Okhlobystin interview. Ivan Okhlobystin: “I’ll save up for a house and go back to church.”

Ivan Okhlobystin and Oksana Arbuzova met by chance. “I saw her at the House of Cinema and recognized her. She had already starred in the film “Accident - the Cop’s Daughter.” I then walked past and said: “You will be mine,” said the actor. The next meeting took place five years later. Since then, the lovers They didn’t part, and less than a month had passed before they decided to get married.


Oksana gave Ivan six children - they have two sons and four daughters. Okhlobystin admitted that when the third child, daughter Varvara, was born, they were absolutely exhausted: “We were like tired dogs then, Varya was about three months old. I was looking for work all the time, Oksanka was also exhausted. Varya had asphyxia - Oksana spent another month in the hospital with her. We almost lost her.”

With the fourth child, son Vasily, everything was also not easy. Oksana had to give birth in Tashkent, where Ivan was sent to serve. "When I came to Oksana and said that we need to go to Central Asia, where I will become a priest, she had only one question: where to get a large suitcase,” the actor said.

At the maternity hospital, Oksana was infected with hepatitis. “She wasn’t supposed to live long after that, but she was cured,” Okhlobystin said. They spent seven months in Tashkent, then returned to Moscow. Oksana was rescued in the capital.

Okhlobystin admitted that he and his wife lost their sixth child. The baby stopped developing in the womb. “There was only a two-month deadline, it happens. But for us it was terrible, especially for Oksana - she was very worried,” the artist noted. Fortunately, in 2006, his wife gave Ivan a son, Savva.

Ivan Okhlobystin

Acts in films, writes scripts, directs, performs concert programs. And more recently, he is a successful writer who works in the fantasy genre.

- How do you write what you need: the sound of the surf, silence, a separate office, a pencil and a notepad?

I have headphones, there is a lock on the door, if something happens I can close it. Ideally, of course, you get up, prepare a tablet, a computer - who types or writes on what - or a typewriter, it doesn’t matter. We need to tune in. After all, there are a thousand options for how to distract yourself: first you poured some tea, then watered a flower, walked the dog, fed the owl - and so the whole day can go by. Somewhere you need to make a strong-willed decision to force yourself to start writing. The first ten sheets in the basket, it will be nonsense, you just sign, you just “enter”, this is something very mystical or very close to mysticism. A level of concentration is required. And then channeling happens - the characters begin to speak; you understand: it’s completely logical that he would say this, go there, maybe act like this, and then out of all this this will come out. And you’re already writing until the evening. But if during the day someone pulls you out, if you need to go to the store, there is an eighty percent chance that you will not write anything else that day. In general, will, will and only will. And I really like it, although Oksanka (wife of Ivan Okhlobystin - “ICB”) sometimes grumbles. But when she tries to reproach me for idleness, I often remind her of the words of Dickens: “Mother, well, first of all, I am a father of many children, I can no longer be an idleness!” And secondly, the words of Balzac: “We must not forget that even when a writer looks out of the window, he is working.” Of course I like it. Although in fact, inspiration is a matter of will. It has nothing to do with muslin feelings.

- Isn’t writing a sin?

Of course not! God created us in his image and likeness. We have thousands of talents. Some may be missing, but this is compensated by others. People ask me how can I do both? I answer: “Guys, we live in a time when technology already allows this. There is no need to dig potatoes and then set aside a separate month to write a novel during the winter, confined within four walls.” Now you can milk a cow using your tablet. Technologies allow us to open up as individuals. In principle, they make each of us capable of being a Renaissance man. But, it’s true, many are forced to work. Making money is also understandable. This is a question of internal goal setting, as my friend says. You feed your family, you have to sit at work, you can’t type at work. But in principle, as I said, we have thousands of talents. Everyone needs to develop. Sooner or later, technology will take everything away from us. Only the computer and the writer will remain. AND…

- IT people with the underground.

Yes, those who will serve, and the forced underground to break it all. (Laughs.)

- Do your children read to dad?

Only Vasya reads and loves fantasy. The rest have no time. They have their own literature. They read Oleg Bubel, Glukhovsky. Quite unexpectedly, not so long ago we started reading Richard Bach. What I love - Günther Grass, Rushdie - is still difficult for them. Marquez is also still of age, it’s better to try him when he’s in his thirties. Marquez is as good as cognac, at certain times. Otherwise, it may not be recognized. There is a lot of domestic literature of approximately the same format. Children read a lot. Vasya either reads continuously or listens to audiobooks - this is also a whole culture. Nyushka reads a lot, although only occasionally. They have slumps for one and a half to two months, when, apparently, they get tired. I don't really interfere in their lives in this regard.

- Did any of your children follow in your footsteps?

Anfisa works for Kaspersky. She loves the team and high technology. She is wildly creative, a source of energy flows directly from her. Evdokia chose biology. In particular... what is the name of this strange direction... (Thinks.) Oh, ornithology - that's it. (Laughs.) I don't understand her. But she likes it so far; she is now in her last year of college. He goes somewhere to practice on an expedition. Varka entered the Sechenov First Medical Institute, the Faculty of Medicine. Currently teaching Latin language. They hang out with the guys at our house. It's a nightmare, they have to learn 800 Latin words in a week! On the one hand, I am horrified, on the other, I admire. I remember my student years- I was one of the most happy people in the world. And Oksanka too. We admitted to each other that everything was cool and that we were jealous of Varka. It’s a pity that we can’t become students again. Further smaller - Vaska, he is in tenth, Nyushka in eighth, Savva in fifth. We'll have to wait and see.

Gennady Avramenko

- But are you satisfied with the choice of the elders?

Thank God, yes. Very satisfied. I like everything related to progress and evolution. Treating people is noble. My father treated people. High technologies are the real future. Ornithology - I don’t know how to feel about this, but, on the other hand, the very fact of such a strange choice suggests that my daughter sincerely loves it. I like their approach. They are not looking for money and fame. They understand that this will happen spontaneously if they achieve results in their profession.

- Perfect option…

Glory to you, Lord. I’m ready to work as much as I want - to film, do something, even carry bags - if only this idealistic period in which they are formed as people lasts longer. Now Vasya is already walking with the young lady. In the tenth grade, I was a short and short guy, extremely unpleasant, as it seemed to me. And I quickly realized that until I started making money myself, I didn’t need to think about girls. And I have a huge segment of time for reading classical literature, to visit theaters.

“When my wife reproaches me for idleness, I remind her of the words of Dickens: “Mother, I am a father of many children, I can no longer be an idleness!”

Gennady Avramenko

Your old bosom friends - Mikhail Efremov, Garik Sukachev, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Tigran Keosayan - by the age of fifty they had achieved great heights in the profession, in terms of status. Has anything changed in your relationship with them?

Nope! The relationship remained the same, and they remained the same - half-punks. Tigran has an Armenian punk with all that it implies: a suit, sparkles, everything is as it should be. Fedor is a Rublevsky punk. Gorynych and I (Garik Sukachev.. Nobody has changed. The company is still the same. Birthdays are still the same. For a long time now we have not specified when we go to bed, if there is a party, because no one cares. Camp and camp. Horde - right They call us that, but foreigners are trying to call us that derogatorily. But in fact, it’s true. First of all, we are easy-going, in everyday life, it’s great if you have a “gold” the size of a toilet, but. if this is not the case, that’s also good. If the canned food is swollen, that’s good; foie gras is also good for us. special look to the surrounding world.

It is not consumer, we live and live. To what we come to from birth - here and now - the same Buddhists strive throughout their lives. And we are forced to live like this. There's too much going on. And each of us is too bright due to the fact that, again, there is a lot of everything around. The Anglo-Saxons have market relations there, everything is clear to them: whoever is richer is more beautiful. But here you cannot compare a billionaire and an artist. Which one is cooler? A billionaire, all in sparkles, driving a gold Maybach, and a gunny, snotty dude who drives an old Java in the area of ​​​​Svoboda Street in Tushino - which of them is cooler? It’s not a fact that it’s the first! This is a delicate question and always requires a personal relationship. We are the last generation of romantics. In their youth, everyone sincerely wanted to become Tarkovsky. We read photographed pages of “The Master and Margarita” from the magazine “October”. We knew that if you exchange two empty lemonade bottles in a store, they give you one full one. At the same time, we could walk around Moscow for days under the impression of the book “Moscow and Muscovites.” And at the same time, for example, cast a “pig” so that later in the ravine you can fight with the guys from the neighboring area. It was also considered extremely shameful to do something bad towards a girl. We felt reverence for them. They understood that a man cannot fully realize himself. Be that as it may, he is still the father, the owner, and without a woman this is impossible. No soil. A real Russian man does not know how to live for himself.

Ivan, you are called the most controversial figure in Russian cinema. On the one hand, you are a Russian priest Orthodox Church. On the other hand, you act in films, TV series, and attend social events. And for many this doesn’t fit in at all, so you get a lot of criticism. How do you feel about her?

Honestly speaking, no way. These people don't know me, and therefore their opinion is not interesting to me. And then - as the Lord judges. I'm trying to live honestly. I'm an imperfect person and I don't always succeed. But I'm going in this direction. Therefore, when I learn about someone’s criticism, I think about it and draw a conclusion for myself. Perhaps the criticism is fair. And if it’s just in vain, then such a position causes me only pity.

- When you were young, you were fond of tattoos. Are they still on your body now?

Of course yes! I only cut out a naked woman taking off her panties in the Chersonesos area. Oksana told me: “I don’t mind beautiful woman I took off my panties in the ruins of Tauride Chersonesus. But why is she doing this? I answered: “We know why! Erotica..." And she says: “What if for what else?” And I thought about it, and then I burned it all out with a laser. I have a terrible scar! And everyone started asking me what kind of scar this was. I told them this whole story - and it’s even worse than the tattoo! In the end, I tattooed the scar with a sign of radiation danger, so now, when asked, I tell a story: they say, I eliminated the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. It seems like he accomplished a feat, but you can’t take anything with you as a souvenir of it - so I kissed the reactor.

- I know that the Bible does not approve of tattoos...

There is nothing in the Bible about tattoos! The Bible was written when nothing like this existed, or rather, what did exist was not called that and had a different meaning. Well, you can't write on a dead body, because that's how the Egyptians wrote. But there is nothing about tattoos in either the Old or New Testament - I know, I got them. Perhaps there is something in the Psalter, but again because among the Egyptians it was of a ritual nature.

Ivan, do you think of one's own free will are now temporarily suspended from ministry, that is, you are not conducting worship services. How long will this ban last?

I was hoping that it would end soon, but I need to buy a house, so I’ll still be filming for another five years. Otherwise, I would write books and confess my grandmothers in some church near the cemetery. I have great relationship with the parish world, and I am comfortable with it. But now I’m paying off the house, they unexpectedly let us buy it.

So you were allowed to buy it back? Can I tell you the backstory? The fact is that Ivan Okhlobystin has six children. For a long time they huddled in a two-room apartment...

It has four rooms, but it has 48 square meters. But we lived like this (shows thumb)!

-...And then you wrote an application for social housing, and you were offered a house...

Townhouse, in the area where Solzhenitsyn lived (in the Troitse-Lykovo district of Moscow)…

- But on the condition that as soon as youngest child turns eighteen...

We were supposed to be evicted.

You have many guises, you are an actor, director, screenwriter... But great popularity came to you after the role of Bykov in the TV series “Interns”. I know this project was interesting to you because “Interns” is a new word in Russian TV series. But what is this novelty?

It wasn’t the novelty that interested me; it was the earnings that interested me! I thought I was going for twelve episodes, the script was non-pornographic, and Alexander Ilyin, with whom we had previously played in Tsar, took part - and he has very good taste. Then I met the guys, and I liked the whole team, then we analyzed the whole script together again... But the fact that it was new or not new did not matter.

This series is strange in that there is no off-screen clapping. Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov is a genius, he managed to create a new product, abandoned clapping, idiotic off-screen laughter, and convened a very good team of nine screenwriters. And then the producers walked around with white faces for three days, because the audience did not understand what kind of series this was - without hee-hee, without clapping... And then they stuck it in, and then there were six years of continuation.

- But still, you broke up with Doctor Bykov.

It was necessary to part with him, because all good things, like a novel, must have an ending. If the series continued, everyone would be tired, and willy-nilly the vulgarity would begin. We refused to continue filming, and Slava Dusmukhametov supported us: we had to end this story. We didn’t want to spoil it: we entered beautifully and left beautifully!

Your wife Oksana Arbuzova - she is also an actress, became famous for the very popular at one time wonderful film “Accident - the Cop’s Daughter”, in which she played main role. She was sixteen years old then, and she woke up just like an idol! She was a star, a fashion icon! And then she had films, but now we don’t see Oksana in new roles. But you are a director, you are a screenwriter. Why can't you cast her in your film, write a script for her?

First of all, why? And secondly, then she will not have time to take care of the children. Yes, she doesn’t even want to! They called her forty times, but she is not interested, it’s all mouse fuss for her. And she is interested in taking care of children, and she manages to do it, I don’t know where she gets so much strength, where she gets so much enthusiasm. Thank you, Lord, that I found her! I encourage this passion of hers. I tried to tempt her with jewelry - she doesn't like jewelry. She wears wedding ones, but no matter what other pieces of hardware I give her, she doesn’t like them, that’s all. I tried to molest them with fur coats - they don’t like them! She will wear a quilted coat, and wear a fur coat only when walking with a stroller: she is shy. I tried all sorts of tours and restaurants... But by and large, between our gatherings at the dacha with barbecue and some restaurant, we will still choose the dacha - we feel more comfortable there.

- You and Oksana have been married for more than twenty years...

Twenty-two years!

- ...And I want to quote your wife: “Everything that happened before Ivan, that is, the life of Oksana Arbuzova, I remember poorly. My life was divided into before and after. Ivan Okhlobystin - starting point, beginning new era. Ad". So what does your marriage stand on? Tell us this secret!

We gave birth to children, and we have nowhere to go - that’s what our marriage is based on. And she is also very interesting to me in an emotional and sensual sense as a woman. She is interesting to me as a person, and I like that this personality always resonates with me, that I can test it out. And she always tells me the truth - this is also very important to me.

Ivan, your meeting with Oksana is compared to the story of the acquaintance of Bulgakov’s Master and Margarita - it is just as sudden and fateful. When you saw her, after a few seconds you said: “You will be mine!” What was it? Love at first sight?

It was very simple. I came to the restaurant hoping to meet beautiful girl. I was riding a motorcycle and, to be honest, I was very drunk. I arrived at the Mayak club, entered the restaurant - and there were all the girls with gentlemen, and only one with two. The gentlemen were so gloomy, with beards, and in general the whole situation was reminiscent of Kustodiev’s paintings: three full glasses of vodka stood in front of them, and the girl had a cape in XIX style century, knitted, floor-length. The girl herself is skinny, big-nosed, and her eyes are black, like a squirrel's. I, being so impudent, came up and said: “Mademoiselle, shouldn’t you and I take a romantic trip around Moscow at night?” She thought, drank the glass of vodka that was in front of her, put it down and said: “Why not? Just promise to take me home!” I say: “I swear!” - and took her to his home. That's all, and she never left the house again.

- And she was yours?

Yes. If you have the opportunity, don't miss the moment!

I tried to imagine what six children was like. I have two, and you have two sons and four daughters. Are you planning a seventh?

Well, we are drinkers, why not! (Laughs)

- So, it’s possible?

Quite, quite!

But I can hardly imagine how Oksana copes... Sometimes I can’t cope with two, but here there are six!

One - it’s very hard, two - it’s still hard, three - you’re already starting to cope easier, apparently, nature gives you additional strength, you and her. Four is already autonomy: self-washing, self-organization, everything is clear, who goes where. And Oksana is already on the iPhone with one hand, on the pressure cooker with the other hand, at the same time learning mathematics with Savva ( youngest son), sees with hindsight that Nyusha (Ioanna, second daughter) is going somewhere... As if she has six arms, like the goddess Kali.

- I know that when Oksana gets tired, then you pick her up and take her to rest.

As my dad used to say, “if you don’t walk a girl, then someone else walks her.” And it’s better if you walk a girl than a girl walks with you.

- And where is she at? last time walked with you?

We went to Lapland. In general, we love extreme tourism, like mountaineering, mountain National parks We love them very much - Scandinavian ones, for example. We also went to Spain... We travel to places where it is feasible for the whole family to go - this is exactly how we prefer to relax. And together, we went on romantic trips three times: to Paris, to Venice and now to Lapland.

I can't help but ask about your parents. I know it's very unusual story love: your mother was younger than father for 43 years! She was eighteen and he was over sixty when they met. How did their romance happen? Were they officially registered?

My mother was my father's secretary. And he was a handsome gentleman, he looked much younger than his age, he was charismatic, and it was impossible to say “no” if he offered something. He headed a large medical center for the rehabilitation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Order bearer, handsome, went through three wars, and she fell in love - a student, a village girl... It was impossible not to fall in love! Five years later they separated because dad began to be afraid that his mother would hit him in the throat with a razor. He told me: “You understand, I love your mother, it’s impossible not to love a woman like your mother, but I’m afraid that she will kill me.” And she really difficult character: Mom is a very emotional woman. Element, goddess Hera! She later got married again, she had a very decent husband, he was also a military man...

Ivan, our program has a section “ Inconvenient question" Choose one envelope, or three envelopes - as you wish!

How much do you need? Tell me, I'll choose everything. (Picks up one envelope and opens it) Should you read it?

- Yes, read it! If you pick three, that'll be great!

- (Reading) “Your mother was 18 years old when she gave birth to you. Her family and friends tried to dissuade her from giving birth. Why?". Nobody tried to dissuade me! Dad, first of all, didn’t ask anyone. The only thing that was done: my grandfather took a knife and went to Moscow to see my dad. He returned drunk and happy: dad persuaded him! He said: “No, but what? Good man, order bearer! (Opens the next envelope, reads the second question) “Is it true that before “Interns” your family was in big debt?” Yes, it was, I paid it off. (Opens the third envelope, reads the question) “You received a personalized gold watch from the hands of President Putin. Is it true that you still don’t understand why?” Firstly, I did not receive it from his hands - I received it on his behalf. And yes, I really didn’t understand. I gave this watch to my friend.

- Well, at least you have an idea why?

Well, Yugoslavia could have been - this is when we filmed Easter under American bombings... Some kind of humanitarian aid could have been during the Chechen campaigns... I don’t know.

Ivan, just recently you presented new book, which is called "Magnificus II". This is already your seventh book. I must say that you write famously: in 2015 you published as many as three books, and this year this is the second. It seems to me that the process of writing a book should be long and painful - but you do it so quickly. How do you do this?

It's an illusion! Because those books are somewhere journalism, somewhere spiritual reflections (as far as they are possible for me, a sinner). “Magnificus” is a trilogy, and I did not write the second part, but only edited it. And I wrote the previous one - “Songs of the Canes Venatici constellation” - also quite quickly, because part of the work there had already been done.

From the outside it always seems that writing a book, writing a script can only be special person, such as you. But I was surprised to find on the Internet simple tips how to write a book. It turns out that anyone who wants to pretend to be a writer can write?

Certainly! We are God's creations, we can do a lot. We have a million different talents, and high technologies today allow us to realize ourselves in several forms. Previously, we had to choose: only a doctor, or only a singer, but now they are combined. Let's say, an expert technologist and an artist - you can combine it, why not!

There are several laws of literature, the simplest ones. An ideal text should look like this: it should contain all the sensations - tactile, auditory, visual and olfactory. An ideal text might sound like this, offhand: “He walked, plunging ankle-deep into black warm clay, towards a pine forest, where the tractor rumbled deafeningly and there was a distinct smell of burnt rubber in the air.” Ankle, ear, eye, scent - this is the perfect text. You can’t do this for the whole book, there is, say, a dialogue part, but as far as fundamental literature is concerned, this is the main principle: to create an atmosphere.

Ivan Okhlobystin presented his book “Songs of the constellation of Canes Venatici”, published by the publishing house “Eksmo”, in the St. Petersburg book network “Bukvoed”. Collection satirical stories, according to Ivan himself, essentially speaks about the eternal - the relationship between a man and a woman, the everyday phantasmagoria around us. In an interview with Tricolor TV Magazine, Okhlobystin spoke not only about the new book, but also about his love for TV series, mutual understanding between parents and children, the film “Defenders” and serial drunkenness.

Ivan Okhlobystin - film and television actor, film director, screenwriter, playwright, journalist and writer

There were rumors that you decided to radically leave cinema. Is it true?

This was always the plan. Now the girls have entered all the institutes. Son Vaska will also be admitted soon. Household debts seem to have been paid. I won’t say that cinema is currently in its heyday. I don’t think that I will improve Russian culture by continuing to work in cinema. I'm tired of playing cunning spies - empty roles. I have right now good project: dad raises his son with cerebral palsy to his feet (film “Temporary Difficulties” by Mikhail Raskhodnikov. – Ed. ). Great job in order to leave gracefully. I am not originally an actor, I am a director by profession. It won't cause me any deep trauma. The perfect plan such that my studies in literature will allow people to forget me as Doctor Bykov and give them the opportunity to return to church.

That is, literature is an intermediate stage to finally return to the position of a priest?

No, I can study literature even if I work as a priest. This is not prohibited. Literature shaped me. I'm a bookish person. Even though I’m from the countryside, I was educated intellectually by books. I wrote a lot of scripts and journalism. But I always read prose.

You said that your book is about love between a man and a woman. What is the first manifestation of love between a man and a woman?

First of all, it is sacrifice. Love implies that you give yourself to another person without reserve or shame. Both at the biological level and at the psychological level. In everyday life, in the future and in the present. This is a readiness for total sacrifice. It just can't happen like that. It occurs when you feel a resonating soul nearby, similar to you. And it's always mystical. There is no law to determine how this can be provoked. It's always a surprise. It could be burlesque, tragedy. There are no laws. People in love are happy. If you live for someone, then for your loved one first of all.

Ivan Okhlobystin as Doctor Bykov in the TV series “Interns”

Which writers have inspired you?

The set is average. Starting from Alexandra Dumas: “The Three Musketeers”, “The Countess de Monsoreau”, “The Vicomte de Bragelonne”. After Hugo "Les Miserables". After "Master and Margarita" arrived in time. After Gunther Grass has arrived. Then he appeared Ken Kesey "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" parallel to the film Jack Nicholson. Then came Updike "The Witches of Eastwick" first with the same Jack Nicholson, and then I read "Centaurs". He is very similar to "The Catcher in the Rye" by Salinger. After Richard Bach "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" Then Marquez covered everything around with a thick cloud and defeated everyone.

New names followed Marquez Russian literature:Mikhail Elizarov, Sharov and him "Rehearsal", "Letters from Egypt"(original name "Return to Egypt." – Ed.) . Ivanov “The Gold of Rebellion”. Zakhar Prilepin, Pelevin's first three works. Turkish author Pamuk. In love with literature Salman Rushdie. Now I’m reading a wonderful man. He is Afghan, very similar to Rushdie. This unmixed version of Rushdie - Khaled Hosseini, work "Thousands of shining stars." Strugatsky, Certainly. Stanislaw Lem, Roger Zelazny, Terry Pratchett. From the Americans Neil Gaiman "Stardust" and "American Gods".

do you agree with Mikhail Elizarov that now is not the time for postmodernism in literature. That the time had come for prose that affirmed very specific traditional moral principles?

Yes, absolutely. My book is also in this academic framework. Academic literature always contains a pedagogical element. It would be stupid to read a book where the author does not want to convey anything to you. You are primarily interested in the personality of the author, who appears in the work. The tendency to feuilletonism in order to please the reader immediately kills the author. I think. Pelevin is guilty of this. With such a high level of his talent, he could have thought about problems much more high level. And Elizarov, Prilepin, Sharov - they lay it down. At the end of the book, you willy-nilly receive a certain message.

Ivan Okhlobystin has 17 awards for best director, 9 for best acting role and 21 for best scenario

We definitely need to come back to this. We don't have basic philosophy. There is only critical, like Berdyaev. Kierkegaard was not born to us, not because they could not give birth, but because our artists took upon themselves the option of comprehending space and existence. We live guided by the territories of vastness in the mass unconscious. We are not interested in finished forms. We have always been prone to exaggeration, because this is the breadth of our soul, it is motivated by geography.

Speaking of the breadth of the Russian soul, what do you think of the film “Defenders”?

"Defenders"– this is a disgrace. Well, why do Bear’s pants keep popping up all the time? Ed. ). Even my child noticed this. Unfinished movie. I appreciate the feat of the filmmakers, but I would not show this film in order to brag about Russian cinema. I would direct a movie "Andrey Rublev", "Mimino" or " White sun desert". If it's more complicated, then "Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano." If it’s really difficult, it’s quite possible "Stalker" by Tarkovsky put.

That is, they wouldn’t install anything new?

I can't remember anything. There was some touching melodrama with Fyodor Bondarchuk and Ksenia Rappoport (film “Two Days.” – Ed.) – it’s touching, but this is not a manor drama. It doesn't reach Ostrovsky. Although cinema is a powerful agent of influence. Cinema can define the worldview of several generations. The Matrix broke 10-20 generations. And “Avatar”, who was following her, finished her off. We have moved into a new technotronic age also with the help of cinema.

You can often see speculation on an arthouse, which is not one. I, being in the profession, can understand what is avant-garde, and what is an attempt to fake a bad picture as avant-garde. Action films are a disgrace, mainly due to low budgets. And low budgets due to theft, kickbacks - what to hide.

Satirical prose by Ivan Okhlobystin about the tragicomic adventures of ordinary heroes in ordinary cities

But in general, I’m somehow ashamed at the age of 50 to act in all sorts of nonsense, men won’t understand me anymore. And the book is solid. An acquaintance came, you gave it to him and signed it.

Do you watch TV series?

I watch TV series. TV series have received a unique technological opportunity to be more careful about the artistic component than cinema. Firstly, television content that pays off. Secondly, there is the time factor. You can watch one episode at a time, or you can watch 50 at once and examine every detail more carefully, evaluate each character - new stories, new collisions open up. The series beat the movie. With the exception of blockbusters like "The Lord of the Rings", "Pirates" Caribbean Sea», « star Wars» . And the rest is not competitive with TV series. Difficult to find a competitor Dr. House, series "Breaking Bad".

It all started with the TV series Lost. When the genre first emerged, it all boiled down to a soap opera. When technological possibilities arose, filmmakers moved away from popular television filming towards feature films. Moreover, this is the fault of the producers themselves, they resorted to film set with the words: “Okay, guys, let’s make this scene 10 minutes longer, because then we’ll cut it into four episodes and sell it to television, at least somehow we’ll pay off.” As a result, more formats were filmed with the same effects, with the same heated actors. And the consumer now chooses for himself: either I will watch and absorb everything in one day, or I will stretch out this pleasure and make it an element of my spiritual feng shui.

How do you usually watch TV series - at once or an episode a day?

In every way. But in general I am prone to serial drunkenness: I can sit for a long time. Everyone is swearing at me, but I can’t do anything. I sit with red eyes, then I go to work the same way. I’m thinking about how to return home as soon as possible. Sunflower seeds “Ot Martina”, lemonade “Tarragon” – and new series!

Ivan Okhlobystin has two sons and four daughters

Are there any Russian TV series that you like?

I really like "Matchmakers". They struck such a soulful note. What we are allowed to do. This is a good continuation "Love and pigeons". "Kitchen" I haven’t watched... In general, I learn about all the good things from my friends. About "Matchmakers" I was told by people who do not seem sentimental.

Gossip periodically arises about your children on the Internet. Are you trying to protect them from these influences?

They are formed individuals. We can slap our ass with a belt until a certain age, swear for bad marks. Nose early childhood we let them know that we respect their personalities. Therefore, all this is forgiven to us, they understand that we are simply helping them through life. And we understand that we cannot help in many matters. In matters of love, self-determination. I cannot impose on my children what they should become, who they should love. As a father I can only laugh and show psychological assistance . I treat them very delicately personal life

. I understand to what extent this is a thin yarn.

You are constantly criticized on the Internet. How do you deal with criticism now? When people scold for no reason, I don’t mind it. They are just like dogs, guarding the perimeter. When criticism is motivated, I take note. This necessary condition

for self-improvement.

Aren't you afraid of criticism from your colleagues? Bykov recently said that your cinematic creativity is overrated.

Well, I don't think it's overrated. Although... probably yes. I like Bykov. He is not afraid to speak out and phrases it respectfully. Russia's historical role is to create the basis for a “new humanity” in the current conditions when external world

lost myself. In harsh reality, the paradoxes of the mysterious Russian soul help people maintain an internal sense of necessity for the world, despite sanctions, reforms and the ruling elite with its “ugliness.” This opinion in an interview RIA "New Day" from a “position of philanthropy” was expressed by the famous Russian actor , screenwriter and novelist.

Ivan Okhlobystin

At the same time, according to his assessment, trouble is possible inside Russia, and the pension reform indicates that the economy is in trouble, and in the end the country will return to the monarchy.

About Putin, oligarchs and pension reform I think it would be logical to assume that he (the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin

He (Putin) does all this through various methods, including foreign policy, but it doesn’t work because he himself is partly economically dependent. Imagine, one large state-owned company is surrounded on all sides by small selling companies. This is the market, a ruthless machine that does not give it the opportunity to take them by the throat or at least take away the excess that will immediately cover the pension.

The pension decision is extremely unpopular. The fact that they allowed themselves to make pensions at all - to make this reform, says that our economy is screwed up, that in the very near future there will be some strict decisions. We're not even talking about old people. They are unfortunate forced victims.

About “kryndets” and “buzu”

Likewise, there will be no revolution. Nothing is the same. Even snowflakes, despite their harmony, are different. There might be some kind of bug.

But there is a very strong imperial note in us - the understanding that when we are together, we support everyone, that we can, of course, simmer, but it’s better to go home later and all together, so that our land becomes even larger, the cabbage soup even more sour. We have Katehon (a state with a mission to prevent the final triumph of evil in history). It's internal, psychological. You need to decipher this for yourself.

I'm trying to be objective. I am generally a lover of humanity. Everyone is good with their own shortcomings. It is quite obvious that under sanctions we will live worse, more modestly, which does not mean bad. We probably even overjoyed life, because we stopped appreciating many things. We began to communicate even less. I'm not even talking about the information revolution and everything else.

The fuss will and will be stopped because we have a large territory and we have a very big responsibility. And the organizers of this very trouble will eventually self-destruct - they will smash themselves against the wall.

We cannot afford what France can afford, which needs to be looked at on the globe with a magnifying glass. And with us, wherever you grab the globe with your palm, everywhere our land is ours, we are responsible for it. Our chthonic (represents natural power) thinking is developed. We consider trees to be thinking.

Russia is woven from paradoxes, Russians are initially “enlightened”

We always get nostalgic for the seemingly unpleasant landscapes when we are on the most beautiful islands of the Bahamas. We have a lot of paradoxes, and with the help of these paradoxes we save ourselves a common understanding of the environment. We are not the most interesting people in terms of humor. We are not the most elegant, we are just different. And the external world has become lost within itself. He trusted too much market relations in our chaos.

We are a detached island, which is depicted in science fiction films, which flies. We stand on the edge of the Universe, we live, we know how, we know how to cling so that we are not carried away by the solar wind. We are not the neatest, but our women are the most romantic. Because of them they are killed, because of the rest, something goes wrong. French women are interesting, but this is short-term, but here the main course, as they say.

We - great people, but this advantage was given to us, we should not use it in our own selfish interests - we do not have the right to this, and inside we are psychologically built as good people who feel responsible for the world.

Russian people are initially already enlightened. He doesn't need anything. Here he sits, looking at the field - good! There is a woman - there is no woman... there is vodka - there is no vodka. Stuck.

There is hope for us that in the historical layer we will become the basis of a new humanity.

About the elite and the monarchy

They are also people from the people. When some object enters the atmosphere, it burns, overcoming air friction; this is such an aggressive environment for it. The ruling layers are in this area - in the circle of stress. They, of course, are richer than us and make a lot of stupid, rash decisions. But they are of us anyway. They perceive the world the same way we perceive it, they understand their ugliness, if it is ugliness, what is “good” and what is “bad”.

In the end, it seems to me that the situation will develop in such a way that we will come to a monarchy. Everyone laughs, but I... an adequate person. I am a Tushino punk and a drunkard. When I talk about the monarchy, the last thing in the world that can be accused of puritanism.

But in our country, it is impossible for a child to pass the grades; he needs to be accommodated, even if he is a 6-level student, but, on the other hand, if there is an unfair verdict, you can convince him with a bribe. This is Asian. A unique civilization.

Now many people have doubts: some are in the banking system, some are worried about their children, some are worried about getting a job. There is instability, but our civilization needs to be imposed with an adventurous spirit on the one hand, and on the other, strictly motivated that everything will be fine. Everything will be fine, for sure. If you do everything right, everything will be fine. According to the samurai code, if the opportunity presents itself, you must always choose death, this is the only way not to be afraid of death.

Moscow, Maria Vyatkina

Moscow. Other news 07.12.18

© 2018, RIA “New Day”

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