Estimation of production capacity. Calculation of average annual production capacity, indicators of its use

Enterprise economics: lecture notes Dushenkina Elena Alekseevna

9. Planning the production capacity of the enterprise

The ability of an enterprise to produce certain products in certain sizes is characterized by production capacity.

Productive capacity- the maximum possible annual production volume, calculated on the basis of the full use of all installed equipment, the full use of its operating time during the year when applying technical standards for equipment productivity and modern organization production and labor, i.e. with the optimal use of all factors that determine product output.

Production capacity serves to justify the actual production program of the enterprise. Production capacity is calculated only in natural and conditionally natural units of measurement.

The calculation is carried out only for the output equipment of the main productions (separately for each production) for the entire assortment.

Planning of production capacity is based on taking into account the factors on which its value depends. When calculating power, the following factors are taken into account: the structure and size of the main production assets; quality composition of equipment, level of physical and moral wear and tear; advanced technical standards for equipment productivity, use of space, labor intensity of products, product yield from raw materials; degree of specialization; operating mode of the enterprise; level of organization of production and labor; equipment operating time fund; quality of raw materials and rhythm of deliveries.

Production capacity is a variable quantity. A decrease in power occurs for the following reasons: equipment wear; increasing the labor intensity of manufacturing products; changes in the nomenclature and range of products; reduction of working hours; expiration of the equipment leasing period.

Production capacity planning consists of performing a set of planned calculations to determine: input power; output power; indicators of the degree of power utilization.

Input power determined by the available equipment installed at the beginning of the planning period. output power– capacity at the end of the planning period, calculated on the basis of input power, disposal and input of power during the planning period.

Product release planning is carried out based on average annual capacity(Ms), calculated by the formula:

M s = M n + M y (Ch1 / 12) + Mr (Ch2 / 12) + M un (Ch3 / 12) – M in ((12 – Ch 4) / 12

where Мн – production capacity at the beginning of the planning period (year);

Mu - increase in power due to organizational and other measures that do not require capital investments;

Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4 – respectively, the number of months of power operation;

Мр – increase in capacity due to technical re-equipment, expansion and reconstruction of the enterprise;

M un – increase (+), decrease (-) capacity due to changes in the nomenclature and range of products, receipt of industrial production assets from other enterprises and their transfer to other organizations, including leasing;

M in – reduction in power due to its disposal due to disrepair.

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2.2 Balance production capacity

To justify the production program by production capacity, specialization and cooperation of production, as well as to determine the required amount of real investment to increase production capacity at the enterprise, an annual balance of production capacity must be developed. Previously, the balance of production capacity consisted of all industrial enterprises. At the moment, only large companies are involved in compiling it. The balance is compiled according to the nomenclature and range of products. The balance of production capacity includes:

    capacity of the enterprise at the beginning of the planning period;

    the amount of increase in production capacity due to various factors (modernization, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, and so on);

    the size of the reduction in production capacity as a result of disposal, transfer and sale of fixed production assets, changes in the nomenclature and range of products, changes in the operating mode of the enterprise;

    the amount of output power, that is, the power at the end of the planned period;

    average annual capacity of the enterprise;

    coefficient of utilization of average annual production capacity.

Input production capacity– this is the capacity at the beginning of the reporting or planning period. Determined according to financial statements.

Output production capacity– this is the capacity of the enterprise at the end of the reporting or planning period. In this case, the output power of the previous period is the input power of the subsequent period . It is determined by calculation:

M out = M in + M t + M r + M ns – M select

M out – output production capacity;

M in – input production capacity;

Mt – increase in production capacity due to technical re-equipment of production;

Мр – increase in production capacity due to reconstruction of the enterprise;

M ns – increase in production capacity due to expansion (new construction) of the enterprise;

M select – retiring production capacity.

Since the commissioning and disposal of capacities is not carried out simultaneously, but occurs throughout the entire planned period, there is a need to calculate the average annual production capacity.

Average annual production capacity – power determined by the arithmetic weighted average, taking into account the input and output of power by period. It is determined by the formula:

M s – average annual production capacity;

Mvv – input production capacity;

t 1 – number of months of operation of the commissioned capacity during the reporting period;

Mvyb – output production capacity;

t 2 – number of months from the date of disposal of capacity until the end of the reporting period.

The given methodology for determining the average annual capacity is applicable in cases where the enterprise development plan provides for a specific month for the commissioning of new production facilities. If the current plan for capital construction or organizational and technical measures provides for the commissioning of capacities not by months, but by quarters, then when calculating the average annual capacity it is considered that they will be commissioned in the middle of the planned quarters.

When developing medium- and long-term plans, it is impossible to foresee not only the month, but also the quarter in which additional capacity will be introduced. In this case, when calculating their average annual values, the period of operation of the commissioned capacities is taken to be 0.35 years.

Average annual production capacity utilization rate.

It is calculated as the ratio of actual production output to average annual capacity:

K and – coefficient of production capacity utilization in the reporting period, units;

Vpl (actual) – actual output volume, units;

M average year – average annual production capacity of the enterprise in the reporting period, units;

If Vpl(fact)<М ср.год, то это значит, что производственная программа предприятия обеспечена производственными мощностями. Поскольку производственная мощность представляет собой максимально возможный объем выпуска продукции при лучших условиях производства, то коэффициент ее использования не может быть больше единицы. Несоблюдение этого условия означает, что расчетная производственная мощность предприятия занижена и требуется уточнение расчетов.

3. Production capacity of TPG "Kronos-Invest"

General characteristics of the enterprise

Kronos-Invest LLC is a national distribution company (wholesale trade of alcoholic beverages and beer and soft drinks throughout Russia). The enterprise represents a full cycle of winemaking: from growing grapes to selling finished wine to consumers.

The main activity is the production and distribution of high-quality domestic wines in Russia, and thereby improving the culture of wine drinking in our country.

TPG "Kronos-Invest" was founded in 1996 in Moscow as the company "Kronos", which was engaged in the wholesale trade of alcoholic beverages and beer and soft drinks. In subsequent years, the Kronos company opened a network of branches throughout the Moscow region. Thanks to the successful investment policy of the company's management, such legal independent enterprises as: LLC PKF "Bacchus" (Rostov Winery), CJSC "Khimstroiopttorg" joined it. In 2000, the company was transformed into Kronos-Invest LLC, since its activities began to include not only wholesale trade, but also transactions with securities. Subsequently, the company's structure continued to expand, and in 2001 Kronos-Invest became a commercial and industrial group focused on the production of wine products and wholesale trade.

I will consider production capacity using the example of the LLC PKF “Bacchus” enterprise (Rostov Winery), as an integral part of the TPG “Kronos-Invest”.

The Rostov Winery is a limited liability company, the production and commercial company "Bacchus" and a closed joint-stock company "Corporation Kerkinitida". Both of these enterprises were founded in 2000 and in essence are continuers of the already established traditions of winemaking and viticulture, established back in 1928 by the founders of the Rostov winery, on the territory of which they are now located. Currently, the Rostov winery has about 290 employees.

The plant produces such wine brands as “Bacchus” and “Golitsyn Wines”, “Vozhd”. At this stage of development, the plant is a large enterprise in terms of production volumes not only in Rostov, but also in Russia.

The task of the enterprise is to improve the technological processes of winemaking using newer and more modern equipment to achieve high quality products, increase consumer demand for the products produced, and increase the competitiveness of the enterprise.

Calculation of production capacity

The cost of fixed assets at the beginning of the base year 2003 was 1000 thousand monetary units. On May 1 of the same year, fixed assets worth 2,200 thousand units were put into operation. On October 1, obsolete fixed assets worth 630 thousand units were withdrawn.

Average annual capacity (Mav) is calculated by adding to the input power (Mvx) the average annual input (Mvv) and subtracting the average annual retiring capacity (Mvb) taking into account the validity period (Tn):

Msr = Mvx + Mvv * Tn / 12 – Mvb (12 – Tn)/12.

Msr = 1000 + 2200*3/12 – 630* (12 – 3)/12 = 1077.5 thousand* units

The Rostov winery has a continuous production process. Let's calculate the calendar (Fc), routine (Fr) and planned (Fp) time funds:

Fk = Dk * 24,

Fk = 365 * 24 = 8760 hours

The planned time fund is calculated based on the operating hours, taking into account stops for repairs (a), in hours.

Фп = Фр * (1 – а / 100);

Фп = 2014.5 * (1 – 10/100) = 1813.05.

Fr = Dr * Te * S,

Fr = 255 * 7.9 * 1 = 2014.5 hours

where Dr is the number of working days per year;

Te – the average duration of one shift, taking into account the operating mode of the enterprise and the reduction of the working day on pre-holiday days;

C – number of shifts.

The production capacity of the unit (PMa) depends on the planned operating time during the year (Fp) and its productivity per unit of time (W)

PMa = Фп * W.

The bottling shop of this plant has 3 bottling lines, each with 10 units installed. In an hour of work, they bottle 10,500 liters of wine. Then the production capacity of one unit will be:

PMa = 1813.05 * 10500 / 10 = 190370.25 liters.

The production capacity of a site with the same type of equipment and the same nomenclature is calculated by multiplying the production capacity of the unit by their number (K). Thus, the production capacity of the three bottling lines of the bottling shop is equal to:

PMu = PMa * K = 190370.25 * 3 = 571110.75 liters.*

Thus, the production capacity of the bottling shop is 571,110.75 liters of wine. The production capacity of the plant is determined by the capacity of the leading workshop and amounts to 571,110.75.

Table 2.1. Wine production program for the year


Quantity, l.

Average labor intensity, n\h

Conversion factor

Port wine

The results are summed up and the enterprise production program (PP) is obtained:

PP = 90750 * 1.2 + 63450.25 * 1.1 + 35170.50 * 1 = 213865.8 liters.

The planned coefficient of utilization of the enterprise's production capacity (Kpm) is calculated by dividing the production program by the production capacity (PM). Based on the previous calculation of production capacity, it is possible to determine Kpm:

Kpm = PP / PM * 100% = 213865.775 /571110.75 * 100% = 37.45%.

Capacity proportionality coefficient, which is calculated as the ratio of the production capacity of the workshop to the production capacity of the plant (capacity of the workshop and section).

Kpr. = 571110.75 / 190370.25 = 3.


The most important result of organizing the intensive use of production capacity is the acceleration of the growth rate of production without additional capital investments and the growth rate of capital productivity.

The development of our economy at the present stage and in the near foreseeable future determines the need to improve the organization of intensive use of the production capacities of existing enterprises.

The organization of intensive use of available production capacities is an important factor of economic growth, in which not only the efficiency of the used capacity resources increases, but also its importance in the increase in production increases, i.e. when the main source of increasing output becomes saving these resources.

The organization of intensive use of production capacity should be carried out taking into account the action of a combination of two interrelated types of factors that determine the possibility of more intense functioning of capacity resources over time (increasing their load) and influencing the intensive increase in capacity (reducing machine intensity).

Determining the level of organization of intensive use of production capacity necessitates the justification of the criterion for its assessment. Such a criterion may be the minimum gap between the levels of utilization of capacities and equipment that make up the system of enterprise machines. Consequently, the smaller this gap, the higher the level of organization of the use of production capacities.

The problem of organizing the intensive use of production capacities of existing enterprises covers a wide range of issues and necessitates the solution of a dual problem: firstly, mobilizing reserves for increasing the proportionality of capacities by improving the construction of the machine system of individual departments and enterprises as a whole; secondly, the rational use of production capacity by improving the economic mechanism and the system of material incentives. These issues are core to the ongoing radical economic reform at the enterprise level. Self-supporting stimulation of intensive use of production capacity is provided through the normative distribution of profit or income. This is an effective lever for mobilizing internal reserves to increase production output and improve all technical and economic indicators of enterprise activity.

Based on the data, the production capacity of PKF BAHUS LLC, a division of the Rostov company TPG KRONOS-INVEST, was calculated, which amounts to 571,110.75 liters of wine. The planned coefficient of utilization of the enterprise's production capacity was also calculated, amounting to 37.45%. This means that the company does not fully utilize its resources, but only 37.45%.

List of sources used

    Petrovich I.M., Atamanchuk R.P. “Production capacity and enterprise economics”, Moscow, 2009.

    Sergeev I.V. “Enterprise Economics”, “Finance and Statistics”, Moscow 2008.

    “Enterprise Economics: Textbook for Economic Universities”, Ed. Rudenko A.I., Minsk, 2009.

    "Enterprise Economics", Ed. Karlika A.E. and Shukhgalter M.L. Moscow, INFRA-M, 2007.

    Chuev I.N., Chechevitsyna L.N. "Enterprise Economics", Moscow, 2009.

6. Zaitsev N.L. Economics of an industrial enterprise: Textbook; 2nd ed.,

reworked and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2008.

7. Tambavskiy K.K., Petrenko E.S. Economic analysis of the enterprise. – M.: Infra-M, 2009.

8. Sivakova A.I., Fradkina E.K. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. – Rostov n/d: publishing house “Phoenix”, 2008.

9. Prokhorov S.A. Enterprise economy. – M.: Nauka, 2009.

10. Websites, materials from which were used in the work:

Any enterprise has the final result of certain products, products, services or work. Production capabilities act as the main limitation on production volumes. The specific value of the production capabilities of any company lies in the optimal production volume and its production capacity.

The optimal production volume represents the volume that ensures the fulfillment of concluded contracts and obligations to produce products within the established time frame with minimal costs and the highest possible efficiency. Production capacity represents the company's annual supply, taking into account the availability and use of resources and changes in current price levels.

Production capacity calculation

The value of production capacity represents the volume of fixed production assets, including the degree of their use. Thus, production capacity can be defined as the maximum possible output of products per unit of time in physical terms in the established nomenclature and assortment according to plan, with full use of equipment and production area. The calculation of production capacity takes into account the use of advanced technology, improvement of production organization and labor organization, and ensures high quality products.

Factors of production capacity

The amount of production capacity can be influenced by several factors, among which are:

  1. number and composition of installed machines, equipment, units and mechanisms,
  2. technical and economic use of mechanisms, machines,
  3. progressiveness of technology and technology in production,
  4. working time fund for equipment,
  5. level of labor organization and production process,
  6. production areas of the main workshops and the enterprise as a whole,
  7. the intended assortment and range of products that have a direct impact on the production of products in the presence of certain equipment.

In the case of determining the composition of equipment, the totality of equipment of the main production is taken into account in accordance with the types that were installed at the beginning of the year, as well as those put into operation in the planned year. The calculation of production capacity does not include reserve equipment, equipment of pilot and experimental sites, equipment that is used for vocational and technical training.

Calculation method

The calculation of the production capacity of an enterprise cannot be carried out once, since it changes over time. Calculation of production capacity occurs on a certain calendar date, mainly January 1 of the planning year and January 1 of the next. In this case, the input power is calculated in the planning year, and the output power in the next year. The production capacity calculation also calculates the average annual capacity used to compare production plans and reports of finished products. In general, the formula for calculating production capacity is presented as follows:

MP = Pob * Fob


Here MP is an indicator of power,

Pob – productivity in pieces per unit of time,

FOB – equipment time fund,

T – labor intensity.

Output and average annual power

The output and average annual capacity of an enterprise can be calculated using several formulas. Output power is calculated using the following formula:

Mout = Min + Mvv - Mout

The average annual capacity of an enterprise is calculated using the formula:

M av = Mvx + (Mvv * n1/12) – (Msal * n2/12)

Here Mvv is the input power,

Mvh – input power,

Mvyb – retiring power,

N1 – months of operation of the introduced capacity,

H2 – months of absence of retiring capacity

Examples of problem solving



Exercise The company has two complexes in its workshop, and plans to buy another one next year. Kits of parts are produced at this site. It takes half an hour of complex work to produce one set. At the beginning of the period, 4 sets of parts are issued to the sections in 1 hour, at the end of the period 6 sets. The actual working time fund is 7200 hours. It is necessary to determine the input power, output power and average production power.
Solution Calculation of input production capacity:

7200 * 4 = 28,800 sets.

Output production capacity calculation:

28,800 + 7200*2 = 43,200 sets.

Average production capacity calculation:

28,800 + 14,400 * 5 / 12 = 34,800 sets.

Answer 28,800 sets, 43,200 sets, 34,800 sets.

Under production capacity is understood as the maximum possible output of products in the range and quantitative ratios of the planned year with full use of production equipment, taking into account the implementation of planned measures for the introduction of progressive equipment, technology, advanced organization of production and labor. The power of an enterprise, taken over a short period of time, can be considered a constant value. At the same time, one should keep in mind the need to make adjustments as production and product range change.

Production capacity is measured in natural units. If the enterprise program has one item, then it will be determined by the number of these products. If the program contains several product names, then the unit of measurement for production capacity can be:

  • – a representative product or a conditional product (in this case, the entire range of products is reduced to a representative product or one conditional product);
  • – a set of parts – for mechanical and mechanical assembly shops;
  • – weight units – for foundries, forges and other similar shops.

Initial data for calculating production capacity:

  • – nomenclature production plan;
  • – labor intensity standards for operations, products, units, parts, workpieces (progressive);
  • – technical development plan in terms of commissioning and retirement of production facilities and technical re-equipment;
  • – standards for the use of equipment and space;
  • – standards for machine tool capacity of products (progressive).

Output documents for capacity calculations are forms BM, 1-OS, Ts-5, etc. In these forms, equipment load is calculated, a capacity diagram is constructed, and a plan of organizational and technical measures is developed to eliminate imbalances. The resulting form for the enterprise is the BM form - capacity balance, which reflects the average annual capacity, capacity at the end of the year, and the average capacity utilization factor.

The procedure for calculating production capacity.

1. Throughput is calculated in machine-hours and square-meter-hours (by equipment groups, automatic lines, by

precise lines, assembly areas) with determination of production capacity utilization rates.

  • 2. The capacity of the production divisions of the enterprise as a whole at the beginning of the year is determined according to the rules and regulations in force on January 1 of the planning year.
  • 3. The commissioning and disposal of production facilities during the year are determined.
  • 4. The production capacity of equipment groups, production divisions and the enterprise as a whole is determined at the end of the year, taking into account changes in norms and regulations and the plan for the commissioning and disposal of capacities.

In planned calculations, the indicator is used average annual power, determined by the formula

where PMsr – average annual capacity, pcs./year; PMvkh – input power; PMvv – input power; PMvyb – retiring power; Тп – time period (number of months) respectively for the input and output of power.

  • 5. A plan of organizational and technical measures to eliminate bottlenecks is being developed and the production program may be revised due to the need to additionally load free capacity.
  • 6. The production capacity factor is calculated.
  • 7. The coefficient of utilization of production capacity, equipment load factors are calculated, and a diagram of production capacity is constructed.

Production capacity coefficient is the ratio of equipment throughput in hours (available time fund) to the labor intensity of the production program according to progressive standards (required time fund):

where PM is production capacity; P – throughput, machine-hour; TR – labor intensity, machine hour.

The accepted production capacity coefficient makes it possible to calculate the amount of production capacity and is determined by the leading group of equipment (a group of equipment that is crucial for the implementation of the production program).

The production capacity of an enterprise is calculated for all its divisions: by types of units and groups of technological equipment; by production sites; for the main workshops and the enterprise as a whole. When moving from the capacity of individual groups of equipment to the capacity of a site, from the production capacity of a site to the production capacity of a workshop, etc. you can find that the power level of individual production links is different, that is, on the one hand, there may be “bottlenecks”, and on the other, “broad spots”. Having both is undesirable. The presence of bottlenecks jeopardizes the implementation of the production program, and the presence of wide areas leads to the death of fixed assets, to an increase in production costs and, accordingly, to a decrease in profits. Therefore, both narrow and wide areas must be eliminated. Narrow - due to the improvement of equipment, technology, production organization, increasing work shifts, installing additional equipment; wide - due to accepting additional orders, selling surplus equipment, expanding the structure of products.

As a result of calculating capacities and comparing them with sales volumes determined based on the results of market research, the following conclusions are drawn:

  • – about the possibility of producing commercial products in the volume of the enterprise’s business portfolio or about the need to adjust it;
  • – the need to develop production capacities, fixed assets, equipment, technology, production organization;
  • – the need for technical re-equipment, reconstruction, expansion, new construction;
  • – the need for investment in capacity development.

The main indicators of production capacity utilization are;

capacity utilization factor , calculated by the formula:

Where N – adopted production program;

achieved level of design capacity utilization:

where PMpr – design capacity, pcs.

In order to determine alternative plant capacity options, it is necessary to carefully evaluate the projected sales volume and achievable normal plant capacity. For some products that are new or new to the market, initial production capacity must be slightly higher than initial demand and sales to meet growing demand over several years. However, such planned underutilization of production capacity should not be below the level at which sales receipts equal production costs. As demand and sales increase, plant capacity may become insufficient. The increasing gap between demand and production will eventually cause production to expand. If rapid expansion of production is planned, it may be necessary to set the achievable normal plant capacity higher than that for the intended market penetration for a certain period only. In this case, it is necessary to link future sales growth with the subsequent expansion of enterprise capacity. The relationship between sales forecasts and plant capacity depends on the reliability of the market forecast, the price elasticity of demand, or the cost-capacity relationship.

There are no special formulas by which the capacity of an enterprise can be calculated. The components of a feasibility study have different meanings depending on the industry. However, the feasibility study needs to take due account of the conditions that may influence the feasibility of the initial production capacity and any subsequent expansion efforts, and their relevance to the relative importance of such components.

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