The famous comedian Mikhail Zadornov died. Famous humorist and satirist Mikhail Zadornov has passed away

Died in a sanatorium near Moscow at the age of 69 famous satirist and writer Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov. As the media learned, Zadornov died after a serious and almost incurable disease- He was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer.

Zadornov's death was confirmed National artist USSR Joseph Kobzon. He told RT that the comedian died the night before, November 9. According to Kobzon, Zadornov was “absolutely incurable” because both hemispheres of his brain were affected.

On November 8, it became known that Mikhail Zadornov abandoned neo-paganism and converted to Orthodoxy. The rector of the Moscow church announced this step on his Facebook page. Life-Giving Trinity Archpriest Andrei Novikov on Sparrow Hills.

According to Father Andrei, he performed unction on Mikhail Zadornov. A request for this came from friends and relatives of the comedian. Unction is one of the sacraments Orthodox Church, during which the body of a sick or dying person is anointed.

Novikov reported that two months ago Mikhail Zadornov “brought repentance to God in the sacrament of confession in the Kazan Cathedral in Moscow.” He also added that Zadornov is going through this “difficult period of his life as an Orthodox Christian reconciled with the Holy Church.”

The priest emphasized that this information was published by him “in agreement with the closest relatives” of Zadornov.

In addition, after the unction of the satirist, Archpriest Novikov asked to pray for the servant of God Michael, and also wrote then on the social network: “May the merciful Lord forgive him for the years of shocking flirtation with paganism.”

On October 22, 2016, comedian Mikhail Zadornov was hospitalized in Moscow. This was reported to RIA Novosti the next morning in the capital's ambulance help service. Only then was the satirist diagnosed with cancer after an MRI examination (magnetic resonance imaging - Gazeta.Ru).

A number of media outlets then reported that Zadornov’s condition had deteriorated sharply during a concert held in concert hall"Meridian".

Mikhail Zadornov was born in 1948 in Jurmala, Latvia, into a family Soviet writer Nikolai Zadornov, laureate Stalin Prize, and a noble daughter of Polish origin, Elena Zadornova (nee Pokorno-Matusevich).

Mikhail Zadornov became famous as a Soviet and Russian satirist, humorist and actor. Zadornov is a member of the Russian Writers' Union. From the age of 50, Zadornov was a vegetarian.

IN New Year's Eve 1991-1992 Zadornov addressed Russians from their television screens with congratulations instead of the head of state.

Since 2006, Mikhail Zadornov has been actively performing numerous amateur exercises in the etymology of Russian words, which are not consistent with scientific achievements in this field of knowledge.

Mikhail Zadornov is known to the general public for his harsh statements about the Western way of life and the American popular culture. As a sign of protest “against discrimination against the Russian national team at the winter Olympic Games 2002 in Salt Lake City, Zadornov canceled his American visa, crossing it out in his passport.

In his work, Zadornov often turns to reforms in Russian education— so, starting in 2010, he actively criticized the Unified State Exam system. In addition, in his speeches, the satirist emphasized several times that, as a matter of principle, he does not vote for any of the political parties- but in the State Duma elections in 2011 he supported the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

On March 11, 2014, he signed an appeal from cultural figures Russian Federation in support of the policies of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine and Crimea.

Zadornov was included in the list of persons prohibited from entering the territory of Ukraine.

Perhaps you will not meet a person in the post-Soviet space who has not heard of Mikhail Zadornov. This talented satirist has been on stage for more than 30 years, and his sparkling jokes were taken for quotes. On November 10, 2017, Mikhail Nikolaevich died at the age of 70, after battling a serious cancer.

Mikhail Zadornov was born in Jurmala (Latvia). His father, writer Nikolai Zadornov, instilled in his son a love of literature from childhood. IN school years the future satirist took part in theatrical productions. Everyone was delighted with his comic images. In addition, Mikhail paid great attention to sports and was even a member of the Latvian youth handball team.

After graduating from school, the future satirist decided to take up serious business and entered the Riga Institute of Engineers civil aviation. A year later he continued his studies in Moscow. After graduating from the institute, Mikhail Zadornov became a design engineer, but after some time he plunged headlong into satirical speeches.

First, Mikhail Zadornov became the head of the youth theater of the Moscow Aviation Institute. This was followed by activity in the humorous department of the magazine “Youth”.

The debut on television took place in 1982. The comedian performed the monologue “A Student’s Letter Home.” In 1984 the first solo concert Mikhail Zadornov. The satirist himself has repeatedly said that one of the most important speeches in his life was the congratulations of the whole country on the New Year on December 31, 1992 central television.

Largest creative success Mikhail Zadornov fell in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The satirist toured with concerts and often appeared on television. His jokes became catchphrases. In the era of Internet development, the satirist also did not stand aside and actively maintained his blog on LiveJournal, and on his Youtube channel he collected best performances satirical

In October 2016, Mikhail Nikolaevich had an epileptic seizure right during a concert, and soon after that it became known that the artist was struggling with cancer (brain tumor). The course of chemotherapy did not bring relief to Zadornov, so the satirist decided several months ago to abandon further attempts at treatment and considered it right to spend the remaining time allotted to him with his family. Today it became known that Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov passed away.

“In a battle with the enemy, she destroyed 15 soldiers and one officer with a machine gun, killed four soldiers with a rifle butt, recaptured the commander and eight soldiers from the Germans, captured the enemy’s machine gun and machine guns,” is how it is briefly and dryly described main feat Maria Baida on the award list.

But a simple native of the Crimean village of Novy Chuvash became famous not only for this: as a sanitary instructor, she pulled dozens of soldiers and commanders of the Red Army out of bullets and saved them from certain death.

From orderlies to scouts

Before the war, Maria worked in a hospital, and from the first days of the attack she went to the front as a volunteer. There she was first a nurse and medical instructor, received the rank of senior sergeant, and participated in the heroic defense of Sevastopol.

It was then that the girl developed a desire to become a scout, and not just save the lives of our soldiers, but also openly fight the enemy, destroying him to the best of her modest strength and capabilities.

Maria fought quite successfully, more than once she went beyond the front line and brought “tongues”. On June 7, 1942, when the Germans launched another assault on Sevastopol, the reconnaissance company in which Baida served was thrown into battle. We had to fight in conditions of shortage of ammunition.

The girl left the trench more than once to pick up weapons from killed enemies. During one of these raids, she was wounded and shell-shocked by a grenade that exploded nearby.

15 soldiers and one officer

Maria came to her senses in the evening, when the Germans had already broken through the section of the front protected by the reconnaissance company. She and 9 soldiers from her platoon were captured - all wounded or shell-shocked.

Immediately assessing the situation, Maria accepted the only the right decision and, jumping up, picked up the machine gun lying nearby. Several enemy soldiers were cut off on the spot by a long burst.

Taken by surprise, the Germans did not immediately realize that they were being attacked by a shell-shocked and wounded girl, and tried to escape, believing that they were attacked by superior enemy forces.

When the cartridges ran out, Maria, grabbing the machine gun like a baton, entered into hand-to-hand combat. The battle, which lasted literally a few moments, ended in the unconditional victory of the young scout. 15 enemy soldiers and an officer lay on the ground, and the prisoners, led by Baida, went to their own.

Further combat path

For her feat, the girl was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union. She found out about this while in a hospital bed. But she did not undergo further treatment and fled to the front. True, she did not have to fight for long - already at the beginning of July the city fell, and Maria was captured. Her ordeal in the camps continued for almost three years. The girl was released only on the eve of Victory Day.

Yaroslav Gorbunov

“I’m in terrible grief,” TV presenter and comedian Evgeny Petrosyan told RBC. “Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov is a unique phenomenon in the genre of humor. Besides being one of the wittiest people in the genre, I believe he was a philosopher of humor who helped people practically navigate life. His humor helped us understand what the meaning of the current moment is in this or that area of ​​our lives,” said Petrosyan. According to him, Zadornov achieved mutual understanding with the majority of his viewers, which “turned into some kind of emotional interaction.” “As an artist he has not died, he will remain for many decades to come.” useful people, so he will live,” says Petrosyan.

“He was an amazing person and a delightful satirist. This is a huge loss,” director and chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture Stanislav Govorukhin told RBC.

“It’s sad that he left, although his illness had been known for quite some time. But whenever this happens, it is very unexpected and very sad. Misha was a very talented and very private person. Misha was always on his own, independent in every sense. creative person. We’ve known him for about 50 years, but we saw him three or four times a year, no more,” playwright and screenwriter Arkady Inin told RBC.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin named Zadornov "an extraordinary artist and a witty chronicler of the era."

The press service of the REN TV RBC channel also reported that in connection with the death of Zadornov, the channel will revise its broadcast schedule for Friday evening.

Zadornov was born on July 21, 1948 in Jurmala. In 1974 he graduated from the Faculty of Aircraft Engines of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). During his studies, he took part in the games of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. After graduating from the institute, he worked at the Moscow Aviation Institute as an engineer at the department of aerospace thermal engineering. In the second half of the 1970s there was artistic director, playwright and director of the MAI student variety theater.

The satirist’s first performance on Soviet television took place in 1982: during one of the concerts, he performed the monologue “Letter from a First-Year Student to Parents.” In 1984-1985, he headed the department of satire and humor in the magazine “Youth”, then for two years he worked as the head of the theater of the Club named after. F.E. Dzerzhinsky (now - Cultural Center FSB). In the second half of the 1980s, Zadornov began performing his own concerts.

On December 31, 1991, the comedian during New Year's show spoke with a New Year's message to the residents of Russia. The address of the country's President Boris Yeltsin was shown a day earlier.

Since the mid-2000s, Zadornov has often criticized the “American way of life” and the fact that Russians imitate it in his monologues.

Mikhail Zadornov in the fall of 2016 told, what does he have serious problems with health. The satirist did not go into detail about his condition, but noted that the treatment “will be difficult and long,” in particular, he will have to undergo chemotherapy. On October 23, he was hospitalized; the day before, the comedian had an epileptic seizure while performing on the stage of the Moscow Meridian Palace of Culture. It was reported that Zadornov was diagnosed with brain cancer.

“I am convinced that the patient’s condition is his personal matter, and it should not become the subject of discussion in the press,”

Today it became known about the death of the famous satirist Mikhail Zadornov. The author of the legendary jokes died at the age of 70.

A little more than a year ago, viewers and friends of the writer noticed that Zadornov looked very bad. The assumptions were the most terrible. Mikhail Nikolaevich himself hid for a long time what was happening to him, but in October last year he finally admitted that he had cancer.

As reported by the media, doctors discovered the disease when it was already at the last stage. For a year, Mikhail Zadornov fought for his life: he underwent surgery to remove a brain tumor and underwent chemotherapy. But, unfortunately, the disease too quickly claimed the life of the artist beloved by many.

As the co-chairman of the Union of Russian Patients, neurologist Yan Vlasov, previously told Life, tumors of the central nervous system, head tumors, especially those located in the skull area, very difficult to diagnose. Until the doctor “feels” it himself, there is always the possibility that the diagnosis is actually different.

There are cases when the tumor “hangs” for years, and then one day it grows three times in size, and the person can die, he added.

Most likely, Mikhail Zadornov had glioblastoma - this is the most aggressive type of brain tumor. On average, they live with it from nine months to a year, says oncologist surgeon Konstantin Titov.

As the doctor said, unfortunately, malignant tumors are almost always in the initial stages are asymptomatic. Especially - formations in the brain.

Despite the fact that the brain is a small organ, there is a small free space in it, said Konstantin Titov. - Most often, the tumor grows in it, pushing apart the brain tissue. When headaches, dizziness, blurred vision or gait appear, these are already large and, most likely, inoperable tumors.

The oncologist recalled which stars had or have the same disease: singer Zhanna Friske, actor Valery Zolotukhin, etc. They also had brain tumors.

Brain tumor is fatal tumor. The patient has virtually no chance of a full recovery. We know that singer Zhanna Friske was treated for a long time with the most modern medications the best specialists Europe and America. Alas, her life could not be saved. Even surgery often does not provide any guarantee - the tumor can grow again. Unfortunately, there is no prevention for this disease. If we can at least guess what causes lung cancer (most often smoking), then in the case of brain oncology it’s just fate,” said Konstantin Titov.

Mikhail Zadornov became famous as a popularly beloved satirist, humorist, actor and member of the Russian Writers' Union. He has more than ten books to his credit, including lyrical and satirical stories, humoresques, essays, travel notes and plays.

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