such long blue shadows from a tall tree, which we cannot see, on the already thawed blue-gray snow with a pinkish tint.

Bare trunks of trees and bushes are depicted on the sides. They have already shed their beautiful winter snowy outfit and in a couple of weeks swollen buds will appear on them. There is still snow all around, no longer as fluffy and sparkling as in winter, but heavy, swollen with water, and in some places you can even see the ground. Only the path that leads to the well is trodden.

Depicting a sunny spring day in his favorite impressionist style, Grabar uses many light shades. This is especially noticeable in the foreground of the picture. Here the colors are white, yellowish and light pink, and of course all shades from blue to blue.

When you look at the canvas, it seems that everything here breathes calm and tranquility. But we understand that this will not last long, a few more days and the air will be filled with the cries of rooks returning from distant lands and heatedly discussing a place to build a nest.

The canvas fascinates with its simplicity and harmony. It depicts an ordinary everyday spring day in the village of Churilkovo, where Grabar, visiting his friend, often admired nature, admired it, and tried to show its beauty.

The painter “covered” the entire space of the canvas with snow, only adding a genre scene to the picture: a young peasant girl goes to fetch water with a rocker. But in this charming figure moving in space, the artist seems to be specially collecting all the tones that are used in the palette of the work, thereby giving the heroine special significance.

Grabar's painting March Snow was created according to all the canons of impressionism. There is a whole symphony of various color reflections, and bluish shadows on the white-gray snow cover, and a decrease in color intensity from the bottom of the canvas to the top.

The rural, discreet landscape is a portrait of beautiful Russian nature. The artist deeply felt her charm and wonderfully conveyed it in his paintings, which attract with their naturalness and inner charm.

March is quite a fickle month. It gives a little warmth, gives rise to hope that soon there will be no trace of winter left. But the first month of spring cannot ensure the complete expulsion of cold weather. Grabar in his work depicted snow, whose days are already numbered. The author skillfully noted all the details to create the proper atmosphere.

Color of the picture

A woman catches your eye. She carries water on a yoke, making her way along a narrow path. It feels like the buckets are full. They do not sway in different directions, but pull an arc downward. The woman's figure itself is tense. She wants to quickly throw this burden off her shoulders.

The picture skillfully emphasizes the color of the Russian village. You can notice practical and warm clothes on a woman. The young lady is wearing a padded jacket and a long skirt. In the distance you can see small village houses and wide, vast spaces. The path along which the villager moves is narrow, but well trodden. It can be assumed that the woman’s house is very close. It is not easy to live if the water source is located far away. A small number of families agreed to put up with this. Requires large amounts of fluid to maintain household. The nature depicted indicates that the water lies at a shallow depth.

Artist's skill

The grayness of winter days contrasts well with the first warmth of spring. The author has a good command of the play of light. His skill can be seen in the foreground. A large bare tree casts a shadow on the light, causing conflicting feelings. On the one hand, it becomes clear that it is a sunny day outside, but at the same time frost and cold are practically physically felt.

You need to look at the picture holistically. The canvas contains winter coolness and spring atmosphere at the same time. The snow has not yet melted, even though it is March. The first days of spring awaken special feelings in us. At this time, you want to enjoy life. The air is permeated with special freshness, and the sun gently envelops everything around.

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