Naked male torsos of celebrities (28 photos). Hollywood naked torsos

Girls! Post for you. Perhaps not all photographs will attract you, but some will definitely arouse your interest :) Well, connoisseurs of beautiful male bodies who is worthy of your attention?

(Total 26 photos)

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1. In Prince of Persia, Jake Gyllenhaal's tanned body in the desert made it even hotter. (Walt Disney Pictures)

2. Bradley Cooper is taking a break from filming The A-Team, where he played Templeton "Pretty Boy" Peck. (Doug Curran/20th Century Fox)

3. Holbrook, played by Mark Wahlberg, happily stripped off for Tina Fey and Steve Carel in Date Night. (20th Century Fox)

4. In the film “Twilight. Saga. New Moon" Taylor Lautner attracted the attention of millions by dramatically taking off his shirt while transforming into a werewolf. (Summit Entertainment)

5. Lautner wasn't the only half-naked character in the film. Werewolves Paul, Embry and Sam (Alex Meraz, Kiowa Gordon and Chaske Spencer) also showed off their " washboards" in film. (Summit Entertainment)

6. Vampire Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) didn't get naked as often as Jacob and his wolf friends, but he still offered to look at his body a couple of times. (Summit Entertainment)

7. gave audiences cardiac arrest with his naked torso in the 2009 film Law Abiding Citizen. (Overture Films)

8. The audience did not mind carefully examining the body of detective Sherlock Holmes, played by Jr. ( Warner Bros. Pictures)

9. With Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, the claws weren't the only thing the female audience came to see for the film. (20th Century Fox)

10. Thanks to Matthew McConaughey's half-naked torso, the film Fool's Gold attracted even more viewers. (Warner Bros. Pictures)

11. Daniel Craig as James Bond in the 2006 film “Casino Royale” excited the hearts of the audience. (Everett Collection)

12. He may be a creep, but it's understandable why girls gravitate toward John Tucker, played by Jesse Metcalfe in the 2006 film Die John Tucker. (20th Century Fox)

13. In the 2006 film Borat, audiences saw a lot of Sacha Baron Cohen, perhaps too much. (20th Century Fox)

14. Jack Black showed himself in the film “Supernacho” about how a priest became a wrestler. (Paramount Pictures)

15. Even paranormal activity didn't stop Ryan Reynolds from walking around half-naked as haunted house owner George Lutz in The Amityville Horror. (MGM)

16. Will Smith was all-around great as Muhammad Ali in the 2001 film Ali. (Everett Collection)

17. Cold-blooded killer Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) from the movie “American Psycho” loved to sunbathe. (Lion's Gate Films)

18. Thanks to the role of Tyler Durden from the movie “Fight Club,” he forever won the love of millions. (20th Century Fox)

19. Biceps excited the minds of the audience in the 1998 film “His Game.” (Buena Vista Pictures)

20. Jean-Claude Van Damme flexed his muscles in the 1986 film No Retreat, No Surrender. (Everett Collection)

21. Future Governor California Arnold Schwarzenegger forever became an icon of bodybuilding. His photographs of bodybuilding competitions are recognized in every corner of the world. (Pictured is a still from the 1984 film “Conan the Destroyer”). (Everett Collection)

22. The hero from the 1983 film “Breathless” was a thief, but he stole not only cars and money, but also women's hearts. (Everett Collection)

23. Sylvester Stallone attracted the attention of not only the male but also the female audience in the 1976 film Rocky III. (Everett Collection)

This post is natural for girls. Although guys will also have something to strive for, after all, these are Hollywood popular torsos, on which the stars probably work hard and constantly. When you are in the public eye, when you are a star, you need to keep yourself in good shape, and you need to do this regularly. So girls can get comfortable and enjoy handsome men and their torsos.

1. Like God.
Chris Hemsworth in the film "Thor" plays the role of Norse - God sent to Earth. Perhaps he was simply not used to wearing earthly clothes.

2. Predator hunter.
Adrien Brody is an Oscar winner in the category " Best Actor"played his role flawlessly in the film Predators. Taking an example from Arnold Schwarzenegger, for the purpose of camouflage, he smeared his body with mud so as not to be noticed by eagle-eyed predators.

3. Prince Percy.
Jake Gyllenhaal's handsome figure added heat to the already hot desert where the film was set.

4. “Pretty Boy” Peck
Bradley Cooper on film set film "The A-Team", plays the role of commando Templeton, nicknamed "Pretty Boy" Peck. He truly lives up to his nickname.

5. Let's admire Mark.
Mark Wahlberg, who plays the role of Holbrook Grant, a hero in the style of James Bond, in the film “Date Date,” was not averse to exposing his torso, according to the script.

6. Beautiful werewolf.
Taylor Lautner, who played the role of Jacob Black in the film Twilight. Saga. New Moon,” demonstrates his toned muscles, with such a wolf-werewolf his opponents will have to reckon with.

7. A pack of werewolves.
In the movie "Twilight" Saga. New Moon" we see not only Jacob's bare torso, the viewer can appreciate the attractive figures of other werewolves of the Quileute tribe.

8. Love at first bite.
Vampire Edward Cullen in the movie Twilight. Saga. New Moon did not appear bare-chested very often, but there were still several moments when the viewer could appreciate his figure.

9. Magnificent Scotsman!
Gerard Butler conquered the female half of humanity with his sculpted torso in the film “Law Abiding Citizen.”

10. Let's take a closer look.
And this photo is for those who did not have time to look at the sculpted abs of Sherlock Holmes, played by Robert Downey Jr.

11. Consequence of genetic mutations?
Hugh Jackman, who plays Logan, nicknamed “Wolverine” in the film “X-Men,” had incredible regeneration capabilities, and, moreover, if he wanted, three blades made of impenetrable adamantium metal were extracted from his hands. But it was not only Logan’s unique abilities that attracted the attention of viewers to him.

12. Golden boy.
Not only due to the fascinating plot of the film "Fool's Gold", but also thanks to the tanned attractive body of the main character Benjamin Finnegan (Matthew McConaughey), more than 11 million US dollars were collected at the box office.

13. Super spy.
Daniel Craig, who played the role of James Bond in the film “Casino. Royal”, excited more than one million women with his muscular body.

14. A body to die for.
Although Jesse Metcalf in the film "Die John Tucker!" played a negative hero, but, despite this, he had no end to the fair sex.

15. Nothing but a thong.
Sacha Baron Cohen is a British comedian known for his fictional characters, among whom is Kazakh reporter Borat Sagdiev. Borat - main character mockumentary Borat: Cultural Explorations of America for the Glorious State of Kazakhstan, sometimes surprises viewers with his eccentric antics.

16. Supernacho.
Actor Jack Black dressed as Nacho, the main character in the movie Supernacho. According to the plot, Nacho is an orphan monk who dreams of entering the ring. In the end, his dreams come true.

17. Frightening nudity.
Ryan Reynolds, who played the role of George Lutz in the horror film The Amityville Horror.

18. Thriller in Manila.
Will Smith looks amazing as Muhammad Ali in the legendary fight that has been dubbed "Thriller in Manila" and fight of the year.

19. Killer.
Cold-blooded killer Patrick Bateman, played by Christian Bale, loved his beautiful body to always be tanned.

20. No shoes? No clothes? No problem!
Brad Pitt plays the role of Tyler Durden in the movie "Fight Club."

21. Beautiful with or without clothes.
Denzel Washington, who plays Jake Shuttlesworth in the film His Game, showed off his biceps to the audience in full glory.

22. Handsome Van Damme.
Just look at how great shape Jean-Claude Van Damme, who plays the role, is in young man studying karate at a martial arts school in the film No Retreat, No Surrender.

23. Magnificent Republican.
Could Arnold Schwarzenegger, back in 1984, when he starred in the film “Conan the Destroyer,” think that in a couple of decades he would become the governor of California?

24. Breathless.
Richard Gere, who plays a thief in the movie Breathless, won many hearts with his beautiful body.

25. Italian stallion.
Sylvester Stallone in 1976 played the role of Rocky Balboa, a boxer nicknamed Rocky - “The Italian Stallion”.

26. King of Rock and Roll.
After Elvis Presley fans saw the naked torso of their idol in the movie “Fun in Acapulco,” they completely lost their heads.

27. In Roman style.
Young Marlon Brando as Mark Antony in the film Julius Caesar.

28. Call of nature.
And this is a still from the film "Tarzan", filmed in 1932, in leading role Johnny Weissmuller, American swimmer, five-time Olympic champion.

1. Like God.
Chris Hemsworth in the film "Thor" plays the role of Norse - God sent to Earth. Perhaps he was simply not used to wearing earthly clothes.

2. Predator hunter.
Adrien Brody, Oscar winner for Best Actor, played his role flawlessly in the film Predators. Taking an example from Arnold Schwarzenegger, for the purpose of camouflage, he smeared his body with mud so as not to be noticed by eagle-eyed predators.

3. Prince Percy.
Jake Gyllenhaal's handsome figure added heat to the already hot desert where the film was set.

4. “Pretty Boy” Peck
Bradley Cooper on the set of the movie "The A-Team", playing the role of special forces Templeton, nicknamed "Pretty Boy" Peck. He truly lives up to his nickname.

5. Let's admire Mark.
Mark Wahlberg, who plays the role of Holbrook Grant, a hero in the style of James Bond, in the film “Date Date,” was not averse to exposing his torso, according to the script.

6. Beautiful werewolf.
Taylor Lautner, who played the role of Jacob Black in the film Twilight. Saga. New Moon,” demonstrates his toned muscles, with such a wolf-werewolf his opponents will have to reckon with.

7. A pack of werewolves.
In the movie "Twilight" Saga. New Moon" we see not only Jacob's bare torso, the viewer can appreciate the attractive figures of other werewolves of the Quileute tribe.

8. Love at first bite.
Vampire Edward Cullen in the movie Twilight. Saga. New Moon did not appear bare-chested very often, but there were still several moments when the viewer could appreciate his figure.

9. Magnificent Scotsman!
Gerard Butler conquered the female half of humanity with his sculpted torso in the film “Law Abiding Citizen.”

10. Let's take a closer look.
And this photo is for those who did not have time to look at the sculpted abs of Sherlock Holmes, played by Robert Downey Jr.

11. Consequence of genetic mutations?
Hugh Jackman, who plays Logan, nicknamed “Wolverine” in the film “X-Men,” had incredible regeneration capabilities, and, moreover, if he wanted, three blades made of impenetrable adamantium metal were extracted from his hands. But it was not only Logan’s unique abilities that attracted the attention of viewers to him.

12. Golden boy.
Not only due to the fascinating plot of the film "Fool's Gold", but also thanks to the tanned attractive body of the main character Benjamin Finnegan (Matthew McConaughey), more than 11 million US dollars were collected at the box office.

13. Super spy.
Daniel Craig, who played the role of James Bond in the film “Casino. Royal”, excited more than one million women with his muscular body.

14. A body to die for.
Although Jesse Metcalf in the film "Die John Tucker!" played a negative hero, but despite this, he had no end to the fair sex.

15. Nothing but a thong.
Sacha Baron Cohen is a British comedian known for his fictional characters, including Kazakh reporter Borat Sagdiev. Borat, the protagonist of the mockumentary film "Borat: Cultural Explorations of America for the Glorious State of Kazakhstan", sometimes surprises viewers with his eccentric antics.

16. Supernacho.
Actor Jack Black dressed as Nacho, the main character in the movie Supernacho. According to the plot, Nacho is an orphan monk who dreams of entering the ring. In the end, his dreams come true.

17. Frightening nudity.
Ryan Reynolds, who played the role of George Lutz in the horror film The Amityville Horror.

18. Thriller in Manila.
Will Smith looks amazing as Muhammad Ali in the legendary fight that has been dubbed "Thriller in Manila" and fight of the year.

19. Killer.
Cold-blooded killer Patrick Bateman, played by Christian Bale, loved his beautiful body to always be tanned.

20. No shoes? No clothes? No problem!
Brad Pitt plays the role of Tyler Durden in the movie "Fight Club."

21. Beautiful with or without clothes.
Denzel Washington, who plays Jake Shuttlesworth in the film His Game, showed off his biceps to the audience in full glory.

22. Handsome Van Damme.
Just look at how great shape Jean-Claude Van Damme is in as he plays a young man studying karate at a martial arts school in the film No Retreat, No Surrender.

23. Magnificent Republican.
Could Arnold Schwarzenegger, back in 1984, when he starred in the film “Conan the Destroyer,” think that in a couple of decades he would become the governor of California?

24. Breathless.
Richard Gere, who plays a thief in the movie Breathless, won many hearts with his beautiful body.

25. Italian stallion.
Sylvester Stallone in 1976 played the role of Rocky Balboa, a boxer nicknamed Rocky - “The Italian Stallion”.

26. King of Rock and Roll.
After Elvis Presley fans saw the naked torso of their idol in the movie “Fun in Acapulco,” they completely lost their heads.

27. In Roman style.
Young Marlon Brando as Mark Antony in the film Julius Caesar.

28. Call of nature.
And this is a still from the film “Tarzan,” filmed in 1932, starring Johnny Weissmuller, an American swimmer and five-time Olympic champion.

In the midst of summer, you want to exchange stuffy office rooms for the Cote d'Azur. And unlike us office workers, many celebrities literally delight us with their beach photo shoots every week. Lady.tsn took this issue seriously and compiled the top sexiest male torsos of this summer.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Men know Cristiano Ronaldo as a first-class football player, but women cannot pass him by erotic photo sessions For fashion brands. Ronaldo's torso is rightfully considered one of. The experienced hands of photographers have long turned Cristiano into a real sex symbol of our time. He earns his millions in fees not only by running across the field and driving the ball into the goal, but also by starring in commercials. Moreover, Ronaldo does not disdain either motor oil. By the way, it was while filming for the Emporio Armani brand that Cristiano met his current lover, model Irina Shayk. Now, when the football player goes for another candid photo shoot, his girlfriend also boldly flaunts herself half-naked in front of the photographers’ cameras.

Sergio Ramos

Many women like sultry Spanish men. And the 26-year-old defender of the Real Madrid club and the Spanish national team, Sergio Ramos, has something to brag about. He is not only famous and powerful, but also very attractive. However, despite the obvious external advantages - a beautiful torso and relatively high growth, Sergio is a secular person, but modest and very family-oriented. The handsome man has not yet found his other half, although he has been dating sports journalist Lara Alvarez for several years. But because of Ramos’s jealousy of her work, the couple constantly breaks up and then gets back together. We hope that Sergio will make his decision soon, because many girls are vying for Lara’s place, and as we know, a holy place is never empty.

Mario Casas

The person of another Spanish person is known to the Ukrainian viewer mainly based on the film "Three Meters Above the Sky". However, if Mario had been some kind of “wimp,” he would hardly have attracted the attention of fans of this film. The actor has been working on his appearance and figure for a long time and persistently. In Spain, he has already been dubbed a follower of Antonio Banderas, and glossy publications are lining up to shoot Casas for their covers. However, if you believe the press, the handsome man’s heart is already taken; he is dating an actress, his partner in the film “Three Meters”.

Kellan Lutz

Twilight Saga actor Kellan Lutz has repeatedly taken leading positions in male ratings. According to Man's Health magazine, Kellan's torso is considered one of the most attractive. His ideal body with six-pack abs drives many girls crazy. The actor himself admits that he first realized that girls were paying attention to him back in school.

" In Arizona, where I grew up, you would never see anyone in school without a shirt. But when I took it off, all the girls simply froze in admiration: “Oh, look at your six-pack!” - says the actor in one of the interviews. Since then the guy got carried away in an active way life and prefers to keep his body in good shape.

David Beckham

Footballer, father of many children and socialite David Beckham, at 37, boldly competes with many. And I must say, in the fight for advertising contracts with brands like him, he doesn’t have to fight. Thanks to his excellent physical shape, David is always number one on the list. Even in advertising his own football player starred almost naked. He also became the first man to appear on the cover of a summer Olympic Games in London. It's hard to even imagine how Victoria Beckham It's hard to stay calm when there are so many fans hanging around her husband.

Channing Tatum

American actor, producer and model Channing Tatum is also famous for his luxurious torso. Started my acting career Channing at a strip club. Later he retrained as a model and starred for such famous clients as Armani and Pepsi. Having tasted all the delights of fame, Channing quickly realized that with good appearance and determination, you can achieve a lot. He is known to the general public thanks to the film "Step Up". But Tatum is especially good in the film “Magic Mike,” where the guy plays a stripper in the company of Matthew McConaughey. Previously, the actor has repeatedly stated that he would like to make a film about his own experience working in male striptease. By the way, film critics have already dubbed this picture “an example of male beauty with heart and muscles.”

The torso of the Twilight Saga star Taylor Lautner makes hundreds of fans sigh languidly. But Taylor owes such excellent physical shape to martial arts, which he has been fond of since childhood. Especially for Lautner, he had to work hard on his body and build muscles. In this regard, he was helped by intensive training on exercise machines, swimming and special diet. As a result, Lautner became not just one of the main stars of the saga, but also a real sex symbol.

Ryan Reynolds

Handsome Ryan Reynolds has been repeatedly recognized as the owner of the most beautiful torso in Hollywood. However, if it weren’t for filming the movie “Blade: Trinity,” for which the actor had to work out quite a bit in order for his body to acquire such an attractive appearance, perhaps we would not be writing about him now. Since then, Ryan has been constantly training, because he cannot afford to disappoint his fans. By the way, after his divorce from the actor, he did not stay single for long; now he is involved in a romantic relationship with an American woman.

Cam Gigandet

Another hero mystical picture Twilight actor Cam Gigandet, 29, caught our attention with his luscious body. Cam has a brown belt in karate, so it's no wonder his torso looks so attractive. The guy loves active training, can ride a bike for several hours and always goes for morning jogs. As you would expect, Cam Gigandet has a girlfriend who has already given birth to her boyfriend’s child and is now pregnant again.

Daniel Craig

Bond hero Daniel Craig rounds out our top ten star torsos. Girls love Craig's torso, and all thanks to the episode in Casino Royale, when Daniel comes out of the water in blue swimming trunks. By the way, in one of the interviews, the actor admitted that he hates those same swimming trunks and will never wear them again in his life. But as they say: “if you’ve done the job, walk with confidence.” Although we are sure that many fans will be upset, because Daniel looks luxurious in such an attire.

It is no secret that in modern reality the cult healthy body is gaining more and more popularity, and more and more attention is being paid to physical fitness. Every year new trends appear in this regard, and new phenomena acquire cult status.

A beautiful, well-designed torso is one of the most important conditions for a good physical fitness Today. In terms of the amount of effort applied during training, it can only compete with the muscles of the legs and buttocks, which are now no less fashionable to train.

From anatomy lessons

From this point of view, the torso is the upper part of the body excluding the head and arms. Starting from the neck, it ends at the level of the lower lumbar region and is, in fact, the most accurate indicator of a person’s build.

Another understanding

However, in modern Russian, the torso is not only the actual torso. This definition is also commonly understood as a type of sculpture depicting it. Such manifestations of art were most popular during Antiquity, when the cult beautiful body was maximally developed.

Inner and outer beauty

For the ancient Greeks, aesthetics had a very great importance, maximum attention was paid to the beauty of the form. That is why such a huge number of all kinds of sculptures depicting the human body have survived to this day. Antique torso is one of their most popular varieties.

The thing is that for the Greeks, external beauty was equivalent to internal beauty, and accordingly, the aesthetic properties of not only objects, but also people were of very great importance. An ugly face or body was a characteristic feature bad character and a dark mind, which is what the features of the image are associated with negative characters Ancient mythology.

Male and female options

As a rule, when mentioning a term about which we're talking about in this article, the torso of a guy appears in the mind, which is not surprising, since such ideas are directly related to cultural features development of humanity.

The same Antiquity was characterized by much greater attention specifically to male appearance, not to mention the fact that in many countries, until the 19th century, a woman was considered an inanimate object and unworthy of attention.

A man, on the contrary, was supposed to be the embodiment of strength and courage. And accordingly, have a powerful physique and well-developed muscles (including the upper body).

The question of ideal proportions

Of course, in this regard there is a fair amount of subjectivity, which simply cannot be avoided. However, if you look back into the past, you can notice certain trends in relation to aesthetic appreciation. Having analyzed the features of the sculpture that has survived to this day, we can say that in Antiquity a relatively dry body with well-developed muscles and precise proportions was considered ideal.

During the Renaissance, which revived the culture of depicting the human body, the requirements for the aesthetic component in this regard were less strict. Sculpture and painting of the Renaissance, as a rule, are distinguished by a rather smooth depiction of the human body, not devoid of a certain percentage of fat deposits.

If you look at a typical female torso of this era, it becomes obvious that women who are clearly overweight are preferred as models. Especially if you compare the shapes with those that are fashionable today.

Antique sculpture of modern times

Despite the fact that times ancient Greece ended a long time ago, the legacy of this era remains with us to this day. Torso mannequins - bright that confirmation. IN modern world However, in addition to their aesthetic function, they also have an exclusively practical purpose: the correct shape best demonstrates the advantages of cut and material.

Another area of ​​use of such devices is martial arts, in which dummies of this type are used to practice punches.

Ideal today

As mentioned earlier, these days the cult of a healthy, beautiful body is becoming increasingly popular. Many of us are ready to spend our days in gyms to achieve an ideal result. What exactly is he?

If we analyze the photos of the torso that occupy the first positions on the Internet, we can identify two main trends: a large number muscle mass and the desire for very distinct forms. Of course, this rule applies more to men, because for the fair sex it is much more necessary today toned stomach with barely drawn cubes of the abdominal region.

In the case of men, the torso muscles should be as well expressed as possible. This is especially true for the muscles of the thoracic and abdominal regions, the development of which is given maximum attention today.

Errors in training programs

As a rule, when it comes to developing the muscles of the upper body, all kinds of pull-ups, push-ups and twists most often come to mind, designed, as if by a wave of a magic wand, to get rid of excess fat deposits and indicate a clear relief. A person who is far from the world of bodybuilding and proper training most often starts with just such a program and, which is quite natural, does not get the desired result.

For the correct, organic development of the muscles of the upper body, it is necessary A complex approach, including several varieties of dumbbell and barbell presses and high-quality exercises using a block machine and parallel bars.

No less important in this regard is the system of performing these exercises: their selection, combination and the number of repetitions and approaches during execution. In fact, the same type of effort, depending on the conditions, can be used for both muscle building and the cutting process. The key role in this regard is played by the number of repetitions and speed of performing an exercise.

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