Obraztsov Sergey Vladimirovich - biography. Sergei Obrazov Interesting facts from the life of Sergei Obrazov

Obraztsov Sergei Vladimirovich (1901-1992), Russian actor, director and puppeteer. People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1971), laureate of the Lenin (1984) and State (1946) prizes. Born on June 22 (July 5), 1901 in Moscow, the son of academician V.N. Obraztsov.

After graduating from a real school, he entered the Vkhutemas (Higher Art and Theater Workshops) in the painting department. In 1922-1930, an actor at the Moscow Art Theater Music Studio (from 1926 - Musical Theatre them. Nemirovich-Danchenko), in 1930-1936 - Moscow Art Theater 2nd. The first took place in 1923 solo performance Obraztsova with dolls. Until 1931 Obraztsov combined acting work with musical and drama theaters with concert activities.

In September 1931 Obraztsov became artistic director the newly created State Central Puppet Theater. The first premiere of the theater took place on April 17, 1932 (the play Jim and the Dollar based on the play by A. Globa). Without doubting the ability of the puppet theater to be needed and useful people, Obraztsov believed that the dramaturgy of the new theater should be born along with the theater, in the process of its searches and experiments. Over 60 years of work in the theater, they staged more than 70 performances for children and adults.

The dramaturgy of the productions was explosive and not too subtle: Obraztsov was fond of parody, which enlivened performances for adults, however, equally addressed to children. The theater led by him gave performances in more than 350 cities of the USSR and 90 cities of foreign countries.

Obraztsov's first short puppet film Looking at the Ray of the Polar Sunset appeared in 1938. This was followed by documentaries In London (1956), The Tale of the Penguins (1958), The Movie Camera Accuses (1968), The Incredible Truth (1970), etc. Obraztsov staged plays by Poe pike command(1936) E. Tarakhovskaya, The Night Before Christmas (1941) E. Speransky based on the story by N. Gogol, The Deer King (1943) Speransky based on the play by C. Gozzi, An Extraordinary Concert (1946) Obraztsova, Ilya Muromets peasant son(1951) V. Kurdyumova, The Divine Comedy(1961) and Noah's Ark (1968) by I. Shtok et al.

President of the International Union of Puppeteers (1976-1984, since 1984 - honorary president), professor of GITIS (since 1973), member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, author widely famous books on issues of art and journalistic nature (Actor with a Puppet, 1938; My Profession, 1950; About what I saw, learned and understood during two trips to London, 1956; Theater of the Chinese People, 1957, etc.), directed by Obraztsov performances included in the Guinness Book of Records, sang romances, performed with solo concerts, hosted cultural programs on television.

Obraztsov died in Moscow on May 8, 1992. In order to develop its richest creative heritage in 1998, the S.V. Obraztsov Foundation was created, the founders of which were members of the Obraztsov family, as well as cultural figures, scientists, representatives of the business world, GACC. S.V. Obraztsova.

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Obraztsov was an artist of the Moscow Art Theater Music Studio (since 1926 - the Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater), in 1930-1936 he worked in the Moscow Art Theater 2 troupe, performing sharp-character roles.

In parallel with his studies, Obraztsov performed in group concerts with amateur puppet performances. For the first time since theater puppets Obraztsov performed in 1920, his first spectators were Konstantin Stanislavsky, Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vsevolod Meyerhold, Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Acting in the parody genre of "romances with dolls", by the mid-1930s it became popular artist stage. The object of his parodies was vulgarity, characteristic of the performances of some pop actors, and philistine philistinism (“A Minute,” “We Just Acquaintances, How Strange,” “Pour a Glass,” “We Were Sitting with You,” “Habanera”).

In 1931, Sergei Obraztsov headed the State Central Puppet Theater (now the State Academic Central Puppet Theater named after S.V. Obraztsov). He developed the theory and methodology of theater, created a repertoire, and trained a creative cadre of actors and directors. His productions are included in the golden fund of domestic and world theatrical arts. Among them: “At Pike’s Command” (1936), “Puss in Boots” (1937), “ Magic lamp Aladdin" (1940), "The Deer King" (1943), "Merry Little Bears" (1945), "An Extraordinary Concert" (1946), "The Divine Comedy" (1961), "Don Juan" (1975) and others. great audience popularity, they are still performed on the theater stage.

Obraztsov also led teaching activities, he was a professor at the State Institute of Theater Arts (GITIS).

Since 1976, he has been president of the International Union of Puppeteers - UNIMA.

The system of directing and acting work was outlined by Obraztsov in his books “Actor with a Doll” (1938), “My Profession” (1950). He also wrote the books “Relay Race of Arts”, “On the Steps of Memory”, “My Kunstkamera”, “What I Saw, Learned and Understood During Two Trips to London” (1956), “Theater of the Chinese People”, etc. .

Sergei Obraztsov is the creator of the genre of documentary film monologue, author of the films “The Cinema Camera Accuses”, “The Amazing is Nearby”, “The Incredible Truth”, “Who Needs Him, This Vaska”.

The director's work has been noted by various state awards. Sergey Obraztsov - National artist USSR (1954), laureate of the USSR State Prize (1946), Hero of Socialist Labor (1971). He was awarded three Orders of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, and the Polish Order of the Smile.

Obraztsov's name was given to the State Academic Central Puppet Theater, which he directed.

In 2001, the Apartment Museum, where Sergei Obraztsov lived and worked, was opened to visitors.

In 2006, next to the building puppet theater A monument to Obraztsov was unveiled in Moscow.

A two-deck boarding ship is named after Sergei Obraztsov.

Obraztsov was married twice. In 1919 he married a teacher orphanage Sofya Smyslova. On December 28, 1922, their son Alexei was born, and in the summer of 1928 their daughter Natalya was born. Soon after the birth of her daughter, Sophia died.

In 1931, Obraztsov married the Moscow Art Theater-2 artist Olga Shaganova.

Obraztsov's son Alexey became an architect. Daughter Natalya was an artist at the Central Puppet Theater.

His granddaughter Ekaterina is an Honored Artist of Russia, director of the Puppet Theater named after S.V. Obraztsova.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

    Obraztsov, Sergey Vladimirovich- Sergey Vladimirovich Obraztsov. OBRAZTSOV Sergei Vladimirovich (1901 92), director and actor of the puppet theater. Since 1920 he performed on stage, performing parody “romances with dolls.” Since 1931, the head of the Moscow Central Puppet Theater, developed... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Genus. 1901, d. 1992. Actor, director. Head of the Central Puppet Theater (since 1931). In 1976 84 President of the International Union of Puppeteers (honorary president since 1984). Laureate of the State (1946) and Lenin (1984) prizes. People's... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    - (1901 92) Russian actor, director, People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1971). Son of V.N. Obraztsov. Since 1931 director of the Central Puppet Theater. Professor of GITIS (since 1973). President of the International Union of Puppeteers... ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    - [R. 22.6(5.7).1901, Moscow], Russian Soviet theatrical figure, actor and director, People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1971). Son of V.N. Obraztsov. In 1918-26 he studied at the painting faculty of the Higher Art... ... Big Soviet encyclopedia

    - (1901 1992), actor and director, People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1971). Son of V.N. Obraztsov. Since 1931 he headed Central Theater puppets, developed the theory and methodology of puppet theater. He staged plays for children (“By… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (1901, Moscow 1992, ibid.), director and actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1971). Son. In 191826 he studied at. In 192230 artist of the Music Studio (from 1926), in 193036. Performed... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    Obraztsov, Sergey Vladimirovich- (1901 1992) artist, director, teacher, public figure. People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1971). Since 1923, artist of the Moscow Art Theater Music Studio (1926 Musical Theater named after V.I. Nemirovich Danchenko), in 1930 36 artist... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    OBRAZTSOV Sergey Vladimirovich- , artist, director, teacher, society. activist Nar. art. USSR (1954). Hero of Social Labor (1971). Genus. in the family of a scientist and higher education figure, Acad. V. N. Obraztsova. Studied at Vkhutemas (1918 1926). Since 1923... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    Sergei Obraztsov Sergei Vladimirovich Obraztsov (1901 1992) Soviet theater figure, actor and puppet theater director, People's Artist of the USSR (1954). Obraztsov was the creator and director of the puppet theater, which was later named after him.... ... Wikipedia


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Obraztsov Sergey Vladimirovich

An outstanding theater figure, actor and director.

Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1935).
People's Artist of the RSFSR (1947).
People's Artist of the USSR (1954).

Hero socialist labor(1971), professor at the State Institute of Theater Arts named after A.V. Lunacharsky (1973), President of the International Union of Puppeteers - UNIMA (since 1976), President of the Soviet center of this organization (since 1958), laureate of the USSR State Prize (1946).

Born (June 22) July 5, 1901 in Moscow.
His father - Vladimir Nikolaevich Obraztsov - academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939), laureate State awards USSR (1942, 1943), a famous scientist, specialist in the operation of railway transport, one of the central streets of Moscow, on which the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers is located, is named after him.

In 1918 S.V. Obraztsov becomes a student at the Higher Art and Theater Workshops (Vkhutemas), a student of A.E. Arkhipov and V.A. Favorsky, but a few years later he enters Music Studio Moscow Art Theater, and since 1922, he, an actor of the Moscow Art Theater-2, has been comprehending the secrets acting profession and directing, playing alongside Bersenev, Giatsintova, Birman. Since the mid-1930s, he has gained fame as a pop artist and creator of the parody genre of “romances with dolls.” The object of his parodies was vulgarity, characteristic of the performances of some pop actors, and philistine philistinism (“A Minute,” “We just know each other, how strange,” “Pour a glass,” “We were sitting with you,” “Habanera,” etc.

In 1931 S.V. Obraztsov created a unique puppet theater and was its permanent director for more than sixty years. He did a lot to develop the theory and methodology of puppet theater, define it genre features, invention of new doll systems, raised and educated several generations brilliant actors, directors, set designers, artists and playwrights of the puppet theater, who today work in hundreds of theaters in our country and in dozens of countries around the world.

Actor-puppeteer in performances staged by S.V. Exemplary, is by no means an auxiliary figure setting the doll in motion, but the creator of the stage image. Using effective anasisis, a method of physical action, the director Obraztsov convinces that the complex process of creating an actor artistic image has the same laws in the puppet theater as in the dramatic theater. Obraztsov’s art as a director is distinguished by the depth of his analysis, the search for new solutions in the design of the screen and scenery, and the “anatomy” of the puppets.

The system of directing and acting work outlined by S.V. Exemplary in his books “Actor with a Doll” (1938), “My Profession” (1950) - a unique document of the era. He also bequeathed his rich literary and theoretical heritage to us in books: “Relay Race of Arts”, “On the Steps of Memory”, “My Kunstkamera”, “About what I saw, learned and understood during two trips to London” (1956) , “Theater of the Chinese People”, etc. All these books are stored in the theater library.

S.V. Obraztsov is the creator of the genre of documentary film monologue, author of the films “The Cinema Camera Accuses”, “The Amazing is Nearby”, “The Incredible Truth”, “Who Needs Him, This Vaska”. The original films are kept in the Theater Museum.

Obraztsov was convinced that art is the greatest diplomat, capable of bringing interests together different nations separated by thousands of kilometers. He proved this throughout his life, being outstanding public figure, a prominent scientist - corresponding member of the Berlin Academy of Arts (1955).

The creative path of Obraztsov as a director is marked by performances that are forever included in the golden fund of domestic and world theatrical art. Among them: “At Pike’s Command” (1936), “Puss in Boots” (1937), “Aladdin’s Magic Lamp” (1940), “The Deer King” (1943), “Jolly Little Bears” (1945), “An Extraordinary Concert” "(1946), "The Divine Comedy" (1961), "Don Juan" (1975) and many others. Having received the audience's love and recognition from specialists, they have not left the theater's posters to this day.

prizes and awards

Lenin Prize (1984) - for staging performances recent years(Award for works of literature and art for children)

Stalin Prize, second degree (1946) - for outstanding achievements in the field of puppet theater

State Prize of the RSFSR named after K. S. Stanislavsky (1967) - for staging performances for adults and children

Three Orders of Lenin (27.10.1967, 9.7.1971, 3.7.1981)
Two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (2.2.1946, 11.7.1961)
Order of the Smile (Poland)
Medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War" Patriotic War 1941-1945."
Medal "In memory of the 800th anniversary of Moscow"

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