Olga Ryder and Yaroslav Maly. Yaroslav Maly: Being a father is a huge thrill! Homecoming

For four years now, the leader of the groups “Machete” and “Tokyo” has not seen the daughter who was born to him in his marriage to actress Natalya Simakova. The couple broke up in 2013, and then the singer promised that neither his wife nor baby Michelle would need anything - neither money nor a father. But he didn’t keep his word. Only recently Natasha managed to literally extract child support from 44-year-old Yaroslav - Maloy had to transfer ex-family the entire amount accumulated over the years is several million rubles.

“The last time Yaroslav met with Michelle was when she was one year old,” Simakova tells StarHit. “This upsets me very much, I can’t understand why he does this.” I would be happy if dad took part in the child's life. The girl needs him, I feel it. I appeal to him in every possible way.”

Maly left Natalya for another woman, Rachel Ora, who at that time was raising four children from a previous relationship. Yaroslav, having abandoned his infant daughter, accepted her heirs as his own.

“I tried for a long time to find a job, to get used to the fact that I would raise a child alone,” continues Simakova. - It was a lesson. I couldn’t even imagine such a turn. Yaroslav and I have always been one, looking in the same direction. He dedicated songs to me. But when my daughter was born, my husband unexpectedly suggested living separately - they say, we were a little tired of each other... After some time, I found out that he was in a relationship. And his lady was sure that he was doing the right thing. I tried to talk to her, explained that we have a child, a family, there is no need to ruin this. But everyone pretended that I didn’t exist and never existed. We divorced, Yaroslav did not help me or my daughter financially. He lived in different countries - in to a greater extent in Ukraine, he was hiding, he didn’t want to pay alimony, although there was money. I did everything I could to achieve at least some result!”

“The bailiffs and my friends were looking for him, I sent telegrams, called mutual friends, his current woman. For a long time the ex-husband did not come to Russia because he was listed in all services as a malicious defaulter; he would not have been released from the country without paying off his debts. As a result, with the help of people who have influence on him, everything finally happened. This helped save the house that I have a mortgage on. I thought that now he would think about it, remember about his daughter... But I still can’t find Yaroslav. He's gone missing again."

Yaroslav Maly was born in 1973 in Krivoy Rog (Ukraine). As a child, he was not much different from his peers - he also played football, skipped classes and participated in various boyish squabbles. Before entering school, the boy was found to have extraordinary musical abilities, so my parents insisted on additional training at a music school.


Although he was reluctant to study musical notation, ran away from exams and concerts, teachers could not help but notice that he was growing genius musician. The musician remembers his first music teacher, Igor Semenovich Beer, with warmth. At music school, he first had to study the balalaika, then the piano.

After finishing his studies at school, Yaroslav Maly decides to continue musical education, so he enters the music school in Kyiv, the conducting department. But his studies did not bring him joy or inspiration. He was more interested in the free life of students, visiting nightclubs and using drugs. Due to the large number of absenteeism, the student, although talented and showing great promise, is expelled from the school in the third year of study. In order not to return to his native Krivoy Rog, Yaroslav plans to go to Moscow. A seventeen-year-old boy sets out alone to conquer large city. It was a difficult year in 1991, but the musician decided that the economic situation in the country could not affect his plans.

In Moscow, he occasionally writes music, visits nightclubs, and meets people associated with rock music. Soon clubs and agencies became interested in him, allowing him to perform in front of the public. According to Yaroslav Maly, his work at that time did not bring him pleasure, so he is organizing night clubs and entertainment centers. He is reluctant to talk about this decade in his life, since during this period he begins to take drugs. A real revolution in the musician’s life was his acquaintance with Gosha Kutsenko. The actor managed to get money to organize and promote the Tokio group. In 2002, the group made its presence known for the first time by performing at the festival. Two years later, the musicians released their debut album. After this event, the lead singer of the group began to have problems with illegal drugs. But after lengthy treatment and rehabilitation, Yaroslav returned to old life.

The musician is a soloist in two groups of different directions (rock and rock mixed with pop). Each of Maly’s projects is successful and is happily received by fans of his work.

In 2014, Yaroslav Maly radically changed his life and moved to Kyiv. On him strong impression caused events in Ukraine. He actively participates in mass rallies, speaks at concerts and calls for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. In Kyiv, the musician participates in various show programs and is a teacher for new young musicians. In the filming of his videos, he often acts as a screenwriter and director. He experiments, creates new projects and is an advocate for the Jewish community in Ukraine.

Personal life

Yaroslav Maly is an amorous person who does not tolerate restrictions and boundaries. During the conquest of Moscow, there were many girls in the young man’s life. He was looking for mutual understanding, support and confidence in his feelings. He met his first wife in a recording studio. One day a girl came into the studio wearing the same shoes as the musician. This attracted Yaroslav's attention, and he immediately met her. The girl's name was Natalya Simakova, she was an actress, played in films and theater. The couple got married and had a daughter, Michelle. But after eight years life together the couple separated. The musician dedicated to his first wife best songs.

Very soon Yaroslav appeared in public next to new lover named Olga. They met on the plane during the flight. Yaroslav claims that at first sight he realized that this woman would become his true love. He often appears with her in public, gives interviews and talks about his relationship. His lover is involved in organizing concerts, as well as other issues regarding the work of groups in Ukraine and the United States.

Yaroslav, like other creative people, is alien to conventions. If love leaves a person’s life, it means there is a need for new feelings. Now the musician has eight children from different women, he treats each of them with care. Maly does not shy away from responsibility and often takes them on his trips to other countries. Occasionally, photographers manage to capture a happy dad with his children.

The musician plans to continue working on his work in Ukraine and the USA. Yaroslav sees his future surrounded by children in a house somewhere in Israel.

Recently, the famous Moscow group “Tokio”, led by its leader and soloist Ya. Maly, came to visit us. However, why Maly, when he is two meters tall?.. And why visit when Maly himself, almost every Monday and Thursday, visits the homeland of his ancestors. Rather, not as a visit, but as a visit to your dacha...

And why, how to go to the dacha?.. - a Krivoy Rog Jew named Yaroslav picks up the tone. - How to go home! Actually, not even HOW to go home, but simply - home!

- What do you perceive as the most “homely” thing here?

This one ancient land and mine proud people walking along it with his head held high. What could be more beautiful - to wander somewhere for years, and then find yourself here again, on your own land!

- Do you have a favorite place?.

Of course, Jerusalem! I dream about this city at night when I am away from it. I cannot even convey the feelings that the spirit and peace of holy Jerusalem gives birth to in my soul.

I read the everyday rider of the “Tokio” group, published on your official website, and felt that it could be used as a basis for making a stylish program for the “Beautiful Life” TV channel.

I especially liked the obligatory whiskey with ice in the dressing room...

The guys did their best! This means they need it. If we are talking about me, then I can do without it - I personally don’t drink alcohol at all. And the team partners - maybe they’re used to it at home, drinking a glass in the evening for inspiration and tone. When you travel a lot on tour, fly from place to place, you always want to feel at home. A simple human desire, reflected in the Tokyo rider. Nothing special!..

In my youth, they used to do this... Now it’s scary to remember! On the other hand, who lived this period of their life without sin? You might think that fifteen or twenty years ago you weren’t naughty...

Moreover, I’ll tell you - I still play pranks to this day! But sneaking out of the “tavern”, in English... This is fraught... Aren’t you ashamed now?

Not ashamed! Because then I always came back myself and returned the money for lunches and dinners.

- By the way, it sounds like a hint to the producers...

Fortunately, we don’t have producers! We are responsible for ourselves, both organizationally and creatively. We write songs about how we live and create music the way we feel it. This is boundless happiness, if anyone doesn’t know, to do in creativity what your heart desires.

Since our conversation involuntarily centered around the topic of creativity and money, why do Russian “stars,” unlike, say, Western ones, behave rather modestly in the field of charity?

What do you mean?

Everything from helping the poor and disadvantaged to the adoption of HIV-infected children from Ethiopia and Cambodia.

It’s hard for me to say, I haven’t dived deep into this story. Just imagine - taking someone else's child into your home. You still need to be able to approach this correctly... In charity, the most important thing is to clearly understand for whom and why you are doing certain things, and not just participate in various events, as they say, “for show.” A colossal level of responsibility is required for the same adoption; we simply are not yet mature enough for this.

The musicians of your group have such native Russian names, I’m not even afraid of the word “epic” names: Demyan, Yaroslav... It’s even somehow strange that you are called “Tokio” and not, for example, “Yaroslavl”...

My Jewish name- Moshe Pinchas!..

Yes, I saw with my own eyes such captions on a video clip of your interview, posted on one of the largest Israeli Internet news portals, Ynet. Thought you were making fun of the local aborigines.

No! ( laughs!) I am Moshe Pinchas, Demyan is David, and Roma is Reuben!

- Okay, then the group should definitely be called not “Yaroslavl”, but rather “Yerushalayaim”, or, better, “Kfar Chabad”.

By the name "Tokyo" we do not mean the Japanese capital. “Tokio” is currents, a flow of charged particles, inexhaustible energy. The whole point is moving forward!

- Is it true that you are seriously engaged in studying the Torah?

Absolute truth.

- Did you manage to learn something new for yourself?

Would you be surprised if I told you that this is a very serious book? Every time I open it, I manage to learn something new. The Most High gave us this Book, putting boundless love into its pages. You read just a little, and you see everything around you completely differently. I have spiritual teacher- Vladimir Iosifovich Slutsker, who helps me comprehend the wisdom of our world through awareness of the deep wisdom of the Torah.

They say that you want to divide yourself between music and cinema, to make a film about the adventures of thought in a person’s head. Imagine that now the command “Motor!” was heard, and the camera rushed in pursuit of the thoughts in your mind. What are you thinking about right now?

Oh happiness! I am simply overwhelmed with happy thoughts, ideas and reasoning. That soon I will go on stage again and be together with hundreds and thousands of my beloved spectators. And that somewhere very close is my Jerusalem.

Dmitry Aizin

Photo by Alex Lerner

2002-2012 Boot. Original material: http://www.boti.ru/node/47833

Yaroslav Maly: “If I have a concert on Shabbat, then I don’t get paid for it

Yarik Maly is the founder and leader of the Tokyo group, one of the most popular domestic rockers of 2006. But he became famous not only for the soundtracks to The Ninth Company. Maly is the organizer of a rally in support of Israel. “The band’s second album has just been released, it’s called “Plus Two Hundred.” On January 13, we had a concert in London on Trafalgar Square on the occasion of the Old New Year, for some reason the British call it the Russian New Year,” says Yarik. “Soon we are going to go on a big concert tour of Russia and Europe. I’m writing music for Fyodor Bondarchuk’s new film “ Inhabited island"Based on the book by the Strugatsky brothers and the film by Roman Prygunov about indigo children. Continuing the conversation about cinema, I’ll add that our music is heard in Bondarchuk’s “The Ninth Company” and the film “Heat,” which was released at the end of December. Now it's already work in progress on our third album, it will be released in two versions: in Russian and English languages", he says to Daniil Tunin, a correspondent for the newspaper Country Hillel. Today the Jewish Journal presents to you full version interview with Maly.

It's very cool to play street concert in London, but the capital's public is also waiting to meet the Tokyo group. When will people be able to hear you in Moscow?
- On February 17 we will have big concert in the club "B 1". This is the new big one concert hall with very good sound and light, up to three thousand people can be there. In my opinion, this metropolitan club can be safely called a beautiful, correct and the first European stylish place. Almost immediately after the Moscow concert, tours begin, first Russian, then European.

Tell us a little more about your European tour. Which countries are you planning to visit and who to meet?
- In Moscow, we get on a bus with all the equipment and equip it as a studio. I don’t know everything about the details yet; the route is still being finalized. For example, on the way from Moscow to Paris we record a new song right on the bus. We stay in Paris for three or four days, give concerts there, negotiate with local producers, and this new song ends up on one of the local music radio stations. Then we drive to Berlin and on the way we hear ourselves on the radio. The main feature is that we will be filmed by television cameras during the trip. I hope that everything will be fine and this tour will be shown on television with the support of MTV as a reality show. The idea is that everything is in your head, there are no boundaries and you can do anything you want if you want. Also during this trip we plan to meet our friends and hang out at some closed parties. In Paris with Monica Bellucci, in London with Age, in Spain with Almadovar. I think we'll have an interesting trip. Some time after returning from Europe, we will go on an Asian tour, we have Japan and other countries in our plans. But it’s too early to talk about this in more detail, because the trip is planned for late spring or early summer.

- A lot has been said about you and the Tokyo group over the past few years. What happened before that?
- I was born and raised in Krivoy Rog in Ukraine. My first music teacher's name was Igor Semenovich Beer, and he brought me by the ears to music school. First I learned to play the balalaika, then I entered the music school for the conducting department, and in my third year I was expelled from there. And at the age of seventeen I came to Moscow; the year was 1991. At first I tried to make music that no one needed. Then I had my own clubs and agencies related to music, but by and large this was not interesting to me, because I always wanted to make music. Everything in my life changed dramatically after meeting Gosha Kutsenko. I was going through a kind of transitional period in my life at that time, I was thinking in which direction to move next. Gosha said a lot of good things about me, his words were very important to me then. And I gave up everything, deciding to devote myself to music.

- Tell me how you met Gosha Kutsenko?
- I dated a girl who studied with Gosha on the same course. And I had the idea to shoot a video for one song. Shortly before this, Gosha starred in the film “Mom, Don’t Cry” and was very popular. I called him with an offer to star in my video. Gosha agreed, despite the fact that I did not have money to pay him. That's how our friendship began.

You were one of the organizers of the rally in support of Israel on July 31, 2006. What prompted you to take such an active part in this?
- We were in Europe then and saw constant highlighting in the press, statements of politicians and conversations ordinary people Israel as an aggressor, occupier and enemy of all humanity. After talking with different people about the Israeli-Lebanese war, I realized that it was necessary to show and voice a different point of view. The purpose of this rally was to support the Israelis, not the government. People came out not only because everyone criticized Israel. Everyone smart people It is clear that Israel did not receive any benefit from the summer war with Lebanon. I then called my friends and said that we needed to express our point of view. And we decided to get together, talk and support Israel. About a hundred people came to the rally, I thought there would be no more than 20-30 of us. There were not only Jews there, people were really worried, some were reading psalms and the prayer “Shema, Israel”; different points of view were expressed. On the eve of the rally, I received strange calls from some Jewish organizations. They demanded that everything be cancelled, because there could be provocations, everything needs to be organized and carried out differently, everything needs to be discussed, the deadlines must be rescheduled. I told them that I have an idea that I will implement now, not later. We submitted an application to the Moscow mayor's office, received permission, and everything worked out great for us.

IN last years in various Jewish circles it is customary to talk about a systemic Jewish crisis in the post-Soviet space. Do you share this point of view?
- You need to understand what it means to be a Jew. When you are standing against a wall with your hands raised and declaring your love for the Most High, and at that moment someone comes up to you, tugs on your sleeve and asks for money, then this becomes a problem. In my opinion, all the problems happening in the world today are related to the fact that Jews cannot understand that they must turn to the Almighty. This is the most important thing, and no one bothers you to do business, politics, or creativity. It’s great that we can realize ourselves in life, we just need to understand who provides it to us. Obviously, it is impossible to talk about love for a woman without hugging her, without kissing her, without feeling her scent... It is useless to talk about these things if you do not understand with what love the Lord created this world. I visited many synagogues, in different cities and countries. There are almost no young people there.

And if they appear there, they pursue some interests. It happens that people come who want to immerse themselves in Judaism, but, seeing the atmosphere there, they merge from there without really lingering. Today is a completely different time than 15 years ago, when Jewish life and the awakening of Jewish consciousness were only gaining momentum. You need to be active, mobile, communicate with the world without withdrawing into yourself, and begin to love the All-Him. If you do all this, then wisdom will come. If you have become wise, then you understand how everything works and you can influence it. We need to understand how much God loves us, and without Kabbalah this is impossible. It is known that Jews are united either by some a big problem, or great love to the All-Him. And right now this moment is coming, to love Him, I feel it very clearly. We cannot isolate ourselves from the world; our time begins now. But you need to feel it, believe it and live it. Jews simply cannot agree on anything with each other.

-When and where did you start studying Kabbalah?
- I independently read and collected books on the Jewish tradition, visited many places, communicated with various Jewish educators, by the way, among them there are a lot of idle talkers and charlatans looking for a simple and quick profit from Jewry. This continued until I met my teacher and spiritual mentor Vladimir Slutsker. He finds the right words for each of his students. I have been studying with him in yeshiva for two years now. The main thing I learn there is love. This place has gathered wonderful and very beautiful people, I see there something that is not found anywhere else in the world, and I have been and am in so many places on planet Earth. I see there a very special attitude towards teachers, towards books, towards wisdom, towards prayer and towards each other. After these classes and communication, new songs are written beautifully, and interesting and bright thoughts come to mind.

- To what extent do you adhere to the canons of Jewish tradition?
- I keep kosher and celebrate all Jewish holidays. If I have a concert on Shabbat, then I don’t get paid for it. But on the phone on Saturday I say that the Torah does not say that it cannot be used. By the way, it is on Saturday that the best good concerts. Now is XXI and we need to be open to the world, Moshiach is coming and we need to really act. At the same time, I take the commandments very seriously, trying to comply with them as much as possible. A Jew without a creator is not a Jew.

- What message can you give to those who want to understand themselves, their Jewishness and take the right path in life?
- One of my friends, his name is Misha Pelik, once told me the following: “Don’t doubt and move on your own path.” You have to turn your head on and analyze. And you shouldn’t think that it is possible to feed yourself at the expense of Jewry. We must live beautifully, but without love this is impossible. Don’t doubt and look for love in this world, there is enough for everyone.

Text and photos: Jewish Magazine: Original material

More precisely, a small part of them, unexpectedly for dad, came to congratulate him on his solo concert. As it turned out later, there are already eight of his offspring living in the world, which Yarik carefully keeps silent about. And, judging by the latest data, the artist is not going to stop there.

ABOUT personal life singer, very little is known, although he assures that answers to all questions can be found in his songs. Each album is a piece from the story of his life.

Yarik had several wives and, it seemed, each one tried to tie him to themselves in the old proven way - with children. But Maly is not the kind of person who agrees with conventions. Therefore, when his last official wife gave birth to a daughter, he still filed for divorce a couple of months after this pleasant event. What to do - love in life creative people occupies a special place. If it is not there, then there is no inspiration.

By the way, the singer shows himself as a caring and attentive father. He does not shy away from responsibility and provides for his children. It’s just a pity that he doesn’t like to brag about their successes and achievements.

The children of Yaroslav Maly, Luka, Eva and Solomon (what names!), ended up on solo concert father is not accidental. True, no one thought that this fact would lead Yarik into such confusion. Of course, he could not avoid curious fans who were filming the happy dad both on stage and behind it. It is important that the guys prepared not only flowers for him, but also congratulations. A good reminder about yourself, right?

They danced backstage, periodically ran out onto the dance floor of the fan zone and, according to others, sang all the songs that their father performed that evening.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t find out anything about the other five guys. Still privacy, Yaroslav Maly guards with enviable stubbornness.

That is why, once again, we turn to you, our beloved readers. If you know the names of the children, what they do and how they live, share this information with us and everyone else. Comments are provided for this case.

When did Yaroslav Maly first fall in love? What does the leader of the Tokyo group get a thrill from? When does Machete not charge for his concerts? What does the technical rider include as the first item and how much did you earn while crossing the Moscow metro? You will find out the answers to these questions right now.

Personal data

Height: 204 cm. Therefore, one of the first points of an artist’s technical rider is a bed no shorter than 2.20 m and without a backrest.

Nickname: Machete (after the name of the group) and Grigory Rasputin (why? More on that on page 3).

Financial position: He says that he was never involved in business, he just did what he liked. But Tokio is a project that pays good money. “We earn them from our pleasure,” explains the group leader. “We really get a kick out of the music we make, from the people who come to our concerts, and from life in general!”

Housing problem: apartments in Moscow and Kyiv.

What's in the garage: car and motorcycle.

Achievements: Tokyo group. In 2006, at the MTV Russia Music Awards, Tokyo received an award in the “Best Rock Project” category.

Flaws: After the release of his debut album, Yaroslav began to have problems with drugs. But the guy managed to overcome his addiction and return to normal life. “Thank God, at one point I realized that life is the coolest drug! I learned to receive joy from the fact that I live, that I have talents, that I can realize my ideas, that there are people around who love me and whom I love.”

Men's hobby: loves the ocean, good movies and books. And also football (of course), I support Barcelona and Chelsea.

Characteristics of friends: everyone who cares about Yaroslav personally emphasizes that he is very sentimental and can cry while watching a film.

Where you can find: in Moscow. But he considers it important for himself to change places so as not to grow to one point.

Attention! If Yaroslav Maly is not your ideal, be sure to leave a comment on who deserves to be on the list of the 100 most desirable men peace.

Favorite women

Yaroslav Maly with his wife Natalya Simakova

Fell in love for the first time in first grade. Her name was Natasha. He wrote a song and came to her house to sing about his love. But the girl was not at home: her parents took her to the dacha. Yaroslav walked to Natasha on foot all day and dreamed of how he would perform a song for her... And when he got there 6 hours later, he no longer had the strength. He sat down on the bench and... fell asleep. He woke up because he was being kissed on the cheek... by his beloved's dog.

At the age of 17, Yaroslav moved from his native Krivoy Rog to Moscow, where he began opening and promoting clubs. During this period there were many women in his life. “I was looking for meaning in love, first for one girl, then for another, but I constantly broke down,” the singer recalls. But once he went into the studio where they were recording music, and I saw a girl who was wearing exactly the same red sneakers as his. It was the actress and singer Natalya Simakova. On wedding ceremony Yaroslav and Natalya exchanged rings... to the sounds of the Metallica composition “Nothing Else Matters”. The couple's plans were long and happy life in love and harmony, at least six children, but in February 2013, after eight years of marriage, the couple filed for divorce. Michelle's daughter, who was several months old at the time, remained to live with her mother. Yaroslav promised that Natalya and the baby would not need anything.

Yaroslav Maly and his love Olga

In March of the same 2013, at the gala dinner of the MUZ-TV channel, Machete appeared with mysterious blonde. "This is my love"– he introduced the girl. After some time the name was revealed new love- Olga. They met on an airplane flying together from Miami. Gradually, the relationship grew from friendly to closer. Now Olga is the executive director of the Machete Records project.

In total, Yaroslav has eight children, who, according to him, live in different countries– from Switzerland to Ukraine. Children's names are full of meaning and connected to the Almighty.

Five unexpected facts from life

Yaroslav Maly

  • I got into music school because I wanted to skip classes. The teacher brought Yaroslav to the entrance exams with football field, in sportswear and with broken knees. The parents bought their son a piano, but the boy first had to play the balalaika. By the way, in music school, from which he was expelled from the third year “for everything,” studied at the conducting department.
  • In December 2010, he shot a video for the song “Icebreaker Nadezhda” on Vaygach Island, on the border of the Barents and Kara seas. I was shocked by the poverty people live there, and the children have candy wrappers instead of toys. To help the residents of the island, he organized an auction in Moscow, where he sold photographs of the group taken on the island. With the proceeds I bought clothes, dishes and toys. The gift delivery process was filmed and posted on YouTube.
  • One day on the eve of the New Year, Yaroslav Maly's group Machete performed in... the metro, in the passage between the Teatralnaya and Okhotny Ryad stations. One of the musicians was playing maracas, and next to him lay a tambourine. People walked by and threw money into the tambourine. In a few minutes, the musicians earned 600 rubles.
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