Online exam in literature. Online exam test in literature

On the fourth day, straight from the state farm, loaded with bread, I turned up to the teahouse. My boy is sitting there on the porch, chattering with his little legs and, apparently, hungry. I leaned out the window and shouted to him: “Hey, Vanyushka! Get in the car quickly, I’ll take you to the elevator, and from there we’ll come back here and have lunch.” He flinched at my shout, jumped off the porch, climbed onto the step and quietly said: “How do you know, uncle, that my name is Vanya?” And he opened his eyes wide, waiting for me to answer him. Well, I tell him that I am an experienced person and know everything.

He came in from the right side, I opened the door, sat him next to me, and off we went. Such a smart guy, but suddenly he became quiet for something, lost in thought, and no, no, and looked at me from under his long, upward-curved eyelashes, and sighed. Such a small bird, but has already learned to sigh. Is it his business? I ask: “Where is your father, Vanya?” Whispers: “He died at the front.” - “And mom?” - “Mom was killed by a bomb on the train while we were traveling.” - “Where were you coming from?” - “I don’t know, I don’t remember...” - “And you don’t have anyone relatives here?” - “Nobody.” - “Where are you spending the night?” - “Where you have to.”

A burning tear began to boil inside me, and I immediately decided: “We mustn’t disappear separately! I’ll take him as my child.” And immediately my soul felt light and somehow light. I leaned towards him and quietly asked: “Vanyushka, do you know who I am?” He asked as he exhaled: “Who?” I tell him just as quietly: “I am your father.”

My God, what happened here! He rushed to my neck, kissed me on the cheeks, on the lips, on the forehead, and he, like a waxwing, screamed so loudly and thinly that even in the booth it was muffled: “Dear folder! I knew! I knew you would find me! You'll find it anyway! I’ve been waiting so long for you to find me!” He pressed himself close to me and trembled all over, like a blade of grass in the wind. And there’s a fog in my eyes, and I’m also trembling all over, and my hands are shaking... How I didn’t lose the steering wheel then, you can wonder! But he still accidentally slid into a ditch and turned off the engine. Until the fog in my eyes passed, I was afraid to drive, lest I run into someone. I stood like that for about five minutes, and my son kept huddling closer to me with all his might, silent, shuddering. I hugged him with my right hand, slowly pressed him to me, and with my left I turned the car around and drove back to my apartment. What kind of elevator is there for me, then I had no time for the elevator.

I left the car near the gate, took my new son in my arms, and carried him into the house. And he wrapped his arms around my neck and didn’t tear himself away all the way. He pressed his cheek against my unshaven cheek, as if stuck. So I brought it in. The owner and hostess were exactly at home. I walked in, blinked both my eyes, and said cheerfully: “So I found my Vanyushka! Welcome us, good people! They, both of whom were childless, immediately realized what was going on, they started fussing and running around. But I can’t tear my son away from me. But somehow I persuaded him. I washed his hands with soap and sat him down at the table. The hostess poured cabbage soup into his plate, and when she saw how greedily he was eating, she burst into tears. He stands by the stove, crying into his apron. My Vanya saw that she was crying, ran up to her, tugged at her hem and said: “Auntie, why are you crying? Dad found me near the tea shop, everyone here should be happy, but you’re crying.” And that one - God forbid, it spills even more, it’s literally all wet!

After lunch, I took him to the hairdresser, cut his hair, and at home I bathed him in a trough and wrapped him in a clean sheet. He hugged me and fell asleep in my arms.

M.A. Sholokhov, “The Fate of Man.”

The main goal of the Unified State Examination in literature is to identify basic and highly specialized knowledge during the period of studying world and Russian literature.

It is possible to complete test tasks with multiple answer options and write an essay, most often on moral and ethical topics.

Distribution of tasks by parts of the 2019 Unified State Examination in Literature, indicating the primary scores below in the infographic.

Maximum points - 42 (100%)

Total exam time - 235 minutes


Part 1

12 tasks B1–B12
(With a short answer)


Part 2

4 tasks С1–С4
(Detailed response)

Changes in the Unified State Exam KIM 2019 compared to 2018

  1. The requirements for completing tasks 9 and 16 have been clarified (the requirement to justify the choice of an example for comparison has been cancelled).
  2. The fourth topic of the essay has been introduced (17.4).
  3. The criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer (8, 9, 15, 16, 17) have been completely redesigned.
  4. The maximum score for the entire work has been increased from 42 to 57 points.

All this takes 235 minutes, which is enough if you know the subject.

To be fair, it is worth noting that anyone can pass the Unified State Examination in literature with a fairly high score. The main thing is to know the theory of the subject and understand the works of Russian literature. The website will help you understand all the basics of the discipline and feel confident at the Unified State Exam in Literature.

The portal presents different options for tasks. All of them are structured exactly in the way that awaits you during the exam process. Just practice and study every unclear question you encounter in the online Unified State Exam in Literature, and success is guaranteed.

Textbooks for grades 9-11 will come to the rescue. They can be downloaded directly from the site without any problems.

Students to take exams at the end of school. Now only about 5% of graduates pass it. This happens because literature is needed for admission to not the most popular specialties: philologist, linguist and teacher of Russian and literature.

Before the introduction of the Unified State Exam, literature was required to be taken at the end of school in the form of an essay, and the grade was given in two subjects at once: literature - for the quality of the text and disclosure of the main idea, one’s opinion and knowledge of the opinions of critics, and in the Russian language - for the absence of errors.

Read the general information about the exam and start preparing. Compared to last year, the version of the KIM Unified State Exam 2019 has changed. Now in task 17 you have to choose one essay topic out of four (previously out of three). The maximum primary score for the entire test was greatly increased - from 42 to 57. The remaining changes are not very serious, you can familiarize yourself with them.

Unified State Examination

Last year, to pass the Unified State Exam in Literature with at least a C, it was enough to score 32 primary points. They were given, for example, for correctly completed tasks No. 1-7, 10 and 11.

It is not yet known exactly what will happen in 2019: we need to wait for the official order from Rosobrnadzor on the correspondence of the primary and test scores. Most likely it will appear in December. Considering that the maximum primary score has increased significantly, it is very likely that the minimum score may also change. Let's focus on these tables for now:

Structure of the Unified State Exam test

In 2019, the Unified State Examination test in literature consists of two parts, including 17 tasks.

  • Part 1: Consists of two sets of tasks. The first refers to a fragment of an epic, or lyro-epic, or dramatic work: it includes seven tasks (1–7) with a short answer and two tasks (8, 9) with a detailed answer in the amount of 5–10 sentences. The second relates to the analysis of a lyrical work: it includes five tasks (10–14) with a short answer and two tasks (15, 16) with a detailed answer of 5–10 sentences.
  • Part 2: 4 essay topics (17.1–17.4), from which you need to choose ONE and write a text of 200 words or more.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

  • Take the Unified State Exam tests online for free without registration or SMS. The tests presented are identical in complexity and structure to the actual exams conducted in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the Unified State Examination in literature, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and pass it easier. All proposed tests have been developed and approved for preparation for the Unified State Exam by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). All official versions of the Unified State Exam are developed in the same FIPI.
    The tasks that you will see most likely will not appear on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones, on the same topic or simply with different numbers.

General Unified State Examination figures

Year Minimum Unified State Examination score Average score Number of participants Failed, % Qty
100 points
Exam length, min.
2009 30
2010 29 57,59 54 313 5 422 240
2011 32 57,15 39 317 5 355 240
2012 32 56,3 46 030 4,8 324 240
2013 32 58,4 44 420 5,6 457 240
2014 32 53,6 235
2015 40 56,9 235
2016 32 235
2017 32 235

Hello, dear visitor to our site. You are on a page that contains links leading to preparation materials for Unified State Exam in Literature online. What should I do if I have just decided that I will take the Unified State Exam in literature? Where do I begin? To do this, we have written to you the main stages of preparation for the Unified State Exam in Literature, the main stages - in emergency cases, when there is not much time left before the exam, and if you still have enough time, then we offer you a detailed preparation plan throughout the academic year.

What we offer for you:

3. (biographies of writers to prepare for the Unified State Exam in literature are simply necessary, since in the tasks of Part C, where an analysis of a literary work is required, it is often necessary to use facts from the biography of a particular writer in order to reveal the topic and idea as deeply as possible)

4. Unified State Exam tests in literature online (we also provide you with a unique opportunity to solve a large number of online tests directly on the site, all this is free. Detailed statistics are kept for registered users, so we ask you to register quickly. In case of disputes and questions, you can quickly resolve any issue .).

5. C5 essays are excellent. In order not to confuse you with our essays on literature, they are undoubtedly good, but we have selected for you C5 essays written directly according to the criteria. Submitted essays are awarded the maximum number of points!

6. Analysis of essays C5 with commentary by the examiner, detailed analysis of works taken from Unified State Exam on literature. The actions of the examiner are described, in what order the work is checked and what attention is paid to, how points are assigned according to the criteria.

7. Library (which includes all the necessary works with brief comments directly about the work, characters, topics covered and other useful information)

8. Quotes from books (why are they? It’s simple; there is often not enough time to read a work again, so by reading a selection of quotes for a work, you can close some of your gaps in this or that work. But we We still recommend that you read all the works in full.)

9. Part C and B tasks, which are divided by author.

10. We are always happy to cooperate. If you want to exchange links, write here [email protected]

11. Books for preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature ( Buy on

All materials were published with only one purpose: to help graduates pass the Unified State Exam in Literature as best as possible, and maybe even with 100 points. We are giving you this opportunity, and we really hope that you will take full advantage of this opportunity. So, don’t waste time, get ready now.

We are human, so we tend to make mistakes, and we are no exception in this regard. We ask you, dear friends, to report any errors you notice to us as soon as possible.

Take the Unified State Exam in Literature online tests with scores, demo version of the Unified State Exam in Literature with answers, Unified State Exam assignments in Literature

The Unified State Exam in literature is one of the most controversial subjects in the Unified State Exam format. Many experts are in favor of abandoning the test format for testing knowledge in literature. Due to the specifics of the subject, the weight of the Unified State Exam is shifted more to the last part of the Unified State Exam, which is an essay. But still, the first parts of the Unified State Exam are test questions and you need to prepare for them. It is the Unified State Examination in literature that causes the greatest dissonance among schoolchildren. When reading the book, you are left with a general impression and some passages of text and quotes. But the authors’ opinion about the importance of a particular fragment may not correspond to the student’s inner world. Thus, the authors of the Unified State Exam create questions that test the memory of a certain fragment that may not have been recalled by the student. Books evoke different emotions in readers over the years. What is important to a professor might not have any impact on a student. For these reasons, it is quite difficult for students to prepare for the Unified State Exam in literature. Reading the book again is unlikely to understand the opinion of the author of the questions.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Literature?

Due to such a difficult situation, the best way to prepare for the Unified State Exam in literature is considered to be the trial Unified State Exam. At them, schoolchildren have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the questions. When students know what topics question writers focus on from different authors, it is much easier for them to prepare for the exam. It is best to check questions before reading a specific author. Thus, it will be better to focus on the desired topic when reading a literary work. This opportunity is provided by online test tests of the Unified State Exam in Literature.

Online Unified State Exam tests in literature on the educational portal

The educational portal contains trial versions of the Unified State Examination, which are available for everyone to take. To take the test, you do not need to register or send SMS. Tests are available at any time, which makes them very convenient for preparation. Before brushing up on a book, a student can look at typical Unified State Exam questions on literature for a given literary work and find the answer in the text. This preparation format is recognized as the most effective way to get maximum scores in the first parts of the Unified State Exam in literature.

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