Formation of adverbs in English: rules and exceptions. Adverbs in English

Adverb (Adverb) refers to independent parts of speech, that is, independent. Let's take a closer look at this part of speech.

Let's get down to business!

What is an English adverb?

Adverb ( adverb) is an independent and independent part of speech, indicating a sign of an action or the various circumstances under which the action takes place.

The main questions of an adverb are: “how?” - " how?", "how?" - " in what way?", "Where?" - " where?", "Why? - " why?", "When?" - " when?", "in what degree?" - " to what degree

After reading this article, consolidate your knowledge of adverbs on the TOP 100 adverbs simulator in the English language.

All adverbs in English can be divided into two categories: by form and by meaning. The forms of adverbs are:

  • simple ( simple): “now”, “today” etc. (now, today, etc.);
  • derivatives ( derived). They are formed from qualitative adjectives, to which the suffix “-ly” is added: “usual” - “usually” (usual - usually);
  • complex ( compound): "sometimes" (sometimes);
  • compound ( composite): “at least” (finally).

According to their meaning, adverbs are divided into groups.

Table of groups of adverbs in English
Group Which question does it answer? Adverbs Example
Adverbs of Manner
Adverbs of manner
He eats slowly. He eats slowly.
She helped me readily. She helped me willingly.
Batman drives his car fast. Batman drives his car quickly.
Adverbs of Place
Adverbs of place
at home
Granny told me to sit there. Grandma told me to sit there.
I have looked for my cat everywhere. I looked everywhere for my cat.
I left my car outside the yard I left my car outside.
Adverbs of Time
Adverbs of time
He called me yesterday. He called me yesterday.
She is reading newspaper now. She is reading a newspaper now.
They will meet tomorrow morning. They will meet tomorrow morning.
Adverbs of Frequency
Adverbs of frequency
How often?
How often?
I visit him daily. I visit him daily.
We rarely go to the theatre. We rarely go to the theater.
I often visit my family in another city. I often visit my family in another city.
Adverbs of Degree
Adverbs of degree
How much?
How much?
To what degree?
To what extent?
a bit
I entirely agree with you. I completely agree with you.
Laura is very beautiful. Laura is very beautiful.
The film was quite interesting. The film was quite interesting.

How and when adverbs are used

Adverbs can give characteristics:

  • actions: He is running quickly. - He runs fast.
  • sign: She is very witty. - She is very witty.
  • another adverbs: It's too late. - Too late.
  • entire offer: Honestly, we did a great job. - Honestly, we did a great job.

In addition, adverbs in English can connect separate sentences. Such adverbs include the words: “ therefore», « then», « however», « nevertheless», « still», « yet», « besides», « moreover», « otherwise», « else" Or even whole sentences (subordinate and main clauses as part of a complex: “ when», « where», « how», « why».

For example:

It was very difficult to start my own business. I continued nevertheless and never looked back.- Starting your own business was very difficult. However, I continued and never looked back.
I don’t care why you are late again.“I don’t care why you were late again.”

Adverbs “when”, “where”, “why”, “how” can serve as a question word:

Where is that boy?-Where is this boy?
When did you come?- When did you arrive?

Adverbs can reflect the speaker’s personal attitude to the topic of conversation, in which case they are called “adverbs of point of view” ( viewpoint adverb).

Foolishly, I agreed to help him.- Out of stupidity, I agreed to help him.
Clearly, he is mistaken.- Obviously, he is mistaken.
Actually, I share your opinion.- In general, I share your point of view.

Formation of adverbs in English

In English, most adverbs in English are formed by adding the ending “- ly" For example: "lone" - " lonely"(lonely - lonely), "slow" - " slowly"(slow - slowly)

Please pay attention to some nuances:

If the word ends with "- y", then we change "-y" to "- i" and also add the ending "- ly" As a result, we get the ending “- ily" For example: "easy" - " easily"(easy - easy), "happy" - " happily"(happy - happily).

If a word ends in "-le", then "-le" is simply replaced with "-ly".
For example: “simple” - “ simply"(simple - simple), "able" - " ably"(skillful - skillfully).

Exception words to the rules. Usually these are adverbs that answer the questions: “ When?», « Where?», « How many?. For example: " late" - "late", " little" - "A little", " well" - "Fine", " far" - "far", " fast" - "fast".

Be careful, and if you are in doubt about a word, you can always check yourself by opening a dictionary.

Place of an adverb in an English sentence

The place of adverbs in sentences depends on the words that surround this adverb and directly on its classification:

  • Adverbs of manner ( adverbs of manner) are located before the main verb, after the auxiliary verb or at the end of the sentence.
He opened the door quietly. / He quietly opened the door. - He quietly opened the door.
She is greatly respected by other colleagues. - She is very respected by her colleagues.
  • Adverbs of degree ( adverbs of degree) will come before an adjective, adverb or main verb, but after an auxiliary verb. Such adverbs include: “ absolutely», « completely», « totally», « very», « quite», « rather", etc.
She is extremely beautiful. - She is incredibly beautiful.
We almost finished this project. - We are almost finished with this project.
  • Adverbs of frequency ( adverbs of frequency) is usually placed before the main verb, but after auxiliary verbs, including “to be”. These are adverbs such as " always», « often», « usually», « rarely», « rarely».
I am always pleased to see you.- I'm always glad to see you.
He has always been cruel to her.- He was always cruel to her.
  • If we are talking about adverbs of place and time ( adverbs of place and time), then their usual location is at the end or beginning of a sentence. If a sentence contains both adverbs of place and time, the adverb of place comes first. We place some monosyllabic words (soon, now, then) before the main verb, or after auxiliary ones (including “to be”).
I will call you tomorrow.- I'll call you tomorrow.
There is a supermarket nearby.- There is a supermarket nearby.
I will soon let you know whether I want to move or not.- I will let you know soon whether I want to move or not.
  • An adverb that defines the entire sentence is usually placed at the beginning or end of the sentence.
Unfortunately, I failed to cope with this work.- Unfortunately, I couldn’t cope with this job.
I will be at work at 8 a.m. probably.- I'll probably be at work by eight in the morning.

What to do if there are two or more adverbs in a sentence? We arrange them according to this scheme: adverb of manner - adverb of place- adverb of time.

She has been reading a book intensely in her bed all day long.- All day she read carefully in her bed.
  • And if the sentence contains one of verbs of motion (go, come, leave, etc.)? In this case, the order will be like this: adverb of place - adverb of manner - adverb of time.
I was going there quickly yesterday.- I walked quickly there yesterday.

Flat adverbs

« Flat adverbs", they are " bare adverbs" or adverbs without grammatical indicator- these are adverbs whose form coincides with the corresponding adjectives. Some of them: " far», « fast», « fine», « hard», « high», « long», « low», « near», « quick», « slow», « straight"etc.

Let's look at the most common examples:

  • Far(far). This is an adverb doesn't have forms " -ly».
You will go far in your career.- You will go far in your career.
  • Fast(fast). Another adverb without the usual equivalent with “-ly”: drive fast(drive quickly).
  • Flat(evenly, decisively). Both forms are similar, but distinct:
I was turned down flat.- I was categorically refused.
I was flatly refused.- I was categorically refused.
  • Hard(strongly, firmly). This adverb and its form “-ly” have completely different meanings:
He hit him hard.- He hit him hard.
He hardly hit him.- He barely hit him.
  • Kind(gently, kindly). "Kind" and "kindly" have slightly different meanings:
Be kind. - Be kind/kind.
Think kindly of them.- Think kindly of them.
  • Quick(fast). This adverb is interchangeable with its “-ly” form: “come quick” and “come quickly” mean the same thing (come soon).
  • Smart(quickly, deftly). It is shaped with "-ly". The meanings of the shapes are slightly different.
Kids like to play smart now and choose transformers.- Today, children love to play wisely and choose transformers.
He loves dressing smartly.- He likes to dress elegantly.
  • Slow(slowly). “Slow” and “slowly” are interchangeable: “drive slow” and “drive slowly” mean the same thing.

Degrees of comparison of adverbs in English

Depending on what we are comparing, we can distinguish 2 degrees of comparison:

1. Comparative- We compare objects based on common features. For example: He jumps higher than his sister.

2. Excellent— we compare objects in order to identify the object with the most pronounced feature. For example: He jumps the highest.

To form comparative And excellent degree of comparison for adverbs with the suffix “- ly", necessary add words « more» ( less) or " most» ( least), which are translated as more/less and most/least, to the positive degree of a given word. For example: openly -more/ less openly - most/ least openly (open - more / less open - most / least open).

Monosyllabic adverbs like " fast», « soon" etc. form degrees of comparison, like their corresponding adjectives, that is, using the suffixes “- er» / «- est»:
soon - sooner - soonest(soon).

In a particular number of adverbs in general no degree comparisons. These include " before», « here», « very" and others.

And there is also a group of formation of adverbs in the English language, which are an exception, since they do not form degrees of comparison according to the rules. They need to be learned:

  • far - farther - farthest(far);
  • far - further - furthest(far);
  • badly - worse - worst(Badly);
  • little - less - least(few);
  • much - more - most(a lot of);
  • well - better - best(Fine).


Adverbs in English are independent and independent parts of speech that determine the nature of the action. According to their form they are divided into 4 groups: simple, derivatives, complex And composite. By value they are divided into: adverbs of image actions, adverbs of place, adverbs of time in English, adverbs of frequency in English And adverbs of degree. Adverbs are formed by adding the suffix " -ly” to an adjective, but there are also forms that need to be remembered. Adverbs can appear at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a sentence, and have comparative and superlative degrees of comparison, just like adjectives.

We hope this article has cleared all your doubts on this topic. Good luck in your studies and your clear English.

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Adverbs in English help make speech more vivid, emotional and colorful. Sometimes one word is enough to convey the meaning of a sentence or emphasize what is being said. By studying the formation of adverbs in English using examples, you will be able to more easily understand the peculiarities of composing words, and also learn exceptions. Remember that English is a language of exceptions to the rules, so be sure to study not only the basic rules, but also examples with exceptions. Original imaginary tables should always be in your memory, then your speech will be literate and correct.

Adverbs (adverbs) are used to denote a characteristic or manner of action and can answer the following questions:

Adverbs of the English language are also divided according to their structure, or more precisely, word formation. It is important to remember that an adverb can be:

  • Simple (contains only one root => here, now, well)
  • Derivatives (root + suffixes and prefixes => rarely, unfortunately, quickly)
  • Complex (one word consists of several stems => nowhere, sometimes, downhill)
  • Compound (forming an adverb with a phrase that has a single meaning => at first/at first, since then/since then, so far/Bye, at least/at least, in vain/ in vain, at length/details).

When forming adverbs from adjectives, you need to remember that each type is characterized by its own compositional features.

Formation of adverbs in English: rules and exceptions

Using the suffix -ly

This variant of adverb formation is most common. Adverbs in English are formed from adjectives as follows: adjective stem (sometimes noun) + -ly =>

Day+ly => daily (daily)

Swift+ly => swiftly (swiftly)

Sudden+ly => suddenly (unexpectedly)

Bad+ly => badly.

But! The formation of adverbs changes in the following cases =>

When -y changes to -i =>

Happy => happily (happily)

Easy+ly => easily (easy)

Merry => merryly (merry).

Such words will be the exception rather than the rule.

If the word ends in -e, then nothing changes in word formation, you only need to do one thing - add -ly =>

Rude => rudely (rudely)

But!!! True => truly (in fact, truthfully).

If there is an ending -le, then it needs to be changed to -ly =>

Capable => capably (skillfully)

Simple => simply (simple).

On a note! If a word ends in l and is preceded by a vowel, then l needs to be doubled =>

Brutal => brutally (cruelly)

Loyal => loyally (loyally).

Using suffixes -wise, -ward, -like, etc.

It is very important that words are formed correctly: in addition to the well-known suffix -ly, adverbs can also be formed using other suffixes => -wise, -ward, -like, etc.

Vivid examples => forward (forward), warlike (warlike), clockwise (clockwise), stepwise (gradually, step by step), sideward (to the side), seaward (towards the sea).

Important! Adjective word forms and adverb word forms can coincide! This is a difficult situation for a beginning student, and context will help to understand it. Adjectives are related to nouns, and adverbs are related to verbs. In other words, it can be explained as follows => adjective + noun, adverbs + verb. Let's give examples for a better understanding of English grammar =>

I woke up early on Sunday => On Sunday I woke up early. (Answers the question ‘’When?’’ - indicated by an adverb)

This early bird sings so marvelous song! => This early the bird sings such a wonderful song! (Answers the question ‘Which one?’ – is an adjective)

She always drives her car slowly => She always drives her car slowly. (The action is explained by a verb)

Her car is so slowly! => Her car is so slow! (Adjective refers to a noun)

Reference: words related to both adverb and adjective =>

far/near => far/close;

early/late => early/late;

high/low => high/low;

little/much => little/much, etc.

Remember these words well, then it will be easier for you to learn the basic subtleties of the formation of English adverbs.

Please also note that different shapes will have different meanings. It is difficult to guess the correct meaning yourself; it is recommended to seek help from a dictionary. These forms include the following words:

late/lately => late/lately, recently;

hard/hardly => hard/barely;

high/highly => high/extremely, extremely;

close/closely => closely/closely;

near/nearly => close/almost, about.

But! Good=well => good=good.

Classification of adverbs by meaning

In the table below you can clearly see how adverbs are formed and distributed.

Adverbs of time When? Yet, tomorrow, now, today, before, later, for a week, frequently…
Adverbs of place Where? There, outside, inside, somewhere, nearby, abroad, overseas, upstairs, downstairs, next door…
Adverbs of manner (adverbs of manner of action) How? Else, too, quietly, loudly, noisily, easily, slow, bad…
Adverbs of degree (adverbs of degree and measure) How? To what extent? Almost, enough, very, extremely, rather, fairly…
Adverbs of frequency How often? How? Usually, occasionally, always, normally, rarely, hardly ever, sometimes, never…

Degree of comparison of adverbs: rules and exceptions

If you have already studied degrees of comparison with adjectives, then it will be much easier for you to learn degrees of comparison of adverbs, since you already have the foundation. That's why let's do it So - first you will learn the topic of adjectives, and then take on adverbs. The fact is that the degree of comparison of an adverb is similar to the degree of comparison of an adjective, is formed in an almost identical way. In most cases, of course.

  1. Adverbs that end in -ly are formed in the following way =>

comparative degree: more (less) + base;

superlative: most (least) + base.

Amazingly => more amazingly => most amazingly:

Amazing => more amazing => most amazing.

  1. If the adverb is monosyllabic (adverbs of manner of action are often such in English), then degrees of comparison are formed using a method similar to that of adjectives =>

comparative degree: stem + er;

superlative: base + est.

Late => later => latest:

Late => late => latest.

High => higher => highest:

High => highest => highest.

Slow => slower => slowest:

Slow => slowest => slowest.

But!! There are English adverbs that are not formed according to the rules! It is impossible to explain, you just need to learn:

This table should be in the memory of everyone who wants to speak English correctly. It is recommended to review the table every day.

Comparative turnover.

Another area of ​​use of the adverb. English speech is impossible without their use. Comparative constructions enrich speech, making it brighter and more colorful. Structures that are comparative in nature contain adverbs. The most striking examples =>

  • (Not) as/so + adverbs+as(He can cook dishes as well as his master does => He can cook dishes as well as his master).
  • The + comparativeadverbs, the + comparativeadverbs. When it is necessary to indicate a cause-and-effect relationship and parallel actions, double phrases with the article the are used (The less you know, the more you are attractive in a boy’s eyes => The less you know, the more attractive you are in the boy’s eyes).
  • Comparative adverbs + and + comparative adverbs. A kind of doubling is observed quite often (She was trying (to cope with something) harder and harder => She tried (to cope with something) harder and harder).

The role of adverbs in a sentence

Where should adverbs appear in a sentence? Their place is determined by the words that surround them and the appearance (depending on the classification). Generally speaking, in most cases adverbs occur before a participle or adjective, BUT after the verb.

  • Adverbs of time and place

Most often they are placed either at the beginning or at the end of a sentence. Important! First we answer the question ‘’Where?’’, and only then – ‘’When?’’ => I will be working in the gatden tomorrow (Tomorrow I will work in the garden).

  • Adverbs of manner

They must be placed either at the end of the sentence or after the semantic verb => We were trying very hard (We tried very hard).

  • Introductory structures

If a word functions as an introductory construction, then it is located at the end or at the beginning of the sentence => Fortunately, we took umbrella (Fortunately, we took an umbrella).

  • Adverbs of degree

They should be placed before the adjective or semantic verb, or after the auxiliary verb =>

  1. These guys were so handsome! (These guys were so attractive!)
  2. The Professor almost finished checking the essays (The Professor almost finished checking the essays).
  • Adverbs of frequency

Take place before the semantic verb or between the auxiliary and semantic verbs =>

  1. He is always ready to say something interesting (He is always ready to say something interesting).
  2. My brother usually wakes up early in the morning (My brother usually wakes up early in the morning).

Let's sum it up

Knowing the ways of forming adverbs and the main nuances, you will be able to communicate with ease, choosing the right and most successful words. Remember that the English language has many exceptions to the rules, so these words need to be learned by heart. Remember: free communication is communication without the fear of saying something wrong. Be confident in your knowledge and communicate freely! Good luck and brilliant results!

An adverb is a part of speech that denotes an action expressed by a verb, or a property expressed by an adjective or other adverb. An adverb can also indicate the circumstances under which an action occurs. Adverb answers questions where? (Where?), when? (When?), and how? (How?, how much?) with different words: how long? (how long?), how fast? (how fast?), etc.

An adverb can be formed by adding a suffix to a noun or adjective -lу, for example: day (day) - dai ly(daily); quick (quick) - quick ly(fast).

    Some adverbs have the same form as adjectives. Among them are:
  • having one form, for example: long - long, long; fast - fast, quickly; late - late, late; early - early, early;
  • having two forms with the same meaning, for example: loud - loud, loudly and loudly - loudly; slow - slow, slowly and slowly - slowly;
  • having two forms with different meanings, for example: late - late, late and lately - long ago; near - close, close and nearly - almost.

In English, as in Russian, there are different groups of adverbs - adverbs of time, place, etc.

    Adverbs of place
  • here - here, here
  • where - where, where
  • there - there, there
  • nowhere - nowhere

Example: My friend lives here (My friend lives here).

    Adverbs of time
  • when - when
  • today - today
  • now - now
  • yesterday - yesterday
  • often - often
  • tomorrow - tomorrow
  • always - always
  • usually - usually

Example: Doesn't usually go to bed at ten o'clock (He usually goes to bed at 10 o'clock).

    Adverbs of manner
  • well - good
  • easily - easy
  • fast - quickly
  • loudly - loudly
  • quickly - quickly
  • together - together
  • slowly - slowly
  • strongly - strongly

Example: My friend speaks English well (My friend speaks English well).

    Adverbs of measure and degree
  • little - little
  • very - very
  • a lot - a lot
  • too - too
  • many - a lot
  • quite - quite
  • much - a lot
  • enough - quite

Examples: Not reads a lot (He reads a lot); She eats too much (She eats too much).

Adverbs are often used as question words and are placed at the beginning of a question sentence. Questions that begin with question words (adverbs and pronouns) are called special questions.

English adverbs, like Russian ones, are unchangeable, but some of them form degrees of comparison; The methods of education are the same. There are different degrees: positive, comparative, excellent, for example: fast (fast) - faster (faster) - fastest (fastest).

The comparative degree is formed in monosyllabic adverbs using a suffix -er more (more, more). The superlative degree is formed in monosyllabic adverbs using a suffix -est, for polysyllabic ones - using an adverb most (most).

    The rules for adding suffixes are the same.
  • soon - soon er— soon est
  • early-early er— earli est(early - earlier - first of all)
  • far - farth er— farth est(far - further - farthest)
  • often — more often — most often (often - more often - most often)
  • rarely — more rarely — most rarely (rarely - less often - least often)
  • easily more easily most easily (easy - easier - easiest)
    Some adverbs form degrees of comparison in a special way: the positive degree has one root, and the comparative and superlative have another. There are few such cases:
  • well - better - best(good - better - best)
  • badly - worse - worst(bad - worse - worst of all)
  • many - more - most(a lot: about number - more - most of all)
  • much - more - most(a lot: about mass and volume - more - most of all)
  • little - less - least(few: about quantity - less - least of all)

It is important to know! Don't be confused well(good) and good(good), badly(bad) and bad(bad); these are different parts of speech: well and badly are adverbs, and good and bad are adjectives. However, their degrees of comparison are the same.

In order to distinguish adverbs from adjectives in sentences, you need to remember: the adjective acts as a determiner (which? - good), and the adverb is a circumstance (how? - good). In English, a linking verb can be followed by an adjective, but not an adverb, for example: The weather is nice. Sometimes in Russian translation an adverb is used instead of an adjective, for example: It is bad.

Adverbs can occupy different places in a sentence.
Adverbs of time(tomorrow, today, yesterday, etc.) are placed at the very end or at the very beginning, before the subject. For example: I saw him yesterday (I saw him yesterday). Tomorrow he will come to us (Tomorrow he will come to us).

    Adverbs of frequency, expressing regularity and repeatability (often, never, always, already, sometimes, usually, etc.), occupy different places depending on the predicate:
  • after a linking verb (be) in a compound nominal predicate (Present and Past Simple), for example: Not is never late (He is never late);
  • right before the verb, if the predicate is a simple verb (Present and Past Simple), for example: Not often plays in the park (He often plays in the park);
  • between the auxiliary and semantic verbs, if the predicate is a complex verb (Present Continuous), for example: She is always making tea (She always makes tea).

Adverbs of degree(very, quite, too) are usually placed before the word they refer to. For example: I am very glad to see you (I am very glad/glad to see you). This test is too easy.
It is important to know! Adverb too in the meaning “too, also” it is placed at the end of the sentence, for example: She will go to school too (She will also go to school). Adverb also has the same meaning, but it does not have a permanent place in the sentence, and it is subject to the rule that exists for adverbs of frequency, for example: She will also go to school.

Even those who claim that the English language is difficult cannot help but agree that the adverbs in the English language are incredibly easy to understand. They are simple to build, and there are very few exceptions to the rules.

You cannot begin to explain the construction of adverbs without understanding what they are all about. It is not difficult for us, Russian-speaking people, to learn how to use this part of speech, primarily because the Russian language already has similar words that are built according to the same principle.

If we turn to the Russian dialect, then it means a sign of the action of an object, its quality and condition. It answers the following questions: How? When? Why? How many? Where? Where? how long? An adverb can refer to an adjective and even another adverb, describing their characteristics. In a word, this part of speech is very capacious, without it the Russian language would be significantly impoverished.

English adverbs

Using adverbs is not a very difficult task, because we cope with it very well in our native speech. Adverbs in the English language are not fundamentally different from their Russian “brothers”, so their assimilation is very accessible and does not require much effort.

All adverbs in the English language are divided into three main groups, namely: simple (consisting of one word that just needs to be learned, like any other English), complex and derivative. Let's take a closer look at them.

Types of adverbs in English

  • Simple adverbs that are represented in one word, and no endings or suffixes need to be added to them, for example: often, now, never.
  • Derived adverbs, or adverbs formed by adding a suffix or ending. Such suffixes are: ly, ward(s), like. For example, cold+ly - coldly - cold, slow+ly - slowly - slowly. Examples of the use of other suffixes are as follows: backwards - back, clockwise - clockwise.
  • Complex adverbs consisting of two words that are written either separately or together. For example, sometimes - sometimes, everywhere - everywhere, everybody - everyone, everyone, forever - forever.

After studying the table, you will understand that there is nothing simpler than adverbs in the English language! The table is presented below.


Words that strongly resemble adverbs still exist in the English language. However, there are not many of them, and they are not difficult to remember.

For example, the word hardly very similar to an adverb, although in fact in translation it means “barely”, whereas the word hard is a simple adverb and is translated as “diligently.”

There are also a number of words that look just like adjectives, but are actually adverbs. Among these words are the following: friendly - friendly, silly - stupid, lovely - cute, olderly - elderly.

A completely logical question arises: how not to get confused and start using an adverb instead of an adjective in speech and vice versa?

In fact, everything is very simple: you just need to remember that in English everything is very clear, and every word has its place in a sentence. If the word causing doubt comes before a noun, it is an adjective; if it comes before a verb, then it is an adverb. For a clearer understanding, here are some examples:

They are so freindly people! - They are such friendly people! In this case, a noun is described, which means friendly- is an adjective.

He is driving very quickly - He drives the car very quickly. In this example quickly characterizes a verb, being, in turn, an adverb.

Adverb as an adverb

Adverbs can be divided not only according to their structure, but also according to the type of circumstance by which they are expressed.

  • Temporal adverbs express temporal characteristics, for example: now - now, now, rarely. Adverbs of time in English are responsible for time indicators and are a very important part of speech.
  • Adverbs indicating location: behind - behind, there - there, here - here.
  • Adverbs that characterize how an action occurs: loadly - loud, sadly - sad, quietly - quiet.
  • Adverbs characterizing quantity and degree: little - little, quite - quite.

Without such words, speech would look poor and meager, but, fortunately, they exist and greatly decorate the English language!

Matching adverbs and adjectives

Very often, adverbs are completely similar to adjectives, differing only in their place in the sentence, which helps to determine what is in front of us in this case.

For example, cheap- is both an adjective (“cheap”) and an adverb (“cheap”).

Let's look at examples:

  • This car was very cheap. - This car was very cheap. In this case cheap refers to a noun, respectively, being an adjective.
  • I have eaten very cheap - I ate very cheap. In this sentence, cheap characterizes an action and is an adverb.

Comparing adverbs

It turns out that English adverbs can also be compared, like adjectives.

The principle of operation is the same, namely: there are the same two degrees of comparison - comparative and superlative, which are formed in exactly the same way as in the case of adjectives. Isn't this a gift?

  • The comparative degree can be obtained by adding the ending -er to the adverb if the word is simple. For example, hard+-er - harder. And of course, an example of use in a sentence: You should study harder and harder to learn French. - To learn French, you have to study harder and harder. If the adverb is long, then it is added more. For example: You look more happily than yesterday. -You look happier than yesterday.
  • formed by analogy with the same degree as adjectives, namely by adding the ending -est for short words and most- for long ones. For example: he has run the fastest - He ran the fastest. Just don’t forget about the definite article the! Its presence is mandatory before the excellent
  • However, even here there are exceptions. Let's look at them in table form:

As can be seen from the table, all exceptions almost exactly repeat the exceptions

Adverbs in the English language can and should be memorized and used for better assimilation.

Shall we practice? Yes, this is simply necessary! In order, write the degrees of comparison for the following adverbs:

  1. slowly;
  2. easily;
  3. perfectly;
  4. little;
  5. fast.

No doubt you did great. Congratulations! Using adverbs in English should no longer cause difficulties, for which you can be congratulated!

Hello my dear readers.

Adverbs in English are quite an interesting phenomenon of speech, have you ever thought? Probably only in nouns there are as many exceptions. But don’t worry, today we will put everything in order so neatly that you will never have doubts about the correct use of this part of speech. I will give you rules of use, show you the most commonly used words and even give you a list of them with translation.

What it is?

Adverbs are words that usually describe verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, or even a whole sentence.

Little understood? Well, let's figure it out.

These are small words that most often end in ly. For example, ly quick - fast well. Most schoolchildren identify them by this ending. But don’t rely on this alone, because there are adverbs that you simply won’t recognize. For example, .

- Fine

  • In general, the rules of use can be described as follows:

Adverbs can describe how an action occurs: slowly They were drivingdue to the traffic. -From behind traffic jams They were driving.

slowly We walked in. - carefully We carefully came in.

  • inside

Can indicate place - adverbs of place: There was hisphone

. - His phone was there. I am absolutely sure you left your book somewherein the library. - I absolutely, sure What You left Wherebook That V.

  • library

They can even denote time - adverbs of time: They are going to the countryside. - today They That are going village.

Today tomorrow. - carefully We are leaving for the meeting we're leaving on negotiation.

  • Tomorrow:

And they can even express frequency - so-called adverbs of frequency often She visits her grandmother notenough. - She not enough often visits.

grandma usually They- today go to the Caribbean twice a year. usually we're leaving drive Caribs That twice.

year The place in the sentence depends on the part of speech to which the adverb refers

. For example: often Jane goes the to swimmingpool. — Jane often goes to the pool

.(before verb) We walked in. - He was driving very He led car Very. carefully

(after the verb)

Adverb formation

The question “how are adverbs formed” is a very interesting one, because everything here is not so simple. To make it easier for you to remember, I have a table for you, after which the formation of adverbs will no longer be a problem for you. As I said, the beacon by which you can identify an adverb is the ending–ly

. Adverb suffixes are constant in their use, so follow the detailed rule. Example
Rule ly Adjective + - ly careful - careful ly
, soft - soft If the adjective ends iny I agree+ ily - change to y cos ily-coz y,heav ily
-heav Adjectives on ic - added ally Adjectives on dramat - added- dramatic Adjectives on- tragic - added BUT: public - public cly.
The adjective ends with le- change it to ly horrib le-horrib ly,probab le-probab ly
-heav e- add ly scarc e- scarce ly BUT: whole - wholly, true - truly

They often take their roots from adjectives. Yes, it is education that makes them so simple. We simply add the suffix and voila - the adverb is ready.

Happy - happy -Happily - happily.

Cheap - cheap -Cheaply - cheap

Comfortable - comfortable -Comfortably - comfortable

But be very careful, because there are adjectives that, with the addition of an ending ly can completely change their meaning. Let's look at examples.


Adverb Example
Easy- slowly and softly Easily- no difficulties She There dancing easy . - She danced slowly. She won the competition easily . - She won the competition without difficulty.
Free- for free Freely- willingly You can enter the museum free if you have a loyalty card. - You can enter the museum for free if you have a loyalty card. She followed him freely . - She willingly followed him.
Hard- intensely, with effort Hardly- hardly He There working hard goes get this promotion. - He worked hard to get that promotion. . Can indicate place - adverbs of place: is hardly any sugar left. - There was hardly any sugar left.
High- high

Highly- very much

They were flying too high. - They were flying too high. He was a highly respected project manager.- He was a highly respected project manager.
Last- last Lastly- finally He was the last to know everything.- He was the last one to know about everything. Lastly they managed to hand in the project. - They were finally able to deliver the project.
Late- late Lately- recently He came home late at night.- He returned home late at night. He called me lately to know if I had his folder with contracts. - He called recently to see if I had his folder with contracts.
Near- near Nearly- almost There is a market near the house.- There is a market next to the house. Nearly all the employees signed the document.- Almost all employees signed the document .

Remember all the exceptions? Remember, because these are the ones you will meet in every test and exercise.

And yet, I promised you to divide everything into groups. Adverbs of time, adverbs of degree... - everything is in this table.

Types of adverbs

Place: Can indicate place - adverbs of place: - there

Here - Here

Inside - inside

Above - above

Somewhere - somewhere
They moved I am absolutely sure you left your book . - They moved somewhere. She left her pursue inside the house. - She left her purse inside the house.
Time : Now - Now

Then - Then

Tomorrow - Tomorrow

Today - Today

Recently - recently

Never - never

Always - Always

Usually - usually

Seldom - rarely
We bought a new fridge recently . - We recently bought a new refrigerator .

She says she never tells lies. - She claims she never lies .

He usually leaves the work the last one. - He is usually the last one to leave work.
Measure and degree : Hardly - hardly

Much - a lot of

Little - few

Enough - enough

Too - too much
The teacher said that there were not enough arguments in my essay.- The teacher said that my essay did not have enough arguments.
Modus operandi: Well . Most schoolchildren identify them by this ending. But don’t rely on this alone, because there are adverbs that you simply won’t recognize. For example, Fast quick He was running fast to become the first in the competition. - He ran fast to be first in the competition.

Of course, it is simply impossible to fit everything I know about this part of speech into one lesson. That's why I've prepared a whole series of lessons for you. In other articles you can read about, and even to consolidate your knowledge.

Yes, my dears, adverbs are not the most difficult section, but it’s still worth paying attention to. Using them will make your speech incredibly lively, and sentences with adverbs will add depth to your written speech. So don't neglect them.

Well, my dears, it's time to say goodbye. Remember that to learn a language quickly and effectively, you just need to subscribe to the blog's newsletter. I regularly share useful materials and tips from personal experience with blog subscribers. Stay up to date with events.

That's all for today.

See you again, my dears.

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