Online tarot prediction for the near future. Tarot fortune telling for the future

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Fortune telling and Tarot spreads for the future

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Tarot fortune telling on the situation, question

Tarot fortune telling“Pentagram” is intended for analyzing a confusing situation and clarifying hidden influences and circumstances causing doubts and uncertainty. This layout will help you see that influences a situation from the past, what are the hidden factors of the situation in the present, what surprises may soon arise and where events will lead you. With the help of this online fortune-telling about the situation, you will be able to understand the current situation and take control of what is happening.

Layouts on tarot cards for the near future describe what can happen to a person within one month, if a specific period of time is not specified. Fortune telling can be carried out either using the entire deck of 78 cards, or using any Arcana of the deck.

Predictions for the near future include the following options for fortune telling:

  • - “Wind of Change” for 5 cards, for 8 cards, for 11 cards.
  • - fortune telling for the future on 4 and 5 cards.
  • - prediction on 9 cards.
  • - layout for the future on 6 cards, with a specific period of time established.
  • - “Serenity of days.”
  • - fortune telling for the future “3 months”.

Below we will look at diagrams and interpretations of card positions.

"Wind of Change" layout

Option 1 – for 5 cards. Scheme:

1 – description of the present, the situation that has developed at the moment or in a given period of time.

  • 2 – describes the area (or areas) of life in which changes may occur. The position may show that a calm future awaits you without major changes.
  • 3 – a description of the changes and how they may affect your future and your life in general in general terms.
  • 4 – actions that are necessary, what to do and what to do if the changes suit you and you are ready for such changes. If you are not ready or you do not like the changes, then you should not do what is described in this paragraph.
  • 5 – what the changes will lead to if you do as described in position 4.

If changes in position 4 are not to your liking, then you can pull out an additional card, which will be the answer to the question of how everything will turn out if you do nothing or act differently - this additional card will be the sixth.

Option 2. For 8 cards

1 – what needs to happen, the general nature of the changes and the mood of the future.

2 – reasons why changes will take place.

3 – the role assigned to the world around you and the people around you, how they influence change and how they participate in it.

4 – what will be the benefit of the changes, or a neutral position from the changes.

5 – dangers that may await you, warnings. There may also be advice on what to do to avoid or work around these dangers. In this position, the card can show moments that you have not worked through and they come back.

6 – something that will become a thing of the past. Perhaps you should give up this voluntarily, otherwise leaving may be painful, or create a new problem without leading to the resolution of the old one.

7 – the answer to the question: “Why should you be careful?” This position is a warning, please pay attention to this.

After interpreting the layout, it is worth analyzing the number of cards drawn by suit and Arcana; those cards that have fallen more will determine the character of your future in the near future. If the Arcana and suits come up equally, and there is no significant advantage, then your future will be balanced. It is also worth considering those cards that fell in an inverted position, this means that you have lost sight of something.

Option 3. Fortune telling with 11 cards

1 – your present, how your life works and what is happening in it on the day of fortune telling. It also describes your emotional state.

2 – events that should happen in the near future. These may be events that you expect, or they may be something unplanned and unknown to you until this moment.

3 – moments from the present that will become a thing of the past, or it will be necessary to part with it.

4 – pay attention to this. The position encourages you to focus your attention on this point; perhaps this information may be useful to you further.

5 – emotional state in the future, how it will change relative to the present moment.

6 – what the future will present to you are unique gifts and chances that you can take advantage of free of charge. The main thing is to correctly recognize what is being sent to you.

7 – changes that may occur and your attitude towards them.

8 – fate can present you with unique trials, this card suggests what it might be.

9 – your attitude to the information received.

10 – this should be given special attention.

11 - advice from cards on what to do with the information received, what actions to take, and whether it is worth letting the events awaiting you into your life.

Tarot fortune telling with 5 cards

Arcana are laid out as follows:

1 – a description of your health and how it may change, what you should pay attention to and precautions regarding your condition.

2 – the financial side of your life, what you should expect and what you can count on.

3 – personal life – relationships with a partner, relationships and the general state of the family.

4 – career, study – characteristics of your professional activity and what is happening there at the moment, what you should expect.

5 – description of the general future for your life. Advice if there are unresolved issues.

Layout for the near future, consisting of 4 cards

Here is his diagram:

1 – description of the past and how it can influence your present. Your life before the day of fortune telling is described here, sometimes events or mentions of situations that happened recently may be shown - this means that tarot cards focus your attention on these events, they are the ones that do not allow you to move on and live in peace. Therefore, you either need to let go of the past, or work through it in more detail.

2 – the current state of affairs, what is happening in your life, a true reflection of the situation.

3 – intermediate future, how everything can work out if you listen to the card.

4 – near future, what to expect in your life. Here advice can also be given on whether to do as the cards say. The future of your actions can also be described if you accepted and worked out the layout in the version in which it came out.

“Near Future” layout, consisting of 9 cards

Arcana are selected from the deck according to the following scheme:

1 – your recent past, something worth paying attention to; perhaps there are still unexplored moments.

2 – the present, true state of affairs.

3 – near future – the answer to the question posed.

4 – proposed actions to achieve the predicted future, your behavior and attitude towards the information received.

5 – your relationship with the outside world and people.

6 – influence on you, what or who influences.

7 – distant future.

8 – your potential, what can be developed or the strengths and opportunities that can be used.

9 – summing up – how your life will turn out if you follow the schedule, what will come of it.

6 card spread

In this prediction, it is necessary to set a period of time before it, that is, limit the scope of the future - from one week to one and a half months. Thus, the layout will be able to describe in more detail what awaits you and what you should prepare for.

Before the start of fortune telling, a blank sheet is taken, the period for which the prediction is made is written down on it, a diagram of the layout is drawn below and the card drawn is written down opposite each position. This method of divination can be repeated only after the specified period has passed. Either on the last day of the schedule, or the next.

Also on the last day, you can pull out a final card that will explain what you have achieved or what your actions have led to during the allotted period.

The layout will need six cards, the layout is as follows:

1 – characteristics of your future, what mood it is set for, your state and attitude to what is happening.

2 – what the future is ready to present to you is a kind of positive moments and gifts that you can expect.

3 - losses, what you will have to face and what to part with - these are unpleasant moments of the future, its negative component.

4 – your goals are what you should work on in a given period of time.

5 – trials, what you will have to go through to achieve your goals or improve your life. It could also be a life lesson or experience that you are about to learn.

6 – the motto of a given period of time. This is a kind of advice from cards on what you should do. It is worth paying attention to the key meanings of the drawn card; it is these meanings that characterize the motto and your mood for the allotted time.

Serenity of Days spread, consisting of 7 cards

This alignment helps you understand your life, find out what energies influence your life, and how to deal with it in order to direct your life in the direction you need.

Prediction helps you learn the lessons that life teaches you, helps you understand yourself and leave unnecessary baggage in the past, and you will also get a hint on what you should leave behind and what you need to work on.

1 – characteristic of the present time, the energy with which your past influences the future and flows from one state to another.

2 – something that needs to be left in the past.

3 – the lessons that life teaches you, the acquisition of life experience.

4 – what you need to leave and take with you into the future.

5 – opportunities provided by fate, they should not be missed, otherwise you may receive missed opportunities or benefits.

6 - trials, tests of strength, difficulties - all the obstacles and obstacles that await you on your path.

7 – what you need to think about during the action of the layout, these points should not be overlooked, otherwise you can get stabbed in the back.

Schedule for the future “3 months”

There are 14 cards involved in the layout. The countdown for three months begins from the moment of fortune telling. For example, if fortune telling is done on June 15, then the time period will look like this: from June 15 to September 15.

1 – important events for you that can happen, without assigning a gradation of good or bad.

2 – points worth paying attention to. This card can give advice or help solve an existing problem.

3 – negative component of life in the first month. What bad things can happen.

4 – a positive component of life in the first month. Positive moments, your chances and opportunities.

5 – all kinds of interference. Here both events and situations can be described, as well as the involvement of specific people in your difficulties.

6 – help that can come, as well as where it can come from.

When interpreting the layout, it is important to pay attention to positions 5 and 6, since the appearance of the Major Arcana indicates the presence of serious interference and help from above, and figured cards such as the King or Queen may indicate a specific man or woman.

7 – what bad things can happen in the second month.

8 – what good things can happen in the second month.

9 – you need to understand yourself and understand how you can interfere with yourself.

10 – how you can help yourself, and what actions are necessary for this.

11 – negative component of the third month.

12 – positive aspects of the third month.

13 – something that can upset your plans. Help in finding flaws in actions.

14 is something that can help you realize your ideas.

Positions that describe a negative or positive component will not necessarily talk about bad or good if there really is none. These positions simply warn and draw your attention to those aspects of life that require additional attention and elaboration.

When there is no real danger or threat, you can begin to resolve issues that have been put off, and during this period of time you can prepare additional protection, both for yourself and for your plans.

It is better to record the results of any layouts for the future with a date stamp when the layout was made. Such actions will help you track the trend of changes in your life and help you better understand what the cards want to tell you.

Who among us does not dream of being able to predict future events in order to live our lives according to the best scenario, avoiding misfires and mistakes? But, unfortunately, not everyone has developed psychic abilities, so you have to turn to various mantic instruments for help, of which Tarot cards are in first place in popularity.

In this Tarot reading you can look online into the near future and get advice in different aspects of life.

Online fortune telling rules:
Stay alone and try not to think about anything for 2-3 minutes. You need to focus on your subconscious. When you are ready, draw 7 cards from the deck.

Select the first card:

Tell your fortune again

Tell your fortune again

The fortune telling ritual can be repeated after 5-10 minutes.

Before you begin the fortune telling itself, you need to note some points that are important to adhere to in order to effectively interact with the Tarot deck.

Tarot cards are a special system in which specific individuals, the qualities of these individuals, as well as events are combined into one whole. This means that the same card can hide information about many aspects of life at once. Perhaps this is one of the main reasons why fortune telling with Tarot cards is so popular among experienced fortune tellers.

You can spend a whole day deciphering the meaning of just a few pictures. But thanks to such detail, it becomes possible to reveal various aspects of human life, predict its further development, as well as obtain other valuable information.

But, of course, it is not without difficulties. The main one is that in order to get the most detailed answer to your question, you need to have a very good understanding of the meaning of the arcana, as well as their mutual combination. A lot of specialized literature is devoted to this topic.

A novice practitioner must understand that fortune telling with Tarot cards is a very serious art, which will require thoughtful preparation, perseverance, developed imagination and considerable hard work.

Now you can proceed directly to performing fortune telling.

Methods of fortune telling with Tarot cards

As mentioned above, Tarot cards are very multifaceted; they include as much information as you can imagine. There are many methods of fortune telling using the Tarot deck.

For example, fortune telling with three Tarot cards for the near future, fortune telling with seven cards, ten or more are quite popular. These are the most well-known variants of layouts, but each tarot reader has his own way of communicating with the deck and, as a rule, with practice, his own, original layouts appear.

In any case, to work with cards you need to have well-developed intuition in order not only to use other people’s experience, but also to “feel” them yourself, to understand what they want to tell you.

Fortune telling "Pyramid"

It is carried out on ten cards.

The layout begins at the top, where the first card is placed, and then two more cards are laid out from left to right, at the next level - three, and even lower - four. The Pyramid fortune telling diagram is shown in the figure below.

In this case, the interpretation of the arcana will be as follows:

  • 1st card – reveals all the features of the situation;
  • 2nd card – tells about possible development options;
  • The 3rd card is advice on what should be given special attention;
  • cards 4 to 6 are an overview of the factors influencing the situation;
  • cards 7 to 8 – a recommendation on how you need to act;
  • cards 9 to 10 indicate what you should be wary of.

Fortune telling "Heart"

This alignment will shed light on your relationship with your loved one. It involves ten cards with the following meaning:

  • 1st card – what qualities and character traits of yours will attract your soulmate;
  • 2nd card - what will attract you to your future spouse;
  • 3rd card – important aspects of relationships;
  • 4th card - how the beloved will behave;
  • 5th card – under what circumstances will you meet;
  • 6th card – what your loved one can give you;
  • 7th card – what you can give to your soul mate;
  • 8th card – tells about third-party influences;
  • The 9th card is the further development of relationships.

Fortune telling for the near future using Tarot

By resorting to it, you will receive an accurate prediction affecting different areas of life. This is a more complex version of the layout, it is more suitable for people with experience in working with Tarot cards.

You need to shuffle the deck of cards, select 17 arcana and arrange them according to the diagram in the figure.

Then you can turn to the interpretation:

  • S (significator) is the personification of the personality of the person asking;
  • 1st card – also characterizes the fortuneteller;
  • 2nd card – overview of material (financial) situations;
  • 3rd card - will shed light on the person’s immediate environment;
  • 4th card - describes the parents and family of the fortuneteller;
  • 5th card - provides an overview of the sphere of entertainment and pleasure;
  • 6th card – possible pathologies;
  • 7th card - how the enemies of the questioner can manifest themselves;
  • 8th card – talks about global changes in life;
  • 9th card – travel;
  • 10th card – overview of the business sphere of life;
  • 11th card – features of relationships with friends and colleagues;
  • 12th card - tells about probable troubles of the future;
  • 13th card – does a person’s past influence the present;
  • 14th card – will the present affect future events;
  • 15th card – speaks of situations from which you cannot protect yourself;
  • 16th card - what you will achieve in the end.

Pregnancy fortune telling

Representatives of the fair sex who are preparing for motherhood, instead of a traditional pregnancy test, can use a special layout on Tarot cards, which will help determine whether pregnancy has occurred. This layout will also tell you about the difficulties related to bearing a baby, provide information about future births, and so on.

First, the main card is selected - the significator (denoted as S). When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the personality characteristics of the person asking:

  • for a woman with blond hair, the suit of cups or pentacles is suitable;
  • and for a dark-haired girl, the suit of wands and swords is used.

And then they move on to their interpretation:

  • 1st card - will tell you about the woman’s well-being at the present moment;
  • 2nd card - will answer the question: “Did conception happen or not?” Cards that indicate that a woman is pregnant include the Jester, Ace of Pentacles, Ace of Cups, Empress, Sun, 10 of Cups and 8 of Staves;
  • 3rd card - sheds light on possible problems with conception or the initial stage of pregnancy (indicates the threat of miscarriage, etc.);
  • 4th card – characterizes the state of health of the baby during pregnancy;
  • 5th card – will tell you about the well-being of the expectant mother over the course of 9 months;
  • 6th card – describes how the birth will take place;
  • The 7th card will tell you about the state of health of the baby when he is born.

Health fortune telling

This arrangement is resorted to in cases where there is a suspicion of the presence of certain pathologies. It will help you understand the cause of negative health, and also tell you how to recover.

You need to take a deck of cards, hold it in your hands for a while so that the cards are filled with your energy, and then mix it. Arrange the arcana as shown in the following figure.

  • 1st card – will tell you what state of health you are in today;
  • 2nd card – will describe your problem in detail;
  • 3rd card - what could cause the pathology;
  • 4th card – which system of the body needs to be given increased attention;
  • 5th card – hidden facts related to the disease;
  • 6th card – what supports your health today;
  • 7th card – the condition of which organs you need to improve;
  • 8th and 9th cards - thanks to which your health status stabilizes;
  • 10th card - which will contribute to complete healing.

Watch also an interesting thematic video clip

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Almost everyone wants to know what awaits us in the near future.

Tarot reading for the future can help with this! There are multiple layouts that predict future events, and we have selected the most interesting of them for you.

“Celtic Cross” - a popular Tarot spread

- a very unusual way of fortune telling using Tarot cards for the future. This layout came to us from ancient times, and today it is used by tarot readers around the world. The reason for its popularity is its special depth, which allows one to find out from the cards not only what events await the fortuneteller, but also the reasons, hopes, fears and prospects of the situation.

The layout uses a whole deck. The cards are laid out according to the following pattern:

What meanings do the layout cards carry?

  1. In this Tarot layout for the future, the first card describes the situation in which the person performing the fortune-telling or the one for whom the fortune-telling is currently located.
  2. The second shows what will happen in the very near future.
  3. Three is advice from the deck about what a person should do best to resolve the situation favorably.
  4. Card number 4 symbolizes the past.
  5. Five is the recent past, i.e. those events that are still fresh in the memory of the fortuneteller.
  6. Six will show what will happen in a person’s life in the next six months.
  7. The number 7 is what is most important to the fortuneteller at the moment.
  8. The Eight will reveal the secrets of a person’s relationship with people close to him.
  9. Nine will answer questions about what hopes and fears the person for whom the alignment is being made has.
  10. Card number 10 will tell you about the prospects and sum up the overall result.

What the future will bring - fortune telling with a full deck

If you want to make layouts for the future using Tarot cards that are more specific and simple, we recommend trying this fortune telling. The name of the layout was not chosen by chance, since using it you can not only predict the general events awaiting you, but also specify the areas of life in which changes will occur.

For fortune telling, it is better to take a full deck. The cards are laid out according to the figure below.

The meanings of the layout cards

  1. The unit will tell you what will happen to your health in the near future.
  2. Two will predict future changes in the field of finance.
  3. The third card will show everything that happens in the personal life of the fortuneteller.
  4. Four will give predictions about career and work.
  5. The most important card is the fifth. In general, it will answer the question of what will please (or, on the contrary, disappoint) you in the coming year.

Monthly Tarot spread

This layout is often used in online Tarot fortune telling for the future. Surprisingly, many say that his result is almost always correct, although other methods of fortune telling most often hit the mark only when using a real deck. The “Monthly Forecast” layout will tell you about the events that will happen in the next 30 days.

For fortune telling, you can use only the Major Arcana, or the entire deck if desired. The Major Arcana are more specific and straightforward, but the remaining cards will help you sort out the little things. The layout is carried out according to the drawing.

What do the numbers tell you?

  1. Number 1 will reveal the answer to the question of what to expect in general in the coming month.
  2. A deuce, on the contrary, will tell you what you shouldn’t expect.
  3. The third card will predict an unexpected event that will happen within these 30 days.
  4. The number four will tell you what will remain with you after the month has passed.
  5. Five will tell you that after these 30 days it will disappear from your life forever.

“Seven days” - layout for the near future

“Seven Days” is a Tarot reading for the near future. It is recommended to do it for those who are more concerned not about what will happen in a month, six months or a year, but in the coming days. Fortune telling in this way is recommended on Sunday. The cards must be laid out as shown in the picture.


  1. The letter S is a significator. It can be chosen in the traditional way, depending on the appearance or character of the person for whom fortune-telling is being done, or you can draw a random card from the deck. It will show the current situation that worries the questioner.
  2. Cards one through seven correspond to the days of the week in order (Monday, Tuesday, etc.). Each of them will tell about what will happen on a specific day.

General remarks

When performing any fortune-telling for the future, always remember that the magic deck only talks about predicted events that directly depend on your personal current situation. You can independently adjust your future and change the prediction if you realize what needs to be worked on.

Tarot fortune telling for the future should not be taken as the truth in a higher authority. Remember that the deck is just a faithful advisor, showing the possible direction of your life, and each person builds personal happiness on his own.


Tarot diagnostic spread for the near future “7 bodies”

There are times when you are asked to tell something. Or make a Tarot reading for the near future. In these cases, the “7 bodies” alignment will help you. It is a universal layout and is suitable, among other things, for situations when you need to give a general description of what is happening to a person as a whole, when this person does not have specific requests. This alignment is also an excellent way to diagnose your current life situation and look into the near future. This alignment is focused mainly on the inner life of a person, which, as we know, subsequently manifests itself in external life.

About the timing. Or a schedule for the near future

On average, a Tarot layout for the near future is relevant for a period of 3-4 weeks. But time is a subjective concept. Therefore, for some, the events reflected in this scenario will happen faster, for example in two weeks. And for some, this alignment will be relevant for a month and a half. This is due to the fact that some people are more active and intense in life, including the fact that their internal processes go faster. Others are more sedate and lead a measured lifestyle. There are no strict deadlines, so if you do this alignment for yourself, as a diagnostic, then you should feel when the time comes to make a new alignment, and the predictions from the previous alignment will already be lived out.

How to do the “7 bodies” layout

On the major arcana + blank (white card), which will symbolize newness and renewal. Straight and inverted cards are involved. This alignment will describe the global life situation happening to a person. It is not forbidden to experiment with a full deck. You need to get seven cards. The first card you take out of the deck will go into the first body, the second into the second, etc. sequentially. The first card will be the bottom, the seventh will be the top.

Tarot layout for the near future

Layout diagram for the near future “7 bodies”

The Tarot layout for the near future is very simple and the layout will not cause problems even for beginners in tarot.

1 body. Physical

Describes a current situation or condition. What is happening here and now, as well as events in the very near future - approximately one, two or three days in advance. Here we will see what processes a person is currently facing. If in the upper bodies, inverted lassos are amenable to conscious adjustment, because These events have not yet occurred in a person’s life, then the direct or inverted position of the lasso in the “Physical Body” is unchanged, this is already a given with which a person is dealing.

2 body. Essential

Describes the amount of vital energy and/or sex life of a person. This body will tell you how energetic and satisfied with life a person feels. Or vice versa.

3 body. Emotional

Describes the emotions that a person is currently experiencing.

There is a strong connection with the 4th and 3rd body. Emotions depend on what a person thinks.

4 body. Mental

Describes what is currently happening in a person’s mental life. What is he thinking about, what is his picture of the world, how does he assess the situation. Often a person associates himself with his thoughts, so it is worth paying the closest attention to the 4th body.

If a body is “affected” by a negative card, it is important to pay attention to which of these positions is a resource and which to trust more.

5 body. Causal

It is the body of causes. In a practical way, it describes the events of the near future and the circumstances that will develop with a person. On average, the energy of this card will come as a future event into a person’s life in 1-3 weeks. But we should not forget that the concept of time is conditional.

6 body. Budhial

Or the body of life values. Describes the internal values ​​that guide a person. However, it should be remembered that not all people are so aware that they understand what motivates them at the moment.

7 body. Atamanic

Describes the so-called “the highest meaning” and what the whole situation that is happening in a person’s life is now globally about. The first thing you should pay attention to is the card in this position.

Video - Tarot layout for the near future

A video with examples will give you a complete understanding of the Tarot layout for the near future

One of the most accurate Tarot readings for the near future was performed for a 25-year-old woman. Let's call her Maria.

1 body – Last Judgment

The girl from the example had recently recovered from an illness; at the time of the situation she felt, if not quite cheerful, then there was clearly a tendency towards recovery and gaining vitality. However, higher up, in the third body, lay the Devil card, which could indicate that after some time, after a short period of influx of strength, her physical condition may worsen (see notes).

2nd body – Wheel of Fortune

The level of vitality is normal, the girl does not suffer from loss of strength, there is internal motivation for action, despite the fact that physically the heroine did not yet feel completely healthy.

3 body – Devil

The devil in the emotional body did not bode well. The man was experiencing a difficult emotional situation that had emerged a few days ago—problems at work and in personal relationships.

4 body – Lovers

Thoughts were “lighter” than emotions, but they also reflected the problems of the choice that a person has to make (regarding work and relationships). In this case, given the connection between emotions and thoughts, the recommendation would be to turn to common sense, see all the pros and cons of a person or the current situation at work and resolve the issues “out of love.” Seeing the top cards, which reflect objective reality and events of the near future, one could assume that everything would end quite well for our heroine, she would learn the right lessons from this story and this situation would be educational for her.

5th body – High Priest

The Hierophant says that in the near future, in addition to the lessons that a person can learn from the situation that is currently developing, a period of training (or teaching) awaits him, which in our situation turned out to be more than true, because our heroine was going to devote the near future to deepening her studies.

6th body – World

A person strives for harmony, joy, peace. This internal drive to pay attention to may be a resource state. These internal values ​​do not contradict common sense and do not require your adjustment. But, for example, if the Hanged Man were here, then the client’s attention should be drawn to the fact that he, most likely, unconsciously chooses the role of the victim for himself.

7th body – Hermit

Although the Hermit is not a negative card, it can be interpreted as a period of loneliness, which many understand negatively. Although our heroine felt a certain alienation and abandonment, she understood that this period was a search for answers to questions that interested her, which she could only find in the depths of her soul. And also the seventh card can be read together with the fifth and sixth cards. Globally, this situation is about finding peace in your soul (Peace in the 6th position) and learning lessons (The Pope in the 5th), but this requires a period of self-deepening (The Hermit).


  • The descriptions of the bodies are somewhat simplified so as not to complicate the understanding of the principles of the tarot layout for the near future.
  • In this example, an “error” occurred; before the start of the layout, when shuffling the deck, the arcana were not turned over, and this was discovered already when all 7 cards were laid out on the table. If such mistakes happen, do not shift them, leave everything as it is, remember that accidents are not accidental.
  • In the layout, the cards, like streams of energy passing through the human body, descend from top to bottom - from the seventh body to the first. For example, the card that was in the second body will soon move into the first body and manifest itself on the physical level. The map from the third body will descend to the second, etc. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to cards that lie above the card to which your attention is directed.
  • 5, 6, 7 bodies are not always realized by a person. You may encounter the fact that when you describe a situation about the first four bodies to a client, he understands what you are talking about, but not everyone has enough awareness to understand the processes occurring in the higher bodies.
  • Cards in positions 5, 6, 7 can be read in one block. Focusing on the 7th card.
  • Pay attention to the balance of “bad” and “good” cards. The good ones in this case will be a resource from which you can take strength and energy to overcome obstacles.

How else to use this layout

Tarot spread for the near future - universal

I repeat, the alignment for the near future is universal; it can be used as a forecast if you are interested in some kind of life situation. In this case, it is advisable to do it on a full deck. For example, you can ask questions:

  • “How favorable is it to get a job as a tarot reader at Enterprise 666 LLC?”
  • “How favorable is it for Timur to marry Isolde?”
  • “How will my vacation in the village of Zmeedovo turn out?”

In these cases, the positions of the layout will mean approximately the following

  • 1 body. How will a person physically feel in this situation?
  • 2 body. How will a person feel energetically, will he have enough energy?
  • 3 body. How will you feel emotionally?
  • 4 body. What thoughts will come to you most often?
  • 5 body. What events will happen most often?
  • 6 body. What life values ​​will a person have in this situation?
  • 7 body. What is this situation about globally?
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