Ritual for wealth and its implementation. Rituals and rituals for money and wealth - which will help you get rich

In our world, finance helps solve any problem. Lack of money is a pressing problem for many. How to solve it? Rituals of black and white magic will help. What conspiracy to wealth and attract money can you read on your own at home? This will be discussed in our article.

Rules for conducting money rituals

Conspiracies and rituals for wealth are carried out with the aim of attracting money from any sources. White or black magic helps in this matter by moving a person up the career ladder, opening a successful business, concluding a profitable deal or finding a treasure.

Any novice magician can try spells for wealth at home. These are very simple, easy to perform rituals, the main attribute of which is money. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s coins, banknotes or precious metals, precious stones. Such expensive items increase the efficiency of monetary rituals and accelerate the manifestation of the expected result.

An important role in carrying out such sacraments is assigned to the performer himself and his actions. Used money or precious metals must be cleaned, rubbed, or used to decorate your home. Most rituals to attract wealth are carried out in this way.

A distinctive feature of a variety of powerful conspiracies for wealth is their long-lasting impact. The power of some rituals can last a lifetime. To do this, you need to make a special amulet and carry it with you all the time. Then you will always have good luck in attracting wealth and money.

You should not create illusions and hope that money will simply shower you immediately after the ritual. This is the so-called magic for the future, the effect of which will appear only after a couple of months from the moment the sacrament is performed.

The most powerful ritual to attract wealth

To perform this very powerful ritual you will need to memorize the words of the spell:

“The wolf was looking for a hare in the forest, but he never found it. The wolf climbed the hill and saw a gilded casket with a huge silver lock. The key to the chest is securely hidden at the bottom of the sea, and between the stones. No one can find it except me, the servant of God (my name). I will find a magic key that will enrich me. May I take all the precious gifts and bounties from the casket. I’ll hide the key so that my wish comes true.”

You only need to read a strong wealth plot on Monday, standing in front of the keyhole. In this case, the key must be in the door. After completing the sacrament, take out the key, tie it on a rope and carry it with you as a talisman. This item is no longer worth returning to use. It is better to purchase a new lock with a key for the old door.

How to attract big money

A strong plot for wealth and good luck in money and financial matters must be read before dusk. In order for the money ritual to attract prosperity, wealth and money to work, it must be recited three days in a row.

Magic text:

“The Great Tsar gives gifts to everyone. So let me, the servant of God, receive gifts, more expensive and bigger ones. I will give thanks for these bounties and will not refuse them. May gold always ring in my pockets. I will bring the human cup to the Lord, so that I will not tire of carrying it, and may not hurt my feet. I will do my job on time and conscientiously. The king will give me wealth. I will accept it without fail."

This magic will begin to work the very next day if you sincerely believe in it.

Mantra for wealth

Many experienced magicians use mantras for enrichment and success in financial matters. Such rituals help to tune in to the right mood and attract wealth. Read the words of the mantra for wealth:

“Kung rono ama nila ta wong.”

As practice shows, with positive mantras throughout the month you will have prosperity and wealth.

How to charm wealth with honey

To get rich you will need to carry out a powerful conspiracy, before reading which you should prepare three things:

  • a handful of oats;
  • a handful of peas;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons.

Mix all components in one bowl. While mixing the mixture, you need to read the words of the spell:

“I will appease you, marten, with sweets made with honey. Will you bring me wealth, luck and money in return. Fill my home with precious jewelry. Let the money in my house increase."

Rituals of Vanga

The words of wealth conspiracies from Vanga help everyone get rich if their performer carries them out with faith.

Sheep wool spell

To carry out the money ritual, you will need natural sheep wool - a tuft or piece of sheep skin.

This money ritual takes effect within a week after reading it. Take a piece of wool and say the words of the spell while looking at it:

“A sheep walked around the white world, wearing warm and beautiful white wool. This fur coat came to my house and made me and my family rich. The fur coat gave me wealth, prosperity, gave me gold and silver. May my home be full of abundance and surprise for everyone. My words are strong and molding.”

The charmed wool must be placed in a scarf or fabric bag and placed in a place where no one will find it. Throughout the year, this enchanted item will attract prosperity, money and wealth to you. A year later, this magic is repeated, and last year’s enchanted wool is burned.

Conspiracy to get rich in trade

To quickly achieve success in trading, become a successful person and attract great wealth, you need to perform this particular ritual. This ritual should be done on the full moon. Place a bill or coin of any denomination, preferably a larger one, on the moonlit windowsill. Now read the plot for wealth and successful trading:

“You sparkle and shine brightly in the sky, queen moon. You illuminate the whole earth and gradually grow. So let my money grow, and my affairs become successful and bring me wealth. Let your light be saturated with my money, gain strength and fill my house with money. My words will come true soon. Amen".

Such magic will help everyone and attract wealth and success not only in trade, but also in business.

Spell with a needle

Another powerful conspiracy from Vanga, which will help attract luxury, luck and wealth in trade and business. To perform this sacrament of black magic you will need a slice of bread. Bring it close to your lips and say the words of the spell:

“As the crumbs of grain fell into the ground, they began to sprout, grew into ears and presented with delicious bread. The fields are rich in grain, just as my money is growing and multiplying. Amen".

After reading conspiracies and spells for wealth, you need to cross yourself and eat bread. The next day, go to church, pray to St. Nicholas and light a candle. Such a prayer addressed to the Wonderworker will only strengthen your faith and will definitely help you get rich.

Conspiracies of Natalia Stepanova

The Siberian healer has many ways to attract wealth, luck, luck in money and financial matters. Let us consider such rituals in detail.

Attracting wealth with candles

Go to church, buy one candle. Bring the candle home, try to carefully remove the wick from it. Set fire to the object on both sides and read the words of the conspiracy:

“May this bright and warm fire be eternal and give me eternal wealth, luck and success in all financial matters. Amen".

Immediately after saying these words you need to extinguish the candle. Wrap it in a scarf and carry it with you. These types of amulets bring monetary luck if you strongly believe in them.

Conspiracies and rituals for wealth using a candle have always had strong magical powers. Therefore, experienced magicians recommend them to their customers first of all.

Money ritual on the water

Natalya Stepanova recommends doing this ritual on a growing and very thin moon. Pour some sacred water into a glass or half-liter jar, cover it with a lid so that the water does not evaporate and place it behind the curtain in the corner of the window sill. On the full moon, take out a container of water, open it, wash your face with it and say proven and effective words:

“You were skinny for a clear month, and gradually began to fill up. So let my house be filled with wealth and prosperity. Amen".

Money plot on an anthill

Strong conspiracies and rituals for wealth have the power of a magical effect if they are pronounced on the street, especially in the forest. In such a place, no one will disturb you and you will be able to concentrate on your thoughts as needed.

Attracting wealth and other benefits to your home is done as follows:

  • find a larger anthill in the forest;
  • Place any bill or coin on top of it.

When insects begin to climb on the money, read the words of the conspiracy:

“Let the money be kept and not transferred from me just like there are so many ants in this bunch. Amen".

Conspiracy on wheat

This money ritual of a Siberian healer will help you instantly attract wealth and abundance of everything into your home. To make it you will need a deep plate. Place a bill or coin at the bottom. Cover the money with grain. Water the grain every day, saying the following words to it:

“Mother wheat you feed everyone - young, old and old. So let me, God’s servant, grow money, just as this plate grows with your sprouts. You sprout without stopping - day and night. So let my wealth continue to grow. Let my house be full of money. May my family never be in need. I will be destined to become rich. Amen".

The strongest rituals of Natalia Stepanova helped many overcome poverty, destitution and become rich.

Attracting money using a Voodoo doll

Even in ancient times, it was believed that it was the voodoo doll that possessed strong magic and witchcraft. In Slavic times, this magical attribute was used for various purposes - to ward off a mistress from her husband, to find a good groom, a generous man or lover, to annoy someone, or, conversely, to attract success and luck in business to one’s home. But most often, a voodoo doll was used to attract prosperity and wealth.

To make such a magic item you will need:

  • cat hair, which must be obtained directly from a domestic cat during the process of combing it;
  • softened wax from a melted church candle.

While brushing your cat, you need to read the words of the spell:

“The more hair that comes off an animal, the richer I will become. Let the wheat flow in the field, and fill my house every weekday, on Saturday and Sunday, and for a month full, young. Amen".

After this, you need to rub the hair in your palms, mix it with wax and mold a doll. After it hardens, put it in a bag and carry this money amulet with you always. The bag needs to be sewn from old clothes that belong to you. You can’t tell anyone about this amulet, much less its contents. Otherwise, a spell to attract money with candles will not help.

Conspiracy for wealth on Palm Sunday

The strongest, most effective rituals are carried out on this great and sacred day. After performing the ritual to attract wealth on Palm Sunday, within a few days you will feel the money begin to “float” to you.

Three days before Palm Sunday, pick three palm branches and bring them home. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, place the branches along with your wallet under your pillow. Early in the morning at dawn, you need to get the attributes of the ritual and read the words of the prayer:

“Jesus, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner, do not judge my actions and cleanse me from all evil and unclean things. Protect me from the unnecessary, regrettable and dark. Let your wealth be mercy for me. Amen".

After reading the prayer the next morning, take your wallet and count all the money in it to the last penny. To attract money into your home, place willow branches in a vase and place them in a visible place. Such a money talisman should stay in your house until next Palm Sunday. Next year such a conspiracy must be carried out again.

Ritual for the Annunciation to attract wealth and money

To make your life rich and carefree, you will need to perform a very strong ritual at the Annunciation. Buy a clay pot at any store and collect money there. You can put in any bill or coin that you will receive as change after going to the store. You need to start collecting money on Monday. By the end of the week you will have collected a decent amount.

Take the money out of the pot, place it in two circles around it, but so that the circles do not overlap. Then light a green candle and pass it over the money so that drops of wax fall on the bills and coins. In this case, you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

“Money in a circle, money around.”

You need to walk with a burning candle around the entire circle clockwise, reading the words of the spell. After the candle burns out, it must be extinguished, and the stubs, each coin and bill must be collected in a bag and put in your wallet. This charmed thing will soon attract a rich life.

How to spell wealth for the New Year

We bring to your attention the most powerful, effective New Year's conspiracies that begin to work quickly - literally a couple of days after they are carried out.

It is during the New Year that many people ask for wealth and prosperity - and this is not surprising, especially in our difficult times. It is believed that the New Year can bring good luck and success in financial matters.

New Year's spell for the waxing moon

The magical ritual for the New Year should be carried out on the new month. Therefore, if this holiday coincides with such a natural phenomenon, then it’s time to act. In the coming year, you need to go to the store and buy something. It doesn’t matter what kind of thing it is, it is important that after buying it you are given change. So you need to save this money and put it in a clay pot at midnight on the new month. Place it in a secluded place in the dark. Every night you will need to say the words of prayer over him:

“Let the young month grow and my money grow with it. Amen".

To enhance the effect of reading such a prayer, the pot of coins must be replenished daily until the full moon occurs. Then you need to bury the money along with the pot near your own home, away from prying eyes.

Conspiracy with an irredeemable nickel

There is another New Year's plot for a rich life. To do this, you need to buy two new wallets on Christmas Eve. At the same time, do not regret, buy expensive wallets if you want to attract great luck and a lot of money to your home. You need to buy both things for a lot of money in order to get change in return. Ask the seller to give you the change along with a five-ruble coin, and put everything together in your newly purchased wallet.

For Christmas, that is, January 7, give the second wallet, the one that is empty, to one of your close friends or relatives whose wealth is much higher than yours. Place any banknote from your wallet in this wallet, except for the unchangeable nickel.

When giving a gift, say the words of prayer:

“I will give you everything I have, and in return I will receive even more. How much money comes to you, the same amount will come to me.”

A money talisman - an irreplaceable nickel - should never be spent after such a ritual, otherwise you will never see a rich life. How long does this magic last? It will last no more than a year. Therefore, next New Year the ritual must be repeated.

Paper money conspiracy

Pour holy water into a wide container. Place several large denomination bills on the surface of the water and read the words of the conspiracy:

“The water is clean, underground, you wash away everything bad and carry it far into the depths. My money does not drown on the surface of the water. So may my money, both large and small, be spent wisely and never leak out of my wallet in vain. Amen".

After completing the ritual, holy water in a bowl or bucket should be placed in a dark corner in the room. Remove banknotes from water and dry. The next day you need to wash your face and body with this water. At the same time, you cannot eat or drink all day.

Ritual for great wealth with church candles

This very simple magic will help you acquire a rich life in abundance and without need. They do this ritual on Wednesdays. A ritual is performed with candles and the addition of sacred water for the new month. Pour holy water into a glass and place it next to the lit candles.

“The water is holy, healing, mirror-like. Holy water has the miraculous power of enrichment. I will charge the holy water with success and good luck in all my financial affairs. May earnings, prosperity and wealth come to me. I want a rich life and I will certainly have it. Amen".

Money plot in the cemetery

This black magic ritual helps to attract great wealth. It was this ritual that our ancestors considered one of the most effective.

Ritual at a funeral

This ritual is performed at any person’s funeral. It is all the better if it is a complete stranger to you, since such magic entails negative consequences for the deceased himself. A deceased person, entering the other world, will be obliged to provide you with a decent life on earth.

So, if you are at a cemetery and at a funeral, you need to scoop up a handful of earth and read the magic words:

“Saltan the Turkish demon walked through the field of bones and played with money and added money. How could I, like Saltan, be rich and live in abundance. Let it be this way and no other way. Amen".

If you suddenly feel bad after such a ritual, go to church. Buy candles there and walk around your home with the candles lit.

Ritual at an unmarked grave

There is another conspiracy for wealth and poverty that needs to be carried out in the cemetery - a ritual on an unmarked grave. To do this, you need to buy a waffle towel, tie it to an unmarked grave on the cross and say the words of the conspiracy:

“Poverty, anger and envy stay here. Now your home is here. And let my heart never again know grief, sadness, or lack of money. Send me, Lord God, wealth and good luck. Amen".

After performing the sacrament, you need to hammer a nail into the cross, thus attaching the towel forever. Leave the cemetery silently, without turning around, and without talking to anyone.

Ritual with red candles

Almost all of the most powerful rituals of white and black magic are performed with candles. For a wealth plot, you will need a red candle and a clay pot. In the evening, before entering your bedroom, place a pot and put a coin in it. Light a red candle and read the spell for yourself:

“Come money to me, increase in my house and never run away from me. Amen".

Read these words and place one coin at a time in a clay container. When the candle burns out, cover the pot with a cloth, tie it and put it in a secluded place for a month. This is a very good way to attract wealth into your life. In just a week you will notice how your income will increase.

This plant can also be used to spell wealth. Pour some water into the pot, place it in front of you on the new moon and read the words:

“Grow my flower with large and succulent leaves, increase my prosperity and wealth. May no disease strike you down, just as I will never need money.”

By following all the rules for conducting wealth rituals, you can actually attract a rich life to yourself. The main thing is to believe in it very strongly!

A money conspiracy is the utterance of certain magical phrases designed to attract good income to a person.

There are strong conspiracies and rituals for wealth that require a specific place and specific time, but there are also much simpler ones that are accessible to almost everyone. So, how can you make money flow?

The easiest way

Do 7 good deeds for Easter or give 7 gifts to your family and friends this holiday. The Lord will remember your kindness all next year. At the same time, it is recommended to give alms to those asking, repeating to yourself the following words: “Let the hand of the giver not fail...”. And one more thing: buy a new bucket and say the phrase three times: “The bucket will be full, but I will forget all poverty.”

Money plot near the cash register

When you are given change in a store, repeat the spell to yourself: “Your money is in my wallet, and your treasury is my treasury. Amen".

Let's borrow experience!

When you are in the house of rich friends or neighbors, look at the ceiling and say in a whisper: “As you have treasure and harmony, what is for you will be for us. Amen".

So that wealth always falls into your hands...

Bake bread for the new month, while constantly saying to the dough: “As you, dough, will grow, enlarge and become magnificent, so we will grow, rise in our position, in our glory and increase above people. Amen.".

Conspiracy to increase money

You need to slander the coin or bill that has a five on it, after which you should always carry it with you. In a month you need to get rid of it and make a new plot. The following words must be pronounced: “I’m going to trade as a merchant, I’ll return on a sable a fine fellow. I bring treasure into my house. Give me, God, so much money that I have nowhere to put it. Amen.".

A very strong spell for wealth

You need to dig a hole under the aspen tree, put a coin in it and, covering it with earth, say the words: “God be with you, my soot. You grow as a sprout and live from the harvest. If the mouse doesn’t gnaw and the worm doesn’t wear off, then no one will waste my money. Amen.". You just need to do this on an even day of the month that falls on the full moon.

If you found money...

Contrary to the popular belief that in no case should you pick up coins and bills lying on the road, forgotten in a store or lost by someone in any other place, there are very powerful conspiracies and rituals for wealth that work successfully if you “work "with that kind of money.

Take the money you found and immediately say: “I took the money, but didn’t take the lining.” It is important to understand that we are talking about a precautionary measure, since people often reduce all their negativity - illnesses and troubles - to money.

On the 13th of the month, go to church, buy 13 candles there, and exchange the change you receive for coins. Return home, scatter the metal money on the floor and don’t pick it up until the morning.

Moreover, on this day it is necessary to exclude the appearance of strangers in the house - there should be no neighbors, no relatives, no friends, it is important that no one this evening asks you the question of why there is money lying around everywhere.

In the morning, before washing and combing your hair, you need to collect the money and tie it in a handkerchief or any other loose fabric, and then put it under your bed. You will very quickly begin to notice how your income will increase.

And as soon as this happens, remove the wick from an ordinary wax candle, light it on both sides and quickly say: “The fire is eternal, and my spirit is marked with gold, and also with silver and various good things. Amen.". Then the wick should be extinguished and carried with you for at least a month.

It is important to know! During a feast, it often happens that someone takes food from your plate. Never allow anything like this, otherwise you will always live in poverty.

How else can you attract money to yourself?

  • Buy grain and scatter it on the street for the birds, saying the following words: “You birds, peck the grain for yourself, and spit the money for me. Amen.";
  • Take 12 apples and give every second to the poor, bring the remaining six to your home. The next day, give every second of them to the poor again, and let the remaining three pieces lie at home. In the morning, take the fruits to the church and place them on the funeral table, saying to yourself: “Remember my poverty for my repose, and leave health and wealth with me. Amen.";
  • Pour water into a glass on the day when the moon is new, leave it behind the curtain on the window until the moon is completely full, and then wash your face with this water with a spell: “How you, month, were thin, but became full, so I too will be full of all good things”;
  • Find a pile of ants in the forest and throw a bunch of small change into it. As soon as the ants start running over your money, immediately say: “There are so many ants in this pile, so that I have a lot of money and don’t transfer it. Amen".

Probably, each of us has ever heard about people who, quite suddenly and completely unexpectedly for everyone around them, suddenly became rich - income literally poured into them like a river.

And such stories are not always explained from a purely materialistic scientific point of view. But it is important to ask the questions “How to get rich?” and “Where can I get money?”

Since ancient times, very effective methods and powerful conspiracies for wealth have been passed down from generation to generation, allowing you to radically change your life for the better, attracting wealth into it.

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Video “How to become rich”

Svetlana Kurkina
especially for “Psychology of Relationships”

People have always wanted to be the owners of wealth, money, fame. Look at the history of our civilization - this is an endless struggle for survival, and, subsequently, for the possession of material wealth and power, with the presence of which it becomes easier to live. Nowadays, conspiracies to attract money are very popular and modern. White magic for money and wealth: which really helped: in this article you can learn about rituals and rituals in this area. You have to learn how to attract wealth and abundance to yourself. In order to gain power over financial flows, you need to paint the right picture - what everything consists of and how it works.

White magic. Spells for money and wealth.

The most powerful white magic spell for money

What needs to be done to attract cash flow to your home? For all those who have been looking for answers to this question for a long time, this will be just right. One of the simplest rituals includes:

Whenever you go to a store or market, make a financial transaction and receive money after that (possibly payment or change), say mentally:

“Your money is in my wallet, your treasury is my treasury. Amen".

This money flow spell will not only constantly remind you that you are in cash flow, but will actually have an impact on the flow of money into your home.

There is also an excellent way to have a lot of money, which is done on the new moon. On the first lunar day, at exactly 12 o'clock you need to go outside, stand on the road, take 12 coins, point the moonlight at them and say out loud 7 times:

“Everything that sprouts and comes to life,

Multiplies from the light of the Sun,

And money comes from the light of the moon.

Grow my money.

Multiply my money.

Add more, my money.

Come to me (your name),

Enrich me. Let it be so!".

After which you need to hold the money tightly in your hand and, upon arriving home, immediately put it in the wallet with which you go shopping. This and other money conspiracies carried out on the new moon are very, very effective.

To return with a profit, you need to cross yourself at the beginning of the journey, take a pinch of road dust, throw it back over your left shoulder and say:

Wait for those, Dear Dorogovna,

Mine, servant of God (name)

Returns with profits and gifts.

I'll lie if I tell a tooth. Amen.

After that, you need to throw a “payoff” on the road - small coins.

In order for you to always have money, take some money in your hand, clasp it in your fist, go out into the street and approach a young spruce tree. Knock the money on the wood and say out loud three times:

“As young needles grow,

This is how my money grows

Not on a sugar pie

Not on a linden honey,

Not on brew, not on pareve,

On gold, silver and copper".

Bury the money under a tree and cover it so that no one finds it.

White magic rituals for wealth: examples and features

For a long time everyone has known that even a hardworking and decent person can exist all his life without a single penny. To do this, you need to attract magical rituals to your side so that such a person has luck. How to achieve to become a magnet for money. There are simple magical rituals for attracting wealth, the main requirement of which is, of course, faith in success.

An ancient ritual for attracting money:

  1. Buy pharmaceutical herb St. John's wort (it expels evil spirits). Place several inflorescences and twigs on a small teapot strainer, set it on fire, and “smoke” a water container with smoke (a 3-liter glass jar, for example).
  2. Turn the jar over and drop a drop of candle wax on the bottom in the center, then drop it onto the edges, as if making a square with a drop in the middle. When the wax dries, turn it over.
  3. “Hug” the container as you wish - with both your hands and feet. Close your eyes and start thinking about how you will soon become rich. This way you will convey your desire to the jar.
  4. Take four coins, put them in your fist, whisper your last name, first name, patronymic over it, and say the phrase

    « I want money to come to (your full name appears here)!”.

  5. After this, you need to repeat three times over the coin the name of the stone that corresponds to your zodiac sign, or simply the one that you like. Throw a coin into the jar.
  6. The second coin is the same, only now name the fur of your favorite animal.
  7. The third is to repeat your favorite car brand three times, the fourth is your deepest desire.
  8. Throw the remains of the burnt grass into the jar for coins.
  9. Cover the mouth of the jar with your hands and dream of a rich life.
  10. Light the candle again, make a square of wax drops on the neck of the jar, and drop the fifth drop inside the jar. Put the jar away in the cupboard.
  11. Throw a coin into this jar every day and say: “I want money to come to me,” and then one of the phrases with your full name, the name of a stone, your favorite fur, car brand, or your innermost desire.
  12. Once the jar is full, seal it and store it in a safe place.

To this day, in the treasuries of folk conspiracies there are signs and actions that are aimed at attracting money into life:

  • Always give paper money folded (it is imperative that the edges are turned towards the person to whom you are giving the money);
  • At the time of receiving a salary or bonuses (so-called “lucky money”),
  • Go home with money and do not waste it one day and one night, so that your home is filled with the energy of money and can continue to attract it;
  • You need to give money to someone with your right hand, you need to take money from someone only with your left hand;
  • Carry a small mirror, a mint leaf and some cinnamon powder in your wallet. Such talismans also attract money to you.

How to become rich using spells

What should you do when you suddenly urgently need to find a large sum of money? In this case, on the new moon, a conspiracy is made to receive money using a green candle, on which write your full name and a specific amount of money with a stick or toothpick. Then grease the candle with vegetable oil, roll it in powdered basil and light it, saying:

“Money comes, money grows,

Money will find its way into my pocket".

The utterance of such spell words is a bait and an invisible but effective pointer, telling them where to go.

What should you do if you need to return your hard-earned money that you lent to someone? How to repay this debt? After all, it also happens that your money lent to someone is not returned to you for a long time. A simple but effective conspiracy to return such money is as follows:

“I send a message to the servant of God (name of the debtor):

Let this account burn and bake, drive into the corners,

Breaks bones, doesn't eat, doesn't sleep, doesn't drink,

(the name of the debtor) does not give me peace until that debt is repaid to me.”

These words are read over your home broom, with which you will then beat your debtor in your thoughts.

We can especially highlight this type of magical conspiracies to attract good luck and luck in financial matters. To implement, for example, one of them, you need to take three candles: green, white and brown. Each candle has a symbolic meaning: the white candle is you, the brown one is your work, the green candle is the money you deal with in your financial activities.

Place the candles in the form of an equilateral triangle so that the white candle stands in front of you, the green one on the left, and the brown one on the right. Light the candles, starting with the white one. At the same time say:

“Flame is like a soul, soul is like a flame.”

Lighting a brown candle, say: “Things are in business, paths are in paths, everything is in shambles" On green say the following: “Profit in profit, money in money.” Look at the fire of all three candles, then bring them together in one sharp movement, but be careful that they do not go out. Say the following words over this figure of candles:

“In my strength is my power, in my power is my strength, I am with my strength and with my power.”

Leave this lump to burn out. Collect the rest using your credit card, cool it and put it in your pocket. Now this is your money talisman. An important condition - do this only on a new moon.

Online test: “Why do you have little money” (23 questions)


*Important: personal data and test results are not saved!

Video: “Ritual of white magic to attract money and wealth”

Comments from site visitors

    By the way, all rich people use the services of white magicians, either Feng Shui or something else mystical. Why not ordinary people increase their finances a little? Thank you for the article, I will definitely use the advice and make a plot. I believe in this, I am sure that everything will work out and my finances will grow. I advise others not to wait for weather from the sea, but to act


    The advice in this article helped me, the first time I did something like this was 10 years ago, after university, then there were problems with finances, and I remember that I was hired for a good position almost immediately. And the second time was recently, I went on maternity leave, my earnings decreased and I decided to try something of my own. True, they decided to carry out the ceremony, just to be sure, and everything would work out!

    There were always problems with money. There was not enough for this, then for that. But I wanted more! And in the evening I came across this site. I decided to do a white magic ritual for wealth. A couple of days later I won a large sum of money in the lottery! I decided not to stop and do more. A couple of days later I was promoted at work! I began to earn significantly more. Now I recommend this site to everyone who has the same problems as I had. Thank you!

    While studying at university, I was constantly short of money. I had to constantly earn extra money, but it wasn’t enough. One friend told me about white magic and I decided to read about it on the Internet. I came across this site. I decided to try a money plot. After a couple of days, I managed to find a great job with a salary higher than I could have imagined! They said that their employee quit, they urgently need a replacement, and I was very lucky. But I know that this is not luck! Thanks to this article for helping me so much! I recommend to all!

    But these conspiracies do not cause any harm to a person? I want to try a few, but I'm afraid it will only get worse. I liked the ritual of white magic for wealth, I’ll probably perform it and see the result. It's like a piggy bank. For those whose financial situation has improved, what conspiracies have you done? Did it improve immediately or after a certain time?

    These fortune tellings are very useful and relevant for me, I tried something similar once before, when there were financial difficulties, I remember that it worked, there was an opportunity to quickly earn a good amount. I believe that it will work out now, especially the word white in the name of the fortune telling carries a positive motive.

    I found the article very useful and interesting. I’ve always wondered why some people are swimming in money, while others can barely scrape together a piece of bread, starve, and deny themselves everything. I have a dream to live in wealth, not to deny myself and my children anything, but working 50 hours a week does not allow me to do this. I'll try to make a spell, I hope it helps.

    I read about a similar conspiracy in boarding schools, and the most effective thing I heard from a friend I recently met in a store. As far as I remember, she was from a poor family and never allowed herself luxury. And then I saw her in a fur coat, with an expensive phone, in branded clothes... I didn’t even recognize her at first. She told me in confidence about this conspiracy, she no longer had any hope, so she turned to your website. I was convinced with my own eyes that I will also fulfill the plot.

    After the divorce from my husband, it became much more difficult with finances, since he was the main capital in our family. There was simply no time left for another job, so I had to make a choice in favor of the children. I came across a plot and did it. I am writing because there is a result that I am very pleased with. There is no need for another job, I was promoted at my current one and my salary was almost doubled!

    I’m hiding it from my wife and daughter, but I’m a very gambling person and last month I lost a large sum in casinos and slot machines. I was ashamed to admit that I still haven’t told the girls, but they didn’t seem to feel it. I came across your site, asked a fortune teller friend from the village where I grew up for advice, I’ll definitely do it. I hope that after the conspiracy, only luck will accompany my hobbies.

    These conspiracies are quite well known and popular. I know for sure that our politicians and stars use them. They enhance the effect of your work and efforts. Yes, yes, but did you think that it was just luck and luck? Don’t make me laugh) I also use them and don’t complain about loans and lack of money. Work on your destiny and everything will be fine.

    My great-grandmother taught me to say this: “Your money is in my wallet, your treasury is my treasury. Amen". I read in this article that this is a white magic spell for money. I thought it was just protection. She also told me to always carry a mirror in my pocket. That's what I do. Here I also noticed this conspiracy: “Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket.” I will use it too

    Help me with advice on how to get rid of debts. Two years ago I became addicted to slot machines and since then I have not been able to get out of the debt hole. I work, but my salary is not enough for anything. Which of these conspiracies are the most powerful and bring instant results? I have already performed white magic rituals for wealth.

    My money also went down the drain. I became interested in conspiracies and spells. I have already read this site up and down. I don’t know what exactly worked, but my financial situation is gradually improving. For now I will continue to repeat everything I do. I regret that I didn’t start helping myself with white magic earlier.

    I’ve tried so many times to invest somewhere in order to increase my money... well, bank deposits are now completely unprofitable, and there’s not enough money... I want to eat, and take care of myself, and buy myself something, and go on vacation, and the car wants to eat ... I will try conspiracies, but they must be white ones!!! I love money very much, but it’s not easy to earn it

    Financial problems arise regularly. I climbed your website, now I’ve forwarded the link to the conspiracies to everyone I know, and I decided on a white magic conspiracy for wealth. After that, I soon got lucky with a lottery ticket! I saw your spells for a lottery ticket, I should try it too.

    I envy people who do not know financial problems with white envy. Who can calmly want and buy, who can not count the receipt when buying groceries in the store, so that they have enough and don’t have to put it out at the checkout. We live very frugally, we are simply tired, sick of work, of bills, of lack of money. I’ll turn this conspiracy to a knowledgeable woman, let someone smart in this matter help me

    Good afternoon. I don’t know how much conspiracies will help, but legally I remain powerless in this situation: a year and a half ago, my husband, without consulting me, lent money to family friends. At that time, they could afford it, they lived in abundance, and their friends were having financial difficulties. 1.5 years have passed, the situation has changed a little. Yes, we are not in poverty, but there are a number of problems related to money, and we really need it now. But with my friends everything returned to normal, the debt was returned. But it feels like along with the debt, my husband handed over our financial well-being to them. Does anything need to be done in this case? Thanks in advance for your answer.

    I believe that this kind of conspiracies, especially in terms of finance, needs to be handled by an intelligent person who knows all the nuances and requirements, and the conspiracies themselves are well-versed. It’s a very risky business, I’m not a professional myself, I could mess it up. It is always easier to lose than to earn, especially now, during an endless crisis.

    This is attractive because working in our country in the civil service (I live in Belarus, Mogilev region), it is not at all clear how one can save money or build housing. The salaries are cheap, but I want to leave something behind for my children and help them financially... A question arose to me, which coins are better to take (by color, by denomination, from which country)?

    It happens that you live in prosperity and confidence in the future, and then everything collapses literally at one moment, and you realize how precarious your situation is now... I have no confidence in my business, everything depends on the state, every day With good earnings, I understand that everything worked out well and thank you for it. Do conspiracies really help? I would like to simply maintain at least the current state of affairs, so as not to make things worse.

    A couple of weeks ago I was on my way to an interview at an office, I got off the bus and didn’t understand where to go, it was an unfamiliar area, I didn’t know my way around well. I asked a passing woman how to get there. We talked and said that I was going there for an interview. She advised me to ask God for good luck and finances so that it would help. I don’t know how it worked, but they hired me and gave me a higher salary than what was indicated in the vacancy. I’ve been working there for the second week now, and I’m happy with everything so far.

    All conspiracies, including money ones, work on the principle of faith in it; here there is a person’s self-hypnosis, which is very cool. Many films on self-development advise thinking, visualizing, playing out in your imagination (about love, about wealth). In general, without the power of thought and faith, all these conspiracies do not work, believe me.

    I once read on the Internet that even scientists have proven that enchanted water changes its structure. (the location of molecules, atoms there, some angles of their location, I’m not a chemist or a physicist, so I’m not strong in these formulations). So the power of the word exists and works, money, like water, needs to be charmed, the main thing is to be positive about the result.

    Personally, prayers really help me in life. Once I even asked for help with a prayer for a missing item. Another way a love spell on an apple helped, I found it on the Internet,
    it was written that it was not strong, but nevertheless it worked. I want to try it now with money, I’m waiting for the waxing moon.

    Conspiracies work, 100%. You just need to approach them with sense, faith, and positivity. Do everything clearly, as knowledgeable people write, and even better, consult with an intelligent person, so as not to make mistakes and mess up, because you can cause harm and attract something bad into your life, be careful, do not deviate from the instructions

    At one time, a conspiracy to work helped me a lot. I got a job, and with a good salary, after the conspiracy everything happened in about 2 weeks. True, I quit after a couple of years, I was very tired of work, but I managed to earn good money. So the conspiracies work, but for how long is questionable.

    Girls, I was so keen on all this as a child, I made a lot of spells for happiness, money, children and much more, I just found a notebook with my grandmother with a huge number of spells (I wonder where they got them then, there was no Internet). Is it possible to somehow cleanse myself and make them again? A familiar grandmother appeared who could help, but before going to her, she decided to inquire here in order to go clean from those childish things.

    A couple of years ago I became interested in all sorts of signs and conspiracies. My husband actually called me a witch and laughed at me at one time, but that didn’t stop me and still doesn’t stop me. Six months after the start of my hobby, I was promoted at work and my salary was increased. Believe it or not, it works. Most likely, the matter is in our subconscious, of course.

    In difficult periods (in terms of finances), I take all the coins from my wallet at an intersection (while I’m waiting for a bus or a green traffic light), clasp them into a fist in my pocket, tightly and mentally very strongly ask you to save me from difficulties, bring them into my life is more than money. Then I bless this money and either give it to someone in the transition or donate it to the temple in the store. I think in this way I cleanse myself and let go of my problems, and at the same time I do good for someone.

    Hello. I made a ritual of three candles: white, green, brown. But when I connected them, the green candle went out. I didn’t stop halfway through the ritual, I finished it.
    How can you attract customers online (advertising)?

    As I read that during any transactions with money you need to say the right thoughts to yourself, I became noticeably better financially. I especially never part with this phrase: “Your money is in my wallet, your treasury is my treasury. Amen". It turns out that it works, the cash flow is attracted.

    And I put my wallet on the windowsill during the full moon, so that it is also saturated with lunar energy (the full moon) and attracts money to itself. And by the way, I noticed that they can write out a bonus, or offer some kind of task for additional monetary reward, so it really works.

    A very good exercise for attracting money is to take, for example, all your earnings with you and go shopping and allow your imagination to do whatever you want. For example: I want a new bag or boots and you say to yourself, well, of course, I have the money for it. The main thing is to answer all your requests positively in your thoughts, don’t say no and money will be attracted

The desire to live in wealth and prosperity is one of the most important for a person in any society and at all times. Let us remember the words of the folk song: “So be healthy, live richly.” The song's wish puts health and well-being first among all our aspirations. Among the Slavs, many conspiracies for wealth are very common.

Many people do not understand why Vanga has many conspiracies to increase money. How could the holy seer approve of the thirst for profit, you ask. The point is how a person will dispose of wealth, turn it into good, or lose his human appearance in the shine of coins. Vanga’s words that asking for wealth and extra money is possible and necessary for people for treatment, for getting rid of poverty, for everyone who wants a well-fed, quiet life.

And those who, according to Vanga, have a lot and ask for more, who are overcome by the thirst for profit, should be wary of reading conspiracies. The edges of the other world are very thin, and a money grabber blinded by money may not notice how, instead of the help of higher powers, Satan will take possession of him.

Day rituals

To make friends with money

Money doesn't come to some people, they don't like the person. You can attract wealth to yourself by learning a simple but effective spell from Vanga. In the morning, take a juicy, rosy apple or pear. Cut in the middle and read the spell into half an apple (pear):

“I call upon the money spirit and infuse it into a pear (apple). I eat a pear (apple) and give myself the money spirit. Love me, money, come to me, money. Where there is a money spirit, money goes there. Amen"

Then eat the fruit.

To make money grow

In the morning, before breakfast, salt a slice of bread and recite the spell:

“The grain fell into the ground, grew into a sprout, turned golden into an ear, and turned into bread. Just as there is plenty of grain in the fields, I have money to the sky. Just as the grain grows and heads, so my money grows and increases. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Eat the bread with pleasure down to the crumbs.

For financial wealth and a comfortable life

You need to sew a coin into the hem of something you wear often. While sewing, repeat in a whisper (you can read from a sheet):

“Thread with a needle, and money with me. Just as a thread follows a needle, money is drawn to me. I hem the hem and sew the money onto me. Come to me, money big and small, copper, silver, gold, paper, all kinds, to buy, to sell, for your joy, for God’s grace. Amen"

While you are sewing, read the words of the spell continuously. On the day of the ceremony, let the item hang among others, and the next day dress and wear it as always.

For a rich, comfortable life

Choose a time when you are home alone. Then no one will interfere with the ritual. Cook the fish soup. While cutting fish and cooking, read the plot from Vanga:

“Great are the earth’s waters, the seas and oceans are full of them. How much water there is in the seas and oceans, how many fish there are in that water, that is how much wealth I have. Amen, Amen, Amen"

The whole family should eat fish soup and finish it on the same day.

Night sacraments

Vanga said: “Believe in the power of the full moon.”

To make good money

When the month is born, pour a full glass of clean water and place it by the window so that it falls into the light of the moon. When the full moon comes, take a glass and recite a spell on it:

“The moon was thin, but became full. So may my house become full of all good things, and gold and silver.”

Wash your face with this water at night and in the morning.

To grow wealth

The ritual should be performed on a full moon in clear weather. Place as many bills and coins as you like on the windowsill, illuminated by the light of the moon. Speak about money three times, you can read from the sheet:

“Queen Moon, you turn silver, turn golden, grow and grow. So fill my money with your light so that it grows and grows. Money drinks up the moonlight, grows hour by hour, gains strength, fills my house.”

While the moon is shining, do not remove the money from the window. Then put them in a secret compartment of your wallet to attract new wealth.

Energy of the starry sky for constant prosperity

This wealth conspiracy is considered by many to be the most effective and efficient. When every star is visible in the sky on a full moon, go outside and say Vanga’s spell, looking up:

“The stars have no number, I have no number of money”

The words of the conspiracy must be said at least 9 times.

Knowledge of the healer Stepanova, bringing benefit

Modern Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova has the power of knowing magic spells. She supports people's desire for wealth, emphasizing that wealth should be acquired in a righteous way and assigned to a dignified, honest life.

Rituals in daylight

Buy 12 apples, give half to those in need, and bring the rest home. The next day, give 3 apples to the poor, leaving the last 3 at home. On the third day, go to church and place apples on the funeral table, whispering the spell:

“Remember my poverty for peace, and wealth and health are with me. Amen"

A very strong conspiracy for wealth requires strict compliance with all conditions. Otherwise the words lose their power. During the entire ritual, the dog should not bark (it is better to remove it from the rooms), you need to turn off the phone, because you cannot talk to anyone.

On Maundy Thursday, throw a handful of small money into a bucket of water and read the following words from a piece of paper:

“Water, you are water, everyone drinks you, everyone loves you. Everyone sanctifies you in the Creation. I ask you, water, Mother, pure water, forgive me. Mother water, help. There are so many of you in the lake, in the river, in the stream, in the ocean, in every human glass. So I would have a lot of money: on Monday, and Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday, and Friday, and Saturday, and Sunday. So much water for me too. God's servant, a lot of goodness, gold and silver. In the name of the Father and in the name of the Son and the Holy Spirit and forever and ever. Amen"

With your little fingers clasped, repeat the spell for wealth 3 times. Wipe the table with the charmed water, then the windows, and the floors from the threshold deep into the house. Collect the coins in a white scarf and do not waste them.

Night rituals

On a full moon day, buy a gray poppy from a woman. Do not take change from your purchase. At midnight, spread a black scarf on the table, draw a circle on it with a piece of soap and pour poppy seeds into it. Constantly drawing a cross on the poppy with your ring finger, whisper a plot for a rich life:

“There is one island on the sea, on the ocean. There is land on that island. There is the Lord God, the Mother of God and me. I will come closer to them, I will bow to them lower. Mother of God, you lived on earth, took bread into your hands, paid for bread with money, carried money in your wallet. Without money, food will not be given, clothes will not be woven, candles will not be sold in church. Give me, Lord, as much poppy as there is on this scarf, so much money in my wallet. I close my words, I close my business. Key, lock, tongue. Amen"

The bravest ones can dare to go to the cemetery on a full moon. The one who conducts the ritual must be sure that he will not be afraid and will not go astray from the words of the conspiracy. Otherwise, the ritual may result in illness or even death of the participant.

Place a ruble under your left heel and go to the cemetery at midnight. Approaching the gate, stamp your left foot on the ground and say loudly:

“Cheers, mind you, dead people, your place is holy, and let my place be rich. To you, dead men, good sleep, and to me, the servant of God (name), gold and silver. Mind you, mind you, dead people, your place is holy, and in my pocket there is silver and gold.”

Anyone who is not afraid of anything and performs the ritual correctly will live in wealth until old age.

Among the many conspiracies, you will always find one that will help you push your destiny for the better.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how to use magical spells for money and wealth. The topic is relevant, and there are many ways in real witchcraft to attract the energy of well-being and fill your money channel. So, straight to the heart of the matter.

The effect of strong conspiracies on wealth and luck

The words of witchcraft spells are filled with power. With their help, you can change the course of your life and say goodbye to poverty and poverty forever. Poverty is like an infection, like a disease, and if you don’t get rid of it, it will be passed on from generation to generation. On the waning moon, get rid of negativity, and as the moon waxes, read powerful conspiracies for wealth and family well-being.

Effective conspiracies, despite their apparent simplicity, are capable of adjusting fate in your favor. But you must figure out which wealth conspiracies are best to read based on the task at hand. What exactly do you want? Get a permanent source of income, or use luck and expand your financial capabilities? Or do you want to become lucky in, or successful in searching for treasures? Maybe you want to climb the career ladder, take a high position at work, through which honor and wealth will come?

Each of you has your own goals and dreams, and you know them like no one else. You can provide yourself with magical help. Try it and get results. There are a lot of spells for wealth in the practice of magical assistance, and most of them have positive reviews from those who have done them on their own.

Spell for wealth and success - magical help in finding a job

An effective plot helps during the period of searching for a good job and successful employment. It is preferable to start on the first night of the new moon.

Here's what you'll need to do a ritual for good luck and wealth:

  • dark natural linen
  • astrological candle (below I will give a layout of colors corresponding to your zodiac sign)
  • 2 brown candles
  • 1 green candle
  • incense stick (cinnamon)
  • cinnamon fragrance oil

Spread a cloth on the table. Light an incense stick and oil all the candles. Lubricate the whole thing, from the wick to the base of the candle. Place one of the brown candles in the center, a green candle on the right, and an astral candle on the left.

  • First, we light an astral candle, while reading the magic words of the conspiracy:

    “I ask for the change I need, to open my path, to open my eyes.”

  • Light a green candle and say this:

    "Great gods, give me luck and wealth, come to me with help"

  • Light a brown candle and say:

    “I see new opportunities, work, rewards and success. So it is and so it will be"


While casting these effective wealth spells, leave the candles burning. Let them burn to the ground. After this, light a second brown candle for 9 minutes every night for a week. During this time, look at the fire, imagine. Visualization will help you achieve success in your business. In addition, contemplating the flame will help you achieve a state of harmony and inner balance. During this week, actively search for a job.

Here are the colors of the candles corresponding to the zodiac signs.

You can choose any color for your astral candle and the list of those that suit you energetically for this good spell for wealth and good luck.

  • Aries (March 21-April 20) red, white, pink
  • Taurus (April 21-May 21) green, pink, red, blue, brown, pink
  • Gemini (May 22-June 21) yellow, silver, green, red, blue, blue
  • Cancer (June 22 - July 22) blue, silver, dark green, white, brown
  • Leo (July 23 - August 23) orange, gold, red, green
  • Virgo (August 24 - September 23) yellow, gold, black, gray, blue
  • Libra (September 24 - October 23) blue, pink, black, lavender, sky blue
  • Scorpio (October 24 - November 22) red, silver, black, brown, burgundy
  • Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) indigo, turquoise, red, purple, blue, white
  • Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) black, dark brown, red, brown, purple
  • Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) light blue, dark blue, green, aquamarine, gray, light blue
  • Pisces (February 20 - March 20) turquoise, green, light green, white, lavender

Strong conspiracies for money and wealth - how to attract money and protect yourself from the evil eye

This interesting ritual will help you get a specific job. Exactly the job you need, in your desired field of activity. Do this magical ritual for wealth and prosperity on the first night of the waxing moon, immediately after the new moon. And here's what you'll need for this:

  • green candle
  • bay leaves (it’s good if there are twigs with drupes)
  • pine oil or bergamot oil
  • small paper bill
  • piece of white paper
  • clay bowl
  • a sharp knife you use in rituals

Light a few bay leaves in a bowl. You can choose the number of leaves in accordance with the magic of numbers. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would take 5 leaves for this independent ritual for wealth, because... The purpose of the five is to improve and stabilize financial issues.

On the magic candle in its upper part, use a knife to scratch the type of work you need and below it an arrow with the point down. Under the arrow, scribble the sign of the Russian currency or the one in circulation in your country (som, hryvnia, manat, etc.). Below the icon is an arrow pointing down. Finally, carve your name under the arrow on the candle.
Lubricate the candle with oil. During this ritual, concentrate on the thought of getting a prestigious job. On a piece of paper write the amount of earnings that would suit you. Approach this moment consciously. Place a candle on the leaf and light it. Look at the flame for a few minutes and visualize the success of your plan.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

And read the spell to use witchcraft to attract money and wealth through the desired job:

“Through you, money flows to me, my financial troubles will go away. I'll get the job I want. She will be mine no later than the full moon shines.”

The candle should burn out. Burn a piece of paper in a bowl where the laurel leaves burned. Wrap the ashes remaining in the bowl in a banknote and carry it with you as a talisman of financial success. Actively search for jobs that interest you. Magic will help you.

But this is a powerful protective plot for good luck and wealth.

Protection from the evil eye of a serious matter. If there is a big, serious matter in your plans, but you are afraid of the evil eye and attempts by enemies to harm you, do this. At midnight, boil the fish in holy water. When the water boils, read the protective spell on the steam:

“My fish is untouchable, my fish is silent, you don’t open your mouth, you don’t speak in words, so don’t open your mouth to my enemies and theirs, don’t throw words, don’t invite trouble, don’t cause harm. May you be a black night, may you be a white day, may you be a red dawn. Enemies are behind, I am in front. Amen".

White conspiracies to attract wealth

If you practice white magic and work through a church egregor, call on the Holy Spirit for help in an important and difficult matter. Read 3 times a day for 3 days. Please state your request in your own words.

“Help me, Lord, Holy Spirit, in my work, so that my enemies do not dare to ruin my work. Forbid, Lord, the Holy Spirit (state the essence of the matter clearly) In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If you have a good connection with Christian Forces, you may well receive help by reading prayers and white conspiracies for a happy, comfortable life. What are the most powerful words of a wealth conspiracy? And those that give you real results. Here everything is simple: every practicing magician has developed methods and rituals that he often uses and receives what he asks for. But in order for it to turn out the way you want, it requires tireless practice, work and self-education, and comprehension of the witchcraft sciences. Among the well-known rituals there are practices with a ring. So, let me give you an example of witchcraft ritual for obtaining wealth through the ring.

Ring magic - a simple spell for wealth and good luck in life

This is done the day before the new moon. For a witchcraft ritual for money luck you will need:

  • your ring that you wear all the time
  • green natural thread
  • wax candle (you can use a green candle)

Hang the ring on a thread and hold it in your left hand. Pass the burning candle under the ring from right to left 9 times so that the flame passes through the ring.

Nine times you need to read the words of an independent conspiracy for wealth in the house:

“The month is over, my deeds are crowned. Am I (name) not a daredevil, am I not a great guy? Just as the ring has no end, so there will be no end to my wealth. Amen".

In money magic there are many conspiracies that work on the personal strength of the performer, like this one with independent ring conspiracy for wealth. Home rituals of white witchcraft have their own methods of influence:

  • on the material aspect of life,
  • to fill the money channel,
  • for profitable trading,
  • money luck.

But now it’s time to talk about black rituals of attracting money, black conspiracies for luck and wealth.

A strong conspiracy for wealth and good luck - to attract money through sowing

When the time for sowing comes, go to the field where the sowing has already been done. Take with you:

  • 9 small coins
  • sack of wheat

Go to the eastern edge of the field, and from there start walking from side to side, wherever you want. Scatter the grain mixed with coins, and at the same time read the effective spells for wealth:

“If you put millet into the land, there will be a harvest, but not a harvest, but money for me. When it matures, it will go, but my life is rich, either with damp earth, or with my seed, that is commanded. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When the sowing is done, you have to leave immediately. Yes, no matter what happens behind you, you can’t turn around. As wheat sprouts sprout in the field, so they will go. At first glance, the magical ritual for wealth is completely simple. But, only for the first one. This is demonic witchcraft; to achieve results, you must have a connection with demons, and, of course, you must not make mistakes during the magical ritual. A payoff is needed here.

In the field they bring strong hops (vodka) and silver coins to the demon Khaleya. Sometimes they add tobacco. In the modern version you can use cigarettes. Don’t forget to open the pack and light one cigarette so that the smoke comes out. Demons flock to tobacco smoke. If you didn’t come for a trifle, but for a big, serious matter, to harass the enemy, or in our case, a magical ritual for wealth do, then perhaps it is necessary to give a blood sacrifice. This is not an everyday, serious sacrifice. You need to chop the black rooster and bury it at the edge of the field.

Black ritual for luck and wealth through Bannik

A magical ritual for a love spell for luck in money matters is done in a bathhouse. It cannot be replaced with a sauna; you need a Russian bathhouse heated with wood. The bathhouse is a unique place, giving the sorcerer the opportunity to turn to the primary elements. Four great Elements converge here. In black magic there are many rituals that are performed in a bathhouse, where nothing can replace the bathhouse. There is also a devil, his name is Bannik. Before you make a black plot for luck and wealth yourself, you need to appease Bannik, chop the rooster, drain the blood, and bury the rooster’s body under the threshold.

Perform a ritual to attract wealth to your home, on the waxing moon. You need a rope to which the domestic animal is tied - a cow, sheep or goat. Upon entering the bathhouse, tie yourself with a rope, as if with a belt, and read the words of the money conspiracy three times:

“You are a bathhouse attendant, a villain, a parina, I take you as a witness, the tireless call, then write in letters of fire what we are creating at the head of the living book. That knowledge is like a leash that the cattle had, but I’m creating a leash for myself, I’m trying to hold this thing through the rope. You come to me on a leash, stay on a leash. Just as the cattle had a lot of hair wool, I (name) will have money with me. Now I command, now I reprimand, now I whisper. By witchcraft deeds, the evildoer has been spoken for miles and miles at the head of the life. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Do not remove this rope, but wear it for a day until the next night. The next night, you need to bury it under the roots of the spruce tree. The rope should not be untied, but cut so that the knot holds the ends together. Like burying a rope under a spruce tree, you need to read a black conspiracy for luck and wealth:

“Just as the rope itself did not measure the way here, and just as it itself will not find the way from here, yet the agreed upon money come to me, and fix it, there is no way of leaving. Amen".

There is nothing to worry about, if everything is done correctly, the money will come. Thank Bannik with vodka. You can pour it into a glass and put it under the bench. Throw coins behind the stove. And this demon loves the blood of a black rooster or chicken most of all.

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