Sample logbook for recording coolant parameters. Thermal energy logbook

The installed heat meter calculates the amount of thermal energy that is spent on heating the room. Each of the objects consuming such energy has a maximum thermal load (Gcal/hour), obtained taking into account the air temperature in the street and in the room. In this formula, the minimum air temperature is determined depending on the geographical location of the object based on statistical indicators for several previous years.

When specific month heating season ends, the calculated load is recalculated taking into account the actual average monthly temperature.

As users already know, heat meters can be installed both on an entire apartment building and on a separate apartment. In this article we will consider the question of how to take and transmit heat meter readings.

Household heat meter: how to take readings?

Heat metering devices can measure this heat in different units (for example, megawatts, gigacalories or kilojoules). Heat is most often measured in gigacalories, since it is in these units of measurement that heat supply organizations calculate and set the price for heating.

A good solution would be to create a separate journal where the heat meter readings will be regularly recorded (see example below). It is optimal to record information on the last day of each month, when you already know exactly how much heat was consumed during the month. Keeping such a log will help control and verify the accuracy of the data of the management company, on the basis of which payments for heat are issued to consumers.

IN currently, according to the new rules for commercial heat metering, the keeping of an accounting log has been cancelled. This is due to the fact that modern metering devices can read information from the meter directly, or through a computer or flash drive.

Among the new type of heat meters, there are quite compact models made of special grade steel. The operation of such devices is provided by batteries, the service life of which is 10 years. At the top of the meter there is a screen that displays data regarding energy consumption, as well as basic parameters specific system heat supply, such as: flow rates (current and instantaneous), information on temperatures, information on the state of the heat meter (including error codes), as well as archive information for several previous months.

It is important to keep in mind that if an old meter is installed in an apartment building, then at the next verification it will definitely need to be replaced with a new one, but for now you should continue to keep a log of the readings. To fill it out correctly, you need to read the meter’s operating instructions (maintenance section), which is necessarily attached to each thermal energy meter.

Heat meter readings: reading and transmission

Specific readings are displayed on the indicator by pressing the button/buttons on the front panel of the device. To correctly submit information, you will need to remove the following information:

  • Thermal energy Q (Gcal, GCal, GJ, MWh);
  • Mass of the coolant in the supply pipeline M1 (t);
  • Mass of coolant in the return pipeline M2 (t);
  • Temperature in the supply pipeline T1 (°C);
  • Temperature in the return pipeline T2 (°C);
  • Timer (h).

An example of filling out a log of readings from a thermal energy meter

date Quantity of heat, Q, Gcal Temperature of the coolant on the supply pipe T1, °C Temperature of the coolant in the return pipeline T2, °C Mass of coolant along the supply pipe M1, t Mass of coolant through the return pipeline M2, t Timer, h
1 3 4 5 6 7 8
01.02.17 7423.41 85,5 44,4 2521 2435 1785
02.02.17 7445.87 84,1 43,2 2631 2545 1809
03.02.17 7456.85 80,6 42,3 2738 2659 1833

As a rule, meters can also display information about the volume of coolant (V, m3), both in the supply and return pipelines, however, when filling out the log, you should indicate the parameter (mass or volume of coolant) that is determined by the act acceptance into operation of a specific metering device. Heat meter readings are taken every day (exceptions are weekends and holidays), at a certain time, and with entry into the appropriate columns of the heat consumption log. Based on this information, a protocol/statement is drawn up for subsequent transmission within a specified period of time to the heat supply company. This should be done before a specific date that each heat supplier sets for consumers independently.

Quite often there are cases when persons authorized by consumers to monitor and take readings from the heating meter make mistakes. In order to ensure uninterrupted operation of the heat meter and correctly take readings from it, the following rules should be followed:

  1. You cannot entrust readings from the heat meter to untrained persons;
  2. Data collection must be carried out in a timely manner, and then the heat meter readings must be transmitted within the established time frame;
  3. If any malfunctions are noticed in the operation of the heat meter, this should be immediately reported to the relevant authorities (heat supply and service organizations).

Residential heat energy meter: how to correctly take and transmit readings?

Readings from residential heat meters should be taken by analogy with water meters. The only difference is that heat meters display several indicators on the indicator and to select the one you need, you should carefully read the operating instructions and strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. After receiving the necessary information, the receipt for payment for thermal energy you should enter the difference in readings for the previous and reporting periods, multiply it by the tariff established in the region, and pay the resulting amount.

Currently, modern heat metering devices are equipped with a built-in interface that allows you to read data automatically. For example, the domestically produced Kombik-T meter has a built-in radio antenna, which allows you to take readings from the device even without entering the apartment. It should be noted that a water meter (water meter) with a pulse output can be connected to such a device, which will allow you to take readings of water consumption (hot and cold) also without visual contact. Installing such metering devices will be a good solution for people who often go on business trips or trips and cannot personally meet the controller who comes to take readings.

Please note that an individual heat meter can only be installed in apartments that have horizontal piping and separate coolant inlets. In houses with heating systems with vertical wiring, individual meters are not installed.

From the information provided in this article, we can conclude that the procedure for taking and transmitting heat meter readings should be treated with sufficient measure responsibility.

In general, such a document is necessary in order to keep records of daily heat meter readings. In the future, the log will need to be provided to the heat supply institution for reporting purposes.

In an organization, the person appointed responsible for such a procedure is responsible for maintaining such a journal on a continuous basis. It is this employee who must control the consumption of thermal energy and the costs of them in the form of money. After submitting the reporting statement to the heat supply company, the organization will be issued an invoice, according to which the owner of the enterprise will have to pay for the heating supply. In some cases, an analysis of operating hours, errors and coolant flow rates is required. However, this condition is not required to be met.

Thermal energy consumption in the case of a closed type heat supply system should not have jumps or sudden changes. The flow rates for both pipelines should be approximately the same. This data is entered into the thermal energy accounting log, a sample of which can be found on the Internet. Records should be kept here for all days of operation of the enterprise. Drawing water is also prohibited here. However, there are acceptable error rates for the return and supply pipeline types. It is installed by the factory itself. The indicators should not exceed the size of such an error.

Each heat supply company has certain tariffs for thermal energy costs. Sometimes at the cost of two various types pipelines there is an error allowed by heat supply companies and the plant. However, not all heat supply institutions clearly understand the documents provided in the form of heat energy accounting logs. Some companies may add additional fees, while others may skip this fact. Here you should pay attention to the specific tariff at which accruals are made - hot water or network water. In some cases, you can try to find out what such charges are associated with.

Also, the form of the thermal energy and coolant accounting log contains temperature indicators. This is one of the first aspects that a heating supply company pays attention to. More precisely, the difference in such temperatures is of particular importance. As a rule, employees of such bodies look specifically at the average indicators of similar values ​​for a certain period (year, month, quarter). Such values ​​must fully comply with the established temperature schedule. It is printed by the heat supply company. It acts as one of the annexes to the agreement between the heat supply company and a specific organization. In principle, the heating supply institution does not always pay attention to the exact coincidence of temperatures with the schedule. They usually check approximate values. A difference of five to eight degrees is considered small. In this situation, the heat supply company may make claims or recalculate. Often an order is issued regarding the installation of a throttle washer.

In addition, the form of the thermal energy accounting log contains indicators such as Gcal. The heat supply company also checks this indicator. As a rule, inspections begin at the beginning of the heating season, immediately before it starts. The compliance of such values ​​in the heating supply institution must be checked every year by the responsible inspector. The procedure is carried out at the moment the accounting node is admitted to commercial accounting. The check can also be carried out by specialists who accept logs with readings for calculating payment for consumed Gcal. Checking is also necessary in case of system failures.

To control consumption, comply with consumption limits in enterprises or multi-storey buildings A log of electricity meter readings is kept for the period determined in accordance with the electricity supply agreement. The purpose of its maintenance is to determine costs electrical energy per unit of production. It is carried out by collecting data from stationary or portable devices.

Important! Installation or removal of meters for technical accounting at enterprises can be carried out without permission from the energy supply organization.

Logging Rules

The table forms contain the following columns:

  • with the date and name of the connection object;
  • type, device number, its previous and subsequent readings;
  • transformation indicator;
  • total and planned electricity costs;
  • initials and signature of the responsible employee.

But the shape of the tables may differ for various objects power supply depending on the region of location and connection diagram of electricity metering devices. energy.

How to keep a log of meter readings

The magazine must have the appropriate numbering, be laced and sealed with the seal of the enterprise.

It is kept by the employee responsible for electrical facilities or by the operational duty officer of the enterprise. The rules for its maintenance and settlement provide for the following procedures:

  • We take electricity meter data at least once a month. The readings taken are recorded in the columns for the meter standards at the beginning and end of the month, rounded to one tenth of a kW.
  • The determination of consumed electricity is carried out by multiplying the difference in device readings at the beginning and end of the month by a coefficient that takes into account the decrease in voltage power transmitted to the device contacts according to the formula:

P = (P1 – P2)*Ktr

where: P – total consumption of electrical energy;

P1 and P2 – data from the counter at the beginning and end of the month, respectively;

Ktr – transformation ratio, taking into account the decrease in voltage power.

  • In agreement with the head of the organization, the meter data is verified and recorded in a journal indicating the person who carried it out.
  • Every 1st of the month, the production manager checks electricity consumption and submits a written report to the accounting department.
  • If the meter is replaced or its characteristics change, the current sheet of the document must be closed, and the data is transferred to the next page.

Attention! Corrections and blots in records are not allowed.

What is transformation ratio

Direct connection of high voltage current to the electrical network of enterprises and homes is impractical due to the possibility of breakdown of traditional electricity meters. Therefore, in large enterprises and multi-storey buildings, it is envisaged to use a special device that takes into account the reduction in voltage across the device contacts by tens of times. The conversion factor for such equipment is indicated in its characteristics.


Monthly reading of electricity meters allows you to control electricity consumption, compliance with consumption limits, and also monitor the serviceability of equipment. Despite the differences in the forms of tables in different regions and business entities, filling them has a single goal - determining energy consumption.


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You ordered a thin magazine again.
Perhaps you need a magazine with big amount pages and other characteristics.
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Article: 00517308
Year: 2018
Format: 297x210
Binding: Paperback
Bonding method: Clip

Setting up a block of pages

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Pages: 10 (sheets: 20) (60 pages recommended )

Select number of pages

Paper density: ?

48 gr./sq.m- thin, inexpensive paper with a slightly grayish or woody tint. Used for printing newspapers or similar products. It has low density and, accordingly, low wear resistance. The advantage of this paper is its low price.

65 gr./sq.m- bleached paper. Widely used in printing books, magazines, etc.

80 gr./sq.m- bleached paper. Used for printing books, magazines, etc. Used in household printers. The strength of this paper is significantly higher than the previous two types of paper. It is recommended to order magazines from this paper for production (dust, dirt), catering units (wet hands), etc.

Number, lace, seal: ?

You receive printed products numbered, laced and prepared for sealing in accordance with current regulatory documents:

The cost of lacing and fastening is 45 rubles.

9 out of 10 buyers order lacing and sealing
And 7 out of 10 additionally order page numbering


Page numbering starts with title page to the last page of the magazine. Page numbers are located in the lower corners of the magazine.


The magazine block is punched through two holes with a diameter of 6 mm, which are located at a distance of 80 mm from each other, from the spine side in the middle of the magazine.


The magazine is laced with a special lavsan thread threaded through the holes of the hole punch. Secure with a cardboard insert and a printable sticker.

Setting up the cover

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Sewing-adhesive bonding ? Sewing binding

(makes binding more durable)

Sewing binding During the manufacturing process, printed sheets are used that are folded, assembled with notebooks and stitched together with threads, which gives the block high strength. Next, this block is inserted into the binding cover. (One binding cover is used, consisting of 2.5 mm cardboard covered with paper vinyl). Then the block is connected to the lid using a flyleaf - a sheet of paper. A captal is glued to the upper and lower parts of the spine of the block for visual beauty and completeness of the product.

Emboss on the cover: ?

The name of the magazine is completely transferred by embossing to the cover; gold foil is mainly used (but silver, blue, and red are also available). You can emboss: the name of the organization, logo, any combination of letters, numbers and drawings.

The cost of embossing work is 80 rubles.

If you have uploaded your company logo, we can emboss it along with the magazine name

Number, lace, seal: ? According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 “On work books” Receipt and expense book for accounting of work book forms and inserts in it And traffic record book work records and inserts in them must be numbered, laced, certified by the signature of the head of the organization, and also sealed with a wax seal or sealed.

More about softcover Softcover- one of the most inexpensive and quickly produced bindings.

The binding cover is made of thick paper with a density of 160 g/m2; at your request, the cover can be laminated.

After the cover is ready and the block is printed, they are fastened with a paper clip, and if there are more than 60 pages in the block, then the bonding is carried out using a hot-melt adhesive machine.

Soft binding, due to its ease of execution and affordable price, is the most popular and one of the most affordable types of binding.

Cover color: white

Laminate the cover: ?
Lamination- This is the coating of printed products with film. Lamination will allow you to maintain an attractive look for a long time. appearance printed products and reliably protect them from contamination and mechanical damage. We carry out single-sided and double-sided lamination up to A1 format using special devices - laminators. The main purpose of hot lamination is to protect the image from various external influences, which may include spilled coffee, all kinds of attempts to wrinkle, scrape, scratch the image, wet cleaning of premises, rain, snow. But experienced users also know about another valuable property of lamination: it can significantly improve image quality. When using glossy films, the image “appears” and the colors become more contrasting and richer. The "develop" effect gives inexpensive laminated paper the appearance of luxurious photo paper.

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