You can't tie a knot with one hand. Phonetic analysis of “you can’t tie a knot with one hand” Phonetics: characteristics of stressed vowels

Lost benefits of Russia and Belarus

President Vladimir Putin's upcoming visit to Belarus should resolve many issues. At a meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State of Belarus and Russia, the draft union budget for 2008 will be considered, and a constitutional act proclaiming the Union State will be signed. Not least important will be the discussion of the problems of trade and economic cooperation.

Political factors have recently often hampered mutually beneficial economic cooperation between Russia and Belarus. Both sides lose from this; the economic space of the European Union is quickly being created around the Russian Federation and Belarus.
have long been closely interconnected. If Moscow wants to turn its partnership with Minsk into a “two-way highway,” it should first of all separate politics from economics and abandon the principle “If anything happens, we’ll turn off the gas.” According to research by specialists, both countries are mutually beneficial not so much from interstate as from intersectoral and interregional programs, aimed primarily at restoring old and developing new cooperative ties. At the same time, there is an effective union interstate program covering several industries in both countries.
The directions of development of Russian-Belarusian cooperation are determined not only by the geography of the Union itself, but also by the sectoral characteristics of the Russian Federation and Belarus. Thus, Belarus has large capacities for the production of a variety of modern equipment, that is, means of production and specialized transport, as well as for the processing of forestry, energy, food, many types of textile, chemical and metallurgical raw materials. With the investment of Russian investors in their modernization, according to experts from the All-Russian Scientific Institute of Market Research and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, it is possible to increase the saturation of our market with products of advanced processing of Russian raw materials by 12-15 percent. First of all, forestry, textiles and fishing, and also to increase the provision of many Russian industries with modern equipment by 15 percent. In return, Belarusian manufacturing enterprises will receive the missing raw materials, orders and capital investments. The benefit of such complex interaction between both countries is proven, for example, by the long-standing cooperation of Belarus with Karelia and the Kaliningrad region in forestry and fisheries.

So far, only Belarus - the only one of all the CIS countries - is developing the production and export of many types of equipment, including processing equipment, at the fastest pace.

Russia lacks modern facilities both for processing a variety of its own raw materials and equipment for processing enterprises, which is constantly noted at meetings of the Russian government.
An example of mutually beneficial technological and, let's say, sales interaction is the union program for diesel production. According to Belarusian Prime Minister Sergei Sidorsky and Governor of the Yaroslavl Region Anatoly Lisitsyn, the Yaroslavl diesel and engine industry, thanks to active technological assistance from Belarus, is already moving to the production of engines of the pan-European Euro-3 standard. In the next four to five years, it is planned to jointly invest up to $700 million in the production of small and medium-sized diesel engines of modern operational and environmental standards in the Yaroslavl region.
In 2007, as part of the program, about 63 thousand engines will be produced, about a third of which will be received by the Belarusian side. Next, joint development and implementation of new models of stationary diesel units, specialized trucks for many industries and engines for diesel trains are planned. These projects will be developed on the basis of joint scientific and subsequent investment projects.
The Belarusian experience in expanding forest areas, forest belts in agriculture and restoring swamps is extremely important for Russian agriculture: to improve the climate, increase soil fertility and the productivity of crop and livestock production. Again, among the CIS countries, Belarus is a leader in this area; the country is developing the production of relevant equipment and machinery. The demand for such technology in Russia is consistently high due to the rapid spread of soil erosion. By 2010, for the first time, an atlas of agricultural lands in Russia and Belarus will be compiled; our experts consider the experience of our neighbors in returning agricultural lands to circulation extremely valuable. That is why it has already been successfully adopted. For example, under the reforestation project in Belarus this year, 160 hectares of “energy plantations” of fast-growing forest species were created to provide raw materials for thermal power plants. Now similar “nurseries” are being created or will be created in 30 federal subjects. Why does an oil-rich country need this? According to Doctor of Technical Sciences Serafim Alamiev, in the former USSR it is the Belarusian production of installations for the production of gas and liquid fuel from renewable resources that is developing at the fastest pace, and the demand for them in Russia, for obvious reasons, is much greater than in Belarus.”

Back in 2000, a draft union program for the integrated processing of timber raw materials from the Tomsk region in Belarus was discussed.

The shortage of modern timber processing capacities in Central European Russia and Western Siberia actually dooms West Siberian and Komi-Ural timber for export. Belarusians, on the other hand, have an overabundance of low- and medium-capacity forest processing enterprises with a large shortage of raw materials. They “return” their products to the central Russian regions. For example, in November, the governor of the Irkutsk region, Alexander Tishanin, and the Prime Minister of Belarus, Sergei Sidorsky, agreed on a “barter”: timber in exchange for finished products, primarily furniture. The implementation of the plan is simplified by the fact that Russian railway tariffs for the transportation of timber raw materials are lower than for the transportation of processed products. But the same furniture will not be too expensive: the distances are short. According to calculations by specialists from the two countries, even if timber processing enterprises are created in border areas, the cost of similar Belarusian products will be at least a quarter less, and selling prices will be a third lower.
The foundation of our cooperation has become a rapidly growing direct economic partnership between producers - the “horizontal” development of relations is more dynamic than interstate. Direct connections have acquired a multi-level character, “going down” to the level of districts and individual cities of Belarus and Russia. The first two places in the list of regions - trading partners are confidently occupied by Moscow and St. Petersburg. For example, in January-August of this year alone, mutual trade turnover between Moscow and Belarus reached $2646.3 million, an increase of almost 16 percent compared to the same period last year. State - region - city. And for several years now it has been a separate district of the city. Almost all administrative districts of Moscow have established close ties with cities and regions of the Republic of Belarus.
Are we growing “upwards” or, first of all, are we successfully working “at the grassroots level”? Most likely, the latter. When we rightly rejoice at the successes of the union partnership, we speak, first of all, about regional cooperation and direct ties. We announce the implementation - or more precisely, the extremely slow implementation of programs of union significance - much less frequently. Why suddenly?
Unfortunately, many union programs, as one Russian analyst delicately reported, “are far from fully fulfilling the tasks assigned to them; the problems are manifold, and a significant part of them are related to financial difficulties.” Untimely processing of orders for receiving products, late and incomplete financing, sudden problems at related enterprises, high transport tariffs in the Russian Federation are the main reasons for these problems. Not to say - failures. Experts complain: in Russia, tariffs on imports of goods from non-CIS countries are often reduced. Those same goods, the demand for which - in the Russian Federation and Belarus - is precisely what the Union programs are designed to ensure.

It turns out that, say, it is much more profitable for the Russian side to import ready-made televisions and components for them, linen products, equipment for chemical engineering than to “invest” in the development of the Russian-Belarusian scientific and technological base for these industries and, accordingly, increase their capacity.

For example, “Slavic Paper”: duties in the Russian Federation on the import of pulp and paper products remain low, 5-9 percent, although in order to ensure domestic demand for these products at the expense of its own, and Russian-Belarusian production, an increase in duties was stipulated - at least , for some time. But pressure from the WTO and traditional exporters such as Canada, Finland, Sweden and Norway has forced Moscow to keep tariffs low. In addition, transporting paper from Scandinavia to the European region of Russia is incomparably cheaper than the cost of supplying raw materials from the Urals and Siberia to Belarus and the subsequent “return” of “Slavic” paper from there.
If there are specific projects, then there are financial calculations for their implementation. Today, lobbied by many domestic officials, the transition to a new scheme for financing union projects, lending not from the budget of the Union State, but through banks, can bury most developments. Few enterprises will be able to fulfill the credit requirements of banks, but large sums will certainly be “pumped” to commercial banks to pay off the interest rate. The use of Union budget funds and their timely receipt are monitored by various departments; this money, for the most part, is received, as they say, retroactively, and the real return on Union investments is often unreliably estimated.
This is just a few of the reasons for the stalling of allied and other joint plans - current and future. As Valery Yagoev, candidate of economic sciences, who participated in the development of Russian-Belarusian projects, explained to me, “numerous approvals and untimely signing of documents by “profile” officials contribute to the financial problems of the Union; due to rising prices and tariffs, untimely received money becomes worthless. That’s why, for example, funding for many programs and projects is constantly being postponed to future years.” Today, experts from our two countries are relying on the development of projects that do not require fundamental and long-term changes in customs and tariff policy, that is, at the level of individual regions, industries and enterprises.
The most clear and sober assessment of the state of affairs was given by the head of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Sergei Stepashin, who stated that the union state had failed to implement any of the four serious programs, in particular, “Diesel Automotive Industry” and “Union TV” and asked the question: “How effective is it in general?” do those programs that are financed from the Union budget? But he did this three years ago.
Since then, it seems that Moscow has tried not to make the painful problems of our economic partnership public; they prefer to talk about them in a low-key and “general” manner. In Minsk they call things by their proper names. At a recent meeting with Russian journalists, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko explained: “Russia is our main market. In the recent past, he was probably the only one. Today we already sell significantly less to Russia than, say, to the European Union. And that's bad. The basis in relations between states is trade. Unfortunately, we are forced to look for alternative markets.

Now I hear: in the Russian Federation, food prices have risen sharply and continue to rise. So what have you achieved by closing the market for Belarusian cheap goods? These are abnormal relations within the Union State.”

And regarding Russian investments, he admitted absolutely honestly: “I recently approved another project worth half a billion dollars - Mogilev Chemical Fiber.” This is the flagship of the Soviet Union in petrochemicals. We will implement it in two to three years and will increase the output of products that are in demand in the world by 2.5 times. The Chinese offered us a loan at a low interest rate. Why not the Russians?! After all, the money is yours, there are stabilization funds, other funds - they exist. If they lie like dead weight, then with such inflation what happens? Moreover, refundable funds. And this is a payback project. Let it be through banks. We don’t need it for free.”
Moscow and Minsk are well aware that the potential for mutually beneficial Russian-Belarusian interaction hardly has limits. But the “unfinished business” in our political relations, of course, greatly hampers the creation of civilized and transparent rules of partnership. As it should be, having first listed the successes of cooperation, Russian officials at the end conclude their victorious reports with streamlined phrases like: “In order for the union programs to become a more effective instrument of Russian-Belarusian integration, joint focused efforts of both sides are necessary to solve existing problems.” .
And this, despite all the vagueness of the call, is also true. In the first six months of this year, only 34 percent of the funds provided for in the union budget for this period were spent in the union state. Let's say, the Union program to create a unified power plant for agriculture is literally standing idle - due to the fault of the Russian side, which has not yet used a penny...
It seems that it is not “large-scale gigantomania”, but specifics that will henceforth prevail in the Union’s economic endeavors.

At the same meeting of the Union Council of Ministers, it was recognized: mutually beneficial Russian-Belarusian projects are not only and so much interstate programs as those projects that solve clearly defined problems in individual regions, industries and enterprises.

Naturally, to the mutual benefit of the partners. And - not least in importance: as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Viktor Zubkov noted at a recent meeting of the Union Cabinet of Ministers in Minsk, this approach allows for better monitoring of the use of financial resources in joint programs.
As the Belarusian proverb says, you can’t tie a knot with one hand. Only relying on our own strengths and resources will allow us to achieve a genuine revival of our countries. If we want to “tie” a strong knot of Russian-Belarusian relations together, we just need to understand where we are. Then honestly identify the goal we are striving for.

Special for the Centenary




Training on the topic:

“You can’t tie a knot with one hand.”

Spent: afterschool teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 2 of Ruzy"

Priteeva Svetlana Nikolaevna,


Topic: “You can’t tie a knot with one hand.”

Target: update collaboration skills ; creating a positive psychological climate in the group; develop skills to work in pairs and in groups.

Equipment: flower-shaped badges for everyone, a poster with the name of the topic, illustrations for the fairy tale “Turnip” and the fable “Swan, Crayfish and Pike”, labyrinths printed on a sheet of paper, cubes, cards, colored pencils, tape, newspapers, scissors, stapler, circles , cut out of colored paper, two fabric bags.

The date of the: November 2013

Progress of the training.

I. Organizing time.

1. Greeting.

The teacher gives each child a badge in the shape of a flower (the children write their name on the badge and invite each other to greet each other by completing the following exercise.

2. Exercise “Shoulder to Shoulder”.

Educator:“Guys, today, of course, you have already greeted each other. I suggest you say hello without words, with touches. Please stand in a circle. Greet your neighbor by touching your elbows." After this, the leader asks the children to “say hello” with their shoulders, little fingers, heels, knees, tips of shoes, etc.

II. Main part.

1. Conversation “You can’t tie a knot with one hand.”

The teacher opens the topic of the lesson on the board: “The topic of our meeting can be indicated by the well-known saying: “You can’t tie a knot with one hand.” What do you think this proverb tells us, what is its meaning? Class participants express their opinions. The teacher draws their attention to the fact that the cooperation of people in doing something is necessary to achieve a common goal.

Then the teacher offers to look at the illustrations for the fairy tale “Turnip” and for the fable by A.I. Krylov "Swan, Crayfish and Pike". The guys remember the content of fairy tales and fables.


The heroes of the work jointly try to achieve the set goal (heroes of both fairy tales and fables);

Why Swan, Cancer and Pike could not, even acting simultaneously, move the cart with luggage, but the heroes of the fairy tales, thanks to actions coordinated with each other, achieved what they wanted;

What did Swan, Cancer and Pike need to do for their actions to lead to the desired outcome.

Educator:“So, in order to achieve any result in joint work, you need the ability to listen to each other, give in to the other, and negotiate. Let's try a task where you can demonstrate all these skills."

Children are paired up according to the color of the flowers. The facilitator invites some pairs to do the “Labyrinth” exercise, and the other pairs to do the “Assemble a pattern from cubes” exercise.

2. Exercise “Labyrinths”.

Educator:“Now we will go through the labyrinths. To do this, you and your partner must determine who will close their eyes and draw the path with a pencil, and who will help him in this, looking at the maze itself and telling his friend using the words “left”, “right”, “up”, “down” etc. the right way.”

3 . Exercise “Assemble a pattern from cubes.”

One child from the pair is given a drawing of a pattern consisting of 12 cubes of different colors, and his partner in the exercise is given an empty field of the corresponding number of cells. The child who has the card, without showing it to his friend, explains the pattern to the latter, describing only the location of the cubes in the pattern (for example, “in the lower left corner the cube is with the white side”).

After the guys complete the task, they need to answer the question of whether it was easy or difficult to complete the exercise and why, which helped the guys complete the task correctly.

4. Exercise “Building a house.”

The guys are united into two groups according to the type of flowers. Each group receives tape, scissors, a stapler and a stack of newspapers.

Educator:“You need to build a house. The house should be as high as possible. After construction, it should stand for at least a few minutes. Tables, chairs, other objects and people are not allowed.” The guys in groups discuss ways to complete the task, and then begin to complete it.

After this, the participants discuss the completion of the last exercise, answering the teacher’s questions: “How did each of them feel, was it easy for them to complete the task, how did the guys manage to come to a consensus to build a tower, what conditions are necessary for successful cooperation of people with each other " The teacher also asks the children to think about how they worked: like the heroes of a fairy tale or like the heroes of A.I. Krylov’s fable?

III . Result of the training.


The teacher hands each child in turn a bag with circles cut out of colored paper and asks them to choose the appropriate circle: a green circle if they liked the activity, it was interesting, yellow – some exercises were not very interesting, but others were liked, red – if the lesson was boring (the child may not show others what color he pulled out).

After each child has chosen a circle, the circles are dropped into another bag and poured out of it onto the table. The teacher analyzes the results of the “anonymous” vote and asks the children to express their opinions about what surprised, pleased, and interested them in the lesson.

Bolotnikov was preparing for the siege of Orel, but the fortress did not have to be fought. A few miles from the city, the governor was met by Oryol envoys.

- We hit you with our foreheads, Great Voivode! Orel swore allegiance to Emperor Dmitry Ivanovich.

- What about Shubnik? – Ivan Isaevich laughed. - How long has it been since Vasily kissed the cross?

- We don’t want Shubnik! - the messengers shouted. - He is not a true king, he stands on lies. We want Dmitry Ivanovich to the throne. He is righteous and merciful to the people.

– What about the governors and the army?

- They were afraid of you, father. When they found out about your victory, they were very scared. And then the settlements arose. The governors completely chickened out. I filmed it at night and I'm off. The noblemen fled to their estates. The Eagle is waiting for you, father, and will greet you with bread and salt.

“Thank you for your kind words, friends,” Ivan Isaevich bowed to the envoys. - Tsar Dmitry Ivanovich will not forget your zeal. – He turned to the stirrup. “Give me a cup of wine and a colored caftan.”

Then he called the regimental commanders for advice.

- Let’s think, friends, how to go further. Eagle is free. Shall we pass by and look into the city?

– It’s a great holiday in Orel today. The people are waiting for us. It is no good to refuse bread and salt.

“Bersen is the governor interpreting the matter,” Miron Nagiba supported Fedka. - You were put in charge by Tsar Dmitry himself. The eagles will love to meet you. The army is tired, it’s time to rest.

Ivan Isaevich glanced at Fedka and Miron and chuckled. They are not thinking about the army - about the feast. Atamans respect Chara. Glory and honor are respected. Fedka really likes to fight. Look, he led such a noble war in the abatis fortress. Impostor! And they believed me; I served as a governor for almost a year. He took a walk, indulged in food, and got up to speed!

Yushka Bezzubtsev stood up:

- The army is not that tired. Remember how they went to Kromy? They fell off their feet. Now we are walking calmly, not a single warrior is complaining. I think Eagle will pass by. The hook is still quite big. Why waste days on the capital?

Fedka snorted displeasedly. This Bezzubtsev is always sticking his head around, always getting in the way! Will Bolotnikov really listen to Yushka this time?.. And what about Nechaika Bobyl? Ugh! And this one is in a hurry.

The council split. The governor's gaze turned to Bolotnikov.

– It wouldn’t be a bad idea to stay in Orel. The good fortress swore allegiance to Dmitry. Oh, how sad Shubnik will be. He must have thought about holding us back with the Eagle, stopping us in order to gather new strength. It’s not burned out, take a bite, Vasily Ivanovich! - Bolotnikov threw out the fig with a cheerful mockery. - You can’t stop it now. But Tsar Vasily is not a fool. Chew, he's quickly putting up new shelves. Surely he will send archers with nobles to both Volkhov and Belev. These cities are on our way, we cannot avoid them. So we don’t have time to throw feasts, let’s take a walk in Moscow. Nowadays every day is precious. To Bolkhov, governors!

Said it suddenly and bluntly. They knew: there was no point in arguing now, Bolotnikov was adamant. Silently they dispersed to the shelves. Only Fedka remained in the tent. Gloomy, frowning.

-What is darker than the clouds?

Bersen glanced at Bolotnikov from under his brows and blurted out angrily:

- It’s hard for me to be with you, Ivan... It’s hard!

The smile disappeared from Bolotnikov’s face. He looked Fedka closely in the eyes and shook his head.

- You are touchy, Fedor.

- Touchy, Ivan, touchy! – Bersen continued passionately. - Why are you pushing me around, why are you disgracing me in front of the authorities? In the Wild Field I never knew a day of shame. And now? Whatever the advice, Bersen is a fool. The Cossacks laugh.

“You shouldn’t be doing that,” Bolotnikov said regretfully. “That’s why he gives advice, to reveal the truth.”

- Your truth is Yushka Bezzubtsev. A wise adviser. Bersen - don’t sew a tail on a mare, you fool. Where can the governor instruct him, the weakling?

- You will, you will, Fedor! – Ivan Isaevich interrupted sternly.

“They offended the red girl and didn’t listen to her speeches.” And remember the Cossack circle! In what kind of fights were things done? They grabbed their sabers in order to come to the truth... Don’t hold your heart on Yushka, he won’t say anything bad. Fyodor, let’s harness your pride, you won’t ride far on it. Neither Yushka nor anyone else will take away your glory.

“Let me go, Ivan... Let me go from the army,” Bersen said dully.

- What? – Bolotnikov asked, changing his face.

But Fedka had already left the tent. Bolotnikov wanted to stop him, call out to him, but still he restrained himself and did not give vent to his anger. Learned to tame himself in Turkish captivity. How many times have you had to pull yourself together when an infidel with a scimitar is bullying you? But how hard it was to suppress the rage in oneself! It seemed easier to accept death than to endure mockery. And yet he endured, endured, for the sake of the undying hope of deliverance. Only once did he not overcome himself; These were the days when it became completely unbearable, when the soul became completely brutal and hardened. Indignant, maddened, ready to destroy the slave ship, he attacked the Janissary - and only chance saved his life...

Ivan Isaevich left the tent. The army had long been asleep, shrouded in the black blanket of the August night. He lay down on the grass and spread his arms wide. A warm, elastic wind walked through the grove, filling it with a quiet, gentle hum.

A stirrup emerged silently from the darkness, a saddle in his hand. Bolotnikov cannot tolerate any other headboard: it’s a Cossack habit.

- Cover with a caftan?

Ivan Isaevich did not respond; he did not want to talk about anything that night. I would like to lie down detachedly, forgetting about everything in the world, lie quietly, peacefully. After all, serene moments are so rare! How their tired, eternally tormented soul misses them.

He closed his heavy eyelids, slipping into a sweet, light oblivion... And suddenly, like an arrow in the heart. Fedka! Fedka Bersen.

The dream completely disappeared and again my soul was pinched and filled with an unkind, vague anxiety. Fedka!.. There is no closer, truer and more reliable comrade-in-arms... The son of a peasant, a sufferer, ataman of a band of peasants. Was it not he who hid the fugitive Oratai in the wilds of the forest, was it not he who destroyed the boyars' estates, was it not he who instilled confusion in his soul, seducing him with his will? And what about men's bonded certificates? Wasn’t it with Fedka that they burned the hated bondage at Matveeva Zaimka? Wasn’t it in Fedka’s forest dugout where Vasilisa and Afonya Shmotko hid after the riot in the village of Bogorodskoye?

The Wild Field is especially memorable: Fedka’s voivodeship in the abattoir fortress, warfare with the Horde, steppe campaigns...

But why would Fedka suddenly decide to leave the army? What flea bit him?

I thought and looked for the reason until Fedka’s words surfaced:

“I can’t walk under the reins. It’s hard for me to be reined in!”

He spoke at the victorious Kromsk feast, he spoke with pain, with anguish, he even slammed his fist on the table.

“What kind of bridle are you talking about?” - Nechaika Bobyl, who was sitting next to him, asked.

“You don’t understand,” Bersen avoided. - Let's do some more charm. Drink, Nechaika, fill your soul!”

He drank a lot, fiercely, with an incomprehensible bitterness, as if he was not washing away victory, but pouring bitterness into a grave misfortune.

“I can’t walk under the reins.” Isn't this the truth? For someone like Fedka, it’s all about the army and advice. Great governor.

The insight that came resonated with pain in my heart. Fedka doesn’t need a Bigger, any Bigger. Here, after the Wild Field, after many years of being an ataman, he is constrained, entangled, chained by the power of the Greatest, suppressed by his will.

“But what should we do, friend? Nowadays there is no time for localism, not in the Boyar Duma. Now they have gone to a great cause, they have raised Rus'. Now just strengthen the unity, come together into a fist. Nechaika, Miron, Yushka, Ryazan, Anichkin... Without a mighty fist, the boyars cannot be overthrown. It's bad to fight separately. You can’t even tie a knot with one hand... No, Fedka, this is not the time to consider glory. Whether you like it or not, you have to go in one team. To everyone - both governors and men.

Ivan Isaevich thought, thought about his friends, thought about the peasants and slaves who came to the people's army.

The grove hummed intermittently and protractedly, now with increasing noise, now falling silent, and then a short, unsteady silence reigned at the edge, broken only by the timid rustle of the grass. But this did not last long: the wind, which had dozed off, again disentangled itself from the curly caps and began imperceptibly, gradually causing the weightless leaves to tremble lightly, and slowly swaying the silent branches and tops; but then the wind gained strength and boldly walked through the grove, so forcefully and powerfully that the trunks of the birches began to shake.

Ivan Isaevich stood up and took a deep breath.

“Look, what strength! The tree is oppressed. That's how true friendship is, everything will fall under its power. No, Fedka, no! I won’t let you leave the army.”

Target: team building, updating cooperation skills.

Tasks: relieving emotional stress; increasing the level of emotional mood; developing the ability to work in a group; development of creativity; developing the ability to write fairy tales.

Equipment and materials: poster “You can’t tie a knot with one hand,” paper, pens, sets of cards for the exercise “Find your Turnip,” a mobile board, bags of candy, a poster with words for the exercise “Making a Fairy Tale.”

Time: 1 hour.

Number of participants: 14 people.

Participants: teachers.


1. Greeting

Exercise “Say hello like a fairy-tale character”

Participants stand in a circle.

Leading. Today our meeting will be very unusual, or rather fabulous. You have all read or continue to read fairy tales. You have met various heroes in fairy tales. And now I invite you to greet each other like one or another fairy-tale character. And to make it easier to complete this task, we will take turns taking cards from the bag on which the names of fairy-tale characters are already written.” Each participant takes out a card, greets everyone, and the rest guess the name of the character on whose behalf we were greeted.(7 minutes.)

2. Warm up

The presenter indicates the topic of the meeting by opening a poster on the board with the inscription: “You can’t tie a knot with one hand.” Participants discuss the meaning of the phrase.

Exercise “Remember fairy tales”

To conduct the exercise, the facilitator organizes groups of participants as follows. He invites everyone to take one candy from the bag and unite into groups based on their type (the number of types of candies corresponds to the required number of groups).

Participants in their groups remember and write down on sheets of paper the names of fairy tales and other literary works, the main meaning of which may correspond to the meaning of the proverb: “You can’t tie a knot with one hand.” Participants then voice what they have written down. (7-10 minutes).

3. Main content of the lesson

Exercise “What is the meaning of a fairy tale?”

(From the book: I.V. Vachkov. Fairy tale therapy: Development of self-awareness through a psychological fairy tale. - M.: Os-89, 2007)

Participants remain in their groups. The presenter invites them to choose from the list that was compiled in the previous exercise a fairy tale that most closely matches the topic of the lesson.

Then the task is given to extract from it all the meanings that can be found. What does a fairy tale teach? How can we sum up the lessons this tale teaches?

After the discussion, all the meanings found are spoken out again, and the presenter records them on the board.

Participants can be offered the fairy tale “Turnip” to complete this task if they have difficulty choosing a work. (10 minutes.)

Exercise “Find your turnip”

(Modification of the game “Fairy Chess” from the book: I.V. Vachkov. Group methods in the work of a school psychologist. - M.: Os-89, 2006)

Leading. There were two villages in a fairyland. One was called Krugloye, and the other was Serezhkino. One day their residents planted turnips in their gardens. A magical rain fell and the turnips grew to unprecedented sizes. The villagers decided to take their turnips to the fair and see whose had grown the most. On the appointed day they gathered at the fair and exhibited their turnips. But then a magical fog descended, and when it cleared, it turned out that people had lost their hearing and could not talk. They all really wanted to be close to their family and turnips. Each of them remembered who he was and what village he lived in, but had no idea who was next to him.

Imagine that you are in the shoes of the inhabitants of these villages. Let's try to solve this problem. How? Now, one by one, you will draw a card and find out what role you got in our game. The name of the village will give you a hint. An important condition - do not show your card to anyone! You can view cards only by command.

For the game, cards are prepared according to the number of participants. A set of cards (for each group): Mouse, Bug, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Cat, Turnip.

On the board, the presenter writes down the order of the characters:

2. Zhuchka is my grandfather’s favorite dog.

5. Granddaughter.

6. The cat is my granddaughter’s favorite.

Leading. Dear heroes! Remember that your task is to end up with your family, from your village. No one knows where your family will be yet. In order to decide, you should agree with each other. At the same time, remember that you:

- you can’t talk;

- use only gestures and facial expressions.

It is forbidden to write words on paper or in the air - the names of villages or the role you have been given.

If everyone understands the terms of the game, we begin.

After the residents of both villages have gathered, that is, both ranks have lined up, the leader invites them to present cards and name their role. Then there is a discussion of the game on the following questions:

Was it difficult to play? Why?

What helped you find your place?

What difficulties did you encounter? How did you deal with them?

What methods of interaction did you use?

How were they able to reach an agreement without words?

(10–15 minutes.)

Exercise “Making a fairy tale”

1st option

The presenter invites the class participants to play the role of storytellers and write a fairy tale. Groups can be formed using candies (see exercise “Remember fairy tales”).

The presenter opens a poster on the board with the words:

Participants compose a fairy tale using these seven words, and the final phrase should be the proverb - “You can’t tie a knot with one hand.”

When everyone has completed their stories, they are given 1-2 minutes to come up with a name for the story. Fairy tales are read.

(15 minutes.)

2nd option

The exercise can be carried out using elements of sand fairytale therapy. Participants are united into two groups. The presenter first hides small objects in the sand in accordance with the number of participants. Participants carefully search for figurines in the sand and, after the figurines are found, compose a fairy tale story where the heroes are figurines. The final phrase of the fairy tale should be the proverb “You can’t tie a knot with one hand.” At the end, they come up with the name of the fairy tale and read it out.

(The equipment necessary for the exercise is prepared in advance.)

4. Summing up

Bolotnikov was preparing for the siege of Orel, but the fortress did not have to be fought. A few miles from the city, the governor was met by Oryol envoys.

- We hit you with our foreheads, Great Voivode! Orel swore allegiance to Emperor Dmitry Ivanovich.

- What about Shubnik? – Ivan Isaevich laughed. - How long has it been since Vasily kissed the cross?

- We don’t want Shubnik! - the messengers shouted. - He is not a true king, he stands on lies. We want Dmitry Ivanovich to the throne. He is righteous and merciful to the people.

– What about the governors and the army?

- They were afraid of you, father. When they found out about your victory, they were very scared. And then the settlements arose. The governors completely chickened out. I filmed it at night and I'm off. The noblemen fled to their estates. The Eagle is waiting for you, father, and will greet you with bread and salt.

“Thank you for your kind words, friends,” Ivan Isaevich bowed to the envoys. - Tsar Dmitry Ivanovich will not forget your zeal. – He turned to the stirrup. “Give me a cup of wine and a colored caftan.”

Then he called the regimental commanders for advice.

- Let’s think, friends, how to go further. Eagle is free. Shall we pass by and look into the city?

– It’s a great holiday in Orel today. The people are waiting for us. It is no good to refuse bread and salt.

“Bersen is the governor interpreting the matter,” Miron Nagiba supported Fedka. - You were put in charge by Tsar Dmitry himself. The eagles will love to meet you. The army is tired, it’s time to rest.

Ivan Isaevich glanced at Fedka and Miron and chuckled. They are not thinking about the army - about the feast. Atamans respect Chara. Glory and honor are respected. Fedka really likes to fight. Look, he led such a noble war in the abatis fortress. Impostor! And they believed me; I served as a governor for almost a year. He took a walk, indulged in food, and got up to speed!

Yushka Bezzubtsev stood up:

- The army is not that tired. Remember how they went to Kromy? They fell off their feet. Now we are walking calmly, not a single warrior is complaining. I think Eagle will pass by. The hook is still quite big. Why waste days on the capital?

Fedka snorted displeasedly. This Bezzubtsev is always sticking his head around, always getting in the way! Will Bolotnikov really listen to Yushka this time?.. And what about Nechaika Bobyl? Ugh! And this one is in a hurry.

The council split. The governor's gaze turned to Bolotnikov.

– It wouldn’t be a bad idea to stay in Orel. The good fortress swore allegiance to Dmitry. Oh, how sad Shubnik will be. He must have thought about holding us back with the Eagle, stopping us in order to gather new strength. It’s not burned out, take a bite, Vasily Ivanovich! - Bolotnikov threw out the fig with a cheerful mockery. - You can’t stop it now. But Tsar Vasily is not a fool. Chew, he's quickly putting up new shelves. Surely he will send archers with nobles to both Volkhov and Belev. These cities are on our way, we cannot avoid them. So we don’t have time to throw feasts, let’s take a walk in Moscow. Nowadays every day is precious. To Bolkhov, governors!

Said it suddenly and bluntly. They knew: there was no point in arguing now, Bolotnikov was adamant. Silently they dispersed to the shelves. Only Fedka remained in the tent. Gloomy, frowning.

-What is darker than the clouds?

Bersen glanced at Bolotnikov from under his brows and blurted out angrily:

- It’s hard for me to be with you, Ivan... It’s hard!

The smile disappeared from Bolotnikov’s face. He looked Fedka closely in the eyes and shook his head.

- You are touchy, Fedor.

- Touchy, Ivan, touchy! – Bersen continued passionately. - Why are you pushing me around, why are you disgracing me in front of the authorities? In the Wild Field I never knew a day of shame. And now? Whatever the advice, Bersen is a fool. The Cossacks laugh.

“You shouldn’t be doing that,” Bolotnikov said regretfully. “That’s why he gives advice, to reveal the truth.”

- Your truth is Yushka Bezzubtsev. A wise adviser. Bersen - don’t sew a tail on a mare, you fool. Where can the governor instruct him, the weakling?

- You will, you will, Fedor! – Ivan Isaevich interrupted sternly. “They offended the red girl and didn’t listen to her speeches.” And remember the Cossack circle! In what kind of fights were things done? They grabbed their sabers in order to come to the truth... Don’t hold your heart on Yushka, he won’t say anything bad. Fyodor, let’s harness your pride, you won’t ride far on it. Neither Yushka nor anyone else will take away your glory.

“Let me go, Ivan... Let me go from the army,” Bersen said dully.

- What? – Bolotnikov asked, changing his face.

But Fedka had already left the tent. Bolotnikov wanted to stop him, call out to him, but still he restrained himself and did not give vent to his anger. Learned to tame himself in Turkish captivity. How many times have you had to pull yourself together when an infidel with a scimitar is bullying you? But how hard it was to suppress the rage in oneself! It seemed easier to accept death than to endure mockery. And yet he endured, endured, for the sake of the undying hope of deliverance. Only once did he not overcome himself; These were the days when it became completely unbearable, when the soul became completely brutal and hardened. Indignant, maddened, ready to destroy the slave ship, he attacked the Janissary - and only chance saved his life...

Ivan Isaevich left the tent. The army had long been asleep, shrouded in the black blanket of the August night. He lay down on the grass and spread his arms wide. A warm, elastic wind walked through the grove, filling it with a quiet, gentle hum.

A stirrup emerged silently from the darkness, a saddle in his hand. Bolotnikov cannot tolerate any other headboard: it’s a Cossack habit.

- Cover with a caftan?

Ivan Isaevich did not respond; he did not want to talk about anything that night. I would like to lie down detachedly, forgetting about everything in the world, lie quietly, peacefully. After all, serene moments are so rare! How their tired, eternally tormented soul misses them.

He closed his heavy eyelids, slipping into a sweet, light oblivion... And suddenly, like an arrow in the heart. Fedka! Fedka Bersen.

The dream completely disappeared and again my soul was pinched and filled with an unkind, vague anxiety. Fedka!.. There is no closer, truer and more reliable comrade-in-arms... The son of a peasant, a sufferer, ataman of a band of peasants. Was it not he who hid the fugitive Oratai in the wilds of the forest, was it not he who destroyed the boyars' estates, was it not he who instilled confusion in his soul, seducing him with his will? And what about men's bonded certificates? Wasn’t it with Fedka that they burned the hated bondage at Matveeva Zaimka? Wasn’t it in Fedka’s forest dugout where Vasilisa and Afonya Shmotko hid after the riot in the village of Bogorodskoye?

The Wild Field is especially memorable: Fedka’s voivodeship in the abattoir fortress, warfare with the Horde, steppe campaigns...

But why would Fedka suddenly decide to leave the army? What flea bit him?

I thought and looked for the reason until Fedka’s words surfaced:

“I can’t walk under the reins. It’s hard for me to be reined in!”

He spoke at the victorious Kromsk feast, he spoke with pain, with anguish, he even slammed his fist on the table.

“What kind of bridle are you talking about?” - Nechaika Bobyl, who was sitting next to him, asked.

“You don’t understand,” Bersen avoided. - Let's do some more charm. Drink, Nechaika, fill your soul!”

He drank a lot, fiercely, with an incomprehensible bitterness, as if he was not washing away victory, but pouring bitterness into a grave misfortune.

“I can’t walk under the reins.” Isn't this the truth? For someone like Fedka, it’s all about the army and advice. Great governor.

The insight that came resonated with pain in my heart. Fedka doesn’t need a Bigger, any Bigger. Here, after the Wild Field, after many years of being an ataman, he is constrained, entangled, chained by the power of the Greatest, suppressed by his will.

“But what should we do, friend? Nowadays there is no time for localism, not in the Boyar Duma. Now they have gone to a great cause, they have raised Rus'. Now just strengthen the unity, come together into a fist. Nechaika, Miron, Yushka, Ryazan, Anichkin... Without a mighty fist, the boyars cannot be overthrown. It's bad to fight separately. You can’t even tie a knot with one hand... No, Fedka, this is not the time to consider glory. Whether you like it or not, you have to go in one team. To everyone - both governors and men.

Ivan Isaevich thought, thought about his friends, thought about the peasants and slaves who came to the people's army.

The grove hummed intermittently and protractedly, now with increasing noise, now falling silent, and then a short, unsteady silence reigned at the edge, broken only by the timid rustle of the grass. But this did not last long: the wind, which had dozed off, again disentangled itself from the curly caps and began imperceptibly, gradually causing the weightless leaves to tremble lightly, and slowly swaying the silent branches and tops; but then the wind gained strength and boldly walked through the grove, so forcefully and powerfully that the trunks of the birches began to shake.

Ivan Isaevich stood up and took a deep breath.

“Look, what strength! The tree is oppressed. That's how true friendship is, everything will fall under its power. No, Fedka, no! I won’t let you leave the army.”


The village of Yuzovka was met with heartbreaking women's cries. A large hut with a basement was crowded with gloomy men.

Ivan Isaevich got off his horse and asked:

- What's the problem, guys?

The men pulled off their hats and bowed.

- Trouble, governor... Look at this...

The men parted. Near the porch lay six peasants with severed heads.

- Who? – Bolotnikov exhaled heavily.

“Our master, Afanasy Palchikov,” said one of the elderly men.

- Did you kill yourself?

- Myself. With his servants.

Bolotnikov's eyes flashed with anger.

- Why is he taking them, dog?

“For the truth, father, for the truth,” the same peasant began to tell.

Vasily Shuisky, having become king, did not forget Palchikov’s zeal. He granted the nobleman a large estate near Bolkhov.

- Feed, Afanasy. Two hundred men will be on your lands. Continue to serve me with zeal.

The piece fell out fat, but the royal favor did not please Palchikov too much: with Shuisky’s accession to the throne, he expected more.

“You could also come to the Duma. He probably hasn’t forgotten his relatives. Nowadays, both in the Duma and in the orders, things are done,” Afanasy Yakimych became offended.

The king noticed that insult and caressed with words:

- I think you wanted to be at court, Afanasy? Well, not suddenly, not suddenly, my dear. Just have a little patience.

And less than three weeks had passed before Palchikov was called back to the palace. This time Vasily Ivanovich was preoccupied. He sighed and groaned:

– Hey, have you heard about thieves’ Ukraine, Afanasy? What kind of people, God forgive me! I can't live in peace. And they steal, and they steal! Now again they have seized upon the Stripping, the okhalniks!

He scolded for a long time, and then, wiping his sweaty bald head with silk ubrust (it was stuffy, hot in the sovereign’s chambers), he said about the matter:

- That's what it is, Afanasy. Go to Bolkhov with my certificate. Tell the people that there is no Tsarevich Dmitry. Bend by God's judgment, from a black illness. About this, Queen Marya publicly kissed the cross. You will also bring a letter from Marya. Don’t forget to speak about the prince’s holy relics. The relics lie in the Archangel Cathedral. If you are confused, let them send envoys from the entire city. We'll show you. We will also show the icon of the wonderworker Dmitry. And you go with the icon. Take it to the temple with the dean. Let them pray. You are to serve your sentence, Afanasy, on this very day.

“I’ll leave, sir,” Palchikov bowed. - Yes, just... how should I put it...

When Vasily Ivanovich was still a prince, Palchikov was not shy in conversations. Now there was a king before him, and keep your ears open with kings.

- Why are you hesitating? Tell me!

“I’ll tell you, sir,” Afanasy Yakimych decided. He smoothed out his lush beard and said boldly, bluntly: “It’s bad in Ukraine.” The guy there is rebellious, and the cities are restless. People are angry. There is turmoil in all Seversky and Polish cities.

- I know, I know! – Vasily Ivanovich tapped his staff irritably. - Why talk in vain?

- Not in vain, sir. What I mean is that many people need to be sent to seditious Ukraine. Many, sir, and more than one hundred. Silence the thieves. Travel through cities not only with royal letters, but also with patriarchal ones. The people are Christ-loving. The patriarch is the shepherd of the world, the father of Rus', the first from God. They'll listen to him more. And also,” Palchikov stopped short, amazed at the tsar’s face: Vasily Ivanovich turned green with anger. Afanasy belatedly came to his senses. Patriarch Hermogenes does not like Shuisky, pushes him around, pushes him around openly. Tsar Vasily is ambitious, he is overflowing with pride, and he is angry with Hermogenes.

- I forgot, Afonka! - Shuisky swung his horned staff at Palchikov and stamped his feet. - Why are you pushing Hermogenes on me? “They better listen!” To bring down the Tsar?!

- Forgive me, sir! And it was not in my thoughts. I swear to Christ! - Afanasy Yakimych crossed himself.

- “Worldly father, first from God!” – Vasily Ivanovich did not let up. - It won’t happen, Afonka! It’s not the priests’ decree, the sovereign is the priests’ decree. God in heaven, king on earth. The king is the first from God, the king!

It didn’t take a day or two for Afanasy Yakimych to execute himself for his mistake. Vasily Ivanovich is vindictive, not now, but he will pay back later. Shuisky does not forget anything. At parting, the king lay down in anger and cooled down.

- You, Afanasy, have always been kind to me, and now I firmly believe in you, my dear. I think you won’t let me down, you will serve the king. Bring my word to the people, stop the unrest. I won't forget you.

Palchikov “stopped the troubles” not only in Bolkhov, but also in Belev, Odoev, Kozelsk... He tirelessly scoured the volosts and districts, blasphemed Rasstriga, advocating with all his might for Tsar Shuisky.

Vasily Ivanovich endowed his envoy with unprecedented power:

– There is no reason to take seditionists to Moscow. Executions on the spot. I will write about this to the judges and governors.

Executed! Executed for any thieves' word. Bolkhovsky governor - and he was not afraid.

- You are very fierce, Afanasy Yakimych. If only the people had not become embittered. Tea, not guardsmen. Get over it.

- Do you feel sorry for the thieves? - Palchikov boiled. - They probably don’t feel sorry for us. Did you hear how Ivashka cut down the swamp of the nobles near Kromy? He chopped up thousands. No, governor, I won’t stop. The men have needed guardsmen for a long time. Under Ivan the Terrible, they crawled on all fours and didn’t dare say a word. And then they were given free rein and disbanded. So the man bucked. Cut and hang mercilessly!

Palchikov frantically cared not for Vasily Shuisky: he cared for the tsar, for the master’s foundations, which began to shake from the peasant’s ax.

Once the clerk Erofey rushed to Bolkhov from the estate. He came running, frightened, in a tattered caftan.

- Trouble, father! The men disobeyed, they don’t go to corvée. I sent them to your field, but they were a fist in the face.

- So you didn’t go?

- Where there! Here, they grate, their bread is falling off. It would be like corvée.

- That would be a whip! – Palchikov’s eyelid twitched.

- He did his best, father, to raise your servants. Those were the men in the whip. Where there! They rebelled and beat the servants with darts. And I liked it. Look, all the teeth have been planted. Gly-co.

- Is it really the whole village?

- The whole village, father. Thieves are screaming. No more, they say, we won’t tolerate the master. We want to serve Tsar Dmitry - Red Sun.

The name of “Tsar Dmitry” infuriated Afanasy Palchikov. He will never forget the “sovereign favor.” The Tsar's henchmen - Mikhaila Molchanov and Pyotr Basmanov - burst into his house, tied up and took away his daughter Nastenka. They took me away in disgrace. At first, Rasstriga had fun in the bathhouse, then the assistants. What was it like to endure such shame!

– I’ll show them the Red Sun! They will choke on blood!

Taking his military servants with him, Palchikov rushed to Yuzovka. In the village he asked:

– Who was the one who tore everyone’s throats the most?

The clerk pointed to the six. The men were dragged from the fields to Erofeeva’s hut. Palchikov, sitting on a horse, looked angrily at the peasants. His voice breaking, he shouted:

- Revolt, scoundrels, abandon the master's field!.. Well, which of you is the horse guide here?

A short, lean peasant of about forty stood out from the crowd of men. There is no fear or humility in the dark eyes.

- Don’t look for the horse breeder, master. So the whole world decided. Let us not go again to reap your bread. Previously, we knew no masters on our land. I will!

- So-o-o... Have you heard enough of thieves' letters? Have you decided to serve Little Red Sun? To the Christ-seller, Undressed?

“And you, master, don’t blaspheme Dmitry Ivanovich,” the peasant continued defiantly. - That’s a righteous king, he gave the peasants freedom.

- Will-you-you? – Snatching the saber, Palchikov turned purple. - This is your will, smerd!

The man's head rolled under the horse's feet. The horse snorted and pulled back.

- Rub down the seditious people! “Satan,” shouted Palchikov.

The clerk Erofey, after the master’s departure, was seized with fear. He fell before the Mother of God and fervently prayed:

- Save and have mercy, holy Mother of God! Rid the village of theft and vilification. Carry away the misfortune, intercessor!..

But the holy virgin did not help: a little later one of the servants announced in fear:

- The army of thieves is coming, Erofey Gavrilych. It is heading towards Bolkhov.

The clerk was alarmed: the road to Bolkhov stretches through Yuzovka. The beard shook.

- Are the thieves far away?

- Five miles away, Erofey Gavrilych.

The clerk's legs gave way. The horror took hold. The thieves are almost approaching the village. Do not avoid reprisals. Oh, go away, little head!

He ran around the hut lostly. The nearby servant looked at him with timid eyes.

- We should leave, father. Ivashka Swamp, they say, is fierce.

Erofey groaned in dismay. Trouble! Everything will go to waste: a good hut, bellies, a profitable place.

- Carry the saddlebag, Zakharka... Saddle the horse!

From a heavy, copper-bound chest, boots, fur coats, caftans flew to the floor... With a trembling hand, he thrust a purse of silver into his bosom.

We were about to go to Bolkhov, but Erofey suddenly changed his mind: the road is now turbulent, with more than enough thorns and bumps. And what frightened me most of all was the servant:

– How to avoid encountering a thieves’ ertaul. Ivashka Boloto can send his patrols right under the fortress. Wouldn't it be better to sit out in the forest?

Zakharka is a seasoned, idle servant who once served as a member of the Tsar’s warriors.

“Perhaps,” the clerk shook his beard, turning toward the forest.

And yet they did not miss the trouble: in the forest the fugitives were noticed by the old peasant Sysoy, who traded in honey. The old man appeared in Yuzovka, and in the village - Bolotnikov’s army. Sysoy - to the men.

- Our murderer is in the forest.

Ivan Isaevich is sitting on the porch. Without a hat, the scarlet caftan is wide open. The clerk Erofey is at his feet. He sweeps the porch with his beard and slobbers on his boots.

- Have mercy, governor, have mercy on the little children. I will be your faithful dog. Have mercy, my dear!

- Get out! - Bolotnikov disdainfully pushes away the clerk; rises, grabs Erofey by the collar of his caftan and drags him to the headless corpses. - That’s who you ask for mercy... No, you bow, bow – and ask.

Erofei turns around in confusion.

- How can you ask them, sir?

- Everyone, everyone, clerk! – in Bolotnikov’s eyes there is indomitable anger. Neither the governors nor the warriors had ever seen him like this. - Ask, dog!

Erofei crawls on all fours towards one of the executed.

- Have mercy...

He stammers and looks back at Bolotnikov.

- I don’t recognize them without heads.

“Should he admit it,” exclaims one of the peasants. “A man is worse than a beast to him.”

“He admits,” Bolotnikov mutters through clenched teeth. - Come on, bring the bag!

The bag is lowered next to Erofey.

- Get your heads out, clerk. Yes, look, don't get confused.

Erofey, with shaking hands, takes his head out of the bag. The face is whiter than snow.

- It seems that Mitka is the Navel.

– Put it... Put it to the body!

Erofey puts it to him, but the men shout: he’s not the one. Erofei crawls towards another dead man. And again: not the same, not the same, clerk!

Erofey reaches for the governor’s boot.

- Osloboni, my lord. I can't!

- Search, search, dog!

Bolotnikov gets up, and the clerk drags his head by the hair, drags him along the ground to the dead.

- What do bars and clerk lackeys need a man? - Bolotnikov thunders from the porch. Now he is addressing everyone: the Yuzov men, foot and horse warriors, gunners, Cossacks, baggage train people - the entire community of thousands who watched the execution. – As long as bars and clerks are alive, the people will not see freedom. To groan for centuries, to walk under the yoke for centuries, to shed men's blood for centuries. See how disadvantaged people in the bar are flogged. They flog you not for robbery, not for theft, but for thinking of plowing Mother Earth for yourself. How long will you endure the lord’s evil, how long will you walk under the whip? Isn't it time to go through the master's estates with sword and fire? Death to the bonded men!

- Death! – the bulk responded furiously.

Erofey was cut into pieces. A young, disheveled guy in a green sukman was brought to Ivan Isaevich.

- Clerk's son. What's wrong with him, governor?

- Chop! – Bolotnikov said mercilessly.


The Bolkhov governor was expecting the thieves' army any day now. There was no fear. He walked among the nobles and archers and said:

“We won’t let Thief into the fortress.” He's not that strong. There are men walking with clubs. Where can he take fortresses?

The governor was well prepared for the siege. They cleared and filled the fortress moat with water, added an earthen rampart, repaired the oak walls, gates and towers, dragged cannons, squeaks and heavy crossbows onto the platforms. The fortress is not offended by cannonballs, buckshot and gunpowder; There is plenty of resin and stone blocks stored.

Together with the governor, Afanasy Palchikov scurried around the fortress. He told the servants:

– Do not believe Ivashka Bolot’s anonymous letters. There is no trace of Tsar Dmitry. The fugitive, defrocked Grishka Otrepiev, was sitting in Moscow. He desecrated the temples of God and destroyed the ancient foundations. Together with the Poles, I thought of eradicating the Christian faith in Rus'. Instead of churches there are churches of other faiths and the Latin faith. What a blasphemer! In Moscow, blasphemy is unheard of. Shame, fornication, robbery. How much Grishka stole and drank from the sovereign's treasury, how much he gave away to infidels, how many innocent girls he betrayed to shame. Ernik, adulterer, antichrist!

He threw out angrily, abruptly, heating up with anger. He spoke about this to both the servicemen and the tax-paying townsfolk, and spoke at auctions and squares.

- Now they have degenerated a new blasphemer, they have again allowed corruption into Rus'. He is going to Moscow, to the kingdom of Moscow. Will we really allow the faith of Christ to be violated again?!

He read the letters of Tsar Vasily, the nun Martha, and promised the sovereign's favors to the Bolkhov people.

The priests and monks were zealous. Prayers, processions of the cross with the miraculous icon of Dmitry Uglitsky, curses of thieves at liturgies, prophetic cries and cliques and holy fools in Christ... The people hesitated. Previously, Tsar Vasily was blasphemed, Dmitry Ivanovich was expected as a deliverer, but now, after the arrival of the sovereign's envoy from Moscow and the frantic sermons of the deans, they calmed down and began to think: what if Dmitry Ivanovich really is not true?

Afanasy Yakimych is pleased: the city has become quiet, no more loudmouths can be heard. He brought out sedition. In the first days after I arrived, rebellious speeches poured out from every settlement. He grabbed him, mutilated him in the torture chamber, and executed him. Shortened the tongues. Silent! And not only did they fall silent, but they also seemed to lose faith in Krasno Solnyshko. The shepherds did not disappoint. Now both old and young will come out on the walls. If Ivashka doesn’t take the Swamp fortress, he’ll break his teeth. And then the Tsar’s army will arrive in time.

They approached Bolkhov in the afternoon and surrounded him on three sides.

- Or maybe we can cross the river? – suggested Nagiba.

“If you take it, then it’s a ring,” Nechaika echoed him.

But Ivan Isaevich did not accept the advice:

- Climb under the guns? No, we'll wait, friends. The army is cramped here.

Bolotnikov drove around the city and stopped on the bank of Nugri.

- Good fortress. They say that the Horde people stumbled here more than once. Stands strong.

Bolkhovites poured out onto the walls. A huge enemy army surrounded the fortress; it is nearby, three arrow flights away - menacing, weapon-like.

Palchikov’s heart trembled in vague alarm: he did not expect such an army. There are tons of thieves! Eck some men came running. And there are quite a few Cossacks, too many trukhmenkas to count. How many of them have come from the Wild Field?.. And there the guns are rolling up.

The Bolkhov governor also began to scratch his head: it would be difficult. Ivashka Boloto is an excellent warrior, he famously beat Trubetskoy to pieces. I laid down eight thousand. What's it like?

The archers, service people according to the instrument, are restless. It will be difficult to fight the rebels. Listen to the governor! "Men with clubs." Good goal. And sabers, and pistols, and cannons.

“Strong army,” one of the archers said sadly.

“Strong,” chimed in another. - Many are armored.

Chain mail, armor, helmets gleamed silver in the sun, and oval shields blazed bloody.

Sloboda residents scratched their heads:

– No power would follow the Thief. No matter how you miss, Orthodox Christians.

– What did the bishop say? Wor-de.

- So even the rulers do not know everything.

- And Queen Marya? She buried Dmitry in Uglich. Will he really blaspheme his own son?

- Oh, the ways of God, the Orthodox, are inscrutable... But still, Tsar Vasily is very capable of deceitful letters. Wouldn't miss.

Bolotnikov's herald drove up to the water ditch, loudly and loudly read the letter of Tsar Dmitry Ivanovich. They shouted from the walls:

- It can’t be! In Uglich, Tsarevich Dmitry fell!

- Thieves' certificate!

Biryuch raised a column above his head.

- Look, with the sovereign's seal!

- We don’t believe it! The sovereign's seal in Moscow from Tsar Vasily!

- False letter!

The nobles, the archery heads and centurions, the merchants, and the clerks of the Zemstvo hut were shouting. The posad's desire remained silent and waited. But then the blacksmith Timokha, known throughout the city, nicknamed Okatysh, stepped forward. Strong, round, beard to the waist.

– Shouldn’t we have a look at the letter, Orthodox Christians?

- Let's see! Open the gate! - Sloboda residents supported the blacksmith.

The governor pursed his plump lips in displeasure. Look, what did the mob think? Open the fortress to the enemy! He was about to shout to the archers to guard the gate as best they could, but one of the townspeople had already emerged from the copper-clad gate and ran up to the ditch.

- Throw in the letter!

The herald turned to the army.

- Give me the spear!

Dali. The herald put the scroll on a spear and threw it over the ditch. Posadsky trotted towards the gate. Having entered the city, he did not climb the wall, but went with a letter to the Slobozhans. They turned it over in their hands, touched it, examined it, until the scroll ended up in Timokha Okatysh’s hands.

- Why is there no point in staring? We haven’t seen the Tsar’s letters for a long time. Let's go to the clerks.

Let's go to the clerk. He glanced at the seals and grunted sedately.

- Tsareva. With them in order,” he choked, stumbling upon the evil eyes of the sovereign’s envoy Afanasy Palchikov. He grabbed the letter and raged:

- Don’t you know, clerk, how the thieves got this seal? Mishka Molchanov stole her from the palace and sold her to the Poles. Did you want to fall into disgrace?

The clerk bowed his head. Palchikov continued fieryly:

– Mishka Molchanov is a womanizer, a blasphemer and a warlock. Boris Godunov whipped him for witchcraft. Mishka would sit and not rock the boat, but suddenly the Impostor found himself on the throne. And who did Rasstriga take as his favorites? Mishka Molchanov! He's a cheeky man and a fornicator who supplied Grishka Otrepiev with girls from all over Moscow and monasteries. Look, you heard how the liar mocked Ksenia Godunova? What about Ksenia! – Palchikov turned purple and exploded even more. - My daughter Nastenka, any child, Mishka Molchanov took her to Undress for fornication. At the same time they raped!

A dissatisfied roar went through the crowd: look, what a wicked and mischievous impostor.

- Curse and burn this document! - the bishop roared.

- Burn it! - the priests and monks echoed him.

- Burn it! - the army burst out.

- Burn it! - the townspeople responded.

This was a response to Bolotnikov’s peaceful appeal.

Cannons fired from the fortress walls. One of the shot cores exploded five fathoms from the gun servant. Three Bolotnikovites were killed.

- Back, back! - Terenty Ryazanets yelled.

The outfit was hastily pulled back.

“They started off well,” Ivan Isaevich involuntarily approved of the Bolkhovites, and immediately a frown appeared on his forehead. - To be blood. It was not for nothing that the spies reported that the fortress was loyal to Shuisky.”

I went to the outfit. Nowadays, the gunners have their mouths full of troubles: pouring peals for the cannons, installing a protective plank fence, securing it with oak stands, heating cast-iron cannonballs in camp forges, digging deep holes for the potion, rolling barrels of water to the guns.

The cannons fired from the fortress again, but the cannonballs hit before reaching the tyn.

“If they were playing around,” Ryazan threw out a fig and ran to the green pits, shouting: “Can you really cover it with boards alone?” How will they light up? Sod, fill with sod!

An hour or two later the outfit was ready for battle. Ivan Isaevich was constantly among the gunners, looking closely at Ryazan. Dexterous and quick-witted. With something like this, it seems like you can’t make a mistake, he thought, look at how much the guns were placed.

All four heavy siege weapons were aimed at the entrance gate, at the enemy gun muzzles.

- Shall we begin, voivode? – Ryazan crossed himself with a flourish.

- With God blessing!

The gunners brought burning wicks to the greens. Flames shot up, the cannon jerked, roared deafeningly, throwing a heavy two-pound cannonball out of the barrel. Wood chips fell from the gate tower.

- Cleverly, Terenty! - Bolotnikov exclaimed. It was not for nothing that the siege guns were dragged. The Bolkhovites don’t have those, their three serf long-range shooters are no match for the field ones.

After the fifth salvo, the top of the tower with the tweeters was knocked down; frightened screams were heard. Terenty Ryazanets, shrouded in clouds of powder smoke, ordered the gun servants to slightly bend the barrels. They dug compacted earth under the frames and laid oak logs. The muzzles dropped.

- To the greengrocers!

The guns boomed again. Two lead cannonballs hit the copper-clad gate with a loud ringing sound.

- Korezh, knock him out, Avdeich!

The Ryazan resident looked back at Bolotnikov and pointed to his ears: I’m deaf, I can’t hear! Ivan Isaevich approached the gunner and patted him on the shoulder.

- So fire, Avdeich!

The Ryazan man nodded and ran to the other gunners: it was time to throw cannonballs at the walls and behind the prison. Soon the mattresses and mortars, gaufnitsa and falconets began to swell, roar, and screech. Cannonballs: stone, iron, lead, cast iron, shot, cast and forged - rained down on the city. Rumble, roar, howl, sheaves of sparks, smoke!

“What’s on the landing?” – Bolotnikov thought. But from behind the walls of the fortress, only the blue and scarlet domes of the temples were visible. He ordered to call the men.

“Cut down my watchtower, guys.” Hurry up!

Soon he was looking over the city from a five-fathom tower. Now the fortress, the suburb, and the Kremlin were in full view. The red-hot cannonballs doused with a hot incendiary mixture were used to destroy dry log walls, chopped-up churches and huts, noble and merchant mansions. The fire quickly spread throughout the city. In the crooked, narrow streets and alleys people were rushing about: with hooks, belongings, buckets of water... Screaming, roaring, confusion!

Ivan Isaevich, looking around Bolkhov, suddenly remembered Discord - a Cossack fortress dying in the fire. How many goods and buildings were devoured by the fierce conflagration, how many old people and children perished! Killed by a Gentile, a ferocious, evil Horde, thirsty for prey. Nowadays the Rusich is dying from the Rusich, the taxing posad, the working man is dying, his homeland, belongings, and craft are perishing.

And again my soul became anxious. War! A bitter, bloody war, where not only a merchant and a nobleman, but also his own, beaten and bent by everyone, an enslaved publican, falls to death from fire and sword. Oh, what a price you give, my dear!

“Maybe we should stop the shooting? – my heart suggested with unexpected pity. “Stop the destruction and death, lift the siege.”

But another thought immediately overwhelmed me - a cruel, decisive one: They kissed Shubnik’s cross, they bowed their head below their belly, humble sheep! Well, get it, since you didn’t want to get up from your knees. The one who is for Shubnik and the boyars is against his will. Burn, burn the city on fire!

The fire was in full swing over Bolkhov. Military men ran from the walls to the rescue of the townspeople. They grabbed the hooks and rolled out the logs.

“Half the walls were exposed. Good! Fall, Ryazan, fall even more! If you knock down the gate, I will lead the free agent to the fortress. Fall, Ryazan!”

The boys were running along one of the streets, rushing at full speed, scared, alarmed, trying to hide from the raging fire.

A shotgun cannonball flew with a howl and whistle from a thick, copper, blunt-nosed gun; crashed and exploded among a dozen children. Bolotnikov froze with his mouth twisted. God! What are they for?! Buckshot... all at once. God!

He descended from the watchtower and, heavy-set and frowning, hurried towards Ryazan.

- Will be!.. Will be, Avdeich!

- Enough nuclear weapons, Ivan Isaevich. Why is that so? – the gunner did not suddenly understand Bolotnikov.

- I will! - Bolotnikov shouted, unable to control himself.

The Ryazan resident hurried: something unexpected suddenly opened up in Bolotnikov. In his eyes there was anger, pain, and some kind of unprecedented suffering grimace distorted his face beyond recognition. Something suddenly broke the governor, and this struck Ryazan most of all.

“It will be so,” he muttered discouragedly.

Bolotnikov turned abruptly and quickly walked towards his tent. A little later a messenger rushed up to the squad.

- The governor ordered to fire!

Finally, with a great delay, an answer came from Istoma Pashkov. There was no certificate, he ordered it to be conveyed in words:

- Let's meet together near Moscow. For now, let's go with two armies.

Having released the messenger, Ivan Isaevich turned his head. The Venev centurion is cunning and idle! No wonder he kept the messenger with him. It is not Bolotnikov and the peasants, but Istoma Pashkov and the nobles who will rock Moscow. Idleness!.. Well, don’t tear your navel, Istoma Ivanovich. The first powder is not a sled path. Shuisky will break your wings. You can't take Moscow without men. There is little hope for the bar. They do not fight for freedom, but for ranks and estates. You won’t be able to overcome Moscow, Pashkov. Whether you like it or not, you will have to wait for the army of men.

- Ivan Isaevich... Father! – Bolotnikov’s thoughts were interrupted by the stirrup Axe. - Look, the wall has been broken through. Maybe for an attack, huh?

Ivan Isaevich left the tent and silently looked around the smoking fortress. They broke through the wall ten fathoms from the archer, but have not yet knocked down the gate.

- We'll be late, dad! Look, they're piled up with logs. Shall we hit the gap, Ivan Isaevich?

- Did they pour hot coals into your trousers? Don't fuss, stirrup. One gap is not enough. As long as we fall over the ditch, there will be no hole. Until then, the gate must be knocked down.

Ivan Isaevich jumped onto his horse and rode towards the outfit. Ax with Anichkin and about two dozen agile, sturdy young men in blue zipuns rushed after him. This was the personal guard of the Great Voivode, who did not leave him day or night. Anichkin insisted on security, insisted after the recent road chaos.

That day we drove through a dark, dense forest. In one of the clearings, a thin, melodious arrow suddenly whistled. The horse under Bolotnikov collapsed dead. They rushed to look for the enemy, but there was no trace of him. Matvey Anichkin examined the iron tip and frowned even more.

- The arrow is poisoned, governor. You walk under God. The arrow was not swayed by the wind. Look, what a Horde man, otherwise...

“A good archer won’t miss a Horde.” This is Shubnik’s thin... thin spy,” Bolotnikov said harshly.

- Science for us. The Tsar is ready for any dirty trick. Be careful not to travel without chain mail, Ivan Isaevich. And you can no longer do without security. The army is large, it is easy for an enemy to get lost. Beware!

- Don't croak! - Bolotnikov interrupted angrily, changing to another horse, and it was impossible to understand: either he was condemning the cautious Anichkin, or he was angry at Shuisky’s treachery.

Anichkin, without waiting for the governor’s consent, assigned constant guards to him.

- They won’t give in, Avdeich? Are the gates really that strong?

- Strong, Ivan Isaevich. One sash was broken, the other is holding on. Look, they hit me with five inches of iron. Don `t move! – Ryazanets lamented.

Ivan Isaevich approached the “Stepson”, the largest and heaviest cast-iron cannon weighing five hundred pounds.

- Come on, give me the cannonball, guys.

- Wait a little, governor. My hands were burned.

The gun was burning with heat, don't touch it. One of the gunners spat on the barrel. The saliva hissed and immediately boiled.

- Wow! Angrier than a turkey. Do you know what the Stepson got, guys?

- I've had enough, voivode. It's been loud for half a day. Now neither put in the kernels nor pour in the potion. Fryer!

They began to water the cannon with water from leather bellows. When Stepson cooled down, Ivan Isaevich approached the pile of stone cannonballs. He took a fancy to one, picked it up, and carried it to the gun. The gunners looked at each other. The governor is strong! There are four pounds in the core. Two of them rolled into the barrel, but only one managed it. Strong!

- How much gunpowder, Avdeich?

– Based on the weight of the kernel. But we'll spare three pounds less. Cautiously.

- Full rash!

A bast box (measure) was used to pour four pounds of the potion into the powder flask. Bolotnikov looked sharply at the enemy gate, took aim, and turned to the gunners.

- Lower the wind a couple of inches, guys.

Demoted. Ivan Isaevich took aim again. Say, okay. Terenty Ryazanets held out the wick.

- With God, governor.

Bolotnikov put the fuse to the ignition hole. The flame flashed, a hot breath blew into his face, and the chariot shook. The cannonball damaged the gate, knocked down the gate, and hit the iron strip.

- You're naughty, let's hit it! Well, guys, add half a pound of potion.

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