Personnel training - corporate trainings. Structure of corporate personnel training

Give your organization's staff skills and abilities, taking into account:

  • The gap between the actual and required level of knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • Your industry and internal corporate specifics;
  • Functions performed by staff: now and after training;
  • The corporate culture of your company;
  • Strategic objectives and goals.

Every time we create a unique product, inviting exactly those specialists whose experience and knowledge best suit your needs. Clients come to us with requests - from corporate sales training to corporate training in the implementation of a balanced scorecard.

Corporate training is most in demand today in two areas:

  • aimed at improving the efficiency of managers’ work with clients;
  • , the purpose of which is to increase the efficiency of employees in leadership positions.

How to get the expected results from the money spent on corporate training?

Obviously, you need to prepare for the learning process at corporate seminars. Both the trainer and the company itself. You can read more about preparing for the training.

We offer our clients guarantee of objectivity in selection personnel training programs. Since 2001, SRC, a leader in the ranking of training companies, has separated the process of identifying needs and setting goals and objectives for corporate personnel training into a separate service. For us, this is not done by trainers or teachers, but by corporate training consultants. What does this give you? Corporate training consultants are not interested in “selling” any specific trainer and training, but rather in meeting your unique training needs.

How will we work with you?

SRC Business School specialists accompany each client throughout 8 stages of work.

  1. Identifying the need. This stage is associated with establishing the level of the gap between the desired and actual performance of the company. Do you understand the need for staff training? We will help you determine the feasibility of investing in corporate trainings.
  2. Setting goals. At the second stage, together with you, the goals of training and the objectives of personnel training programs are formulated. In other words, how will employees need to achieve the performance bar set for them?
  3. Determination of content, forms and methods. This stage includes determining your specifics, taking into account the composition of the group, the scope of activity of its participants, their wishes, goals and objectives, and the form of delivery (staff training in the organization or on-site business training).
  4. Selection or training of teachers/trainers. At the fourth stage, specialists are selected who will train staff. We work with a database of 135 trainers, from which we can select a suitable teacher for your corporate educational event. We not only know the areas of competence of this or that consultant, but also have experience of cooperation in dozens of projects and feedback from our clients on the training of personnel in organizations.
  5. Preparation for the training, including organizational arrangements and staff motivation. At this stage, we resolve issues regarding the organization of corporate training (time, place, duration), and also recommend how to properly instruct the group and set it up for further work to improve professional skills.
  6. Conducting training. The stage involves the implementation of a pre-agreed schedule and plan of corporate events. In each group, the process is built according to an individual scheme, taking into account its specifics and goals. You can organize training in Moscow, or you can organize on-site business training in another city.
  7. Evaluation of training effectiveness. By surveying students, we assess participants’ satisfaction with the form and content of the training or other form of staff training provided. It is also determined whether the goals and objectives set before the start of the training were achieved, whether the professional level of the staff increased and whether they developed an understanding of how to structure their work to improve the efficiency of the entire department and the entire company.
  8. Ensuring positive transfer of knowledge gained during training into the daily work of staff. Post-training events allow students to consolidate acquired knowledge and skills and gain a clear understanding of their use in the work process. Encouragement and encouragement from the coach develops the desire in staff to implement new patterns and tools in the performance of their daily duties.

According to experts, this is due to the reluctance of the majority of representatives of this trend to try for themselves the products that they offer to others.

It is unlikely that any of us would dare to go to a restaurant knowing that its chef never tastes his food. Because then we will almost certainly receive something that does not meet our expectations. During one of his speeches, the famous restaurateur Bobby Flay said that for him, a recipe is just a list of basic recommendations; and to achieve exceptional taste, you need to taste the dish throughout the entire cooking process.

Why, then, do corporate training specialists not want to attend courses that are conducted for company personnel? Without this, how can one be convinced of the exceptional “taste” of corporate training programs?

Here are three questions that were posed to a group of organizational learning experts:

— Do you regularly take courses provided in electronic format?

— Do you regularly take part in traditional educational programs?

— Are you currently working with a mentor to improve your professional level?

Interestingly, only a few answered “yes”. And if it was suggested that they attend a 24-hour classroom program, most would ask if there was something shorter (even though this is the typical length of an in-house training course).

But why shouldn't organizational learning professionals become taste testers for their programs?

By taking one of the courses, its developer/manager can experience the methodology that is used. And this is always an opportunity to better understand the experience of people who are studying - to understand the essence of their needs and feel “in their own skin” the pressure and problems they face.

After completing the course development, you should definitely check whether the course will work.

Do you need to answer a few questions to do this?

Does the learning objective meet the learning objective identified during the needs analysis phase?
Does the training course reflect the real situation?
Are the levels of knowledge and skills required to achieve the learning objective taken into account?
Will the chosen methodology for assessing knowledge show the actual achievement of goals?
Will the selected metrics show whether a motivated or unmotivated listener is achieving their goals?

As a rule, training managers make “discoveries” for themselves that relate to the following aspects of e-learning:

1. Sequence of presentation of the material.

Often the sequence of course content looks very good in the presentation that the course developer makes.

However, if you look at this from the point of view of program participants, it becomes clear: the order in which individual content elements are placed almost always requires adjustments. There is no developed “learning trajectory” in the course.

2. Level of knowledge of students.

Basically, the content of training programs is designed for a lower level of knowledge than that which its participants actually have (for example, this may concern courses on the study of regulatory requirements, product lines). But if the training manager takes the course, he will understand how to effectively use the knowledge that his participants already possess.

3. Duration of the training course.

In many cases, when determining the time frame for a course, we are guided by certain “sacred” (although not necessarily realistic) assumptions. For some reason, it is believed that classroom programs should last from one to five days; webinars - 60 or 90 minutes, e-learning course module - from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

It has been practically proven that 4 courses of 15 minutes each are more effective than one course lasting an hour. Imagine that you need to watch a 1-2 hour presentation or video lecture from start to finish. Is it easy to do?

Unfortunately, very often the time frame of a course is planned before its content is fully determined, not to mention the fact that sometimes the specific situation in which the participants find themselves is not taken into account at all.
Do not start making the course until we have all the training material and course syllabus.

4. Variety of course elements.

Training is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. In order to facilitate the process and increase the effectiveness of learning, a combination of various tools is necessary:

- combine Various types mental activity: watch, listen, read, write, answer, decide;

— combine simple and complex tasks or cases for optimal learning load;

— combine self-study, classes with a teacher, collective projects (cases), communication with other students;

— combine push and pull materials, when part of the information is given in the course, and the other part the student must find and learn on his own.

- books, blogs, podcasts, videos, infographics, third-party courses - all this creates a varied, interesting and effective educational process, into which a person can immerse himself headlong.

5. Practice is the most important aspect of learning.

One of the most important components of the learning process is practice.

If you don't know practical tasks, cases, simulators, then ask yourself the question: what is its purpose, is such a course necessary?

E-learning makes it possible to develop and use all kinds of simulators: in different formats, at different paces, with many attempts.

Workshops and simulators are the most rational and effective investment in training.

6. Motivation for learning.

Training managers very often do not take into account the motivation of staff for training. The training schedule is dominant. Which has a very negative impact on the effectiveness of training.

Methods that work in corporate training:

— the most important motivational measure: the student must understand why he needs to study the course (goal, knowledge, skills, effect);
— the KPI includes an additional coefficient for successful training;
— student ratings (by course, overall), visible to all employees or only in the training group;
— gamification elements (badges/badges/achievements) visible to all users (babies);
— an employee’s electronic portfolio, which highlights achievements and results;
— virtual bonus points for passing courses and tests, convertible into real prizes or bonuses;
— prizes for those who are the first/best to complete the course (often done in retail where vendors sponsor product training for sellers);
— regular mailings to managers/trainees about the success of training (highlighting the best and worst);
- competition between departments.

7. Technological factor of training.

It is also critical to determine whether course participants can use the technology tools that are part of the course design easily, without wasting extra effort and time. Otherwise, people simply will not be able to fully focus on the content of the program. New trend in learning: mobile learning.

From all of the above, three main elements of organizing effective e-learning can be formulated:

Elements of organizing effective e-learning:

1. Personnel readiness:

declaration of learning goals and tools;
diagnostic surveys;
motivational materials;

2. Research activation:

Scripts, storytelling;
Additional materials;
blended learning;
social activities;
group work.
video instructions “How to do...”;

3. Fixing the material:

Step-by-step instructions;
electronic simulators;
visualization of goals;
best practices and cases.

And one more very important thing: representatives of the corporate training direction should be in continuous beta testing mode - actively experimenting with new technologies, training formats and approaches to designing modules.

Here are some ideas to try:

Augmented reality. Mobile game Pokemon Go, which combines the real and virtual worlds, has quickly captured tens of millions of people. Test as many augmented and virtual reality programs as possible and consider which ones might eventually be used in an organizational learning context.

Video 360. Using simple applications or inexpensive cameras, make panoramic video; give users the opportunity to experiment with it.

Microlearning. Short training courses serve to achieve specific production goals or to increase productivity in the company. One module focuses on introducing one skill, changing one technology model, or solving one production problem.

Daily coaching. Identify some habit that needs to be changed first. Find someone among your colleagues who would agree to work on this with you every day for two to five minutes. For example, change the way you usually handle email and ask a colleague at a certain time each day (say, 4:00 pm) to observe how consistently you apply the new approach.

Internal digital library, media library, knowledge base.
The company's internal electronic “knowledge base” provides a lot of opportunities for personnel development.

Firstly, each employee will definitely look into the “knowledge base” by analogy with his colleagues.

Secondly, just reading or watching videos, courses, and e-books immerses you in the learning environment.

Third, the company can implement the concept of a self-learning organization. Use technology to manage employee self-learning.

Fourth, the company can implement continuous staff training. With a little effort and resources, create a corporate culture that supports continuous learning.

Infographics: elearninginfographics

"HR Officer. Personnel Management (Personnel Management)", 2012, N 1


show me syllabus company, and I'll tell you everything

about her strategy and even the personality of the first person.

Klaus Valentiner

The article shows that corporate personnel training is the most important factor in the competitiveness of a credit organization in the labor market. The peculiarities of the work of bank personnel, which determine the specifics of their training, are specified. The organization of personnel training in a bank is considered using the example of such forms as a regional training center, a training and development portal, and a corporate university.

Dictionary of personnel management. Corporate training is a set of activities to develop the skills, abilities and knowledge of personnel aimed at the most optimal use of the organization’s human resources in terms of the strategy adopted in it.

Increasing modernization of the economy requires changes in company strategies. Their adaptation to new conditions requires a significant restructuring of the system HR management, and personnel training in these conditions becomes a key element of the personnel management process. This problem is very relevant in commercial banks, since the efficiency of the economy of the entire country depends on their work. Leading and successful banks in modern competition for resources make a choice in favor of preserving and accumulating human capital.

The introduction of a corporate training system can contribute to the adaptability of bank personnel to changing conditions and will ensure a strategic competitive advantage for a financial organization for many years.

The concept of corporate training was born in the early 60s. XX century in the USA along with the concept of corporate universities. The most common term is Training&Development (T&D) - “training and development”. In the mid-1970s. The Association of Training and Development Specialists (ASTD) was formed and now has over 100 national members (ASTD. org). In September 2005, ASTD opened a representative office in Russia. In Russia, the profession of a specialist in training and personnel development was formed in the mid-90s. last century.

Objectives and main directions of corporate training

bank staff

The corporate training system is a tool for implementing the bank's strategy.

The purpose of corporate training is to provide the systemic knowledge and skills of personnel necessary to achieve effective results and quality indicators of the bank's activities.

Objectives of corporate training:

Systematic training of all target groups of bank personnel;

Ensuring the required level of management knowledge and skills;

Preparation of personnel reserve;

Adaptation of new specialists;

Formation of corporate business standards, including standards for quality customer service.

The work of a bank employee as a specific type of labor has significant features that have a significant impact on the system of corporate training of bank personnel. To ensure the successful formation of a training system for personnel of a credit organization, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of work in the field of credit and financial operations:

1. High qualification requirements caused by the need for constant self-education, associated with frequent changes in regulatory documents, which is confirmed by the high industry average specific gravity number of employees with higher professional education. Shortening the life cycles of banking products, frequent innovations in environment lead to a sharp increase in requirements for the educational and qualification level of personnel. The requirements for the qualifications of performers in Russian banks are high and exceed the requirements for performers in other non-production industries (for example, according to the Social Report of VTB Bank for 2009, the proportion of employees with higher education, amounted to 84.6% ). Constant monitoring of the level of qualifications is necessary in order to identify gaps in knowledge, taking into account technological developments and changes in the regulatory framework.

2. Increased requirements for information support for work activities. Labor results are directly related to the quality of information received by the employee. The result of these increased requirements for information support is an increase in the complexity of the work of performers and an increase in the intensity of their work.

3. High technical equipment and mass automation of workplaces. Automation, leading to the complication of the content of activities, seriously changes the individual’s attitude towards work.

The identified specifics of the work of bank employees predetermine the directions of corporate training in a credit institution.

The main areas of corporate training at the bank are:

Functional training aimed at effective performance by employees job responsibilities, development of business processes, products and technologies of the bank’s activities;

Development of business efficiency skills aimed at achieving corporate business quality standards;

Development of management competencies aimed at creating a unified corporate system management.

The main forms of training at the bank are:

1. Internal seminars:

Information and consulting. They are aimed at transmitting to employees the information necessary to perform business tasks and immediate job responsibilities, for example, they are devoted to topics such as: " Current issues operational activities", "Credit operations of the bank", "Current issues and practice of making payments in the form of letters of credit in rubles on the territory of the Russian Federation", "Current issues of working with personnel", etc.;

Practical. Aimed at developing practical knowledge and functional skills, for example, skills in using new operating systems (“Service packages. My personal bank”, “Filling out client data in software" and etc.);

Problem-based projects. Aimed at solving specific business problems under the guidance of an internal or external expert, for example, on the topics: “Stimulating the work of department employees”, “Carrying out international payments in the form of an import letter of credit”, etc.

2. Internal internships aimed at practical development of professional technologies under the guidance experienced staff, for example, “Technology for conducting business training on the topic “Effective sales”, etc.

3. Internal trainings aimed at developing business efficiency skills in working with clients and management skills: “Sales Management”, “Service Management”, “Effective Sales”, etc.

4. Distance learning. As a rule, it is considered by the bank as an independent type of training, although its use is possible only in the form of an additional form of training, which should result in either consolidation of the material covered (for example, after training) or preparation for subsequent training (studying information, necessary for future training). Distance learning in turn is divided into:

Electronic courses that provide transmission and control of information assimilation and are used mainly for functional training of personnel. As a rule, these include programs for the adaptation of employees, various areas of activity, introductory training on AML/CFT (anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing), etc.;

Video seminars, which are aimed at concretizing and monitoring the assimilation of information received during the completion of electronic courses and self-study, increasing the effectiveness of these forms of training by actively involving participants in the learning process and receiving feedback from them on the issues discussed in real time.

5. External seminars (in Russia and abroad), aimed at obtaining information necessary for individual specialists in the areas of their activities in the interests of the bank, in order to solve specific problems or active representation in a certain professional field, training on such topics can be cited as an example , such as: “Business Object Training”, “Strategic Business Vision”, “Project Management”, “Change Management”, etc.;

6. Certification programs aimed at obtaining the right to conduct professional activities in the interests of a bank established by law or in accordance with internal regulations: “Financial market specialist”, “Valuation activities”, specialized courses for cashiers, etc.

7. Self-preparation aimed at mastering new knowledge and skills in employee areas of activity, continuous improvement professional qualifications in order to meet the requirements for the position and professional development.

8. Mentoring is the main method of training a newly hired employee. After a new employee has been hired for a vacant position, a supervisor is assigned to him; the goals of the supervision are to streamline the process of developing professional competencies, developing the ability to independently and efficiently perform the tasks assigned to the employee for his position; adaptation to the bank’s corporate culture, formation of loyalty to the bank’s brand and image. The duties of the curator include: introducing a new employee to the bank, the history of its development, structure, corporate culture, accepted norms and rules of behavior in the organization; implementation of theoretical training of the employee in accordance with the specialist training plan. The supervisor provides practical training for the employee to work in specialized software.

Quoting legislation. Personnel of organizations carrying out transactions with funds or other property must undergo mandatory training and education in order to combat the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.

Training is carried out in the following forms: a) introductory briefing; b) additional instruction; c) targeted instruction. Induction training in the organization is carried out by a special official when applying for a job at the bank.

From the Order of Rosfinmonitoring dated 03.08.2010 N 203 “On approval of the Regulations on the requirements for the preparation and training of personnel of organizations carrying out transactions with funds or other property, in order to combat the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism” (ed. . from 01.11.2010).

The most used methods of training staff in banks are: trainings, seminars, lectures, distance learning, mentoring, video courses, practical internships. Practice shows that the number of lectures is gradually decreasing, and distance learning, on the contrary, is gaining momentum; this trend manifested itself especially strongly during the financial crisis of 2008 - 2009, when many banks switched to distance learning in order to optimize staff training costs.

Organization of corporate training for staff in the bank

Corporate Training Plan

Personnel training in the bank must be carried out in accordance with the Corporate Training Plan, approved, as a rule, for a period of 1 year.

The corporate training plan is formed:

In the area of ​​functional training - based on requests from department heads, taking into account the specifics of the activities and production tasks of the departments, including based on the results of professional testing;

In areas of development of business efficiency and management skills - based on the results of an analysis of personnel development needs, including the results of assessment procedures;

In all areas of corporate training - based on decisions made by the bank's management for the purpose of business development.

The corporate training plan for the next year is formed in accordance with the established planning periods (September - December) of the current year. The training plan is agreed upon in the prescribed manner and, after approval, is brought to the attention of personnel through internal communications. Changes may be made to the plan throughout the year to reflect business development priorities. The departments' work plans are constantly being adjusted; business objectives, market conditions, and the financial position of the credit institution may change - all this requires a corresponding change in the employee training plan. For example, in Lately Many banks set the task for selling departments to increase commission income, at the same time, many commissions are abolished by law, new products appear, without appropriate training of employees, all these innovations will remain unaccounted for, which can negatively affect the work of the entire credit institution.

The corporate plan consists of individual training activities and corporate programs.

As a rule, employees engaged in servicing retail and corporate clients, as well as employees involved in supporting banking operations, are most often trained in separate training events. This ratio can be considered normal, since the work of service specialists is more susceptible to changes, and employees, in turn, must respond quickly to them, therefore new training activities are being developed and conducted for these categories of banking personnel.

The most relevant training events for banking personnel include: “Tasks of credit institutions in terms of implementing requirements Russian legislation in the field of AML/CFT", "Current problems of internal control for AML/CFT purposes and ways to solve them", "The procedure for currency control on the part of the bank to identify and prevent foreign exchange transactions on behalf of clients", "Issues of accounting and reporting ", training seminars with presentation of various banking products, etc.

Corporate programs are of greatest importance for the development of banking business. The main corporate programs include:

Corporate university as a form of training a personnel reserve and developing the bank’s management potential;

Program on effective sales techniques (client manager school);

Adaptation program for new employees;

"Corporate Customer Service Standards" program.

School time

Based on the principle of joint responsibility of the bank and the employee for the learning process, the time of training events should be planned in such a way that the training is carried out partly during the employee’s working time and partly during the employee’s personal time.

When conducting corporate events at the bank, training events can be held according to the following schedule:

14.00 - 20.00:

16.00 - 20.00.

Participation of employees in external training events must be carried out according to the schedule of the training organization.

Seminars for employees of branches and additional offices based in the central office can be held during business hours from 9.00 to 18.00.

Other formats of corporate training, including weekend training, may be used at the discretion of department heads and in agreement with bank management.

Training budget

The training budget is formed by: the HR department - to provide corporate training programs (general banking expenses); bank divisions - to ensure functional training of employees (divisional budgets). Training budgets are monitored by the HR department. The optimal amount of expenses for corporate training is 0.5% of the wage fund.

Training and development portal

The banking system of the Russian Federation is characterized by significant ramifications, a wide network of branches throughout the country (Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, VTB, etc.). Taking this into account, it is necessary to consider a distance learning form as one of the most effective forms of personnel training, namely the use of a training and development portal.

The training and development portal (hereinafter referred to as the training portal) is a tool for organizing distance learning in the bank. The educational portal contains up-to-date information about educational events, a library of electronic courses and tests for distance learning, etc. The rules for using the educational portal must be set out in methodological recommendations and user instructions preceding sections of the portal. Information on the learning portal should be open and designated. TO open information All bank employees must have access at any time they choose. Assigned courses and tests must be personally available to the employee at the time specifically designated for training. The results of training and testing are available personally to each employee.

Heads of branch departments and HR specialists must have access to reports on employee training and testing.

The adaptation program is a program for new bank employees, designed for a probationary period, which is carried out through a training portal. The adaptation program is controlled by the bank’s HR, AML/CFT officer, and the new employee’s immediate supervisor.

The course for a new employee, as a rule, consists of several modules (general information about the bank, personnel policy, corporate standards business communication, labor protection requirements, introductory training on AML/CFT). Assignment to the course is made automatically after authorization of the employee’s hiring order and reflection of information about the employee in the personnel database.

For bank employees, a distance learning course should be mandatory.

Regional training centers

An alternative to learning via the Internet is the use of so-called RTCs - regional training centers.

Main functions of the RTC:

Interaction with the HR department on the organization of corporate training events on the basis of the RTC for employees of regional branches;

Providing premises from the training or meeting rooms available to the branch, equipped necessary equipment for conducting face-to-face (seminars, trainings, etc.) and remote (video seminars and conferences) training events;

Allocation of employees to organize and support training events;

Providing organizational support for training events - meeting and accommodating non-resident participants, purchasing office supplies, organizing coffee breaks during training sessions.

The following training events are held at the RTC:

Seminars and trainings as part of corporate programs (" Effective management", "Effective sales", "Effective service");

Practical and consulting seminars in areas of banking with the participation of specialists from the head office and the best specialists from the branches;

Video seminars for target groups of branch personnel with the participation of representatives of the head office and external specialists;

Various training and production activities that require specific discussion and elaboration with the active participation of target groups of branch personnel;

Business games and professional testing (if these events are held in person).

Training events on the basis of the RTC are planned in the annual corporate training plan for bank personnel.

It is necessary to dwell on the “Effective Sales” program in more detail, since a commercial bank receives most of its income from interest on the loan portfolio, which means that the larger the loan portfolio and the higher its quality, the higher the bank’s income, and this can be achieved, in particular, through effective sales.

The program includes 3 stages.

Stage 1: “Sales Techniques” trainings for senior client managers (SCM) of bank branches (350 people, ~ 60 branches); identification of key SCMs (usually heads of customer service departments).

Stage 2: “Training of Trainers” program for key SCMs (20 people); product preparation (trade finance, liabilities); skills training (methodology for conducting sales training).

Stage 3: “Sales Techniques” trainings for junior client managers and product specialists by key SCMs (more than 300 people).

Performance assessment: duel between client teams of branches (business simulation); results of the implementation of business plans for the current year.

The conditional return on this program is 2.06 rubles. for 1 rub. costs.

Corporate University

For the successful development of the banking business, it is necessary that the employee’s goals coincide with the general goals of the credit institution. The main tool in solving this problem is the corporate university. University - key stage the process of establishing a system of corporate personnel training.

Dictionary of personnel management. A corporate university is a well-thought-out system for training company personnel, within which all traditional forms of business education are used to achieve the company's goals.

In addition to direct training of employees, the main tasks of a corporate university include summarizing the experience and knowledge accumulated by the bank and creating a unified organizational culture. For example, at VTB, under the auspices of the corporate university, following programs, generalized innovate experience branches: "Commercial launch of a regional structural unit", "Development program corporate culture in the branch", "Motivation of employees of the department for supporting large clients", "Key performance indicators of branches for determining the bonus fund" and many others.

The bank's corporate university is primarily a program for developing the bank's management potential.

The goals of the corporate university: strengthening competitive advantages, forming a unified management team of the bank.

Its tasks: identify and develop the most capable middle managers; implement current projects bank, including by university students; apply and transmit effective management technologies throughout the territory of the bank’s presence.

Here are examples of some corporate university programs.

"Energy of Leadership" is a program for developing the bank's management reserve. Recruitment is made on a competitive basis once a year (May - August). Duration of training - 1 year (4 on-site sessions of 5 days, defense of diploma projects).

"Effective Management" is an open program for heads of structural divisions of the bank. The program is carried out at the head office and in regional training centers on the basis of authorized branches within the framework of operational management tasks - business process management and people management. Recruitment into groups is carried out throughout the year, participation is coordinated with the heads of independent divisions/blocks/departments/branches.

Nomination of candidates for participation in competitive recruitment to the corporate university is carried out by heads of functional blocks/departments, heads of departments, independent structural divisions, managers of bank branches, taking into account the general requirements presented in table.

General requirements for candidates for participation

in competitive recruitment to a corporate university

As part of the assessment of candidates for participation in the training program, the key selection criteria are:

Employee performance results;

Level of professionalism in the relevant field;

Leadership skills;

Ability to think at a strategic level;

Result-oriented, striving for new achievements;

Ability to interact effectively with people;

Customer focus;

Innovation and creative approach to problem solving;

Ability to work effectively under conditions of uncertainty;

Learning ability, the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice;

High motivation to participate in the training program of the bank's corporate university.

In conclusion, it should be noted that personnel training cannot be considered as an activity that has only auxiliary significance for the effective operation of the bank, since the determining condition for the economic health of a financial organization is its ability to quickly adapt to external and internal changes, and the corporate training system serves precisely these purposes.


1. Labor motivation of personnel of financial and credit organizations / Ed. Yu. G. Odegova. M.: Exam, 2002.

2. Social report of VTB Bank for 2009 [Electronic resource]. URL: vtb. ru/upload/iblock/3de/VTB_SR_2009-e. pdf.

R. Dolzhenko

Department of Economics,

sociology of labor

and personnel management

Altai State


Signed for seal

In the modern world, there are probably no companies that do not know what training is. A huge part of companies know the difference between closed and corporate trainings. Why does corporate training exist, what does it contribute to and how does it affect the activities of companies?

In this article you will read:

  • How to understand whether a company needs corporate personnel training
  • In what form can corporate training be organized?
  • How to monitor the effectiveness of training
  • How to make sure that an employee does not quit, but completes “training”

Why is corporate staff training so important?

Best article of the month

If you do everything yourself, employees will not learn how to work. Subordinates will not immediately cope with the tasks that you delegate, but without delegation you are doomed to time trouble.

We have published in this article a delegation algorithm that will help you free yourself from routine and stop working around the clock. You will learn who can and cannot be entrusted with work, how to correctly assign a task so that it is completed, and how to supervise staff.

Corporate training is a set of activities that is carried out within a separate enterprise and is aimed at increasing the professionalism of its employees. The learning process includes training, as well as various seminars for the management of the enterprise and various events to improve the skills of working as a single team.

The advantage of corporate training is that the specifics of the enterprise’s activities are fully taken into account. For example, a telephone sales company requires a different approach than a manufacturing or consulting company. The purpose of corporate training is not a course of theoretical studies, but real chance apply all acquired knowledge in practice in real-life conditions.

Who in the company needs constant training:

    Sales managers. Be sure to learn new methods and tricks of sales, familiarize yourself with the features of new products and services of your company.

    Staff of client departments. Be sure to understand the ways of interacting with customers and understand information about the products sold.

    Employees of the legal department, personnel service, accounting. They become familiar with innovations in the Labor and Tax Codes, as well as in accounting and financial accounting. Fundamental factor successful work employees of these positions is the availability and application of information that is relevant at a given time.

    New employees. In this case, newcomers will have to get acquainted with the company’s activities from the very beginning, learn its history, prospects, working methods, and so on.

    Training of automated systems operators. For example, when changing the operating system at an enterprise or changing an outdated accounting program to a newer one, and so on.


    Destroying stereotypes about corporate training

    1) Corporate training is a tribute to fashion. The Russian way of thinking is characterized by the desire to “be no worse than others” or “to be like everyone else.” On the one hand, this is not bad, in some ways it’s even good, but in order to be able to withstand increasing competition, you need to learn to be original.

    2) The idea of ​​corporate training as a “magic wand”. They say that it is enough to conduct corporate training for staff, and all problems will be solved: sales will increase, income will increase, the staff will become loyal, and the company will be successful. All you need to do is pay for the services of the training company, that’s all. But this is too simple and easy to be a reality.

    3) Corporate training is “the medicine for the organization.” Surely many of you put off taking care of your health until later, even when something is bothering you: either there is no time, or there is no desire. You go to the doctor, intending to get treatment quickly, without being distracted from work, or even run to the pharmacy and buy yourself a “magic pill”. Probably the same thing happens when we try to find “medicines for the company.” The head of the company has neither the time nor the desire to conduct a thorough study of the difficulties that arise, and sometimes it can be quite scary - you start to figure it out, and there it is. As a result, what happens is that the “trainer-doctor” is not provided with all necessary information, it turns out to be porridge.

    Managers are satisfied because of the five-day training

    Alexey Kubrak, Head of Corporate Employee Training Department, Arsenaltrading

    Thanks to an established training process in the sales department, we were able to train new employees in less time and with less investment. The level of corporate culture has increased thanks to the excellent preparation of the team, which brings positive influence on the interest of personnel and, as a result, helps to reduce the turnover of personnel in the organization. In addition, the corporate training system has become a significant advantage in the labor market in the struggle for worthy candidates. For many employees, the determining factor when choosing our organization was the introductory five-day training. Some companies do not give newcomers the opportunity to delve into the affairs of the organization and tell them to immediately begin performing their duties.

    In our organization, in the sales department, the training process is handled by one full-time specialist, who is also the main business trainer, and another trainer works part-time. We have allocated and equipped a separate room for training. The very idea of ​​​​creating a training system was created in a few days, but the formation of its content - a selection of educational materials and a test system - took much longer; this turned out to be the most labor-intensive part of the work. We spent more than a year building a complete unified system.

    What is a corporate training system

    Corporate training system (CTS) - component employee management, a set of specialized measures, decisions and activities that ensure:

    orderliness and comprehensiveness of the information received;

    quick adaptation of employees to a new team or in case of a change of place of work within the same enterprise;

    regular and effective development of knowledge and skills of company employees.

The corporate training system is open to everyone full-time employees organizations. The system includes a portfolio of “internal” employee training and self-development programs, as well as dedicated training programs for “external” partners and contractors.

The most important tasks of the SKO are:

  • formation of an integral system of management and knowledge development;
  • broadcasting and creating a unified corporate style, behavior and norms;
  • organization of trainings.

SKO operating technologies:

    consistency and frequency of the entire personnel training process;

    determination and compliance with all established rules for the selection, assessment and formation of company personnel;

    creating and maintaining special mechanisms that will help determine the existence of a lack of knowledge and information among employees at a certain point in time;

    management of training processes, collection of methodological information, assessment of training, its quality and benefits for the company and employees;

    comparison of the obtained assessment results with the provided material, search for dependencies;

    open access to all structural units to educational and training information;

    opportunity for management to attend all training events.

The main areas of corporate training in the company are:

    administrative, highly professional and corporate awareness.

    ability to communicate effectively.

    sales skills.

    know everything about each company's product.

    know how to effectively own and use information technology.

Responsibility for developing and attracting uniform methods, quality standards and principles for the formation of training courses, assessment, and replacement of existing employees lies with the head of the HR department. Responsible for the very idea, development and methodology for creating a corporate training system, builds an algorithm for conducting, determines the content of the type and plans for conducting training in the company based on specific needs, the head of the training and personnel development department of the personnel management department. Responsibility for shaping training, choosing topics, employees who should be trained, and so on, rests with HR managers.

Corporate training programs are based on plans previously approved by management:

  • representatives of the company's training department;
  • in-house experts of the company;
  • attracted people (outsourcing).

Corporate training for employees in the company: pros and cons

Planning. Educational process and everything connected with it is planned in advance by the employer and, therefore, it is possible to completely control it.

Completeness and scale. Corporate training programs, if necessary, can cover every employee of the company. In addition, this type of training, as a rule, has an extensive list of positions: these include theoretical classes on various topics, business games and seminars.

Excessive formalization. This type of training requires a large number of different documents - contracts with providers, financial papers, etc. The process of such training itself is also quite formal.

There is no connection with the needs and desires of the staff. As a rule, the opinions of employees are not taken into account when planning and implementing corporate training - it “comes” to them at the will of management. The “obligation” of employees is always demotivating, even if they understand the usefulness of this kind of training events.

Corporate training requires considerable costs for the employer.

What forms of corporate training are there?

Personnel training usually includes the following stages:

Pre-work training - the employee is provided with relevant information before starting work;

Training - the employee learns the specifics of working in the company;

Adaptation - the employee adapts to working conditions;

Increasing the level of professional competencies - continuous training.

Analyzing listed forms we can conclude that each stage requires its own teaching method. For example, training before starting work is the initial briefing of the immediate supervisor, and to increase the level of professional knowledge, more serious training is needed, so the employee is given the opportunity to study in all kinds of courses, master classes, lectures, etc. The duration of such events is from a couple of hours to several months.

What are the methods of corporate training?

1. A seminar is a form of training in which:

A significant amount of theoretical information is given, including several exercises for practice;

There is an exchange of practical experience and working methods between the participants.

The advantages of the seminar are:

Discussion of material relating to a specific narrow specialization, all incomprehensible points are carefully discussed and explained;

Corporate professional training is carried out by updating and systematizing existing knowledge and information, as well as all the skills and experience in solving various problems, views on the situation, etc.;

It is possible to provide information only to a small group of company employees;

During the learning process, people share all their knowledge and experience with each other, tell tricks and secrets of more effective activities;

In the process of planning seminars and lectures, the schedule proposed by the leader is taken as a basis;

You can conduct several seminars and controls in a row if they are related thematically.

2. Training. The main objective of the training is to analyze the behavior of employees in certain situations, analyze it all into parts and improve their work skills. Skills are practiced and improved through games, thematic assignments, riddles and more. The amount of information in the trainings is strictly limited, because listeners and participants must fully understand the material provided to them. Therefore, during the training, each participant must actively behave and complete assigned tasks. And for the teacher it is possible to devote maximum time to the participants only in a small group of employees. That is why no more than 10-15 people should attend the training.

Mandatory methods of corporate training, conducting and participating in trainings are:

The activity of the participants in the process is the most important factor, significantly different from the activity of a person who is present at a lecture or reading a book. During the training process, people are involved in a specially designed situation or game.

Study. The meaning of this activity is to search and discover new principles and methods of action in various situations. Following this principle, the teacher creates new ideas and situations, to solve which employees need to go beyond their usual actions and use the acquired knowledge in practice. An artificial stressful environment is created for a group of trainers in which they need to evaluate all the problems and find ways to solve them.

Feedback. The best way to evaluate decisions made is Feedback. It is the coach who must take care of creating conditions in which feedback will be present. In certain types of training, where it is necessary to assess skills and abilities, tasks suitable for this are created. For example, a task is given and a hidden video recording of an employee working on a problem, his behavior and actions to solve the problem is turned on, after which this situation is discussed.

Affiliate communication is a type of communication that takes into account the goals, desires, opinions and interests of another person. When using this type of communication between employees, the organization of corporate training is based on trust and support. People taking part in training rely on each other, trust and make decisions mutually.

3. Round table(group discussion). In this form all discussions and analyzes problem situations take place in an open manner. Each participant expresses an opinion, after which a collective discussion of proposals takes place. Members of the class are equal in status, experience and field of activity. Only the specialist conducting the discussion differs from everyone else. His role is to guide the conversation. All participants take turns putting forward their own point of view on the topic of the round table, after which they collectively discuss incomprehensible or controversial issues.

A group discussion is only conditionally a form of employee training, because during its implementation, as a rule, employees do not learn, but jointly develop solutions to problems. The “round table” can be the conclusion of the entire training, during which all acquired knowledge is repeated and the theoretical possibilities of applying it in practice. Most often, the number of participants in a group discussion is no more than 10 people.

4. Master class (from English masterclass: master - the best in any field + class - occupation, lesson) these days is one of the most popular forms of advanced training, during which knowledge and experience are exchanged, views on activities are expanded .

The differences between seminars and master classes are that a master class involves not only theoretical provision of knowledge, but also practical knowledge. Participants can see what the leader is doing visually.

The objectives of the master class are:

1) Transfer of experience to listeners and participants by demonstrating the chronology and sequence of actions, thoughts, etc.;

2) Work together, under the guidance of a master, on all problems and incomprehensible situations;

3) Transfer of own knowledge to other participants;

4) Help from the teacher in directing actions and information processing processes for all participants.

The most effective combined form of training

Vladimir Averin, HR Director, Janssen Pharmaceutica

At Janssen, corporate training comes in many different forms. They represent conferences, seminars, trainings, mentoring and much more. Taking this into account, we pay equal attention to the study of both external influences, such as new drugs, their functions and capabilities, methods of use and everything else in the pharmaceutical market, and internal influences, for example, communication between employees and clients, personnel management, the emotional state of the team and etc. These two influences are very important for a representative of a medical company. That is why corporate training technologies are based precisely on these areas and are mandatory to attend. Training is conducted exclusively during business hours.

If we take our own many years of experience, we can confidently say that the most effective is a combined form of training, which includes trainings, seminars and mentoring. We operate as follows: 65% is mentoring; 20% - solving new issues that are beyond the scope of competence, participation in startups, etc.; 15% - attending courses, education and training.

In addition to all this, our company has developed and launched courses, the attendance of which is possible only at the request of the employee, such as corporate English language training.

Corporate distance learning: what are the advantages?

Interactivity. The main difference between webinars and online lectures is the opportunity to talk with the audience and answer questions. Standard training consists of three stages: demonstrated - repeated - evaluated, monitored implementation. Initially, informative screenshots are taken and provided as teaching material. After analyzing and studying it, the teacher clearly shows the process of performing everything that is given in the manual. The audience receives immediate answers to all questions that arise, while the teacher keeps control over the work of each participant. To maintain excitement and interest, the trainer needs to inquire about the audience’s opinion every 10–15 minutes, ask questions, listen to the answers, make adjustments, and so on. The most important point here is to exclude technical problems, so the trainer needs to check the connection with each person present in the virtual room before the webinar starts.

Saving money. If an organization finances corporate training for employees from branches and representative offices, sending them on business trips to improve their skills, then participation in webinars can be a profitable substitute for this, because a course of 6 months of webinars is equal in cost to only three business trips.

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Staff loyalty. A large number of line employees such as merchandisers, cashiers and others work six days a week. Managers are forced to adapt to their personal schedule. At the same time, not all employees are willing to spend their weekends on seminars and webinars, so their presence in the first month should be made mandatory. Of course, this will initially cause negativity among employees, but then they will understand that spending extra time on work or training is assessed by the employer. Plus, they will receive answers to all their questions, therefore, they will make fewer mistakes, which will be followed by an increase and a higher level of income.

Development of the company. To conduct webinars online, you must have additional devices: PCs, laptops, tablets, headsets and Internet connections. This perhaps represents the company's movement forward, in some ways.

Features and principles of corporate training for managers

Most important criteria managers who undergo training would correctly consider the following:

    When analyzing the problems of training managers, you must initially take into account that this is teaching for established, adult people who have received education and experience, and currently occupy leadership positions. As a rule, these are people who are difficult to teach anything; they all have sufficient experience and knowledge , which you purchased yourself and are confident in!

    They are leaders who know what responsibility is for themselves and their wards, and often make important decisions on their own, without consulting anyone.

    These are practices. Managers know the goal, know the idea and know the sequence of actions that need to be performed to achieve the goal. That's all, they act strictly according to plan.

    Typically, these are successful managers who have enormous experience in their field of activity and life in general. That is why when training managers, the basis should be not the delivery of information according to a training plan, but improvisation. The mentor must find flaws in the manager’s work, minor shortcomings and offer options for correcting them. Only in this state of affairs will training make sense.

Criteria that must be adhered to in order to conduct corporate training for managers:

1. Initially, the content of management training should meet the company's goals. In our age of advanced technology, most organizations are faced with the problem of managers’ lack of knowledge in certain matters of business management. Due to this, companies lose millions because they cannot achieve their goals and objectives. Managers do not have the knowledge that appears daily on the Internet and in training programs.

2. The content of training for managers should be closely related to the content and structure of their activities. Currently, companies are looking for competent employees for leadership positions! The requirements are knowledge of modern management basics for further education and development in a narrow area of ​​the company’s activities. Managers must know what marketing is, how to engage in and develop it, economics, cash flows And so on. Practice proves that successful companies are not those who have great financial and resource potential, but those who know how to select personnel correctly. After all, when people want to develop, nothing can stop them!

3. Plus, it is imperative to create a system of continuous training for managers aimed at constant update their knowledge and competencies. The half-life of a competency is the period of time when the lion's share of existing knowledge becomes obsolete. About 60 years ago this time period was at least 10 years. Now, based on the field of activity, it is 3-5 years. Further reduction of this time will continue, because every day scientific and technological progress absorbs more and more companies. That is why the founders annually determine the number of hours for staff training.

4. Methods of training managers should be organically related to the goals and content of training. It should be based on a combination of theory and practice, as well as on developing an understanding of where to independently draw information from in the future, because now new products appear every day.

5. Probably the fundamental goal of management training is to change views on the management process, change attitudes that are associated with management activities. It is necessary to lead the manager to take a fresh look at things happening in the company, at his subordinates and his own responsibilities!

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Of course, managers are becoming more competent every day in the area in which they work. But this professionalism represents not only experience, but also the support and assistance of surrounding employees who are ready to work on a common cause.

How corporate staff training is organized

A corporate personnel training system can be built in various ways:

1. The company has an internal trainer. In this case, the trainer is a company employee who has completed training and special courses. His responsibilities include regular and complete training of staff. This is a profitable and effective way of training, but it is worth remembering that the trainer is subordinate to management, so his actions may not be entirely objective, plus, he may not be competent enough himself. After all, a good trainer should be able to understand many areas of activity, and not just the work of one company.

2. A third-party training company is involved - the most well-known and used method of conducting personnel training. A special company develops a personnel training plan based on the organization’s existing budget, conducts training, and monitors the operation of processes. This is a wonderful way to gain knowledge, as long as the company is truly professional.

3. A corporate university is being created. Maximum current method, but very expensive. Although, if a corporation can afford it, it is a wonderful investment.

What needs to be done before implementing corporate training

The most important question that arises in the process of making a decision about training in a company is to understand what this training means for the company?

Having answered this question, first of all, to himself, the founder will understand that he needs:

  • avoidance by managers and managers of errors associated with insufficient qualifications;
  • multiplication and development of acquired knowledge;
  • mastering and own development of employee management methods;
  • conducting sales, negotiations, concluding contracts with employees;
  • organization of high-quality work of employees with all standards and requirements;
  • quick adaptation of new employees to the team.

How can we ensure that all these requirements are met, and that work in the company moves by leaps and bounds, and that the activities of employees bear fruit? The main way to solve these problems is to make it a responsibility to conduct corporate training and staff development.

There are several mandatory points that are very important to observe when conducting corporate training:

  • providing “students” with an assessment of their learning ability so that people know what they have learned, what they can do and what fruits their studies give them;
  • practical application of all provided material;
  • comparison of all material with practical situations at work, comparison of problems and solutions;
  • the importance of receiving training in future work;
  • providing “students” with sufficient motivation to further acquire knowledge;
  • assessment of the initial level of knowledge of training employees in order to assess progress.

These requirements contribute to the search for a clear understanding of how, who, what, when and why to teach, as well as who organizes and conducts training and evaluates its effectiveness.

However, this very understanding is difficult to achieve, even with criteria for assessing the need for training. In this case, you need to specifically understand the group of employees who need to replenish their knowledge, the goals of this action and the results that the company will achieve after applying all the acquired knowledge in practice.

Considering all of the above, it becomes clear that there are 2 objects of financing:

the first one is the employee who shows good progress at work, and after replenishing his knowledge and skills, he will significantly increase his contribution to the progress of the company (“development”),

the second is investing in an inexperienced employee, which leads to slower processes and the company loses profit (“compensation”).

Absolutely any employees engaged in various work activities must be conditionally divided into groups. Each of these groups needs to be studied in order to identify the needs of a narrow profile of certain specialists. In the future, this kind of analysis should become part of personnel training in the company. Do not forget that such a study must be clearly and carefully thought out, it must meet all the necessary requirements for repeated use, conduct by various specialists, compactness and conciseness, effectiveness and speed of assessment.

Organization of corporate training: step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Analyze the practical need

Example of implementation: conducting an analysis of the company's activities.

Why do you need:

To understand the feasibility of conducting corporate training or determining a more influential way of influencing the situation;

To determine the importance of certain results during the reporting period;

To determine the indicator of resource availability of the enterprise.

How to do it: you need to research the company to see if it is possible to accomplish all the desired tasks through staff training. The specialist needs to determine in what ways to act and what to influence in a certain situation.

Step 2. Developing the system

Example of implementation: business plan.

Why do you need:

To form a complete picture of further actions aimed at improving and developing the company;

To clearly define what will be considered a result so that employees can evaluate the effectiveness of corporate training;

To formulate clear and specific tasks for the near future, depending on the scale of the plan (from six months to tens of years) in order to track the timing of progress.

How to do it: write down goals using the SMART method, create tasks, choose methods and methods for solving them, set deadlines.

Step 3. Inform employees about upcoming corporate training

Example of implementation: methodology for introducing training into a company

Why do you need:

To make employees aware that activities are underway to develop training at the enterprise;

To ensure that all employees accept that the company will regularly undergo training and that this is a mandatory condition of working in this organization;

To create a clear understanding among staff of the purpose of introducing regular training.

How to do it: upload all documents and articles to the organization’s Internet portal on the topic of training, the advantages of completing it; create a “Training” section on the organization’s website, where all examples of the application of acquired knowledge will be published, the success of applying the acquired skills, etc. will be described; hold meetings to report on the implementation of training everywhere.

Step 4. Describe the training system

Example of implementation: regulations or charter for personnel training.

Why do you need:

To provide a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of the training;

To analyze current teaching methods and select the optimal one;

To identify everyone involved in this issue.

How to do: document the training methodology, all rules and responsibilities; identify leaders; show document templates that will be used in training.

Step 5. Develop methods for assessing corporate training

Example implementation: filling out questionnaires.

Why do you need:

To be able to quickly find weak areas of activity;

For the results from the lessons themselves and teaching, because the assessment of corporate training is the main criterion for effectiveness;

  • Production Director: responsibilities and job requirements

To assess the personal goals of company employees.

How to do it: conduct a survey on the topic of the course, give the opportunity to evaluate the acquired knowledge; the main thing is to comply with the principles of “like it - don’t like it” and “is it necessary for business”.

Step 6. Give an objective assessment of the quality of training

Example of implementation: we evaluate activities in the workplace (behavior, efficiency, etc.).

Why do you need:

To assess the employee’s focus, and, as a result, the degree to which he has mastered the material provided;

To determine the use of acquired knowledge and skills directly in the workplace.

How to do it: write down a list of indicators of employee behavior after studying the course; assess the use of acquired knowledge by an employee using the case-studies or “secret shopper” method; Conduct a survey of regular customers.

Step 7. Develop a summary assessment of training effectiveness

Example of implementation: analysis and assessment of changes in the competence of the employee as a whole.

Why do you need:

To assess the implementation of all expectations for this training;

To identify the reasons for failure;

To apply acquired skills and knowledge in a new position.

How to do it: offer to solve a more complex and unusual problem that is beyond the employee’s competence; observe the actions and behavior of an employee in the workplace; evaluate and verify the results obtained.

Step 8. Create a knowledge bank

Example implementation: knowledge information repository.

Why do you need:

To provide employees with easy and quick search for the information they need;

To provide employees with an information base for work and launching new projects in the future;

For the use of this specialized material directly in production.

How to do it: post all the data on the corporate website for general access only to members of the company, its branches and representative offices.

Step 9. Increase opportunities and reduce expenses

Example of implementation: corporate distance learning (CDL).

Why do you need:

To simplify and automate training and provide information to branches and representative offices of the company;

To reduce training costs;

To exclude the hiring of a regional training manager.

How to do it: place an order for website development (or do it yourself, if possible), open access only to company employees. Lectures, tests, assignments, and so on can be posted directly on the website, so that employees, having familiarized themselves with the material, immediately show the level of knowledge acquisition, on the basis of which it will be possible to generate all sorts of statistics, etc.

Step 10. Support employees during training

Example of implementation: planned session with managers of all departments.

Why do you need:

To involve in the implementation of the project and assign responsibility to the heads of departments of the company;

For the direct formation of company goals and plans by managers;

To help and support managers of their employees after training.

How to do it: coordinate with specialists or independently develop a plan for the session; describe the team’s work methodology; identify several methods for analyzing the situation.

Step 11. Selecting the most diligent employees

Example of implementation: collecting personnel for the reserve.

Why do you need:

To select candidates who are most suitable for emerging promising positions;

To assess the qualities of candidates;

To expand staffing.

How to: Interweave learning with the competency model; select employees who meet the reserve criteria; evaluate the competence and effectiveness of these employees; teach employees the information they missed based on their competency analysis.

Step 12. Maintaining skills

Implementation example: Designing a post-knowledge support process.

Why do you need:

To thoroughly consolidate the skills and abilities acquired during the training;

To develop the skills to apply all the knowledge of employees in practice;

To create an environment in the company where there is constant development and training, so that employees get used to working in such conditions and at such a pace.

How to do it: you need to make special system repetition of acquired knowledge in the form of meetings and seminars, where past topics will be randomly discussed to restore information in the memory of employees who have completed the training.

Step 13. Implementing the acquired knowledge

Example of implementation: the process of structuring work activity.

Why do you need:

To ensure that employees understand the principles of applying any corporate training task in practice;

To create opportunities and areas of application of the skills acquired in the learning process;

To improve the quality of work of employees.

How to do it: during the learning process, it is very important to emphasize the need to apply the acquired skills in practice, as well as the need to change the outdated approach to work and views on the company’s activities as a whole.

How to set up employees for corporate training

1) In order to encourage employees to learn, you can link it with a promotion. For example, career advancement is possible only after completing a certain number of advanced training courses.

2) Training itself can be made unique, accessible to a certain number of people. Present it in the eyes of employees as some kind of encouragement for Good work and a chance for promotion in the future.

3) Within the company’s walls, it is necessary to organize a large-scale advertising campaign for advanced training courses, trainings, and other things.

4) It is very important that the founders are equally interested in undergoing training and education.

Paying for training is an incentive for employees

Anton Bulanov, creative director of the agency Live! Creative / Marketing, Moscow

The cost of employee training typically represents 80% of the rewards for good performance that the company is practically obligated to provide. This kind of training and educational programs become a necessity only if it is possible to subsequently test the effectiveness of this training. Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that it is advisable to introduce other programs that increase the level of knowledge of employees and the purpose of corporate training in general. If the assessment system is not used at the enterprise, decisions on training are made directly by the founder of the company. However, his opinion will in any case be subjective.

Based on our own experience, we can conclude that not all employees want to gain knowledge and experience. That is why it is so important to carefully select employees who will improve their qualifications, otherwise it will result in wasted money and time. This kind of expense is worth making only for people who themselves want to learn new things. How to correctly determine which people on the company’s staff should study and which should not? Our own practice showed us the following principle: they declared open a kind of voting, where each employee was given the opportunity to make his own proposal regarding improving the company’s work. After this, it is enough to simply observe people and their actions, evaluate what and how they do for the development of the organization.

There is another way: an employee receives a task that has never been encountered in his practice before. If this proposal is followed by the employee’s refusal, we can conclude that there is no point in engaging in his education and training. Employees who agree, on the contrary, can count on training at the expense of the company and career growth.

How to determine the effectiveness of corporate training

Conducting an assessment aimed at corporate professional training helps to draw conclusions regarding the effectiveness of the training itself and its application in practice. The level of evaluation can indicate whether training is worthwhile and how cost-effective it is.

There are only four levels of training assessment:

Level 1. Determine the reaction of employees. On at this stage The perception of training by employees is assessed, how interesting and informative it is for them to attend trainings. The assessment is carried out using a questionnaire, which lists certain categories of mandatory questions that help reveal the attitude of employees towards training:

Achieving the goals of this type of training;

Implementation of the selected training program;

Evaluating the effectiveness of acquired skills in a factual way;

Quality of training;

Level of provision with teaching materials;

Conditions of the learning process.

Level 2. We evaluate the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills. During this stage, you will receive results of the effectiveness of the training. The main task is to determine the usefulness of the information received, skills and opportunities to expand views on the work of the enterprise.

In order to make a factual assessment of the improvement in knowledge, the same test can be used several times, comparing the initial, intermediate and final results as percentages. This way you can observe the dynamics.

Also, to evaluate acquired knowledge, you can set a practical task, the answers to which will need to be analyzed in detail and evaluated.

Level 3. We evaluate employee behavior. At this stage, the performance of employees using the studied material in practice is assessed.

This is done in several ways, one of which is direct observation of a subordinate by a manager, the second is conducting a survey of colleagues and clients of an employee who has undergone advanced training. Independent experts can also help with the assessment. All obtained results are compared with the expected ones, and appropriate conclusions are drawn.

Level 4. Evaluate the result. This final stage of the assessment process provides an opportunity to assess whether the investment in training is practically worthwhile. Improvement of production indicators is an integral value. And you can evaluate a separate training course only if you use it practically and extract commercial benefits from it for the company. There is a simple way to determine the benefit of some individual training. For example, train in-house employees on what the outsourcing company was previously doing and compare the efficiency and benefits of the two workforces.

In fact, it often happens that the assessment is not positive at all. It happens that employees undergo training, they like everything, but no changes occur in their work. It also happens that the application of acquired knowledge brings absolutely nothing to the organization. But all the same, it is necessary to evaluate corporate training, because this is the final stage, which gives an approximate, and sometimes accurate, idea of ​​​​the effectiveness of the resources spent, both material and physical.

Assessing corporate training using tests

Corporate training, trainings, and their effectiveness can also be assessed using tests, the questions and answer options in which should be as clear and precise as possible, unambiguous. By answering questions, test takers show the level of mastery of basic, basic knowledge. To make the test more difficult, you can increase the number of answer options to about 6. You can also do some tests that have 2 or more correct answers.

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It is more effective to use tests directly during the learning process, immediately after completing a certain topic. This promotes better assimilation of the material. It is better to provide tests individually to each person in printed form. You can provide employees with the opportunity to search for answers in their notes and teaching materials. For example, a person can read a price list, know almost all prices by heart, but this will simply be a use of memory, memorization. The purpose of searching for information on questions makes it possible to understand the structure and assortment of the price list, and not just find out prices.

To assimilate information for a long time, it is recommended to take the test the next day after studying the material. The program looks through the answers to the questions and produces the result.

How to retain an employee and oblige him to “work out” training

In practice, the following methods are used:

Student agreement. If a person is looking for a job, the employer has the right to enter into an apprenticeship training agreement with him. And if a person is already on the staff, an agreement is concluded with him for on-the-job training and retraining, it represents an addition to the employment contract;

Agreement on training at the expense of the employer. I often use this method, but the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain such an agreement and its clear conditions.

Article 249 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the employer may indicate in the apprenticeship contract or agreement an agreed and specific period during which the employee is obliged to work in his company. The length of the period depends on the cost of training. Here you need to be reasonable. For example, having paid a marketer for a 1.5-year MBA course worth 500 thousand rubles, you have the right to offer him a period of service from three to five years. If the employee fails to comply with these conditions (without good reason), he will be required to compensate the proportional difference in the shortfall in the cost of the MBA course. Also, the feasibility and reliability of cost recovery is guaranteed by Article 207 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (on apprenticeship contracts). It states that if the student does not return to work after training, he will be required to reimburse the scholarship received during the apprenticeship.

Information about the author and company

Vladimir Averin, HR Director, Janssen Pharmaceutica. HR practitioner with 15 years of experience. He has held senior positions in companies such as MusaMotors, BritishAmericanTobacco and the " Basic element" He also worked as an HR consultant in several leading Russian and international companies. Janssen Pharmaceutica is a group of pharmaceutical companies, a division of Johnson & Johnson Corporation, which specializes in the development and creation of new medicines for such fields of medicine as oncology, immunology, psychiatry, cardiology, infectious diseases, etc. The Russian representative office of the company opened in 1991.

Alexey Kubrak, Head of Training and Personnel Development, ArsenalTrading. Graduated from the Kuban State Academy of Physical Culture in 2001. Since 2004, he has managed personnel departments in companies in the region. Winner of the Russian competition for business trainers “Coaching Excellence” (2013), winner of the Krasnodar Territory Management Wrestling Tournament (2012 and 2013). “Arsenaltrading” is engaged in the wholesale sale of paint and varnish and finishing materials and tools. The company was founded in 1993 in Krasnodar. Staff - 360 employees. Main clients - Retail Stores and wholesale bases of construction and finishing materials, construction companies. Official website -

Anton Bulanov, creative director agencies Live! Creative / Marketing, Moscow. The Creative-Market agency has many years of experience in organizing business events of any level and complexity.

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