Rituals and rituals on the day of a lunar eclipse. Powerful rituals for the new moon and solar eclipse to attract what you want

On the days of eclipses there is a lot of energy, so it is actively used in magic and rituals. The main thing during this period is to be able to cope with your emotions and tense nervous system. Energy of this kind must be directed in the right direction; for this, there are many rituals and ritual techniques that are recommended to be carried out precisely on these days. During eclipses, it is also useful to carry out meditative practices and cleansing through the elements, especially fire and water.

During a Lunar Eclipse, rituals should be performed to cleanse the house, even if you just walk through the rooms with a candle, wash the floors with salt, taking in all the corners and secluded places, the benefits will be incredible. At the same time, do not forget about our body - our temple, it also needs to be washed. Since the Moon is responsible for the female component, it is worth working through diseases that were inherited through the female line in the Family, addictions, painful emotions associated with the female branch, bad habits, negative programs.

Turning to astrology, the Moon rules the show in the second and fourth houses of the horoscope, and therefore, working with the second house, we touch on the money aspect and savings: we get rid of negative financial programs, cleanse money channels. Working with the fourth house, we touch upon aspects of our own or parental home, family and native places, traditions; accordingly, it is advisable to carry out rituals with our home, hearth, to strengthen the family, cleanse the ties between relatives.

A ritual to get rid of negative money programs.

For the ritual you need a silver coin, two wax candles, a glass of water, the cleaner the better.

During a Lunar Eclipse, light candles and place a coin in a glass of water. Wash your face with cold water according to the following scheme: face – hands – ankles. I wash my hands up to the elbow, for women - first the left and then the right, for men, on the contrary, it’s the same story with the legs. Stand with the glass facing north, bow three times and say:

Bow down again three times and drink that water, then wash yourself again with cold water according to the same scheme. Leave the candles to burn out; if this is not possible, then extinguish them without blowing them out.

During a lunar eclipse, this ritual works great.

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In fact, it’s difficult to call it fortune telling; it’s such a small rite or ritual that can help you achieve what you want. It should be done...

The Moon is the closest celestial body on Earth, influencing natural processes and the life of its inhabitants. For witches, the moon has a special meaning - throughout human history it has been perceived most often as endowed with feminine traits and feminine energy. And there is reason for this - the “life” of the moon is cyclical, just like the regular processes in the female body. In the change of her phases, people also saw a reflection of the three main changes in the female body - the transitions between youth, maturity and old age.

The full moon has the greatest magical energy, the second most important time for magical work is the new moon.

New Moon - New Beginning

The new moon creates the effect of emptiness, unfilled space, and with it uncertainty, which can cause a feeling of fear and discomfort. This is the time when you should learn to trust the darkness - the old is already gone, and the new is still on the way and not revealed to you. This is why the new moon is the best time to realize and voice your hopes and desires. Nothing has been determined yet, so help the Universe decide and change fate in your favor.

New moon rituals can be performed not only on the day when it occurs, but also for three and a half days after. This period is suitable for new beginnings, starting risky projects, starting a trip or preparing for it. Dating that began on the new moon promises to develop into something significant, and the budding romance into a strong relationship and marriage. It is during the new moon that you have the greatest chance of finding the vacancy of your dreams and getting the coveted position. The magic of the new moon also increases the chances of getting pregnant.

All these features should be taken into account when planning not only rituals, but also everyday activities, shopping, work and personal meetings. Everything new that you want for yourself and your loved ones - a career, relationships, creative projects, even the acquisition of new personal qualities - should be asked from the Universe on these days.

Growing moon - increase and development

Use the period from the seventh to the fourteenth day from the moment of the new moon for creative magic aimed at success in work, love and friendship, financial well-being, personal development, finding good luck, maintaining health and increasing beauty and attractiveness. As the lunar disk grows, the increasing energy of the moon will fuel your magic, supporting the process of growth and development in an area that is important to you.

Having noticed the changes in your life that you asked for at the new moon, support the process with a ritual for the waxing moon, especially if your desire was related to well-being, positive changes in relationships, finding new love, pregnancy or recovery. The waxing moon is the best time to bring into your life, with the help of magic and self-made changes, something creative that promises well-being and happiness.

Full moon - a look into the future and analysis of the present

The power of the full moon is available for magical practices from the fourteenth to the first half of the eighteenth lunar day. This is a time for fortune telling and predictions, protective rituals and any witchcraft that requires a lot of energy, for example, aimed at solving a serious problem or significant change.

The full moon is perfect for money and love magic, rituals for success in court cases or studies, and practices that work with dreams. The power of the moon is so great that now you can succeed in literally any magical work or mastering new witchcraft skills.

If you do not have clear desires and intentions, it is better not to practice magic simply because the full moon is a good time for this. When you feel a strong desire to touch the magic and power of the moon, it is better to hold a ceremony to honor the forces you usually turn to, thank them and strengthen your connection with them. The full moon will make the resulting spiritual experience and impressions especially strong.

Waning moon - eliminating the unwanted

Three and a half lunar days after the full moon, the time of the waning moon begins - a period when you should perform banishing rituals and ceremonies to get rid of something, for example, bad habits, ailments and everything that causes negative emotions and harms you. At this time, conspiracies to stop gossip, break up toxic relationships, and improve the emotional environment at work and at home will work well. Please note: for magic to work correctly, the purpose of the ritual must be the very source of your problems, and not the desire to get rid of the feelings that it causes in you.

Days of Hecate - a different look at the new moon

Many witches believe that those three days when the visible side of the moon is not illuminated by the sun are not the time for magic, since lunar energy is at a minimum. The difference in approaches to the new moon is also reflected in the name the practitioner uses for this phase. You can often hear that the new moon (in the strict sense, when the crescent moon has not yet appeared) is called a black moon.

Three lunar days of the new moon correspond to the dark aspect of the Goddess in the image of the queen of the underworld. Those who practice black magic try to time their rituals to coincide with these days, sometimes called the days of Hecate.

If you still feel the strength and desire to perform witchcraft on the black moon, let these be rituals to break with something negative, a fair resolution of a conflict or controversial situation, as well as practices that help you explore yourself - meditation, working with oracles in their psychological aspect, turning to cards with complex questions rooted in your past. The black moon will help you see the origins of your feelings and desires and defeat those that you want to give up.

Magic during eclipses

Solar eclipses

The thing to remember about solar eclipses is that they only occur during the day and during the new moon. This means that you will be dealing specifically with the energy of the new moon, and in magic it serves for rituals of deliverance, letting go of what is no longer useful for you.

You don't have to see it to work magic during a solar eclipse. And yet, the magic of an eclipse is quite complex, firstly, because one must take into account the magical influence of the time of year when it occurs, and secondly, it requires the ability to fit magical work into a strictly allotted time and, accordingly, focus one’s own power quickly and clearly .

Particularly sensitive people may experience a feeling of time standing still during an eclipse. Some will feel unusual calm, while others, on the contrary, will feel discomfort, indecision and uncertainty. If you work with a pendulum during an eclipse, you may feel that, having made a full movement in one direction, the pendulum will freeze for a moment before swinging back. This fading is the essence of the magic of a solar eclipse. A magician feels this way when he is in a magic circle.

Lunar eclipses

Lunar eclipses, on the contrary, occur at night, during the full moon. Like the sun, you don't have to see it to access its magic. But since the moon does become eclipsed, you will be working with the unique combination of full moon and new moon energies created by the eclipse. This time is suitable for rituals to fulfill wishes, but you should be very careful about what you ask for and how you formulate your wish. It is recommended to compose the text for the ritual in advance, before the onset of the eclipse, and think about it carefully. For practitioners of Wicca, a lunar eclipse is a time to honor the great Goddess in the unity of all her forms.

Useful tips

Sometimes we feel like we are trapped. Or we suddenly begin to be overwhelmed with emotions for no reason. Or we suddenly feel that we are full of strength andsomething must be done, catching wave of inspiration. It wouldn’t be surprising if you could see the full moon at night at this time!

The full moon has always been shrouded in a lot of mysteries and superstitions, even more so than the new moon, when the moon completely disappears from the sky. When is the moonappears in the sky in all its glory , illuminating everything around on cloudless nights with a dim and mystical light, even more mystery appears.

Since ancient times, it has been noticed that when the moon is full, human behavior changes. Many become more aggressive, impatient and active, which entails a lot of problems. It’s not for nothing that in superstitions and fairy tales we often find information that werewolves are activated byon full moon days , causing fear and terrorizing the surrounding area.

The full moon is one of the turning points and tense points of the month, which, when choosing a date to start some important things, bypassed.

At the time of the full moon, the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs, which means that the luminaries have opposing energy. The forces of the full moon interfere with harmony and do not allow you to successfully complete the work started at this moment.

Things started very close to the full moon point (approximately a day before the full moon and about 9 hours after it), will not be successful. This is especially true if immediately after the full moon the Moon makes tense aspect with some heavy planet. If you are not too versed in the nuances of electoral astrology, then it is worth at least remembering the following rule:

Do not start new important things and do not do anything that is not recommended during the full moon, 24 hours before it and within 9 hours after it.

Full moon: what lunar day? How many days is there a full moon?

The moment of the full moon usually occurs on the 15th lunar day, in the very middle of the lunar month, but to this day you can also add the day before and the day after. As a result, the full moon has an effect for three days, when you can see a full or almost full moon at night.

15th lunar day associated with freedom of spirit and maximum human capabilities. This day in the lunar calendar is not considered positive, since the full moon gives so much energy that not everyone is able to cope with it and use it correctly. Hence conflict, aggressiveness, nervousness, activation of mental problems, accidents, and incidents.

The full moon may occur on the 14th or 16th lunar day, although this happens less frequently. IN 14th lunar day it is important to monitor what happens to you, because on this day you may also be tempt and test, provoke, this day is close to the full moon, so its energy also has great power.

16th lunar day- This is a day of balance, so any business aimed at achieving harmony will work out best. This is especially true when there is a full moon on the 16th lunar day. There is still quite a lot of strength, but the Moon is beginning to wane.

  • Because the full moon only happens once at 29.5 days, February is the only month of the year that can sometimes be devoid of a full moon. For example, an interesting moment was observed in 2018, when there were two full moons in January and March, and none in February.
  • If two full moons occur in one month, the second is called blue Moon . This phenomenon occurs approximately once every three years.
  • When the Moon comes very close to the Earth during a full moon, a rare phenomenon occurs called supermoon. At this time, the Moon seems simply enormous in size.
  • The full moon is often associated with temporary insomnia. In the past, the reason was obvious: people did not sleep well on the night of the full moon because The moonlight prevented them from sleeping. Today there is too much artificial light around us, so we are used to it and sleep well at night even with the night light on, but the full moon can still cause insomnia.
  • Some surgeons know from their own experience that operations performed on a full moon can be accompanied by various complications and problems. The patient's risk of death on the operating table also increases significantly. Research conducted in Barcelona has shown a strong link between the full moon and seeking medical help for gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Dogs during a full moon often bark or howl heavily at the moon, and also become more aggressive. A study carried out by Bradford Medical Center confirmed that patients seek medical attention for dog bites on full moon nights. twice as often as on other days.
  • The Full Moon is the brightest object in the night sky. Its apparent magnitude is -2,74, when the apparent magnitude of the Sun is -26,74 .
  • Wild animals behave differently during the full moon. For example, lions usually hunt at night, but after the full moon they begin to hunt during the day.
  • The full moon is often associated with strange, otherworldly things. People pay more attention to everything unusual, knowing about the phenomenon of the full moon. On other days of the month, strange things can also happen, but no one associates them with the full moon.
  • When the Moon is full, it is easy to see darker and lighter zones on its surface, which from a distance somewhat resemble face and other things.
  • In Sri Lanka, the full moon is considered sacred. According to legend, the birth, enlightenment and departure to nirvana of Buddha took place precisely in full moon. On the night of the full moon, all shops are closed, restaurants do not serve alcoholic beverages, no competitions are held before the full moon, and hunting and fishing are prohibited.
  • The first moon landing did not take place on a full moon, as one often hears. This happened during the waxing moon - July 21, 1969, about a week before the full moon.

The influence of full moons

We live in a sublunary world; our satellite, with its energy and weight, so strongly influences all living and nonliving things on Earth that it is noticeable even to the naked eye. Lunar cycles are very important for life, it has been proven that even the human biological clock is actually tuned to the lunar cycle, and not to the solar one. Even the average female cycle is one lunar month for a reason.

The full moon is also associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Statistics show that many babies are born on or around a full moon.

When the Moon grows, it gives a person energy and strength to realize his ideas, plans, desires, approaching the full moon - the climax of the month. After the full moon, as is known, there is a decline that will continue until the new moon. This is why the full moon is very important point of the lunar month.

The full moon affects a person in the following ways:

  • Increased vital activity, all strength is at its best, the energy level is the highest;
  • Activation of the subconscious;
  • The emotional background is at a high level, imbalance, it is more difficult to control emotions;
  • Rapid mental excitability;
  • Nervous breakdowns, restless states, sudden changes in mood;
  • Strong inspiration (good for creative people);
  • The inability of some people to cope with high levels of energy (as a result - exacerbation of mental illness, increased crime rates, suicide);
  • Underestimation of the degree of danger; excessive optimism;
  • The highest limit of physiological ability;
  • Rash actions, vanity;
  • Deviation from the norm of human behavior, inadequacy.
  • Problems for parents with children (children are too disobedient, it is more difficult to agree on something);
  • It is difficult for people to understand each other (intolerance, expression of dissatisfaction, complaints);
  • Anxiety, increased intuition, unpleasant premonitions;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases, deterioration of well-being in patients;
  • Insomnia, light, shallow sleep (usually associated with accumulated fatigue or overwork these days);
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Increased activity not only in humans, but also in microbes, especially if they enter the body during the full moon, the risks of diseases and inflammatory processes increase.
  • The emergence of a conflict between personal desires and responsibilities and debts: a person may give up work in order to have fun, or he does not want to rest, giving himself too much stress.

What can the full moon give?

On the full moon, we realize what is so important for us to get rid of, what interferes with our progress. Our emotions become more pronounced and bright, even if we are not too emotional at other times of the lunar month.

These days we can get what we already have we've been waiting for a long time or we will finally receive the long-awaited answer to the question in the form of a brilliant idea or a special sign.

On the full moon we have the opportunity to remind ourselves once again, what is important to us, and something you can easily say goodbye to. We can turn to our internal mechanisms and reserves, if necessary, changing the way we interact with this world.

What can't you do on a full moon?

Since the full moon is the height of passions and the culmination of the energy charge of the month, you should use energy very carefully, without taking any actions that could harm you or others. Here is a list of things that are best postponed until a more successful time and avoided during the full moon:

1) Start any important business or the first important steps towards a goal.

What could it be? If you start an important task on the day of the full moon, it is unlikely to have rapid and successful development, because the energy will quickly be exhausted, decreasing every day. Your enthusiasm will also decrease, eliminating any inspiration or emotional involvement in what you do.

For the same reason, it's better not to:

  • Sign important papers, documents, agreements;
  • Plan new/first negotiations, important meetings and discussions (unless they are the culmination of your business relationship or the culmination of a project);
  • Invest money somewhere, engage in speculation, carry out new major trade transactions;
  • Submit documents to important institutions, ask your superiors for something important to you, seek the favor of authoritative and high-ranking people.

2) Risk your health in any way, perform surgeries or start complex courses of treatment, or do a lot of physical activity.

What can it give? The full moon, as mentioned above, affects the physical condition and can activate a variety of health problems, if any - various chronic diseases and unpleasant symptoms. Any health risks will not be justified, especially if there is a choice. For example, it is highly not recommended to perform operations on the day of the full moon (again, if you have the opportunity to choose), because the recovery process will be much more difficult, microbial activity will be high, plus the risks of bleeding and even death are much higher!

3) Provoke conflicts in any way, show ambition, self-confidence and pride.

What can it give? It is easier to demonstrate all these negative emotions and qualities on a full moon, since the energy of these days allows you to remove inhibitions; a person feels that he is boiling over, that he is overwhelmed with emotions that need to be thrown out. However, before you enter into conflicts, offend loved ones, or show selfishness and self-confidence, you should think about how much harm this can cause. You can relieve stress in another, more “ecological” way. Negative emotions and nervous tension lead, first of all, to deterioration of health, and therefore affect the quality of life.

4) Make important and responsible decisions, which may influence further developments or change you in some way.

What can it give? Now you may be emotionally vulnerable and many decisions may be made rashly, on emotions, on a wave of excitement. If you want to make an important decision, it is better to wait 1-2 days after the full moon, then you will be able to see the situation much more clearly, nothing will interfere with you as much as emotions.

5) Overload the body with heavy food, alcohol and other things harmful to health, taking medications thoughtlessly.

What can it give? All this negatively affects health precisely on the days of the full moon; the body is too vulnerable, so lack of measures and caution can cause harm.

6) Show feverish activity and overestimate your capabilities.

What can it give? It can lead to disruption of plans, immersion in depression, and health problems.

7) Be in places with large crowds of people, as well as communicate with mentally inadequate people.

What can it give? During the full moon, many processes associated with an unhealthy psyche intensify, so if there are people around you who are mentally unstable, their illnesses may worsen during the full moon.

8) Conceive a child.

What can it give? Conception during a full moon (+/- 12 hours from the moment of the full moon) is a risk factor that can lead to a difficult pregnancy, risks of various pathologies, problems and risks to the health of the child as a whole. Children conceived during a full moon also have a greater risk of developing mental illness.

9) Pickle vegetables.

What can it give? Home canned food will spoil quickly.

What can you do on a full moon?

The full moon is an important culmination of the lunar month, so at this time the resolution of some issues may bring maximum benefit.

1) Plan the culmination of something you started at waxing moon.

2) Practice any kind of asceticism- refuse animal food, sex life, selfishness, limit all your base and carnal instincts.

3) Exercise quiet affairs, refuse to communicate with people you really don’t like, do things that don’t cause a storm of negative emotions.

4) Control your emotions, thoughts, feelings, monitor the desire to release negative manifestations, directing energy in a more peaceful, environmentally friendly direction. It could be a light sport, just a walk in the fresh air, or any creative activity.

5) Continue or complete any tasks.

6) Record any new ideas, thoughts and desires that come at this time. Although it is not recommended to start something new now, on the days of the full moon there may be energy for generating brilliant ideas, which you can use in the future.

7) Pass a large flow of information through yourself. For example, if you need to study something, outline the biggest intellectual loads on days around the full moon.

8) Exercise creative activity. Thanks to inspiration, you can get much more done than on other days.

9) Rest and relax.

10) Collect roots of medicinal plants(especially when the full moon is in Earth signs).

Full moon eclipse. When is the Moon red?

A lunar eclipse can only occur on a full moon, and a solar eclipse on a new moon. The moon at the time of the lunar eclipse is in line with the Sun and Earth, only during a solar eclipse it is located in front of the Earth, and during a lunar eclipse it is located behind the Earth (relative to the Sun).

During a lunar eclipse, the Moon is eclipsed not by the physical object itself - but by its shadow, or rather, shadow of the earth. There is a total, partial or penumbral lunar eclipse.

During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon first becomes hidden in the penumbra, it seems that it is something dark is coming. But then it enters an area of ​​complete shadow, where it turns red but is not completely hidden from view.

This is due to the fact that sunlight is refracted entering the earth's atmosphere. Light of short wavelengths is scattered by the atmosphere, and light of long wavelengths, red, reaches the Moon. As soon as the Moon leaves the full shadow, it enters the penumbra zone and becomes its usual color, but is obscured by a dark area on the other side.

The one who first observed this phenomenon believed that the Moon was about to disappear into the shadows and would not be visible, but as soon as it finds itself in the complete Earth's shadow, it becomes ominously red. It is not surprising that in ancient times this phenomenon was given mystical significance and was seen as a threat to humanity and all life on the planet.

Since the orbital planes of the Moon and the Earth do not coincide, a lunar eclipse does not occur every full moon, but only 2-4 times a year. Every 18 years eclipses are repeated in the same order. The longest lunar eclipse can last 108 minutes. July 27, 2018 The longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century took place: it lasted 1 hour and 43 minutes.

A lunar eclipse is good to use for various rituals that help get rid of the past, unnecessary things, and things that have long since become obsolete. These rituals can be done in any full moon, however, during an eclipse their strength is much greater. Read more about eclipses in the article Astrological magic: the influence of eclipses and their use to your advantage .

Full moon magic

The full moon is good to use when you want not to attract what you want, but get rid of what bothers you. This is primarily due to the fact that the Moon begins to wane from the moment of the full moon, which means that everything unwanted along with it will melt and evaporate from your life.

If you want to attract something, now is a good time to think and reflect on what what's stopping you achieve this. The full moon is an opportunity to cleanse yourself of fears, negative attitudes, disturbing memories, anxious states and everything that you don’t like. It is by removing everything unnecessary that you will clear space for the new and desired.

The light of the full moon is often used to charging water, as well as various objects, giving them the power of a talisman.

Especially during the full moon meditation will be powerful. Especially if you want to set yourself up to get rid of unnecessary things or understand what you really need and what needs to go out of your life.

Since intuition intensifies during the full moon, it is good to conduct fortune telling, receive various information from the subtle world and analyze it. Fortune telling can help you understand what you want really need and it is important to keep and what should go.

You can also perform the following rituals:

Rituals and rituals related to strengthening your intuitive ability;

Rituals aimed at healing;

Rituals and rituals aimed at developing magical abilities.

If you wish, you can come up with your own own rituals, which you will spend on the full moon and which will help ignite your intentions and tune in to action and obtain the desired result.

Full moon rituals

Lunar rituals allow us to turn to our subconscious and ask it for clues. If you learn listen to your subconscious, see the signs on the way and intuitively feel how to act to get what you want, any ritual will help you.

Ritual No. 1. This ritual is performed on the night when you can observe the full moon ( 14, 15 or 16 lunar days), and will help you take advantage of the energy of the full moon to achieve your goals. The ritual can also be performed if you want to attract something unexpected into your life. It is good to perform the ritual near a window through which you can watch the full Moon, but if possible, it is better to go outside.

What will you need?An empty container (a jar, a jug, or better yet a bowl), clean water, a silver coin, a bell, a white or silver candle.

What to do?

  • Fill the container with water and light the candle.
  • Watch the full moon, take a few breaths and focus your attention on what you will do next.
  • Throw a coin into the jug.
  • Try sitting so you can see the reflection of the full moon in the container.
  • Look at the reflection of the Moon in the water and at the coin that lies in it, ring the bell three times.
  • Say your wish out loud or mentally, or ask the Moon to give you good luck.
  • Blow out the candle.
  • Leave the container with the coin on the windowsill until the next full moon, or until you feel that your wish is beginning to come true.

Ritual for money on the full moon

Ritual No. 2. During the full moon, it is good to do various money rituals aimed at getting rid of debts and poverty, as well as attracting such opportunities so that these debts no longer exist.

What will you need?Wallet and large bills.

What to do:

  • On a moonlit night, when there is a full moon according to the calendar, go to the window from which the full Moon is clearly visible.
  • Open your wallet containing bills and say out loud or to yourself: “ Money to money, I don’t save, I multiply, I protect myself from debts and waste.”
  • Repeat this ritual in 14, 15 and 16 lunar days, when there is a cloudless night, so that the clouds do not interfere with seeing the lunar disk.
  • You can repeat it at least every lunar month. After the ritual, hide one of the bills in a safe place and do not spend it.

Full moon weight loss ritual

Ritual No. 3. Since the Moon begins to wane from the full moon, this is a good time to begin the process of losing excess weight. Of course, rituals help to set yourself up to get rid of unnecessary things, attract the right choices into life and the ability to restrain the desire to harm yourself (the ability to refuse to eat food that is harmful to your health and figure, the desire to move more, etc.).

If you are overweight and have tried to get rid of it many times, but it all comes back, self-tuning during the full moon using a ritual will help you protect yourself from breakdowns. You can do this ritual every month until you get a result that satisfies you. The ritual will help you set your intention, and the surrounding reality will help you in this, and not hinder you.

What will you need?Red candle, small fabric bag, 1 teaspoon each of ground cinnamon, ground dry ginger and ground red chili pepper.

What to do?

This ritual is good to perform after the moment of the full moon, no matter when exactly it takes place: in the morning, afternoon or night. If the full moon occurs late at night, you can start the ritual in the morning.

  • Place the spices in a bag.
  • Light a candle and focus your attention on the fire, imagining how it begins to warm your body.
  • Feel how your blood begins to move faster through your veins and imagine how it melts the excess fat in your body.
  • Say the following disclaimer out loud or to yourself:

When this candle burns, my weight burns too.

When this candle decreases, my weight decreases.

When the moon wanes, so does my weight.

I have complete control over my weight.

My body has become slim and beautiful and is getting better every day.

I weigh...(enter the exact desired number of your desired weight) kg.

Every day I am getting slimmer and healthier.

I am as beautiful as the Goddess within me.

Thank you, Luna, for your help.

This is my will. Let it be so.

  • Blow out the candle.
  • Take a bag of spices and carry it with you all the time. It's good to put the bag in your pocket, next to your stomach.
  • After each meal, take out the bag, hold it in your hands and imagine how the heat from it is absorbed into your body and speeds up your metabolism.

Repeat the ritual for 7 days after the full moon. When you start doing the ritual daily, you will no longer crave harmful things. If you feel you need more time, you can continue doing the ritual for another week before the new moon.

Full Moon in Zodiac Signs

♈ ARIES. The Moon in opposition to the Sun in the sign of Aries occurs when the Sun is located in the opposite sign of Libra, which means this full moon should be expected at the end of September or October. It is perfect for quickly realizing your desires aimed at getting rid of something. For example, now is a good time to manifest weight loss, which will then proceed much faster than in other months. In rituals it is good to use the color red, which symbolizes Aries.

♉ TAURUS. This full moon occurs in the fall - late October or November. It helps get rid of poverty, so now it’s good to carry out money rituals, but rituals for getting rid of physical ailments are also good for this full moon. You can imagine how illnesses disappear, giving way to physical health and energy. In the days around this full moon, it is good to implement financial ideas and affairs, if this is not the beginning, but the culmination.

♊ GEMINI. Full Moon takes place in Gemini at the end of November or December. This full moon is good for getting rid of unnecessary communication or unnecessary information that is weighing you down. If you have problems communicating with people from your close circle, brothers or sisters, neighbors, then now is the time to think about ridding yourself of these problems. If you need to communicate with these people, you can perform rituals or simply reflect on how all the negative emotions from communicating with them go away and dissolve in the light of the Moon, freeing you from negative emotions.

♋ CANCER. This full moon occurs next to the new year - at the end of December or in January. It is good to use to manifest desires related to home and family, if they are related to liberation and getting rid of something that burdens you. These may be desires related to getting rid of quarrels and disagreements in the family, from poor or uncomfortable living conditions, from problems of the kind that you feel yourself. This also applies to genetic diseases that are inherited.

♌ LION. Full moons occur in Leo at the end of January or February, when the Sun is in the sign of Aquarius. It is good to use to get rid of worry, anxiety, sad thoughts and reluctance to enjoy life. At this time, it is good to plan the culmination of your creative project; you will have a lot of strength to show yourself in all your glory. During the Leo Full Moon, it is good to perform rituals or associate meditations with deliverance and finding harmony in relationships with loved ones or children.

♍ VIRGO. The Full Moon in Virgo takes place in late February or first three weeks of March and is well suited for any rituals aimed at getting rid of diseases and various unpleasant symptoms and conditions. You may also wish to rid yourself of unwanted work or debts, unpleasant responsibilities and troubles, ask that there be no conflicts or unpleasant employees in the workplace, if you will feel much more comfortable working without them.

♎ SCALES. This full moon happens at the end of March or April and can be used to harmonize partnerships (personal or business). It will help rid you of everything negative and unpleasant: quarrels, disagreements, misunderstandings, selfishness, etc. If you have open enemies, you can make wishes to eliminate them so that they do not interfere with your development or development of your business.

♏ SCORPIO. The full moon can be found in this zodiac sign late April or May. This is a very powerful full moon that will allow you to harmonize your sexual relationships, freeing you from any fears, tensions, negative attitudes, emotional problems and everything that prevents you from living naturally. This full moon also helps to get rid of fears and various obstacles if you want to start your own business, or any phobias in any field.

♐ SAGITTARIUS. This full moon is taking place at the end of May or June and may be associated with getting rid of fears and attitudes that prevent you from reaching a higher social level. You can rid yourself of “black” teachers, people who, under the guise of teaching you something, are trying to impose some negative attitudes on you or to get what they want. If, for example, you want to go somewhere, or start learning something serious, this full moon is a good time to manifest getting rid of any obstacles in your way.

♑ CAPRICORN. If you want to rid yourself of stupor in your career, hated bosses or any problems at work, you should make wishes, meditate or perform rituals for this during the full moon in the sign of Capricorn, which takes place at the end of June or July. This is a good time to get rid of everything that prevents you from climbing the career ladder and will attract very successful opportunities. But remember that if you make such a wish during the full moon in Capricorn, it is unlikely to be an easy path; be prepared for the fact that you will have to work hard and try hard.

♒ AQUARIUS.Late July or August You can see the full moon in the sign of Aquarius. It is good to use to get rid of any addictions and restrictions that exist in your life. If you have conflicts and misunderstandings with friends, it is good to think about how to rid yourself of these problems by returning harmony and understanding to your friendship.

♓ PISCES. There is a full moon in this sign at the end of August or September. This is a good time to carry out any meditative practices or rituals that will help you get rid of psychological problems, fears, despondency, disappointments, unpleasant emotions, and stress. You can imagine how water washes away from you all the negative emotions that interfere with your life.

Born on a full moon

Some evidence suggests that births occur on a full moon. a lot of children There is a so-called surge in birth rates, but there has been no official confirmation of this phenomenon yet.

Being born on a full moon is not very good for for the child himself and for the mother. Full moon people have a complex character and often spend a very long time in life looking for a balance between obvious desires and internal needs.

Man is in search of harmony and balance, rushing either towards the Sun or towards the Moon. A person’s habits and desires often run counter to each other. He forces himself to get used to it to something that, in fact, he does not need at all.

Full moon man is pretty restless, it is difficult for him to sit still, and he tries to constantly occupy himself with something.

Inside such a person there is always ego struggles with emotions, therefore, a person can show aggression, conflict, intolerance, impulsiveness, inconstancy, irritation and capriciousness.

A full moon person usually grows up in difficult conditions and often witnesses conflict situations between parents. Parents for him are like two completely different poles, and even if they have been together for a long time, the child does not have a feeling of unity and harmony in the family. But more often than not, the parents of a child born on a full moon separate or the child loses one of the parents.

A full moon person has the ability to use his overwhelming emotions and feelings in order to create, because the energy of the full moon gives him good inspiration. Creative people with this position of the luminaries are very bright personalities and can achieve a lot in life thanks to their talents.

What else can be said about the full moon man:

  • In his life, success is replaced by periods of failure, ups and downs alternate, life is in full swing, often events in his life will replace each other very quickly;
  • He often hesitates, at the decisive moment he cannot make the right decision;
  • There may be problems in relationships with the opposite sex;
  • Nervousness and anxiety;
  • Difficulty communicating with children;
  • Stubbornness and self-will;
  • The past weighs heavily if a person cannot properly get rid of the negative emotions of the past, especially childhood;
  • Frequent mood changes;
  • Dissatisfaction with your life and constant desire for something else, without a clear understanding of what exactly;
  • Consciousness and subconsciousness work in disharmony when it comes to real desires;
  • Difficulties with self-expression, because there is a conflict between consciousness and subconscious.
  • Psychosomatic health disorders.

If a person was born not just on a full moon, but also on an eclipse, all of the listed qualities may turn out to be more pronounced. This person is more restless about something and often acts without a clear goal and without knowing the real motives. Plus, more fatal events appear in his life, which he cannot influence in any way and which he cannot avoid.

Signs and superstitions during the full moon

A lot of signs and superstitions are associated with the full moon, since this day has long been considered magical and special. Perhaps you already know some of them, and some you will hear for the first time. Believe them or not– it’s a purely personal matter, but, as you know, faith always brings the event closer and energizes the possibility of realization.

  • If you see the full moon by looking behind you over your right shoulder, it is lucky.
  • If you wear red underwear on the night of the full moon, you will have energy all month long.
  • To seal a love affair, you need to knit two socks (male and female) during the full moon and place them under the pillow you sleep on.
  • The first kiss under the full moon promises happiness and harmony in relationships.
  • But marriage or engagement on a full moon will not bring the expected happiness.
  • Hearing a dog howl at the moon is a sign of separation or separation from a loved one.
  • If you wash the floors three times on the night of the full moon, the girl will get married very quickly.
  • If you leave white laundry under the light of the moon on a full moon night, it will turn yellow.
  • If you drop a knife during a full moon, it will become dull.
  • If you look at the full moon for too long, you will become a sleepwalker.
  • A full moon is considered unlucky if it falls on a Sunday and lucky if the full moon occurs on a Monday. The first day of the week - Monday - is ruled by the Moon, and in many languages ​​it sounds like “moon day”.
  • If a person sleeps outside in the summer and the light of the full moon falls on his face, he may get sick gleemania– a mental state when the patient is sure that he has turned into a wolf.

Money signs:

  • During the full moon it is good to give away debts, but it is better to pay only in small bills.
  • During the full moon, carry a small coin in your pocket - this will attract money and good luck.
  • On the night of the full moon, it is good to leave a wallet with money on the windowsill on which the moonlight falls - to increase income.
  • On a full moon, darning or sewing up holes in clothes means getting rid of lack of money.

Prayers, mantras, full moon spells

Full moon prayer:

Moonlight falls on me and passes through me. I pray to Mother Moon to allow me to renew my feelings and emotions, to give my heart and my mind peace and tranquility. I heal under her light and merge with her power deep within my soul.

Full Moon Affirmations:

Now I am freed from everything that no longer gives me anything good, now I am open to receiving the highest good that is prepared for me.

On this full moon, I gather the energy that is necessary to realize my intention.

Full moon mantra:

Under the bright sparkle of the full moon, I awaken the warrior spirit within me.

I leave behind all my fears, overcome all obstacles, while my fiery willpower awakens within my heart.

Full moon spells:

I LET GO of everything that is not mine.

I LET GO of all obstacles in my path.

I LET GO of all limiting beliefs.

I LET GO of all fears and doubts.

I LET GO of all relationships that no longer bring me the highest good.

I LET GO of any obsession.

I LET GO of fulfilled desires.

I LET GO of pain and suffering as a means for growth.

I LET GO of everything that no longer aligns with my higher self and is no longer my highest good.

Names of full moons of the year:

January: Full Wolf Moon

February: Full Snow Moon

March: Full Worm Moon

April: Full Flower Moon

June: Full Strawberry Moon

July: Full Thunder Moon

August: Full Sturgeon Moon

September: Full Corn Moon

October: Full Hunter Moon

November: Full Beaver Moon

December: Full Cold Moon

If in one month there is two full moons, the second is called Blue Moon.

When is the full moon? Full moon calendar for 2019-2022

Every person who is at least a little interested in magic and astrology is well aware that an eclipse is a significant event. When it comes, many people try to get rid of unnecessary connections, outdated relationships, unwanted thoughts, as well as forget about failures and solve deferred problems. And they often perform rituals.

There are many rituals for a lunar eclipse. They say they help get rid of the burden of negative energy, damage, the evil eye, and cleanse the aura. Therefore, now we will talk about those rituals that are considered the most effective.

Fulfillment of desires

The most popular ritual for a lunar eclipse is associated with it. Fulfillment of desires is the dream of all people. Rituals aimed at this have been performed from time immemorial.

The steps are as simple as possible. You need to prepare a blank sheet of paper and a pen, then sit down and wait for the eclipse to occur. As soon as the phenomenon begins, you need to write down your most cherished desire, clearly formulated in advance. It is very important that the idea is presented simply and clearly, without ambiguity.

You need to write down your desire not with the words “I want,” but as if the dream has already come true. It is important. Not “I want to be rich,” but “I am wealthy and financially secure.” They say that this formulation is a message from the Universe. The Almighty forces must understand that a person takes responsibility for his desire and has serious intentions.

For financial well-being

During a lunar eclipse it is no less popular than the above. To carry out the simplest ritual you will need... just a personal wallet.

From the very morning on the day when the eclipse is supposed to happen, you need to take out all the money, cards, business cards, and memos from it. The wallet should remain empty and open. Then you need to leave it in a place from where it will “look” at the sky - for example, on a windowsill.

During the day on which the phenomenon occurs, the wallet cannot be touched. They say that during this day he will give away all the negativity accumulated in him parallel to the fall of lunar energy.

When the eclipse is over, you will need to fill your wallet with money again. If you have time, you can perform a ritual of cleansing the apartment the day before - this will help strengthen the effect of the ritual.

The more coins the better

There is one nuance related to the notorious money ritual, and it is recommended to take it into account.

While the wallet is cleared of negative energy, you need to replace the maximum amount of change. Not the entire salary, of course, but as much as will fit in it. By filling your wallet with pennies at the end of the ritual, you will be able to enhance the effect of the ritual. The coins are round, and their shape carries sacred meaning in the ritual. Which one?

The circle is a symbol of perfection and infinity, an absolute, the personification of integrity. In alchemy, it even means gold, which is one of the most expensive and valuable metals, which cannot be ignored when we are talking about a ritual for financial well-being.

Ritual to change fate

Eclipse days, as mentioned earlier, are karmic. Therefore, everything that happens to a person at this time leads to fundamental life changes of a positive nature.

It is recommended to do this ritual twice - for a lunar and solar eclipse. The action will be intensified. It is believed that on the day of a lunar eclipse, a person leaves internal complexes and fears, bad habits and anxiety, resentment and anger. His subconscious is also cleansed. On the day of a solar eclipse, external circumstances change directly.


So, now about the ritual itself. In the morning, afternoon and evening you will need to take a contrast shower, alternating hot water with cold water six times. It is important. Before a lunar eclipse, you need to start with cold water. Before the sun - with a hot one.

An hour before it starts to get dark, you need to drink a glass of holy water in small sips. Then lay a clean blanket on the floor and place church candles along both sides of it (an odd number). Go to the mirror, sit opposite and focus on your own image. When there are 10 minutes left before the eclipse, you can go lie down on the blanket with your arms crossed. First you need to light the candles.

You need to close your eyes and imagine yourself as you were reflected in the mirror. This is a double. Mentally, you need to “hang” on him everything that worries you in life - from your character traits to circumstances, people and events. After this, you need to start “squeezing” the double. As soon as it decreases to a point, you should blow on it well so that it flies away.

This is where the ceremony practically ends. All that remains is to get up, put out the candles, and go take the last contrast shower. Then - sleep. Over the next three days, changes in the body are possible. This is adaptation to a new state. It passes quickly and is replaced by extraordinary lightness, both spiritual and physical.

Attracting love

Many rituals during a lunar eclipse are focused on this. There are many rituals for love and its attraction. To do the simplest thing you will need:

  • Positive attitude.
  • Scissors.
  • 2 bottles of mineral water.
  • Several sheets of red paper.

The steps are simple. The bottles should be wrapped in paper and left overnight on the windowsill so that they are charged with light from the Moon. The next day, you need to cut out small hearts from the remaining leaves. They will need to be laid out on the floor in a circle, and 10 minutes before the start of the eclipse, stand in it.

You need to close your eyes and imagine that love is floating around. It is important to feel lightness and euphoria. And as soon as the feeling comes, say three times: “Love is around me!” After this, you need to go to the shower, taking with you one of the bottles - it is from this that you will have to water yourself, starting from the very top of your head. And imagine in parallel, as if it were not water flowing through the body, but love. The notorious phrase also needs to be repeated three times.

After finishing your ablution, you should get dressed. The ritual ends with three sips from the second bottle, during which you need to mentally repeat the phrase: “Love is inside me!”

For beauty

Girls perform many rituals and ceremonies during a lunar eclipse in order to increase their attractiveness.

For such an event you will need boiled water, salt and a glass. You need to start immediately before the phenomenon begins - so you have to sit and wait for some time.

What are the actions themselves? Pour boiled water into a glass and throw in a pinch of salt with your left hand. Place the vessel on the windowsill, directly under the light of the Moon, and read the plot. It sounds like this: “Moon water, like a girl’s tear, may I be young, white-faced, carefree, may the one I love love me, for my beauty, for my complaisance!” Repeat these words until the salt dissolves completely.

What's next? The glass should be left in the same place and go to bed. The next day, when you wake up, wash your face and drink a sip of this water on an empty stomach, saying in your thoughts: “Water into me!” Kpaca - on me! And so - every morning. Until the water runs out. It’s a rather lengthy ritual for a lunar eclipse, but, according to people, it’s effective.

Clearing karma

We also need to talk about it, talking about what rituals are best performed during a lunar eclipse. Karma cleansing is a good ritual, but it cannot be performed more than three times a year.

It begins 10 days before the eclipse, in the dead of night, at a time when Space is free. On ten pieces of paper you need to write the same text: “I forgive...” - and then the names of all the people who have ever caused offense. After mentioning the last person, the text ends with the phrase: “... everyone whom Fate gives me in the past, present and future path, I free with my love.”

Next you need to light the candle. Looking at her fire, read your text, visualizing each person mentioned. It is important not just to say what is written - but to really forgive these people. Sincerely, with all my heart. Upon completion, one leaf is burned over a candle flame and the ashes are thrown out the window. And so - every night. The last ritual is on the day of the lunar eclipse.

There will be a reaction from the Higher Powers. It is different for everyone, but everyone, without exception, understands that this is a response to the connection established with the Cosmos.

"Money Drink"

Sounds nice! "Money drink" is a liquid that must be prepared during the full moon. The process is considered a very effective ritual for attracting wealth and ever-improving prosperity. After all, during the preparation of the “drink,” you manage to charge it not only with your desires, but also with the power of the Moon itself. So here's the sequence:

  • Pour clean water into the bottle.
  • Mentally imagine a “money” picture. For example, the process of bathing in the rain of gold.
  • Firmly fix this image on the subconscious, take a deep breath.
  • With a powerful exhalation, you need to “throw” the picture into a bottle of water, and then place it on a windowsill illuminated by the moon.
  • Wait 2-3 hours.
  • Put it in a dark place - where the rays of the sun do not penetrate.
  • Once a day, take out a bottle and take a couple of sips from it, remembering that very “money” image invested in the water.

This, of course, is not a ritual or ceremony for a lunar eclipse, but many people love and practice it.

Full Moon Meditation

It’s also worth saying a few words about her. Since the opportunity to perform a ritual during a lunar eclipse will not soon arise (it happened in August, that is, a month and a half ago), since it will be a long time to wait for the next one, you can also use meditation. This is also a good option, as it is done during the full moon. Here's how the process works:

  • You need to sit in the moonlight and take money out of your wallet. You can ignore the denomination - the condition of the bill is much more important. The newer it is, the better.
  • Taking a bill, you need to imagine how the light of the Moon spreads onto it.
  • You need to meditate until the moment it begins to seem that the banknote is glowing and as if dissolving.
  • It is necessary to imagine that the bill disappearing in the moonlight is joined by other streams of it, as if woven from money. You need to try to force yourself to hear the rustle of banknotes.

At the end of the ceremony, the bill must either be exchanged or spent.

Love spell ritual

These are, perhaps, the most popular rituals during a lunar eclipse, full moon, all sorts of holidays, etc. Because from time immemorial, girls have dreamed of “the one” that most often passed by. And about them - finally.

So, if you want to get a very specific person, you need to wait for the full moon and act. It's simple:

  • A clean glass should be filled halfway with clear water, symbolizing love.
  • Take it with your left hand. Gently move your right fingers along the edge, making 7 circles. As you pass the next one, you need to say the name of your lover.
  • Place the glass on the window. The energy of love will absorb the light of the Moon.
  • Wait until dawn, put the glass in a dark place.
  • Starting the day after the full moon, add a couple of drops of liquid to your lover’s drink.

This ritual is suitable both for those who want to make a person fall in love with them, and for those who want to “keep” their already cooled soulmate near them.

Well, everyone has their own opinion about the effects of rituals. There are many skeptics, and everyone knows this. But the topic is interesting, as are the rituals presented above. Which, by the way, are very harmless, positive and help people set themselves up for success through self-hypnosis. So why not?

Try to carry out the following MONEY RITUAL to attract love, money, a new job, position, significant acquisitions into your life.

You need to start the ritual 3 days before the eclipse.

The first day is to give alms, help those who are engaged in transportation, for example, give a taxi driver a good tip, study - give the student something valuable to him, just give money.
The second day is to give alms, to help a person who is higher in status than you - a director, an influential person. You can simply treat them to baked goods, preferably made yourself.
Eclipse day - in the morning you should be in a holiday mood. Wear festive clothes, jewelry, beautiful, but not very bright makeup. Today you need to treat any women and girls with sweets, these could be sweets, sweet cakes, etc.

Rituals to correct yourself from your own Destiny.

For those who are not afraid to answer for their mistakes. And ready to answer! All Rituals are performed during Lunar and Solar Eclipses, as well as in the intervals between them. This must be done in local time.
Do not perform Rituals during an eclipse (any) in Your Sign! Because in general, the sign in which the eclipse occurs is already having a hard time.
The clothes that you wear during the Rite must match the color of the Sign in which everything happens. For example: Fire Signs - indicate red, scarlet colors, Water and Air Signs - something transparent, shiny, blue, Earth Signs - brown or gray.
Keep in mind that any Rite is done AT LEAST TWICE! The Lunar Eclipse includes a cycle of liberation from those qualities that interfere inside, i.e. traits of our nature. During a lunar eclipse, internal complexes disappear, the subconscious is cleared, fears, resentments, worries and bad habits disappear.
A solar eclipse helps to get rid of negative influences from the outside. These are life problems, the impact of ill-wishers and much more. During solar eclipses, external circumstances change.

Before any eclipse, FAST for 3 days!
It is advisable to go without meat for three days before the ceremony; in addition, nuts and seeds are excluded.

This ritual is aimed at accelerating the burning of karma and fundamental changes in fate. This ritual is performed twice and always during a solar eclipse.

or the Moon (you can determine the dates of the eclipse using the calendar).
The days of an eclipse are karmic, and everything that happens to a person at this time leads to fundamental positive changes in fate.

On the day of the ritual, if the eclipse occurs in the evening, you need to
(morning, afternoon and evening) take a contrast shower, alternating six times
hot and cold water. Before a lunar eclipse, start your shower with cold water.
water, and before a solar eclipse and the middle days (the middle between
eclipses), which are also suitable for this ritual, - with hot. If the eclipse occurs in the morning, shower only once. An hour before the eclipse, slowly, sip by sip, drink a glass of holy or
specially charged personalized water: this will get you in the mood for the ceremony. Place a blanket on the floor on which you will lie during the
rite. Prepare an odd number of church candles; they will be needed
place the blanket on both sides so that they form
something like a corridor.
Then sit in front of the mirror and focus on your image: you
you need to remember it so that you can easily reproduce it later.
About ten minutes before the eclipse, light the candles and lie down on the blanket,
arms crossed. Imagine yourself as you remember, looking in the mirror, and send the double image everything that interferes with your life: people, events, character traits, circumstances.
You can “hang” on him as clothes all the negative things that you remember.
Then start squeezing the double and when you reduce it to a point, blow hard on it so that it flies over the horizon.
Get up, put out the candles - and run to take the same contrast shower.
After the ceremony, it is advisable to sleep, or in the morning, allow yourself to rest for at least an hour.
The next three days are the period of adaptation to your new state, and are often quite painful: the events that will happen to you,
not always pleasant. But THEN...
Ritual "Correction of Fate"

It can also be called: “Cleansing the Field Structure,” or, more simply, cleaning your Karma.
This Rite can be performed no more than 3 times a year! The best thing about Lunar and Solar eclipses. After the first time, you will definitely feel its impact and decide for yourself when to repeat it.
The ritual lasts 10 days with a white candle, naturally late in the evening or at night, when the Cosmos is free.
Write 10 sheets of paper with the same text. Start with the word: “I FORGIVE.....”, and then list all the people who once offended you. You can use first names, you can use surnames, living and dead. And end the text with the following words: “and all those whom Fate gives me on the Path in the past, present and future. And I release them with all my Love."
Light a candle and touch it several times (at least 3), read your text, well imagining everyone you forgive. You must forgive completely sincerely! If you haven’t been able to yet, it’s better not to mention this person.
You can wish the dead: “May he rest in peace!” And so you read until warmth and inner satisfaction appear in your Soul.
Then you burn a piece of paper over a candle fire and throw the ashes out the window. And so on for 10 days! Events will tell you that your signal has been received by the Cosmos. They happen differently for everyone.
For some, the Rite is triggered by various kinds of troubles: loss, theft, bruises, while for others there are positive changes. In a word, everyone receives the reaction from the Higher Powers that they deserve. But there is no need to be afraid. The ritual is not lethal, but very, very useful. Especially for those who are afraid of Lunar eclipses.

How can we avoid the negative effects of an eclipse?

During eclipses, Higher powers provide an opportunity to change fate for the better.

The ritual for a solar eclipse begins 19 minutes before the peak of the eclipse. Before this you need to wash or take a shower. Two glasses of water are placed on the table in front of the ritual performer: one on the right, one on the left, and a round mirror. You can use holy or consecrated water. During these 19 minutes, you need to imagine that all the negative moments in your life are gone. Moreover, the Sun is responsible for the following human qualities: willpower, spirituality, courage, creativity, personality characteristics, manifestations of the “ego”. Starting from the peak of the eclipse, we imagine that positive moments and changes that we want have already come to life. The second phase should also be at least 19 minutes, but more is possible. Upon completion, you need to drink water, first from the left glass, then from the right. Wash the glasses, perform ablution again or take a shower. The full result of the ritual will be realized exactly on the 40th day.

The ritual for a lunar eclipse begins 15 minutes before the peak. Before this you also need to wash or take a shower. Three glasses of water are placed on the table in front of the ritual performer. They symbolize the lunar goddess Hecate Three-Faced. Within 15 minutes we erase all negative moments from life, as if they never existed. Moreover, the Moon is responsible for the entire material plane: health, family, peace with relatives, money, success, real estate, successful travels. At the peak of the eclipse, we clearly imagine that we already have what we want. The second phase should be at least 15 minutes, but more is possible. Upon completion, you need to drink water, first from the left glass, then from the right, then from the central one. Wash the glasses and perform ablution. The result of the ritual will come to life within 28 days.

Those who will be on trains, washing their solarium, can still perform a ritual to change their fate with a mirror and glasses in road conditions - the stronger it will be.

There is little time left for those who have decided to change something in their lives.

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