The turnover used to and its combinations. What is the difference between used to and would

Do you remember your childhood? Or your past habits that you got rid of long ago? When we talk about things that happened in the past but no longer happen in the present, the English language uses several useful expressions. Today we will look at when expressions such as be used to and get used to are used and what the difference between these expressions is. Let's also look at the use of would in English. In English speech, they occur frequently. Let's take a closer look at how and where to use them.

Use of the expression Used to + infinitive and education

Let's look at when to use the used to construction in English.

1. Past habits or Repeated actions in the past

This expression is used for past habits that occurred repeatedly in the past, but no longer occur. And into Russian, we translate in the past tense.


— They used to go for a long walks – Previously, they went for long walks.
— My brother used to play chess every day, but now he doesn’t play very often – My brother played chess every day, but now he doesn’t play so often.
- When I was a child, I used to walk home alone because my dad didn’t pick me up from school – When I was a child, I walked home alone because my father didn’t pick me up from school.

2. Situations or states that are no longer true

We use the used to expression with non-action verbs () such as have, be etc. for past states that were true in the past but are no longer true.


— My dad used to have a beard - My dad used to have a beard.
—We used to live in a small house in the country - We used to live in a small house in the country.
— I used to listen to Rock but now I hate it – I used to listen to rock, but now I hate it.
— My daughter used to be very shy when she was a little girl - My daughter was very shy when she was a baby.
— I used to be shortish when I was a teenager - I was short when I was a teenager.

Take note:

In statements, the used to form does not change. We do not use the verb to be before the form. It always refers to the past tense:

— Our grandmother used to visit us on Sundays, but now she visits us on Fridays – Our grandmother visited us on Sundays, but now she visits us on Fridays.

As you can see in the example, we do not use the verb to be before the construction.

Note: Grandmother is used to visit…. or Grandmother was used to visit…

3. Used to rule in interrogative and negative sentences

To form a negative question, we use the auxiliary verb do (in the past form did) and the negative particle not. Or the reduction didn’t.

Let's look at an example:

— I didn't use to wear glasses but I do now - I didn’t wear glasses before, but now I do.

Be careful that in negation we do not write the final letter -d into the used to expression.

In the official style, the form used not to is used.

- No used not to live in the village.

To construct a question (general question), the auxiliary verb Did must be placed in first place:

Did he use to wear glasses? – Did he wear glasses before?

We answer this question: Yes, he did. Or No, he didn’t.

You can also use the word Never for negatives:

— They never used to argue- They never argued.

Watch the video in which journalists ask passersby what they did and what their habits were.

Use of Past Simple Used to

Perhaps many people get confused when they start studying this topic. In this section, we will look at the difference between used to and .

— I had a salad for supper yesterday. (Not: I used to have)

The phrase Used to in English is used for past actions. For real actions, we should use normally or usually with the words:

—We usually wake up very early – We usually wake up very early.

Difference between Be get used to and Be used to

These expressions can lead you astray, since they are similar in structure. But we tried to explain this rule in simple words.

The expression To Be used to do something

This expression means ‘be accustomed to’ or ‘be familiar with’ - to get used to. For example, you have been doing something new for some time, but that something new or difficult is no longer new to you, you have become accustomed to it. This expression can refer to the present, past or future tense, you just need to change the verb to be.


— I work with children, so I am used to it – I work with children, so I'm used to it.
— The noise was thunderous. But the driver was used to it – The noise was deafening. But the driver is used to it.
— He’s been living in England for twenty years but he’ s still not used to driving on the left – He has lived in England for twenty years, but is still not used to driving on the left.
—We aren't used to living in tropical climates – We are not used to living in hot climates.
— She is used to watching films on PC – She is used to watching films on the computer.

Get used to doing expression

The Get used to something rule is the process of getting used to something. That is, when you get a new job or move to live in another country or city, you will get used to the new atmosphere.


— School is very different from kindergarten but you will get used to it – School is very different from kindergarten, but you will get used to it.
- She will have to get used to cooking soup without chicken if she wants to be a vegetarian. She will have to get used to making soup without chicken if she wants to be a vegetarian.
—We got used to living together – We are used to living together.
— Carmen got used to sleeping in the mornings – Carmen is used to sleeping in the morning.


The past form used to is always followed by an infinitive. To is part of the infinitive.

—When I was 15 I used to smoke 15 cigarettes a day – When I was 15, I smoked 15 cigarettes a day.

After the expressions be/get used to comes a noun or -ing form. To it is a preposition, not part of an infinitive. Therefore, when followed by a verb, it must have an -ing ending.

-I' m not used to this hot weather – I'm not used to such hot weather.
-I'm sure you' ll get used to living with Lucy – I'm sure you'll get used to living with Lucy.

Used to make a difference

When we talk about past habits, the phrase used to immediately comes to mind. But also in such cases we can consider using would. Let's see when it's used Would in English.
Design Would used for repeated actions in the past.

Sentences with would:

—When I was a kid my mother would prepare wonderful meals – When I was a child, my mother prepared wonderful meals.
— My brother would come into my room every morning, and he would often talk for a while about his ex-wife - My brother came to my room every morning and often talked about his ex-wife.
— My father would make me porridge for breakfast when I was a baby – My father made me porridge for breakfast when I was a baby.
—When I lived in Thailand, I would eat fruits for breakfast – When I lived in Thailand, I ate fruits for breakfast.

In these sentences would can be replaced with used to.

But remember that the difference between would and used to is that we don't use would with states.
We can say I used to live in the country, BUT we cannot say I would live in the country.

Would transcription and pronunciation

In the word would we never pronounce the ‘L’ sound.

Listen to how the verb would is pronounced

It's very important to relax for a few minutes, so watch another video that will cheer you up =)

To add variety to your speech, as Tim said, you can use would and .

Was going to

In the article ‘To be going to’ we mentioned this form, but we suggest once again refreshing your memory, this expression refers to the past tense. Was going to expresses actions that someone intended to do but did not do.


— I was going to pay for the food and drink, but I realized that I forgot my money at home - I was going to pay for the food and drinks, but I realized that I forgot my money at home.
—William was going to move to Russia but then he decided to stay in Bali – William was going to move to Russia, but then he decided to stay in Bali.

Bonus rule

In negative and interrogative sentences, as you already know, we do not use the final ‘d’ sound didn't use to, but many native speakers still allow themselves to use the letter ‘d’ at the end of a phrase. But remember that this is not true.

Emphatic did – gain

In English, to emphasize something, that is, to strengthen your sentence, you can use the auxiliary verb did together with the construction used to.

— I used to hate Brenda, but I did used to say hello to her – I hated Brenda, but I always said hello to her. (Do not use this form in written exams.)

Tags – dividing question

Usually after the expression used to you can use a separating question with the auxiliary verb did:

— She used to be your girlfriend, did she? – She was your girlfriend, wasn't she?

The expressions used to and would already show that the action was performed in the past. Typically, as a rule of grammar, adverbs are not used with these expressions, but if you want to emphasize a period of time, you can add an adverb:

— My sister Kathy would go for a walk every day, but now she doesn’t have enough time - My sister Katie went for a walk every day, but now she doesn’t have time.

* By the way, do you know how to say “unaccustomed to something” in English?

- Be unused to something - out of habit, to be unaccustomed to something.


—Barbara was totally unused to adult company – Barbara is completely unaccustomed to adult company.

Exercises on the covered topic

You did a great job today. We hope that you learned a lot in this article and will apply these rules in your speech. We also looked at the rules for using would, which many people confuse with the used to rule. Now you have learned everything you need to know in order to do the exercises. You will find the answers below, which you can download.

Exercise 1. Nancy found a new job. What is her life like now? Use the phrase used to or didn’t use to


Nancy used to work as a babysitter, but now she works as a model.

Before Now
She had short hair
She stayed in Moscow
She didn't earn much money
She walked to work
She gets up early
She has got long hair
She travels all the time
She earns a lot of money
She drives to work
She gets up early

Exercise 2

1. When I was little, I hated broccoli.
2. He used to call me every day.
3. She is used to sleeping after lunch.
4. We used to go for a walk, but now we don’t.
5. She is used to wearing skirts.
6. I'm still getting used to eating a lot of fruits and vegetables.
7. We used to travel a lot when we didn't have children.
8. When I was a baby, I had blue eyes.
9. Previously there were a lot of old forests here, but, unfortunately, they were all cut down.
10. Previously, the weather in summer was wonderful.

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into English.

1. I'm used to living in the UK.
2. I used to talk to people, but now I don’t. I don't trust them.
3. The weather was not so cold in June.
4. When we lived in Alaska, we wore warm clothes.
5. I didn't like chocolate when I was a child.
6. I find it difficult to get used to working with a new operating system. It will take some time.
7. I'm not used to wearing such shoes. I find them uncomfortable.
8. My parents used to go to work by car, but now they go by bus.
9. When we lived in Tokyo, we were not used to living in small apartments.
10. He used to be fat, but now he’s thin.

You can download the answers to the exercises by clicking on the button below:

Also take the online test.

In English, especially in colloquial speech, the phrase is often used used to. You can hear it in a conversation, in a film, on the radio, in a newspaper or in a work of art. In fact, these are three similar, but having different meanings: . And none of these options have the meaning “to use something”, like the verb to use. Let's look at these turns in more detail.

Table: used to \ be used to \ get used to – rules and examples

This table shows patterns, meanings, examples of the use of three types of sentences with used to. Read more detailed analysis below.

Used to Be used to Get used to


  • I used to do smth.

Only in the past tense.

  • I am used to doing smth.
  • I am used to smth.

In past and present tense.

  • I get used to doing smth.
  • I get used to smth.

In the past, present, future.

  • An action that took place in the past (no longer occurs).
  • A habitual action that has been repeated in the past.
  • Have a habit of something.
  • Get into the habit of something.
  • I used to read more in my childhood.

I read more as a child.

  • I'm used to living in New York.

I'm used to life in New York.

  • I'm used to New York.

I'm used to New York.

  • I got used to working out.

I'm used to playing sports.

  • You'll get used to this place.

You'll get used to this place.

Used to – action in the past

Offers with used to are built according to the following scheme: I used to do something.

Where instead I there can be any other subject: he, she, they, Boris, my friend, etc., but instead to do– any action expressed in the initial form, including instead of to do verb can be used to be(be). The turnover is used only in the past tense.

Turnover used to used in two cases.

1. The action took place some time in the past, but is no longer happening now.

Please note that the time period is not precisely outlined (earlier, when I was young, years ago, etc.)


I used to smoke a lot but now I don’t. - I do a lot smoked, but now I don’t smoke.

Martin used to gamble when he was younger. – Martin played into gambling when I was younger.

Smoking a lot is an action that occurred a long time in the past, and the period of time is not specifically delineated. Now this action no longer occurs (“now I don’t smoke”).

Gambling is also an action belonging to the past. The time period has blurred boundaries (“when he was younger”). In this example, it is not directly stated that Martin no longer plays, but this is clear to the interlocutor without further clarification, because this implies the turnover itself used to.

A very commonly used pattern is the type I used to be, that is, the verb “to be” is used as a verb in this scheme.

You used to be smarter. -You were smarter.

There used to be a farm here but now there is a mall. “There used to be a farm here, and now there’s a shopping center here.”

I used to be an adventurer like you then I took an arrow in the knee. “I was also an adventurer like you, but then I was wounded in the knee by an arrow.”

2. The action in the past was ordinary, repeated

In my childhood I used to read fairy tales. – As a child, I read fairy tales.

This means: I used to, had the habit of reading fairy tales, read them from time to time.

When Elvis sang, he used to take off his scarf and give it to girls in the audience. – When Elvis sang, he took off his scarf and gave it to the girls in the audience.

What I mean is that Elvis had this habit, he did this often.

Please note that in this case you can use not only used to, but also a verb. The form is also sometimes used in this meaning, but this option is less common.

In my childhood I used to read fairy tales = In my childhood I would read fairy tales.

When Elvis sang, he used to take off his scarf and give it to girls in the audience = When Elvis sang, he would take off his scarf and give it to girls in the audience.

Turnover be used to – have a habit

Sentences with this turnover are constructed according to the following schemes: I am used to do something or I am used to something.

Instead of I any other subject can be used. Instead of doing– verb with ending -ing. Not only a verb can act as a verb, but also or.

Turnover be used to Means have a habit of something. Unlike used to do something, this phrase can be used in the past and present tense.

Examples with verb object:

I am used to reading only the English Wikipedia, although my native language is Russian. - I used to it read only English-language Wikipedia, although my native language is Russian.

My friend was used to living in a small town. - My friend used to it live in a small town.

Examples with a noun and pronoun object:

That job is ok for me, I 'm used to hard work. - This job will suit me, I used to it to hard work.

I don't want to move, I 'm used to my apartment. - I don’t want to move, I used to it to your apartment.

I 'm used to it. - I used to it to that.

Verb get used to – to get used to something

Offers with turnover get used to are constructed with a verb, noun or pronoun as an object, mainly in the past and future tenses. Has the meaning: acquire a habit. Don't have a habit like be used to, namely, to acquire.

That's what we eat for dinner. Get used to it. - This is what we eat for lunch. Get used to it.

I got used to living in Canada in spite of the cold weather. - I used to it live in Canada despite the cold weather.

He doesn’t like his new job but he will get used to it. – He doesn’t like his new job, but he’s into it. will get used to it.

Interrogative and negative forms

Interrogative and negative forms of sentences with used to, be used to, get used to are built according to the following schemes:

Used to Be used to Get used to
Statement I used to sleep a lot I'm used to working hard I got used to my new job

I didn't use to sleep a lot

I'm not used to working hard I didn't get used to my new job
Question Did I use to sleep a lot? Am I used to working hard? Did I get used to my new job?

I also note that questions with used to are rarely asked. As a rule, a question can be built, for example, in or, and the answer sounds already with used to.

Let's imagine the situation. John and Mark started talking about tennis. It turned out that Mark is well versed in the topic. Naturally, John assumed that Mark was interested in tennis.

John: Do you play tennis? - Do you play tennis?

Mark: I used to. But then I had an injury. – Played (before). But then I got injured.

It would be strange if John asked this question: Did you use to play tennis? He assumed that Mark plays tennis, but I didn’t play once, and then stopped.

The construction Used to is used very often in English. Its peculiarity is that it is always in the past tense, that is, in the Past Simple, because of this it is virtually impossible to make a mistake in its conjugation.

In addition, the construction Used to does not mean “to use”, but repeated actions, moreover, in the past. Today we will analyze this phrase piece by piece and find out where and under what conditions it can be used in speech.

To begin with, pay attention to examples of some sentences with this phrase:

  • She usedtobe shy. — She used to be shy (Used to be shy).
  • Tom used to - Tom is used to smoking
  • Mary used to help her granny when she visited her. —MaryI'm used to itto helphisgrandma, Whenvisitedher.

The translation of this construction in sentences is based more on intuition than on accuracy. Agree, Used to in these sentences can be translated as “used to, often happened, often happened like this,” etc. And all because this construction means habitual recurring events in the past, but which no longer have a place to be in the present.

That is, we will translate these phrases: She used to be timid (but now she’s not). Tom used to smoke (not anymore).

If, speaking about these sentences, she would still be timid, or Tom would still smoke, then the construction Used to is no longer suitable. It will also not be suitable if the action happened only once - Tom smoked once. So, Used to is only used in events that were repeated in the past, but which no longer exist.

Let's summarize!

Let's summarize our rule and draw a conclusion.

The Used to construction is used when we are talking about actions that were repeated many times in the past, but now these actions no longer exist.

The Used to clause is not used if the action is still happening; if the action was one-time.

This phrase has three forms of formation: affirmative, negative and interrogative:

  • Tomusedtosmoke. - Tom used to smoke (Tom had the habit of smoking)
  • Tomdidn't"tusetosmoke. — Tom did not have the habit of smoking.
  • DidTomusetosmoke? — Did Tom have a habit of smoking before?

There are three main points to pay attention to:

  • The Used to construction does not change according to persons and numbers.
  • Used to has no present or future tense, only events that are repeated in the past but no longer occur in the present.
  • With this structure, action verbs and state verbs are used.

The Used to construction can be replaced by Would + infinitive, but this structure is only used with verbs that mean actions. For example:

  • I wouldvisit my aunt every morning = I used to visit my aunt every morning. - EarlierIvisitedmyaunteachmorning.

State verbs cannot be used in this meaning: I would be shy. You can only: I used to be shy. (be is a state verb).

There are some phrases that differ from Used to, but they are often confused:

The construction Be used to means “to have the habit of doing something, to be accustomed to doing something.” This construction is also used only in the Past Simple:

  • My sister is used to getting up early. - MysisterI'm used to itget upearly.
  • He is used to do his homework after school. - Heused to itdohomework after school.
  • We are used to come on time. - Wegot used to itcomeduring.

Construction Get used to - get used to something, get used to doing something, gradually get used to it. This phrase is used in different tenses:

  • The present: Tom is getting used to travel on his own. (Tom gets used to ittravelone).
  • Past: My grandparents got used to living there.(My grandparents used to live there).Did you get used to eating Japanese food? (Youused to itThere isJapaneseI'm going?)
  • Future: He will have to get used toworking every day, without weekends.(He will have to get used to working every day, seven days a week).

Let's summarize where and what structures we use:

  • Construction Used to do smth - habitual actions in the past that no longer occur (or would+ infinitive (only with action verbs).
  • Version Be used to doing smth - to have the habit of doing something.
  • Construction Get used to doing smth - Get used to it.

You see, friends - nothing complicated! Good luck to you!

Revolutions used to do And be used to do can often be heard in the speech of heroes of films or TV series, as well as read in the text of a book or article. These constructions are constantly used by native speakers. English language learners often confuse these expressions because they sound almost the same. Therefore, in the article we will clearly demonstrate the difference between the designs used to do And be used to do.

Used to do. It was different before!

We use used to do when we talk about old habits, states and repeated actions that happened in the past. All these habits and states are no longer there. Therefore this expression can only be used in the past tense – used to. To Russian used to usually translated with a verb in the past tense. Sometimes they also add the word “before” to the translation to emphasize that this is no longer the case.

I used to eat a lot of chocolate but now I am on a diet. – Earlier I ate a lot of chocolate, but now I'm on a diet. (habit in the past)

When I worked as a postman, I used to get up early. - When I worked as a postman, I got up early in the morning. (regular action in the past)

She used to be very busy but now she is retired. – Earlier she was very busy, but now she is retired. (state)

Expression used to do something It is usually used in affirmative sentences, but you can also find it in negation or question. Negative sentences have one feature: an auxiliary verb and a particle ( did not) in most cases are replaced by the word never(never). In the table you will see how sentences with the construction are built used to do.

Used to do
Statement I, You, He, She, It used to do something.
Negation I, You, He, She, It did not use / never used to do something.
Question Did I, you, he, she, it use to do something?

He used to live alone. – Earlier He lived one.

I did not use to like him but now I do. - He told me I didn't like it before, but now I like it.

I never used to watch TV. - I never watched TV earlier.

Did you use to live in London? - You lived before in London?

Remember that the expression used to do refers only to the past tense. If you want to talk about habits and regular activities in the present, use the tense.

The expression used to do there are several analogues: and . True, with would There is one caveat. Would shows only regular actions and habits in the past, we cannot use this verb to describe the state.

When I was young, I used to play / would play / played with dolls. – When I was little, I played with dolls.

I used to/would live near Hyde Park. - I lived before near Hyde Park.

Be used to do. Already used to it

Expression be used to do means that we are used to something. For us this is no longer new, not unusual, not strange. This construction is translated into Russian as the word “get used to.” Synonym be used to do is the expression be accustomed to.

I found Vietnamese cuisine quite strange at first but now I am used to it. = I found Vietnamese cuisine quite strange at first but now I am accustomed to it. – At first, Vietnamese cuisine seemed quite strange to me, but now I used to it To her.

He was not used to take an umbrella every morning when he moved to London. = He was not accustomed to taking an umbrella every morning when he moved to London. - He I wasn't used to taking I carried an umbrella with me every morning when I moved to London.

Unlike used to, be used to can be used in present, past and future tenses. To do this you need to change the form of the verb to be. Because there is a verb to be, then we don't need an auxiliary verb do (did).

Be used to
Statement I, You, He, She, It am, is, are (was, were) used to something / someone /
doing something.
Negation I, You, He, She, It am, is, are (was, were) not used to something / someone /
doing something.
Question Am, Is, Are (Was, Were) I, you, he, she, it used to something / someone /
doing something.

He is used to stay away from home. - He used to being there away from home.

Are they used to the cold weather? - They got used to it for cold weather?

I am not used to him and his behavior. - I not used to it to him and his behavior.

He was not used to driving on the left side of the road. - To him it was unusual to drive on the left side of the road.

Besides the expression be used to, there is another option - get used to. Be used to shows an action that has already been completed, that is, we are either used to it or not. Get used to demonstrates the process of habituation, that is, now the person is trying to master something that is new or unusual for him.

She started working at night and is still getting used to sleeping during the day. – She started working at night and is still gets used to sleeping during the day.

She had to get used to living in a smaller house. - She had to get used to living in a smaller house.

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Expressions used to do and be used to do in English

In English it can be used to express repeated actions in the past. "used to" construction.

Method of education Used To

used to + I form of verb

For example:
I used to go to the beach every day.
Earlier Every day I walked to the beach.

The construction "used to" is not advisable to use in interrogative and negative sentences, but sometimes in spoken English such use occurs. However, in interrogative and negative sentences it is better to use the Simple Past.

Used To

An action that often happened in the past

"Used to" is used to describe actions that used to happen quite often, but now don't happen at all. When translating into Russian, the words “before”, “before”, etc. are often added.

For example:
Jerry used to study English.
Jerry studied before English.

Sam and Mary used to go to Mexico in the summer.
Sam and Mary we used to go often to Mexico in the summer.

I used to start work at 9 o"clock.
Earlier I started work at 9 o'clock.

Christine used to eat meat, but now she is a vegetarian.
Earlier Christina ate meat, and now she is a vegetarian.

Individual facts or general statements in the past

"Used to" can be used to describe specific facts or general statements that were once true but are no longer true. When translating into Russian, the words “before”, “before”, etc. are also often added.

For example:
I used to live in Paris.
Earlier I lived in Paris.

Sarah used to be fat, but now she is thin.
Earlier Sarah was fat, but now she's thin.

George used to be the best student in class, but now Lena is the best.
Earlier George was the best student in the class, but now Lena is the best.

Oranges used to cost very little in Florida, but now they are quite expensive.
Earlier oranges in Florida cost very cheap, but now they are very expensive.

Used To or Simple Past

Both "used to" and the Simple Past can be used to describe repeated events in the past, individual facts that are no longer true. However, "used to" is preferred when affirmative sentences emphasize the repetition of past actions. However, in interrogative and negative sentences the Simple Past is preferred.

For example:
You used to play the piano.
Earlier You played on the piano.

Did you play the piano when you were young?
You as a child played on the piano?

You did not play the piano when you were young.
As a child you didn't play on the piano.

Interrogative and negative sentences using Used To

As mentioned above, the use of “used to” in interrogative and negative sentences is undesirable. However, sometimes such usage still occurs.

Verb in questions used acts as an ordinary verb, and the question is constructed as an ordinary general question.

For example:
Did you use to watch Mickey Mouse?
Have you watched before? Mickey Mouse?

Did you use to like school?
Did you enjoy studying? At school?

Likewise, a negative sentence with a verb used is built in the usual way.

For example:
I didn't use to watch Mickey Mouse.
I I haven't watched it before Mickey Mouse.

The following form is also possible:

I used not to watch Mickey Mouse.

Verb would

Like the construction "used to", verb would can be used to express repeated actions in the past.

In some cases would completely similar to "used to".

For example:
I used to go swimming twice a week. –I would go swimming twice a week.
I I used to go swimming two times a week.

However, in most cases, would, in contrast to “used to,” denotes actions that occurred from time to time, without contrasting it with the present moment. With this use would used with indicators of the time when an action took place. To Russian would translated with the words “happened”, “before”.

For example:
When I was young, I would visit my grandmother every summer.
As a child I happened to visit grandma every summer.

Would cannot be used to describe states, individual facts or general provisions in the past, but can only be used for repeated actions in the past.

For example:
I would play the piano. ( Wrong)
I used to play the piano. ( Right)
I used to play the piano.

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