Customs and traditions of the Mongols. Mongolian names

While the child is not yet born, the parents come up with a name for him. Names of Mongolian origin in Lately are becoming popular even among the Russian-speaking population. The mystery of the name carries many meanings. It is believed that the child’s fate largely depends on the name he receives. Therefore, psychologists recommend choosing a name responsibly.

The history of the appearance of Mongolian names

The formation of a name in Mongolia has always been distinguished by its simplicity, regardless of Mongolian names are they boys or girls? Over the last 7 centuries, they have not undergone any changes and consist of a personal name, which the baby receives from its parents, and a surname, which is inherited from the father to the children. If problems arose, the Mongol could change his name, well, and if there were no compelling reasons, then he remained with him until his death.

Only by the middle of the 13th century did a mention appear in literature that Mongolian male names were also accompanied by nicknames. For example: Duva-Sokhor (Duva translated from the Mongolian language is blind, that is, it turns out blind Sokhor). Nicknames were used by commoners, and higher ranks and nobility added titles to their names. Personal names such as nor and ovog appear in it.

The Mongolian people have a middle name, but it appears only in documents and not for everyone. Among the people you can hear such an appeal - “Sambu son of Sodnom.” The most ancient names include: Baatar (hero), Timur (wise). They can be found in ancient Mongolian legends and writings. In addition, ancient names are returning now. They try to name a newborn, emphasizing masculinity or the strength of the family.

Mongolian names owe much of their origin to the neighborhood of other countries. Very often you can find female Buddhist names, Tibetan names for boys, and we will consider their meaning below.

Origin of names in Mongolia

Buddhist culture played a huge role in the life of the Mongolian people. Religion came to the country from the Indian state, and therefore, when forming personal names great importance had not only the Buddhist religion, but also Tibetan traditions. According to them, names are divided depending on:

Scientists studying the history and mystery of the origin of Mongolian names have discovered that, among other things, the name can be associated with an ordinary object. Female names were bearers of beauty, kindness, and men, in turn, of courage and bravery.

The names Mongol are popular everywhere - they are used to name children in the USA, China and even Russia. The list of names is huge, so you can really choose exactly what best suits your newborn baby.

Popular female names

Women in the countries of the East, Buddhist and Tibetan cultures occupy a not entirely privileged place in society. But at the same time, the name that is given to a newborn girl can really be very beautiful. Mongolian female names and their meanings:

Tsegeg prefix Most often found in women, because they are the personification of beauty, fidelity and hope.

Particle prefixes for Mongolian names

The older generation is held in high esteem among the Mongols, and therefore it is interesting how the Mongols address the older generation. They definitely add a bit of respect: eme - grandmother, egch - older sister.

If a Russian girl marries a Mongolian, then, at first glance, it is not entirely clear: there is no patronymic or surname. Therefore, most often as a basis new name the wife will take her husband's name or patronymic.

Any name that is given to a baby at birth must be thought out in advance. If a Russian person refers more to the horoscope, the dates of birth of the Saints, then for the Mongolian people everything depends on to what social stratum they relate, and from the need to give the child a beautiful name.

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The mystery of the name has long worried psychologists and scientists. They tried to find out whether it really influences the character and destiny of a person, and also made assumptions about the meanings. Mongolia is a country with the most mysterious and beautiful names. They are unusual, exotic and sonorous. Among them are often the names of famous commanders and conquerors, and this, undoubtedly, can greatly influence the temperament of the wearer. In general, in Mongolia they take the process of coming up with a name for a child very seriously. This is probably due to the fact that, as you know, the Mongols are a very responsible and extremely patriotic nation. Moreover, they value their native land more than the country as a whole. These people also believe that a person who has many acquaintances and friends is “wide as the steppe.” This means that parents strive to name their baby as beautifully as possible so that people will be drawn to him.

Origin and use

Mongolian names, like any other, originate from history, from antiquity. And since the Mongols greatly respect their ancestors, it is a pleasure for them to name their children after them. However, the names reflected not only the traditions, customs and culture of the country, but also factors such as the religion and worldview of the people.

If we compare Mongolian names and surnames, then we must say that a personal name for a Mongolian has higher value, rather than a surname and even a patronymic. For them, it is like a symbol of a person, like a certain amulet that accompanies him throughout his life.

Mongolian names are used not only in the habitats of this nation, because people always and everywhere want to name a child in an original way, so they are quite popular in Russia, China, and even in the USA, in general, where the Mongols have left any trace.

By the way, some surnames around the world are of Mongolian origin, they were formed from words or names.

According to philologists, special role In the study of the language of the peoples of the East, it is Mongolian names that play a role. The list, which includes names that have preserved some long-forgotten linguistic phenomena, is truly large.

Groups of Mongolian names

Usually names are divided according to origin, composition, social status and by function. These groups are official and are listed in many sources. The first category includes Mongolian, Tibetan, combined translations from Tibetan and Indian. For the most part, Mongolian names are represented in this section.

The next division appeared during the Middle Ages, when names made up of two independent names came into fashion, for example, Dorj (translated as vajra) and Tsagaan (white), resulting in Tsagaandorj. You can also find three-part or four-part ones.

Social status among Mongols can be shown through names. Some of them are associated with wild animals, therefore, its bearer is either a hunter or a reindeer herder. A subgroup and Mongol khans attracts those in whose family history is especially valued. Religious families name their children as Buddha's disciples, teachers and deities. Occasionally, children are called the same as characters in the Holy Scriptures.

Mongols also believe that every name must fulfill some function. There are amulets names, they act as protection from evil spirits and are given if children in the family are often sick. Among them are Terbish (not that one), Nokhoy (dog) and Enabish (not this one).

There is another classification, which includes Mongolian male names and female ones, indicating the day of the week on which the child was born. Nyamtso is translated as “Sunday”, and Byamba is translated as “Saturday”.

Mongolian female names and their meanings

It is customary to call girls by names that have the meaning of jewelry or flowers. Erzhena - “pearl”, Sarana - “lily”, Khorgonzul - “flower”, Tsagaantsetseg - “white flower”, Altan - “pink dawn” or “gold”.

As you can see, girls in Mongolia have very beautiful names, as if repeating the curves of petals and the shine of jewelry. If you want to name your girl in an unusual way, you should pay attention to Mongolian names. Feminine can mean a person’s character traits: Alima - “knowledgeable”, “smart”, Aryuna - “pure”, Gerel - “illuminating everything around”, Saina - “good”, Tungalag - “clear, clean and bright”, Unura (pure Mongolian) - “fertile”, etc.

Male names and their meanings

Some Mongolian men in our country, among them Airat - “amazing”, Arat - “shepherd”, as well as a Greek politician who lived in 271 BC, Batu - from “Batu”, in another meaning translated as “strong”; Boris is a “fighter”. Surely few could have guessed that the latter came from Mongolian.

Among the truly Mongolian names are such names as Altai (“gold”, “moon gold”), Amgalan (“calm”), Baigal (“nature”), Batu (“strong”), Dalai (“ocean”), Mingiyan ( “commander of a thousand soldiers”), Oktay (“understanding”).

The most beautiful Mongolian male names

Every parent wants to give their child the most beautiful name, especially in Mongolia they treat it so reverently. Boys are most often called as follows: Barlas (“fearless”, brave), Naran (“sun”), Tarkhan (“handyman”, “jack of all trades”), Shona (“wolf”), Genghis Khan (from “Genghis” - "strong").

As you can see, male names are translated mainly as “brave” or “strong”; such qualities are the most important for Mongolian men. Newborn boys are often given names that symbolize physical strength and inner rod.

The most beautiful female names

Mongolian names for girls, on the contrary, are more aimed not at the qualities of a person, but at his external attractiveness. The most beautiful are considered to be Alimtsetseg (“apple blossom”), Delbee (“petal”), Zhargal (“happiness”), Erdene (“jewel”), Tseren (“long-lived” - a talisman name).

Most often, girls are given names that denote beauty, meekness, purity and grace, most of them have just such semantics. Parents of girls believe that their children will remain as innocent as they were in childhood if they call them something affectionate.

Strange names

Mongolia is a country where children are named beautifully and with meaning. However, there is also a good sense of humor there, as well as an understanding of beauty. There are a number of names in the Mongolian tradition that have strange and even unexpected translations, so it is impossible to take them seriously.

But it turns out that they have an important function and are given to sick children. The meaning of Mongolian names can be different, for example, “cheese”. The name Byaslag is translated exactly like this. Ontsog means nothing more than “airplane”. And in order for a person to live a long time, they give a long and difficult to read name (Luvsandenzenpilzhinzhigmed).

But the strangeness of the Mongols does not end there; if parents do not know what to name their baby, they simply turn to the lama for advice.

IN rural areas they give it to children. I will continue the topic of personal Mongolian names and talk about what names the residents of the city of Erdenet, Orkhon aimag, have.

What to name your child? If a rainbow appeared in the sky on your daughter’s birthday, then your daughter will most likely be named Solongo(“solongo” - rainbow). If a son was born on a sunny day, he will probably be given a name Naran or Naranbaatar(“naran” – sun, “baatar” – hero).

A person born on the night from Sunday to Monday will be named Nyamdavaa or Davaanyam(“yum” - Sunday, “davaa” - Monday). Lhagwa And Lkhagvasuren were born on Wednesday (“lkhagva” - Wednesday), Purevbaatar- a hero born on Thursday (“purev” - Thursday), Byamba And Byambatsetseg– on Saturday (“byamba” - Saturday, “tsetseg” - flower).

Girls are often given names related to flowers. For example, name Bolortsetseg means “Crystal Flower” (“bolor” - crystal), Tsagaantsetseg – « White flower», Ulaantsetseg- "Red flower", Battsetseg- "Strong flower" Urantsetseg- “Skillful flower”, Ariuntsetseg- "Sacred Flower" Erdenetsetseg- "Precious Flower" Suvdantsetseg- “Pearl Flower”, Shurentsetseg- “Coral flower.” The list of colors can be continued endlessly. The name of the flowers can also be used as a name. For example, name Khongorzul translated as tulip.

The birth of a child is always a holiday. Therefore, the son can be called Bayar(“bayar” - holiday) or Batbayar(“bat” - strong, reliable), or Bayarhuu(“huu” - son). And the girl - Tsengelmaa(“tsengel” - fun, entertainment, amusement).

In order for the child’s fate to be successful, you can call him Azjargal(“az” - happiness, luck; “zhargal” - happiness, bliss, pleasure”).

Nyamzhargal– Sunday happiness (“yum” - Sunday; “zhargal” - happiness”). Beautiful name, Truth?

For a boy to grow up strong, you can call him Ganzorig(“gan” - steel; “zorig” - courage, bravery, willpower). By the way, this is the name of the director of the mining and processing plant. Maybe the right name allowed him to achieve success and become a leader.

Deputy Director's name: Ganbaatar- translated as steel hero. Also a very respected person.

And here is a boy with a name Dolgoon, most likely, will grow up calm, quiet and gentle. After all, this is exactly how this word is translated.

Delger– extensive, spacious, wide, abundant. I know a man with that name, he is really tall, large and broad in the shoulders. This name can also be considered as a compound name: “del” - national clothing, “ger” - yurt.

Amarbatwill grow up prosperous and reliable (“amar” - calm, prosperous; “bat” - solid, strong, durable, reliable).

For a girl to grow up honest and pure, she will be called Ariunaa or Ariun-Erdene(“ariun” - pure, sacred, holy, honest; “erdene” - jewel, treasure). Or Tselmeg, which translates as clear, pure.

If parents want their daughter to be smart, they will give her a name Oyuun or Oyuuntsetseg(“oyun” - mind, mind, intellect).

Girl with name Enkhtuvshin will be calm and peaceful (“enkh” - calm, peace; “tuvshin” - peaceful, calm, quiet).

In personal names, the words “erdene” - jewel, treasure, “jargal” - happiness, “monkh” - eternal, immortal, forever, “suvd” - pearls - are often found. Female name Suvdaa means pearl. Name Baigalmaa from the word “baigal” - nature.

Also often found in personal names is the word “zayaa” - fate, fate. Interesting name Hoszayaa, translated as paired fate (“hos” - pair, paired).

Many girls' names end with "tuyaa" - translated as "ray". Name Narantuya means a ray of sun (“nar” - sun, “naran” - solar), Altantuyaa- golden ray (“alt” – gold, “altan” – golden), Ariuntuya- sacred ray (“ariun” – holy, sacred).

More interesting names: Altanhuyag– golden chain mail (“altan” - golden; “huyag” - shell, armor, chain mail). Ganhuyag- steel chain mail. Mongonzagas– silver fish (“mongon” - silver, “zagas” - fish).

It turns out that in Mongolia almost all names are unique and unrepeatable. And every child grows up special, unlike anyone else.

In total, more than 40 thousand Mongolian proper names are known. This is a huge number, especially considering the small population. By the way, Russians make do with about 2,600 names, while the British have only about 3,000 names.

The proper names of the Mongols go back to ancient times. Historical documents indicate that 2000 years ago the ancestors of the Mongols, the Huns, had names such as Tyuman, Modun, and so on. The name Tyumen still exists today, but it sounds a little different - “Tumen”.

In the 8th-10th centuries, Mongolian names were clearly divided into male and female. The suffix " give" or " tai", to women - " gin" or " rank», « moon" And to emphasize the beauty of a woman, they added to her name the definition “ goo", which means "beautiful, wonderful." For example, in the Mongolian literary monument of the 13th century - “The Secret History of the Mongols” - we meet the following names: Zharchiudai, Subaeday, Borzhigdai, women's - Mongoljingoo, Alungoo, Huagqing

In ancient sources one can find, although very rarely, such names of Mongolian brave warriors as Meguzhin, Tsagaangoo, and the names of the princesses - Sohatai, Munhulday etc. Here it is easy to notice that suffixes of female names have been added to male names, as well as the definition “ goo”, emphasizing the beauty of a woman, and vice versa, suffixes of male names are applied to female names.

Choosing the right name is not an easy task, as the Mongolian proverb emphasizes: “ Food eaten - companion on half a day, wearing clothes - companion on six months, accepted Name - companion on all life" It was usually customary to select a name in accordance with the doctrine of the five elements (fire, water, metal, wood, earth), so that it would not only be harmonious, but also correspond to the element of the child. If it was not possible to choose a name from the desired options, then the pieces of paper with the name were placed in a bag of cereal, then sifted, and the name that came up first was given.

It was a common thing when parents didn’t really struggle with choosing a name, but simply called their child the day of the week on which he was born: Nyamdavaa, Davaanyam or Nyamzhargal(“yum” - Sunday, “davaa” - Monday, “jargal” - happiness”); Lhagwa or Lkhagvasuren(“lkhagva” - environment); Purevbaatar- (“hero born on Thursday”, “purev” - Thursday), Byamba or Byambatsetseg(“byamba” - Saturday, “tsetseg” - flower).

More recently, it happened that a girl was given a male name and vice versa. This usually happened in families where daughters did not survive or only girls were born, and the parents wanted a son, or vice versa. Occasionally, children were given completely unattractive names, for example, Henchbish- "Nobody", Terbish- “Not the one” Enabish- "Not this one", Muunokhoy- "Bad dog" Hongbish- "Not a human", " Nerguy" - "No name". Such names were usually given to children who were often and seriously ill in order to protect them from the power of spirits.

It was believed that this was the right remedy: for example, some malicious otherworldly entity would come after the child, ask him by name, and in response: “ Nerguy" - "No name" or even worse " Terbish- “Not the one”... and the confused spirit goes home without a sip. For the same reason, the baby could be called simply Nohoy- “dog”, with the same simple purpose: to evil spirits, if anything, they took with them by mistake not him, but a real dog, which, although I feel sorry for, is still not as much as my little blood...

In the past, the Mongols had surnames, or rather “family names”, for example, Tatardai Shahikhutag, otherwise - Shikhikhutag comes from the Tatars. By now, it has become common practice to use only first and patronymic names, for example, Tsendiin Damdinsuren, that is Damdinsuren, son Tsenda. This is common for Mongols, but sometimes it surprises visitors when, for example, on a train ticket a guest from Russia reads something like “Ivan” or “Sidorovich” instead of his usual last name, first name and patronymic.

Mongolian names are divided into native Mongolian and borrowed from other languages. The fund of Mongolian names includes big number names of Sanskrit and Tibetan origin. Names of Sanskrit origin, such as Sanzhaa, Anand, Indra and others entered Mongolia from India through Tibet. Tibetan names - Namdag, Danzan and others entered the Mongolian vocabulary in connection with the spread of Lamaism in Mongolia.

Some Mongolian names of Tibetan and Sanskrit origin have religious meaning. For example, Samdan- deep thinking, Dulmaa- savior, mother, Namdag- saint, while others express peace, happiness, longevity, etc. The lists of Mongolian names include a small number of names borrowed from Arabic, Chinese, Turkic, Greek, and Russian languages. This is explained by the fact that since ancient times the Mongols had close relations With different peoples Asia and Europe. In the twentieth century, names of Tibetan and Sanskrit origin were replenished by Russians: Volodya, Alexei, even the surnames of Russian military leaders and politicians began to be used as names: Suvorov, Zhdanov, Kutuzov, Khrushev, Zhukov, Varshilov... As a sign of peace, friendship and brotherhood, other names were invented: Seseer, October, Nairamdal. Sometimes it even came to incidents: they say that someone got such an unexpected name as Balcony... although it may be that these are already tales.

If earlier Tibetan and Sanskrit names occupied a dominant position in the Mongolian name fund, then during the Mongolian People's Republic they began to be considered unfashionable, which was also associated with the opposition of religion and the state in these times.

Today, some of the original Mongolian names are formed from simple common words, for example, Ariun- “pure, noble” Mergen- “sharp”, Baht- “strong”, Chuluun- “stone”, Tsetseg- "flower" , Өdor- "day", Өgloөө- "morning", Oroi- "evening" Small- "cattle" Khurga- “lamb”, Unaga- "foal" Tughal- "calf" Botgo- "baby camel" Yamaa- "goat" Buga- “elk”... The current Mongolian president has the same simple name - Battulga, which means “Strong Tagan”

Mongolian names can be either simple, from one nominal stem, or complex, from two or more words. For example, Bold- “steel”, Narantsetseg- "sunny flower" Odontuyaarakhgerel- "The light that radiates the radiance of the stars" Adilsanaa- “Similar thoughts”, Altanochirt- “Golden sparkling, having golden sparkles”, Bagauugan- “Younger firstborn”, Baserөol- “One more good wish”, Ynentogoo- “A real cauldron”, Olonbayarlah- “Rejoice many times” Zhaakhanchuluu- “Small stone.”

Complex names can consist not only of Mongolian words, but also of words of the Mongolian and Tibetan languages. Chuluundorj: “chuluun” - “stone”, “dorj” - “diamond”, as well as from two Tibetan words: Cerenchimed: “longevity” - “immortal”. In addition, many names can be formed from one nominal stem, for example, Battumur, Batjargal, Batbold, Batnasan, Oyuunbat, Ganbat etc.

Sometimes, when parents come up with a name for their child, they make it up from several words at once, which results in very unusual and not always easy to pronounce options, for example, Lodoyerdenedorzhsembe, Luvsanparenleyzhantsan, Mongolekhornynegoglooө, Ochirbayanmonkhdorzhsurenzhav, Danzanravzhaaparenleyzhamts, Gursoronzongombosurenbold, Damdinbazarmonkhbaatar, Bayarsaikhanbadamsereezhid. The translation of such names can be very poetic, for example, Yesonzhinerdenebaatar- “The Bogatyr of Jewels in Nine Zhins”, Erdenabilegnemekhmonkhtsoozh- “Eternal bolts increasing the precious benefactor”, Tsastuulynorgilkhairkhan- “The peaks of the majestic snow-capped mountains”, Enkhtөgoldөrbayasgalan- “Absolute joy.” The longest one that could be found is Dorzhsurenzhantsankhorloonerguybaatar- “Wheel Guarded by the Vajra of the Victory Banner, Nameless Hero”
The fund of Mongolian names is also replenished due to major events taking place in the world. For example, with the flight of the Mongolian cosmonaut into space, a “fashion” for “space” names began: Samsar- "space", Sanchir- "Saturn" Odsar: od - “star”, sar - “moon”, there was even a name Zhanibekov- by the name of the commander of the Soviet-Mongolian crew... The very first Mongolian cosmonaut is called Zhugderdamidiin Gurragcha, and perhaps this name is the most famous Mongolian name in Russia. It comes from the ancient Indian “Gur” - “guru, lama, highest” and “Ragcha” - protector, guardian. His father's name is Zhugderdamid- from Tibet and translates as “water without dirt”...

By what names have existed and exist in the country, what new names are joining the name fund, you can learn more about the history, culture, traditions and linguistic characteristics of the people, even the events and phenomena that have ever happened there.

The most common Mongolian names:
Bat-Erdene- "Strong Treasure" Otgonbayar- "Younger Joy" Altantsetseg- “Golden Flower”, Batbayar- “Strong joy”, Oyuunchimeg- “Ornament of the mind”, Bolormaa- “Crystal”, Lkhagvasuren- "Born on Wednesday" Enkhtuyaa- “Peaceful Dawn”, Gantulga- “Steel tagan”, Erdenechimeg- “Precious Decoration”, Ganbold- “Damask Steel”.

The most short names: Az- “happiness, luck”, Very good- "spark" Od- “star”, Alt- "gold, Baht- “strong”, Oyuu- "mind", Had- "rock" Nar- "Sun", Zul- “lamp” and so on. Almost all of them are of Mongolian origin.

Cunning has nothing to do with it. I’ll give you a clear example to make it clearer what I was talking about. Turkic peoples They also realize their unity, but at the same time do not forget about their ethnic uniqueness. It’s even simpler - I am a Turk and I am a Kazakh, one does not interfere with the other, but even complements it.

The processes of division and unification of the Mongolian monolith took place long before the very idea of ​​communism arose in tired European brains. Why accuse the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of a non-existent sin? Yes, they used the right ones for them national policy differences, but to split a single ethnic group is too much.

Let me give you another example - In China, right on the border with Kazakhstan, at the Dzungarian Gate (Alashankou station), there is the Bortala-Mongolian Autonomous Region. The inhabitants of this region - descendants of the Dzungars - distinguish themselves from the Mongols of Inner Mongolia and the Republic of Moldova, calling them (we spoke Kazakh) Mongols, and themselves Kalmaks. This means that they feel like a separate people, although the region is called Mongolian. There is absolutely nothing to blame the Russian communists for here.

And lastly, on a personal note. I don’t know why, but I constantly have to justify myself to you of various sins, which is a little annoying. I propose the following - by definition, assume that I am not trying to offend the Mongols, and, perhaps, with varying degrees of success, but I am trying to be objective. At least he didn’t call anyone a dog. This will make the conversation go more smoothly.

ok, budu nadeyat"sa. miru mir! hehe.

naschet bortalinskih mongolov, there tskom dialekte. to what est" razlichie mezhdu kalmykami i buryatami i halhascami ochevidnyi fact.

no yavlyayas" oiratom, buryatom v toje vremya mojet byt i mongolom.

mongoly iz vnutrennei mongolii i oiraty iz sin"czyana v dialektologicheskom otnoshenii silno otlichayutsa. svyazuyushim zvenom yavlyaetsa halhasskii. i v tozhe vremya kalmyckii i buryatskii raznyatsa ochen" po proiznosheniu (chto li) i opyat" aki mezhdu nimi postavish" halhasskogo, i vse obrazuetsa.

i vse taki tyurkskii mir ogromen i raznoobrazen ih svyazyvaet tol"ko yazyk(proshu ne kidat" kamnyami eto ya k slovu:)). a nas vse(no pochti vse identifikatory etnichnosti).

esli Vam naprimer nadobno podcherkivat" chto vpervuyu ochered" vy Kazahi, Kyrgyzi, Uzbeki a potom uj Tyurki, to u nas na pervuyu ochered" stoit Mongol. (ochen" raznym i mnogim prichinam)

iz za plohogo znanii velikogo moguchego inogda ne mogu tochno sformulirovat" svoe mnenie. esli est" voprosy budu rad otvechat" i otstaivat" svoyu tochku zrenii.

S proshedshim prazdnikom Nouruz!

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