Custom - what is it? Examples of legal, national, folk customs and business customs. Customs and traditions: the most severe examples Customs in modern society examples

Rite. Custom. Tradition. Ritual.

Basic concepts and definitions.

They say that in recent years Russia has been losing its traditions, its face, its identity. What has filled us is Western, overseas, foreign.

Is this so?

Yes, there is a justification for this statement. Indeed, many foreign holidays are now celebrated in Russia, for example -Halloween, carnival came to Russia from abroad. Yes, we take a lot from overseas and learn a lot from them. But to argue about the displacement of our culture, art, traditions... On the contrary, in recent years there has been an increased interest of people in the original Russian culture.

The revival of folk traditions and rituals in our time is realized in most cases - this is through the holding of mass folk festivals (Christmas, Maslenitsa, Trinity, Ivana Kupala, etc.). The main idea of ​​holding such events in our days is, first of all, the revival of national culture and education patriotism in every citizen of his country.

Nowadays, the scenario of folk holidays is based on re-enactments of ancient customs of rites and rituals.

Ritual is a set of established customs and actions associated with religious ideas or everyday traditions. There is some kind of symbol.

Custom - a stereotypical way of behavior that is reproduced in a certain society and social group and is familiar to their members. Outdated customs are replaced in the process of historical development.

Ritual - a ritual ceremony, a historically established form of complex symbolic behavior. An ordered system of actions expresses certain social and cultural relationships.

Tradition – (transmission) - elements of social and cultural heritage transmitted in certain classes and social groups for a long time. Traditions are certain social institutions, values, ideas, and customs.

Ritualism - this is a spontaneous theatrical play action, which is contained in many folk holidays, celebrations, and festivities dedicated to the most important events in a person’s life and his work activity.

Ritualism is a traditional, generally accepted gaming action that includes a number of characters, artistic images, aesthetic and emotional techniques. One of the forms of ritual is ritual, which can be part of a large ritual action or perform an independent function of a solemn official act.

Symbol - this is a sign for each ritual, there may be several of them. A symbol allows you to reflect some idea through expressive means

Everyone knows the ritual, it cannot be rehearsed, it must have a composition that has its own development.

The ritual action has a real basis, real heroes.

With the penetration of Christianity into Rus', new celebrations appeared, but preachers opposed them to pagan ones, because pagan ones were of a sensual nature, and Christianity turned them into spiritual traditions.


Tradition - to celebrate any holiday

Ritualism: - to rite, to decorate

Custom: Example - shaking hands, letting a cat into the house.

Ritual symbolism

Character classification

Used by a variety of images to reflect reality

    Verbal symbols . They are expressed in terms that have accumulated a generalizing meaning, i.e. these are pioneers, Komsomol members, circle members, etc.

    Sound symbols . Sounds that give rise to certain associations that carry meaning: a horn, a bell.

    Eternally subject symbols . Natural and artificial things with symbolic meaning or meaning: Christmas tree and toys. Pennant and tie, eternal flame, etc.

    Graphic symbols . These are symbols that are drawn or inscribed: an emblem, an icon. Coat of arms

    Ritual movement : parade formation, honor guard, religious procession

    Gestures carrying a certain meaning: saluting, military greeting, etc.

    Relics: rod, crown, etc.

    Symbol as a tool of orientation in a specific action : pennant, flag, cup, etc.

    Personification symbol – real personality

In our language there are a large number of familiar words, the meaning of which cannot always be quickly explained. For example, not everyone can tell you what tradition is, even though all people encounter its varieties every day in one way or another.

Tradition - what is it?

The concept comes from the Latin word traditio, the literal translation of which is “transmission.” Thus, the meaning of what the word tradition means comes down to the transmission of something in a specific environment without belonging to a specific individual. A more complete interpretation of the concept is the historical transmission of socio-cultural heritage from person to person or from generation to generation.

Any intangible values, principles and methods of action in specific situations can be transferred. Traditions allow a person to act in a certain way in a specific situation, without comprehending it and making an independent decision. These include the following components:

  • behavioral habits;
  • views;
  • tastes;
  • rules and regulations;
  • skills and abilities.

The concept of what tradition is includes its various varieties:

  • family;
  • professional;
  • national;
  • cultural;
  • culinary;
  • religious;
  • social.

What are traditions for?

Many traditions become outdated and forgotten over time and the change of eras, while others continue to function in society. That is, they can be progressive, associated with development, and reactionary, which are relics of the past. The main functions of why traditions are needed in modern society come down to the following postulates:

  1. With their help, social relations are streamlined and a certain social stability is ensured. This is achieved through the influence of accepted norms and rules on the spiritual sphere of human life. For example, on New Year’s Day it is customary to decorate a Christmas tree and give gifts to loved ones.
  2. The transfer of certain actions and values ​​from the older generation to the younger ensures continuity of generations. This includes certain actions on religious and secular holidays that are repeated by people for many centuries.

How do traditions differ from customs?

Very closely related to the explanation of what traditions are are customs - these are certain norms, rituals and features of interaction that have a national connection. However, it is not uncommon for both of these concepts to be used as synonyms, the differences of which depend on the interpretation of each. It is believed that customs represent a certain automatic habit, while traditions are a set of customs, a kind of direction of activity. This division is considered conditional, because concepts can affect all spheres of society, from personal and family to universal.

What are family traditions?

The concept of what family traditions are includes norms and rules of behavior accepted in a particular unit of society, general rituals and views passed down from generation to generation. Moreover, these are not always specific actions, but rather the general atmosphere of the family, which can include the daily routine and habits of all members of the house. The concept of family traditions is always emotionally charged. These are usually pleasant memories from childhood that are rooted deep in the subconscious.

By creating a new unit of society, husband and wife bring into it the traditions of their families, which may differ. However, for spouses these are habitual actions and views, organically integrated into their lives from early childhood. During family life, they can change and transform. In addition, it is quite acceptable to generate new customs, which are the spiritual foundation of the family.

Why are family traditions important?

Philosophers and psychologists, describing why family traditions are needed, highlight the following aspects:

  1. They consolidate the sense of family integrity, being its intangible cement.
  2. They allow all members to feel the stability of their way of life, regardless of the changes occurring and the circumstances that have befallen them.
  3. They evoke a feeling of security and confidence in the future and the world around us.
  4. They give you the opportunity to be proud of your family and belonging to it.
  5. They leave memories of childhood and a common home, which in the future become the basis of the psycho-emotional state of the individual.
  6. Parents tell their children about warm and positive family customs, forming similar memories in them.

What are the family traditions?

Each home may have its own unique or completely typical customs. As an example of what is included in the spiritual traditions of families, we can cite:

  1. Various daily and holiday activities. For example, morning hugs or breakfast together, cooking a certain dish on weekends or going to the movies as a family.
  2. Rituals of preparation for various events, be it a joint gathering of provisions for a hike or recording memories in an album to be read on New Year's Eve.
  3. Preserving the memory of your ancestors and drawing up a family tree.
  4. Passing on certain material assets by inheritance, such as family jewelry, photo albums, or a wedding dress.
  5. Cultivating faith in certain fairy tale characters, be it Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy.

What are national traditions?

The concept of what folk traditions are combines the rules and stereotypes of behavior, forms of communication between people of the same nationality, which have developed over a long period of time in the life of a nation and are rooted in the consciousness of a person belonging to it. Some national traditions can be enshrined at the legislative level. Failure to comply will result in both public censure and administrative or even criminal punishment.

A striking example of what the traditions of a people mean is the celebration of Maslenitsa among the Slavs or the wearing of a special scarf covering a woman’s head among Muslim peoples. Each nationality has its own unique and inimitable traditions. For example, in China it is customary to give a guest that thing in the house that aroused his delight and earned him praise. The greeting handshake is more typical among European peoples.

What are cultural traditions?

What is a cultural tradition includes the sociocultural heritage of generations, reproduced in certain social groups. This concept is similar, but not identical, to national customs, since culture can include the traditions of a particular country, science or style of thinking. All of them are accepted and interpreted by subsequent generations, being the basis for the development of new values.

Vivid examples of what the cultural tradition of a certain people is:

  1. Solemn rituals associated with certain events in life: birth, death, creation of a family, and so on.
  2. Folk games and fun.
  3. Songs, dances, ritual actions.
  4. Fairy tales, legends and legends.
  5. Traditions of cooking and eating.

What are culinary traditions?

Having understood what the concept of tradition means, we can highlight its specific culinary orientation. It is strongly connected with national and cultural values, being a logical continuation of the territorial origin of its carriers, their religion and value systems. This concept is otherwise called the cuisine of the peoples of the world, which includes:

  1. The choice of products for cooking, which differs depending on the climate and geography of the people.
  2. The method of cooking and the use of certain seasonings. Here is an interesting example of the use of an abundance of hot spices in the cuisines of hot countries due to their ability to suppress pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
  3. The principle of serving and serving dishes.
  4. The culture of eating food or drinks. For example, using forks, chopsticks or just your own hands.

What are religious traditions?

A special variety are the religious customs of different faiths. Understanding what such traditions provide, scientists unanimously consider them to be a connecting link between adherents of different faiths, geographically distant from each other. The traditions of Muslims are for the most part the same among adherents of this faith in Russia, the UAE and America. Many beliefs have a standard answer to the constant questions of young people about why they need to honor the traditions of their religion in saving the soul from chaos, fall and ordering of life.

Traditions, customs, rites, rituals
play an important role in
life activity and directly
development of society. These words can
evoke ideas about the power of the past,
striving to subjugate the new,
young, delay the development of life.
This is how we sometimes imagine
the meaning of these ancient and wise words,
sometimes forgetting that customs and traditions
always consolidate what has been achieved in
public and personal life, namely
they stabilize social
relationships, consolidating what was
achieved over centuries by our generations

Between traditions, customs and
rituals have a lot in common. All of them
are special forms
transmission to new generations
social and cultural experience.
Traditions and customs may include
yourself ritual elements, but this is not yet
Traditions and customs may be
different character: religious,
secular, family, etc.
All of them undoubtedly play an important role
role for both small and large
social groups. Besides,
some of them may not be interpreted
right and not to be involved in
the way society has become accustomed to them
Now using well-known examples
Let's reveal the essence of some customs and
traditions, and also prove the importance and
the significance of each of them.


Tradition is a special form of consolidation of social
relations, expressed in historically established,
sustainable and most common actions, norms and
principles of social behavior transmitted from
generation after generation and preserved, as a rule, by force
public opinion" Consequently, tradition arises
as a result of certain historical conditions.
So, in Rus' with the emergence of Christianity there arose
tradition of newborn baptism. Baptism is one of
Christian sacraments, which marks the acceptance of a person
into the bosom of the church. According to the clergy, a person in
as a result of baptism dies to the life of the flesh, sin
and is reborn to a holy, spiritual life. According to Christian
people are born tainted
original sin, and baptism is designed to “wash away” this
sin, to open before a person the prospect of salvation.

Although in reality this is not entirely true.
It is necessary to distinguish between concepts
"Baptism" with the concept of "Repentance", they
complement each other and do not replace each other, so
how Baptism occurs not only with water,
and also by the Holy Spirit, after
the person consciously repented and accepted
the decision to try not to sin.
Therefore, is it true
baptize infants who knowingly
did not accept repentance? Whatever it was,
such a tradition has its place
many people follow, despite the fact that,
often do not understand its true meaning,
but just simply act “like everyone else.”


Custom is a repeated, habitual way
behavior of people in a certain situation. TO
customs include generally accepted working practices,
forms common in a given society
relationships between people in everyday life and family,
diplomatic and religious rituals and others
repetitive actions reflecting characteristics
life of a tribe, class, people. Customs
formed historically.
The morals of society are reflected in custom,
their occurrence and nature are influenced by the characteristics
history of the people, their economic life, natural and climatic conditions, social status
people, religious views, etc.

Celebrating Easter -
one of the most important religious
customs of Christians. On Easter, like
It is known that it is customary to paint eggs,
bake Easter cakes and talk to each other
"Christ is risen". Exactly
many people celebrate this
holiday year after year, repeating
historical actions.
In fact, painting eggs and
Easter cakes in fact have no one
attitude towards Easter,
according to the Bible, because nowhere in it is there
none of the data is mentioned

The holiday is associated with a historical event, described in detail in the second book of the Torah, which in Russian
tradition is called “Exodus” (Old Testament). This is a legend about the slave life of Jews in Egypt, persecution
of a small people by Pharaoh and his priests, as well as the subsequent liberation. Last of ten
Egyptian capital punishment is associated with God's command to anoint the doorposts with the blood of a sacrificial lamb,
so that the angel of death could pass by the Jewish houses and kill only the firstborn of the Egyptians.
After leaving the territory of a powerful country, the Jews, led by leader Moses, became a real
people with their own hierarchy and institutions, and after moving to the Promised Land they managed to found
own state, build the only temple to serve the Almighty and create the first in its
history of the royal dynasty. And now Jews celebrate this holiday and it is called “Passover”.

According to the New Testament, Easter is the day of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, who brought
himself as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity and the conqueror of death. After all, according to Scripture,
The wages for sin is death. Often in the Bible you can see a comparison of Jesus with the Lamb (
Lamb), this is a metaphor, according to the previously mentioned lamb being sacrificed
for the life of the Jewish people. So, Easter is Christ sacrificed for humanity.

Stereotypes that have developed in society

The main purpose of religious rituals
is that they are important
a means of ideological and emotional
influence on believers, and thereby
form a system of habitual religious
ideas in the minds of people and cult
stereotypes in their behavior. And despite the fact
that they are often wrong or not
carry no significant meaning, people all
they follow them equally and will continue to follow them,
since they were folded and repeatedly
repeated for centuries.

The same thing happens with various kinds
symbols, for example a five-pointed star, also
known in society as the Pentagram, Star
the devil. It's not surprising that people's opinions about
this symbol coincides, because it is a stereotype,
existed in people's minds for many years. On
actually a Pentagram or Pentacle
(“The Sacred Feminine”, “The Sacred
goddess") is one of the oldest symbols on earth.
Appeared 4 thousand years before Christ. Refers to
worship and deification of Nature. Ancients
people divided the whole world into two halves - the male
and women's. They had gods and goddesses
maintaining the balance of power. The pentacle symbolizes
the female half of everything on earth. His
lines divide the Pentacle into segments equal to the number
PHI. Symbolizes Venus, the goddess of love and
beauty. The planet and the goddess Venus are one and the same.
Also known in the world under the names Eastern
star, Ishtar, Astarte.

Every 8 years Venus describes absolutely
regular pentacle in a great circle
celestial sphere. The ancient Greeks paid tribute
this by organizing the Olympic Games every 8
The meaning of the pentacle was changed by the Roman
the Catholic Church in its early stages
development. It is part of the Vatican company
destruction of pagan religions and conversion
masses to Christianity. There were also a number
transformations such as:
Trident of Poseidon - Devil's Pitchfork
Sage's cap - witch's hat
Pentacle - sign of the devil
Egyptian solar disks - haloes of saints
Image of Isis cradling her son Horus image of Mary with Jesus

After all, as now, it was impossible to just take and break pagan customs, symbols and traditions
people who took shape over a fairly long period of time. The only way out was
gradually replace them with Christian ones. And now some Christian holidays are still
contain pagan rituals.

Some conclusions

The very concept of “tradition”, used in the context of “customs”, “ritualism”, “ritual”,
includes the entire spiritual heritage from generation to generation. The criterion of public
the significance of any tradition, including educational ones, must be consistent with the goals and
tasks of moral education of the younger generation.
Customs and traditions cannot be simply removed or changed, as they have a huge impact
impact on society. This process takes quite a long time.
Religious traditions, customs and rituals may be inaccurate and even based on others,
outdated or previous customs, traditions and rituals. What may entail
mass confusion in some details.
People do not always understand what any custom or tradition means, but only follow them
because that's what the majority does.
Customs, traditions and rituals of a religious nature are most common in society.
Creating new and improving existing public, family, personal
traditions and customs, we have a huge impact on the consciousness and feelings of people who
force us to reconsider and overcome habits and ideas associated with the previous image
There is not a single nation in the world that does not have its own customs and traditions, not to mention small
social groups.

The system of customs and traditions of any people is the result of its educational efforts over many centuries. Through this system, each people reproduces itself, its spiritual culture, its character and psychology in a series of successive generations.



System of national customs and traditions:
role, meaning and functions

The system of customs and traditions of any people is the result of its educator efforts for many centuries. Through this system, each people reproduces itself, its spiritual culture, its character and psychology in a series of successive generations.

“People develop certain rational and irrational beliefs,” writes the Bulgarian ethnographer T. Koleva. and find that these behaviors, repetitive skills and habits, and thinking have deep side basis, that they are purposeful, supported and proven by centuries-old practice and that they meet the material and spiritual needs of people sheep The old generation is the bearer and perpetrator of these stereotypes - in the process of communicating with the younger generation, he passes on his work experience and skills and educates young people in assimilating and preserving stereotypes. So a person in a thousand years of history created a tradition that underlies folk culture, about customs and rituals."

Traditions are carried out 2 social functions: to be a means of stabilizing relations established in a given society and to reproduce leadership of these relationships in the lives of new generations. Traditions fulfill their role as means of stabilization and reproduction of social relations through the formation of the spiritual qualities required by these relations.

Their content, i.e. a formula is always a norm or principle of behavior that does not give a detailed prescription for an action (unlike, for example, a custom, where a formula is This is a detailed prescription of action in a specific situation). They indicate the general direction of behavior and spiritual qualities necessary for the affirmed or nature of behavior (honesty and justice, simplicity, frugality, modesty, etc. )

Tradition does not have a strict connection with a specific action in a defined no situation. Since the spiritual qualities affirmed by tradition are necessary dyma for any specific actions, the implementation of these actions is not an end in itself, but a means for the formation of the traits of spirits different appearance of a person required by tradition.

Tradition forms complex habits and a certain direction of behavior. A simple habit - it is a means of organizing behavior in stereo typically functioning social relations. Complex habit - this is an active form of reflecting the demands of life; in any situation related to it, it is within the boundaries established by it on correctness of behavior provides a person with the freedom to choose a specific action. Based on a complex habit, there is always the opportunity to improvise behavior. Tradi ations as mass complex habits orient behavior not only in established relationships, but also in those new variants of them that arise unexpectedly, sharply different from the usual.

Just as the physical strength formed in a person is constant but requires its application in external intense effort, and so do the spirits The deeper and richer they are, the deeper and richer they are, the deeper and richer they are.

Customs and traditions are two closely related principles; they are channels through which older generations pass on to the younger generations the experience of their social behavior, their moral beliefs and feelings, methods and techniques of social activity.

Custom, including simple, stereotypically repeated relationships, conveys to the younger generation a standard of action and behavior.

The social purpose of traditions is expressed in the fact that they serve as a means of formation and transmission to new generations of those spiritual qualities that are necessary for the normal functioning of complex social relations.

Traditions never act outside of connection with customs; they are always fun rationed on the basis of the latter. Simple relationships fixed by customs and the spiritual qualities of tradition formed by these relationships include as a prerequisite, as the original mate rial for stabilization and reproduction in the lives of new generations of complex social relations, socially significant and mass spiritual qualities.

S.S. Frolov: "Tradition - cultural norms and values ​​that people accept because of their past usefulness, habit, and which can be transmitted to other generations."

Traditions are social and cultural heritage, passed on from one colony to another and reproduced in certain societies and societies. al groups for a long time. Traditions include objects of sociocultural heritage (ma material and spiritual values), processes of sociocultural heritage; ways to do this traces. Traditions are defined as certain cultural patterns, institutions, norms, values, ideas, customs, rituals, and styles.

The diversity of cultures existing in the world is largely due to many diversity of relevant cultural traditions. Thanks to modern means of communication, the possibilities of borrowing and interchange in the field of cultural heritage of different societies are significantly expanding. Borrowed elements of cultural heritage, initially acting as innovations for the borrowing culture, later often are rationalized in it, becoming an organic part of their own cultural traditional complex.

Traditions form the “collective memory” of societies and social groups, providing vaya their self-identity and continuity in their development.

Societies and social groups, accepting some elements of sociocultural heritage diy, at the same time rejected by others, so traditions can be both positive (what and how is traditionally accepted) and negative (what and how is traditionally rejected).

I.V. Sukhanov considers the structure of traditions and customs formed by the following elements of custom and tradition.

  1. Links of social relations not regulated by legal regulations laziness;
  2. The content of the relationship (political views, rules, norms, moral principles, religious ideas, provisions of religious beliefs);

3. Actions (deeds) revealing the spiritual qualities of the individual required by certain

Customs are social norms that are formed spontaneously in society as a result of long, repeated repetition of certain actions, and because of this they become habitual and obligatory in people’s lives. Custom, therefore, consolidates what has developed as a result of long-term social practice, i.e. results of social experience. Actions and actions that are repeated many times in a certain social environment become customs (general rules) when they are approved and shared by the entire social group or its majority.
Customs do not require an external, separate force to ensure their implementation, since they are habitual rules of behavior that are carried out automatically, due to the fact that people are accustomed to doing so. In the early periods of the development of human society, customs were the main regulator of social life. Custom, sanctioned by the state, has long been one of the most important forms of existence of legal norms.
A characteristic feature of customs is that they do not form a coherent system of rules, are not interconnected with each other and regulate only individual relationships between people that have become a habit.
Closely related to customs are traditions, which are less related to habit and represent more generalized norms of human behavior. They express the desire of people to continue, to preserve forms of behavior passed on by previous generations (traditions of celebrating anniversaries, the birth of a child, marriage ceremonies, etc.).
Legal norms are in a certain interaction with customs. On the one hand, progressive customs contribute to the development of sustainable law-abiding behavior, since in the minds of the majority of members of society, any unlawful and especially criminal behavior is not perceived as ordinary. Behavior that meets legal requirements is perceived as normal, which significantly affects the increase in the level of legal awareness and legal culture of the population. And this has a positive impact on strengthening law and order.
In turn, law influences customs. But the influence of nudes depends on the nature of the latter. In some cases, the state gives legal significance to customs and they take the form of legal custom, i.e. legal norm.
Progressive, advanced customs and traditions are supported and encouraged by law (during marriages, celebrations of anniversaries, achievements in some field of activity, etc.). However, customs often reflect certain prejudices, elements of a nihilistic attitude towards law, national contradictions, historical inequality between men and women, etc. Law competes with such customs, neutralizes and displaces them.

More on the topic of Law and customs:

  1. § 3. Settlements under a letter of credit (Articles 867-873) 528. As the norms of § 3 Ch. 46 Civil Code correspond to the norms of the Uniform Rules and Customs for Documentary Letters of Credit * (598)?
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