Olga Yuryevna Seryabkina, Serebro group, biography. Olga Seryabkina - personal life, biography, latest news Olga Seryabkina personal biography

Olga Yuryevna Seryabkina. Born on April 12, 1985 in Moscow. Russian singer, lead singer of the female pop group Serebro, also known under the pseudonym MOLLY (Molly).

There was no one in the family who had anything to do with show business.

According to Olga, there were gypsies in her family, and her father knew how to foresee the future: “he always told me as a child: “I see you in a silver dress,” she said. And later, as you know, Olga became famous thanks to a group called “Silver”.

Her father had a great influence on the girl and even after his death, Olga, according to her, always feels his presence. In a number of interviews, Olga recalled with trepidation how well she got along with her father, whom she resembles in appearance. Caring dad supported his beloved daughter in the most difficult moments of her life.

Olga's mother is an engineer by profession.

As a child, her family called her Lyalya.

From the age of seven she studied ballroom dancing. At the age of 17 she received the title of candidate master of sports in ballroom dancing, took part in international competitions.

She graduated from the school of arts in the department of pop singing.

Then I studied at the institute to become a translator. Her thesis There was a translation of the film from French. According to the singer, the institute was very upset when they learned that she would not work in the field of translation, but chose show business.

In 2004-2006 she worked as a ballet dancer and backing vocalist for singer Irakli Pirtskhalava.

“Before I got to Serebro, I never went to castings,” said the singer.

She was brought to the Serebro group by Lena Temnikova, whom she met and became friends while working for Irakli Pirtskhalava.

In 2007, the group took part in the Eurovision Song Contest, where they took 3rd place.

Serebro - Song 1 (Eurovision 2007)

On April 25, 2009, Serebro’s debut album “Opium Roz” was released, which included 11 tracks. Among them are “Song #1”, “Breathe”, “Opium”, “Tell me, don’t be silent”, solo songs of the trio members, as well as English-language tracks. The country's leading music publications, in particular the authoritative Billboard magazine, called the group's debut album Serebro "the most anticipated release of the year."

Olga writes lyrics for the group “Serebro” and other projects of Fadeev. Also, Seryabkina’s songs are in the repertoires of such famous performers, like the group "China".

Released in November 2010 new number Russian edition of Billboard magazine with the Serebro group on the cover. In December, Serebro took part in the “Song of the Year” festival, and Olga Seryabkina won the “Song of the Year - 2010” award as the author of lyrics in the song “Not Time” and “Moscow-Vladivostok”.

Repeatedly starred for men's magazines.

At the same time, she said: “I didn’t come into the profession to get married. And I don’t wear revealing outfits to seduce men. I value my reputation very much.”

The brunette is not afraid of provocative and revealing images. At the same time, Olga is accustomed to “baring” not only her body, but also her soul to her fans. The beauty does not hide the fact that she often writes the lyrics to the songs of the group SEREBRO based on her own experiences.

On July 30, 2011, the group “Serebro” presented their new song"Mama Lover" Afterwards, a Russian-language version of this song called “Mama Lyuba” was released.

The song “Mama Lyuba” topped the chart of the best-selling digital tracks in Russia and for 9 weeks in a row took 1st place on the chart according to requests from CIS radio listeners (Tophit Top 100 according to requests), and entered the official charts of Spain, Italy, Belgium and the Czech Republic. On June 19, 2012, the debut English-language album “Mama Lover” was released in Europe, which became platinum in sales in Italy.

On February 4, 2015, she performed the anthem of the program “ Main stage"on the TV channel "Russia 1".

Also in 2015, Olga took up solo career in the pop-hip-hop style under the pseudonym Holy Molly, later changing the pseudonym to MOLLY. She writes songs for her solo project.

Olga Seryabkina - Holy Molly

Together with DJ M.E.G. recorded the song “Kill Me All Night Long”.

In 2015, she made her film debut - she played one of the main roles (pop star Alina Shepot) in the film “The Best Day” directed by Zhora Kryzhovnikov, where she also performed a number of songs.

“On the filming of “The Most” better day“Zhora Kryzhovnikov invited me. It turned out that when he wrote the script, he imagined me instead of my heroine. But, believe me, Zhora is a serious director, and he would never invite just a media person or popular singer to attract additional attention,” she said.

Regarding comparisons with her heroine, Olga pointed out: “I’m not Alina Shepot - I’m completely different. It’s impossible to see me drunk because I don’t drink alcohol. I’m also not used to fighting off other people’s guys, even though I played a treacherous seductress in the film.”

Olga Seryabkina in the film "The Best Day!"

In 2016, Seryabkina wrote the lyrics to the song “Let’s find each other” for Emin.

Also in 2016, her videos for the songs “I Just Love You” and “Style” were released.

February 10, 2017 at official channel Maxim Fadeev on the YouTube video hosting site released an announcement of Olga’s collection of poems, called “A Thousand “M””. The collection includes 54 poems own composition, as well as stories from life, candid stories about yourself and loved ones and numerous photographs from personal archive.

Olga Seryabkina is better known as MOLLY or the central soloist of the Serebro group. A girl with a toned butt and lush breasts, the talent of a poet, singer and actress. She is not shy about exposing her beautiful body, but she is ready to open her soul to only a few. Her book “A Thousand M” was recently published - a collection of poems and prose excerpts. There are more of them than the stars from Maxim Fadeev’s “kitchen” can sing, for whom Olya writes lyrics. Much of this book is about feelings for one person. To whom? Be patient. For first a few juicy details, hot photos of Seryabkina and facts from her biography.

Hot photos of Olga Seryabkina for the men's magazine "Maxim"

The cover of the magazine in March 2017 was graced by the group “Silver”. Sexy bodies and predatory looks of young girls beckon to the seashore in search of pleasure. Naked and half-covered intimate parts of the body excite the imagination. At the same time, there is no feeling of obscenity or vulgarity - everything is girlishly tender.

Hot photo of Seryabkina

10 years ago the girls (then with a slightly different composition) thundered throughout the world, winning 3rd place in music competition"Eurovision". It was then that Seryabkina first appeared in the group. This seductive brunette wrote the English text of the competition song, which became fateful for the development of the team. For those who are not in the know, Olga Seryabkina is a professional translator with a higher education.

Gorgeous legs and butt - from childhood

In addition, Olya has been dancing all her life. This is the secret to a round butt without Photoshop! As a child, the girl successfully performed in ballroom dancing competitions. And today she dances in training and in videos. She got into show business, to a greater extent, thanks to the ability to dance. Her variety biography began with dancers and backing vocals in the group of singer Irakli.

Nude Seryabkina for Maxim

Dried grass as a background fills the photo with drama - a symbol of unity with nature and the transience of time. A white bodysuit on a naked body gives the photo a touch of girlish tenderness and sinlessness. The eyes are full of longing and desire. I would like to believe that in Seryabkina’s personal life everything will be as she pictures it in her thoughts.

Photo of Olga Seryabkina before and after plastic surgery

Plump lips large breasts and butt bring the singer’s figure parameters closer to the ideal. But is all this from nature? Perhaps the star did plastic surgery? On early photos The girl has less expressive lips and her breasts seem smaller. The star does not comment on issues related to plastic surgery. Is the secret to flawlessness in makeup or Botox, gyms and genetics or surgery? Only she knows the answers - Olya Seryabkina with ideal figure parameters. Her body is admired by men and women.

Naked Seryabkina on the cover of Maxim

Naked Seryabkina appeared in all her seductiveness in “Maxim” a year before the group shooting. A naked girl in gold paint looks like a statue coming to life.

Erotic photos of Olga Seryabkina on Instagram

Makeup, hairstyles, women's secrets, answers to subscribers' questions... The singer respects her fans and finds time to communicate with them. Sick or tired after filming, she goes on air, posts photos, publishes notes with thoughts about life on social networks (VK, Instagram).

Her amateur photos are no less erotic than those in Maxim magazine. For example, this photo in a swimsuit:

Seryabkina in a swimsuit, photo

Or this selfie with an open mouth, a predatory tongue and an alluring cleavage:

Personal life of Olga Seryabkina: A gay singer?

Romances with star men, lesbian love, husband and children - which of these is true? Olga Seryabkina rarely speaks out, but understand lyrical biography And sensual soul singer can be found by reading her book.

Olga Seryabkina was lesbian

Olga admits that until she was 20 she had love affairs gay. The poem “Kate”, published in the book - pure truth. These were strong feelings, which, for sure, remained in the girl’s heart and memory. It says that memories come, but the heroine of the poem is afraid of them, hides them in the margins of memory. Touches of long-forgotten times are reflected in bright flashes of feelings and sensations - echoes of first love. The heroine recalls how lovers had to hide from everyone, playing the role of girlfriends during the day, and turning into mistresses at night. This relationship ended in pain, which Seryabkina tries not to remember. She has a positive attitude towards unconventional love, but has already changed the memories to new reality with a fantastic man.

Love is gone, but habits remain: Seryabkina is gay

Does Olga Seryabkina have a child and a husband?

The period of unconventional love has long passed. Olya loves a man. Who is he: Irakli, Max Fadeev, Yegor Creed or Dmitry Nagiyev? Perhaps the intrigues on the screen are just a way to hide the real relationship.

Olga Seryabkina and Oleg Miami, the singer’s boyfriend

There are no children of their own yet. As does my husband. So far there is only a loved one - a guy to whom half of the book is dedicated, a man who starred in one of MOLLY’s videos and a man who signs a photo with Seryabkina on Instagram with the word “mine”.

Olga Seryabkina and Oleg Miami

Oleg Miami is the same man of the heart and, perhaps, future husband Olga. Media personality. He appeared on television in the project “House 2”. Later he became a participant in “The Voice”. Pair for a long time met secretly, which gave rise to gossip around her personal life and affairs on the side.

Seryabkina and Miami, photo

Is it true that Olga Seryabkina had affairs with Yegor Creed and Maxim Fadeev?

Personal life superstars are a reason to gossip and fantasize. Shots in revealing outfits, photos in swimsuits and naked, clips full of passion... Seryabkina directly declares her sexuality and attractiveness. Surely she is ready to show her body without hesitation, because she gave herself to dozens of men, and got into show business exclusively through bed?

Olga Seryabkina and Maxim Fadeev

Seryabkina’s relationship with Maxim Fadeev is long-lasting and creative. According to the singer, the text from her thoughts fits perfectly into Maxim’s music: the words come to mind on their own. The result of such universal contact is a mass of hits written for the production center of Max Fadeev. The fact that Olya and Maxim have an exclusively working relationship is evidenced by their strong 10-year cooperation. And where there is a place for romance, quarrels, scandals and breakups often occur.

Olga Seryabkina and Egor Creed

The press attributes Seryabkina to an affair with Yegor Creed, with whom she sings a duet under the pseudonym MOLLY. When journalists asked Creed when he would get married, the singer replied: “When Seryabkina says “Yes”.” The duo's performances are very hot for people who are strangers to each other. But Olga denies rumors of an affair with her “service” partner. Playing on camera and real life- not always the same thing.

Men of all ages scurry around this relaxed and shocking young lady in crowds. At first glance, it may seem that Seryabkina has long revealed all the ins and outs of her personal life, but a recent interview with the star surprised the entire film crew.

During an intimate conversation, Olga suddenly turned from a pompous artist into a little vulnerable girl and told about her grief. In order to somehow disguise the tears that appeared in her eyes, the girl repeatedly tried to hide behind a nervous smile. Frank interview took place shortly before the singer’s 32nd birthday, on the day of publication of her book “A Thousand M”. In it, Olga spoke about unconventional love, the pain of losing her father, and her trampled friendship with former member Russian pop group Serebro.

“Everything I tell you today may not be so important. Everything I could say, I said there - the best way, V in better shape I said this as honestly as possible in my poems.”

Olga Seryabkina firmly believes that many of the interviews published with her do not allow the viewer to understand what kind of person she really is. Journalists are not interested in what is going on inside a girl, and are increasingly trying to make her look like a stupid, superficial and depraved person, coming up with ridiculous headlines for their endless articles.

“They want to see me like this, and I provide this opportunity” , - said Seryabkina.

The celebrity’s published book belongs to the “18+” category. This is due to some of the author’s personal materials, which were dedicated to Olga’s unconventional love for a certain girl Katya. Seryabkina believes that similar topics for poetry and confessions are still frowned upon in our country, as if love can only exist between a man and a woman.

“I’m not saying that I have a different orientation, but, yes, I had affairs with girls. Up to 20 years old" , – added Olga.

On this moment the famous pop singer has only one friend, although Seryabkina herself is terribly afraid of this word. The girl prefers to call her “sister” or simply “relative”. Olga's former best friend became a real disappointment for the star, despite the fact that the girls were kindred spirits and knew all the deepest secrets about each other. As it turned out later, only Olya was friends.

“All my words were changed, all my secrets ceased to be secrets. If by chance there were more frames with me in a joint video than with her, the “friend” became the villain.” ,” Seryabkina admitted with difficulty.

The singer preferred not to touch on the topic of their friendship in previous interviews. Instead, she dedicated a poem to the traitor, in which she clearly showed her attitude to what happened.

In intimacy, a girl values ​​not form, but fullness. According to Olga, it is important for her to experience mutual attraction. Seryabkina is convinced that only strong man with a strong-willed character, next to whom she will suffocate with feelings.

Photo: Instagram.com

“There was such a man in my life. He took all the photographs in my book."

The girl dedicated several poems to him at once. Olga admits that she does not know how to talk about love and feelings, so she expresses her thoughts through poetry.

When asked about her crazy popularity, Olga Seryabkina, without hesitation for a second, answered that she had never set this as a goal in her life.

“Before I got to Serebro, I never went to castings.” ,” the singer says with a smile.

Olga Seryabkina also shared with journalists her thoughts on modern music industry, offended by the fact that many people perceive singers incorrectly.

It's unpleasant for a girl to realize that some stars national stage use their popularity to improve their personal lives. Olga emphasized that she is not trying to judge anyone, but her attitude towards musical career radically different from those girls who attract attention to themselves and set “traps” for new “victims”.

“I didn’t come into the profession to get married. And I don’t wear revealing outfits to seduce men. I value my reputation very much.”

Olga Seryabkina believes that indecent proposals from the stronger sex come only to those women who themselves send these impulses to men.

The most difficult topic for Olya is the death of her father, so the grieving daughter talks about him in the present tense. The celebrity clarifies that such topics are not something taboo, but it is difficult for her to say out loud the words about his death.

Photo: Instagram.com

“I just always feel him around, even now, during interviews.”

Olga recalls with trepidation how well she and her father got along. The amazing similarity in appearance and character brought them even closer together. A caring dad supported his beloved daughter in the most difficult moments of her life, as befits a real man.

“Can you imagine, he kept telling me as a child: “I see you in a silver dress.”

Olga said that there were gypsies in their family, and perhaps their father knew how to foresee the future. He also repeatedly told his daughter about his early death and about how a girl should live after he’s gone.

  • Name: Olga Seryabkina
  • Birthday: April 12, 1985
  • Place of birth: Moscow
  • Height: 158 cm
  • Weight: 54 kg
  • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Eastern horoscope: Bull
  • Occupation: singer, songwriter, model

Olga does not talk about her personal life and does not want to attract unnecessary attention to it. Work under the pseudonym Holy Molly in the direction of pop music.

Childhood and early years

WITH early childhood Olga was sent to a dance school. And from the age of 6 she attended music school. I had to do a lot. But the child was especially good at dancing. She practiced them until she was 17 years old, at which time Olya managed to achieve the title of Candidate Master of Sports.

But since neither parents nor relatives were involved in the family creative directions in life, her parents insisted that Olga leave dancing and continue studying international relations at the university.

As a result, after graduating from university, Seryabkina did not go to work in her specialty, but the knowledge she gained as a translator from English and German languages have come in handy to her more than once throughout her life.

After 2 years, a meeting with Elena Temnikova gave Olga a chance to get on big stage. She was taken into the Silver group. From that moment on, the singer's career began. Everything went fine, except for constant quarrels and squabbles with the group members. It got to the point where Olga, in a fit of impulse, wanted to slam the door and leave Serebrya, but came to her senses in time... After this, Seryabkina reconsidered her views on life and began to look for mutually beneficial and positive relationships with the participants and it paid off! Within six months, Olga became friends with Elena and found a new friend.

Since 2006, when Olga joined the group, she was only a performer. But a year later, Serebro was sent to the Eurovision contest, where the girls managed to reach 3rd place. This was a turning point in the life of the group and the girls themselves. After participating, the whole world learned about the Serebro group. And Olga decided to try herself as a songwriter. For 10 years now, Seryabkina has been writing songs both for her group and for other performers. Her songs are sung by Glukoza, the group “China”, Yulia Savicheva.

Every person loves something and fears something. Olga is no exception. We managed to find out that in life Seryabkina has a great aversion to dolls. And her hobbies include experimenting with her appearance and traveling around the city at night.

Personal life

Serebkina always told all reporters that work and career come first for her. This means that she has no time for her personal life. Whether this is true or not, only Olga knows. But all the young macho men with whom she was seen and with whom romances were predicted for her turned out to be only creative work partners.

For example, she was often seen with Irakli at general parties and in clubs, but there was no relationship other than work.

When working with DJ M.E.G. Rumors about an affair began to spread again. But Serebkina’s statement was again denied. She assured that they were working on a video and nothing more. Moreover, M.E.G. both then and now, married and quite happy with my choice.

There really have been and are quite a lot of rumors about Olga, various photos with numerous guys constantly pop up, but no one reliably names names.

Photos recently appeared when Serebkina appeared with extra pounds. And immediately she was given the status of a young mother! However, her comments on this matter were simple dialing weight after winter.

On the other hand, the tabloids did not stop publishing articles about the unconventional love of Olga and Elena. This was all fueled by candid photographs of girls and videos in which girls kissed and hugged without embarrassment to others. But it was between the group members that a strong female friendship began. They still communicate warmly despite the fact that Elenna Temnikova left the Serebro group and got married. The event, by the way, took place in a romantic setting in the Maldives.

After these events, Olga became more sociable and open to new acquaintances. Apparently, her friend’s example also sparked in her a desire to find a reliable partner and strong family. While the place in the heart is vacant, although photographs of Olga Serebkina and unknown guys constantly pop up, and each time with different ones...

Since 2015, Olga has been trying in parallel with her career in the group solo performances. The first was the video and song “Holy Molly” in honor of my beloved. The girl also expanded her creative activity and started performing songs on English language. Next was a video with DJ M.E.G. from the song "Kill Me All Night Long".

Olga tried on a new role for the actress in 2015. I went to auditions and got a role in the film “The Best Day” with Dmitry Nagiyev. There were no concessions during the selection process. Serebkina won thanks to her excellent appearance and natural play. Olga puts a lot of effort into herself, spending 3 hours a day in the gym. Thanks to this, she is invited to shoot in a number of magazines.

We wish Olga creative success in your career and in life!

Olga Seryabkina - talented singer and a poetess who became famous thanks to her participation in the Silver group. Fans are attracted by the girl’s bright appearance, charisma, and her emphasized sexuality. Shocking behavior causes many rumors and speculations around the singer. Now the member of the group “Silver” has successfully started solo career under the pseudonym Molly.


Olga Yuryevna Seryabkina was born on April 12, 1985 in Moscow into a military family. Year of birth by eastern calendar- Bull. The girl's zodiac sign is Aries. Height and weight are 158 centimeters and 54 kilograms, respectively.

Information sources indicate that Olya’s nationality is Russian, historical roots the surnames come from the Orenburg region. The girl grew up in a large family, surrounded by the care of her grandparents who lived with them, she has a younger brother Oleg.

Olga Seryabkina in childhood

As a child, Olya studied ballroom dancing. In an interview, the singer admits that choreography teachers did not want to accept her into a dance class due to the lack of a sense of rhythm. Despite all the difficulties, at the age of 17 the girl received the title of Master of Masters in ballroom dancing and took part in international competitions.

The future singer graduated from school with almost honors. Exact sciences were difficult for her, but thanks to her activity and participation in amateur activities, it was not difficult for her to “agree” with teachers.

The girl graduated from the art school, department of pop singing. Olga also has higher education specializing in translator from English and German.

Creative career

Seryabkina’s early work began in 2004 with the filming of Dima Bilan’s “Mulatto” video: Olga starred as a girl sitting at a bar. For 2 years, Olya has been working with Irakli Pirtskhalava as a backing vocalist.

At this time, she meets Maxim Fadeev, who invited the girl to an audition. Famous Producer recruited participants for the female pop group “Silver”.

Group "Silver"

The names and surnames of the girls in the Serebro group became known to the general public in 2006. In addition to Seryabkina, Elena Temnikova and Maria Lizorkina were participants in Fadeev’s new project.

In 2007, the group took 3rd place in the Eurovision contest, after which the trio of beauties truly became famous throughout the world.

During the existence of the group, Seryabkina’s appearance changed, she increasingly demonstrated her own attractiveness. The girl showed her seductive forms by starring in a photo shoot for Maxim magazine. Candid photos uncensored Olga posted on official page on Instagram, which caused a storm of emotions among fans.

In 2016, Elena Temnikova left the group, and now the unofficial leadership passes to Seryabkina. Olga quickly won the love of the audience with her powerful energy and frank images.

By this time, the Serebro group focuses on the sexuality of the participants, showing beautiful bodies singers in swimsuits, bikinis. Hot photos and videos gained great popularity on social networks.

In 2017, a scandal broke out in Kazakhstan. Olga Seryabkina and Katya Kishchuk were invited to an online broadcast, where they played Mortal Kombat and answered questions at the same time.

Olga behaved defiantly and used obscene language towards her group colleague. Once again, when the presenter asked a question about Kazakhstan, Seryabkina interrupted him and said the phrase: “Kazakhstan? I don’t care about Kazakhstan.”

Numerous representatives of the Republic were offended by the singer’s statement. Serebro received thousands of angry comments and offers to unsubscribe from the group and its members on social media. networks.

Soon Seryabkina apologized to the residents of Kazakhstan, citing the fact that she did not want to offend them, she was simply too captivated by the game, and in a fit of emotion she reflexively brushed aside the question.

The scandal in Kazakhstan aroused interest not only among the media, but also among people who were not interested in the group’s work until that day. Black PR did its job, people became interested in who Seryabkina was, date of birth, age, who she was dating, what the names of all the girls in the group were.

Solo songs

In 2009, the album “Opium Roz” was released, which included Olga’s solo song “We Take Off.”

From 2010 to 2014, Seryabkina continued to write for the group, during which time the songs “It’s Not Time,” “Mama Lyuba,” “You Are Not Enough,” and “I Won’t Give You Up” were released.

Since September 2014, Olga began a solo career, but did not leave the group as a vocalist. She took the pseudonym Holy Molly, which she later shortened to Molly.

In 2015, the girl wrote the song “Zoom”, and in February of the same year she performed the anthem of the “Main Stage” program.

From 2015 to 2017, Olga wrote the lyrics of the songs “I Just Love You”, “Style”, “Fire”, “Drunk”, “Let Me Go” and others.

On March 3, 2017, the premiere of the single “If you don’t love me” took place; the lyrics were written by Olga Seryabkina and Yegor Creed.

The girl delighted fans of her work with duets with DJ M.E.G., Big Russian Boss and Purulent.

Film "The Best Day"

Olga’s filmography dates back to December 2015, when viewers were able to appreciate the girl as an actress.

Seryabkina starred in the film “The Best Day,” her colleague film set became Dmitry Nagiyev.

According to the plot of the film, Olya plays Moscow singer Alina Shepot, who decides to buy her mother luxury house in the outback, not imagining what adventures lie ahead.


In April 2017, the Eksmo publishing house released a collection of 54 poems written by Olya. It included intimate details the singer’s life, numerous photographs from her personal archive, in which Olga, among other things, demonstrates her appetizing figure parameters.

The first presentation of the collection took place on Seryabkina’s birthday, April 12, at the Biblio-Globus Trade House. The next meetings were held at “Read the City” and “Moscow House of Books” on April 17 and 19, respectively.

Personal life

Seryabkina’s personal life is shrouded in speculation and rumors. More than once, Olga fueled media interest by kissing Elena Temnikova in public.

The singer is not shy about appearing naked to fans, showing off her beautiful legs and breasts, without makeup, in simple home or sports clothes. The purpose of such behavior is usually PR.

Irakli Pirtskhalava

Olga worked as a backing vocalist for famous singer Irakli Pirtskhalava. They often appeared together at public events.

The media talked about a romance between Olga and Irakli, but these are unconfirmed speculations.


Rumors about Olga's romance with DJ M.E.G spread after the young people started a joint project.

Numerous photographs of Seryabkina with the DJ only fueled the public’s interest. When asked by the media to comment on her relationship with M.E.G, Olya replied that they were just friends.

Rapper Oksimiron

In 2015, the singer told the media about her relationship with a new man. As Olya herself put it, he famous musician, and also a cool and funny guy.

The young people were not together for long; the couple broke up due to the constant claims of their lover against Olya. According to her, they agreed not to tell anyone about their relationship, so the name of the ex-boyfriend remained unknown.

Fans of the Serebro group are sure that it was rapper Oksimiron.

Egor Creed

Rumors about the relationship between Yegor and Olya remained speculation among fans. The fact is that during the filming of a joint video for the song “If You Don’t Love Me,” the celebrities showed such passion that it was impossible not to think about their true romance.

However, to everyone’s surprise, Olya and Egor stopped all communication upon completion of filming. In an interview for the Super portal, Creed admitted that during filming he and Olga had a fight.

After a while, the guys made up, but they no longer communicated as before.

Oleg Miami

In 2017, Seryabkina hinted at a relationship with singer Oleg Miami, inviting fans to watch a special issue of the chart, in which she and Oleg will appear as a couple in love.

Confused and fast paced life young man makes me doubt the veracity of their romance.

Are there children

In an interview, the singer says that she is making plans for the future, but does not intend to become a mother in the near future.

Olya devotes all her time to her career and further development in show business. Seryabkina carefully hides her personal life; fans periodically wonder if Olga is still married.

According to the girl, she is looking for worthy man, who could take care of her, but would not limit her freedom of choice.

Some interesting facts about Olga:

  • He loves driving around Moscow at night and driving fast.
  • He is interested in cars.
  • Afraid of dolls. This disease is called “pediophobia”.
  • The girl's hair color is dark chocolate.
  • She considers it a hobby to show the general public her beautiful legs and more.
  • There are no tattoos on the singer's body.

Maxim Fadeev - was there an affair?

In an interview for the magazine “Caravan of Stories,” Elena Temnikova spoke about how Maxim Fadeev forced girls to put on vulgar makeup and dress in provocative clothes.

According to the singer, the atmosphere in the team was good before Seryabkina’s affair with the famous producer began. When the relationship between Fadeev and Olga ceased to be just work, she began to control everything, which is why the rest of the group members sing and talk so little in interviews.

Bisexual orientation

In one of the interviews, Seryabkina stated that she was bisexual and in her youth she had affairs with girls. Her collection of poems received an 18+ restriction because of the poem “Kate,” which is dedicated to non-traditional relationships.

In the media, Olga admitted that after 20 years she had no connections with women and in sex, it is not the form that is important to her, but the fullness.

Relationship with Elena Temnikova

Since 2014, the ex-members of Silver have stopped communicating, although before that they were considered best friends.

In interviews for various portals, Elena Temnikova talks about how the friendship between the girls was feigned. It was Elena who invited Seryabkina to the group, but the relationship did not become close. Kissing on stage and having fun together was just PR.

Have you had plastic surgery?

The singer's ideal external data makes her think about surgery. Fans compare photos before and after plastic surgery.

The girl denies speculation about the operations, claiming that she has good genetics, and that she does not smoke or drink alcohol.

The star states that you need to take careful care of your appearance and then you won’t have to resort to the help of surgeons. Experts cannot be 100% sure that Olga had plastic surgery, because the old photos are not too different from the photos today.

To fans, the singer’s bust size seems too large for such a miniature figure: Olga weighs 54 kilograms and is 158 centimeters tall. Ordinary people claim that dental correction could not have happened - we're talking about about veneers and lumineers, thin plates that make the singer’s teeth look snow-white.

The singer is pregnant

In 2018, on her Instagram, Seryabkina asked fans what names they liked, adding that children should be named interestingly and unusually. Olga admitted that she was preparing to become a mother. The singer hinted at the gender of the child by writing on social networks about her least favorite male names.

The girl's chosen one remains unknown. Previously, the star stated that her husband should be a worthy, caring person who will not limit her freedom.

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